"Effectively promote your website!
Visible listings on search engines are the most effective way to market your website. It will generate targeted traffic. The traffic that will boost your website's profitability. The prioritysearchengine is an alternative to time consumong pay per click advertising and an effective way to achieve visible listings.
Make you website visible on an Internet containing many billions of pages
The Internet contains billion of web pages. The big search engines index all these pages. However the change that your website will get a visible listing and will be found is extremely low and comparable to winning a lottery. The solution is submitting to the prioritysearchengine. The prioritysearchengine only contains about 50000 paid submission. This is a million times smaller than regular search engines, which will enable to achieve high and visible rankings.
Already More than 100000 websites priority submitted!
The is a unique paid for inclusion search engine searvice. Many web publishers recognised the unique opportunity of promoting their website using the and submitted their website to obtain a visible listing. But that is not all! The listings will also be shown on the popular spider based search engine, which is ranked among the biggest ten spider based search engines in the world.
You don't have to specify keywords!
Our spider program will analyse the submitted page and retrieve all keywords found. The most relevant pages will get the highest rankings. Optimising your webpage for search engines will help to achieve more visible listings.
Your subpages will also be included!
We don't only index the submitted page, but we also follow links and index the subpages of your website three levels deep.
Gold submission for popular keywords!
The prioritysearchengine ranking is based on a two tier priority model. The gold submission is meant publishers who want to obtain visible listings for popular keywords like casino, mortgage, shop. The normal submission is very effective for Internet promotion in niche markets. Within a tier web pages are ranked using mathematical algorithms based on relevancy. Indexed subpages will be ranked below the submitted URLs.
Relevant search results!
One of the biggest problems of search engines is spam. Many webpages on the Internet don't contains useful information. This is not a problem for the prioritysearchengine. It only contains paid listings submitted by publishers who manage websites which have value-added and profitable content. The prioritysearchengine will provide visiters with interesting search results which are probably not found otherwise." More info: