Typos in different languages of "Google AdSense"
There are many languages around the world. Some of them have own letters/characters and their users are able to create different typos. There are some
typos in different languages of the words "
Google AdSense".
- Russian: пщщпду -- google, фвыуты -- adsense
- Greek: γοογλε -- google, αδσενσ -- adsense
- Bulgarian: ждджве -- google, ьаяехя -- adsense
(there is already a Bulgarian topic about
- Belarusian: пўўпду -- google, фвиути -- adsense
- Latvian: lēēlej -- google, šsujou -- adsense
- Ukrainian: пщщпду -- google, фвиути -- adsense
This was just a small list. For more: