It's in fact, not that simple.
Sure, most of the incels (but only these online) are teenagers or young college/university students and your workers (or jobless) people who tend to be less informed about the female inceldom and who also tend to be more selfish and self-oriented (like "I do care only about the male inceldom and especially about my own malecel inceldom!")
And, sure, there are female incels (femcels) -- for example these females (femcels) who are concretely poorcels (poor femcels) in places without communications (especially without internet; which we may consider as locationcels, location femcels too), disabledcels (disabled femcels; challenged femcels), standardcels (femcels with high standards), volcels (female volcels), oldcels (old femcels), mentalcels (female mentalcels) and probably some other categories.
But, nobody can argue, the smv of the female gender is higher (i. e. the average female is able to find a love partner much better and faster than her male equivalent). As another educated friend (a female) said, "Before I met you I knew nothing about this topic. But I did some research online and it's huge. Of course, it is mostly involving men, so I didn't pursue it very deeply, but this is a significant movement." So, there is no person on Earth, male or female, who's going to argue that for the males is easier or for the females is harder... And here comes the answer -- some of the incels just make the wrong logical conclusion "For the women is easier = all the women got it = there are no femcels." or another better but not completely true too "Femcel = Female volcel" with a variant "Femcel = Female standardcel".
It's normal. When they grow up they'll see that it's not that elementary. If everyone understands well the matter of human love (and the inceldom concretely) then there will be no incelologists like me. You just can't expect all of the people to be educated, knowledgeable and informed. The majority of the people around the world aren't that educated, knowledgeable and informed.