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Author Topic: LifeFuel: With healthmaxx and gymmaxx after years you'll surpass the Chads  (Read 277 times)

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  • A wannabe (a person who tries to be like someone else or to fit in with a particular group of people) gymcel
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LifeFuel: With healthmaxx and gymmaxx after years you'll surpass the Chads of your generation

I'd like to add that it's even possible to surpass the Chads of the next generation (generations) in some cases. But let's focus now about the Chads of your generation.

Hi there, brocels!
We're many incels here (around the world) and we can't remember all of us. For those who don't know me -- I'm maybe the eldest here (in this forum, I suppose, because almost 50 years old) -- a baldcel, a shortcel and a poorcel (and a gymcel too).
I like to give hope to brocels and to be helpful with my experience and knowledge (Master's degree in Humanitarian studies.)

Here comes the LifeFuel for today :):):):):)

If you start to healthmaxx and gymmaxx now (when you're younger) you'll surpass the Chads of your generation because they're highly likely to minn themselves with alcohol, shitfood, lack of sports, etc.

ALMOST ALL of the Chads of my generation (and even those who're 20 years younger than me) are now looking like grandfathers or dad bods fat man.

For example, these guys:   . That guy was sex-idol of my female classmates (when he was young: )

Or another one now and then:


That time (1990-1993) I was a fatty nerd schoolboy and I never imagined that now, after so many years I WILL SURPASS these Chads with just healthy life and sport.
Not to brag, just to proof. My recent two photographs (with censored face to keep the rules of the forum):

Think about it. These 2 singers even so rich didn't deal with the aging well. At the same time, me, the poorcel succeed to look like a college boy and even some 14 years old boys and girls think that I'm 22 to 28 and never can guess my passport age.
Just keep your bio age young and years later you'll mog even the Chads of your and the next generation.


This I post in another forum. I'll share with you more info next time. For now, just remember it: healthmaxx and gymmaxx well! Also, try to moneymaxx and to studymaxx (edumaxx) too!
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!


  • A wannabe (a person who tries to be like someone else or to fit in with a particular group of people) gymcel
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OK and here were the reactions from brocels in that other forum.

MACHETE said "who else high af rn". Brocel... English, please! ;D How I am supposed to understand these "af" and "rn"?! Let's suppose "af" is clear enough in the context of "high" (like "high as f*ck") but "rn"? For example it may mean "registered nurse" ("RN", plural: "Registered nurses" ("RNs)")... but, anyway... I can't spend my life thinking of some abbreviation like that "rn". ;D ;D In case he thinks I am very tall, well, I'm not.

The brocel also asked "are you bald?" I honestly answered him that yes, I'm with Norwood 4: .

ServusLuciferi comment that "Yeah it doesn’t change the fact that Chad gets the newest iPhone for free and you have to get a used up cracked cum stained iPhone 8 10 years later and be on an expensive phone bill for it, all the while it only powers on occasionally and seems to consciously hate you"

Maybe it was a soft of analogy (metaphor), but I decided to keep it ontopic (which is the healthy life, i. e. the healtmaxx) and answered as it "face value": "Idk, bro. I don't use cellphones to avoid radiation. This also helps me to keep younger (radiation limitation). When I need a cellphone I ask a stranger or some partner around to help me with. I use only desktop computer."  ;D

And I disagree that (if you think of that as a metaphor) that an older, healthmaxxed, gymmaxxed, edumaxxed (and luckily -- moneymaxxed) person will only be able to have old women. There are plenty of elder males who can attract younger than themselves females. And, by the way, the age doesn't necessarily imply how "used" is somebody. There are elder people with only 1 or a few ex-partners and there are young people with hundreds of partners.

LesscoBlob comment: "A 50 year old oldcel. That is quite interesting. i'm happy for you brocel :feelsLSD:. I'm also losing weight to stop being fat."

That's an attitude that we have to respect and value: the brocel is polite, honest, supportive and active (proactive) to improve himself!

I answered him: "Almost 50, still not exactly 50. :) 
 Yes, cool, but lose weight only naturally and healthy (without chemical things and without starving)."

Substitute Subhuman asked a very interesting and sort of a funny (a positive, I mean, "made my day" question): "Why can't you ascend with a foid in her 20s?" (Foid = female human/humanoid. We're against this term if it's to insult the females but if it's used neutrally, then it's okay. Just remember to be good and don't discriminate races, sexes, etc.)

I answered this: "REASON 1: No money.
REASON 2: Many Chinese do prefer Chinese guys, not foreigners.
REASON 3: Many think I'm not enough tall.
REASON 4: Balding.
REASON 5: The passport age (sooner or later they will know it; once they know it, they are shocked and they don't care that in fact your true biological age is nearly 20-30.)
REASON 6: Not from a popular country like USA, Canada, Australia, France, Italy, Greece...
REASON 7: High hygiene and high IQ. (Some people prefer more dirty and more stupid guys. For example, I don't like to touch dogs, cats... and I like to chat about science, philosophy... )
REASON 8: Maybe there is something else too, that I still don't know... for example, maybe my voice isn't sexy enough... no idea.

Adding a new one: REASON 9: Many evil blockers. (Some brocels call them "cockblockers". People who hate you to become happy and will do their best to convince the woman you like that she deserve better or you're a bad man.)

REASON 10: In some cases (not often but still) some of the Chinese women will just go after some crimimal (as one said before "But the criminals have good life!" :feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha: ) and risk her own future, than to pay attention to some highly educated and culture having guy like me.
I want to mention again that I like China, Chinese culture, etc. Just being honest and objective what the nowadays Chinese females may like/dislike and what some of them may prefer. There are many different people in China.

decembrist_kirillov said that "gymmaxxing is genetics."

I 100% disagree with this statement. So I tried to explain in this way: "Genetics is the base but it's up to you how you'll build it later.

For example, you have good genetics to build muscles but if you're a lazy person you'll become a landwhale.

The opposite, you haven't good genetics to build muscles but if you work hard you'll be a better looking than the beer belly Normans guys."

And my last post in that thread was that "To be honest and objective: David and Victoria are almost my age and they also do look very young: ."

Then I got that ban (because a mod think that I'm not enough incel for their high gatekeeping stupid standards which even don't follow the definition of "incel" from their own wiki) so I couldn't answer there. But it was for good because that ban made us to have this good incels' place for the normal incels without hate and I'll answer here later. Yeah.
A kind of incel: baldcel + poorcel + shortcel... what else? Soon to come: oldcel!!!


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