That's the 64,000$ question. I'm trying too...My advice -
1)portfolio - build up a portfolio either on-line or cellphone or usb, stuff that u can show off at the drop of a hat; its not enough u know stuff, let other people know that u can.
2)freebies - give stuff away free, build ur rep on-line, pick popular sites - do tutorials etc.
3) word of mouth - get your friends, family, hell even the guy u stand next to on the bus, to see ur stuff and tell their friends.
4)learn from the best - even if its the guy who paints signs for the local bar/restaurant, if people look at his(/her :-) ) work, talk to them. You can't ever know too much.
Wish I could give you specific websites and stuff but there are a lot of 'em out there -
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