Social media have been no longer helpful since tiktok, instagram etc. came out. The whole internet is gaslighting-centric and sexualism-centric.
The whole internet, by the social media of it, is making everything seem like you gotta be 7-8/10 to be 'qualified' to be confident, you gotta graduate from Harvard to be qualified to say you are doing well in academia, you gotta have an IQ of 140-150 to be qualified to say you are smart, you gotta have $10000000 in your pocket to say you are rich, etc..
Furthermore, there seems to be some retarded social media creating hetereosexual conflicts, like they are expecting their bfs to be 7-8/10 and 6'2 while they themselves are only 3-4/10 and 5', they are very vicious to short guys and ugly guys, as if it would be good news for them to hear them die, women are thinking they are superior to men, etc..
Of course there are many guys and girls who hold the same opinion like mine, but there are also many victims who are cognitively dissonanced due to the toxicity of social media.
There is the idiom I've just made: a drug can either be a drug, or be a 'drug'.