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Author Topic: Disgusting truth about empeopled.com: lies, hostility, etc. (from admin + mods)  (Read 2205 times)

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The disgusting truth about empeopled.com

 At last (after months of hard work) I'm ready with the true story about empeopled.com and its lies, hostility, innuendo!

Admin who lies, hostile mods and some terrible users

 This is here to show you the lies of the admin, the hostility of some of the mods (moderators) and some terrible users (like the one from Holland, who stole content from seo-forum-seo-luntan.com!).
 I keep some screenshots in my PC in China, in order to have proofs, if empeopled.com deletes some of the posts. I think about everything.
 I'm happy to re-post my content over here, in seo-forum-seo-luntan.com (the leading international omnilogic website forum), because that website (empeopled.com) doesn't deserve any of our content at all!!!

Tl;dr or in a nutshell

Because some of the netizens (users; readers) are busy and/or lazy, they need a summary, so I'll make it short (I'll summarize it for all of them) in this way:
 Avoid empeopled.com, because some of the mods and some of the users are hostile and even one is able to steal content from your website! Also the admin is not taking measures about it, he is a part of the problem and he is posting lies; innuendo! Yes, it's true!!!
 Now you can read concretely about the problem (the problems) and, if you have some questions or doubts, let us know, we will do our best to answer and to proof more about it!
                                                 * * *


Don't participate in empeopled.com -- bad admin, lies, double standards, a lot of mean downvotes etc.

 We strongly recommend you to avoid and not to join empeopled.com, because of its bad admin Aris, bad moderation and some haters (including spamophobics over there); because of the lies, innuendoes, double standards, etc.! Now, if you want, read about my short story in empeopled.com:

 ANOTHER RESUME: A few users started to doubt about me, one of them provocated me with insults (after I told him not to steal content from other websites and post in his website without credit), I reported him, but at the end the admin Aris ban me with false reasons (lies) about me.

At the beginning I had some hope about that empeopled.com

and I joined it with my real name (which shows that I wanted to trust them and to get some trust back, but I was wrong).


The first problem

came in the empeopled.com's AmA (it means "Ask me anything"). I posted there this:
Almost 12 years living in China. A scientist (philosopher-anthropologist) from Europe. Ask me.

Posted by georgi
in AmA · Oct 2

9 Share

Well, as I promise, I'll make an Ama of mine here. :) So, I'm an European scientist (a philosopher-anthropologist) and I live in China (the PRC) from 2004. I'm almost 40 years old and I'm a part of the omnilogy (it means "about all the info and science", not the religion meaning) website (which is http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com ) and I have 10+ other websites, but they're not so popular, that's why I don't want to mention them.
I'm an atheist (or, at least, a skeptic), I'm against the racism and other forms of discrimination, a pacifist.
You may ask me many normal questions and probably I will answer you, these days. :)
After this HeroOfCanton from empeopled.com says that he is really confused. According to him that website I've linked a few times appears to be "a search engine optimisation forum", not anything to do with a religion or philosophy. :o :o :o (Can you imagine?! I didn't say it's about religion and he got it so wrong -- he expects it to be about religion... and he thinks it's only about search engine optimization) and he asked me to explain that.
 I explained well and very politely:
No problem, I'll explain. There is only 1 single section about the 'real' SEO (as "search engine optimization"). Everything else is about S = science, E = education, O = omnilogy. If you scroll to the end you will see many psychology, philosophy, exobiology, food, photography, Internet, Social network etc. topics. About the religion -- nothing to do with that, you're right. About the philosophy - a lot :) In English and some other languages.
This wasn't enough... He wanted more: he said he'd like me to explain "in a bit more detail" He thinks that in the "SEO forum" (he can't make difference between a forum and forum's sections/boards) "all the links are about search engine optimisation". In the "SEO Social Network forum" (which is so clear "Social network | SEO - Social network
") he thinks that the top two sticked posts are also about "search engine optimisation tactics and exchanges". The SEO Directory forum (which is so clear "Directory | SEO directory") he thinks it is for "swapping links/sites", as far as he can tell, and is "solely about search engine optimisation as well". Then, the "first forum, Earn Money, in the Internet forum" (such a mess, isn't it? He can't make any difference between forum, boards/sections) he thinks it is also about "ways to make money" (Oh, at last something true!) and "optimise things on the 'net", so... AGAIN "also related to search engine optimisation and associated things". The Alexa forum (you know already that in our forum everything is just "a forum" :-\ :-\) is all about Alexa page ranks, so "again, still about SEO stuff" (He has no idea Alexa.com is a website, which is popular and which is used by people, who have nothing to do with SEO at all!). "The PageRank forum is about, well, page ranks" (Smart, isn't it?)... The Chinese and Russian forums he can't read (and he missed a very big Bulgarian one, but... who cares?)... According to his 'math' "Of the ten categories there, two of them I can't ascertain (Chinese and Russian), and one is questionable ('Non-SEO Knowlege'), but the other seven are all about search engine optimisation and page ranking."... He even didn't spend a little time to count how many Non-SEO topics we have got!!! Take a look what he missed: Stars, Love, Electronics, Health, Homes..., Plants, Animals, Drinks, Psychology, Food, Paranormal, UFO, Other topics and a VERY BIG Other languages (most of it -- in Bulgarian, it's the biggest one currently!)
 At the end he concludes that he'll be honest - this makes him uncomfortable (CAN YOU IMAGINE? This is what I call SEOphobic and spamophobic!), given that I've linked to that forum a few times already, and keep framing it as a site that's not dedicated to SEO things (he didn't get it, that in our case it means also S = Science, E = Education, O = omnilogy), and it appears to be "entirely the opposite"... And he asked me can I elaborate some...

I tried to keep the polite conversation and I spent more time and labor to explain it like this:

· Oct 2

Of course, I'm glad to explain more. There is only one SEO section, as you mentioned and the rest of the omnilogy forum is non-SEO, i.e. it's purely about food, philosophy, photography, etc. The Social Network is about everything that people think it is important. The 2 sticked posts:
a) explains that you may share there your links (as you do in FB, for example or here).
b) explains that we're open for cooperation with other forums or blogs -- we participate in there forum/blog and vice verse.
All this is social and helpful, it's not about search engine optimization.
The Directory is just a normal directory (also there is a similar section Free Ads), where people are welcome to submit their links (it's to prevent spam and to give them opportunity to feel good, when they need to do this.) I know many directories and free ads websites, that are not necessary related to search engine optimization, so in our case it's the same.
Earn money is about earn money ONLINE. Yes, we're mostly poor people (from poor European country and from China), so we used to share some knowledge about the HONEST and DECENT ways to earn money online. It's not necessarily related to the search engine optimization, as well.
Alexa is about Alexa.com. It's a site that use many people around the world -- not only the webmasters. It's interesting and informative and we have some fans around. I know people who use Alexa.com, but never heard about search engine optimization.
About the non-SEO knowledge I disagree A LOT -- how it is just no point or content?!?!?!?!?! We post there well cooked home-made food, our unique photos from China, etc. It's so sad to hear that someone can say it's pointless :(
I'll be honest, too -- I left many other sites, because of the spamophobics and SEOphobics. If here the situation is the same, I'll leave it, too.
After that he posted that he thanks for the longer explanation and he hopes I don't think he's being disrespectful, but a lot of the things I've said just "don't ring true" (I don't know what I have to explain more clearly about so obvious facts, in order to make "ring" true to him).
 He insisted that "every forum on that site" (i.e. every forum in the forum ::) ::) ::)) "deals with search engine optimisation, sharing page links, or sites related to page ranking, apart from the Non-SEO Knowledge forum (and even that one is clearly designed to pick up keywords and phrases - they're even in bold!)" (Here I understood he is a spamophobic and SEOphobic, because he sounds like someone with schizophrenia delusions -- no matter what you explain and what you prove, he is not going to change his mind!). He claims that he went through them all and checked and saying "they don't is disingenuous" (I even don't know what does it means; my English is still not perfect, sorry for that!). He'd much rather me were "up-front and honest" about that rather, than "trying to play them off as other things".
 This already made me angry and I decided to be very straight with him:

· Oct 2

Totally disagree that every forum (?!) /probably you mean every board/ in our forum deals with the search engine optimization. Tell me how for example the FOOD is related to it?! Or the PHILOSOPHY? Or, or, or... if you need, I will give you at least 20 examples, but it's not the point.
Bold, italics and underline are common. You also used italics right now, so what?
Pick up the keywords? Did you even try to see the keywords? Do you know how? Let me help you:
Right click, the source code and you may see:
"<meta name="keywords" content="SEO, Search Engines Optimization, CEO, Alexa, СЕО, Google, суши, sushi, 中文, 英语课, Learn Chinese, Health, UFO, Psychology, Philosophy, Love, Paranormal" />"
As you can notice only 1 or 2 are related to the SEO. I will translate to you the Russian -- it's SUSHI (a food) and I will translate you the Chinese: CHINESE LANGUAGE and CHINESE LESSONS. Do you realize how wrong you are now and how you make me feel bad? You are practically calling me a liar!
I swear in the bones of my dead mother and in my own health, that it's NOT designed specifically around the SEO for websites!!! There is only one SEO board! ONE AND ONLY! We're not dealing with SEO so much!
THE LAST 2 PROOFS and if you still think I'm a liar, I think I should leave empeopled.com:

NUMBER ONE: Here very clear and officially is explained the essence of the website: http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/social-network-seo-social-network/seo-and-non-seo-%28science-education-omnilogy%29-forum/

NUMBER TWO: Here many of the people explained to a person, who needs SEO, that we can't help: http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/seo/i-need-an-seo-professional/
After all this, I hope you will understand how much you hurt me and, I know for many of you is hard to say even a "sorry", but if you can't, at least stop implicate that I'm not honest. Please.

If you want to see all of this thread OF MINE over there, I'll quote it from empeopled.com/p/67919:
Almost 12 years living in China. A scientist (philosopher-anthropologist) from Europe. Ask me.
Posted by georgi 1 in AmA · Oct 2
 9   Share
Well, as I promise, I'll make an Ama of mine here. :) So, I'm an European scientist (a philosopher-anthropologist) and I live in China (the PRC) from 2004. I'm almost 40 years old and I'm a part of the omnilogy (it means "about all the info and science", not the religion meaning) website (which is http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com ) and I have 10+ other websites, but they're not so popular, that's why I don't want to mention them.
I'm an atheist (or, at least, a skeptic), I'm against the racism and other forms of discrimination, a pacifist.
You may ask me many normal questions and probably I will answer you, these days. :)

I think more people should do AmA's, AMA.
I'm one of the founders of Empeopled, AmA
I am Chris Kluwe, AMA
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Top / Newest
  HeroOfCanton  6 · Oct 2
Yeeah, I'm really confused, chap. That website you've linked a few times appears to be a search engine optimisation forum, not anything to do with a religion or philosophy. Can you explain that please?
 5  reply
  VeryYes 5 · Oct 2
It also has some topics not relating to SEO, but it seems a very odd and uncomfortable mix of things that don't really mix.
 2  reply
  georgi 1 · Oct 2
Yes, it's a mix of everything. It's supposed to be omnilogy, i.e. about everything that we can learn. (Of course it's not possible at 100%, but we're trying).
 0  reply
  VeryYes 5 · Oct 2
Sorry mate, I still think you're spreading the link around any chance you get because it is MOSTLY about Search Engine Optimization. The 'other' content looks a lot like the kind of spammy comments and articles people use to manipulate their search engine ranking.
 2  reply
  georgi 1 · Oct 2
I posted already a question about the link rules here and I'll see the answer. You can check all my activity till now -- compare how many posts I made WITHOUT ANY LINK and you'll realize that your accusation is wrong. Also you're wrong about the content of the site in question, it's MOSTLY about non-search engine optimization. The other content is mostly posted by me and my relatives, so I know it's not spammy at all (you may check the meaning of the spam, for example here: http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definiti...). If you think that some posts in a forum are enough to manipulate the search engine ranking, you're very far away from the matter of the SEO (I'm not a top expert, as well, but just to inform you that it's not enough at all.)
 0  reply
  VeryYes 5 · Oct 2
If there's no point, then why would you post the link at all?
 3  reply
  georgi 1 · Oct 3
I'm honest and I answered in another thread, but if you didn't read there, I will answer you here, too, because I do respect you: when I participate in some forum, social network, etc., I believe in the win-win participation, which is -- I contribute to them with my content (posts, opinions) and some interesting links (which make good discussion, i.e. generate more content for the website), BUT also I post some of my links from time to time, according to the rules (which is useful for us, because we can get some visitors and earn some small amount of money like a few cents per day). I think this is very good and beneficial for both sides.
 1  reply
  VeryYes 5 · Oct 3
The rules are clear about that: self promotion goes in /t/promote_yourself!, any affiliate interests (such as making money from it) have to be disclosed in the post, and if people think you are getting too spammy they will report your posts. Please stick to the rules.
 1  reply
  georgi 1 · Oct 2
No problem, I'll explain. There is only 1 single section about the 'real' SEO (as "search engine optimization"). Everything else is about S = science, E = education, O = omnilogy. If you scroll to the end you will see many psychology, philosophy, exobiology, food, photography, Internet, Social network etc. topics. About the religion -- nothing to do with that, you're right. About the philosophy - a lot :) In English and some other languages.
 -2  reply
  HeroOfCanton  6 · Oct 2
Okay, I'd like you to explain in a bit more detail please.

In the SEO forum, all the links are about search engine optimisation. In the SEO Social Network forum, the top two sticked posts are also about search engine optimisation tactics and exchanges. The SEO Directory forum is for swapping links/sites, as far as I can tell, and is solely about search engine optimisation as well. The first forum, Earn Money, in the Internet forum is also about ways to make money and optimise things on the 'net, so also related to search engine optimisation and associated things. The Alexa forum is all about Alexa page ranks, so, again, still about SEO stuff. The PageRank forum is about, well, page ranks.

The Chinese and Russian forums I can't read.

The Non-SEO Knowledge topic has lots of posts that appear to have no point or content whatsoever other than to mention certain things, which smacks of SEO tactics to me.

Of the ten categories there, two of them I can't ascertain (Chinese and Russian), and one is questionable ('Non-SEO Knowlege'), but the other seven are all about search engine optimisation and page ranking.

I'll be honest - this makes me uncomfortable, given that you've linked to that forum a few times already, and keep framing it as a site that's not dedicated to SEO things, when it appears to be entirely the opposite. Can you elaborate some please?
 6  reply
  georgi 1 · Oct 2
Of course, I'm glad to explain more. There is only one SEO section, as you mentioned and the rest of the omnilogy forum is non-SEO, i.e. it's purely about food, philosophy, photography, etc. The Social Network is about everything that people think it is important. The 2 sticked posts:
a) explains that you may share there your links (as you do in FB, for example or here).
b) explains that we're open for cooperation with other forums or blogs -- we participate in there forum/blog and vice verse.
All this is social and helpful, it's not about search engine optimization.
The Directory is just a normal directory (also there is a similar section Free Ads), where people are welcome to submit their links (it's to prevent spam and to give them opportunity to feel good, when they need to do this.) I know many directories and free ads websites, that are not necessary related to search engine optimization, so in our case it's the same.
Earn money is about earn money ONLINE. Yes, we're mostly poor people (from poor European country and from China), so we used to share some knowledge about the HONEST and DECENT ways to earn money online. It's not necessarily related to the search engine optimization, as well.
Alexa is about Alexa.com. It's a site that use many people around the world -- not only the webmasters. It's interesting and informative and we have some fans around. I know people who use Alexa.com, but never heard about search engine optimization.
About the non-SEO knowledge I disagree A LOT -- how it is just no point or content?!?!?!?!?! We post there well cooked home-made food, our unique photos from China, etc. It's so sad to hear that someone can say it's pointless :(
I'll be honest, too -- I left many other sites, because of the spamophobics and SEOphobics. If here the situation is the same, I'll leave it, too.
 0  reply
  HeroOfCanton  6 · Oct 2
Thanks for the longer explanation. I hope you don't think I'm being disrespectful, but a lot of the things you've said just don't ring true. As I've already detailed in my previous post, every forum on that site deals with search engine optimisation, sharing page links, or sites related to page ranking, apart from the Non-SEO Knowledge forum (and even that one is clearly designed to pick up keywords and phrases - they're even in bold!). I went through them all and checked. Saying they don't is disingenuous. I'd much rather you were up-front and honest about that rather than trying to play them off as other things.

Look, we aren't naive - we recognise a forum (and an internet posting history) designed specifically around search engine optimisation for websites. You even asked a question specifically around how many times you could post that link (or your own personal links). Posting that link in the Promote Yourself topic isn't against the community guidelines, so there's really no need to hide the fact or try and be sneaky about it.

Anyway. Enjoy the rest of this great and friendly community! :) I'm looking forward to reading some interesting posts!
 2  reply
  georgi 1 · Oct 2
Totally disagree that every forum (?!) /probably you mean every board/ in our forum deals with the search engine optimization. Tell me how for example the FOOD is related to it?! Or the PHILOSOPHY? Or, or, or... if you need, I will give you at least 20 examples, but it's not the point.
Bold, italics and underline are common. You also used italics right now, so what?
Pick up the keywords? Did you even try to see the keywords? Do you know how? Let me help you:
Right click, the source code and you may see:
"<meta name="keywords" content="SEO, Search Engines Optimization, CEO, Alexa, СЕО, Google, суши, sushi, 中文, 英语课, Learn Chinese, Health, UFO, Psychology, Philosophy, Love, Paranormal" />"
As you can notice only 1 or 2 are related to the SEO. I will translate to you the Russian -- it's SUSHI (a food) and I will translate you the Chinese: CHINESE LANGUAGE and CHINESE LESSONS. Do you realize how wrong you are now and how you make me feel bad? You are practically calling me a liar!
I swear in the bones of my dead mother and in my own health, that it's NOT designed specifically around the SEO for websites!!! There is only one SEO board! ONE AND ONLY! We're not dealing with SEO so much!
THE LAST 2 PROOFS and if you still think I'm a liar, I think I should leave empeopled.com:

NUMBER ONE: Here very clear and officially is explained the essence of the website: http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/social-n...

NUMBER TWO: Here many of the people explained to a person, who needs SEO, that we can't help: http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/seo...

After all this, I hope you will understand how much you hurt me and, I know for many of you is hard to say even a "sorry", but if you can't, at least stop implicate that I'm not honest. Please.
 -1  reply
  jackripper 4 · Oct 2
"You may ask me many normal questions and probably I will answer you"

When did you lose your virginity and to whom?
(only asking this question because of ^)
 4  reply
  georgi 1 · Oct 2
You can ask me anything and I can choose to answer or not. :P
I was almost 19 and she was an elder colleague (from my university).
 3  reply
  jackripper 4 · Oct 2
Haha I didnt expect you to answer that, well at all..
 4  reply
  georgi 1 · Oct 2
I think it was a normal question. :)))))))))
 0  reply
  FormerComrade 1 · Oct 2
Do you miss Europe/home? If so, how do you cope with it? Do you go back for vacations?
 2  reply
  georgi 1 · Oct 2
No. I'm from one of the poorest European countries, full of social (and not only) problems. I miss some places, streets, people, but not the country itself. That's why I don't go back. (The plane tickets are pretty expensive to us, too. And I'm not a fan of the train travels.)
 1  reply
  FormerComrade 1 · Oct 2
That's interesting because I can't wait for the moment when I get to go back for a while even though it's far from perfect but I can see why would someone prefer to stay away really
 2  reply
  georgi 1 · Oct 2
Probably depends of the level of the disappointment. Let's say in my perception that country is something like the countries with the war situation like the present Syria -- there is not war, but many other problems, so I feel much better in China.
 1  reply
  FormerComrade 1 · Oct 2
Yea I get it. I mean as long as you're happy where you are :) ..I hope you are happy otherwise this is just kinda mean :D
 3  reply
  idi0tf0wl 1 · Oct 2
 2  reply
  georgi 1 · Oct 2
在一个南方的城市。:) 是啊。只有2次去澳门了,但是它已经是中国的,所以,100%一直在这儿。是的,她是。
 0  reply
  idi0tf0wl 1 · Oct 2

 2  reply
  georgi 1 · Oct 2
 0  reply
  idi0tf0wl 1 · Oct 2

 2  reply
  georgi 1 · Oct 2
 0  reply
  Dino 4 · Oct 2
What are some "pop culture" aspects of the chinese?
 1  reply
  georgi 1 · Oct 2
As usual -- some singers, bands, actors. Nothing different.
 1  reply


The second problem

The 2nd problem came from a bad person nicknamed Very_Yes in empeopled.com (he is the creator of the 3rd problem, too, and you may learn about it later.)
 He started with the post that our website also has some topics not relating to SEO, but it seems a very odd and uncomfortable mix of things that don't really mix. ::) I don't see the things in this way, so I answered him that:
· Oct 2

Yes, it's a mix of everything. It's supposed to be omnilogy, i.e. about everything that we can learn. (Of course it's not possible at 100%, but we're trying).
It wasn't enough for this bad person (later you will see why he is really bad) and he continued with that he still thinks we're spreading the link around any chance we get, because it is "MOSTLY about Search Engine Optimization". His conclusion was that the "'other' content looks a lot like the kind of spammy comments and articles people use to manipulate their search engine ranking."
 I understood he has no idea about the SEO as "Search Engine Optimization", nor about SEO as "Science-Education-Omnilogy" and I answered him soon that
· Oct 2

I posted already a question about the link rules here and I'll see the answer. You can check all my activity till now -- compare how many posts I made WITHOUT ANY LINK and you'll realize that your accusation is wrong. Also you're wrong about the content of the site in question, it's MOSTLY about non-search engine optimization. The other content is mostly posted by me and my relatives, so I know it's not spammy at all (you may check the meaning of the spam, for example here: http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/spam). If you think that some posts in a forum are enough to manipulate the search engine ranking, you're very far away from the matter of the SEO (I'm not a top expert, as well, but just to inform you that it's not enough at all.)

 I think it's enough for every average normal and thinking person, but no. He posted again the question: "If there's no point, then why would I post the link at all?"

 I decided to answer it, too, so I answered:
· Oct 3

I'm honest and I answered in another thread, but if you didn't read there, I will answer you here, too, because I do respect you: when I participate in some forum, social network, etc., I believe in the win-win participation, which is -- I contribute to them with my content (posts, opinions) and some interesting links (which make good discussion, i.e. generate more content for the website), BUT also I post some of my links from time to time, according to the rules (which is useful for us, because we can get some visitors and earn some small amount of money like a few cents per day). I think this is very good and beneficial for both sides.

 Meanwhile, because I saw there are SEOphobic and/or spamophobic attituted, I posted a question about the % of the links we may post there, I asked also their admin, but I didn't receive answer.


That's not all. You may learn more now!


 The third problem came from the same Very_Yes bad person I mentioned above. He copy-pasted content (a post) from our website to his website in a special 'SEO' subdomain. He used this to joke like: "Empeopled Topic Directory, now with added SEO! Please click so I can retire!" I sent him:
"If you copy content from another website, you should at least show the source, give it credit, put some link to them. It's a normal Internet etiquette." He answered that "with spam that's kind of difficult" and I explained him well that
"It's not. You copy it from a certain website and it has a certain author there. So, you can input a link to that site or just give it a credit (point to the source). Otherwise some website owners are able to report you to Google for stealing content (duplicated content) -- you can read about it here: http://global.bing.com/search?q=report+duplicate+content+to+Google&go=%E6%8F%90%E4%BA%A4&qs=n&pq=report+duplicate+content+to+google&sc=0-16&sp=-1&sk=&cvid=48c38f0b116340aea0c0724123d3d9a8&setmkt=en-us&setlang=en-us&FORM=SECNEN or some of them even may take it to the court (lawsuit).
Maybe you're a young person and you don't know these things, so I keep you informed."
 His disrespectful, hostile and idiotic answer was:
"I don't think a spam monger like yourself has any fucking business lecturing anyone on 'internet etiquette' but I appreciate the irony. And don't deny you're a creator of spam; I still have that unsolicited PM you sent me, offering to write 100 posts for me for 2 dollars.
 Don't contact me with unsolicited services and don't contact me with unsolicited advice. If I wanted to interact with patronising little toads like yourself I would have kept on using reddit."
 I answered him: "georgi
· Oct 5

1. I'm not a spammer!
2. I was naive to think you really need money and I wanted to help you! It's NOT spam!!! It was a SINGLE and CONCRETE offer to YOU and ONLY YOU!

Then, I sent a report about that he broke the rule "Respect one another" ("Strong disagreement is fine but don't berate, insult, or slur"). Then I posted a question/report in the so called "Empeopled Courd". And here comes the next problem:

The censorship as a third problem.

DaeNight from empeopled.com censored (deleted) my report about the terrible behavior of Very_Yes with the lie that I made "Witch hunting".
 This was my report in the "Empeopled Court" (titled
I received insults and rude words from the user Very_Yes): "I saw he (some person nicknamed "Very_Yes" here) is copy-pasting to his website an article and I friendly advised him to keep the Internet etiquette and to give credit to the source. Instead of "Thank you, I'll do it.", the rude person sent me rudeness, insults and lies: "spam monger", "fucking business", "creator of spam", "patronising little toad"!
 I submitted a report via the report post. Is it enough or I have to contact to the admin as well?
 Let's now see something, which contains funny, absurd and double standard elements:

Stardust from empeopled.com said that it seems we are having quite a misunderstanding here. Then started to talk about the rules. About "No Spam
Thoughtful, contextual self-promotion is fine, spam isn't. Moderator judgement applies." he or she thinks that the way that he or she reads this is if the discussion is thoughtful, and it stays within Empeopled.com, then it is allowed. To encourage discussion on Empeopled.com, it is best to link to reputable sources. (I DON'T KNOW WHY OUR SCIENTIFIC WEBSITE ISN'T REPUTABLE FOR THEM.) He or she also things that it is also best to post certain things on Empeopled.com. AND HERE COMES SOMETHING VERY IRRATIONAL AND SELFISH: "For example, if you are posting a photo you took, I would encourage you post it to Empeopled and not your personal website which generates money." LOL! CAN YOU IMAGINE IT? MY ORIGINAL PHOTO TO BE POSTED THERE, FOR FREE, INSTED TO GENERATE SOME MONEY FOR ME? WHY, THE HELL, I CAN'T SHARE THE PHOTO + TO EARN SOME MONEY?! WHY I HAVE TO CONTRIBUTE MY PHOTO FOR FREE?! WHY I SHOULD BE THAT STUPID?!!!

Another similar opinion of Stardust is about the
"Disclosure of Affiliate Interests". He or she thinks in this way:
"If you are linking to something that might generate an affiliate sale for you, this must be disclosed. For example, when linking to fitness gear on amazon using an affiliate link, I should make it clear that the link will generate affiliate revenue for me.
This applies to your website and this may be why you are having a hard time understanding why people are upset. If you are generating money, or generating traffic, or ad revenue, this applies. You must disclose that this is happening and you must post in the appropriate topic (Promote Yourself)." WOW, IT'S SO IMPORTANT THAT SOME PEOPLE WILL (MAYBE) VISIT THE SITE AND (MAYBE) WE'LL EARN SOME CENT! Speechless...

Another big joke of Stardust is about the
"Respect one another" (which is a very good rule, by the way, but the jerks over there doesn't want to keep it):
"Strong disagreement is fine but don't berate, insult, or slur
This not only applies to other users, but to you as well. I understand you are upset but please try to contain your anger and refrain from calling other people names, and attacking others. @Dino and @VeryYes are just asking questions as they care very deeply for the website and it would be a shame for them to feel discouraged because there is a misunderstanding going on."
WHAT A DOUBLE STANDARD, ISN'T IT?! HE/SHE CAN'T SEE THEIR TROLLING AND INSULTS, BUT THINKS THAT WHEN I PROTECT MYSELF THEN IT'S THE PROBLEM. BLIND MIND! Or maybe the right English word is mind-blindness for this case? See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mind-blindness

And the last of his/her funny answer: "So, I understand you want to generate traffic to your website, but so far, it has not been in a productive manner. It also has not been in a manner that abides by the website's rules.
Feel free to continue to engage in discussion within Empeopled but please follow the rules from now on. We are happy to have you if you are willing to engage in productive conversation." (MY COMMENT: It's not productive, because you're full of double standards, aggression, trolling and lies. Also, because your traffic is less and less and I can't expect to get some good traffic from you.
 Your rules are something that you hardly keep them and even your admin can't make a simple spam definition!
 Productive conversations with people like many of you over there is simply impossible, because you're not good.

Dino in empeopled.com answered there first that Very_Yes is one of their most valuable resources. "Please stop this."  He himself welcomed me with open arms and encouraged me to do an AMA as well as gave me the link to it. He thinks that I have called one of their mods a "spamophobe" and I'm "bent on wanting to spam this site". "Please stop." And also he asked me am I sending PM's asking people here to write posts in return for money?

I'll answer here to it: 1. No matter how 'valuable resource' is that 'Very_Yes', it's not right to steal content from other websites and to repost it in his website without any credit (like mention the source and/or link to it), and to insult.
2. I can't allow insults, lies and so on against me, just because you don't mind it and your goal is I to stay calm and to be a pussy. No, thank you!
3. No one is spamming. You failed to provide any definition of 'spam'.
4. I sent only one PM like this, because I wanted to be good and helpful. Is it a problem?
5. Yes, I met a spamophobic there. A fact.

My original answer (obviously not there anymore, because "Removed by DaeNight:

Moderated for defamation."...) was:

1. NO, it was ONLY once, when I sent this to Very_Yes, who I think asked about it and I was too naive to think the boy needs some help -- we're poor, but we were ready to find him some job like this, because we know people, who need it.   

2. He sent me rudeness, insults and lies. I CAN'T STOP! I am insulted! And I REPORT IT HERE AND NOW.

3. I didn't call mods 'spamophobe'. Read carefully and you'll see it's not this!

4. NO, I'm asking about the rules for the own links. Now I'm waiting an answer from the admin about how many links as % to own site we may post.

 After this he quoted me with my "I already met a spamophobic here and I'd like to know earlier about this:
HOW OFTEN or HOW MANY as a percentage link to own sites we may submit in empeopled.com? For example -- if I submit 60% links to CNN, Wikipedia, Xinhua and other not mine websites, may I submit other 40% to websites that I own or I'm related to?
I need some clear rule here that I promise to keep well and to point to that rule, when the haters, spamophobics, spamfighters and mental disordered people start to attack me.
" and added that this was my submitted post response to the people of empeopled (one of which is a mod) asking me questions about a link I were posting. The funny part is that the link is 'questionable' as 'it is more of a search engine designed to generate traffic rather than promote a discussion which is 99.99% of what we do here.' (No need to explain again that every link may promote discussion, no matter how well SEO or non-SEO it is. And no need to explain how spamophobe and annoying were their questions, which were really a witch hunt.) And then that if you are posting links to generate traffic as to result in the form of profit then those links should be posted in 'Promote Yourself' (which is bringing almost nothing, especially now, when empeopled.com lacks of visitors more and more, as I mentioned already).
 My answer there to all this was short: " georgi 1 · Oct 5
"Spamophobic", not "spamophobe", i.e. spamophobic user (ADJECTIVE, not NOUN)
"A spamophobic", i.e. SINGULAR, ONLY ONE, not everyone.
Now you realize how wrong you are?
 1  reply"

Selketo from empeopled.com said "let it go" and to follow the rules, and to be part of the community or see myself out.

My answer: I'm receiving the insults and rude words from Very_Yes and others; I'm not receiving any definition of 'spam' from the admin and lies, and you see the problem only as "I + following the rules"?! Stupid, isn't it!

VeryYes (the impudent insulter, who even stole some content without credit as I mentioned already) posted a screenshot of my PM and explained with "I received this, so yes."

I answered him, but it was removed by DaeNight with the note "Do not insult."
Let's see that 'insult'. I keep a screenshot, so I can retype my answer easily now:
"So what?!?!?! YOU ASKED ABOUT THE PRICE and I know people, who may help about it (including me, when I have free time). IT WAS A SINGLE, GENTLE, HUMAN SUGGESTION from a person, who thinks you need help to earn some money via posting OR to get some posts in your projects. WE ARE POOR, BUT NOT GREEDY and we were ready to help you!!!
And what you did to me (and to people who work with me -- my wife, my father, etc.)? You're creating INNUENDO,
that we're spammers, you're sending rude words and what do you expect? Just to stay calm and not report you? NO,

As you see a very normal response, without any insults, but the censorship and the double standards in empeopled.com[] are strong enough.

 After this the rude, impudent and amoral person nicknamed 'Very_Yes' answered me "Don't lie, georgi." He states that he did not ask me anything. He 'jokingly' replied to some friend's comment and asked how much he was going to charge for his posts, after he 'jokingly' threatened to start charging for the posts he made... I was not part of that conversation, and the comment was not addressed to me.

ANSWERING HERE: Am I supposed to expect idiotic jokes, when it comes to normal and human participation?! And even so, isn't it more normal this person, anyway, to explain it normally and to be glad (and thankful) that someone is ready to provide him some help about earning money? Yes, but for the normal people, not for the abnormal ones like him.

Chaos_Theory in empeopled.com posted that if I'm an AI, and this is some form of Turing test, "please report a failure and leave us be."

ANSWER: I think people like you are a failure, because you have no heart and you even don't want to use your brain.

jackripper continued the trolling of that nicknamed 'Chaos_Theory' with that perhaps the bot has gone haywire, started using one year old speech patterns and four year old words and temper tantrums.

ANSWER: It's a stupid joke... or you're just stupid. It's obvious I'm not a bot. It's obvious that after so much injustice, a normal person will be angry, sad, etc. negative feelings. As a non-native speaker I use speech patterns, that I learned in school, online and via communication offline. I don't think my speech patterns are 'one year old' and I'm not sure, if someone with your IQ is able to date them or the words.

Binerexis in empeopled.com saw a contradiction in my 2 sentences and quoted them: "YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO BE RUDE, TO INSULT" and "AND TO BEHAVE LIKE AN IDIOT!!!". His comment is:
"So wait, you say that no one has a right to be rude or insulting and then you go ahead and insult someone. That's hypocrisy.

Sort yourself out."

ANSWER: There is no contradiction. Do you know why? Because 'behave LIKE AN idiot' is an objective description of that behavior. It's not an insult and it's not meant to be. So, there is not hypocrisy in my case. If you try to read my previous posts there (and everywhere), you will see that my approach is to be polite and gentle at the beginning and later I keep this, as long as there are no rude, dishonest and other people. In your place there are dishonest, rude and impudent people. A fact.

 I was friendly and with good intentions. I know that some people are more likely to interpret their own actions as well intended, than they would if judging the actions of others. But you see and you'll understand, that I was full of good will, good intentions and friendliness:

What are your basic, but true information and advises about Empeopled.com (to a newbie)?

Posted by georgi
in AskEmpeopled · Oct 1

194 Share

Hello! I'm a scientist and I'm middle aged, but I'm a 100% newbie in your community (I learned about it today). So, what are your honest advises and your basic info about it? What I should avoid here and what I should never miss? Give me some short, but valuable resumes. Thanks, in advance!
Glad to be here!!! :)"

M2 from empeopled.com answered me that he just been himself/herself and participating in discussions where he/she can. His/her advice was not to be afraid to join into a comment chain with my own input; to post interesting things about myself, to try new things; to check out all the topics I think I'd enjoy being a part of, and of course, to have fun with it! (I TRIED IT ALL, BUT THE RESULT WASN'T GOOD, AS YOU CAN SEE!) He/she thinks that the empeopled.com's community is probably the most chill, friendly, and welcoming one he/she has ever seen on the Internet, ever. (BUT I GOT EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE IMPRESSION!) He/she posted that, in other words, I shouldn't worry about any specific things and just not to be a jerk to others. (WELL, IT WASN'T TRUE -- PEOPLE SHOULD WORRY ABOUT MANY THINGS THERE -- DOUBLE STANDARD, HOSTILITY, DISTRUST, DISRESPECT, ETC.)

 I answered him/her "Sounds pretty good! Thanks for the answer!". (Yes, it just sounds pretty good. The reality isn't good.)

 Cedara from empeopled.com says that she is middle aged too, but no where near a scientist. She added that there are a few topics I might enjoy in science topics. She says just to be nice to everyone, and everyone will be nice to me! (IT IS NOT TRUE! I WAS NICE AND YOU SEE WHAT I GOT?). She says they are more like a family there; some of them are related in real life (DaeNight from empeopled.com is her son, and he's also currently a moderator (ONE OF THE WORST MODERATORS I EVER MET!), Thindis from empeopled.com is her another son, and ItsaBugsLife from empeopled.com is her daughter).
 She posted that really everyone there acts like family at one point or another, though without the fighting. (AND I DON'T THINK SO.) She added that she hopes I'll enjoy my time there, and feel free to ask any questions I have to any of them, and they love newbies and love to be helpful! (I THINK THAT IT'S A JOKE ALREADY.)

 I answered (that time full of hope): "You're like a real family. I like it. Especially after my bad experience in another social network, where many people are like a real enemies. :)
Thank you for your detailed information! All this is good to know!"

 Jeep from empeopled.com posted that one thing he likes to do is scrolls back a bit on a topic before he posts, checks and sees if it's there. Also he thinks that new and original are good, if I submit something already recently posted, don't freak out. He thinks that there are no pitchforks or repost police there. He supposes that common courtesy and just be yourself and engage, post content, get in discussions, I'll feel right at home. (WELL, IT WASN'T TRUE AS YOU SEE.)

 Insertnamehere from empeopled.com added that it's a great advice, even for those of them that have been there for a moment. (The advice sounds good, but it's not working there, according to my experience!)
 Full of hope and joy, I answered: "Understandable. I usually do it. Glad to know it's a mature and tolerant place! Thanks for the info!" (I was so naive to believe it!!!)
 Jeep from empeopled.com also posted that I'm very welcome and he asked a question about how much Internet am I able to view from China, because he just curious how it works for me here (in China). I answered:

" I think I may open one new topic about AMA (Ask me anything), where I may answer about China more. About your question now: currently no YouTube, no Google. So I use some Chinese video websites and Bing (Baidu and Yandex, too). The others are okay. Maybe I miss something, but you can ask concretely. And I will tell you.
" (And I did that "Ask me anything" and now I already feel sorry for that. He (Jeep) thanked me for what I said and asked me to do an AMA, "that would be wonderful". He said he was asking about the Internet, because he's curious about "the degree of internet censorship". He said also that he's glad I can be there at Empeopled with them and he looks forward to seeing me around more."
 It was sweet and I answered "Thanks! Tell me, in which topic it's the best to make that AMA?", then he gave me a link to the empeopled.com's t/ama.)
 I was friendly and supportive to FormerComrade from empeopled.com who posted that he knows that is unrelated, but the fact that those people are family is co cool and cute and he's kind of in "a shock that fan girls get when they meet famous people".
 I answered him: "It's unrelated, but you're right. I think the same. :)"
 troctzul from empeopled.com said that there was a poll a while back and that poll showed that community is in majority 25+. His advise advice was not to try to simply submit links first, as there is a daily limit that newbies usually reach fast and if I want to gain levels, I should focus on comments. I answered him this: "I don't care about the levels online, as far as they don't limit the normal activity. :) Thanks for the advice!"
 Insertnamehere from empeopled.com posted to me a 'Hello, fellow middle-ager'. He said that there are a few of them "oldies" wandering around there, so I don't need to feel like I am the Lone Stranger. He thinks that is a pretty awesome site: wonderful people that are active, friendly and caring and that it's almost a little weird how nice they all are and "shh don't tell them I said that". I get almost the opposite attitude there -- yes, some of them were nice, but many were hostile, rude, disrespectful and so on!
 He also post that I don't need to hesitate to post opinions and ideas and they really welcome activity and enjoy conversations. Well, it's already impossible for me.
I think very important was this:
Welcome to Empeopled. You won't get rich off the sBTC, but who doesn't like the clink they make?
. After this "you won't get rich off the sBTC", I was 100% I'm not going to participate there, if I can't post links to our website/websites from time to time! (I also saw an opinion in Reddit.com from someone nicknamed tech189) -- "the rewards are so small that it doesn't matter how much you use it."https://www.reddit.com/r/empeopled/comments/3c6l6y/suggestions_sbtc_system_needs_to_be_rethought/
 I answered him: "I see and I'm glad to hear that (about the care and the friendliness.) :)
Sure, when I see and learn more about this community, I'll give some ideas and/or opinions!
Thank you for your answer!"
 Pockkit from empeopled.com posted that just be polite and have common sense and I should fit in. (As you may see, it's not so easy!) He also said that there's nothing I should avoid there, to be honest. (So wrong! I should avoid the stupid people, the haters, the rude ones and even the terrible admin, who didn't answer me, but banned me and posted lies about me!). He also added that I just have to find my place there. (Well, it's impossible already!), which, he thinks, should be easy. (Not easy for me!) He is right that there are multiple topics consisting of subjects and since, I'm a scientist, I should check out the science topic there. (But it wasn't enough and I couldn't do it, because of the spamophobics' attacks, hostility, lies, ban...) So, that's why his "Also, don't be shy to comment or post. We aren't hostile here." sounds like a joke to me.

 I wanted to know the rules and their understanding about the links better, so I made this topic:
"I want to know about it earlier, on time: how about the links to own sites?
Posted by georgi 1 in Empeopled Meta Discussion · Oct 2" The content:
"I already met a spamophobic here and I'd like to know earlier about this:
HOW OFTEN or HOW MANY as a percentage link to own sites we may submit in empeopled.com? For example -- if I submit 60% links to CNN, Wikipedia, Xinhua and other not mine websites, may I submit other 40% to websites that I own or I'm related to?
I need some clear rule here that I promise to keep well and to point to that rule, when the haters, spamophobics, spamfighters and mental disordered people start to attack me."

HeroOfCanton from empeopled.com said "Hi" there and continued that links to our own sites can be posted in the "Promote Yourself!". He asked to keep all posts of that nature to that topic. He added that there is NO hard and fast rule as to a number of posts allowed, however the community polices itself and if people "FEEL" posts are becoming spammy, they will report them to moderators (such as himself).
Then he decided to post that for the record, calling people who ask legitimate questions about a link you're trying to publicize "haters" and "spamophobics" (which seems like a good thing to him - no one likes spam, i.e. he has no idea what's the normal and what's the phobic in the dislikes), and "mentally disordered" isn't making the best first impression.

(His EDIT was that he's also moving this to Empeopled Meta Discussion as a more applicable topic, but it's not important.)

MY ANSWER WAS: Nah... I didn't call all the people like these. I meant that some of them are haters and/or mentally disordered. The other I said are just spamfighters. Read my post again and you'll see, I didn't categorized all of them as haters and/or mentally disordered. There are normal spamfighters as well.
So, you're a moderator. Good. But I'd like to hear also some opinion of the admin/owner, if it's possible.

VeryYes from empeopled.com came to this topic with that he is not sure what my definition of a "spamfighter" is, but if it is someone who tries to keep the internet free from spam, then to sign him "the fuck up", because then "##I AM A SPAMFIGHTER##" and not ashamed of it. And then he trolled with "Just so I know, do I fall under 'haters', 'spamophobics', or 'mentally disordered'?"

 This simply shows he can't get well the meaning of so simple text, but as we know, he's not just bad and rude, but also a stupid person, so it's not a surprise.
 HeroOfCanton from empeopled.com answered that the moderators on Empeopled.com were voted for by the community and the admin, and they are in place to enforce the rules and guidelines of the site, which were also created and voted for by the community. What he meant to say is, the admin will tell us the same thing as the moderators will. He gave me a link to the The Rules and Guidelines and said to give them a read and that all the moderators and the admin will all enforce them in the same way.

 MY ANSWER: Thank you... So, you ensure me that the admin/-s also will think "There is no hard and fast rule as to a number of posts allowed,"... OK, sounds good. Then, for example, I can post in a ratio 70:30? Do you think it's okay? I mean 70% not-related to us websites and 30% our websites (everything on topic, of course. We dislike offtopics, bot-like behaviour, etc.)

HeroOfCanton answered to this that he is not assuring me of anything. He's linking me to the community guidelines and letting me know what the rules are. He also added that I can post links to our site as I wish, but to keep it to the relevant topic (Promote Yourself!), or they will be moderated as being in the wrong place. If the community feels I'm posting too many links, they will report them and they will be investigated.

After this, showing his paranoic attitude he said that again, it concerns him that I'm asking about an acceptable number of times I can post a link or links, or an acceptable ratio. And then a stupid and insulting question "Why would a normal user need to ask such things?"

 MY ANSWER TO THIS ABSURD WAS: "I mean may I post links in relevant topics. For example in the topic about Science to post some link about my scientific thread? Or in the topic about Photography, to post a link to our typhoon photos?
(I think it's pretty normal to ask what is forbidden and what's not here, because I'm online since 1998, I'm almost 40 and I met tons of website with polar rules. I'm trying to get your rules, as a newbie here. I may ensure you, it's pretty normal for a man like me, with some serious experience. I see you're suspecting I'm some bad person. I can't help in other way, except answering you honestly and providing any type of proof I can.)"

Then this HeroOfCanton answered again. He posted that links to our own personal sites are ideally kept to the Promote Yourself topic as he mentioned above - that's what it's there for. He doesn't think that I'm a bad person, but given what he has seen of the link I have posted and the comments I've made, he thinks I'm intending to use Empeopled as a place to boost 'my SEO' as often as I can. He can only speaks for himself, but he doesn't think that's something the community will appreciate.
And "Looking forward to seeing some interesting posts. :)"

MY ANSWER TO THIS WAS: "Seems I didn't ask well or you didn't understood my question, because of my bad English. Let me try again:
if I have a related thread (ontopic thread) like a new photo (pic, photograph), may I post it in "Photography"?
Are you serious? How I can possibly 'boost' 'my SEO' (I even haven't any SEO business now) via this website? Empeopled.com is only with PageRank 4 (they are from 0 to 10, for comparison). If I need a low PageRank link, I can take it from many other websites. I don't need to boost here SEO. All I need is a win-win participation. I post here for you and from time to time post links to our websites in order to get some visitors and to earn some cents (literally cents). This is my only benefit, it's nothing to do with SEO."

And again he (HeroOfCanton): He said he understands it perfectly, but he thinks I missed his point.

Two things: If I have a related post, like a picture, then I can post the direct link to that article or picture in /t/photography, but I cannot post a link to my forum thread. (!!!!!!!!! So I can post a link to the article, but I can't post a link to the forum thread, where is the article! Can you understand this kind of logic? No thinking at all!And so selfish -- he/they want the picture, but do not want a credit for this picture -- you can give them visual material (photos), but forget about earning something back for this! Just provide, just contribute and get nothing!) The only place I can do that is /t/Promote_Yourself!

Secondly, if we're earning even 1 cent from links sending people to our website we fall under the bounds of the Affiliated Interests rule/guideline (and to see the list he linked earlier) and we must disclose this in every post and comment, and those posts can only be in the Promote Yourself topic as already mentioned above. If we don't do this, your posts will be moderated (deleted) and we risk being banned from the site. (Formalism, heartless, senseless, etc. No need to comment more, right? Who would like to participate and contribute in a website with low traffic, that limits so much the win-win participation?!) And he hopes that clears up any confusion.

Then there came the one, who is rude, who is trolling and who stole some content from seo-forum-seo-luntan.com -- the one nicknamed "Very_Yes". He posted the simple:

"Wow... phrasing."


"I didn't get it. I know the meaning of the word, but as a non-native English speaker, probably I can't get the meaning in this context. Mind to explain?"

Very_Yes from empeopled.com answered with an: "Your post could have done with being phrased more carefully. Insulting or calling names is not the best way to interact with people."

THEN I TRIED TO EXPLAIN HIM (but it was in vain): "I see now. I do agree, but I didn't insult and I didn't call names. I only pointed the fact of the existence of some categories of people, not calling you (plural) so.
I'm sick of websites, where the insults, curses and the rude behavior is okay. I hope here is not the same. In all our websites we keep the good manners and we're usually very polite."

He DIDN'T get it and he answered that it's cute that I'm trying to hide behind semantics, but I "did insult the entire community in one fell swoop there." And, personally speaking, he definitely consider the way I phrased my post "insulting".


" @VeryYes
I'm not trying to hide behind the semantics. I swear in my health and in the bones of my dead mother, that I didn't mean your community here.
Thinking that I'm a liar is not making me happy at all. I think you're insulting me in this way -- I speak something, I explain it, I prove it and the result is... you think I am hiding behind something? Not in fair. Sad... but, whatever. I hope in the future to make you believe more in me."

The one nicknamed Chaos_Theory in empeopled.com posted: "You accuse people you hardly know of being "mental disordered". That's insulting to me :/"

AND MY ANSWER WAS: "No! I didn't mean some of you people here. I meant the spamophobics, haters and mentally disordered ONLINE and I supposed that in the future it may happened again: look how I formulated it: "WHEN the haters, spamophobics, spamfighters and mental disordered people START to attack me." I didn't say that they "already" "started". I meant the FUTURE (possible future). So, it's not an insult to anybody here concretely.
And yes, there are some mentally disordered people offline and online. It's a fact, not an insult."

Then the VeryYes from empeopled.com posted that it is actually "pretty damn insulting" to assume mentally disordered people just randomly attack people.

I EXPLAINED HIM THAT: "It is, but I didn't assume this at all. Look, I was born in a 2nd generation family of psychiatrists. Me, myself, visited some psychiatry courses and our close family friends were psychiatrists. My major (philosophical anthropology) is somehow related to the mental health and mental disorders. So, I know that not every mentally disordered is aggressive. Some of them are calm, nice people. Others are auto-aggressive, etc.
I have the due respect for those people, but I can't skip the fact, that SOME OF THEM (remember: SOME) are aggressive and/or (remember: AND/OR) may randomly to attack people."

He (b]VeryYes[/b] from empeopled.com) answered: "Okay, so let me also speak from MY experience: people who have even the slightest connection to Search Engine Optimization tend to only be concerned with spamming their links everywhere in the hope of artificially inflating their search engine rankings.

Let's look at how you could potentially fit that profile:

Exhibit A: you've posted the link to your site more than once, never in the only appropriate topic to advertise your own site and not in the context of any genuinely interesting content.
Exhibit B: you're now asking HOW OFTEN you can post links to your own sites here.

Conclusion: from these 2 things I can only conclude you are mainly here to abuse this community to create backlinks to your own sites. Representing it as anything else is just disingenuous; please stop, we're not idiots here."

After I saw his low understanding of the situation, I tried to explain it in this way:

Yes, there are SEO spammers and non-SEO spammers. Spammers are everywhere. But we need a good definition what is SPAM -- for example in some websites you may post 10% own links, in other -- 20%... in some -- 50%... Some websites do not allow links for free. Some other -- not even allow you to post any links... Different definitions about the links and what is linkspamming.
I posted the link, when I introduced myself and when I posted in ASK ME ANYTHING. I didn't know it's not right? Is it?
Yes, EXACTLY -- I am asking HOW OFTEN, in order EXACTLY TO KEEP THE RULES HERE AND TO KNOW WHAT IS YOUR ANTI-SPAM RULE! So simple -- it shows I want to participate ACCORDING to the rules! It's something super good, man!
I am here to create BACKLINKS to my sites?! GEES!!! If it is so, why I'm still here?! I already linked and I may just leave!?!
I know you're not idiots, but you're really too paranoic about it. Where from is this spamophobia? I ensure you, I may keep your rules. No need to worry at all!

After this the HeroOfCanton posted: "You have posted your link now, twice. You shouldn't need to again at all. If you have content to share, you can share direct links to the content itself, not a forum thread about it.

But specifically within the rules there is a Duplicate Posts rule, and a No Fresh Reposts rule which will both apply if you post your link again and it may be removed. There is also the Reputable Sources rule which applies to your forum.

Thanks :)"

And MY ANSWER WAS: "My wife is cooking, we take photos of the food and we post them with the recipes in that forum, i.e. direct content, direct link.
I take some photos of interesting Chinese things and I post them in that forum, i.e. direct content itself.
As a philosopher, I have some own ideas and discoveries -- I post them in that forum, i.e. also direct content.
So, I hope it's according to the rules, because we're all with university degrees, we're reputable and good people.
I hope we may help a good, win-win (mutual benefits) cooperation/participation here! :)"

After this i didn't get any answers (because they left speechless! Only downvotes: -10. Bad people, indeed!)

 I posted a normal question and content in "Empeopled Meta Discussion":

Why some of the submissions I made are not there?

Posted by georgi
in Empeopled Meta Discussion · Oct 3

BUT, it was moderated in this way by that DayNight from Empeopled.com: "Post moderated by DaeNight:

Admin review

Post closed due to toxcity and admitted violations of empeopleds rules and terms of use as well as harassment of users engaged in a public forum."

 I think that the DayNight is one of the toxicity there. Now read more and see if I really did some 'harassment', etc.

 HeroOfCanton from empeopled.com answered that he is not sure about the post I made in News & Politics, but the post I made in photography has been moderated (deleted) with an explanation on the post itself. It was as follows: "As I have informed you elsewhere, you must disclose affiliate interests (when you make money from people clicking on your link, even if it's only cents), and your own website is to be posted in Promote Yourself only, not other topics. In future, please host the photo you want to share on an image hosting site like Imgur, or upload it directly to Empeopled. Thanks. :)"

 I answered: "Oh, you deleted my post, because I will make some CENTS probably?! OK, I'll connect to the admin -- I think it's Aris and I will discuss with him the matter. If he also thinks I can't post from time to time links to our forum, I'm not going to participate here. I do believe in the win-win (mutual benefits) participation. I can't spend my time here for free.
So, until I didn't get some official answer, I'm stopping my participation here. Later, depends of the answer, I will decide how to continue!"

 After this HeroOfCanton from empeopled.com answered that

Yes, the guideline is very clear, and something he have given me a link to previously.

    "Disclosure of Affiliate Interests
    If you are linking to something that might generate an affiliate sale for you, this must be disclosed."

And when I made my post, I did not make any mention, certainly not a very clear one, that I would generate money from people clicking that link (via page views, ad views, or affiliate sales). He thinks this is directly in conflict with the rules of Empeopled and Aris is fully aware of these guidelines and the actions the moderators take to enforce them.

 I answered: "I DON'T SALE ANYTHING! We only use Google AdSense -- it's showing OTHER PEOPLE's ads and Google pay us some cents, depends of how many people visit the site and/or click on those ads. We're just showing ads, WE DON'T SELL ANYTHING, I SWEAR IN ALL YOU WANT.
I sent to @Aris my question and my suggestion. If he do agree we to participate here in the win-win mode (i.e. I may continue to post my unique content /it means it's not copy-pasted and I generate it now/, I may continue post interesting news and knowledge from China and all around the world, I may contribute a lot for the popularization of this website! BUT, if I have to participate here just for free -- no, thanks! I have a family and I need to spend my time and labor only for money, because we don't live in a communist society, where the money doesn't exist. We need money for food, clothes... here even the drinking water costs us a lot, because we can't drink from the water tap directly. Try to understand -- I have no time and I have no desire to write/type and spend time for nothing.
Waiting for the answer of mr. @Aris. It is my last post, until he answer me. Later on, I'll decide what I will do -- to stay here and to contribute or to leave it forever.)"

 Very_Yes from empeopled.com posted to me: "Please just leave. You are a DRAIN on the community at this point in time."

 I answered him: "It's my last answer to you here, too. As I said I plan to get an answer from the admin and depends of him, i will leave or not. I'm not going to obey to you, mr. Somebody.
I'm not a DRAIN -- I may be 100% useful here, because I have, for example many accounts online and I can give you FREE ADS in so many places that you can't imagine. I may post more than most of you, because I'm a philosopher, plus I have very fast fingers! And I can share with you links, that nobody else here will find. BUT YOU, don't know what are my abilities, so, just keep your DRAIN-word away!"

 asmoreborn from empeopled.com posted to me that as moderators, these are the exact rules they are supposed to enforce. That site is "governed by its users" and "we are its elected gatekeepers". He/she thinks that it doesn't matter that I don't sell anything, because by sharing AdSense links I have a monetary interest in posting. (Which is not right, because I can't share AdSense links -- I may share only webpages with some AdSense ads.) According to Empeopled's rules I have to disclose that and post only to the area of the site they have set aside for such activity (Promote Yourself!). He/she also added that they all understand that I'm trying to make a few cents, but what I have been doing is in clear violation of the rules and has been moderated as such.

 My answer was:
"My first and last public answer to you, until the admin answer me my question about what is his definition of spam like how many % own links I may post.
So, my answer: 'monetary interest' that is around 1-2 cents is very symbolic. Even in China with this 'earnings' you can't buy an egg. Some of my dinners/lunches are just 2 eggs and their current price in China, on average, is around 30 cents. Do you still think I have some real 'monetary interest' in website like empeopled.com? If it was a front page of some very big website like Yahoo.com or Baidu.com, I do agree it will be 'monetary interest' to earn something like thousands of dollars, but here we're talking about literally symbolic earnings (which are even not 100% sure, because anyone who use ads knows that sometimes even 100-200-300 visitors are not bringing a cent.)
Well, according to you, only one place in empeopled.com allows own links? If the admin confirm it, I think I'll not participate here, because it's not enough for us; too limited."

pink from empeopled.com posted to me that most of them are on there "for free", because it's fun. And that if I don't enjoy it though then that's ok too everyone's different.

 My answer was:
"Pink, this is my last answer to you, because as I said, I'm waiting for a response from the admin.
I enjoy it, but if I want ONLY to enjoy, I may stay only in our forum and to enjoy there. I participate in other forums/social networks to: ENJOY-AND-MAKE SOME MONEY. If I only enjoy, we'll stay hungry and nude.
So, try to understand -- if I only want to post/type, I can do it in my forum, not here. Here I expected win-win participation: I post unique content and interesting links and I get some visitors... Just for fun/free -- no thank you, I have a family to feed and I'm not living in some rich country, I'm in a developing Asian country!"

 She (pink from empeopled.com) answered that they're not there for me to make money. They're there as a community for people to enjoy and have fun. If I follow their guidelines, I'd be able to post my links. But if I'm unable to follow the rules then maybe my time would be better spent on my own forum.

 I'll answer her to this below (where I'll post answers to other people from empeopled.com).

HeardOfMe from empeopled.com posted that I keep saying I'm going away, yet I'm still there. BTW, he's running a tab on all his posts. He'll bill us all later.

 My answer was:
"1st and last answer to you: I said I'm stopping posting here UNTIL the admin answer me. I sent him a private message. Later, if he agrees me to participate in this way, I will stay, if not -- I will leave. I'm surprised of your lack of attention here. You just don't read carefully. No wonder we can't understand each other..."
Insertnamehere from empeopled.com posted to me that personally he/she thinks that it's a shame that I won't spend time there for "free". They all need to make money-to buy food and clothes and such. They also spend a little time relaxing and chatting with others there. He/she also added that he/she doesn't speak for everyone, but to trust him/her when he/she tells me that he/she means this from the bottom of his/her heart-if I can't follow the "rules" there, then take my toys and go home.

My answer was:

Wow?! Really? OMG! It's a shame I won't work for free?! It's a shame not willing to be like a slave (even the slaves receive some food and water, and even some clothes for their time and labor). Come on, man, be serious!
I am following the rules -- I read them already. I don't think having some Google AdSense ads is a problem -- it's brings us only some cents per day (and not everyday!) It's not some big business for us. (Because, at least according to Alexa, we have only 50% of the empeopled.com traffic. Compare... Btw, those data I posted there are old. Recently seo-forum-seo-luntan.com is better and I hope and I think it's realistic, that later it will be better than empeopled.com about the traffic.). As you can count, it's nothing so profitable. So, we can't just be like slaves (or call it "volunteers"). We need some earnings, benefits. We're almost 40 and we're not willing to spend the rest of our life in poverty. Sometimes I eat only once a day, but I feel okay, because my father eats sometimes only every other day. You can't compare your life in the developed rich countries, with our lives in the developing countries in the 2nd and 3rd world (according to your Western terminology).

P.S. It's my last answer to you, until I don't get some answer from the admin. Then, I'll decide to stay or not to stay here. Bye, for now or forever.

Then the same person (Insertnamehere from empeopled.com) posted to me again that but both you and my wife have jobs- I said that I'm a scientist and that "she is an important linguist". Those jobs pay well in any country. I don't work for free-but time there on Empeopled is not where I am to make money.
If I make money off the links I present, then I am breaking the terms of service and it really is pretty cut and dried. China is not a third world country-not by a long shot- not anymore; in 2014 China overtook the US as the world's leading economy. And, just because he/she lives in the US, do not think he/she is rich. There are a lot of people that are poor in the US.

"I have strong will and I keep my word. No more public answers. I will send you a PM (private message)."

After this a person nicknamed jackripper from empeopled.com on Oct 3 asked there "why would they do that too you!!" (I suppose it's a typo and he/she means 'to you', but it's okay.) and that he/she can sees nothing wrong with posting "psychology and art of which you obviously were posting" and "what if your favorite movie?"

I'll answer to this here:
Well, I also think there wasn't any problem about what we're posting, but the bad moderation + the stupid admin's ban made it impossible and it brought a loss for empeopled.com. A big loss.

A person nicknamed Selketo from empeopled.com started to troll there that this is literally the first time he/she has ever seen a thread get slapped to oblivion and might as well join in. + he wants to be part of the thing! + his/her last comment was meant to be silly.
Stupid and no need to comment. That 'HeroOfCanton' explaianed him/her that he's not sure that kind of thinking is really helpful. He'd rather people didn't get involved unless they have something direct to contribute to the discussion, otherwise it borders on brigading or mass-slapping for fun, which isn't cool. + He claims that they're better than that there.

I can't see what's better, when they allowed exactly these kind of things there against us!?!

Also he stated that part of the ToS is not harassing other users of the site and that encouraging people to slap the posts and comments, and doing so yourself, of one user pretty much falls under that heading. He thinks it's not cool. Also he added that I ('this guy') "is doing a good enough job of getting himself into the negative numbers - he doesn't need slapping for the sake of joining in."

I'll answer here:
1. I don't care about some negative numbers in a website, which is already insignificant (According to this http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/empeopled.com empeopled.com has less traffic than seo-forum-seo-luntan.com currently! What a shameful decrease -- 214,468!!! But I'm glad to see that, because it's the natural result of their bad behaviour, ban, moderation.)
2. I wanted to contribute there in a win-win mode, but your spamophobia and stupidity at all put me out of that community. Let it be -- enjoy your decreasing traffic and popularity now!

  georgi 1 · Oct 3
My 1-st and last answer to you here, as you know I stopped to answer publicly, until the admin don't answer me, may I continue to participate here in the win-win mode or not.
So, my advise to you (I feel you're a young boy, aren't you?): don't lose your time for free posts/fun/hate online -- learn some simple net skills and try to earn money UNTIL you're young. Someday, when you are elder and you need money for something like hospital (ill kid) or bigger own flat/house, you'll feel VERY SORRY, why you didn't spend your younghood for something that may make you a little bit richer. EVERYWHERE AROUND THE WORLD WITHOUT MONEY, YOU'RE NOTHING! Don't waste your time! Friendly advise from a wise uncle!
 -36  reply

After that there are some off-topic and stupid comments, which I thing are not deserving some attention here.

Member banned: georgi" it's  in "Empeopled News". Aris from empeopled.com formulated it in this way: "multiple violations (multiple spam attacks, vitriolic attacks, general toxicity). Please don't hesitate to bring up any issue with this banning with me directly or in the Empeopled Court."

My answer to these Aris' lies:

1. There wasn't any spam and any spam attacks. You're so limited in your thinking that you even didn't formulate what do you think is spam. Can you show some of these 'spam attacks'? Liar!
2. "vitriolic attacks, general toxicity"? Are you serious?! This is what came exactly from your mods and your members there! Are you blind?! Only one example: how you can describe the behaviour of that 'VeryYes'? Insults, copy-pasting content from our site to his site, without credit, bad jokes... I'm sick of your double standarts!

Answers to the comments of the others in that thread:

DaeNight: He posted that he get that there was tremendous issue with me, and he personally modded several of our comments and posts for a multitude of reasons, but it pains him to see them celebrating a ban and "raking them over the coals after they are gone". He wants them to try and be better than that.

My answer -- the problem is that you're not dealing with the really bad people there. You hit the wrong person. The result is that now I contribute not to you, but to Seo-forum-seo-luntan.com and to Skimur.com. Their progress is obvious and your regress is obvious, too. If you was so good at 'personally modded' the real trouble makers like that 'VeryYes'... dreams...

spdorsey: He/she posted that he/she's in complete agreement. There is a guy who speeds down his/her street every morning when he/she is letting his/her kids into the car to go to school. That guy is also bringing his kids to school. Then he/she threws him a few mean looks when he did it for a few days in a row; now he just flips he/she off and goes faster. He/she thinks that the guys is a douche. Honestly, he/she would just like to buy him a beer and talk about the whole thing. Is he constrained for time/does he need to be at a job by a certain time and he has no other choice but to speed? Maybe he/she can help him out by bringing his kid to school with his/her? He/she would rather not ban people from my street (if he/she had the choice). He/she'd rather that guy used his/her street for its intended purpose and follow its rules. If the person chooses not to do so, he/she'll be bringing the mods into the discussion (i.e. the police).
The conclusion is that people really aren't "BAD" -- they just have different "loads of shit" they need to deal with. So he/she also added -- "Let's respect that and just distance ourselves form those who are making life difficult/impossible. Then we can offer to help in an unbiased way."

It's a good post, but I dislike the analogy between me (a person, who wanted well-educated and cultural win-win participation and cooperation with some driver, who speeds down there!). Also I dislike this 'shit' word.

MattStrzok: He thinks that to be fair, people are celebrating getting rid of negativity from outlet community, taking a negative happening and making a positive outcome, celebrating keeping empeopled what it is. At least that's how he sees it.

And I'll tell him how do I see it: you're not getting rid of the real negativity and the real problems. And that's why the traffic is decreasing. Nobody will stands the double standards, the wrong attacks, the phobias and the dirty tricks over there! If you need examples, I may give you. Read this topic above and you will find a lot of them.

NULL posted that that was the spirit of his/her "\o/ fwiw".

I'm not sure what is 'fwiw', so I checked about fwiw meaning; fwiw definition; fwiw stand forand I got this: "FWIW

For what it's worth.
For whoever is wondering.
From what I've witnessed.
Forgot where I was" (https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/FWIW https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/)

I don't think it needs some comment. But in the context of his/her other comments, I think it's a stupid person. Take a look: "
  HeroOfCanton  14 · Oct 5
But... his quality content. :(

And he's been to China.
 54  reply
  VeryYes 10 · Oct 5
 13  reply
  NULL 7 · Oct 5
 25  reply

1. Yes, IT IS an innuendo! And I explained it above in my answer to your terrible admin -- Aris!
2. Yes, HeroOfCanton, you are the one, who is willing to keep the rules, but your jokes shows you're not going to do so.
Is it not good being to China? Isn't my content good? It's unique, it's interesting (after I can make so many of you to talk about it!) and it's useful. You can see the good progress in websites like Seo-forum-seo-luntan.com, where I do contribute with this sort of content.
3. Yes, VeryYes, no content for you, but it doesn't meen it's okay you to steal content from other websites!

Ludiko said that the ban is just when he/she was getting interested in SEO (Science-Education-Omnilogy)/

Probably he/she can't imagine how useful and important are the things like science (omnilogy) and education, and the SEO as (Science-Education-Omnilogy) and SEO itself as 'SEO (Search Engine Optimization)'. Compare now the traffic of our website and of empeopled.com. Now our traffic is better, according to Alexa.com!

Stardust posted something idiotic -- that he hates to say anything, as he/she is a mod but... "That person was a butt."
I think, Stardust, that your brain is a butt. And looking at your photo -- I got the same feeling about your face! Really ugly and antipathetic faces!
For your stupid and insulting comment you got 20 points?! Yeah, why not, if NULL only for his supportive 'comment', which was '\o/' got 17... You're just degenerates, guys!

Citrogenen posted that "Yeah! JUSTICE HAS BEEN SERVED!" + "I don't even know who it is."
So, he/she even has no idea who/what/where/when, but he/she is sure that the justice has been served! LOL! It's exactly the opposite -- no justice, a case of injustice! But do you really care or for you the important is to show something what just makes you look like a sycophant.

Katantunoro posted that he/she feels like they've accomplished something and added "high fives".

Yeah, very important -- lack of one contributive user and recently -- less and less traffic, according to alexa.com. It's really something important about 'how not to'... 'Congratulations'!

Soerxpso said that he/she helped by being there and providing moral support!
Moral support to what? To the lies and the phobia, and the attacks, and the stealing content, and other bad things over there? Very 'moral'!

HeardOfMe thinks it's about friggin time.

And I think about the frigging decrease of the visitors in empeopled.com...

Insertnamehere posted someting not that good about me: "I don't think he was hear that long-less than a week.
But he was like a mosquito in the bedroom buzzing your ear all night; that few hours feels like eternity.
As we can see it's not a very educated person: 1. long-less is in fact long - less or long -- less. He has no idea how to use the space in this sentence. 2. 'hear' in fact is 'here'. 'Hear' means something different. 3. If you felt my presense there was like 'eternity', why did you pay attention to it and why do you participate in threads about me? Surely you're not a clever person. I dislike you.

DeusExMachina posted that he doesn't even get a chance to make a "georgi-porgi, puddin' & pie" joke while I was still with them.
My comment is -- how stupid are you -- instead of using your online time to earn some money and/or to learn something, you're eager to make silly childish jokes to somebody like me. Pity people.

My private messages (as I promissed you above):

1. To Pink from empeopled.com:
As I said I'll stop answer publicly, because I dislike to post for free, but I would like to answer you nd to ask you privately: what rules I don't keep?! I read your short rules here and I even asked is there some rule for links (the answer was there isn't). So I don't see what I did wrong? I don't sell anything and the Google Ads not every time give money, and if they do, it's something like 1 or 2 cents (mostly) for us. So, as you can see, I'm not a trader, not a businessman, I'm just a poor scientist from the 2nd workd, who is living in the 3rd world. I'm from South-East Europe and I live in China.
And -- no. If I leave here, I may participate in many other places -- I already do -- I have around 300 accounts in many other websites, but I hope I can cooperate with you, dear people!

2. To Insertnamehere from empeopled.com:
No, both me and my wife have only part time job. I said that I am a scientist, but I don't work as a scientist in China. And she is a linguist, but I never said 'important'. Please, read more carefully.
In every site I can make some money. If people are interested in knowledge, cooking and photographs. If here the admin disagree, I will leave at once. I have 200-300 other websites (LET ME MAKE IT CLEAR FOR THE READERS HERE: I MEANT NOT MY WEBSITES, BUT WEBSITES I CAN PARTICIPATE) and I am not going to beg here, if he dislikes me.
I make some cents, man! AND NOT ANY TIME. Sometimes 200 visitors and NO money. It's just nothing special. I'm not some businessman or trader. I only have got simple AdSense. You may check our traffic -- it's brings us mostly 1-2 cents per 24 hours!
 China is a DEVELOPING country. You may check Chinese PER CAPITA -- it's less than some countries in Africa and in Latin America. If you don't believe me, take a look. For example India is the 4-th economy in the world, but the Indian PER CAPITA is low, i.e. the people are too much and they're mostly poor! At the same time some small countries like Luxemburg are in the bottom as country's economy, but their PER CAPITA is high! Lern more about it: http://global.bing.com/search?q=PER+CAPITA&qs=n&pq=per+capita&sc=0-0&sp=-1&sk=&cvid=c98b3d733a53447f88ddd678a132a1c9&setmkt=en-us&setlang=en-us&FORM=SECNEN
 I know there are poor in the US, too, but THE AVERAGE American is MANY TIMES RICHER than the AVERAGE Chinese. If you really didn't know it, I will give you a CIA link, to see the gap between the Chinese average and US average (per capita) stuff.
(When I mentioned the CIA link, I meant The World Factbook -- more about it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_World_Factbook)

3. To HeroOfCanton from empeopled.com:
I see you're joking about my credo, that it's worthless to post for free, when you have the chance to earn some money. I don't know if you're really from Canton (Guangzhou), but if you're you should know in China we use money and without them, we're going to starve.
 Sometimes I earned around USD 5 for an article (around 500 words), so for me it's already like a habit to write and to get paid for this, not just to contribute content for free. In the worst case, I post in own sites, in order to get some cents per day and some dollars per month. You don't value your own time and your labor online, you have no idea it COSTS something. But I know it and I can't lose any more time posting for free like some slave or some volunteer. I need a little profit, to make some sense for my time and labor, otherwise -- "It was my pleasure, but good bye!"

4. To VeryYes from empeopled.com:
I stopped to answer publicly there, so I may answer you here via PM. Your question is interesting and I hope it's serious. I have no price for posting -- I only hope from time to time (for example in ration 70/30) to be able to post a link to our forum -- we have many food recipes there, photos from China, philosophy, etc. BUT, if you need me to post in some of your projects without links, I can tell you a price: I want only 0.02 (2 cents) per post, i.e. 100 = USD 2 (two dollars per 100 posts). I think it's a good and cheap offer. So, if you need unique, serious and relatively long posts, let me know!
Best wishes: Georgi (philosopher-anthropologist from Europe, currently in China).

 So, at last I decided to leave by myself and I informed them (but the terrible admin Aris decided to ban me, without any answer to my anti-spam policy questions, because he's just an abnormal person! I haven't another explanation of this irrational behavior of his, indeed!)

"I'm leaving. Do you think it is the right decision?
Posted by georgi 7 in AskEmpeopled · 1 min ago
 7   Share   
@DaeNight moderated my comments for defamation and insults?!?!?! At the same time @VeryYes is the one, who spread insults and defamation to me! And I answered him... But he is okay here?! Alright, I'm leaving, because of:
1. The double standards, the insults, the lies."

2. The systematic downvotes of my recent posts.
Is it the right decision?"

 This was censored by that Stardust in this way: "Post moderated by Stardust:
Terms of Use enforced by moderators

No witch hunting. No harassment. Respect one another. No spam."

AS YOU CAN SEE: lies, double standard and insanity! Notice the 3 hostile comments there, which were NOT moderated at all:

HeardOfMe posted that in his/her opinion I am the one causing all the problems and disruption. + he/she is glad to see me go. + 'Bye'.

It's like to say that white is 'black' or good is 'bad'. In this case I'm also glad to see I'm not going to communicate with so stupid person, really!
jackripper "If its not clear that you account has been baned already, it will be soon"

He thinks that 'it's' is 'its' and 'your' is 'you'... He even has no idea where to put a '.' in a sentence. And, of course, this kind of uneducated person CAN'T get that I posted that, BEFORE the crazy ban of the terrible admin Aris.
Citrogenen posted that I'm not leaving, if I get straight up banned. + "That's not how it works, you got kicked out. Bye." Another person, who has no idea, that in a website, if you post someting, it means that you're not banned still. Simple things, but the stupid people can't get it. And yes, I see how it works -- less and less traffic visitors over there, this is how it works. Continue in this way and maybe someday only 1-2 of you will post there. :D
                                             * * *
 So, if you want to know something more -- let us know! It's worthless to register and to spent your time and labor (posting) there! Avoid bad online places (websites) like that!

« Last Edit: May 29, 2016, 07:44:28 AM by Internet »
A fan of science, philosophy and so on. :)


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VeryYes (or Very_Yes), I don't care about his exact name, is pretty disgusting: trolling, insults, stealing content... And their admin Aris thinks that the problem is in our participation?! What the hell?! These individuals are... hard to believe they have something human in their nature!

I pointed to the 2 most disgusted me ones. There are also others, who make me sick!
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Seems, this empeopled.com is worse than voat.co!


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How about the admin's (Aris') messages?


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 He (Aris from empeopled.com) didn't answer about what exactly is 'spam' for him (he's not able to formulate it), and instead banned me with lies (as I mentioned about it already). 100% double standards and irresponsibility.
 Here is almost all what we exchanged as communication between me and him. Read and you'll see all of his irresponsibility and limits (stupidity):

I: "Thanks! I learned about you today and I'm a new here. I will learn and participate step by step, responsibly!
Best wishes: Georgi (a scientist)."

"Welcome and thanks for coming!"

I: "Hi, Aris! I hope you're the Admin.
I'm a scientist (philosopher-anthropologist) from Europe, married to a linguist in China.

I believed I can post here some links (from time to time), for example in ratio 70:30 (70% other links and 30% our links) in the related topics, i.e. without spam, without flood, without off-topic. Well, I started to post a lot of unique content here and to link to some famous websites and to our scientific forum. BUT some of your mods here dislike it and one of them EVEN deleted my link (it was a link to my insect photo from South China).
So, do you agree me to participate here in the win-win mode (i.e. I post many unique content and some links to other websites and a little to our website) or I better leave? I will be waiting for your answer and I will stop for not to post anything.
Best wishes!"

"Please do not spam people. beyond that, you are welcome to participate and if a post is from your site, identify it as such and do it selectively and in good faith. Moderators use their discretion in these matters."

I: "Thank you for your answer! Before I decide to continue to contribute here or to leave, may I know what is your definition about spam (as far as it's subjective and varies from site to site) -- for example in Voat.co the rule is 20% own links, in Thebetter.xyz it's 50% own links, in some websites it's limitless as long as you post something else. I'd like to know your exact definition about spam, in order to be able to keep it well."

"Please do not solicit or spam people on the site or your account will be banned. thank you for understanding."

I: "Hello, again! I didn't get it: how did I solicit or spam people on the site? I sent only a few private messages to explain my point of view.
About the ban -- if we can't find a win-win cooperation (as you know I am able to post a lot of unique content here and to advertise your site for free in hundreds other sites), then I'll leave by myself, without any bans. I'm 40 years old educated man with online experience from 1998 and I participate only, where I can have mutual benefit, win-win game (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Win-win_game) and human cooperation.
Otherwise, I'm just leaving, because the life is short and I already past around 50% of my life."

 ::) ::) ::)
A fan of science, philosophy and so on. :)


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Sounds like some stoned guy. :o


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No wonder their traffic rank is so low. See -- http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/empeopled.com -- it's lower than ours. ;D ;D


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Bad people!
PR or PageRank (sometimes: "Page Rank").


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