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Messages - 北京の高等教育出版社

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Of course! Fashionmaxxing can improve your attractiveness by like 60%!

But when you are a suspectcel like this ...

(The rest is deleted because of the insults and violence semtences!

Edit: MSL.)

I suggest to add another ffffffffffffffffffff example——Miss. Desi, who has got rejected by millions of times because of her jealousy and suspecting like 'Huh six packs? Liar! Get off!' :P :P

Desi vs everyone richer than her little bitch: Oh one billion?! You ffffffffffffffffffff liar! I need honesty!

Yeah I am very appreciating your philanthropicness but you also need to spare some ffffffffffffffffffff benevolence to our intellectually disabled old lady Desi as you can see she is leeching all around because of her ffffffffffffffffffff insanity and derangedness, derived from her jealousy of people richer than her or her elephant legs or her wormy ass or else, who knows, since when you can never reason accurately what experiences such a stupid and dumb person have :P

You wanna know what 'suspectpill' is? Just ffffffffffffffffffff check Desi's laughable posts and you will be like 'oh this is just a suspectpill fkkkkkk' :P :-[

Good! But don't forget not to tell your betteredness to the old whale Desi otherwise she will be like 'Eh leaner? You liar...'

Yeah then our honorable coping master lady Desi is 'one-billion-dollars-it-is-lie' :P :P

Oh some Beckies like the bitch Desi think there is no 'honesty'!

Deleted. Took a screenshot to keep it if in future it is necessary to prove something!

You are already awesome brocel! At least you ain't like our ffffffffffffffffffff Becky Desi who can only be jealous and leeching all around because of her poorcelness and fat-assedness!

Yeah and don't be a 'suspectcel' like our lady Desi either otherwise ehhh even an incel with baldness and 2' penis can't ###############$#, for girls.


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