Some more points that I had (in 2009) about the desired virginity.
There were many females in China who opposed my idea to search for a virgin girlfriend (virgin wife). They often asked something like "Are you a virgin man too?" or said something like "If you need a virgin, you should go to search in a kindergarten. Only these very young girls are still virgin." So, I made some points (to make them understand why at that time I had to be very careful not to catch some STD problem). Here they are:
在中国已经没有处女吗?! (Are there no more virgin females in China?!)
说明一下为什么我需要只有干净的老婆:(Making it clear why do I only want a clean wife.)
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如果一个女人不是处女我怎么知道:(If a woman isn't a virgin, than how I can be sure that:)
一 : 她的之前的工作是不是妓女(“小姐“)?(1. Her previous job wasn't a prostitute (aka "lady")?)
二 : 她的身体有没有性病?(2. Her body isn't infected with a venereal disease/-s?)
三 : 她的道德好不好?(3. Is her morality good?)
处女 = 更安全。(Virgin woman = safety.)
安全 - 第一!(Safety first!)
1. 我不知道了在中国有那么多妓女。每一个旅馆,KTV, 小路有妓女 (小姐). (1. I didn't know that there are so many prostitutes in China. In almost every hotel, karaoke bar, little streets there are prostitutes ("ladies").
It was that time; later their number was reduced and can't see them everywhere so obviously, if you don't count different illegal ads in the toilets, online...)
2. 我没有过性病.可是我的前女友给了我性病,因为他说我是她的第7个男朋友!... (2. I never had a STD before but the first time I got some from an ex-Chinese girlfriend and the reason was that according to her I was her 7th male in the bed.)
3. 如果女人已经做过性爱,有可能她已经习惯了换经常男人. (3. If a woman already used to have sexual activity, there is a probability that she used to change her partners often.)
(In fact it's nothing that shows what's the probability because there are some virgins who later will do the same because "I want to try with more men, to see what's the difference!" and so on.)---
Another from that period (around 2009, as I said):
"1. Chinese government does not allow AIDS-foreigners to work in China. So if a non-virgin makes me AIDS positive I will leave China forever. (More concrete cases with HIV/AIDS related people who were trying to work in China years ago:
2. It is not a secret that in China the prostitution is too much. Many ex-prostitutes, who people here just call "xiao-jie" are saying that they got only one bf, but in fact they slept with 500-600 males at least.
3. If a woman is not virgin there is a big chance she already to get the habit to make sex with not only one man and to cheat often. The habits are a Second nature.
4. I don't mean you. I am talking about the situation at all. All my family members would like me to marry to a virgin girl who is keeping her cherry for her real love - the husband. That's all.
Thank you for your understanding!"
Even though, there were females who couldn't get the points. They were just too selfish and/or stupid to be able to understand something as simple as that (I need to be healthy and I can't afford the risk when there is discrimination against people with a certain virus.)
So, there were more tries:
"Let me explore this sentence:
"if u are virgin too, of course u can ask for a virgin. but if u are not.... "
1. If you're Chinese too, of course u can ask for Chinese. But if u are not...
2. If you're woman too, of course u can ask for woman. But if u are not...
3. If you're a banana too, of course u can ask for bananas to eat. But if u are not...
偏见。。。歧视!(Prejudice... discrimination!)
然我教你一点逻辑性,可以吗?(Let me teach you a bit logic, alright?)
我自己不是女人,可是还想女人。我自己不是中国人,可是还想中国人。我自己不是处的,可是我还想处女。有问题吗? 我不会只有想我一样的东西。比如我不是水果,可是我想吃水果。(I am not a woman but I do want a woman. I am not a Chinese but I want a Chinese female. I am not a virgin but I do want a virgin woman. Are there some questions?/Is there a problem? I can't like only things that are the same as I am. For example, I am not a fruit but I want to eat fruit.)
处女 - 更好, 所以我想处女。每一个人肯定需要好的,不需要不好的。对吗?(A virgin woman -- it's better. So, I want a virgin one. Every person would like to have the good one, doesn't want to have the bad one. Right?)
我只有在找处女的。已经不要跟藻的女人做爱,结婚,什么的。要干净的生活。就是这样的。(I want to search only for a virgin one. Already don't want with f*ck-ed woman to make love, to get married and so on. I want a clean life. Just like that.)
现在是什么社会?难道20岁是处女,还是一件可耻的事吗?尊严! (What society is it now? Is it still a shame to be a virgin at the age of 20? Dignity!)