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Author Topic: 英语形容词的比较等级  (Read 4834 times)

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« on: March 28, 2011, 02:03:22 PM »
原级就是形容词本身。eg. tall, nice, pretty, intreresting
   1. 直接在形容词后加-er. eg. tall --taller, long--longer
    2. 如果形容词已有 -e 结尾,加-r.
        eg. nice--nicer
    3. 重读闭音节,把音节后的辅音字母双写,再加-er.
        eg. big--bigger, hot--hotter
    4. 以辅音字母+y 结尾的形容词,先把 y 改为 i, 再加-er.
        eg. pretty--prettier, happy--happier
    5. 三个或以上音节、有些双音节词,在形容词前加 more.
    eg. beautiful- more beautiful, slowly- more slowly
6. 不规则变化 有些词则是另外的词表示比较级。
    eg. much- more, good, well- better, little- less, far-farther, bad-worse
最高级就是在所有当中“最.....”, 最高级前常用 the. 构成方法与比较级一样,但是加的是-est, 多音节前是 most.
     eg. tall-taller-the tallest , big-bigger- the biggest
         happy-happier-happiest, beautiful-more beautiful-the most beautiful

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英语幽默 Who is the laziest?
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2011, 02:15:00 PM »
Who is the laziest?
 Father: Well, Tom, I asked to you teacher today, and now I want to ask you a question. Who is the laziest person in your class?
 Tom: I don't know, father.
 Father: Oh, yes, you do. Think! When other boys and girls are doing and writing, who sits in   the class and only watches how other people work?
 Tom: Our teacher, father. 

父亲:Tom, 我今天问过老师了,现在我想问你一个问题。谁是你们班上最懒的人?


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« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2011, 12:46:21 PM »

1. 比较级后常用 than 作比较,即 A ...比较级 than B.
   I am shorter than my sister. 我比我妹妹矮。
2. 比较级前面可用表示程度的修饰语:
   若要表示“稍微”“一点”,可用a little, a bit, a little bit, slightly等修饰比较级。
   I am a little shorter than my sister. 我比我妹妹矮一点点。
   若要且示“……得多”“更……”,比较级前可用much, even, still, far, a lot, a good deal, a
    great deal, rather等修饰。
   It's much colder today. 今天冷多了。
3. 比较级的一些有用习语。
   1)“比较级+比较级”  “越来越.......”
     He is getting stronger and stronger. 他越来越强壮了。
     Our country is more and more beautiful. 我们的国家越来越漂亮。
   2)the 比较级...,the 比较级....    “越....., 就越......”
     The more, the better.  越多越好。
     The more friends he has, the happier he is. 朋友越多,他就越开心。
   3)more or less   “几乎,差不多,大约,基本上,或多或少”
     The answer is more or less right.  这个答案基本上是正确的。
   4)sooner or later   “迟早,总有一天”
     You will feel sorry sooner or later.  总有一天你会后悔的。
   5)no sooner than ... “一....,就....”
     No sooner did he set out than the heavy rain started. 他刚出发就开始下大雨。
   6)what's more  “而且,此外”
     She has a cold today, what's more, she has a fever. 她今天感冒了,而且还发烧。



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