☯☼☯ SEO and Non-SEO (Science-Education-Omnilogy) Forum ☯☼☯

Normal Incels (Incels Without Hate) => A forum for incels who are normal people (no terrorists, no rapists, no racists, no pedophiles, no haters and so on) => Topic started by: MSL on July 16, 2024, 11:51:23 PM

Title: Considering 'cannot post' ban for the abusers like Zhang and the spammers
Post by: MSL on July 16, 2024, 11:51:23 PM

Cannot post

 I am sure that some of you will think of it as another very good idea (the rest, like the abusers like the mental-and-crime-cel Zhang (from Shanghai) and the spammers will dislike it and even call it "retarded" but it's just because their selfishness and arrogance, not because they're objective thinkers.)
 And here it is:

"The 'cannot post' restriction turns the forum into read-only mode for the banned user. The user cannot create new topics, or reply to existing ones, send personal messages or vote in polls. The banned user can however still read personal messages and topics."

 Also, a warning message is shown to the users that are banned this way.

 So, in case, the psychocels, mentalcels, crimecels, spammers and other unwelcomed people still want to read and educate themselves, let them be.

 A fresh, new, newest example is that "StarSeries" account (https://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/index.php?action=profile;u=6096). Let it be for now, as soon as notice its abusing, breaking the rules behavior (posts, threads), just ban but in the "read only" ("cannot post") mode. 8) :) 👍!!!
Title: Re: Considering 'cannot post' ban for the advisers like Zhang and the spammers
Post by: Non-SEO on July 16, 2024, 11:57:06 PM
😲 wow, how do you know
Title: Re: Considering 'cannot post' ban for the advisers like Zhang and the spammers
Post by: Non-SEO on July 16, 2024, 11:58:58 PM
I mean, how do we know it the terrible mental and criminal incel psycho?!
Title: Re: Considering 'cannot post' ban for the advisers like Zhang and the spammers
Post by: Non-SEO on July 17, 2024, 12:02:17 AM
I approved only one of Gattis because it obviously was a multi-accounting attempt.
Title: Re: Considering 'cannot post' ban for the advisers like Zhang and the spammers
Post by: Gay on July 17, 2024, 12:05:23 AM
Gartti looks like a spambot and/or a spammer, an Xrumer "genius" or else, but the StarSeries account is very likely Zhangcel's.
Title: Re: Considering 'cannot post' ban for the advisers like Zhang and the spammers
Post by: MSL on July 17, 2024, 12:13:59 AM
 I had some internet problems and some other distractions online, so I couldn't post the required details here.
 Well, here it is:

- his online behavior
- his "zj" initials in the registration mail
- his evolved username
- his overlapping IP.

 99.99999999% Zhang Jie from SH, China (Xina).
Title: Re: Considering 'cannot post' ban for the abuses like Zhang and the spammers
Post by: Nadia on July 17, 2024, 02:08:22 AM
He is reading here now and I am betting that he feels mogged by your upper knowledge, predictions, visionary skills. He lost his chance to be your philosophy student just for 1 yuan per day! Otherwise he couldn't be so lame in his deeds here and in his entire life. He behaves like a very low intelligence person. In all possible fields: from the field that he can't realize how the China's situation is getting worse to the field he even can't register a vehicle unique profile. An email with "zj" (=Zhang Jie) letters. What a joke, are you kidding me?
Title: Re: Considering 'cannot post' ban for the abuses like Zhang and the spammers
Post by: Ethnicel on July 17, 2024, 03:21:34 AM
Genius idea. This mentally disordered ricecel has unbeatable desire to read here because he's a loner that is unwelcomed in most of the internet communities. He needs this place as hell. And for this sake let him read. I know that he is a selfish, full of himself egocentric who will never hesitate to hurt you and to waste you time ungratefully, yeah that's he, but to let him a bit chance in life. He is that sort of man that can really try to kill a weaker person (as he honestly told us here how he wanna kill the Desi girl in horror type films way >:() and this forum may help him to stay away from crimes the same as when this forum stopped him to commit a suicide.
Title: Re: Considering 'cannot post' ban for the abuses like Zhang and the spammers
Post by: Alexa on July 17, 2024, 04:15:17 AM
Such a great and high IQ idea! 💡

Yes, it's him for sure. It's so cool that MSL has the astonishing abilities to see earlier what's going to happen and predicts many troubles.

Well, because this new Zhangcel (criminal and mental incel Zhang Jie from SH, CN) account is going to post soon his violent, obscene, schizophrenic and, overall, low IQ criminal posts... what I can think is to ban him preemptively, in that “read only" way. 8) :-*

Btw, read about his paranoia as well: http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/a-forum-for-incels-who-are-normal-people-no-terrorists-no-rapists-no-racists-no-pedophiles-no-haters-and-so-on/zhang-s-mental-disorders-and-crimes-so-far/msg53458/#msg53458
Title: Re: Considering 'cannot post' ban for the abuses like Zhang and the spammers
Post by: Alexa on July 17, 2024, 04:30:57 AM
太棒了! 8) 8) 8)

Did it. I did it  8)
User is currently banned
This user is currently affected by the following bans:
User cannot post as a result of ban: "StarSeries"
张杰! 哈哈哈!
Title: Re: Considering 'cannot post' ban for the abusers like Zhang and the spammers
Post by: MSL on July 17, 2024, 04:44:39 PM
 Nice, isn't it? At the same time we satisfy his curiosity about what people are posting here and helping him to improve his English for free (as he stated recently, he comes here "only" to improve his English; during our personal QQ chats he also insisted very much to use English, not Chinese, because he wants to improve his English, and, of course without caring that I also want to improve my Chinese and without willing to pay even a cent (or, speaking in Chinese currency units, "a mao") about the language improvement.) and we also don't have to waste time and energy to read, edit, delete his insane, criminal, disturbing, harming and self-harning posts.
 As was mentioned already, it's good not only for us but fir him too because he wouldn't spend hours to post his 20+ useless posts, and (if he gets psychologically better, which is doubtful) to use this time for self-improvement, like the normal people.
Title: Re: Considering 'cannot post' ban for the abusers like Zhang and the spammers
Post by: Alexa on July 17, 2024, 05:19:51 PM
So right, as usual. 8) :-*

I lifted his bans to only "read only". This will make his life easier if for him is that important to visit us so often but still we will be protected and safe from his attacks.
Title: Re: Considering 'cannot post' ban for the abusers like Zhang and the spammers
Post by: MSL on July 17, 2024, 06:02:41 PM
 Well, we may expect some new penetration from him (as you know, he is a bit slow, not very intelligent and not very innovative but he evolves slowly). Let's say he can create a brand new email, he can use a new IP and he can create "unsuspicious" nickname which will make it difficult to impossible to catch him on sight. But don't worry. I have got a solution about it too.
 I am not going to waste time now, to describe my solution in details, because I am not sure if he really can achieve that level (new type of email, nickname and IP) because he is not a high IQcel at all but let's wait and see. Just, don't worry, I will give you the solution as soon as this possible penetration happens.
Title: Re: Considering 'cannot post' ban for the abusers like Zhang and the spammers
Post by: Ethnicel on July 18, 2024, 06:34:13 AM
I bet it will...
Title: Re: Considering 'cannot post' ban for the abusers like Zhang and the spammers
Post by: MSL on July 18, 2024, 10:01:17 PM
 Maybe. Just once more. And if, then the solution is coming at once. I even will tell you now what it will look like: the new users (accounts; profiles) to post only after approval, i. e. their posts to be invisible for the audience but to be visible to the admins (and the mods, for example). In this way, the spammers and the psycho-criminalcel have 0 chance to bother, disturb, hurt, jeopardize, insult, lie, spam, flood and so on.
Title: Re: Considering 'cannot post' ban for the abusers like Zhang and the spammers
Post by: Dimitroff on July 19, 2024, 05:38:22 AM
No worries AFAIS. After the new good idea the bans to be partial (in "read only" mode) he is here, he is reading but can't post, can't send messages, which makes everything okay.

For example, the last 24 hours the picture was "Users active in past 1440 minutes:
Dimitroff, MSL, Komobini, Tofola, YisouSpider (275), Twitterbot (2), SeznamBot (2), Majestic (10), Google (AdSense) (4), Google (3), FacebookExternalHit (224), DuckDuckBot, Baidu (32), Applebot (85), AhrefsBot (18), 008 (6)"

Komobini = one of the Zhang's banned accounts.
Title: Re: Considering 'cannot post' ban for the abusers like Zhang and the spammers
Post by: Gay on July 20, 2024, 04:31:53 PM
After mentioned this he stopped even to log in with his banned partially accounts. Now he is trying to read here unlogged (according to our error logs related to his IPs).

Not that it's a problem, but letting know the people just because he is already well known abuser (psychopathological and criminal) so better know it, better be like that "better safe than sorry".
Title: Re: Considering 'cannot post' ban for the abusers like Zhang and the spammers
Post by: Gay on July 21, 2024, 02:15:54 AM
Now he logged in with one of his "北京" (Beijing) accounts. Reading (only can read, don't worry!) in the incels without hate board.

Once again, what a great relief that this crimecel-psychocel can't disturb, curse, lie, quarrel, hallucinate and whatever here, causing damages to the forum and to the community! Great that MSL knows how to protect it all!
Title: Re: Considering 'cannot post' ban for the abusers like Zhang and the spammers
Post by: MSL on July 21, 2024, 02:22:11 AM
 Yes. Currently the situation here is this: "MSL, Gay, 北京:高等教育出版社 and 500 Guests are viewing this board".

Title: Re: Considering 'cannot post' ban for the abusers like Zhang and the spammers
Post by: Gay on July 22, 2024, 04:23:25 PM
Attention, attention! There is a new, suspicious registration. I approved it because it's from a different IP that do not overlaps the Zhang's IPs but the email is from the same email service as one of the Zhang's emails + the impatient behavior to start using this account is very similar to Zhang's.

So, stay alerted and ban on sight if it's another (and last) Zhang Jie's penetrations! If this happen, as usual, we will delete and edit his most terrible, insane, abusing, insulting and criminal posts and we will imply the next genius level moderation suggested by MSL: post appears only after a moderator/admin approval. That will be the total end of "Zhang's era" in the international Omnilogy forum. 8)
Title: Re: Considering 'cannot post' ban for the abusers like Zhang and the spammers
Post by: MSL on July 22, 2024, 04:25:27 PM
 Correct. If he do it again he will lose 100% he s chances ever to come back here as a normal user. As simple as that.
Title: Re: Considering 'cannot post' ban for the abusers like Zhang and the spammers
Post by: MSL on July 22, 2024, 04:52:21 PM
 Except the already mentioned suspicious signs (the same email service, the impatience to start using the forum) there is a new one: as soon as this account (forum profile) was approved, it immediately came to the incels' board. See:

"Viewing the board A forum for incels who are normal people (no terrorists, no rapists, no racists, no pedophiles, no haters and so on)."
 So, higher and higher probability that it's a new Zhang Jie's account!

 Be careful!
Title: Re: Considering 'cannot post' ban for the abusers like Zhang and the spammers
Post by: informationrequester on July 22, 2024, 08:33:09 PM
Oh our dear ffffffffffffffffffff crying old baby MSL now got a retarded idea of setting a new kind of ban! Good move since he is enabling me to have access to the various laughing stocks generated nearly daily by this forum which can colorify my daily life! What ffffffffffffffffffff philanthropic benevolence and I am wondering if if he were a ffffffffffffffffffff cop he would just tape a criminal's mouth instead of sending him into a cop office as the 'cannot speak' ban lmfao. What a lame attitude and how come did he make it to a mod?! Oh maybe ffffffffffffffffffff b.........Desi sacrificed her virginity for the relinquishment of the role of a mod from the admin to him ROFL.
Title: 100% Sure!
Post by: Alexa on July 22, 2024, 08:37:14 PM
Hey, he logged in with his dynamic VPN or whatever he uses in China to skip the Great Firewall censorship. And this is the result that we (the admins) can see:
(I will show you with only the half of his used IP because we don't share private information here publicly but if the police, court or PSB from China or police, court or FBI from USA need it for their investigations we will cooperate and provide them all we have about the insane criminal person Zhang Jie from Shanghai city, China!)
Take a look, please:

IP address           Display name
114.92.xxx.xxx   北京:高等教育出版社, Komobini, StarSeries, informationrequester

Stay alerted, stay safe, report!!!

Now because I got the 100% proof that it's just another Zhang Jie's account (because of the IP address + the rest of the wise analysis by MSL and stuff), I am taking the immediate action: ban on sight (partial ban, which is "read only" mode ban.)
Title: Re: Considering 'cannot post' ban for the abusers like Zhang and the spammers
Post by: Alexa on July 22, 2024, 08:48:28 PM
Crazy, insane, criminal!!! 🤯 He posted during I was posting! But it'll be already 100% alright because, read here: http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/a-forum-for-incels-who-are-normal-people-no-terrorists-no-rapists-no-racists-no-pedophiles-no-haters-and-so-on/i-am-zhang-i-don-t-take-my-prescribed-pills/msg53513/#msg53513
Title: Re: Considering 'cannot post' ban for the abusers like Zhang and the spammers
Post by: MSL on July 22, 2024, 08:58:45 PM
 As you saw already, I have the abilities to recognize him earlier (already many times) and to stop (limit) his psychopathological and criminal participating here better and better.
 After the edits, I will give some decent answers.
 And yes, it was his last possible publication here. I will help the forum to imply the "posts appear only after the admin/mod approval" mode.
Title: Re: Considering 'cannot post' ban for the abusers like Zhang and the spammers
Post by: Dimitroff on July 22, 2024, 09:08:53 PM
Yes, please do it! Amazing job, really!
Title: Re: Considering 'cannot post' ban for the abusers like Zhang and the spammers
Post by: MSL on July 22, 2024, 10:24:54 PM
"Oh our dear ffffffffffffffffffff crying old baby MSL now got a retarded idea of setting a new kind of ban!"

 Retarded is this statement because:
 First, the low IQcel can't make a simple difference between "ban" and "approval" mode/status.
 Second, the psychotic and criminal Zhang Jie from Shanghai (in Xi-na), experiences directly the efficiency of my ideas but still his ill brain calls them "retarded".
 And, third, it's very ridiculous the man who looks like a boy (with his low T, muscless, chubby body and juvenile type face) and who behaves like a preschooler emotionally with all these overreactions, childish complains, degraded aggression and so on (for the full list of his problems, see that topic (http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/a-forum-for-incels-who-are-normal-people-no-terrorists-no-rapists-no-racists-no-pedophiles-no-haters-and-so-on/zhang-s-mental-disorders-and-crimes-so-far/)) to call me "baby". But what else can a low IQ, schizophrenic and low level criminalcel can say? Of course only some nonsense like that.
 And, about the "old". What a pathetic losercel: he is only 24 but his body shape and health are worse than mine, his memory is worse too, needless to say how weak mentally and physically is he too... And exactly this "joke creature" to insult my age and to show his ageism towards me is, you know, the top of the stupidity, insanity and so on.

 "Good move since he is enabling me to have access to the various laughing stocks generated nearly daily by this forum which can colorify my daily life!"

 And the most laughable stock is the insane LowIQcel, crimecel Zhang.
 But, on this one I do agree, his life is really a terrible life and he is often depressed, sad, angry, furious. He has no joy in his pathetic life in Xi-na, so, of course, as humanists we do help him to deal with his suicidal emotions and thoughts. What a philanthropic benevolence as he noticed!

 "and I am wondering if if he were a ffffffffffffffffffff cop he would just tape a criminal's mouth instead of sending him into a cop office as the 'cannot speak' ban lmfao."

The cops are not "ffff", you low leveled criminal! But, yes, makes sense a crazy, stupid criminal to insult the cops and the rest of the people who are good for the society.
 And, of course, if I was a cop, I will call the forensic psychiatrists to take immediate care of this crazy, psychotic, delusional criminal. This is the right method.

 "What a lame attitude and how come did he make it to a mod?!"
 Said the lamest possible mentalcel and criminalcel who is highly frustrated of being limited to post his lies, hallucinations, insults, disgusting statements and criminal calls for homicide and torture here!
 And this pathetic creature also was invited to be a mod here but he self-cancelled himself. He doesn't know what he wants, he is full of contradictions (ambivalence and ambitendency!)

"Oh maybe ffffffffffffffffffff b.........Desi sacrificed her virginity for the relinquishment of the role of a mod from the admin to him ROFL."

Said the 24 old virgin who probably will remain a virgincel to the end of his sad pathetic useless life. The low IQ, crazy and bad guy just can't understand the elementary things like you are in a good position if you deserve it, at least, because you are a knowledgeable, educated, graduated in Europe philosopher who is also a poet, a webmaster, a sportsman and an actor, AND NOT a pathetic insane criminally behaving and criminally thinking loser like Zhang Jie from Shanghai, Xina (Xi's China).
Title: Re: Considering 'cannot post' ban for the abusers like Zhang and the spammers
Post by: Ineedloveandpassion on July 23, 2024, 03:16:25 PM
Don't take seriously the freak! He speaks the opposite to discourage you. If he cries so loudly "restarted, retarded!" this means he is gaslighting you to lift the bans and to lift the good protective measures.

What if you really lift his bans and don't take measures? He will continue to poison the forum with all those dirty words, violence calls and the rest of the violations which will make the forum to lose its Omnilogy image, to lose its ads income and to lose its normal readers.

NEVER allow the poisonous freak here again! Read only status is more than enough for you considering the fact that he is even a stalker!
Title: Re: Considering 'cannot post' ban for the abusers like Zhang and the spammers
Post by: MSL on July 24, 2024, 07:35:32 PM
 Yes. True.