Social network | SEO - Social network / Re: End of... Facebook?!
« on: March 07, 2016, 07:15:15 PM »
facebook is most popular website in current seo process, because of large user, i cant believe the facebook end topic
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If you are doing directory submission then try to submit fresh description it would help a lot in indexing our links very fast, if you are doing article submission then consider submitting fresh and quality articles it would give mainly two benefit, first it would increase traffic to our website and second it would give you back links to your website.
Is social bookmarking carrying a good weight age? As i heard that SB is losing his priority, any ideas about it?According to my knowledge mostly social bookmarking websites are nofollow & dead..
Keywords location, density, processing
1.The URL in the keywords (in English)
2. The page title appear in the keywords (1-3)
3. The keyword tags appear in the keywords (1-3)
4. Description tags appear in the keywords (primary key words repeated twice)
5. Natural feature the appropriate keywords in the content
6. The content of the first paragraph and the last paragraph appear keywords
7. H1, H2 tags appear in the keywords
8. The export link anchor text contains keywords
9. The file name of the picture contains keywords
10. ALT attributes appear in the keywords
11. A keyword density of 6-8%
12. The keywords bold or italic
Content quality, update frequency, correlation
1. The content of the original best, avoid by all means have been reprinted many times
2. The content of independence, and the other pages at least 30% different
3. 1000-2000 words, reasonable fragmentation
4. Regular updates, preferably every day
5. Content around the page keywords, related to the site theme
6. Have the comment function, comments appear in the keywords
Inbound links and anchor text
1. High PR value inbound links in the site
2. The content related to import links of the page
3. The import link anchor text keywords contained in the page
4. The anchor text is present in the web page content
5. A relevant keywords around the anchor text
6. Inbound links exist more than 3 months
7. The import link pages the export of less than 100
8. Inbound links from different IP addresses
9. A natural increase inbound links
10. Anchor text diversity (e.g., SEO and SEO hundred thousand whys)
Above SEO skills, can let your keyword rankings have improved significantly.
Hello,i recommended google page speed insight, after changed some script or images my website score is 90 out of 100
My website is taking too much time to load, bounce rate is being increase. It's not good SEO point of view. Please suggest me how to decrease load time of my website?
I think this is very simple, all webmasters and developers already know about anchor tag.I Agreed with you, i think this thread is testing
Strange, but cool! I am a fan of this guy; just look at him: !!! Oh, yeah!
Hi, I have created a new website and am having trouble getting it to rank in Google searches. The website also has had few, if any, visits. I have implemented a range of SEO tips, added a SEO plug in, set up meta-tags etc but this does not seem to have helped much at all. I have also advertised on free online business directories and tweeted a few times which has driven a couple of visits only. As this is a low-cost informative website, and I am not a big corporate organisation, I can't afford to pay for SEO services. Does anyone have any advice for improving my non-existent website ranking and attracting visitors?. What am I doing wrong or what haven't I done?