From "q" to "m" and from "m" to "q"
1. From "q" to "m": qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm.
2. From "m" to "q": mnbvcxzlkjhgfdsalkjhgfdsapoiuytrewq.
From "p" to "q" and from "q" to "p"
1. From "p" to "q": poiuytrewq.
2. From "q" to "p": qwertyuiop.
From "l" to "a" and from "a" to "l"
1. From "l" to "a": lkjhgfdsa.
2. From "a" to "l": asdfghjkl.
From "m" to "z" and from "z" to "n"
1. From "m" to "z": mnbvcxz.
2. From "z" to "m": zxcvbnm.
(In case you didn't get it -- we're typing about the keys of the Latin keyboards.)