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Messages - 北京:高等教育出版社

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They just wanted you to leave them alone because of your inceldoms! Just improve your IQ by Desi's gnorrhoea for all it is worth!

Very philosophical and enlightening. You are at the apex of the list of the gold members of this forum, totally as opposed to the little bitch Desi, who is  at the bottom of the list of the whole human ranked by self-integration. :P


Then explain those kpop boys, many of who are shredded but look feminine face-wise. Your noegenesis is def false or the materials you are false, but based upon my observation of you, can only the former be the case.

But still not a valid excuse for the lil' poor $#$_& Desi to be a sour-graping 'suspectcel' right?


Of course this forum is shitty and retarded. Insofar as I know about this ... forum, the ... retarded dynamics of this forum is that when someone sees MSL or whatever ... stupid forumers get misprojected/misreasoned/misunderstood by me, then up come will ... Nadia or ... Alexa or whatever other moron saying 'Oh Zhang you go ffffffffffffffffffff mental again! Brocel be paranoic/bad-memoryed/hallucinating/ again!' and finally up come will other forumers concurring with this donkey ass. But what about when I get ... misprojected/misreasoned/misunderstood? 'Oh Zhang be ffffffffffffffffffff fragile/oversensitive/ill-tempered!' and up come will ... MSL or Nadia or someone ... else concurring. This is the ... dynamics of this ... foum and you were flabbergasted by why I called this ... forum shitty and retarded ... hmm.....


To me you are a unfortune Alzheimer's patient who is also bald, streakful and inable to control his pooping and urination as I can sniff out since your tone appears to be a poor old man's one. What I can suggest to you is that better take care of your own brain and body. Don't let them keep decaying so that one day a baby can also mog you into oblivion intellectually and athletically!

If you are obsessive and mentally dark shrink is the best option instead of relinquishing treatments to this garbage forum also in case the ... .... Desi comes at you and be like 'Oh one billion dollars? fk you you are just a ffffffffffffffffffff liar!', then leaving with her ... twisting since she is working as a ... ... worker!

This woman is as retarded as you.
How to make an achievable goal? fk no telling
How to break down well? no telling
So this saying is just 正确的废话(correct bullshit).

Yeah brocel got it right.
Socialmaxxing follows to gymmaxxing moneymaxxing facemaxxing etc., those things that can always make most of people feel insecure or anxious but to what all of them follow is 'suspecting-eradication'! And Desi is the best lesson!

Yeah the best example is that gayish streamer(who is a Chinese instead of a Korean to let you $_$@@ morons recall) got rated highly because of his very feminine look by a Korean and others and because relative to him I look normal and male plus different aesthetic evaluation varying across groups I got rated only average which was way lower than him.

Poor chads can still get your gf's ... wet as fk even if you were a billionaire while having heen only 4'5 plus a dunkey face you ... big ignoramuse.

My ffffffffffffffffffff lifefuel is there is a ... person Desi being so retarded and sour-graping!

I expect this ffffffffffffffffffff forum not to be imbecile and slow anymore which is actually just a pretty unrealistic wish...

The best self-defense(mental) against Desi is not to claim anything if you don't want to be slandered as a ffffffffffffffffffff liar!!!

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