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Normal Incels (Incels Without Hate) => A forum for incels who are normal people (no terrorists, no rapists, no racists, no pedophiles, no haters and so on) => Topic started by: Alexa on June 27, 2024, 04:47:30 PM

Title: Heightpill experiment for shortcels
Post by: Alexa on June 27, 2024, 04:47:30 PM
The educated incels already know the Geser Kurultaev's theory that usually the incels are not just single type incels (like a ln incel is just a fatcel or just a shortcel) but multiple type (like Zhang who is not only short but struggles with other disadvantages: geocel, chubbycel, not fully developed muscle and money potential, parental dependence, jobless and companyless, busycel and so on.)

Now I suggest him and other shortcels to make an online and offline experiment.

Connect online with 10 girls. Tell them you are enough tall. For example 181 cm. And see how many of these 10 will date you just because you are that tall. :D Are there many that will ignore your chubbycel, geocel, parentcel or other problems?

If and only if there is at least one who really want to date you, make an easy softmaxx type heightmaxx: buy those shoes that makes you 15 or more centimeters taller. And put a cap. It will make you tall enough. Like honey, who is 164. In his case: 164 + 15 (shoes) + 2 (cap) = 181 cm.

Then after the girl see and talk to him and find out that he is without shredded body, with chubby face, without company, without job, living in a small place with the rest of his family, playing games like teenagers (he said it is a good trait, let it be), talking often the same topics again and again (a fresh example was how here he again "reminded" us how stupid are the Chinese who don't think several millions is big money  ;D) and has no good clothes style... weather or not she will date him again?

Try and see! This will wake up many shortcels or self-proclaimed shortcels that they are being more than just short. They usually are also poorcels, fatcels or chubbycels, mentalcels, geocels, shycels, etc.
Title: Re: Heightpill experiment for shortcels
Post by: 英语课 on June 27, 2024, 09:40:39 PM
I think they will find some excuse for this. :)
Title: Re: Heightpill experiment for shortcels
Post by: MSL on June 28, 2024, 12:07:59 AM
 Maybe... Or they just will be ashamed to share the results because it will prove their limited explanation power or, simply put it, they are not going to understand and/or admit that they were more insufficient then they are.
 It's easy to blame just (only) your height but it's nog easy to admit that you had or have much more flaws like androgynous body due to lack of sport, personality issues, independence issues, geo/location issues and so on.
Title: Re: Heightpill experiment for shortcels
Post by: Good incel on June 28, 2024, 04:19:20 PM
I hope Zhang brocel can do it to prove to himself that the inceldom isn't only shortceldom.
Title: Re: Heightpill experiment for shortcels
Post by: Ethnicel on June 28, 2024, 05:32:04 PM
Me too. It's precious to see the great disappointment of some incels who think that solving one incel's problem makes you ascended. ROFL 🤣😂🤣 ;D ;D : 😅🤣 .

Like a baldcel who hairmaxx and wonders how in Earth he is still not having a fem! The man even can't realize that the hairloss was his smallest problem. He is fat, he is poor, he is a coward and he is smelly. LoooooL.
Title: Re: Heightpill experiment for shortcels
Post by: Alexa on June 29, 2024, 03:46:50 AM
Often happens.
Title: Re: Heightpill experiment for shortcels
Post by: SEO on June 29, 2024, 03:37:19 PM
They will be surprised when the heightmaxx doesn't change much. :D
Title: Re: Heightpill experiment for shortcels
Post by: PageRank on June 29, 2024, 10:20:24 PM
I am eager to watch this!!!
Title: Re: Heightpill experiment for shortcels
Post by: Nadia on June 30, 2024, 12:38:37 AM
They, at least the majority, are not going to accept it. Because deep inside they do know it's going to fail. It will ruin their self build comfort zone in which they only think simply like "I am a flawless, great guy, but I am short. If I wasn't short, I could have a girlfriend instantly." Hehe. ::) :D ;)
Title: Re: Heightpill experiment for shortcels
Post by: Деси on June 30, 2024, 04:15:14 PM
Noticed it? He even doesn't want to comment it.

It's easy to repeat how you are short but when you have to test of your shorty-ness is the real incelization, ah wait, wait 🫸... I can't do it because errrrr, error the high shoes and the cap cost $500 and I am not sure if I can pay (but you should know that I have millions in the pocket!)

Sometimes I just can't stand it.
Title: Re: Heightpill experiment for shortcels
Post by: Aquonut on June 30, 2024, 05:16:19 PM
Noticed it? He even doesn't want to comment it.

It's easy to repeat how you are short but when you have to test of your shorty-ness is the real incelization, ah wait, wait 🫸... I can't do it because errrrr, error the high shoes and the cap cost $500 and I am not sure if I can pay (but you should know that I have millions in the pocket!)

Sometimes I just can't stand it.
Who the fk needs your believe and your endure don't put your ffffffffffffffffffff self on high pedestral as if you were a queen of this forum. You are just a stupid leeching son of bitch and toxic failure lmfaoooooo
Title: Re: Heightpill experiment for shortcels
Post by: Aquonut on June 30, 2024, 05:17:35 PM
Noticed it? He even doesn't want to comment it.

It's easy to repeat how you are short but when you have to test of your shorty-ness is the real incelization, ah wait, wait 🫸... I can't do it because errrrr, error the high shoes and the cap cost $500 and I am not sure if I can pay (but you should know that I have millions in the pocket!)

Sometimes I just can't stand it.
And I have my ffffffffffffffffffff freedom not to comment on a post I do not have anything to comment and stop forcing me to do anything like buying this ffffffffffffffffffff forum. You odorous little bitch.
Title: Re: Heightpill experiment for shortcels
Post by: Gay on June 30, 2024, 06:44:07 PM
The little bitch here is a male. Use rude word once again and I will ban you, mentally unstable incel!!!

Why you don't dare to do the experiment if you told us tons of times that you are short?

Who the hell press you to buy the forum when it is NOT for sale anymore? You again started to see things? Hallucinating again!!!

Doctors, 💊💊💊💊💊💊💊!!!
Title: Re: Heightpill experiment for shortcels
Post by: Gay on June 30, 2024, 07:28:55 PM
Banned for multiple and repeating insults, rudeness, unstable behavior, false accusations (hallucinatory based?) and disturb.
Title: Re: Heightpill experiment for shortcels
Post by: Non-SEO on June 30, 2024, 08:04:16 PM
And he even registered a second account to try to continue his madness! 10 days ban instantly! After 10 days if you notice the same:

1. Talking about the part and getting angry that someone answers him about the past using insults!

2. Calling rude names.

3. Claiming non-existing situations (like people press him to buy a sold forum that is not for sale, which corresponds with hallucinating!)

Report it and he will get 20 days ban. The next ones will be:

- 1 month
- 2 months
- 4 months
- Half a year.
- 1 year.

After 1 year if he demonstrates the same problems he will get a temporary ban.

Any ideas?
Title: Re: Heightpill experiment for shortcels
Post by: Деси on July 01, 2024, 02:34:10 AM

"Who the fk needs your believe and your endure don't put your ffffffffffffffffffff self on high pedestral as if you were a queen of this forum. "

I need my believe and I am against the lies. You can like lies but I don't. It's "pedestal," not "pedestral". And I look that I am in it because you are too low. Too low as personality, reactions, insecurities and, of course, short. I add it to help you to have your main excuse for being an incel.

"You are just a stupid leeching son of bitch and toxic failure lmfaoooooo"

I am a daughter. Not a son. Your English is so ridiculously low, as your other abilities, that you even don't know where and when to use son/daughter. Because your ethics, moral and psychological statuses are that low, we can make an educated guess that the son of a bitch is you. Only a mother bitch could allow her son to grow up as such a disrespectful, rude, overreacting, seeing hallucinations boy like type adult. So, go call your Chinese mother "bitch", she deserves it.

Most of the people around think the toxic is you: lies, impudence, ignorance, aggression and all this because of that bitch, called your "mother".
Title: Re: Heightpill experiment for shortcels
Post by: Деси on July 01, 2024, 02:45:46 AM
I will continue about your ... mother later.

 Let's try to be more polite.

Edit: admin.
Title: Re: Heightpill experiment for shortcels
Post by: Деси on July 01, 2024, 02:47:25 AM

"And I have my ffffffffffffffffffff freedom not to comment on a post I do not have anything to comment and stop forcing me to do anything like buying this ffffffffffffffffffff forum. "

First, you abuse your freedom (which is almost 0 in China) here to avoid useful experiments like this which will just prove the point that you are not a shortcel, you are a mentalcel (aggressive, rude, dirty speaking, spreading lies and hallucinating).

Second, you are calling the forum bad names again, even when people here helped you and trying to help you a lot. What an ungrateful little piece of useless manlet!!!
 And speaking of hallucinations, this is it. The forum is not for sale, it has owners but you "saw" somewhere on your broken deluted schizophrenic brain that it is for sale now and that there is someone who forces you to buy it.

The level of the Chinese healthcare is that low?! Take your pills immediately!

"You odorous little bitch."

Good. Practice it in Chinese to call your mother so. She deserves it for having such a bad mannered, aggressive, ungrateful and childish son.
Title: Re: Heightpill experiment for shortcels
Post by: Деси on July 01, 2024, 02:53:57 AM
No more ideas. Ban him again if he type a lie, a hallucination, an insult or a rude word. This impudence is typical for the crazy totalitarian minds. Don't allow them to spread their viruses here.
Title: Re: Heightpill experiment for shortcels
Post by: MSL on July 02, 2024, 12:42:03 AM
 Don't worry! I even can stop gymmaxxing him, because he looks like a threat to the females like you! I will be cautious with him.
Title: Re: Heightpill experiment for shortcels
Post by: MSL on July 03, 2024, 06:20:57 AM
 Confirming in this topic that I blocked him in QQ and stopped to collaborate with him on his gymmaxx. I know I am not rich and losing these RMB 200 every month is a significant loss for my budget, but I don't want to be a part of his physical empowerment. You know, it's like to give an A-bomb to a terrorist or to give a gun to a toddler. Zhang showed absolute lack of self-control, repetitive aggression in 26 posts (in his last account) + some others, contradicting behavior, lack of any remorse of what he does, furious hatred towards people who disagree with him, lack of ability normally to accept the pluralistic and democratic, honest debates, so making him more powerful, especially physically, may endanger the people around him. And I am 100% refusing to be part of this.
Title: Re: Heightpill experiment for shortcels
Post by: Non-SEO on July 03, 2024, 06:56:45 AM
Yes, yes, yes 👍🏆🏆🏆❗ 8)
Title: Re: Heightpill experiment for shortcels
Post by: Dimitroff on July 06, 2024, 01:39:11 PM
Needless to say that he insulted this forum multiple times then said sorry and recently again the forum is "ffffffffffffffffffff" to him.

Example from not long ago: "Okay okay, thx. And please keep your eyes on that topic! If anyone is still going to talk about locking three topics, 1 = 3, etc., then just lock the topic, because it's going to be sidetracked.

And I am sorry to have called your forum as 'shitty' and 'retarded'. I hope we can deal with each other without any hatred in the future!"

He sorrys for calling it bad name and hopes to deal without any hatred and then this... Sorry, man, I can't deal with your contradictories and the rest of your insanities.
Title: Re: Heightpill experiment for shortcels
Post by: Ethnicel on July 07, 2024, 08:34:16 PM
I don't know what kind of retardcel one can be to even think of being "upper" and "righteous" by... calling dirty names, faking up stories, cursing... He felt he is winning Vs. Desi? Not even closer!

Losercel level 99.