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Author Topic: Why, our dear user and friend? Why?  (Read 2092 times)

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Why, our dear user and friend? Why?
« on: April 27, 2017, 05:42:38 AM »
I don't know how to start it... You see, I'm just sad and frustrated. We had (and we still have) a lot of users/members here. Most of them are not very active (or even inactive). We had (and we have... I hope we'll continue to have) some very good members/users here. I'm not going to mention them one by one, but all of you who know us well in the recent years probably know them.

And here comes my why... I'd like to ask why one of our best users (who I think was a friend of mine; well, at least, an online friend of mine), if this great amazing and knowledgeable person is still visiting us, but not posting anymore: "Why, my dear friend? Why?"

This is his last message (I hope he's still alive and well!) sent to me (on: May 06, 2016, 01:41:24 AM). I'll publish it here without his name/nickname, because I do respect his privacy and the goal is only to make him know that I'm talking about him and I miss him:

"I send this to you in private but you are welcome to share it with the inner circle with no issues from me.

In not to long, some time this month, I will be disappearing from the internet. My ISP is starting caps on internet usage and as low as they are to set it, it is unlikely I can stay under them. In essence they are doubling the cost without any improvements in service nor product. It's strictly a  cash grab.

I refuse to pay more for less. It's not that valuable to me. So until I find another ISP, be that a week or a year, I'll be off line and no longer connected. So when I disappear, I'd rather those places that know me as well as those places I mod at know ahead of time.



(No, I'm not stupid. I'm not an Native English speaker and maybe I'm not an excellent English speaker, but I do understand the meaning of his currently last message to me.

And the reason I'm asking him 'Why?' is that I had a chance to see that he's is back online, just because I noticed some of his posts in another website (which one? It's a secret.), which he posted, after he disappeared from here. You understand me, I hope. So, I waited some months until he maybe will remember us and will join us again. But it didn't happen. And I just want to have this first and last try, to let him know that I and many of our staff here, miss him a lot and he's so welcome to be here again!!! I'd like to apologize, if he thinks that we hurt him in one or another way. I hope we all were only friendly and positive to him. That's all... We miss you!)


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My best guess
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2017, 07:02:22 AM »
 My best guess now is: a misunderstanding.
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Re: Why, our dear user and friend? Why?
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2017, 02:41:20 AM »
We are good friends. 8)
I want to improve my English.


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Re: Why, our dear user and friend? Why?
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2017, 02:32:54 AM »
Well, some of us don't agree on much, but when it comes to useful users and friends, there is no doubt, right?
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Re: Why, our dear user and friend? Why?
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2017, 01:18:06 AM »
There is a reason for everything. I don't know this one. :(


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Re: Why, our dear user and friend? Why?
« Reply #5 on: May 12, 2017, 01:36:16 AM »
Nothing lasts forever. ::) ::) ::)


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Re: Why, our dear user and friend? Why?
« Reply #6 on: May 16, 2017, 02:23:40 PM »
Everything was okay with our communication. We miss the person in question also.

Some sweet memories from him (with the privacy edits) just to show you it was all good. No quarrels, no bad language, no shitposts.

1/ My lady will be on probably sometime tomorrow. We both have a seperate computer each so there will not be the mix up that comes with two on the same computer. *winks*

Yes, that's me (...) and we came because you folks left. So hello again!

We'll take the time to get used to the place and then see if there is something we might be able to add to the site to give it more activity.

Nice to greet you.


~ ...

2/I seem to have made an error in the tags for the images or prehaps chosen the wrong image host. Normally I type the tags as I go.

http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/ ...

This post the images didn't show up on. What did I do wrong?



3/ Not sure what I did wrong. My images didn't show up in this thread:

http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/ ...

I'm not sure if I did wrong on the tags (used to just typing them in on the fly), or if it is the forum software, the image site, or what.

If I ask nicely could you look at it and tell me what I did wrong so I will know what not to do again?

Best regards,


4/ Thought I would take time to answer your last pm.

You know it never occurred to me about the price of PCs in China. Just one of those things when you don't live in the region you aren't aware of. As much as anything these are the sort of things I enjoy with the two of you. I get an education, free of charge, about places I'll never be or know of otherwise.

In some ways, I'm a privacy nut. Oh, I don't have anything to hide really but I strongly dislike the datamining that goes on with the internet. Just because you can gather all this info doesn't necessarily mean you should. So no cell phone here, don't need mobility so no sense in having an extra charge. Also don't do wifi. So no leakage in that sense. We have a table where three monitors are put with the PCs below them. It's how we're set up.

Don't have to worry much on the taboo topics, most of them don't fit in my life. You might see a gun as part of one of my graphics but not something that could be used or anything like that; just part of an image. Always like to try and tell some sort of story with the image so as to make a better impact.

The lack of editing will be my downfall. World's worst about not proof reading before posting. I can see I'll be able to show how to mangle the English language by a native.

The people I've encountered so far here seem to be all welcoming folk. I don't foresee any problems in that aspect.

I'm not the sort to run off an post content from a site such as this elsewhere but blocking the right click wouldn't prevent me if I were of that mindset. Screenshots and all that. *smiles*

All the best,


5/ Just having a little problem adjusting to it is all. I've found the problem with why the images aren't showing up. There is some issue with the image host that doesn't show up here. I changed hosts and that was the answer. If you could do me the favor of deleting the post that the images didn't show up in I'll rehost and repost that one.

All the best,


6/ That was the problem was the image host. So I'll use the one I'm using now that works. Thank you for checking and your answer is correct.

7/ Most of this I don't think will be any sort of problem. I've nothing to sell and no where I want anyone to be. So nothing to put on the net about that. Which illuminates 1/2 the rules list.

While I do a few tasteful nudes as art, some places wish a family atmosphere and I've been there before so they won't be posted.

Once in a while I will use a good hell or damn for indicating strength of emotion through text but that only works if it is done rarely. To often and the strong impression isn't there anymore.

As far as hacking or cracking, couldn't hack my way out of a wet paper bag, just never have had an interest.

I hate malware, spam, and the rest of the pest industries so nothing to add there other than if I have a pet peeve on the internet, it's ads.

So I don't really see a major problem here.

Have a good evening,


8/ http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/ ...

Reading over this ... I've made a mistake. The line in directions that says:


Should read:


Best regards,
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Re: Why, our dear user and friend? Why?
« Reply #7 on: May 16, 2017, 03:25:53 PM »
The same here. I'll quote the communication here too. It was just perfect.

"Do not worry about disturbing me. Despite how it may have sounded over the image I'm not really that hard to get along with.

I believe you guys are actually the more educated. My education comes not so much from school as from life.

What fools you, is that I have a long history of being online in forums. I've had many years to figure out how to be interesting in the crowd.

So next time you feel the need to pm, don't you give it a minute's thought.

Regards, ~ ..."

"Thank you. ; )"

"I've no words to express the feelings I have for this honor.

All I can do is humbly say,

Thank you.

~ ..."

"Not to worried about trolls. You always have the ability to ignore them and not respond. Yes, I do feel this to a nice place. I would not have said it had I not meant it.

In all my time on line, it has been rare to actually hear a site do as you guys have. Recognition has always come from different angles but not just right out front as it has here.

So from the bottom of my heart,

Thank you.

~ ..."


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Re: Why, our dear user and friend? Why?
« Reply #8 on: May 17, 2017, 02:28:59 AM »
From my mailbox, also polite and full of harmony messages. Not perfect, nobody is perfect, but nothing problematic, nothing bothering. Here you are:

I seem to be having a problem in that the left mouse functions don't work. So I can't access NoScript to remove anything that way. I've done that through other means. Still have no way to post and not sure if that is a needing authorization from the admin or if it is some sort of setting on my part.

I trust you are [...] from other places and this is why I've come here since he is leaving that other place.

Best regards,

~ [...]

Thank you.

I brought my better half with me so she's made her own account as well. You'll not need to worry about spamming and the like; we don't do that.

I'll look forward to participation here as I learn the ropes of how folks are and do things.

Again, appreciate your response.
~ [...]

I've picked up the 'internal server error' a few times and that was my solution was to refresh. I thought it was on my end because of the VPN. I use the VPN for privacy, I care not for spamming. You have troubles with me, I'm easy. Tell me I'm unwanted and I'm gone. No since in staying where you aren't wanted when there is a whole world out there.

Been a while since I've been on forums but have a long history of them going back a good ways.

Nice to be here and I seem to have a good feeling about the site.

Thanx for having me,

~ [...]

As far as ads and spam, I've nothing to sell and nowhere I want folks to be.

Thank you so much for your time to help me adjust. Once I'm used to the forum software and it's way things are to be done, I'll be good.

Much appreciated your taking a moment or two for me but sure you have other headaches. I'll bother you less now.

Thank you. It's been a while since I was on forums. I've nearly forgotten my tags. I used to type them on the fly rather than use buttons to code them. Some of these I haven't used. But it's been years since last I typed them.

Much appreciated.


~ [...]

I wanted to take a moment of your time to explain why I am leaving.  It doesn't do much good to help a site unless you actually give the whys so it can improve. I've a long, long, time of experience on forums. It is just the software that I had to familiarize myself with and that could have been handled with not much issue other than using it.

I tend to try to be a good netizen to a site. To improve rather than just be there. My issue here is that I included images from Wikipedia that were deleted from the articles. Now, I read the rules so that I might have some clues as to what not to do. But no where did I find that some images were ok to stay and others were not with the exception of what seemed to be copyright issues. But Wiki material is not a copyright issue, they are instead under Creative Commons so that anyone can use them. My issue here isn't really the deletions.

The issue is there is no way to obey the rules, when they are not stated what they are to be enforced. I received no pm to tell me what I did wrong. I can't correct that without it. So the remaining option is apparently to delete at random or at whim.

Images make a post. Many will not go to the hyperlink when provided but they will look at the eye candy. I'm not sure what the problem is with communications but it is indeed lacking.

I wish you the best on your continued well being.


~ [...]

Sorry I haven't been back to answer this. I got a pm that this was for some reason on my browser. Maybe it's the image host, don't know. I do know they were there and then gone.

I've been really busy this week, being out of town, a birthday w/ cake to make, and fighting what is termed a yard that looks more like a jungle for the last 4 days and still have a bit to do.

As soon as things slow down where I am just not plumb tuckered out at the end of the day, I'll be back to see if apologies are necessary.

Best regards,

~ [...]

Thank you for the explanation and lord, I didn't mean to start anything. The images were all there and then some weren't but others were. I have to think it was the image host since it wasn't here. Maybe it dropped off line, maybe as you say it's a browser problem. Today I see them fine so it's not the browser. But they were definately not there the day I had went back to check. The text was, just not the images.

I will use your link from now on but I suspect they would have shown the same thing since no changes have been made in the browser since then and I see them today.

Maybe what I need is to just wait a day or two before there is an issue but I did not want to splash it all over the forum hence the pm. You don't come out a head by clashing heads. You just wind up further in the hole, if you know what I mean.

For any disruptions I have or may have caused, I apologize. It was never meant to be anything other than something I couldn't benefit from with the appearance. Wasn't about a deletion, nothing is written in stone on the internet. I do try to be a good netizen.

Best of wishes,

~ [...]

Thank you. I saw it and jumped right on it. Very much appreciated!

Best regards,

~ [...]

You see, nothing bad. No aggression. No misunderstandings.


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Super good
« Reply #9 on: May 17, 2017, 03:01:42 PM »
 Another confirmation (from me) that everything was super good in our chats. (And I spent some time to gave him ideas about the internet, which you may see from the topics in the answers which I'll quote down below; but seems that it's not the problem, because after he got again internet, he didn't return here, but he returned to at least one another website, which shows that he again had some problem with us. Real or imaginary problem -- I can't know.)
 So -- you may see all (without the name/nickname, because I'm not gossiping) and to understand that my relationship with him was without problems and that I even spend time trying to give ideas for internet (internet access), but... in vain...

"And a return hello to you.

I've notice the lack of being able to edit. I have to say I'm the world's worst at failing to proof read before instead of just posting it up. So I'm gonna have lots of errors and mistakes.

Can't say I'm all that intelligent either. I also expect until I get my bearings that there may be a bit of friction from time to time. You know us Americans, at times both stupid as well as dense.

At any rate, nice to greet you. I see the forum as well as your lady communicate within. Nothing wrong with that. It's been ages since I've been on a forum of any sort. So really rusty at this. I did notice that you also can't link text to hyperlink but that's ok. I understand the reasoning behind it.

So hello to you and yours.

~ ............."


"First off, let me apologize for not being here sooner. Been a really busy week here. Had a couple of days out of town, so no internet as I don't do cell phones and tablets. This followed by some serious yard work, which will probably take some explanations. But just been tuckered at the end of the day. If you've noticed I've not been on line much anywhere. An old feller can't do but so much per day.

I don't have a problem with doing a sort of AMA if you will about life here but it should be filtered through the idea that my life may not be typical in many aspects. One of them is that I don't live in a big city which is what most will think of as some one from the US. Such as there being one bar in town and no clubs. No movie places. No big stores. In rush hour it's 5 to 10 minutes to get across town. That's our heavy traffic. Rest of  the  time there is none to speak of. Nearest towns with big stores are still smaller towns and the big city is 40 to 60 miles away, depending on what you need and where you need to go.

Sorry about the being pissed over the images disappearing. I looked, checked it again, wasn't there but was fully imaged earlier in the day. I was left with one thought because you can't look at the edit function that they were just gone. No explanation was the real problem, not an edit. As someone new, you can't follow the rules without knowing what you did. Mysterious edits leave you with the wrong impression and it all started with not being able to see them after they were there. Couldn't be copyright issues, the wiki is creative commons. Other images I'd posted were still there. Just seemed to be selective at the time.


~ .................."


"I have no problems with this. Cultures and the environments they create in their societies are different every where. Without explanation, what is often accepted as the way you do things makes no sense to others without the knowledge that comes from living within that society. Much is unspoken as to how or why. Sometimes you can pull it out from context, sometimes not. It takes someone immersed in the culture to make the difference clear."


"Be well and don't worry about it. I mentioned last time I would use the experience over the photos as a learning one. I am in no way upset, nor was I.

Something else I haven't brought here is that I have had a long term interest in copyright matters looking at it from the abuse side as applied by the industry. Every day, I spend a little time over the years to read something about these issues. I try hard to be informed on them, to stay up with the latest changes as well as the latest attempts to juggle the laws.

It was in the vein of being informative the post was made. If it came out sounding any different than that, my apology for writing in an unclear manner.

Best regards,

~ ............."


"You forget that I live in a small town. There is no cafe. The problem with the US is that there are few internet providers. Those are rapidly going caps too. This is not a congestion problem and it has been admitted as such. Caps are really steaming the public and literally hundreds of thousands of complaints have been sent to the FCC over them.

My problem is I'm retired. That means here no real money coming in. I have a solution I will probably go to, the issue is 1 year contract and their router. No other router will work. So that's an extra $100 for just the router. Service would be about the same as I pay now with the exception of no caps. Whether that stays that way is the question.

I don't file share so we are not talking huge amounts of upload. Cable is the same as the service I have now in that there are caps but also a much higher priced monthly payment. A payment I will not pay as the service if you need it isn't there and is another standard complaint from all customers nation wide. In customer satisfaction in getting problems fixed, about the only thing that ranks lower in public opinion is congress.

Nor is cell phone an answer. You have to buy the cell phone and that's a major hit followed by caps or serious downgrading of speed once a monthly limit has been reached. Again I'm in a small town and the choices are extremely limited.

I've already resigned as mod of one place, put in my notice at another, and informed yet still another site of the up looming issue. "


"Cable companies are providing internet yes; at nearly three times the cost. Don't take tv package with it, your internet costs just went up as they attempt to fight cable cutters cutting into their profits. I have no need of the tv package. Don't own a tv, haven't had one in over a decade, not going to buy one. So paying for a tv package I'll never use is out. I won't do it, even if it means no internet.

There are no sharings of the internet that will work here. I have good equipment in the form of computers but they are not mobile. No laptops, don't want a phone as the cost of them is far higher than VOIP, showing yet another gouging of the public.

I'm on a limited budget. I am retired and there is no job to provide more income. So price becomes a priority. This is a very small town, there is no internet cafe, nor any cafe of any kind. There is one possibility I'm looking into. No matter what the present ISP is out, due to costs, if nothing else.

How long it takes to resolve this I don't know. Maybe a day or two, maybe months, depending. It's just the way it is. I've resigned from one site I mod, given notice on another, and have yet to inform the last one. "


"Not sure I answered your pm. Here's the thing and why this cash grab is going on.

In the US, the major telcos have a monopoly. There's not competition except for maybe 3 or 4 major telcos. The rest either they have bought out or use regulations and laws that they usually write for their benefit and then get state and federal laws to enact.

An example of such laws, is getting states to approve that no other city or group can create a internet network. So if you are not served by one of these big telcos, in most places, you can't just start one up. In Google's attempt to put in fiber one of the big problems they are running into is pole access. Only utilities are allowed access and then under strict rules as to what can go where on the pole. Being as Google was not considered a utility provider until the FCC ruled that telcos would come under Title 2 regulations. So Google could not demand access to the poles to put in it's fiber without going through the major telcos it was in competition with who do not want Google in the picture. Some cities actually own pole rights but even there, it's a mish mash of who owns what poles and where.

There are no cafes here, no pubs in the European sense. Here they are called bars and they are not for the nerds but for socializing while drinking. There was one bar in town. It closed down and came back as a gaming place for the young. Again no such internet connections. The bars that remain, are outside the city limits now. There's one just out of town, there's another in the middle of nowhere, maybe 12 miles out of town.

This whole thing with caps is the major telcos fighting cord cutting and numbers so that the stockholders don't get skiddish. Most of the major telcos are also the delivers of cable or PPV broadcasting. Every cord cutter removes numbers from the active of PPV. So they are seeing a drop in subscriber numbers and income. The idea is to make the caps low enough that it is more expensive to cord cut than subscribe. Most cord cutters are driven by the cost. Many having bills from $100 on up per month. If you subscribe to  PPV then you have no cap on your internet. If you don't then you do. I don't own a tv, don't want one, haven't had one in over a decade. I got fed up with the price, poor programming, reruns, commercials on my dime, and just a lack of interest in what was coming up. Could  not longer justify the value vs cost.

As I said, I live in a small town. Not much here in the line of commercial stuff. No theater, no rental place for movies, two restaurants; one in a motel for their traveling clients, one grocery store and a couple of gas stations.

"Thank you for endorsement as well as the honor. I'm quite flattered to be so well thought of. It means a lot from someone not expecting such.

Best regards,

~ ..........."


"I had read it but didn't comment. I see no sense in providing hits for a search engine for something I no longer support.

Thank you for the link but on this one I think I'll hold my peace. *winks*

All the best,

~ ........."

 Well? Everything friendly and/or at least in a good manner and style. So, no problem here.
A fan of science, philosophy and so on. :)


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