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Author Topic: Interesting Parallels Between The Cannabis and File-Sharing Debates  (Read 3703 times)

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Interesting Parallels Between The Cannabis and File-Sharing Debates

The other topic brought a bit of response so lets float another and see how it goes. Every once in a while this author floats a new editorial, which I always love to read his comments/thoughts on. Every one of them floats out some new idea or discusses topics in a way you are not usually exposed to.

The author, Rick Falvinge, is the originator of the idea of the party party in politics. He hails from Sweden.
When you put down the good things you ought to have done, and leave out the bad ones you did do — well, that’s Memoirs. ~ Will Rogers


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Re: Interesting Parallels Between The Cannabis and File-Sharing Debates
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2016, 04:56:08 AM »
It's still illegal in many states around the world (the cannabis).
What's this 'party party' idea in politics?


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Re: Interesting Parallels Between The Cannabis and File-Sharing Debates
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2016, 05:00:59 AM »
 I can say -- Overton window (also known as the window of discourse) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overton_window.
 I read an article that explains that even cannibalism (not only the cannabis) may become acceptable in a certain society, if there is slow and systematical brainwashing (propaganda).
 Because it's about the file-sharing, I'll share my thoughts, experience and history: when we started to use internet (I think it was for the first time in 1998), it was very 'natural' for us just to copy-paste without credit and to share something like this. Maybe nobody around me (except the ones in the law majors) didn't have a clear idea about the copyrights. Later on, I even expressed once an opinion online that currently (that time currently, i.e. many years ago) it's like my dreamful real communism, where everything is COMMON and everyone can use it and we're like a 'GLOBAL VILLAGE BROTHERHOOD' and many others French revolutionary ideals ("liberty, equality, fraternity"-"Liberté, égalité, fraternité") and I even gave an example with how once there is a book online, it's already common, because everyone may read it and share it! The excitement was great that time, but one netizen told me the opposite point of view: "And where from got the 'common' book the one, who starts to share it? He just STOLE it!"... And then I started to think more about this question:

Obviously, we're living not in a communist Earth. No communism, i.e. no free lunch, no common property. SO, if we're living in a predominantly capitalistic Earth (world), then we should respect the PROPERTY of the others (just because it's not common; until it's not common, it's not ours, no matter how much we wish to posses all the world or how much we wish the true communism or at least the true socialism). WELL, then if I write a book and I spend a lot of time, labor and money this book to become a reality and then, if I can't get back even 50% of what I spend, because some 'communist' ('commonist'), 'pirate', etc. just post it online, then I will be pissed for sure. An intellectual product is also a product. If you take my book without permission it equals you take my computer or my pen without permission, i.e. you're a thief.
 So, I can't see some big contradiction in my before and my now understanding. Before I thought of internet as an another realm, which may afford communist (commonist) rules, but then I realized that: 1. Internet is a part of the real world, 2. The real world currently is mostly capitalistic (or semi-feudal, but not communistic at all). 3. In this situation we can't afford to behave to each other property like common, without permission, otherwise we're something like thieves (I think it's more accurate word than 'pirates', because they were/are sea robbers).
 I hate that a ticket for a new film costs something like 3% of my month income (salary). For some people it may even costs 6% to 10% of their month income! I disagree the actors to get millions (counted in USD, not only in RMB). I think this is one of the main reason the films' (movies') tickets to be so expensive (it there is no some promotion or some prize, when you can get some discount). I miss the time in socialistic Bulgaria, when a cinema ticket was only BGN 0.40 (for the adults) and only BGN 0.20 (for the students, soldiers and the old people). That time a month salary was, on average, probably BGN 140, it means a ticket costs only around 0.3 (zero point three!!!)% of the salary, i.e. 10 times less than what we're paying now. I still remember that I watched "Indiana Jones" (USA), "Star Wars" (USA), Hong Gil Dong (DPRK; North Korea), "The 13-th fiancee of the prince" (Bulgaria)* many times (for example 10 to 17 times), because it was just BGN 0.20 and everyday I could go to cinema 1-3 times (during the vacations and sometimes -- on the weekends). I remember a very nice Bulgarian 'Star Wars' anecdote that time. I heard it during I waited in the queue to buy a ticket for that Bulgarian 'Star Wars' like film in 1987. That time, if someone wanted to have a deficit book (like the translated edition of the "Gone with the Wind ") he/she should collect 100 kg. of old paper (old newspapers, broken old books, etc.) or something else valuable (like some plants for medicines, as far as I remember) and the country will reward him/her with the deficit book. So, the anecdote was:
Han Solo meets Luke Skywalker:
- Why are going, Luke?
- I want to read "Gone with the Wind" and I need to collect 100 kilos of paper.
- 100 kilos of paper?! :o Even the Empire doesn't have so much paper!!!

;D ;D ;D

* It was the 1-st Bulgarian movie that showed lightsaber (as the one in the 'Star Wars') More about this unique movie: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0235952/plotsummary?ref_=tt_ov_pl
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Re: Interesting Parallels Between The Cannabis and File-Sharing Debates
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2016, 05:37:56 AM »
Quote from: mojo
The other topic brought a bit of response

I know. This is one of the problems here. Lack of activity (usually). :'( But I hope the positive sides of this site are going to compensate it and somehow in the near future the situation to get a bit better. 8)


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Re: Interesting Parallels Between The Cannabis and File-Sharing Debates
« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2016, 12:34:00 AM »
I had no idea about the coffee. :)


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Re: Interesting Parallels Between The Cannabis and File-Sharing Debates
« Reply #5 on: March 17, 2016, 12:49:55 AM »
Quote from: Internet
I had no idea about the coffee.

Maybe more than anything, this is what hit me. That final sign off with a fact about coffee I was totally unaware of.

On the activity comment, if you are active enough in the right ways, sooner or later you draw someone else into the conversation because they found topic showing up in a search and it is being discussed here, not somewhere else. It's a very slow slog at the beginning. Might take months to draw one comment. Sooner or later it starts. From there if you stay at it, it snowballs.

With MSL his post is larger and would take some text space to answer fully. There are pluses to copyright and it's limitations but there are far more limitations that have been stretched over time to favor more and more the IP holders. There's no one lobbying and willing to pay large amounts to have the other side of the conversation heard.

To hear big content's way of stating it, there would be no culture without someone paying the author to create and that creation would instantly stop were it not for copyright. That's not true and can be easily pointed to that long before copyright existed, groups of people were going from town to town as actors, as troubadours, as entertainers, making a living without the benefits of copyright.

Nor is that the only example. Patrons of the arts have long set the stage for famous artists, painters, sculptures, whose works survive even today and are often found in museums for all to see.

When you get into the cost of a ticket, you see where these restrictions hit you personally. You don't see the side deals that made it happen where countries, cities, and states made deals that cost them big money to have it happen in their local area. Called tax breaks, very often the place that hosts the filming gave away tax income to make it occur there and not somewhere else. The hope being that local labor and talent will be employed during the filming. That's not what actually happens.

The deal is made, local supplies are used for the set and for things like catering that can't be shipped in. The talent is flown in. Those places making the tax breaks actually get screwed. Due to laws made in their favor, flim studio's then get tax breaks to edit and produce the final film somewhere else in another country when the filming is done.

This follows with other dirty deals, such as the filming company, made strictly for that film is a legal setup. By that I mean it will host all the bills but not all the profits. It is purposely made to lose money. Then when an actor says, "Pay me a percentage of the film's take instead of full wages", they are ready to make the deal. Mainly because the studio knows at the start the dummy company will never make a profit (on purpose). The money will go elsewhere and be collected elsewhere and the magic of Hollywood accounting will make it all look proper.

When you put down the good things you ought to have done, and leave out the bad ones you did do — well, that’s Memoirs. ~ Will Rogers


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Re: Interesting Parallels Between The Cannabis and File-Sharing Debates
« Reply #6 on: March 17, 2016, 01:48:03 AM »
Quote from: mojo
On the activity comment, if you are active enough in the right ways, sooner or later you draw someone else into the conversation because they found topic showing up in a search and it is being discussed here, not somewhere else. It's a very slow slog at the beginning. Might take months to draw one comment. Sooner or later it starts. From there if you stay at it, it snowballs.

Good to see that you noticed my activity comment. I'll contribute more information about it.

True; an article (a post, a submission) with comments is usually better than one without comments, but it's not enough and this is the useful SEO-info:
  • The comments should be quality comments (it's obvious that if you have an article and under it there are some spambots' comments a la 'buy VIAGRA online!' and 'Visit my site, pls!' or some shitposts like 'Coolllllllllllllll!' and 'Your mommy is fat! :PPP', it's not going to improve the visibility of the article/post/submission/etc.
  • The comments should be natural (without the well-known word stuffing). For example, if now I repeat the word 'file-sharing' 20 times in this post, instead of 1-2, it's a very big minus for all the thread.
  • Another thing that matters is how many netizens and in how many quality social networking sites (Facebook, Twitter, VK, Pinterest, etc.) will share this. It's also very good, if it's shared in some related forums, blogs, etc. (For example a food blog shares your food topic -- good for the topic! Plumbers' blog shares your food topic -- not that good.)
  • How many visitors it gets from the other websites (and once it's already enough visible) and from the search engines, chats, emails, etc.
  • How long time the visitors read it, i.e. how long time they spend on its webpage (low bounce rate).
  • Maybe there are some others. Nobody knows all of the SEs' algorithms, because not all of them aren't public.


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Re: Interesting Parallels Between The Cannabis and File-Sharing Debates
« Reply #7 on: March 17, 2016, 01:57:26 AM »
I ran into an interesting article about SEO that sort of runs counter to those pushing the SEO activity. I saved the link and will post it sometime later, for the discussion value.
When you put down the good things you ought to have done, and leave out the bad ones you did do — well, that’s Memoirs. ~ Will Rogers


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Re: Interesting Parallels Between The Cannabis and File-Sharing Debates
« Reply #8 on: March 18, 2016, 02:36:42 PM »
Quote from: mojo
I ran into an interesting article about SEO that sort of runs counter to those pushing the SEO activity. I saved the link and will post it sometime later, for the discussion value.
Don't forget to share this link with us, please. I hope it's a good article! (To tell you the truth, now everyone may write articles about SEO; some of these articles are so 'sci-fi', that you better never read them. It's a matter of really good luck to find a quality SEO article, without wishful thinking, lies, imaginary objects, ill fantasy, etc. ;D)


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