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Author Topic: "Why do Europeans hate Asians so much?" is a wrong question  (Read 2722 times)

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  • Философ | Philosopher | 哲学家
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Why do Europeans hate Asians so much?


and my opinion:


This question is not rational. Let me explain friendly why:

a) Europe is big. Europeans are millions. Some Europeans are even Yellow (Asian) or Semi-Yellow (Semi-Asian) - Kalmuks (They're a West-Mongolian people, living in a republic in the Russian federation, most of them are Buddhists - Lamaists) , Chuvashes (the descendants of the European Huns, the one and only speaking in R-Turkic language), Tatars, etc.

b) Some Asians also do hate Chinese. It's sad, but I met a Vietnamese girl, who was with Anti-Chinese ideas, when I was young. Also - some Japanese (I read about it online few years ago), etc. So European or Asian - it's doesn't matters when it is coming about LOVE or HATE China (or Korea, or Papua, or USA, or Moldova)

c) Again about the Europeans - do you know how many:

1/ European socialists and communists admire China and Chinese?

2/ European sinologists (people who learn Sinology - the science for China and Chinese) love China, Chinese culture, etc.

3/ European ignorant, uneducated people who don't knows even WHAT is China (so they are not able to hate or to love something that they don't know. They don't know also Laos or Bhutan, for example, not just China)

  SO, REMEMBER - there are a lot of DIFFERENT Europeans and they:

a) Love China

b) Hate China

c) Don't know what and where is China

d) Don't care about China


That's why it is VERY irrational and irresponsible to say that Europeans (instead of SOME Europeans) hate China.

I am geographically from Europe. And I do love China, I like most of the Chinese culture, I support the Chinese Communist Party and my wife is a Chinese woman. All these facts are showing that it's quite possible for an European (and not only for one European) to be a Chinese fan, not a Chinese enemy.
If there are some more questions about it - let me know - as an educated and responsible man, I will clear them up and will give you a bright knowledge that may be helpful for our future! Thanks for reading!
A fan of science, philosophy and so on. :)


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