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Author Topic: Sweet memories (I miss you guys! If you find this let me know!)  (Read 3108 times)

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Sweet memories (I miss you guys! If you find this let me know!)
« on: December 11, 2016, 03:36:39 AM »
I hope this thread may be useful for the English learners from China (中国) and for the English learners around the world!!! I'll post posts of people, who participated in an already non-existing Chinese-English forum. I miss you guys, I hope you may find this some day and let me know you're still online, you're still alive and you're still doing well! I love this new community here, but I can't stop miss that old one, too! :(

So, let us start it:

Today we'll read a topic about "About making foreign friends".

Da jia hao: 
I will take my chance here and try to type what I think about making foreign friends.  It is just my opinion and nobody else has to agree with me, but living in this part of the world, at my age, I’d like to share some things I’ve learned, good and bad.
We already know the difference in culture between Asia and America.  I believe the personality of people has to do mostly with 2 things: The genes that person born with, and the “way he/she is raised”.  People in Asia are raised in a more cultural way than the American way.  In my opinion is more polite. Although, there is “good and bad” anywhere. What I’m trying to say here is, that American people are more aggressive than Asian people.  As I wrote in another posting, this aggressiveness is due to what we are seeing  at the movies, television and now the Internet. For a kid who is growing under these influences, being aggressive is the normal way of acting in real life. So to make the story short, here in America people “learn” to be aggressive in every way, not to mention the ways to make money.  And sometimes aggressive to the point which is “violent”, because being aggressive towards life is a good thing almost always.
For the Chinese guys who are trying to make foreign friends (specially girls), there are 2 or 3 basic things girls like in a man, (this is not a rule, or an absolute considering that there are no 2 persons exactly equal in every aspect, including identical twins, but rather by experience, both personal and for what I’ve seen in other cases.
1. Girls like men who are very secure of themselves. I mean, they like guys who know what they want, and in this sense aggressive, most of the time these guys have initiative. For this same reason, many women like business men, because “almost always” (not absolute) business men have a good initiative, they don’t “wait” for things to come, they go for it. So in this sense, girls like men who “go for them”. And as we also know, behind business there is money, but I’m not going to comment on this, because I believe being friends have nothing to do with money.  People who “make friends looking forward to make money are not real friends”. Money in the pocket is their friend as the saying goes. So we can be a bit nervous when meeting a girl but never show like you don’t know what to do or where to go. Girls don’t like that.  On the other hand girls like men who are “fast” but not anxious, they have different meaning. Being fast is being effective, being anxious is to be nervous or to have fear and girls note this very quick. When we are effective other people see us like a secure person. If you are afraid at some point, don’t worry, every person in this world is afraid of something, just try to relax. Relaxing is also good to our health, and looks better than fear.
Maybe we are afraid of a bad experience, or just because “we think” something bad could happen. Guys, past and future “do not exist” just work in the present time it is the only real thing, work now and don’t let your mind go in a travel to the past or the future, it just doesn’t work. So try to keep present all the time which is present in itself. Don’t confuse being aggressive with “telling others what to do” making others to be afraid of you is not the same than gain people’s respect (honor). We can give advice in trying to help someone else but “never command what to do”. So at the bottom line, girls like to feel they are “protected by a secure man”.
2. Almost every girl like men who has “a good sense of humor”.  Again, “almost always” a guy who has a sense of humor is a smart guy. And most girls find this to be very sexy (hehe - keep this a secret). Another good thing is that “almost always” a person who has a good sense of humor is not an abusive person. Maybe some women like serious guys but that is not the rule. Many more women like humorous men. And going further, humorous men that know when to be serious and effective.
3. This point is rather the negative aggressiveness, which some women happen to like also. We can find every kind of people in this world, with very weird ways of thinking and acting but this can be a completely different topic to be studied alone. As I said before, violence is becoming more and more our daily bread. Nowadays, at least in this part of the world, (I don’t know about Asia) many girls like violent guys, only to note at the end that they are victims of violence. It is like a running virus. Perhaps this is happening as a vicious circle, because the street is so violent, these girls need violent men on their side in order to feel protected. But well,  I don’t think this is our interest here. What we want to do is make friends not enemies.  On the other hand girls don’t care about your pain in the stomach, or your pities. At the bottom line and this is a personal opinion, both extremes are bad. Being too hard or too soft. We need to have elements of both sides to build a good friendship.
It is not a matter of being good looking or ugly, it is a matter of how a person feel being with you.
As a personal note: Guys be effective and kind with girls. I think Mao Tse Dong said:
- women are the real power of society �C I’m not sure if Mao said that, but I believe it.
By the way, I recommend the movie Unleashed with Jet Li, this movie shows both sides of the coin. Great movie… Have fun guys/girls. 


The first I have moved your topics from  "reply" to special topics. This is  wonderful  topics, very wonderful. thanks your share your opinion with us that

We can get what's foreigner thinking about this problem.


We already know the difference in culture between Asia and America.  I believe the personality of people has to do mostly with 2 things: The genes that

person born with, and the “way he/she is raised”.  People in Asia are raised in a more cultural way than the American way.  In my opinion is more polite.

Although, there is “good and bad” anywhere. What I’m trying to say here is, that American people are more aggressive than Asian people.  As I wrote in

another posting, this aggressiveness is due to what we are seeing  at the movies, television and now the Internet. For a kid who is growing under these

influences, being aggressive is the normal way of acting in real life. So to make the story short, here in America people “learn” to be aggressive in every

way, not to mention the ways to make money.  And sometimes aggressive to the point which is “violent”, because being aggressive towards life is a good

thing almost always.

agree, There are many difference culture in world. asia,america and etc. maybe There are hundreds culture in the world(every country). As you said "good and bad" theory. The American people are more aggressive than Asian people. and Asian are more focus on "team work". for examples korean football team. -:)
also I like America movies - hero story movies. for examples: Sylvester Stallone,Arnold Schwarzenegger and etc.


For the Chinese guys who are trying to make foreigner friends (specially girls), there are 2 or 3 basic things girls like in a man, (this is not a rule, or

an absolute considering that there are no 2 persons exactly equal in every aspect, including identical twins, but rather by experience, both personal and for

what I’ve seen in other cases.


Specially girls: I have to say something here. What's real reason of Chinese girls want to make friends with foreigner?

1)Fresh and exciting.  if somebody has a foreigner friends,It should be very cool. I think so.
2)money.  As we know the most Chinese are not rich,special for countryside of China and the west of China.The people always think the foreigner are all rich.
3)learning. Somebody just want to learning more from foreigner.
4)marriage. Maybe somebody want to get oversea marriage.

The above is just my personal opinion.  :-), Maybe I not right.


You have told us about the "girls". What's your opinion about "boy"? As We know, We  often meet some  guys at CC who said "I want to make friends with foreigner". and leave a MSN name or email address.  after some days. The boy was disappeared and not login CC anymore. .


So. Can you talk something about how to make forum friends and give a guideline for these girls and boys?

Howard, thanx for your confidence and for asking me about this. To be honest I prefer to make friends with girls because they are more sensitive than guys. Not that I don't have male friends here because I have some. They have proved to me that they are sincere and real friends. But on the Internet a person is not always "who he says he is".

I really believe that here in CC there are a couple of persons who have created hundreds of profiles with different names but they are the same person. I think they also create a false profile in hotmail just to get some information from you or me or anybody else but they are not real friends. Don't ask me how I know that, I just feel it. I could be wrong too.

When you find a real friend you can feel his/her sincerity. I always ask for a photo of the person, when I chat with them, if they start to get excuses for not showing a picture, or they just don't give any personal iformation, there is a big probability that person is not who he says he is. What I'm trying to say is that people who want to make friends they show you sincerity and they are honest from the very beginning.

Going back to people who retire and you don't see them any more. Not everybody is the same, and no1 is perfect. Like the case of our friend Ricb, nobody have seen him again since a long time. He is a great friend, but maybe he has to work so much that doesn't have the time to be on the Internet.

Another point is the difference in time between China and America, sometimes makes it hard to communicate, because when one is resting at home the other part is working. So in this case I prefer to let people work in peace not having me bugging and interrupting their work.

Skype is another great tool to communicate, but only on weekends because of the same reason as above, time difference.

I can tell you about me. I'm always the same way, what you see (or read) from me is what you get. I just try to speak my mind. When I find a "real friend" I just feel the "click" between the person and me, because the friendship goes very smooth. Time will show if the person is a real friend.

About the girls I think you are correct. And money has a lot to do with this because as I wrote in another posting, compared to RMB the american dollar is bigger, but no, all americans are not rich. Some of us have to work very hard to get a "small" salary, but there are other topics here about this. I really think this is going to change soon because Chinese money keeps going up and up.

I have to go to sleep now, so later on we can continue to post here... Happy friendship to all of us...

Yes. I must let this topics continue.... :=) It's real realy good topics for communicate the difference culture between the difference time area.

I like this sentence: "who he says he is". :-( .  The first I think the "sincere" is the best important. and then "warmhearted"...

Like the case of our friend Ricb, nobody have seen him again since a long time. He is a great friend, but maybe he has to work so much that doesn't have the time to be on the Internet.

Yes. I know this guys Ricb. Actually, We have not seen him for a loong time. and Redfort,kwengirl,Whiteboy.. Oh, I can remember everything about this guys...  Really, I'm very hope meet these guys again.

I really believe that here in CC there are a couple of persons who have created hundreds of profiles with different names but they are the same person. I think they also create a false profile in hotmail just to get some information from you or me or anybody else but they are not real friends. Don't ask me how I know that, I just feel it. I could be wrong too.
How to make foreigners friends? I hope Chinese guys take a guideline from this topics. 

Good Evening Gentlemen,

I happen to be one of those individuals who does not get to log on to CC very often.  I happen to be one of those individuals that work extremely hard, and wishes I had more time to be in this forum.

I wanted to comment on a few of the discussion points above.

 I simply have to agree with TBone.  Being an American, I see and witness aggresiveness every day.  And it is also very true that it has everything to do with how you are raised.

I personnally guided my children through every aspect of their lives, from the time they were born, and even today, I offer only my opinion, simply because they are grown.  However, my son is a Secondary Education Math Teacher, and my daughter is in her third year of Radiology School.

Unfortunately, there are far to many parents here in the US that believe once their children are in school, they are no longer their responsibility. And once they return home, they really don't engage their children with homework.  Many simply ask if the schoolwork is done.  With a "Yes" answer, the kids are off playing with friends, or sitting in front of so called "violent" video game and/or watching violent movies.

After school activities are paramount to socaializing the younger generation.  We spent countless hours taking the kids to school functions.  Were we tired after a long day at work? Absolutely!!!  But the kids, they take presedence.  You have no choice, they are your children.  You had them.......now parent them!!!

Making foreign friends is another great topic for discussion.  In a prior post, I commented that I made several friends simply by joining this forum.  Even today, I continue to chat with several of my new friends.  I can only thank those that put this website together for that!!!  What I find most amazing is how many individuals have actually read my post.  What is even more amazing is how many people contacted me from China.  I have had the opportunity to travel to many places in this world.  With out a doubt, the Chinese are simply most gracious and friendly people to know.  I cannot wait to return to china to meet some of them in person.  By the way, the ages range from 24 to 51, and both genders.

Lets talk about personal characteristics.

I happen to have two of the three.  I am completely confident, as well as having this "Sense of Humor".  I used both when I engaged everyone I came in contact with when in Shanghai last October.  Do the women pick up on this? Definately.  But so did the men.  Did I do this to gain any advantage? No.  It is simply who and what is part of my personna!!!

Violence is a characteristic of someone with weak or very low self-esteem.  Somehow, somewhere, someway, most violent people became violent due to circumstances beyond their control. Human nature is to live in harmony with other humans!!!

Ok, now lets talk about money.

Am I a wealthy man? No.  Do I live comfortable? Yes.  However, it is without question, things are not all that good here right now.  Nor is it all that great globally.  There are literally millions of Americans that have lost their jobs over the last few years as well as their homes.  Why?  Because most tried to live beyond their means.  Large lavish homes, expensive cars, and verly large credit debt.

When all of the major corporations decided to do business overseas, the jobs went with them.  It was only a question of time before we could no longer afford to keep up and pay for everything without jobs.  Many Americans get angry at other people in other countries and blame them for their peril.  I kindly remind them that these people have nothing to do with you loosing your job.  The corporations took that work overseas because there was huge profits for them by manufacturing goods eleswhere.  It was only a matter of time before we could no longer buys the items that were manufactured eleswhere.  Even today, places such as China are feeling that same affect.  There is not as much manufacturing leaving China, because a significant portion of Americans can no longer afford to purchase things without jobs.

Even today, being an employee of a major US automotive compnay, I consistantly wonder if I will have a job by the end of the year.  As a matter of fact, I am in constant communication with my friend Yu Zhang.  We are attempting to create a business to supply my company car parts, simply in case I loose my job.

But here is the difference between me and almost every American business owner.

If Yu Zhang and I were to become successful and have an operation in China, most Americans would simply pocket every bit of money they make, and not share it with those that actually did the work.  I, on the other hand feel completely different.  What better way could you show those working for you, making your business successful, that you appreciate them without sharing in the profits.  I can only imagine and hope that one day, prior to the National Day week off, I can call each and every employee into an office, and hand them a little red evelope with extra money in it to enjoy with family.  Gee, I'm not even sure if something like that violates tradition or protocols in China.

Well, I believe I've said plenty here.  At least the two of you have a better idea of who Nick is and what he believes in.

Have a graet day and be safe!!!


Nice post Nick. I'm glad you came back and wrote this. Keep it up bro.

Hi Tbone,

I'm good to go until winter semester starts in January.  Then I'm back studying the next Chinese class.  At that point, between work and class, I'll be off the grid for a while!!!    I can barely keep up right now!!! 

Thanks for the response!!!


Hello Nick,

Bu yong xie... I'm very glad you still studying chinese. That's cool... I keep studying by myself also, it is hard but not impossible. Thanx for taking the time to drop a few lines here...You are always welcome here dude... 

That's right. I always say"Hi,Tbone, come here, The best way of learning Chinese is go to China,you need this language envirnoment,In China, everybody speak Chinese",haha.

hehe... That is funny Howard, but so true. I wish I could be there right in this moment.

Howard, what do I say to your comment above???  You're killin me!!!    That is exactly what I intend on doing!!!  However, I cannot get work to send me!!!

You would think that someone with the title of "Global Commercial Component Coordinator" for a major automotive manufacturer might get back to China, a bit more often!!!

Well, if they don't send me soon, I'm thinking i may have to find an employer that will!!!! 

Have a great week,


Well, I think you guys great and get a job here easily. you can be a teacher,or work for translation service provider.



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Re: Sweet memories (I miss you guys! If you find this let me know!)
« Reply #1 on: December 11, 2016, 03:49:09 AM »
After that Zhu added: 怎样和老外交朋友

来这的中国人在我看来都有一个共同的目的 - 那就是想和老外交个朋友,可以提高自己的英文水平。 故此我写个帖子大概有也就有个目的了。


1)不要意图太明显,不要太直接了,上来就发贴“我要找老外”。有老外也被你的坦帅吓着了。应该本着一个平和的心,热心的帮助别 人,处处留下你热情的身影。老外想不被你吸引也难啊。记住让老外喜欢你才是最重要的。


2)和人交朋友都一个道理,你不帮助别人,别人凭啥要帮你?你总是说我要学英语,希望老外能帮你,你说你可以教他汉语,但是有什 么用呢?在中国的老外他很容易就能找到一个人教他汉语,不在中国的老外他们并没打算学习中文。

所以每当我看到不少同学发贴说,我教他汉语,他交我英文。事实上这个可能性是很小的。 如果想提高口语建议还是多去高校的英语角。


3)建议来到这里的同学,多看看别人的帖子,多用文字去和别人交流。本论坛常来的老外还是有很多的。大家应该学习怎样用文字去和 别人交流。只要你热心的发贴,就某个话题发表你自己的看法,就会有很多人去相应的。


4)不要在乎你的语法,不要在乎你的拼写错误,脸皮得厚一点,怕什么呢,在网络上没人看得见你的脸。 就是用单词堆起来的句子,你又何必在意呢,因为你的目的就是让别人看懂就行了。多做几次,多看看其他人写的,你很快就在无形中掌 握了语法,表达规则。一切都自然形成的,不用刻意去控制。

在本论坛置顶的帖子里面有Tbone(From Puerto Rico )发表的关于和老外交朋友的看法,一个老外看中国人的看法。

希望大家快乐的相处在China Corner。

suxiaoming wrote:
说的很实在 深有体会 深有体会 U r 顶ed

And he responded:

“得到”能让人快乐,“付出”更能让人感到快乐。希望China corner members都能真心付出,找到快乐的感觉。


 :) :)


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Re: Sweet memories (I miss you guys! If you find this let me know!)
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2016, 01:47:15 AM »
 One of the sweetest online memories, for sure...
« Last Edit: December 12, 2016, 02:10:13 AM by Alexa »


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Re: Sweet memories (I miss you guys! If you find this let me know!)
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2016, 02:10:32 AM »
 One of the sweetest memories there was the topic about the introductions. I tried to introduce some of my then-friends, but they weren't very regular visitors and after all they stop visiting CC. Well, later on I was a "super moderator" (i.e. the main moderator over there), then I had very hard time and I didn't visit the site for some years and one they I was surprised to see that it's not online anymore.
 About those sweet memories:
 Howard started it with: "HOHO.

The topic just for show member's photo. Please paste your photo here if you would."



(a photo)
This photo was taked two years ago."

I was fast:

"NO 2 :

          Tatar (Geser Kurultay):

    (a photograph)

   DALIAN, 2005.



"Here is my colleague and friend from the Tatarian website in Bulgaria and a newbie in China-Corner:


(a pic)


Inkas: "Tatar, Thank you ;)"

Howard: "Hi,Inkas:

Warm welcome this smart guy."

floweret: "hi,Tatar

your really name is tatar?

or tatar is your nickname?"

It was an interesting question. ;D

"No, "tatar" is a nationality. In Chinese TATAR = 塔塔尔族. My name I already wrote there - "Geser Kurultay".

 By the way, we're waiting for the next pictures, aren't we?"

floweret: "you can know me at

(a link)

I like use this nickname "floweret"

my name is SunJing"

Howard: "HAHA.....


But I have a question:  how to pronounce your name?

 "Geser Kurultay" - Ge Se Er, Ku Ru Tei. right?"

"Inkas wrote:
Tatar, Thank you ;)
  You are  welcome, Inkas!"

"It is difficult to represent in English. Anyway there is an L - "KU RU L TAI".

 Look, my Chinese name is "国书"。

 My Bulgarian name is "Georgi".


 So, you just chose one - everyone is OK."


"Stephanie = Floweret ?

floweret: "Stephanie is my english name.

floweret is my nickname.

my friends call me "xiao hua" or "hua hua"


"All right, I see.

Well, it's time for the next picture. Who's is the next one?


Tbone: "Hey everyone:  I find this part of the forum very cool. My real name is Carlos ( originally a german name ) and I think in chinese would be something like this: 卡洛斯. I appear on the internet almost everywhere I visit like, Tbone or Tbone Player because I play the trombone. And I guess in chinese would be something like this: 涕 骨�^球�T .  Maybe later I'll be adding a photo, but I really would like to see a pic of Floweret and other chicks, also members of this forum... enough of guys hehe...   "

"But Floweret ALREADY posted her picture."

Tbone: "Oopps... sorry, I just saw the picture after the posting. Correct me if I'm wrong... Howard and Floweret are husband and wife? If that is the case, congratulation guys, you 2 make a great couple. With all due respect Floweret is a pretty lady, sorry that I cannot say the same thing about her husband.....   .   wo shi kai wan xiao de .  <=== I learned this one with you guys, hehe, so you cannot get mad at me.  Let me explain here. I cannot say the same thing about him because he is not a lady   .   Actually the picture took me by surprise. In fact Howard you look very much like Ting Meng a friend of mine. Seriously guys you really look great together. duo duo bao zhong guys...


"Ok I give up... here is a pic of me at the recording studio. Watch this picture at your own risk, it could cause damage to your monitor...   hehe...
(a picture)

"No problem, my monitor is OK. ;D

Excuse me, if I am wrong, but I think that in a high % you can call yourself  a TRUE (NATIVE) American. My anthropological knowledge about indians is not so great, but when I saw you I remember at once some pictures from the comics about Incas, Aztecas, Cortes etc.

 By the way - I got a question - is the man - Alonso De Ojeda in some connection with your (Puerto-Rican) history? I know he went to Venezuela, but I am not sure about Puerto Rico.

"Hello, we're waiting for the next one."

Howard: "No problem, my monitor is OK.

It is so amazing. I have saw a really Tbone.

You looks so cool~ . A great musician.


OKAY. Something I need to explain here. 

I am Howard Zhu. I have not an English name till China-corner.com born. And my wife have not English name too. So we have spended two days to choice our English names. Finally, I taked "Howard" and my wife taked "Stephanie".(refer to here: (a link)).

after some weeks, Stephanie think "floweret" is better than "Stephanie". So... We have not announced at CCF. I am sorry to make you feel unpleasure."

" Oh, now I see."

"Right about the native americans Tatar.  Actually we puertoricans are a mix of spaniards = (or spanish) and arawak indians. Although there is a variety of different looking people in this island. You name it we got it.  Concerning to Alonso De Ojeda, well he was spanish but he went to Venuzuela and Colombia not to PR.  Perhaps he couldn't get to the plane on time    hehe...

Thank you very much Howard. You are a cool guy too. The same goes to everyone in this forum... Very cool..."


"Howard:  I will share here something with you and your wife. Because you guys have taught me very nice things in chinese language, I guess I should help you too. In order to make your english better.  Instead of:

I have saw a really Tbone - I have seen a real Tbone.

I have not an English name - I had no english name till China-corner was born.

two days to choice - two days to choose.

I taked - I took ( past tense of take )  In english for some verbs you add "ed" to make them past but not to all of them.  The same thing applies to

"my wife took". (past tense).

In fact you both are doing a great job with the english language, and also with this site. Your english is much better than my chinese. Keep up the good work.

Later guys,


floweret: "I'glad to have seen you.


Tbone: "Thanx floweret, you are very kind. I was also glad to see your picture and know that you and Howard are a matrimony.  Hey I can see that you applied the english class very fast. Congratulations...you are doing great with the english language... I also saw the other pictures you put on the site, and they are very nice pictures. I hope the other members upload their photos too...


floweret: "thank you

I am waiting  for the next photo too...


Oh, I heard about Arawaks long time ago, now I will know that they are the native Puerto Ricans.

 About Alonso De Ojeda I want to share a new discovery:

 In fact he was a Bulgarian, from OHRID-city (Today it is in Macedonia, so we can call him a Macedonian, too). In that time Macedonia was part of Bulgaria, and both were under Ottoman (Turkish) yoke. According to the new discoveries a young person, named DRAGAN OHRIDSKI dream his country (Bulgaria) to get freedom again, because it was very difficult to live under Ottoman's rule, and he went to Spain. There he received the name ALONSO DE OHEDA (OJEDA). Later he became sailing for the Spanish king, because he hoped that later Spain will help Bulgarian people in the wars against Ottoman empire. Well, he wasn't successful and before his death he wrote : "Let my descendants stamp on my bones, because I lost my goal."

  The sailors from his ship says : "When he was angry he started to use some foreign language!" (One of the prooves that he was not a Spaniard).


  Some pictures about this topic:


 Alonso De Ojeda (Dragan Ohridski):


Ottoman invaders:


Nile_paharoh: "Hi all , i,m new here , i,m coming to china next month , i need some friends there.


Howard: "Hi,Nile_paharoh:

Glad to meet you.  Cool~

I very hope to travel Egypt in the future.  Egypt  is  ancient country and own centuries-old history and brilliant culture.

Warm welcome our new friend --- Nile_paharoh~ Cheer"

"Hello, Sadik (It means "Freind" in Arabian language),

 I am not in Guangzhou, but I am in Hainan. Welcome!

 *  *  *

 Yes, Howard, Egypt is ancient and my forefathers - Kipchaks (Proto-tatars) were ruling Egypt. The name of the dynasty was "MAMELUKES". The most famouse tatarian (kipchak) over there was BAY-BARS (Baibars).


 *   *   *

 Sadik, if you know, please share your opinion - what is the opinion of nowadays egyptians about Mameluks and Bay-Bars? Do you like them or not? If they were useful for your country or not?

 For example, the tatars dynasties in Bulgaria - ASENS, TERTERS and SHISHMANS were mostly useful. In Middle Asia - also.


Nile_paharoh: "Hi Howard.Zhu and Hi Tatar , thanks all , by the way Tatar is different from Mamluks , Mamluks in arabic stands for slaves , egyptian kings they got them from many places , after a while these mamluks ruled egypt , but some of them were good, some were bad , tatars , they were mangolian people , they invaded most arabic land , but they were detered ( beaten ) by a muslim mamluk , all these mamluks were muslims , life is different now, egyptians are very kind people , they hate nobody , anyway nice meeting people all over china we might find time to meet there , any city , any place , cheers"

brijit: "Hello,  Elizabeth here

Howard: "Hi.brijit:

Pretty~! Do you live in Bulgaria?   Why not share us the some Bulgarian culture.

Also, I very hope to make partner with a Bulgaria website. Would u mind to introduce me some Bulgaria webmaster? .


"Hello, thank you for you kind answer. Well, you mean Mongol-tatarians and I mean nowadays tatarians (we are descendants of Kipchaks + Bulgars + Mongol-tatarsians). Yes, mameluks forst were slaves (mainly from Kipchaks), but later they found a dynasty and ruled Egypt.

 Sure we can meet if have some possibility.

 Shukran:) ( "Thank you" in Arabian).


" Yes, she is a real Bulgarian and a real person, who REALLY respect China.

As you can see the picture is from China (Chinese bus). But now she is in Bulgaria. Anyway, she still like and respct Chinse culture and you will nver see to post some stupid things like these Bulgarians from Tai Zhou and Xia Men.

 She can speak good English and Chinese, my impressions from her are totally positive!

 So we're 3 basic people from Bulgaria - 2 Tatars + 1 Bulgarian (Elizabeth).


 Good stuff.

Well, about Bulgarian websites - what kind of partnership do you need?


brijit: "Yeah, I live in Bulgaria .

The Bulgarian lands have been inhabited by various tribes that have developed a rich and varied culture.

The earliest monuments are the drawings found in the Magura cave (Second Millennium BC), the remains from Palaeolitic cultures in several caves in Stara planina (Balkan Mountains) and the Rhodope Mountains. Traces of some seaside Neolithic and Palaeolithic cultures have been found in the areas of cape Kaliakra and the southern seaside town Ahtopol.

There have been found a lot of remains from Thracian, Old Greek and Roman culture in the Bulgarian lands. The Kazanluk tomb and the Sveshtare tomb are remarkable monuments of the Thracian art. The Kazanluk tomb is from the end of the 4th and the beginning of the 3rd century BC. The murals on the walls of the tomb reflect battle scenes and the symbolic farewell with the Thracian ruler accompanied by three racing chariots. The Sveshtare tomb is built in the first half of the 3rd century BC. The chamber was decorated as a facade of a temple with depicted horseman who takes a golden garland from the hands of a goddess with a religious procession following her.

Whole ancient cities have been restored. Some of them are Augusta Trajana, Apolonia, Trimoncium, Nicopolis ad Istrum etc. Under the capital city Sofia have been found thousands square meters of ruins from the ancient city Serdica.
In the Middle Ages massive fortifications, monumental castles, temples and basilicas are built in the Old Bulgarian capitals Pliska and Veliki Preslav.

After the 14th century the more remarkable manifestations of architecture and the arts are of religious character. The most impressive architectural creation is the Rila Monastery.

For more information you can visit :


"Posted: 12/July/2006 at 00:28 | IP Logged   Quote
 The last one is forbidden in China. And I think it is right, because Wikipedia can not be true encyclopedia. A lot of desinformations over there.


Howard: "where? I can't find any flag that wrote in chinese character.
Great~ . A language genius too.
Well.  for promote China Corner(We need more members).  any website which describe History/Culture/Travel should be OK. I hope swap link with these website.

Hi,Tatar:  please help me to do this job. OKAY?



"Thanks. I am checking..."

floweret: "hi,Elizabeth

you are pretty girl and look very cool

I am glad to see you"

brijit: "Thanks , Floweret 

I'm glad to see you, too.

To Howard.Zhu :

I hope that you are enjoying Bulgaria :)


Howard: "Thanks. These information are useful for me. let's waiting next member show."

Landis: "Posted: 22/July/2006 at 01:37 | IP Logged   Quote

(A photo)

Am I cool enough to be your friend?

Aha,,just joking:)

MY msn:laihanqi2008@hotmail.com

I'm in Beijing now.Any body else?"


"Howard.Zhu,you really did a good job for China.

You are wonderful!"

Howard: "HAHA. You looks so yonger. Are you a student?

In fact. I am live beijing too. which district do you live? anyways. I am glad to see you.


Landis: "I'm a senior student in Beijing Institute of  Technology.Do you know my college?

It's located in HaiDian district.By the way,I'm not young.The photo was taken one year ago.


"HAOKAN     :) 8)"

floweret: "Zhen Shuai  8)"

Landis: "Thank you for your compliment:)

Welcome to Beijing"

Howard: "Yes. I know this college. Well,You are younger than mine


kwengirl: "(A .rar link)

=))) don't laugh =)))

(a photo)


Your photo is  so large that can't be upload to CCF directly. So I have resize your picture. and upload again. Is it OK?

You are sunny and pretty girl. 8)"

As I remember you told us, that Russian is your Native language, but you're at least half-turkic girl, are you Kazak-kizi?  Looks like some of my Turkic-Altaic sisters. Really."

kwengirl: "=)))

actually I've already said that I'm Korean-Russian! and ofcourse not Turkish!!!

but in passport I'm Korean =)

HowardZhu - xiexiene

사랑하고 싶다...

Tbone: "Kwengirl: There is nothing to laugh about you. You are a pretty girl. It is good to have your photo here. Check the update on the first picture of this part of the forum soon."


"Landis: Becareful with that knife, you can die..............................laughing. hehe


' Annyong Hasipnika!

Nanun Tatar-saram imnida.

And I will repeat ONCE AGAIN : TURKIC is not TURKISH!

Turkish are persian tribe that was under TURKIC influence. TURKIC IS SOMETHING ELSE.
Because of this I want to e sure you understand my important meaning, I will tell you in Russian too:

!!!Tyurki ne turki. Turki jivut v Turcii i kak pisal veliky sovetskiy tyurkolog - Gumulev oni je otyurechennuye persy. A vot tyurki - delo inoe: eto tatary, kazahi, kirgizi i t. p. Prodoljayu po angliyski:


Duck: ORI   - YURDEK
Wolf: IRI   - BYORI

Now you can see Koreans and some Turkic and you will see that they're from one and the same root:

(2 photos of Turkic and Korean females.)"

floweret: "hi,kwengirl

you are a pretty girl!:D"

Landis: "You are in fashion while the backgroud is out of fashion.So funny."

kwengirl: "2 Floweret    thank you =)))

2 Landis    maybe =) but anyway thanks (a picture)"

menwaichong: "what a beautiful girl


"Fashion...one of the biggest lies of the modern society."

Whiteboy: "Well, here I am, with my wife of 7 years.

(a photo)"

"Yeahhh, at last Whiteboy is here too!
Nice couple!  "

floweret: "yeahhhhhh~

great couple~"

Howard: "Hi,Whiteboy:

Glad to see your picture. I have many guesses about your  appearance before I see your picture.  BUSHY MUSTACHE / BIG NOSE / FAT BODY ;D

now. I know you arenot suit with my imagining. You own a slim body. :D  and a pretty wife.
Whiteboy: "No, I'm not fat. ;D

I'm 190.5 cm tall and weigh 82 kilos.

Yes, she is pretty. I love her dearly."

"Howard, in your imagination he was a strong cowboy, isn't he? ;D 
For me - he wasn't! Because he is the same aged as me, but we are an young generation!  Forever young, right Whiteboy?   :)


Whiteboy: "That's right, forever young. You are only as old as you act. It is good to be fun, creative and eager for new experiences. (I think older people sometimes forget to keep experiencing life.) (a pic.)

By the way, I raised pigs for 10 years starting at the age of 8. So, I have a little bit of "cowboy" or farmboy in me. ;D


floweret: "you are very tall,I only can reach your shoulder :'("

Whiteboy: "Sometimes I don't like being so tall. I will give you some of my height! ;D"

"Hey. Lady, you are a woman!!! :)  Why you want to be so tall?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?
"Good words!

I have no idea about pigs, but in my summer vacantions I was helping my grandparents about their hens, ducks and turkeys:)

brijit: "wow ~ (a pic)

lovely couple

"Glad to meet you again! :) 

brijit: "Are you sure? ;D
/Just kidding /

Howard: "Glad to meet you again!  I DO SURE."

tammyshihui623: "(A pic)hello veryone,

i am Tammy from china. nice to meet you!


life without you, life without me, how can we get all again!"

zhuwu: "Hello. Tammy.  As I know. This topic just for show member's picture. Would you like show your picture here with us?

Anyways. Welcome aboard."

brijit: "Hello Tamy,
which city are you live in?
Would you mind to show us your photo?

Redfort: "Hi Tammy,

Nice to meet you also on this Forum."

makedonec: "Tatar first you have to read truth then to tell truth. Read this here, you will understand this for yourself, then you can translate to the others.

My response for Dragan Ohridski

...Prodol`uvame so temata od minatiot broj, t.e. so izvadoci od pismata na francuskata grofica Mari-Madlen, koja `iveela na {panskiot dvor vo vremeto koga Hristifor Kolumbo ja otkril Amerika. Ve}e spomnavme deka seto ona {to toga{ se slu~uvalo vo [panija, groficata & go pi{uvala na svojata bratu~etka vo Pariz. Ovie pisma (kako sopstvenost na eden ^ehoslovak) pred pove}e od trieset godini za prv pat pred makedonskata javnost gi obelodeni makedonskiot pisatel Ivan Mazov.

Vo svoeto pismo od 23 april 1493 godina groficata Mari-Madlen pi{uva deka za vreme na nejzinata sredba so Hristifor Kolumbo i so del od ~lenovite na negoviot ekipa`, eden od prisutnite gosti na [panskiot dvor go obvinil Kolumbo zaradi toa {to ostavil ~etiriesetina svoi mornari sami vo tu|ata zemja (Amerika). Dvorjaninot go pra{al Kolumbo kako mo`el da ostavi (citat) "grst beli lu|e vo tu|a nepoznata zemja". Na ova eden od oficerite na Kolumbo po ime Huan de la Kosa mu odgovoril na zagri`eniot dvorjanin (citat): "Vie zaboravate deka za Indijancite belite lu|e {to gi ostavivme pretstavuvaat sinovi na neboto, zatoa {to nie im poka`avme deka mo`eme da vladeeme so gromot i so oganot."

Poddr{ka na Kolumbo dal i eden od kormilarite na negovata ekspedicija, koj rekol: "Admiralot (Kolumbo, z.m.) go vooru`i logorot so topovi od 'Santa Marija' i go ostavi za niv da se gri`i mojot mornar Drahan da Lihnida, eretik, albigoec, koj vo Salamanka }e be{e izgoren na klada, ako ne be{e spasen od Kolon (Kolumbo, z.m.). Samiot kapetan Martin Alfonso go cene{e mnogu..."


[to mo`e da se zaklu~i od ovoj izvadok od pismoto na groficata Mari-Madlen, t.e. od podatocite {to taa gi prenesuva kako svedok na tie sudbonosni nastani? Kako prvo, vidovme deka eden od mornarite na Hristifor Kolumbo se vikal "Drahan da Lihnida". Pove}e od jasno e deka stanuva zbor za "Dragan od Ohrid". Poznata e praktikata vo {panskiot jazik soglaskata "g" da se zamenuva so "h" (tie velat "Serhio", namesto "Sergio" i sl.). Zna~i, nema somnenie deka stanuva zbor za makedonskoto i op{toslovensko ime Dragan. Ponatamu, predlogot "da" zna~i "od". Toga{ prezimiwa vo dene{na smisla na zborot ne postoele, tuku za poprecizno determinirawe na li~nostite slu`elo mestoto na nivnoto poteklo, koe se dodavalo po li~noto ime.


Maketa na brodot "Pinta" - eden od trite broda na Hristifor Kolumbo - na koj se nao|al Makedonecot Dragan od Ohrid

Kone~no, mislam deka ne treba da objasnuvam deka "Lihnida" e stariot naziv za Ohrid i deka takov grad ne postoel na drugo mesto.

Ponatamu, vidovme deka Dragan bil opi{an kako "eretik", koj za malku }e bil izgoren na klada vo [panija, dokolku ne bil spasen li~no od strana na Hristifor Kolumbo koj go zemal vo svojata ekspedicija. Te{ko e da se pretpostavi kakov vid "eretik" bil Dragan. Ne veruvam deka bil progonuvan zaradi svojata mo`na pravoslavna veroispoved. Dali mo`ebi bil eden vid naslednik na bogomilite? Toa doprva treba da se istra`uva.

Od pismoto na groficata Mari-Madlen na povr{ina izleguva u{te eden izvonredno zna~aen moment.


Prethodno spomnavme deka po svojot prv prestoj na tloto na Amerika, Hristifor Kolumbo se vratil vo [panija, ostavaj}i zad sebe ~etiriesetina svoi mornari vo logorot (utvrduvawe) {to go narekol La Navidad. Prakti~no toa bila prvata evropska naselba na tloto na Amerika. Na obvinuvawata protiv Kolumbo za ovoj negov poteg, upateni od strana na eden dvorjanin od [panskiot dvor vidovme deka kormilarot na Kolumbo zastanal vo negova odbrana pri {to rekol deka nema pri~ina za strav zatoa {to logorot e obezbeden so topovite od brodot "Santa Marija" i deka za niv se gri`i Dragan od Lihnida. Ova zna~i deka `itel na prvata organizirana evropska naselba vo Amerika bil i Makedonecot Dragan od Ohrid. I ne samo toa. Vidovme deka toj bil glaven vo odbranata na ovaa mala naselba, t.e. slikovito ka`ano toj bil prviot ~ovek na vooru`enite sili na prvata evropska naselba vo Amerika. Ova zna~i i deka Dragan bil ~ovek od doverba na Kolumbo, {to e i razbirlivo ako se znae deka Kolumbo svoevremeno mu go spasil `ivotot. Od izjavata na kormilarot se gleda i deka Dragan bil po~ituvan i od preostanatite mornari na ekspedicijata na Kolumbo. Poradi faktot {to negova zada~a bilo da se gri`i za odbranata na logorot so pomo{ na topovite, mo`e da se zaklu~i i deka Dragan vsu{nost bil topxija na brodot "Pinta".

Prethodno napi{avme deka otkako povtorno do{ol vo Amerika vo 1493 godina, Kolumbo gi pobaral svoite mornari {to gi ostavil vo logorot La Navidad. No, tamu ne na{ol nikogo, a logorot bil celosno uni{ten od Indijancite.

[to se slu~ilo so mornarite {to tamu gi ostavil Kolumbo? Niz Internet i niz drugi izvori barav podatoci za sudbinata na mornarite od logorot La Navidad. Site avtori na onie trudovi {to gi pregledav pi{uvaat deka site mornari od ovoj logor (utvrduvawe) zaginale vo borbata protiv Indijancite. No, nitu eden od avtorite ne pi{uva od kade gi ima dobieno ovie podatoci, pa verojatno avtorite samo pretpostavuvaat deka mornarite zaginale, {tom Kolumbo ne uspeal da sretne nitu eden od niv za vreme na svoeto vra}awe vo La Navidad.

Me|utoa, groficata Mari-Madlen i ovojpat nudi podatoci koi drasti~no mo`at da ja promenat dosega poznatata istorija za Hristifor Kolumbo. Taa tvrdi deka dvajca mornari go pre`iveale napadot na Indijancite i deka eden od niv bil tokmu Dragan od Lihnida. Seto ova taa go napi{ala vo svoeto pismo od 20 avgust 1496 godina. Taa tamu objasnuva deka samata dobila pismo od ~len na vtorata ekspedicija na Kolumbo, opatot Los Kasos. Ovoj opat & napi{al na groficata Mari-Madlen deka toj li~no razgovaral so Indijanecot Kaonabo, koj bil predvodnik na indijanskiot napad vrz logorot La Navidad, a podocna bil zaroben od ~lenovite na vtorata ekspedicija na Kolumbo i bil doveden vo [panija.

Vo [panija zarobeniot indijanski voda~ Kaonabo potvrdil deka vo `estokata bitka za logorot, najgolem del od mornarite bile ubieni, no deka dvajca od niv se spasile. Na pra{aweto koi bile tie dvajca, Indijanecot rekol deka edniot se vikal Diego (vsu{nost toa bil lekarot Diego), a drugiot go opi{al so imeto "Golemiot Aran". Pritoa rekol deka "Golemiot Aran" imal "zlatna brada" i deka bil "gospodar" na "gromot i molwata" so koi otepal mnogu Indijanci. Od opisot {to go dal Indijanecot, na site im stanalo jasno deka toa bil tokmu Dragan od Lihnida. Imeno, tokmu toj odli~no rakuval so ognenoto oru`je (topovite), {to se poklopuva so zborovite na sueverniot Indijanec deka "Golemiot Aran" bil "gospodar" na gromot i na molwata.

Indijanecot raska`uval i deka "Golemiot Aran" (Dragan) uspeal da likvidira pove}e Indijanci za vreme na napadot na logorot. Indijanecot u{te raska`al deka Indijancite go smetale Dragan za natprirodno su{testvo, zatoa {to (citat): "slegol od neboto ... i gi pot~inil pod sebe bogot na molwata i na gromot" (mislej}i na ognenoto oru`je so koe dejstvuval po Indijancite).

Zna~i, od ova pismo na groficata gledame deka Dragan bil visok ~ovek (poradi {to go dobil prekarot "Golemiot") i deka imal rusa brada (od Indijanecot opi{ana kako "zlatna brada"). Prakti~no Dragan bil visok rusokos ~ovek.


[to se slu~ilo so Dragan i so negoviot drugar lekarot Diego po napadot na Indijancite i po nivnoto begstvo od uni{teniot logor La Navidad? Zvu~i neverojatno, no groficata uspeala da doznae u{te eden podatok za niv, {to go pi{uva vo edno svoe podocne`no pismo, isprateno od Kastilija.

Vo ova pismo taa ja prenesuva izjavata na kapetan Huan Martis, koj isto taka prestojuval vo Amerika i koj podocna se vratil vo [panija. Pred Sudot vo [panija ovoj kapetan se zakolnal deka sretnal dvajca belci so svoi `eni i deca, od koi edniot se vikal Diego, a drugiot go vikale "Golemiot Aran". Toj niv gi videl vo blizinata na dene{na Bogota (Kolumbija). Poradi faktot {to kapetan Martis ja spomenuva teritorijata na dene{na Kolumbija, mo`e da se pretpostavi deka Martis prestojuval vo Amerika za vreme na tretoto patuvawe na Kolumbo vo 1498 godina. Toa zna~i deka Dragan od Ohrid, ne samo {to bil `iv celi {est godini po svoeto pristignuvawe vo Amerika, tuku i deka ve}e imal oformeno svoe semejstvo.

Ostanuva vo domenot na slednite istra`uvawa da se vidi dali i denes postojat indijanski legendi vo sredna i vo ju`na Amerika za "Golemiot Aran", koj bil gospodar "na gromot i na molwata".

Kako i da e, nema somnenie deka Dragan od Ohrid imal golem avanturisti~ki duh vo sebe, a dene{nite Makedonci treba da se gordeat so faktot {to eden na{ sonarodnik ne samo {to bil eden od prvite devedesetina evropjani {to se istovarile na tloto na Amerika, tuku i bil postaven za eden od najodgovornite lu|e vo prvata organizirana evropska naselba vo Amerika.

Interesno e i toa {to vo spisocite na mornarite {to u~estvuvale vo ekspedicijata na Kolumbo, napraveni podocna od sovremeni istra`uva~i vrz osnova na posredni soznanija (arhivski istra`uvawa i sl.) go nema imeto na "Drahan da Lihnida", iako malku koj veruva deka spisokot na mornarite prezentiran vo razni istra`uva~ki trudovi e celosno avtenti~en (fakt e deka od toa vreme ne postoi celosen spisok na ~lenovite na prvata ekspedicija na Kolumbo, iako postojat za~uvani negovi pisma).

[to se odnesuva do ostanatite ~lenovi na ekipa`ot, spomnati vo pismata na groficata Mari-Madlen, nivnite imiwa postojat vo site dosega napraveni spisoci na ~lenovi na ekipa`ite na Kolumbovite brodovi."

"As I told the people here, Dragan Ochridski was bor in Macedonia. So what's the new in this text? "


" I see. Well, I will tell the people over here. Before Macedonia was a part of the Bulgarian khanate and the Bulgarian kingdom. Later it was a part of Yugoslavia. During this time the Bulgarians over there lost their national understanding and start to call themselves "Macedonians". Today the have a kind of country - FYR-MACEDONIA. And for them is very important no one to connect them with the Bulgarians, because according to their new understanding BULGARIANS=TATARIANS, TATARIANS=BAD GUYS; MACEDONIANS= GOOD GUYS.

 Something similar is in Taiwan. SOME CHINESE over there call themselves "Taiwanese" and they lost their understanding that they are Chinese, in fact.

 So, we can say that Macedonia is the Bulgarian "Taiwan".

 Also - few years ago the Macedonian state decide that Taiwan is not a part of China. Then Chinese government was not happy about this stupid Macedonian decision and warm the government of FYR MACEDONIA. Well, later Macedonian government changed its mind and recognize that Taiwan is a Chinese province.

 So, please understand that the Mecedonias are a new nation and sometimes they are strange.


Tbone: "Hello Tammy: Warm welcome to CCF... Enjoy



ricb: "ok...head shot!  up close and personal!  sorry for the unshaven face...

(a photo)
i may be little, but i'm small. "

Tbone: "Hello ricb, welcome to CCF. Don't worry, here at CCF we do everything, we shave and give haircuts too. The first time is on the house, the next shaving has a cost. hehehe        Enjoy...


Howard: "Hey,Ricb:

Welcome aboard!"

ricb: "thanks guys!!

hey tbone...i noticed your photo has you surrounded by audio gear!!  are you a musician, producer, composer?!?!?!?

i've been in the music thing for quite some time now...i'd be interested to know about that.

i'm looking forward to taking in the website and do some learning...there's plenty of information to catch up on...  (a pic) :)"

natalia: " (a photo)
That's me in the middle of two Shaolin monks (in Sao Paulo, Brasil, they came to a show and all!). The xiao one is Ma, he's cute isn't he? :)

(a photo)

And another one, at São Paulo's first Chinese New Year! ^^ (the perfect day!)

"Are your forefathers from Scandinavia?(North Europe)?"


"You are often in some Chinese company. You do love China:)"

ricb: "hi tatar...um.  from what i have researched, my lineage goes like this:

boston, massachusetts (usa),
alberta (canada),
prince edward island (canada),
newfoundland (canada),
channel islands (england),

i couldn't trace any further back than germany... :-X

i would imagine you ask because of light skin, hair and eyes (and freckles too!) :P

and wouldn't you know, i married a 100% italian, and all 4 of my kids are all dark skin, hair and eys...hey wait a minute..maybe they're not mine!!! :o :) 


"nice photos natalia! (a pic)"

Tbone: "Hi ricb: Thanx for your question.  Yes I'm a musician and that's my recording studio, which I have right at home. I play the trombone and guitar. I also use the keyboard to write music, although I'm not a pianist. My first instrument was the guitar which I learned by ear, but then I moved to the tbone and started to learn music. I'm not an active player at this point but still working part time at the studio. I like jazz. I also noted the guitar in your photo. Now I'm more interested in chinese culture and learn the language. Again welcome to CCF, this is a great site. You can check some forums here about music, very nice. Check the CC family forum in a couple of days. :)    " Cheers "

Tbone "


"Hi Natalia: Warm welcome to CCF, very nice pictures, I like 'em. Where are you from? Enjoy CC... "Cheers"



floweret: "Wow~

new photos.

very nice."


I miss all this!...
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Re: Sweet memories (I miss you guys! If you find this let me know!)
« Reply #4 on: January 07, 2017, 03:30:56 AM »
Another sweet topic about China (including Taiwan), USA, Puerto Rico, etc. :)

Whiteboy: "Hello, I am a married 29 year old american in the United States.(Ohio) I have no Asian history but have always been very interested in it.

The main reason I registered with the China Corner is because my wife and I are adopting a little girl from Taiwan. I have already asked a few questions in GENERAL CHAT but I wanted to formerly introduce my self.

Also, I have answered a couple questions about learning english phrases and I would LOVE to help anyone who has any more questions about ANYTHING in the U.S.A. and I will do my best to give you the right answers.

Have a Great Day!"

Howard: "Hi,Whiteboy:

 . It 's nice day, isn't? oh ~  exciting to welcome this kindhearted guy.

~ come on , give me a hug.



Tbone: "Hello there: I'm a newbie here, but i'm very interested in learning chinese language (mandarin). I'm planning a trip to China this year and would like to know some things before I get there. I can speak English and Spanish fluently and I hope, mandarin soon. If I can be of help here I'd be glad to do so...  "

I: " I am here to share the happy feeling of Mr. Howard Zhu and to tell you that I am glad to see you too. in my opinion, you and your wife are really good people and I hope we well be able to help each other in the virtual life (Internet) and (why not?) in the real one, too.

   It will be interestng to discuss about everything and to share our opinions (it is doesn't matter if they are different and if there will be some controversy sometime). I got some friends in Internet - our points of view are "terribly different", but after some "cruel controversy" we are still friends. I mean - if you have some different opinion - feel free to share it. It will be democratic.

 About the questions - it is all right - I will ask you some, when I got them. Right now I would like to know in American English how many basic dialects you have? Well, when I am watching some USA-movies, often I can see that someone (for example from New York) AT ONCE says to another one (for example from Texas) that he/she recognize his local dialect (accent).

 So, I wonder if in every state people got some strong dialect (accent), or there are just few places (for example Texas and New Mexico) where people are speaking some different AE (American English)? Tell us at least APPROXIMATELY how many basic dialects got people in USA - 3, 10, 20, 25?

 And every time when I get some idea about your future daughter I will share with you. Do you know what I am thinking right now? A lot of American Chinese (specially the young generation) are not able to speak Chinese. Well, they are Americans and in fact they don't need it. BUT for the Native Chinese it is sometimes:








 Well, I think it is the same with some another people - for example some people from Poland will be not happy that some Polish, born in America is not able to speak some Polish language.

 So, my idea is to find for her some Chinese teacher who will teach her Chinese. I think just ORAL/ SPOKEN/ CHINESE is OK, because the characters are very difficult and she will have not enough time to study English, Math, Literature, etc. But, it will be really nice, if she do not forget her Native language. I think someday she will be thankful to you.

  Ups, right now I got my second question for you - it is private:

 I am not Native English speaker. My English is OK for Kindergarten and for Primary/Middle School, but I think it is not so "Great" at all. So, please, be frank and tell me - how do you think - is my English in some, at least, "normal" level?

  If you have to "point" my level from 1 to 100, how many points I will get from you? Give me your honest and frank opinion, please, because it will be useful for me and my job (Now I am teaching adults and I have to be more careful than before when I was teaching only 2 - 17 years old students). So if you think that I can get only 1 point - tell me.

  By the way - we are almost from the same generation, I am 1 year elder than you. So, it means, at least we can share opinions about some music (sub-)culture from USA as:

-BSB /Backstreet Boys/

-Britney Spears

-Chemical Brothers


 It was what I liked before. But in my opinion the GREATEST was, is and will be

ELVIS AARON PRESLEY . In Chinese his name is "MAO WANG".

    "The King":

(a photo)

"Hello, Tbone!

 I've moved your topic over here, because it is the right place for introductions.

Well, welcome in !

 You are from Puerto Rico. I think the first association about Puerto Rico is this one: (a photo)

Am I right? :) (For the Chinese friends I will type that he is Ricky MARTIN - in Chinese : "MA DING").

   I am in China, I am a Tatar. May be you don't know what is this, so I will give you a good association - the most famous Tatar in the West :



   Spanish is not useful in China as English. English is much more useful here.

Of course will be best if you are able to speak some Chinese, because China is not English-speaking country and most of the people are unable to understand English.

 What else do you want to know about China and Chinese?


Tbone: "Thanx for your quick response. Ricky Martin and Puerto Rico is right. LOL.  I've learned many chinese things lately, I've been studying the language and culture by myself and I would like to know the meaning of the following, I want to check my translation for it and see if it's good enough: zhe yang hao ma?  I'll be checking later.  xie xie ni de bang zhu. Thanx for your help. By the way, great site you got here...Congratulations. "

I: "Yes, thank you we're doing our best to make this site as Great as possible.

 Because of this I am not Native Chinese speaker, do not believe me very much about Chinese words, but I will try to give you my opinion - "Zhe yang hao ma?" = "Is it OK?"; "How about this?".

 "Xiexie ni'de bangzhu!" = "Thank you for your help!"

  Be happy! And welcome in China!"

Howard: "I am 28.

I am younger than you two. :D"



Warmly Welcome aboard CCF. well , I am native chinese speaker. any problem you taken. please let me know."

Whiteboy: ""...in my opinion, you and your wife are really good people..."

THANK YOU for your kind words.

So, I wonder if in every state people got some strong dialect (accent), or there are just few places (for example Texas and New Mexico) where people are speaking some different AE (American English)? Tell us at least APPROXIMATELY how many basic dialects got people in USA - 3, 10, 20, 25?

There are probably more region specific accents than I know of but I will tell you as many as I can think of:

People in western states (California, Arizona, Oregon, Navada,Washington etc.), and also mid-western states (Utah, Wyoming, Colorado) usually, in most opinions don't have much of an accent. (Most famous actors like Will Smith sound like this)

North and South Dakota, Minnesota, have a stong "northern"accent Michigan has this but not as "strong" (A great U.S movie for a 'Dakota accent is "Fargo")

Southern states (Texas, Oklahoma, Kentucky, Georgia, Tennessee) have what we call a "southern twang". (A good example with this accent is the tow truck in CARS, the new cartoon movie)

Other southern sates (Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi) their accent is a little different than the other southern states. (A good U.S. movie with lots of Louisiana accent is "Waterboy" staring Adam Sandler)

Florida doesn't have much of an accent.

The North Eastern states have their accent (Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont,Massachussets. (U.S. movie Mystic RIver)

New York and New Jersey. You are probably more familiar with this accent. (Billy Crystal in "When Harry met Sally")

Now, here is a "disclaimer" to cover my behind.

All of these examples I gave are general. The people in these states may say they are very different than another that I put in the same group with them. That is the trouble. If you are from the area, you "hear" differently than someone who is not. I don't think I have an accent at all (I'm from Ohio) but people have told me I sound "southern". I can sometimes tell if someone is from northern Ohio, but others can't. My wife's family is from Pennsylvania and they can tell when someone is from there, I can't. An accent can be barely noticeable or very "thick".

And Last- Lot's of African American people have their own accent- and almost a different language which I'm sure you have an idea on what it sounds like if you listen to U.S. black rappers. LOTS of slang. This accent or language can be heard all over the country.

I hope this helped. If anyone else wants to correct me or has some additional info to add, please feel free.

I am not Native English speaker. My English is OK for Kindergarten and for Primary/Middle School, but I think it is not so "Great" at all. So, please, be frank and tell me - how do you think - is my English in some, at least, "normal" level?

I think you do very well. Just going by your typing I would give you a 80. (very good considering some native speakers I would give MUCH lower.) The good thing is I understand what you are "saying". Even though you may be missing a word or two or have the order mixed up a little. BUT, that is more accepted online because a lot of people don't pay attention to spelling and having perfect grammer.

The things that "give you away" are little. I'll take some of your sentences and rewrite them and show you the words that are wrong or missing.

I am not Native English speaker.

I am not A Native English speaker.

So, please, be frank and tell me - how do you think - is my English in some, at least, "normal" level?

I'll re-write...

So, please, be frank and tell me - WHAT do you think - is my English at least AT A "normal" level?

So, I wonder if in every state people HAVE some strong dialect (accent), or there are just A few places (for example Texas and New Mexico) where people are speaking some different AE (American English)?

Tell us at least APPROXIMATELY how many basic dialects got people in USA - 3, 10, 20, 25?

Re-Type: Tell us APPROXIMATELY how many basic dialects DO PEOPLE HAVE in THE USA - 3, 10, 20, 25?

If you HAD to "point" my level from 1 to 100, how many points WOULD I GET from you?

So, like I said you do very well, just the "little" things.

I hope this helped!



"Thank you Howard.Zhu"


"I agree. I REALLY want her to know her native language. I really hope I can learn enough to teach her a little myself. I've been looking in my area for a Mandarin speaking person to help teach me and maybe my daughter but no luck yet."

Howard: "I think I have got a wonderful lesson from you. thank a lot. in fact. I am not good at english.  but I will keep work and very hope more native english speakers join this forum."

Tbone: "Hi there:  Howard, I'm sorry I didn't write you back earlier, my bad here. I want to thank you for your warm welcome to me as a newbie here. I guess I will be posting on this site from now on. The site is neat and has a lot of valuable information. As I told Tatar, I'm planning a trip to China this year, and I'm trying to learn mandarin so I'll be bothering you from time to time asking for help, and also trying to help.  In fact I got a question for you here. I would like to know if in a chinese wedding they use the rings as we do in this part of the world? (America) And if so, if both rings (bride and groom's) have to match? Can they be different? I'm just collecting some information on chinese traditions. I really appreciate your help.

Best Regards,


floweret: "to Tbone:   
Now very popularly exchanges the rings at the wedding ceremony in china.But whether matches related with individual hobby


happy every day~"

Howard: "if both rings (bride and groom's) have to match?

->As I know. the bride choice a ring with diamond should be better. because I think the diamond will express "permanent love". certainly , The same rings for bride and groom is very romantic.


I'm just collecting some information on chinese traditions.

tradition wedding: at usual I think the tradition wedding was happended hundreds years ago. at

present,the mostly chinese wedding looks like western.

for tradition wedding, I will recommend this URL:

(a link)"

I: ""All of these examples I gave are general. The people in these states may say they are very different than another that I put in the same group with them. That is the trouble. If you are from the area, you "hear" differently than someone who is not. I don't think I have an accent at all (I'm from Ohio) but people have told me I sound "southern"."

   I understand you! just don't mind it.

 Now I will share my expirience about it:

-A Canadian told me that I have no accent. He tought that I am a NATIVE ENGLISH SPEAKER.

-A Scotch told me that I sound like German...

-An Englishman told me that I sound like Russian...

-An American told me that I sound like German or Russian

   In fact I know how sounds the hard German or Russian accent, so I do not agree, but this is what they can say, because, my sound is in their associations only in the connection with German and Russian. In fact, may be I sound more like Roumanian or Serbian, but they never met a Roumanian or a Serbian, so they can't use this associations.



"And Last- Lot's of African American people have their own accent- and almost a different language which I'm sure you have an idea on what it sounds like if you listen to U.S. black rappers. LOTS of slang. This accent or language can be heard all over the country."

   Yes, just a terrible slang - for example sometimes "MY" sounds like "MA" and "IT" sounds like "ITS". I met a "Native English speaker" from USA who's reading the sentence:

 "It is ten" like this:

"Its iz tsen"...

 I really think that it is not very "Native". Of course, I am sure that not every blackman is talking like this. Will Smith was a good example

"I hope this helped. If anyone else wants to correct me or has some additional info to add, please feel free."

  I think that no-one over here will be able to type something more. Your explanation was so good!


"I think you do very well. Just going by your typing I would give you a 80. (very good considering some native speakers I would give MUCH lower.)"

   Thank you

 "The good thing is I understand what you are "saying". Even though you may be missing a word or two or have the order mixed up a little. "

   About missing - YOU'RE RIGHT AND I HAVE TO TELL YOU THAT IT IS JUST A "TECHNICAL" ERROR - I am typing very fast, so sometimes my thinking is faster than my typing. About the "have the order mixed up a little" - it's true, because my grammar is not so good. Anyway I compensate with my rich lexical source.





1."I am not Native English speaker.

I am not A Native English speaker. "

   Yep...just because in my Native languge we do not use "a" and "an" (one) often in these cases. Thank you!

2."So, please, be frank and tell me - how do you think - is my English in some, at least, "normal" level?

I'll re-write...

So, please, be frank and tell me - WHAT do you think - is my English at least AT A "normal" level?"

   Just a technical error! I swear , I know how to put these words in the right way in a sentence:)


3."Tell us at least APPROXIMATELY how many basic dialects got people in USA - 3, 10, 20, 25?

Re-Type: Tell us APPROXIMATELY how many basic dialects DO PEOPLE HAVE in THE USA - 3, 10, 20, 25?"

  I know that in AE "got" is often instead "DO ... HAVE". How I can know when is OK to use GOT and when is OK to use "DO...HAVE"?

"If you HAD to "point" my level from 1 to 100, how many points WOULD I GET from you?"

   Yes, thank you! It is really useful for me and for all Chinese over here.



" "I think I have got a wonderful lesson from you. thank a lot. in fact. I am not good at english.  but I will keep work and very hope more native english speakers join this forum."

   I hope so too, but I hope that they'll be true, not like that one who is reading:

  "ITS IZ TSEN" (It is ten)



""I agree. I REALLY want her to know her native language."

  Yes, at least, it is useful as a second language. May be someday she will be able to find a good job, just because she can speak English and Chinese. I know a clever girl from Bulgaria. She is only 17 - years old, but she is working in a good company, because she can speak English and some Chinese.



 "I really hope I can learn enough to teach her a little myself. I've been looking in my area for a Mandarin speaking person to help teach me and maybe my daughter but no luck yet."

   Hehe, Chinese are everywhere! Be optimistic, I am sure in Ohio are living at least more than 100 Chinese and 1 of them will be glad to be a private teacher.


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Re: Sweet memories (I miss you guys! If you find this let me know!)
« Reply #5 on: January 07, 2017, 03:49:18 AM »
I'm glad we found some time to continue these sweet memories.

I think there was the 1-st time I learned 'Namaste'. 8) (from the Skyline's post):
"Hi Everyone
Namaste & Greetings !
Anyone visit Nepal? Do you need information about Nepal and tour / trekking. Please visit us and feel free to write your feedback here. I am ready to answer you all. Thanks for your time. Wish you all the best.
Skyline Team




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Re: Sweet memories (I miss you guys! If you find this let me know!)
« Reply #6 on: January 07, 2017, 04:03:41 AM »
Yes, we learned a lot there... And people learned a lot from us/from each other.

One about welcoming luffy:

"helllo everybldy here.

I am a senior student in Beijing, who love english very much.

I'd like to make friends by communicating in e or playing basketball, of courese , football is ok."

I: " Welcome, nice to meet you!


Howard: "Hi,Luffy:


Welcome to CCF.  and I like ping-pong.  :D

have fun"

zhuwu: "warmly welcome."

Redfort: "Warm welcome Luffy. Thanks for joining this forum

Howard: "Warm welcome. This is freedom forum for everybody. no racist,no politics  "

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Re: Sweet memories (I miss you guys! If you find this let me know!)
« Reply #7 on: January 07, 2017, 04:23:43 AM »
About the Chinese and American cities, etc.:

Aaron: "Hi,I'm from shanghai.My English name is Aaron.I'm a college student.And I want to improve my English.

Wish to be a good friend with you all & make CCF better together as well."

Emily_xiao: "hi Aaron! welcome! i have been shanghai for 6 monthes and in my opinion shanghai is the most beautiful city in china! what do you think? "

I: " Well, it is depends of the point of view. For example I like modern cities and I think it (Shanghai is one of the best cities in China. But for example, I do not like so large cities, so in my opinion Dalian or Shenzhen are much better in this case (they are modern, but not so large, not so populated, etc.)

 Some people like nature, so in their opinion some smalll town in Inner Mongolia, close to the grassland is the ideal place in China.

 Some people prefer tropical images. Well, for them Haikou will be much better than Shanghai.

 It depends...

 Anyway I think that China posses the best cities in the world. We can compare some of them with the USA cities (because a lot of people do think that USA is the best country in the world).

   Here you are:

 1. San Francisco (a photo)


 DALIAN (a photo)"

Aaron: "Well, I think I am of the same opinion of Tatar. Each one has his own ideal city in his mind. Shanghai is beautiful,right,but I can't use "most" to modify her.

I love shanghai, just as I love China too."

I: " Boston (a  photo)


 SHENZHEN (a photo)"


" Seattle: (a photo)

GUANGZHOU (a photo)



"Thank you!

 If you have opportunity - visit Qingdao. It is not so far from Shanghai and it is a good example for alternative type of a modern city.

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Re: Sweet memories (I miss you guys! If you find this let me know!)
« Reply #8 on: January 07, 2017, 04:45:44 AM »
There was a "tour guider/assistant/fun/interpretor" (Posted: 04/May/2006 at 23:25)  bingjieya: "Hey,

this is sandy form shenzhen, I am an English tour guider/assistant/fun/interperter for shenzhen,shanghai,guangzhou about 3 years.Basically ,I know thus city too much.By my experience ,i hope can be your more great useful.

My character: My mind is open,easy-going,understanding,honest to friends.passionate and sense of humorChinese girl. I have a sunshine smile,Cause ,i like bring happiness for people.
I love english,nice food,trip,sports.dog.this is my hobby.

Should you need such this help,pls contact me by mail or MSN:
Code: [Select]
Hear from you soon,

sandy "

And Howard answered her: "Hi,bingjieya:

welcome to CCF. but I found that you post the same topic repeatedly.  please don't do that again.  warmly welcome and happy days"



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Re: Sweet memories (I miss you guys! If you find this let me know!)
« Reply #9 on: January 07, 2017, 04:58:21 AM »
THE_WOLF_GOD: "hi im new i look forward to learning chinese culture here its a great site

Howard (about the Ancient Egyptian picture): "thanks and welcome

and I like your signature image."

coco: "it should be ancient image from Egypt. right?

welcome aboard CCF. enjoy"


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Re: Sweet memories (I miss you guys! If you find this let me know!)
« Reply #10 on: January 07, 2017, 05:06:11 AM »
The 100-th member was xiezhixin. Howard was glad:

"We have 100 Forum Members
The Newest Forum Member is xiezhixin" and "welcome xiezhixin."

csname: "so lucky!"

Stephanie: "(applauds)"

Howard: "welcome aboard. csname."

master_fx: " welcome....... hope u enjoy! "



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