I know there are many people here addicted to smart phone, computer, etc., like using them for over 5-6 hours per day, but for ascending, it's highly recommended for you to quit the addictions!
Well you are not to blame for the addictions, because they were designed to be highly addictive, just like processed foods(ice cream, chip, etc....), so as long as you are a human, you'll def get addicted to them, but it does not mean it's correct to be addicted.
Count how many hours you've spend on them so far! You can find out you've wasted tons of time on them! Imagine if you hadn't spent those hours, what person would you be?
After I read some articles, it's highly recommended to keep your digital devices in the 'gray-scale mode', because as per what some behaviour psychologists said, the colourfulness of them can get you addicted, so as long as you keep them in the gray-scale mode, the addiction will be eliminated.
I've already kept my phone and my computer in the gray-scale mode. I think by quitting the addictions, I will be a far better person!