☯☼☯ SEO and Non-SEO (Science-Education-Omnilogy) Forum ☯☼☯

Normal Incels (Incels Without Hate) => A forum for incels who are normal people (no terrorists, no rapists, no racists, no pedophiles, no haters and so on) => Topic started by: MSL on July 23, 2024, 05:26:46 PM

Title: An update about Zhang Jie's from Shanghai insanity and criminal acts
Post by: MSL on July 23, 2024, 05:26:46 PM
 The stalker changed his attitude in YouTube too. There he stated to post his psychotic hateful and criminal posts. They were worthless to paste here, so I just reported him to the YouTube authorities for harassment, violence, etc. and later I may update for you what's going on.
 His YouTube profile is with a pro-Russian (Ruscist) military avatar. Another proof that he is a shill and in fact he admires the neo-emperors like Xi and Putin.
 Later you may see some screenshots too.
Title: Re: An update about Zhang Jie from Shanghai insanity and criminal acts
Post by: Ineedloveandpassion on July 23, 2024, 06:34:07 PM
This is how the freaks do. He will try to stalk you and others until he's free. When he is imprisoned somewhere he will stop doing it.

But still it's great that he can't post his trash bss here and that he is blocked in QQ, WeChat and in the PMs here. In YouTube they will ban him soon too. Just never miss to report his bs there!
Title: Re: An update about Zhang Jie from Shanghai insanity and criminal acts
Post by: Dimitroff on July 23, 2024, 06:48:54 PM
Very useful for his potential victims in TouTube - to know him and to be full of awareness!

Also, don't forget this: https://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/a-forum-for-incels-who-are-normal-people-no-terrorists-no-rapists-no-racists-no-pedophiles-no-haters-and-so-on/yours-and-my-experience-with-incels/msg53546/#msg53546 (https://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/a-forum-for-incels-who-are-normal-people-no-terrorists-no-rapists-no-racists-no-pedophiles-no-haters-and-so-on/yours-and-my-experience-with-incels/msg53546/#msg53546)!!!
Title: Zhang Jie's (from Shanghai) insanity and criminal acts on YouTube reported!
Post by: MSL on July 24, 2024, 06:33:43 AM

Zhang Jie's (from Shanghai) insanity and criminal acts on YouTube reported!

Here is how to make right the reports on YouTube

 Zhang Jie's (from Shanghai) insanity and criminal acts on YouTube were reported successfully!
 Some screenshots (12) with explanations:

 - (http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/pics/yt1.jpg) -- 1. Reported for "harmful or dangerous acts" (you may see what exactly in his sick, disgusting, insane and criminal posts below!)

 - (http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/pics/yt2.jpg) -- 2. Reported for "hateful or abusive content" (and you may see what exactly in his sick, disgusting, insane and criminal posts below!)

- (http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/pics/YT3.jpg) -- 3. Here the YT confirms that the report is received.

 - (http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/pics/YT4.jpg) -- 4. This is his hateful, abusive comment where he's showing himself in front of all my subscribers and the other visitors as a liar (and/or hallucinator) and an ignored discriminator! For him the workers jobs are "subhuman" and the job of Desi (existing only in his ill head) is "more subhuman".
 The degraded psychotic disgusting little criminal is thinking that I am "safeguarding" her which is "f. unreasonable", according to this Zhang's broken sick brain! He has no any idea what is to be normal, moral, cooperative, empathic... The little crazy criminal thinks that we all should like his lies, hallucinations, insults, curses, death wishes, cannibalism desires and the rest of his insanity! This is really the most disgusting, the most stupid, the most crazy and the most sick Chinese individual that I ever met!

 - (http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/pics/yt5.jpg) -- 5. Another report of the same type, mentioned above.

 - (http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/pics/yt6.jpg) -- 6. Reported for harassment and cyberbullying. (If you may read all of his posts, screenshoted here, you will see why.)

 - (http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/pics/yt7.jpg) -- 7. His disgusting cannibalistic hallucinations and lies. Only for this he should be already one who is forced to start an involuntary treatment in some serious psychiatry!
(http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/pics/yt8.jpg) -- 8. his Ruscism (Rashism; Russism; in Chinese -- "俄西斯主义") avatar showing a present Russian soldier (Putin's soldier).

 - (http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/pics/yt9.jpg) -- 9. A "Thank for helping our community" message from YouTube.

 - (http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/pics/yt10.jpg) -- 10. More about his current account on YouTube.

 - (http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/pics/yt11.jpg) -- 11. Another post full of his schizophrenisms. No need to comment. Reported!

- (http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/pics/yt12.jpg) -- 12. And again his profile, from another perspective. Be careful, stay safe and report him when he do something wrong at once!
Title: Re: An update about Zhang Jie's from Shanghai insanity and criminal acts
Post by: Деси on July 24, 2024, 06:57:44 AM
Good job, congratulations! But the people who read it may think that it's just it. No! Zhang Jie from Shanghai (PRC) is much more than this: list of his crimes, mental problems and other issues (http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/a-forum-for-incels-who-are-normal-people-no-terrorists-no-rapists-no-racists-no-pedophiles-no-haters-and-so-on/zhang-s-mental-disorders-and-crimes-so-far/).
Title: Re: An update about Zhang Jie's from Shanghai insanity and criminal acts
Post by: Dimitroff on July 24, 2024, 04:43:10 PM
Yes, they will know. He is getting popular online step by step, due to his own self-demolishing efforts and due to people who share his disgusting insane criminal posts or publications online. His bad popularity will help many of the potential victims to stay away from him.
Title: Re: An update about Zhang Jie's from Shanghai insanity and criminal acts
Post by: Good incel on July 24, 2024, 04:57:34 PM
Yes, sadly for the brocel I can see netizens in other websites already discuss his bad behavior and lowgraded deeds.
Title: Re: An update about Zhang Jie's from Shanghai insanity and criminal acts
Post by: SEO on July 28, 2024, 06:54:33 AM
Of course. They have to discuss and to know his real personality otherwise some of them may become his victims. He can't control his hallucinations.

The immediate examples are here: Desi really disagrees with his bragging how rich he is but now he hallucinates that she insulted him, she said something about cars and his mother.
Before he also hallucinated about some insults here, about locking three topics... and currently he hallucinates about homosexual love.

Once he starts to hallucinate about somebody there is a danger about that somebody because Jie can't distinguish the reality from his dreams, hallucinations, fake memories. People should know this well.Good for them that they share and inform the others!
Title: Re: An update about Zhang Jie's from Shanghai insanity and criminal acts
Post by: MSL on July 31, 2024, 06:19:13 AM
 This morning I saw his new (2) profiles on YouTube. Maybe they already banned or limited his first one (with the Ruscist soldier avatar). In his schizophrenical way at first he commented there "good" under one of my workers' videos but later started to post his debilisms and psychotisms. I even didn't read them fully, just screenshoted them, reported them, some of you here reported him too (thanks for that 👍), then I used the options of Yat to block him there from participating (commenting) on my videos and that's it for now.
 Because he is banned here he uses YouTube to "communicate" with us, hoping that I will again repost his posts here. But in vain. From now on I am not giving him any opportunity to use his hate speech here, even in that way.
 Well, because this forum is already hitting new records (you all saw our new visitors records in the social network (http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/social-network-seo-social-network/most-online-ever-2800-(today-at-032200-am)/msg53681/#msg53681) 8) ), I have to continue to add more content. More content = more visitors = more incomes from this forum! So, I will choose from time to time some of his sentences and will respond to them here.
 Like, for example, the psychocel-crimicel is speaking that I wake up at 6:00 to do useful things like recycling, cooking, sporting, learning + I am frustrated because of my father's and his girlfriend's deeds. and then I can say to Jie-cel: better than you who are admitting to be a hikikomori who is not sleeping all night who is and accusing his parents for that, in the Japanese Quora Hahahahaha!  Don't miss it: "Zhang Jie from Shanghai"'s hikikomorism and parentcelism: http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/a-forum-for-incels-who-are-normal-people-no-terrorists-no-rapists-no-racists-no-pedophiles-no-haters-and-so-on/an-interesting-acknowledgement-from-zhang-about-his-parents-and-his-hikikomorism/
Title: Re: An update about Zhang Jie's from Shanghai insanity and criminal acts
Post by: MSL on July 31, 2024, 02:38:08 PM
 Again, with another profile stalking me with long posts on YouTube. Don't waste time to read them. Only find some with the rules amusements and report him. (I mean you may take a diagonal look (you know, the diagonal reading) for some seconds and then, when you see his usual insults, threatening, hallucinatorics and delusions,in order to be sure you are not making a fake report (like him), only then, report him!)
Title: Re: An update about Zhang Jie's from Shanghai insanity and criminal acts
Post by: Gay on July 31, 2024, 03:53:58 PM
L0L yeah. Registration "7 hours ago". Clearly the moderation on YouTube is good as the moderation of our world topnotch Omnilogy forum that earns more and more visitors recently (again dud to the MSL's good insights for moderation, prevention of the bad incels and spammers and of course his unique content).

We reported almost all of the mental-psycho-lowIQ/EQ-ctiminalcel hikikomorist Zhang Jie from Shanghai posts full of hate, violence, disgusting stuff and lies. They will ban him soon again.

And oh gosh, don't even think to read his texts because it just damages your time for being your better self.
Title: Re: An update about Zhang Jie's from Shanghai insanity and criminal acts
Post by: Деси on July 31, 2024, 04:35:41 PM
I used this useful option (against psychotic hateful mentalcel like Zhang Jie from Shanghai, CN.) on my YouTube channel (thank you so much for your subscriptions and votes, comments!)

I suggest it against the mentally disordered debil and criminal Zhang too:

!!! Hide users from your channel !!!

You can hide particular viewers from the rest of your channel’s audience. (Hiding someone means their comments won’t show on your channel, including on your Comments page in YouTube Studio. It also prevents them from creating clips from your videos or live streams.)

For more info: https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/9482361?hl=en

MSL do it too.
Title: Re: An update about Zhang Jie's from Shanghai insanity and criminal acts
Post by: MSL on July 31, 2024, 04:42:31 PM
 Of course. I do report him first and then I use the hide users from your channel option. At first he should be reported, to get well-known for his insanity, crimes and violation there too and then, of course, hide him from the channel.
 Sorry for not responding more here but as you know I am a responsible to myself and my development person so I can't afford wasting more time online if I don't want to become a disgusting (bad, obese and feminine, body shape and chubby low T face wise + psychopathological issues wise) Zhang Jie type of degraded, underdeveloped human.
Title: About the "euphemism" word
Post by: MSL on July 31, 2024, 11:27:54 PM

Euphemism, euphemistical, euphemistically, euphemisms and so on

  Well, I keep my promise to add useful content here based on the least disgusting, least crazy and least abusive Zhang Jie's (the Shanghaicel) texts.
 Here is one of his baseless claims that I learned the word "euphemism" from him.  :D :D :D :D :D
 1. This is an obvious lie. Because he is hallcinating again OR because he is a low IQcel (debilism level). Maybe he really sees and hears that in his hallucinator's brain OR maybe he is just making the debilistic conclusion that "If I use a word and another one use it too, then this one 100% learned the wirdd from me.  :D
 2. Here comes the simple proof (that everyone who is not so dumb as him can easly find via the ➡️ SEARCH option of the Omnilogy forum (http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/index.php?action=search2)⬅️.
 Every normal and a bit more intelligent person than him (it means almost all the people around the world) CAN use it and when he or she types "euphemism" the results will show him or her that I used in this forum the word for the first time in 2015!!! (9 years ago)!
 But, for your information, I know the word since the early 90's, when I started to learn philosophy and when for the first time I learned other words with Greek origine and with the same root as: "eucharist", "euphoria", "eulogy" and "euthanasia"!
 3. Even Bulgarians who are not good at English but are still a bit more educated than Zhang Jie from Shanghai, would guess the meaning and the use of the word because in Bulgarian (an Indo-European language full of Greek words like many other European languages) the word is almost the same: "евфемизъм" (Latin letters transliteration: "evfemizum")!
 4. I even know because I learned the Greek root "εὖ" which means something positive, good, well.
 As you saw, Zhang Jie is so low IQcel, so delusional crimecel, that he can't imagine even a 0.01% of my deep and wide knowledge! It is like some kid who thinks that if he/she say "anaconda" and you repeat the word, it means that you never knew about the anacondas before.  :D
 Hope you liked and enjoyed my educatinal post.🤓😎
Title: Re: An update about Zhang Jie's from Shanghai insanity and criminal acts
Post by: Dimitroff on August 01, 2024, 02:16:34 PM
That was exactly what I meant!  8)

Report, delete and don't waste much time with his lies, hallucinations, obscenity, insults, crime calls for murder, etc. but use the funny, ridiculous, low IQed and (if there are by chance!!!) the reasonable parts to respond him. Useful for your earnings here, useful for all the forum, useful for the people who really can learn something.

Another idea:

Before we reported his new (hours "old") YouTube profile that floods you right now on YT, we took screenshots and with the time saving diagonal reading (thank you for teaching us this method, sir 8)!) we found out that in one of his texts he tries to be smart teaching you (the philosopher and the English teacher) some WRONG English  :D :D :D Even the third graders in Europe, Japan and other places where English is not a challenge, know that you should use the "s" in sentences like "He likes tigers." 😂 Make a post about it!
Or that joke that he thinks that "epic fail" is not legit. 😂 Make another article about it and use respected sources like this to prove the point that it's alright to use it in English: https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/epic_fail
Title: Re: An update about Zhang Jie's from Shanghai insanity and criminal acts
Post by: Gay on August 01, 2024, 02:59:01 PM
Yes, yes, yes. Those are good for Englisnmaxx articles but also include his epic ones that he doesn't know that "-ish" words do exist in English. Right now on his YT flooding under MSL's vids he tries to teach MSL that "yellowish" doesn't exist. :D :D :D :D :D and orangeish/orangish too:
Title: Re: An update about Zhang Jie's from Shanghai insanity and criminal acts
Post by: MSL on August 01, 2024, 03:31:48 PM
 Thanks for the languagemaxx ideas to Dimitroff and Internet Gay! Yes, Dimitroff, he has no idea that in English you should use plurals (plural nouns) in this case.
 And, yes, Internet Gay, he has no idea that words and constructions like "orangeish" (with an alternative spelling -- "orangish"), "yellowish" and "epic fail" do really exist in that (very difficult for him English) language. :D
 Yes, it is easy to learn some degraded ghetto style English like "muh f*king" and "woulda" but when it comes Zhang Jie crimecel-lowOQcel-psycocel to learn right, proper English, oh forget it.
 He even can't spell right a comparatively easy word (for a man with a college degree that he claimed to have; we are not sure if he really has it or not!) like "etymology". He spells it as "etymlogy".
 Good that he failed to start working as an English teacher! Good for all the students who may learn from him only wrong, degraded and slang English (needless to speak about his grammar, pronunciation and nearly zero listening. The last one he admitted by himself to me in the periods when wanted me to be his free English teacher. :D!)
Title: Re: An update about Zhang Jie's from Shanghai insanity and criminal acts
Post by: Non-SEO on August 01, 2024, 03:56:50 PM
His new (few hours young) YouTube profile was reported and terminated by my colleague and me.

In several hours the psychocel posted around 30 comments with harassment, disrespectful sexual content, child abusive and misleading information.

His logorrhea is terrible for the working people like us and you can't expect MSL who practices 5 sports every day (and dealing with teaching, recycle business, cooking, washing, shopping, video making and communicating with many people) to stay here and to answer the criminal schizophrenical and debilic Jiecel often!

Once or twice per 24 hours is more than enough.

(Of course the good content for the Omnilogy forum is crucial but just respect more the person's time and freedom.)
Title: Re: An update about Zhang Jie's from Shanghai insanity and criminal acts
Post by: MSL on August 03, 2024, 12:43:00 AM
 Take it easy. I am doing almost well. 8) :)
 A new video, for the fans of the eletronic clocks and espcially -- the tigers. :) https://youtu.be/SHOL1AizMuc?si=NZ60CzHVQCpyfwg2
Title: Re: An update about Zhang Jie's from Shanghai insanity and criminal acts
Post by: Alexa on August 03, 2024, 12:54:13 AM
But with the important explanations that it's a beer brand (not real tiger involved in fighting), it is an ordinary wall electronic clock (not a countdown timer) and so on. The slowcels need repetitive teaching. For example, he needed months to understand that you are not a student, that you are not from the US or from the Russian federation and also months to get that you are not a "brocel".
Maybe after half a year he'll learn the differences between real tigers and beer brands, between clocks and countdown timers... Maybe...
Title: Re: An update about Zhang Jie's from Shanghai insanity and criminal acts
Post by: Nadia on August 03, 2024, 08:42:54 PM
 :o Seems like he doesn't make difference between the letter S and the dollar sign ($)... In one of his ridiculous texts on YT I saw his "M$L" instead of "MSL". Hihihi  :D :D
Title: Re: An update about Zhang Jie's from Shanghai insanity and criminal acts
Post by: SEO on August 04, 2024, 12:53:50 AM
Not surprised that he can't distinguish $ and S... But "M$L" looks cool. 8) :P
Title: Re: An update about Zhang Jie's from Shanghai insanity and criminal acts
Post by: MSL on August 04, 2024, 08:14:50 PM
 "MSL" comes from the Bulgarian "Mir, sport, lyubov" ("Мир, спорт, любов"). The meaning of these three words is "Peace, sport, love". The mentally challenged made it as "M$L" which means "Peace, dollars, love". Still good. :D
 In the post where he forgot the spelling of "MSL" he expressed his wet dreams that it's "pitiful" for me as a high IQ individual to just record two pretty SEA girls to be "stuffed" with them and to inform them about the "duration of my tiger time".

 Seems that his inceldom (and the psychotism) makes him so needy that he thinks that everyone who is a male should go to do what he CAN'T do and if the male doesn't then it's "pitiful".  :D
 And seems that he was that excited watching the pretty girls online that he misspelled not only "MSL" but also "tiger" which was typed as "t!ger"  :D :D. Read it aloud: "T - exlamation mark - ger".
Cool.  8) ;D
 But speaking seriously, the language abnormalities are part of the diagnostic criteria for schizophrenia. The bipolar disorder and others also may be the cause. Some related materials:

So, please, don't laugh and think of it as a quite possible result of his mental health problems! As humanists and democrats (social-democrats, socialists, etc.) we have to avoid laughing at the disabled (including mentally disabled) people.

Title: Re: An update about Zhang Jie's from Shanghai insanity and criminal acts
Post by: Dimitroff on August 05, 2024, 11:10:57 PM
Yes, right. Very good! This is what I meant. Taking only the most useful (for your answers, articles, responds) parts and creating a good, informative, useful content which is useful not only for him (to get what he deserves, to learn what's wrong with him and to try to be a more normal individual if it's possible at all) but for all incels, noncels, incelologists, omnilogists and philosophers.

Later I will choose another part of his YT's violences and you may comment it, develop it in your unique way. 8)
Title: Re: An update about Zhang Jie's from Shanghai insanity and criminal acts
Post by: Dimitroff on August 06, 2024, 01:02:09 AM
Here comes the next. Under your homemade dish he said that it's nice ("good") because seems able to "elongate" our "philosopher's tiger time" (t!ger time  ;D).

So you are... Going to give him your unique answer I guess. 8)
Title: Re: An update about Zhang Jie's from Shanghai insanity and criminal acts
Post by: MSL on August 06, 2024, 05:35:48 AM
 Sure but it'll be fast.
 1. "Elongate".  :D The next good example how bad is his English (but thinks that others have Englsh laguage probems because of his psychopathological projection).
 A short explanation for the English languagemaxx-ers: Well, "elongate", as a verb, means to make (something) longer, especially unusually so in relation to its width. If you are talking about time you are using another verb -- "prolong".

 2. Of course he likes and even admires our simple cooking. Recently we have no time for cooking more special dishes and we prepare comparatively simple ones. But for him, who even didn't know how to boil tea at home (and chose to buy bottled tea for his diet-maxx and gym-maxx!), a simple soup or something similar is the top of the culinary. :D

 3. About the "Tiger time", he just tries to rationalize (psycholgically speaking) his epic fail about the clock, which in his poor brain was "countdown timer", and about the "Tiger" beer's slogan ("It's Tiger Time!") which in his poor brain was supposed to be some  gambling related to fights with tigers. So now he tries to somehow ironize it, to make others to forget about it because it's too humiliating for his IQ, his ability to perceive the reality adequately and for his general knowledge (education).
 Of course, I will be not surprised if this is also something bisexualism related too. Who is that straight male who will care so much about the prolonged "T!ger time" of another male? Usually the homosexual and bisexual males.

 4. About the philosophy ("philosopher"), he wants to be one but he can't. He is a failure. Couldn't start to study his favorite psychometrics, now can't learn well Japanese and tries to learn some engineering but still remains a loser.
Title: Re: An update about Zhang Jie's from Shanghai insanity and criminal acts
Post by: Dimitroff on August 06, 2024, 10:28:04 PM
Adorable explanations and strictly informed as usual. Wow!

The next one, please. 8)

He says that he liked it (the video about how to make hand hearts) and that even a 3 y.o. kid knows how to make it that way.

And waiting for the MSL to go give his terrific answer!!!  8)💯
Title: Re: An update about Zhang Jie's from Shanghai insanity and criminal acts
Post by: MSL on August 07, 2024, 02:31:37 AM
 Yes. Zhang Jie from Shanghai likes it because it's sort of simple and childish enough for his intellectual (and emotional) development. (By the way he is, sort of, self aware of that because once he admitted that emotionally, mentally he feels younger than he is, i.e. his chronological age doesn't reflect his real emotional age). To put it simpler, a low EQ + a low IQ incel likes some kindergarten (or primary school) "how to" videos... is a very common situation. From oligophrenopedagogical point of view, it's good because it points to the fact that he is not overestimating his learning abilities (like before when he was deluted that he may learn psychometrics and become a "Prof. Zhang".)
Title: Re: An update about Zhang Jie's from Shanghai insanity and criminal acts
Post by: Dimitroff on August 07, 2024, 03:27:07 PM
Yes. Haha. It's true that he learned a lot from you. Even his vocabulary changed during the time of your communications. But he is ungrateful and sadistic, lacking normality and morals so he can't value and appreciate it.

The next: we saw his English level; we already mentioned his funny mistakes like: he doesn't know that "elongate' is not "prolong", he doesn't know that there are words like "orangeish", he can't spell correctly elementary words, etc.

But let's talk concretely about his accusation (of course made because of his hate and sadistic wish to harm your English teaching incomes; the same as how he tries to harm this forum's incomes!) about the usage of "epic fall". Did you use it on purpose (consciously) or it was a typo? Is it a correct English expression? (I saw online that ot is but wait for the MSL's answer because it will be much better and will teach the crimecel-psychoticel-debilcel from Shanghai another useful lesson!)
Title: Re: An update about Zhang Jie's from Shanghai insanity and criminal acts
Post by: MSL on August 07, 2024, 03:48:20 PM
Of course, later. Btw, I edited Dimitroff's post because he got an English grammar typo.  :)
Title: Re: An update about Zhang Jie's from Shanghai insanity and criminal acts
Post by: MSL on August 08, 2024, 03:29:53 AM
 Before I start to answer about the "epic fall", let me take some time to explain about his "retaining" the countdown timer (which in fact was a wall clock), tiger time (a slogan of beer, not a tiger fight gambling) and ("poisonous") anacondas "for a lifetime to preserve one own's dignity".

 1. I understand his wish and hope everyone to forget his epic falls (yes, not just epic fails, but epic falls! Later I will post more about it.) but it is not going to happen. He wants everyone easily to forget about his lies, misdeeds and crimes and to accept him, to respect him. Oh, he wishes!!! In Chinese: 想得美!
 2. It's so funny... Exactly he, he who repeats like a partot so many things to complain that people pointed to his ridiculous and unforgettable mistakes several times.

 3. Again, for the slow incels: https://youtube.com/shorts/k9FWKo75Yyk?si=BiadZ3EtAIMGxBqN
Title: Re: An update about Zhang Jie's from Shanghai insanity and criminal acts
Post by: Dimitroff on August 09, 2024, 02:22:56 AM
Very good! Waiting for the next part!
Title: Re: An update about Zhang Jie's from Shanghai insanity and criminal acts
Post by: MSL on August 09, 2024, 07:51:22 PM
 After this post (where I explained some of Zhang Jie's English language problems) http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/a-forum-for-incels-who-are-normal-people-no-terrorists-no-rapists-no-racists-no-pedophiles-no-haters-and-so-on/an-update-about-zhang-jie-from-shanghai-insanity-and-criminal-acts/msg53714/#msg53714 , I will continue with some more advanced English (advanced to his level). The pity little crimecel-psychoticel has no idea that there is expression "epic fall" too. We are not talking only about the fall (autumn) in AE (American English). We are talking about that contextual "epic fall" (instead of "epic fail"). The epic fall is like an ultimate epic fail, it's a metaphor. An example how the native English speakers use "epic fall": https://www.quora.com/Is-Donald-Trump-setting-himself-up-for-an-epic-fall-from-grace-potentially-losing-everything-that-is-important-to-him

(The lowIQcel may think that he taught us about the existence of Quora. :D You know his lame logic already ("If I say a word and say it later, you definitely learned it from me."🤣 ;D :D) But for his information, I have a Quora account since the time when he was in the primary school.)

 So, as you see, the "epic fall" construct is legit.

 2. Well, because he can't get it; highly likely all these metaphor and native English speakers' posts are not easy for his problematic brain, I will use a simpler example which may help him to start understanding at least the basic meaning (the pre-metaphoric meaning) of the "epic fall": here, "Emmy's Epic Fall" -- https://www.amazon.com/Emmys-Epic-Fall-Mary-Rasamny/dp/1697636462

 Because he likes and understands kindergarten level materials, this one may be good enough for him.
Title: Re: An update about Zhang Jie's from Shanghai insanity and criminal acts
Post by: Dimitroff on August 10, 2024, 04:11:58 PM
Good English lesson for him and even for many of the rest who speak better English than him.

Later on I will see the screenshots and I will point to another worth to receive comments, responds, views sentence of the crimecel-schizocel from China.
Title: Re: An update about Zhang Jie's from Shanghai insanity and criminal acts
Post by: Dimitroff on August 10, 2024, 07:28:44 PM
"But at least you can learn how to make tea."  This is interesting. Is it related to his inability to make even a homemade tea and expressing his inferiority complex in this way when speaking to your potential students that at least you can teach them how to make tea?
Title: Re: An update about Zhang Jie's from Shanghai insanity and criminal acts
Post by: MSL on August 10, 2024, 09:15:43 PM
 I am going to explain it later.
Title: Re: An update about Zhang Jie's from Shanghai insanity and criminal acts
Post by: Alexa on August 11, 2024, 10:22:10 PM
Haha, yes. So typical for a person like him. He learns useless abilities like how to speak curses in English, sick death threats and pro-totalitarian propaganda but can't boil some tea.  :D And ridicules the people who can do it. A total waste...
Title: Re: An update about Zhang Jie's from Shanghai insanity and criminal acts
Post by: SEO on August 13, 2024, 10:03:15 PM
And one more before the astonishing complete answers of MSL.

The abnormal crimecel and psychocel thinks that searching for a job or a business without boss (independence) is something laughable. This is another reason for me to see him as a complete low IQist. Everybody wants freedom, independence and own business but he thinks it's funny, he thinks that serving to some irresponsible boss is better than deciding by yourself. A video fir him to get some piece of mind:

Title: Re: An update about Zhang Jie's from Shanghai insanity and criminal acts
Post by: MSL on August 15, 2024, 11:50:36 PM
 About the tea. Well, it was one of the most disappointing moments, if we are talking about my expectations towards him (that he is a normal adult, with normal, minimal, basic skills). When I told him to drink green tea (for his diet-maxx and gym-maxx) he asked me if I mean those bottled Chinese iced teas (full of sugar). Oh, my god!
 1. How a person with a minimum average IQ may think that "green tea" (for heatlh-maxx, diet-maxx and gym-maxx) drink equals/means "bottled, sugar containing iced tea"?!
 2. How a person who is living (at that time) in a village is not capable to boil tea?! A Chinese person! (You know, the tea originates from China.) An adult!
 And, at the end, I suggested him to buy, at least, some bottled but sugar free ice tea like ”东方树叶“ ice tea (It was my favorite bottled tea in China.)
 Also, I made a video for people with low IQ and skillless like him about how to make homemade tea (how to boil tea at home)! Here -- https://youtu.be/EsF1FYUUIL4
 And instead of realizing how pathetic and how pity is that he didn't learn a simple useful skill, he is thinking that it is funny and "very smart" to type on YT that a teacher may teach the students how to make own, homemade tea (implying that it's useless). A low IQist, a sadist, etc., in a word, a truecel.
Title: Re: An update about Zhang Jie's from Shanghai insanity and criminal acts
Post by: MSL on August 16, 2024, 10:34:01 PM
 Tell me what's the next to be commented here because I don't want to read the crazycel's lowIQisms and hallucinations in all those screenshots.
Title: Re: An update about Zhang Jie's from Shanghai insanity and criminal acts
Post by: SEO on August 16, 2024, 11:33:03 PM
Yeah, he is too dirty, insolent and rackless. It's not a pleasure to read his lies, idiotisms, hallucinations. But we should give the decent answers for the sake of the precious content of the Omnilogy.

The next one is: "An online teacher for what? For attaining the English proficiency whereby there are grammatical/semantic/spelling errors in around 90% of sentences..."  :D I laugh because his English sucks and it's fun to see how he projects his own terrible English on others who are English professionals (with university degrees and TEFLs).

Title: Re: An update about Zhang Jie's from Shanghai insanity and criminal acts
Post by: MSL on August 17, 2024, 05:01:41 PM
 Later I will comment this ridiculous sentence. For now, I only added about his ageism (age discrimination) there: http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/a-forum-for-incels-who-are-normal-people-no-terrorists-no-rapists-no-racists-no-pedophiles-no-haters-and-so-on/zhang-s-mental-disorders-and-crimes-so-far/msg53827/#msg53827
Title: Re: An update about Zhang Jie's from Shanghai insanity and criminal acts
Post by: Деси on August 18, 2024, 07:09:56 PM
This insane criminal Zhang Jie from Shanghai is really on the vendetta with  MSL  :D. He is throwing mud at him here and there persistently now.  :D :D

It's funny and ridiculous because his English is terrible but he projects its terribleness on the MSL's English and (or) he is just hallucinating in the same way as he has hallucinations about me. Do you remember that I just said I doubt he has millions and he hallucinated that I said that he is a "You f.-ng liar. Kill yourself or run over your own mother with a car!"

His brain is very ill, very undeveloped and very damaged so everything can be misunderstood, distorted, faked, hallucinated, remembered in a wrong way, etc.

MSL has 20 years of teaching English experience, he learned English in the biggest South-East European university, he got a TEFL and he is communicating with native English speakers. Yesterday he gave us all another simple demo how good is his English: http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/b26/perfection/msg53829/#msg53829
Title: Re: An update about Zhang Jie's from Shanghai insanity and criminal acts
Post by: MSL on August 24, 2024, 11:33:45 PM
 Well, I found some time to comment his psychotic accusation. He can say that there are 90% errors or even 100% errors but he didn't provide even one proof (example) about it which just makes it one of his many lies and/or hallucinations.
 A person who thought that I am a native English speaker (American) + a person who bet me to use English (instead of Chinese) in QQ (because he wanted to improve his English for free, in this selfish way) + a person who doesn't know the existence of simple English words/expressions like "orangeish", "brownish" and "epic fall" + a hallucinator and liar who doesn't care about (and can't control) his sentences online... Who in his right mind will choose to believe him?
 Let him hallucinate that there are even 350% errors. Who cares about a crazy, criminal, low IQist incel from Shanghai?! He is a problem of his parents and of the Chinese society, not exactly our problem.
Title: Re: An update about Zhang Jie's from Shanghai insanity and criminal acts
Post by: Dimitroff on August 29, 2024, 05:09:20 PM
Comment about the shill's words that you are over-hating Xi Jinping or something. I don't have the time to search his exact low IQism but it was clear that he was also pretending to be anti-Xi and after that he started to prize him and to accuse you of being too much anti-Xi. What a disgrace!
Title: Re: An update about Zhang Jie's from Shanghai insanity and criminal acts
Post by: Alexa on September 17, 2024, 03:30:26 PM
The crazy (psycho-criminal) Zhang Jie from Shanghai appeared again in YouTube and here. Spreading some of his new hallucinations, aggressive wishes, lies... as usual, probably his mental disorders were more acute after the typhoon that hit his area and now the loser came to try to "disturb" MSL and us but... guess what? We're ON THE NEW, higher level:

1. Instantly banned (and reported) everywhere.
2. All his hallucinations, lies and idiotisms deleted soon.
0 effect on what he prepared and did for so long (new accounts registrations, hours of trying to log in before the approval, hours of typing nonsense posts, THAT NOBODY READS.  :D ).  :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Thanks to MSL for teaching us this new strategy!!!  8) :-* 100% effective!
Title: Re: An update about Zhang Jie's from Shanghai insanity and criminal acts
Post by: MSL on September 17, 2024, 03:46:38 PM
As I was expecting, here came his new psychopathological worsening (people like him are getting worse year by year; the degradation is unstoppable), hence I prepared you for this moment via my new strategy which brought the best results so far. 8)

The rest, as I said here: http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/a-forum-for-incels-who-are-normal-people-no-terrorists-no-rapists-no-racists-no-pedophiles-no-haters-and-so-on/the-most-romantic-things-for-and-from-the-one-it-is/msg53864/#msg53864
Title: Re: An update about Zhang Jie's from Shanghai insanity and criminal acts
Post by: Alexa on September 18, 2024, 01:27:01 PM
For Desi, Nadia and the boys around who are not informed, the core of the new genial strategy created by the philosopher, writer, poet, sportsman, teacher and actor MSL is: the admins may approve the crazy criminal Zhangcel's accounts but as soon as notice his usual and worsening posts full of lies, innuendos, criminal content, aggression, schizophrenia, coprolalia, idiotisms, CCP propaganda, Ruscism, Xiism, new hallucinations, etc, ban + delete the posts.

The results:

1. He is discouraged to post again and again because nobody reads and comments his insanity. (Well, his low IQ and damaged EQ may prevent him of making this simple logical conclusion "They delete all = I only waste my time." BUT it helps us to focus on our study, money earning and bodybuilding progress. 8))

2. The forum keeps its rules not to allow any abnormal incels.

3. Everything is peaceful like before.

4. As mentioned above he wastes his time to register, waiting approvals, checking again and again if he is approved, typing posts (only to be deleted) and he has no time for learning, doing sports, etc. Meanwhile we spend only a minute or two to ban and delete his insanities, then we continue to develop ourselves mentally, physically and financially.  8)

We are getting better, he is getting worse. His body, his mind, his health are on their way of the total degradation. We are the opposite. 8)
Title: Re: An update about Zhang Jie's from Shanghai insanity and criminal acts
Post by: SEO on September 19, 2024, 01:38:22 PM
Another good information: we're adding even more to this strategy - the spammers and their spam will be banned, deleted without additional explanations. Save time for the most important things in your life: health, bodybuilding, learning (knowledge), earning money.
Title: Re: An update about Zhang Jie's from Shanghai insanity and criminal acts
Post by: Nadia on September 20, 2024, 07:46:23 PM
Of course MSL'S strategies are always great.  8) This one is going totally to discourage the psycho-lowIQist crimecel from Shanghai to try again. :D
Title: Re: An update about Zhang Jie's from Shanghai insanity and criminal acts
Post by: PageRank on September 22, 2024, 02:51:52 PM
Of course, oh yeah! Reading his new hallucinations about how he saw someone making mooncakes from dead human bodies or other schizophrenisms (I saw just this part by accident before it was deleted and his new accounts on YT and here terminated/limited) brings nothing to you, except becoming more stupid, more insane, more fat, more androgynous, more ugly like him. So, the new strategy of full delete of his worse and worse schizophreniac posts + bans, and ignore of this ugly fatty low IQ and low T crazycel is the only right thing that the normal incels and the rest of us must do.
P. S. Continue the same way. Even approve his new accounts, delete all his posts and ban him. Good for the community and good for the crazycel criminal who at some point regardless of his extremely low IQ will somehow understand that it's all in vain.
Title: Re: An update about Zhang Jie's from Shanghai insanity and criminal acts
Post by: Non-SEO on September 25, 2024, 11:31:24 PM
Yes, yes, yes of course. Towards proven schizophrenics, debils and criminals like that sickcel this is the rightest possible way: immediate deletion of all their lies, innuendos, hallucinations, low IQisms and the rest of the degraded stuff.

Meanwhile, don't stop your self-development and be like MSL who due to his unstoppable ascending already is able to attract even 30 years younger than him (females). Gymmaxx, edumaxx, philosophymaxx, popularitymaxx + daily hardworking (washing, cleaning, cooking, recycling...) and look at him now: almost a model! And compare him with the sickcel who is chubby, low T (nearly feminine), uglier than before, stupider than before, crazier than before,... A total descent.
Title: Re: An update about Zhang Jie's from Shanghai insanity and criminal acts
Post by: MSL on September 26, 2024, 12:02:10 PM
 I don't have everything but I do the best with what I have.
Title: Re: An update about Zhang Jie's from Shanghai insanity and criminal acts
Post by: Non-SEO on September 30, 2024, 12:56:02 PM
Everyone should read this important update about the crazycel's shillism and new stages of schizophrenism: http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/a-forum-for-incels-who-are-normal-people-no-terrorists-no-rapists-no-racists-no-pedophiles-no-haters-and-so-on/zhang-s-mental-disorders-and-crimes-so-far/msg53899/#msg53899
Title: Re: An update about Zhang Jie's from Shanghai insanity and criminal acts
Post by: Alexa on October 01, 2024, 02:30:24 AM
The interesting thing is that this time he is using his Shanghai's IP address. It's useful for the future reports to the authorities related to his online crimes. 👍😎 8)
Title: Re: An update about Zhang Jie's from Shanghai insanity and criminal acts
Post by: Alexa on October 01, 2024, 07:07:11 AM
Read this and the next post: great news!!! https://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/a-forum-for-incels-who-are-normal-people-no-terrorists-no-rapists-no-racists-no-pedophiles-no-haters-and-so-on/the-most-romantic-things-for-and-from-the-one-it-is/msg53913/#msg53913
Title: Re: An update about Zhang Jie's from Shanghai insanity and criminal acts
Post by: Non-SEO on October 15, 2024, 01:53:49 PM
Title: Re: An update about Zhang Jie's from Shanghai insanity and criminal acts
Post by: MSL on October 15, 2024, 03:01:24 PM
 Yes, he is flooding the PMs with all his insane and, more and more, degraded schizophrenic hallucinatory stuff but if you spend even a minute to read the product of his totally damaged brain it means that you're stupider than him.  :D Ignore the ill, sick brains like him and see how your life improves day by day, such as my life. Did you notice recently how much more I am getting? More subcribers, more muscle mass, more knowledge and even more appreciation from my One-it-is. But all this is because I don't waste even a minute with inhumane psychocels like this little miserable schizophrenic.
Title: Re: An update about Zhang Jie's from Shanghai insanity and criminal acts
Post by: Non-SEO on October 15, 2024, 07:32:55 PM
You are very right. Playing with dirty pig makes you dirty. Reading low IQ crazy texts written by the stupid psycho makes you stupider. The ignore makes miracles.  8)
Title: Re: An update about Zhang Jie's from Shanghai insanity and criminal acts
Post by: MSL on October 19, 2024, 02:13:57 PM
 The psycho-lowIQist crimecel Zhang Jie from Shanghai crated a new TikTok account and tried to send some of his new hallucinations but they were blocked by TikTok and let me to decide to approve them or not🚫. Of course, I don't approve schizophrenic criminal posts, I reported several of them and they will ban him soon.  8) (but the new thing here is that these hallucinations are already full of not only zoophilia, rape wishes, etc. but also full of blatant pedophilia! This schizophrenic underdeveloped and degraded truecel is the first case ever, as far as I know, who shows symptoms of almost all sort of psychopathology phenomena. Going to add his pedophilia hallucinations in the list here and after that going to continue my self-development and to complete my duties (sports, learning, cooking, recycling, earning satoshis, creating more new videos, washing and doing my best for my One-it-is  8) :) ).

P. S. Screenshots available for all of you who want them. PS me.
Title: Re: An update about Zhang Jie's from Shanghai insanity and criminal acts
Post by: Non-SEO on October 19, 2024, 02:43:40 PM
It was just a matter of time before he starts to demonstrate his ideation descent. Anyone surprised that a crazy debil truecel who doesn't take his pills is going to demonstrate not only homicide related, homosexual, etc. you name it, but also pedo hallucinations, wishes, dreams? Yes, definitely Zhangcel is the most crazy person in China and maybe in the whole world but also definitely it's not surprising that there will be nothing degraded, inhumane, disgusting and lowIQ's that he hasn't.
Title: Re: An update about Zhang Jie's from Shanghai insanity and criminal acts
Post by: Ineedloveandpassion on October 20, 2024, 01:07:34 PM
I don't want to repeat my previous post but after his failures to immigrate, to become an owner of an electric firm, to become a part of the dictator's party and even failed to work as a cleaner and other low level staff in BJ publishing house, what did you expect? The freak's mental health is deliorating rapidly. He is already producing pedophilia hallucinations, murdering hallucinations, etc. The hikikomori's "job" is to spend hours of following MSL's profiles (I know for MSL it's good because he earns more money from his views, comment attempts and all this time spent. Yes, I am not a moron and I know here the forum also earns more when the freak makes pageviews and spent time, post PMs, this is why you don't have to ban him completely, at least to earn some dollar more from his activities...)

But what he gets from all this? He is just working for free here and in MSL's profiles or accounts. But why do I even ask? It's a question for normal people. In the freaks heads everything is an absurd.
Title: Re: An update about Zhang Jie's from Shanghai insanity and criminal acts
Post by: MSL on October 20, 2024, 07:28:09 PM
Avoid thinking too much about the most unsuccessful failurecels like this psychocel if you want to ascend. Otherwise you'll be closer to him (feminine estrogenic body, ridiculously looking fatty face, low IQ, inability to learn new things, never achieving even elementary goals like moving to another state or learning a new language,... and, in the worst cases, like his case, your brain may start to produce hallucinations about pedophilia, homicides, homosexualism and so on.)
 If you want to ascend, follow my way: fast bans, ignores, reports and doing useful work 10-12 hours per day: sports, learning, working, cooking, washing and communicating with people you like.  8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
 How do you prefer? To become a 1/10 like the psychocel Zhang Jie from Shanghai or to become a 7/10 (a future 9/10) like me?
Title: Re: An update about Zhang Jie's from Shanghai insanity and criminal acts
Post by: Alexa on October 21, 2024, 11:07:27 AM
Absolutely agree with you. It was a sick descending. At first he was at least 4/10 but when he got so chubby and so fatty boy bodied, and especially when he got all these severe hallucinations he went quickly to a 2/10 truecel level. After his last most psychotic and debilic phenomena (pedo murdering hallucinations, homosexual obsessions and stalking, your incapability to make differences between countdown timer and clock, beer ad and tiger fights, good and bad behavior, etc, etc) he is already a 1/10 and I suppose that after not long he will be like all those locked in the psychiatry hospitals or jails sick psychos and criminals: an absolute 0/10.
Title: Re: An update about Zhang Jie's from Shanghai insanity and criminal acts
Post by: Non-SEO on October 23, 2024, 05:19:46 PM
Hahaha, it's so nice to know that he got banned not only in several foreign forums, including this one, but also in YouTube and in TikTok.  :D
Title: Re: An update about Zhang Jie's from Shanghai insanity and criminal acts
Post by: MSL on October 23, 2024, 08:27:14 PM
 Yes, of course. As you all can see, there aren't any of his hallucinations and idiotisms under my videos. The degraded moronic psychocel is banned on TikTok already too.  :)
Title: Re: An update about Zhang Jie's from Shanghai insanity and criminal acts
Post by: Non-SEO on November 01, 2024, 11:21:38 AM
The lowIQ-crime-psycho-incel is trying to log in again but, this is what he got: "Sorry EmailBot, you are banned from using this forum!
We are against the bots, pedo hallucinations, low IQ and the rest of the disgusting stuff.
This ban is not set to expire." 8)
Title: Re: An update about Zhang Jie's from Shanghai insanity and criminal acts
Post by: SEO on December 09, 2024, 10:44:39 AM
Yes, the low IQist, criminal and psychocel Zhang Jie from Shanghai recently did hundreds tries to login, to post his schizophrenic comments here and there, probably he lost 500 hours of his (meaningless) life for nothing -- all of his posts were reported and deleted, all of his accounts were banned in the Omnilogy forum, in TikTok, in Facebook...
Title: Re: An update about Zhang Jie's from Shanghai insanity and criminal acts
Post by: SEO on December 23, 2024, 06:02:18 PM
For the first time we have got this critical error: "Sorry, you are out of login chances. Please come back and try again later."  :D It means that the disgusting psychocel is trying to log in in his banned accounts.  :D :D 🤣 What a low IQist!

Also, the psychocel lowIQcel and crimecel is registering new accounts.  :D I approved two of them just to make sure it's really the same debilcel and then to delete as usual his insanity filled posts and to ban him.  8)