☯☼☯ SEO and Non-SEO (Science-Education-Omnilogy) Forum ☯☼☯

Normal Incels (Incels Without Hate) => A forum for incels who are normal people (no terrorists, no rapists, no racists, no pedophiles, no haters and so on) => Topic started by: Dimitroff on July 10, 2024, 11:28:20 PM

Title: No worries already (the crazy criminal Zhang and spammers can't bother you!)
Post by: Dimitroff on July 10, 2024, 11:28:20 PM
I found a great solution (thanks to the genius idea of the philosophy professional!) which is how to prevent the liar, hallucinator, hatecel and criminal (who called for homicide here!!!) Zhang from Shanghai + the spammers to harm this forum, this community with all their evil, irresponsible, inhumane behavior!

Admin approval only!!!  8)

Oh yeah!!!!!!!!!!

This will make him very desprate, discouraged, upset and depressed. So, expect some different bafld news from him, stay alerted, keep in touch with the police, prosecutors, PBS, FBI, courts and your lawyers!

But anyway for this, forum's, security I think we did the 100% protection.

Feel free and safe to communicate.  8) :) 8)
Title: Re: No worries already (the crazy criminal Zhang and spammers can't bother you!)
Post by: MSL on July 11, 2024, 12:38:25 AM
 Never again! Zero tolerance towards psychopathological and criminal subjects like him!
Title: Re: No worries already (the crazy criminal Zhang and spammers can't bother you!)
Post by: Non-SEO on July 11, 2024, 01:41:06 AM
Genial indeed. Thanks to the psychological and philosophical knowledge of MSL, who is able to predict many future events correctly (a real visionary), we avoided another big problem! 🈶🍀👍

Around hour or two ago, the crazy, criminally behaving dude tried AGAIN to register a new account but... OH, YeSssssssSsssssss!!! The system is working! 8)

Now he awats the approval. ;D

Guess, when we will approve his new acount?

The correct answer is... "Never!" 😆 😂 :P ;D :) :) :-😁

For all the admins, global mod, mods and the owner:


Awaiting Approval
This section is only shown if you have enabled admin approval of all new registrations. Anyone who registers to join your forum will only become a full member once they have been approved by an admin. The section lists all those members who are still awaiting approval, along with their email and IP address. You can choose to either accept or reject (delete) any member on the list by checking the box next to the member and choosing the action from the drop-down box at the bottom of the screen. When rejecting a member you can choose to delete the member either with or without notifying them of your decision.

Title: Re: No worries already (the crazy criminal Zhang and spammers can't bother you!)
Post by: SEO on July 11, 2024, 01:56:41 AM
If I knew earlier about this function I could save myself lots of troubles with this insane criminal and many spammers!

万岁万岁万万岁!MSL visionary! To predict correctly that Zhang is insincere about he wants to stop posting here! Then to predict correctly that he will register again more accounts! Then to predict correctly that he will try again tonight!!! And even to figure and his WeChat! And to teach us how to get rid of the insane criminal and the spammers with this genial option in the system! This man is not just a visionary but a genius! 8)

Thanks a milion!!!
Title: Re: No worries already (the crazy criminal Zhang and spammers can't bother you!)
Post by: Lawman on July 11, 2024, 02:09:15 AM
Confirming that I was approved. 8)

I am here not to spam our lawers services but to let know the victims who suffer from the criminal deeds of that person or others that we may provide you law assstance if you need to sue in court or another legal help.
Title: Re: No worries already (the crazy criminal Zhang and spammers can't bother you!)
Post by: Alexa on July 11, 2024, 04:52:05 AM
I am so, so glad to read all these impressive news!!! 😄 :-*

We are lucky to have a visionary philsopher like him!
Title: Re: No worries already (the crazy criminal Zhang and spammers can't bother you!)
Post by: MSL on July 11, 2024, 05:01:03 AM
 I am not exactly a genius, but an encyclopedian person with some significant visionary abilities.
 What I predict is scientific and experience based.
 So, because for now the forum is secured and everyone sleeps, I am going to bed too and wish you good night! 😴💤
Title: Re: No worries already (the crazy criminal Zhang and spammers can't bother you!)
Post by: PageRank on July 11, 2024, 06:56:12 AM
Awaiting approval (0). So cool, so good. 8)

At last some rest without the spambots, the spammers and the psychocel (crimecel) Zhang Shortie.
Title: Re: No worries already (the crazy criminal Zhang and spammers can't bother you!)
Post by: Деси on July 11, 2024, 02:30:11 PM
That's a great achievement for this forum which only comes to show what are the benefits of being a very highly educated, graduated and self-developed like mister MSL who helped us to get rid of Zhang's crazy, mad, insane, paranoid and schizophrenical attacks forever!

But for your own safety, read my short summarization about the highly problematic incel: in the poll (https://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/index.php?topic=9365.msg53271#msg53271)!
Title: Re: No worries already (the crazy criminal Zhang and spammers can't bother you!)
Post by: Gay on July 11, 2024, 05:51:53 PM
He is really dangerous, obviously insane of course, and a real criminal: no wonder why he said before that the scammers online a way better than someone who is honest (check it: http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/a-forum-for-incels-who-are-normal-people-no-terrorists-no-rapists-no-racists-no-pedophiles-no-haters-and-so-on/the-incels-poorcels-especially-be-careful/msg52898/#msg52898) and after his calls for murdering he is known as an insane criminal. Hope the Chinese police to take care of him soon.
Title: Re: No worries already (the crazy criminal Zhang and spammers can't bother you!)
Post by: Gay on July 11, 2024, 10:41:15 PM


Here are his dumb, retarded, low IQed, low EQed, insane tries to log in with his BANNED accounts!  :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

It is a waste of time to try to undestand the logic of an insane and criminal brain like his but what is he thiking? That we will lift his ban?! Or he still did not realized he is banned forever?????... Or maybe he is doing it under some of his hallcinations, who knows? Like he sees Desi as a janitor and a brothel worker at the very same time and his fingers unconsciously are tapping his old account passwords?...
Title: Re: No worries already (the crazy criminal Zhang and spammers can't bother you!)
Post by: Non-SEO on July 11, 2024, 11:08:35 PM
Better do not try to understand because you may become like him: chubbier, stupider, crazier and degraded as a human being. Ignore him fully!
Title: Re: No worries already (the crazy criminal Zhang and spammers can't bother you!)
Post by: Gay on July 12, 2024, 03:29:13 AM
You are right but he continues to do the same. What a self-destructive being! Instead at night to sleep (yes, it's nighttime in China now; he isn't smart enough to immigrate like us), he is making tries to log in here with his banned accounts. A pure form of insanity.
Title: Re: No worries already (the crazy criminal Zhang and spammers can't bother you!)
Post by: SEO on July 12, 2024, 07:50:21 AM
We'll talk about it again after the trigger's change from the settings there, you know...

But, generally, oh yeah~~~~~~~~!!! We never had such a calm forum before (spamless, spammerless, spambotless, mentalcelness...  :D )
Title: Re: No worries already (the crazy criminal Zhang and spammers can't bother you!)
Post by: Gymmaxer on July 12, 2024, 09:47:19 AM
But if the other gymmaxer is right that he's back with a new account profile and "under cover" than it's not that safe. Stay om high alert here!
Title: Re: No worries already (the crazy criminal Zhang and spammers can't bother you!)
Post by: Деси on July 12, 2024, 09:51:14 AM
Don't worry. I am fully awared.
Title: Re: No worries already (the crazy criminal Zhang and spammers can't bother you!)
Post by: Komobini on July 12, 2024, 12:36:42 PM
No --- point in setting such a retarded approve but not surprising at all since this --- forum is just --- retarded and shitty as I --- claimed. You see your missed old friend has come up here and has showed 'gratitude' to this forum since beforewards the infurious member Non-SEO said I was --- ingrateful while now I have showed my gratitude. Good innit? :P ---
Title: Re: No worries already (the crazy criminal Zhang and spammers can't bother you!)
Post by: Non-SEO on July 12, 2024, 07:39:12 PM
1. MSL caught you at once and even posted a topic that it is you, the crazy criminal incel Zhang.

2. We just gave you a last chance to see if you may show some normal human behavior but you are not taking your medicines, you are progressing in your schizophrenic episodes and, the most valuable was --

3. You showed her fake anti-CCP, anti-Xi and anti-communist ideas.

Now we know that you are not just a crazy criminal but a fake anti-CCP and a propaganda tool.
Title: Re: No worries already (the crazy criminal Zhang and spammers can't bother you!)
Post by: Gay on July 12, 2024, 07:47:02 PM
LoL 😹 you are right. I want to add these: the forum is omnilogically filled with good science, psychology, philosophy, culinary, geography and so on content and till now only you disliked it here. Which showed that you are far from knowledge and not gifted in learning with this bad memory, hallucinations, criminal thoughts and other brain damages.

And once you already can't make new accounts endlessly (even this one was instantly caught up by MSL great logic and dialects!) you are desperate more and more. :D 😂 😁

You are a lamer, a psycho and low IQed criminal.

The most pathetic thing is how you do attempts to log in with your forever banned old accounts here.  :D :D :D ;D :D :D :D :D :-\
The logs are everyday full of your attempts. Pitiful loser with criminal nature and psychotic brain...
Title: Oops
Post by: Dimitroff on July 12, 2024, 10:23:32 PM
Oops! The shill, crazycel, criminal Zhang tried (as Komobini) to visit is again but, this is what he sees:

"Sorry Komobini, you are banned from using this forum!
The crazy criminal incels are not welcome in the forum!
This ban is not set to expire."

 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)

I like the bans explantion you made, admins! Proud to have this forum!
Title: Re: No worries already (the crazy criminal Zhang and spammers can't bother you!)
Post by: Dimitroff on July 13, 2024, 08:27:49 PM
My second post for today.

Glad to see the sick, hallucinating, threatening, dirty mouth undeveloped and degraded incel Zhang tries to logging in several times with his banned accounts and, of course, he can't do it. 8) And tell me now, how this genial option, to participate in the forum BUUUUUUUT only AFTER an admin approval is "retarded"? Lolololololololol! The low IQcel, crazycel, crime commiting incel though that the clever option is to let him limitless to add up new profiles?! Haha... What a complete mental degradation!