More of the comments for "Google" and "God":
Mourhaf Agh ·
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
الناس والله فاهمين الموضوع غلط .. جوجل ده اكبر مثال على الطالب الدحيح "حافظ مش فاهم"
Kjell Magne Eriksen
google isnt , google cant create, google is not accessable from thoughts, cant love, cant become a human, cant forgive, cant make u overcome judgement day
Seb Cadot ·
Daily Player at Oasis
your dog, oups god, isn't and can't, either... Get a real life, leave your imaginary friend !
Arlin Matoeloe ·
Lincoln Koehler ·
Peoria, Illinois
Then what is Google translate?
Jacob Ions ·
Sheffield Hallam University
Google is more like the Borg. It will continue to assimilate pages until it has achieved perfection. The collective consists of an ever increasing number of servers & Google will adapt to any attack against it.
Rishabh Jain ·
Works at Student
I think you're wrong. I'm an ancient astronaut theorist, so I believe God/Gods is/are really just an extraterrestrial/extraterrestrials who came to earth and planted life here and changed the course of history. I don't think any search engine on earth can rival the undoubted tech supremacy of aliens.
Tristan Connors ·
University of Notre Dame
Okay, proof nine sucks. If these "Googlists" did their research and read Thomas Aquinas's Summa Theologica or even the works or Plato or Augustine, they would realize God is not dependent on existence, because God is existence. If Google exists, its not God because that would mean "God" would depend on existence to exist itself. So google could go on existing, but it will never be equal to existence, permanence, or any other forms because it was brought into existence by humans. (P.S. Why would someone look for God on Google when they could just talk to him through prayer?? I think more people would not need to rely on google for finding God.)
Erik Karlsson ·
When was the church founded?
Kayla Tabaldi
Actually...I don't think Google is God, because we can never know God in this human form...BUT...I think a closer translation would be Jesus. The internet, and Google, which really got big around 2000 (would return in 2000 years anyone?) is the three dimensional, physical form of God. The internet in general is definitely a gift from God in itself. Its presence in the world and its ability to draw people together will hopefully lead to our coming together as a human race (on issues such as climate change for example). But of course, the internet is man made...however so was Jesus. This essence that is the internet and cyberspace, whatever it really is, is an abstract concept made real through concrete material.
Humans are too busy fighting over the details to recognize the bigger picture.
Joshua Audette ·
Works at Kingdom of God
This is pathetic. Absolutely pathetic one solar flare you little Google god wouldn't work
EJ Martin ·
Owner/ President at Symtegra Controls Inc.
Kai, I was explaining that I am a disciple of Jesus Christ...the only begotten Son of God! There is only one way to the Father in heaven, and that is through faith in Jesus Christ. It is different when you are setting down in front of a person sharing the gospel than with these posts. God says in His word (bible) that the preaching of the gospel is foolish to those who are perishing. Many mock Christianity and Jesus because there is no fear of God in their hearts. If they feared Him they would not do such a wicked thing. Jesus is our only hope of being saved from the wrath and judgement of God that is to come upon the whole world.
Dr-islam Ameen
if google is really god !!
can google tell me the following ?
1- what will happen tomorrow ?
2- how many creatures on earth ?
3- how many galaxies in the world ?
4- when will be the Dooms Day ?
5- what is exactly in paradise & hell ?
i think those few questions are enough
Asa Downing ·
Fortune Teller at Clear Voyage Devination
Yes, she can. If you ask her what will happen tomorrow, she will open up her Google calendar and tell you if you have anything scheduled. No one, not even God could say how many galaxies are in the world, because our planet does not contain any galaxies. It's a bogus question. Although she could answer the other questions, there would be no correct answer. Do you believe that your Jahova would actually speak to you where you to ask Jehovah these questions? If so, you need mental help. If you hear God in your head, that's a sign of schizophrenia. If you see Google on your phone or computer, that's a sign that you have eyes.
EJ Martin ·
Owner/ President at Symtegra Controls Inc.
The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse. For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles. Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen. Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error. Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done. They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; they have no understanding, no fidelity, no love, no mercy. Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them. (Romans 1:18-32 NIV)
Chris Hardin ·
Lawrenceburg, Tennessee
It baffles me at how many religious idiots are in these comments trying to defend their "one true" religion and saying that we are going to hell. Shows how ignorant they really are.
Gassan Adol ·
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Google translate Arabic to English
I'm sadly disappointed I cannot use Google+ to comment. This is Blasphemy. Non-believers. I declare Jiha-rm-f
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Our Google, which art on servers,
Hallowed be thy page;
Thy domain come,
Thy search be done,
On Chrome as it is in the cloud.
Give us this day our daily lolcats
And forgive our trolling,
As we forgive those who troll against us;
And lead us not into spam,
But deliver us from malware. RAMen.
Carl Pag
One of the best things you get out of a religion is a set of rituals that will make you happier and more effective and make your efforts more relevant to your community. Such a Googley Good Book is available on Amazon. _Search Inside Yourself: The Unexpected Path to Achieving Success, Happiness (and World Peace)
by Chade-Meng Tan _
Amal Hamd ·
جامعة الملك سعود - King Saud University
استغفر الله ايش الهبل هذا
قوقل من صنع البشر الفانين
Diana Aliludin ·
Manager at None
Only God is the only God!!! Who created Us!! And He is in The Heaven and also He's in Our PLace
To GUide Us And Help Us!
Cousins Ronnie ·
Lakelands School, Ellesmere
To guide us and help us... Hurray google
Howard Farquharson ·
Harrisburg University of Science and Technology
some people get such a hard on for Christianity it's like are you f****** are you dense f****** retarded if I remember my Bible correctly at least God you at some point if you really think about irony as a joking level of humor stop being such a f****** tightwad sit back and take a joke
Walied Khalil ·
احاااااااااااااااا this my prayer :-D
Lester Ballard ·
Me at Self-Employed
What a load of rubbish, no electricity no Google,what man make eventually turns to rubbish.
Mostafa Momen ·
Orman School
Google . . God ? ? ! !
. . i think i can easily turn this "God" off if i just discount my WIFI supplier or turn its power source off . .
Callum Stevenson ·
Riano, Italy
Is this a joke
Kate Sim ·
Coquitlam, British Columbia
WTF This is a new one.
Google is not god cause we (Humans) created google but god created us. That's why god is all powerful -_-ll'.
And I have tried serching many things on google for my projects for school and 65% of the time it doesn't have an answer because humans haven't written an answer on the internet for that question. It doesn't know what colour my shirt is today.
So to cut it short google is not god and that's that.
Monkeys will never become human (We have similar ancestors though) and google will never become god.
Sean Murphy ·
Cave Spring High School
It would suck if Steve dropped a magnet on the google database or an EMP happened over google headquarters. Where's your Google God now?
Zakia Maina Saleh ·
جامعة قاريونس
What the hell
Iqbal Hasan Zainal ·
Mail Carrier at Self-Employed
Lajolah kamok lagileh galek
Denzhe Singo
Denzhe Singo
So your "god" was created by humans? Very funny
Ilham Setyawan ·
Digital Marketing Analyst at ACommerce Indonesia
What happen its going on dude?? so how about search engine optimization?? hmm if so im of Angel
wow, GooDle's blessing....
Google is man made, therefore why don't you just worship the man who made it?
Aston Jordan Sunaryo
our god is Allah, google is just a search engine that is sometimes said that we are looking for can be found and can not be found
Avyndra Ardiansyah ·
Chief Executive Officer at BusinessOwner
Ngomong opo le le. Gk due tuhan ta kowe. Hahaah
Aziz Abarrou ·
Derfoufi High School
فلتكن صفحتكم مباركة
Rob Saville ·
Speedwell School
I'm converted to the O mighty Google god.
Rizqi Hafidh Sidik ·
SD N Kaliduren (SNKZ)
Karim Moop ·
Fountain Valley, California
Is this a joke?
Chuckie Wright ·
Chester W. Nimitz
I found out about you guys on, all hail the all mighty BING
Alice Knight-Hawk McGee ·
Wellness Coach at Alice Knight Hawk Holistic Health and Wellness
Barley Corn ·
Ferris State University
Google is God. Im done being disrespected in the real world because I believe in kindness fairness and mutual respect first and foremost of all people regardless of color age or gender. After that Im up for debuachery alchohol and reefer. Google is God Ramen. And guess what Im done working Thanks to the blessing of Google Adwords Im about to sell my self published book online ( Ads in the Content sector mostly) very low bidding for clicks
. Google is God Ramen. The Saintly Craigslist and Backpage have fuel my social life in a most positive way. I have stayed in nothing but Hightower apartments so I dont have to hear the noisy street people I refuse to interact with unless its absolutely a must and even then very few words. Ramen The blessed angel Backpage has kept call girls coming to my apartment as much as pizza delivery men and All I am looking for now is good guys to socialize and play a few video games with Ramen. Google has blessed my life in ways most people are too self centered to do on their own. And in closing Felloooow worshipers please pray my google ad campaign (feels like a holy war campaign for my freedom and personal beliefs to worship and surf (serve) google in my own way) go well Ramen. This was Edited but In googles Eyes I am perfect so I reposted minus errors.
Robert Carl Birtch ·
Security Officer at G4S
I'm reminded of the short story, "Answer" by Frederick Brown. Dwar turned to the great machine and asked it, "Is there a God?",. In a mighty voice, the machine replied, " Yes. There is a God now."
Umesh Menon ·
Digital Marketing Consultant at Cognizant
I personally don’t think google is god, but it is the path to God. God is anyway just a creation by human beings to help him/her find explanations to things he/she does not know the answer to. Google is not Omnipresent, like any other religion. It’s just an idea that helps us find answers to our problems.
Iri Vas ·
I'm very sorry for you all infidels, but actually, the new true God is Facebook. Convert to facebookism or you will get flamed and spammed in hellnet for eternity.
Darion Misner ·
Machinist's Mate (Nuclear) at United States Navy
HEY does this sound familiar to any Christians out there?
You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor, and hate your enemy.' But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.
--Matthew 5:43-44
Quit slandering people just because you disagree with them. If you use your religion to preach words of hate towards another, then you are not setting a very good example in the eyes of your own god
Nori Sepulvado ·
Southland Christian Academy
Alright people. Last time I'm gonna warn ya. The son, the father, and the Holy spirit are coming! Don't sit there and judge God! Don't question him, he is our mighty Lord Jesus, he loves you with all his heart. He doesn't want to see you suffer in hell! Love God because we certainly do not deserve him after we beat him and crucified him. I love God because he reminds me everday he loves me, unlike a computer. Pick up the bible don't judge it before you even read it! God is not the one punishing you when you've been bad! If you sin against his rules, you get a whoopin and the devil is the belt! God doesn't punish you Satan does. Get it now, God loves you. Satan tricks you. A computer is a trick.
Tyler Bell ·
Kent State University
I love how legitimately pissed people get at this page.
Nori Sepulvado ·
Southland Christian Academy
Believe in what you want to. God is not dead. I honestly don't want to see you suffer in hell. I want you in God's hands. My job and maybe even your job is and was to lead people to heaven and not hell. If you have already denied almighty Lord God does not exist, your going to hell because it's a unforgivable sin. It's your fault you have, and it wasn't mine. Either you swich to God soon, or you go to hell all together. Make your choice, friend.
Nori Sepulvado ·
Southland Christian Academy
Um, what if no Internet connection? 0_0 where'd god go? You sure googley moogley is god? Jesus doesn't dissappear. So yeah, I think you know the point here.
Muhammad Yudi ·
Syiah Kuala University
don't be stupid . our god is Allah. google is search engine and making by human
Keith Norrell ·
Union Christian Academy
I hope no one is taking this website seriously
Alicia Marius Le Prince
does google love me?
Ryan Buck
So in the future we are going to see people in ties handing out Google pamphlets?
Remukan Peyek Yogyakarta ·
Google is the worship of the ignorant
Diana Ball
9/4/98= year 1 AG. What happens to those of us born BG?
Ilham Setyawan ·
Digital Marketing Analyst at ACommerce Indonesia
SEO is Angel in Googlism, oke, fix!
Julia Cvelbar ·
Works at South Range Local School District
k, umm, google can do that because it is an internet processor. INTERNET. Uuh, yea, google didn't create me, or the world. google does not love, it does what it's told, that is it. Google is young. google is very young. google is so young, it couldn't have created the universe, or the people in it. this is very creative.. a bit off putting, but creative and funny. but really, i feel like a google cult is going to rise up against society, sooo, i vote that this gets taken down. jus saying...
Junior Dickenson ·
Customer Service Representative (CSR) at Teleperformance
For google so loved the world. He sent his only begotten android. So that we may have search results ever lasting
Mikhail Shaun Solidum
O my Google, forgive us our typos, save us from the angelfires of 404s, and lead all souls to Landing Pages, especially those in most need of Your analytics.
Robbin Kalaamalho ·
Archbishop O'Leary Catholic High School
Don't question the wisdom of GOOGLE
Taylor Perata
Our Google, which art on servers,
Hallowed be thy page;
Thy domain come,
Thy search be done,
On Chrome as it is in the cloud.
Give us this day our daily lolcats
And forgive our trolling,
As we forgive those who troll against us;
And lead us not into spam,
But deliver us from malware. RAMen.
Credit to somebody amazing XD I am joining you with this religion XD
Chris Kitsoulis ·
Works at Τεχνικός Η/Υ, Δικτύων, Internet
in GOOGLE we trust
Alex Selbe ·
St. Marys High School
Where do u go if u are bad and die O.o
Alex Selbe ·
St. Marys High School
Oh wait thos was a joke O.o my life is a lie oh google
Donald Salters ·
W.D.Mohammed High School
Without electricity, Google dies. However, the ONE TRUE G'd will never die. Qur'anic ayat of the one TRUE G'd's existence:
Surat 112 Ikhlas- Unity
1. Say, "He is God [who is] one,
2. God, the eternal refuge,
3. He neither begets nor is born,
4. Nor is there to Him any equivalent."
So the ONE TRUE G'd has no equivalent. That means Google isn't equal to him.
Little Moments in Time
Google isn't a source of information, but is a bridge to get to information place their by other people. We might as well worship phones, or newspapers.
Paul Joshus ·
Owner at Self-Employed
Ben Watkins ·
Works at University of Louisville
Aren't we slightly missing out on the "creator of all things" aspect to being considered a god in line with major modern religions.
Alexis Cain ·
Dublin, Georgia
If google is a god then how come there are somethings on it that says that other gods our true? If other people put it on there then we are google. Does that mean that we are all gods?