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Author Topic: About the poverty  (Read 1276 times)

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About the poverty
« on: October 24, 2015, 07:20:18 PM »


Nowadays the poverty is a big problem around the world. We're also not rich and we do care about the poor.
 I am glad that there is a poverty.com, which is about
Poverty.com was created for all people around the world who want to end poverty. It has no political, religious, or corporate affiliation.
October 2015
And now about the

Problems of poverty

There are many problems of poverty and some serious of them are:
- Hunger
- Pneumonia
- Diarrhea
- Tuberculosis
- Malaria
- Measles


Hunger and World Poverty

About 21,000 people die every day of hunger or hunger-related causes, according to the United Nations. This is one person every four seconds, as you can see on this display. Sadly, it is children who die most often.
Yet there is plenty of food in the world for everyone. The problem is that hungry people are trapped in severe poverty. They lack the money to buy enough food to nourish themselves. Being constantly malnourished, they become weaker and often sick. This makes them increasingly less able to work, which then makes them even poorer and hungrier. This downward spiral often continues until death for them and their families.
There are effective programs to break this spiral. For adults, there are “food for work” programs where the adults are paid with food to build schools, dig wells, make roads, and so on. This both nourishes them and builds infrastructure to end the poverty. For children, there are “food for education” programs where the children are provided with food when they attend school. Their education will help them to escape from hunger and global poverty.
Hunger and World Poverty Sources: United Nations World Food Program (WFP), Oxfam, UNICEF.


AIDS is now second only to the Black Death as the largest epidemic in history. AIDS kills roughly 1.5 million people a year, or about one person every 20 seconds, as you can see here. This death toll surprisingly includes a lot of children, who are often infected with the HIV virus during pregnancy or through breast-feeding.
The toll is worst in Africa, where millions of parents have died, leaving children as orphans. Often teachers have died as well, leaving schools empty. Doctors and nurses have died, leaving hospitals and medical clinics with nothing. Farmers have died, leaving crops in the fields. Entire villages have been devastated.
Yet AIDS is a preventable and increasingly treatable disease. The huge majority of deaths can be stopped. Through education, the use of condoms, and proper medicine, AIDS has been brought under control in the developed countries. The same can be true in Africa and other parts of the world.
Sources: Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), World Health Organization (WHO).


Pneumonia and other forms of acute respiratory infection (ARI) kill over one million children alone each year in poor countries. Pneumonia is contagious and is commonly transmitted when an infected person coughs or sneezes small droplets that contain the germ into the air. If treated, pneumonia usually is not fatal.
The signs of pneumonia are a cough accompanied by high fever and rapid breathing. A person with these symptoms needs to be taken for treatment immediately. Since pneumonia is primarily caused by bacteria, the person can usually be treated with inexpensive antibiotics.
The problem is that in very poor villages and communities there are often no doctors or health centers for treatment. A fairly recent innovation has been to train one person in each village or community to provide rudimentary healthcare, including dispensing common antibiotics. This common-sense solution has worked very well in many of the poorest areas of Africa, Asia, and South America.
Sources: World Health Organization (WHO), UNICEF.


Diarrheal diseases such as cholera and dysentery kill about one million people each year, most of them children. Diarrhea is most often a result of unclean water, unsafe sanitation, or poor hygiene.
Strong, healthy people can recover from diarrhea in a few hours or days at most. However, individuals weakened by malnutrition or sickness often cannot recover and start losing large amounts of fluids and salts. Without treatment, this may continue until they actually die of dehydration. Children become dehydrated faster than adults.
The treatment for diarrhea is surprisingly simple. Called Oral Rehydration Therapy (ORT), it is a mixture of water, salt, and sugar that replenishes the lost fluids in the body. This basic treatment has helped reduce diarrheal deaths by about two-thirds in the last 25 years. It is perhaps the height of human tragedy that still so many parents must watch a son or daughter die of diarrhea when the cure is so simple and so inexpensive.
Sources: UNICEF, World Health Organization (WHO), Rehydration Project.


In the entire history of humankind, it is believed that tuberculosis has killed more people than any other disease (in shorter periods of time, the epidemics of the Black Death and AIDS have killed more). Tuberculosis dates back to at least 4000 BC and was present in ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, and India. Known as consumption, it was responsible for one in five deaths in 17th century London.
Tuberculosis is highly contagious and spreads through the air from coughing. If not treated, a person with TB infects an average of 10 to 15 new people each year. Approximately a million people die annually from tuberculosis in developing countries.
In 1995 the World Health Organization launched a multi-pronged tuberculosis program called DOTS (Directly Observed Therapy). Since then it has successfully treated many millions of tuberculosis patients. Funding is needed so that this effective program can expand to reach all the people who need it.
Sources: World Health Organization (WHO), Stop TB Partnership.


Approximately a half million people die from malaria each year and many millions more are seriously weakened by it. Malaria is spread by mosquitoes. One bite from an infected mosquito can mean weeks of fever and exhaustion, preventing children from going to school and adults from working to provide for their families. Close to 90% of malaria cases occur in Africa.
Although malaria is treatable with anti-malarial drugs, these are often not available in the poorest areas. Instead, what has been found to be effective is mosquito nets for beds. This bed netting protects people from mosquitoes while they sleep at night, when the mosquitoes come out.
Bed nets cost as little as $3. Ideally, every person in the affected areas of Africa would be provided with a bed net. Besides saving lives, this would be an excellent economic investment, as the cost of malaria to Africans in lost productivity alone is estimated in the billions of dollars each year.
Sources: UNICEF, World Health Organization (WHO).

Measles and Other Childhood Diseases

The so-called childhood diseases of measles, rubella, pertussis (whooping cough), tetanus, and diphtheria are responsible for several hundred thousand deaths per year. Fortunately, all of these diseases are preventable through inexpensive vaccines.
Very recently, there has been great success with measles vaccinations. Since 2001, the Measles & Rubella Initiative, an international partnership backed by a number of organizations and individuals, has vaccinated over a billion children in poor countries. This has cut the number of measles deaths by approximately three-quarters.
At a cost of less than $1 per vaccination, this program shows how a relatively small amount of funding can make a huge difference in lives saved. There is no reason that this type of program cannot be extended to vaccinate all of the children who need it, provided enough funding is available.
Sources: UNICEF, American Red Cross, World Health Organization (WHO).

What you can do

What you can do -- learn more: http://www.poverty.com/more.html (Just by visiting that site, you have already played an important role in helping to end poverty. "Many extraordinary things in human history have been achieved simply because enough people become knowledgeable about them." To learn more about poverty, a variety of sources of information are listed below there, in poverty.com/more.html.)


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How many people die of hunger
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2015, 07:26:01 PM »
  How many people die of hunger? Some of you, who read this, probably have no idea about how many people die of hunger these days.
A fan of science, philosophy and so on. :)


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