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Messages - Alex192000

Pages: [1] 2 3
 Интересно :D

Няма човек който да се е родил научен на този свят! Винаги има какво да се научи от всеки ;)

Българистика не съм чувала да има такава специалност в университет. Напомня ми на Японистика, Кореистика, Китайстика
(защото завъшва на "истика" което го свързвам с "мистика".)  Българска филология знам само, че има.

Интересна тема, грабна ме заглавието веднага.

Other languages / Re: За ларвите и лаврите
« on: January 28, 2021, 02:53:33 AM »
Мисля, че го учих по Биология когато бях ученичка, даже издателството на учебника помня. Булвест 2000 :D

Радвам се, че аз и моето семейство не сме затънали в дългове, защото наистина е страшно..
Попаднеш ли в това и почти е невъзможно да се измъкнеш. Става като в омагьосан кръг..

Other languages / Re: За ларвите и лаврите
« on: January 26, 2021, 04:49:30 AM »
Не съм се замисляла. Интересно. :o

Other languages / 2021
« on: January 02, 2021, 09:56:11 PM »
Пожелавам с закъснение на всички от форума новата 2021 година да бъде страхотна и да се сбъднат желанията и мечтите ви! :D 8)

Има всякакви хора.

Радвам се, че има тема за женски форум за интернет бизнес. :D Все пак има и жени, които се интересуват от тези неща..

The little Asian girl is very cuteee!! :D

 Интересно ми е за какво става въпрос Кяпутен Куро, така, че скоро ще го прочета и коментирам и аз :o :D

Health / Re: Hirudo verbana -Treatment with leeches
« on: December 24, 2020, 03:24:39 AM »
The traditional Chinese medicine is an ancient one with a long history. The modern Chinese medicine is almost the same as the rest of the modern medicine.

By lychee stones I meant the nutlets inside. The hard parts of the fruit. The seeds. :)

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lychee -- about the lychee in Wikipedia.

You're a very polite person! Glad to have you around! 8)

Thank you, SEO!

Sure, you're right. I eat it often. They sell it all around. It's a very good fruit. I can't compare it with something else. Fragrant and tasty.  :) :-*

I learned new word - fragrant! Thank you!

In Carrefour.

It's both, the flavour and the taste.

Thank you! I haven't been in Carrefour so I must go there one day  :)

Health / Re: Hirudo verbana -Treatment with leeches
« on: December 23, 2020, 07:49:18 AM »
I'm really glad to see you typing in English! :D And the topic is interesting indeed.
Well, I can see lychees every single day around me -- there are lychee drinks, dried lychees, fresh lychees and so on.
 I suppose that they may be healthy, but I'm not very familiar with the therapy/treatment which you're posting about. But, surely, they're full of vitamins, minerals and I suppose they may be a healthy food. Their flavour is amasing as well. :-*

Wow!  ::) It's nice to learn something new  :D MSL can you give me an example what is the taste? Because you said: ""Their flavour is amasing as well"". I have impression that you have tried them. Am I wrong? :)

It's a part of the Chinese (Traditional) medicine. I read right now about it. It's useful to treat some diseases -- including its stones (the lychee stones).

SEO, thank you! I thought it's Europe medicine or something like that.  :o I didn't know that Chinese medicine is so developed! I have heard about ancient methods but that was impressing! Can I ask you what do you mean by lychee stones? Is this a decease? :o

That's interesting but tbh I have no idea about it. I just know it's a tasty thing. :P

Mr. Dimitroff what do you mean by ""tasty thing"" ? Tasty like flavour when you eat? :o If there is some Bulgarian place where you can eat something like that I would like to know!

Goodnight everyone!

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