☯☼☯ SEO and Non-SEO (Science-Education-Omnilogy) Forum ☯☼☯
Normal Incels (Incels Without Hate) => A forum for incels who are normal people (no terrorists, no rapists, no racists, no pedophiles, no haters and so on) => Topic started by: Alexa on April 13, 2024, 09:10:55 AM
🆒 8) 8) 8) 8) Honey Zhang made his new mind. From "This forum is toxic and you are useless!" through "Nah, nah, I don't want to buy it! Dad is not giving money (only caloric food :P) and "No, no, I do not want to be a mod for free!" to the idea to have three (3!!!) new boards!
I know you will think it's some April joke but it's not. He said it in his Gym coach thread, if you doubt me, I can link it.
So, honey, enlighten us what are these 3 boards that you want to manage and to prove us what the real positive free speech, democratic expression and so on and so fourth, are they?
Something like EE, shortcels and antiCCP or you have greater ideas? 💡💡💡💡💡
I am so happy! And I bet the rest of the blind, toxic, useless people are glad too... Well, only MSL isn't glad maybe because he has to live with 200 renminbi less but it's okay because he's your favorite and he will eat less because you will feed him with your high IQ and your precise memory, so he can feel full. ;D ;D
Now, say it, I am getting nearly wet when expect your three board ideas.
No need to be sarcastic. You are welcome to go there to say everything you want. I will not ban you just because you say something that does not satisfy me but does not disobey any rule.
And the reason why I want to make those three new sections is that, I think this forum needs.
Why is there already a section 'Philosophy', but there are no 'Science', 'Engineering' and 'Classics' sections?
I've been actually wondering since days ago.
Wow, that's something... Okay, let me see because usually I am the weakling who do this job, the rest are like managers and bosses like Alexa.
Sorry if I am late but seriously I will make these three for you.
Manager, boss like Alexa, ah? 😨 Don't be so sarcastic! You hurt my feelings 💔!!!
Wow, that's something... Okay, let me see because usually I am the weakling who do this job, the rest are like managers and bosses like Alexa.
Sorry if I am late but seriously I will make these three for you.
And... lock my three posts for good to do MSL a favor.. He is busy now and can't but he is gonna lock. You can do that for him.
Wait, wait, wait! The big boss is here.
The big boss do agree about three (honestly it reminds me a little bit about his gymmaxx beginning when he wanted to get muscular in a week and didn't hear the coach to slow down... and got injured muscles...) here... Three at ones is a big deal, so I doubt he can do it well (I expect he to get tired soon and do nothing, they will remain as a good memory) but let's give him three!
And my one and only condition is: Mr Zhang, first write down the rules of your forums . I want to know under what rules exactly you will govern there and it will be easier to the stuff (weakling) ;D to submit them.
Show proof that MSL has a reason to lock three posts. Because after your fake reports without proves we doubt he want to locks three of your topics. Is it another illusion?
Slow down. The three boards is acceptable and they sound useful. But in the entire hostory of the forum (13 years already, when you Zhang was 10, in 2011 we started it) nobody lock three topics at once.
I don't think MSL got this insane idea, no matter how difficult is his current life. He is not insane!
Slow down. The three boards is acceptable and they sound useful. But in the entire hostory of the forum (13 years already, when you Zhang was 10, in 2011 we started it) nobody lock three topics at once.
I don't think MSL got this insane idea, no matter how difficult is his current life. He is not insane!
Hey~~~, don't be afraid brace boy I am not gonna comment more your three topics. Breath slowly.
But yes, although I don't want to bring panic to him, stay aware, I also strongly doubt that MSL said anything about locking three threads. Sounds like hijacked message or something. I also rarely see locked threads here. So, I have the educated guess that it's just another lie.
Slow down. The three boards is acceptable and they sound useful. But in the entire hostory of the forum (13 years already, when you Zhang was 10, in 2011 we started it) nobody lock three topics at once.
I don't think MSL got this insane idea, no matter how difficult is his current life. He is not insane!
It's not insane becauae now my posts are receiving comments that can keep the bad atmosphere of this fourm continuing. Better to lock them to cease the 'circulations', otherwise they will have like hundreds of pages riddled with paling arguments. Nobody want that to happen.
Eww, so sorry to post at the same time.
Now, I see you post it...
Hey~~~, don't be afraid brace boy I am not gonna comment more your three topics. Breath slowly.
But yes, although I don't want to bring panic to him, stay aware, I also strongly doubt that MSL said anything about locking three threads. Sounds like hijacked message or something. I also rarely see locked threads here. So, I have the educated guess that it's just another lie.
No I did not threat him to do so. You can ask him when he is active, and if I had threated him to do so, he would also expose me entirely in this section, ntm what has he got that can enable me to threat him? Don't tell me it is the tutoring fee lol.
Thanks God I asked for proof! Another example of blatant distortion of the information. There is (and I was right to doubt!) anything about locking three topics.
It will be really difficult to gain trust again... Can you at least try to be honest once in your life?
Hey~~~, don't be afraid brace boy I am not gonna comment more your three topics. Breath slowly.
But yes, although I don't want to bring panic to him, stay aware, I also strongly doubt that MSL said anything about locking three threads. Sounds like hijacked message or something. I also rarely see locked threads here. So, I have the educated guess that it's just another lie.
No I did not threat him to do so. You can ask him when he is active, and if I had threated him to do so, he would also expose me entirely in this section, ntm what has he got that can enable me to threat him? Don't tell me it is the tutoring fee lol.
Just to note, argument will not be ceased until either of the side stops arguing or someone else ceases the argument willy-nilly, so when it's about the time, the wiser side should know it's the time to stop arguing with the other side.
IRL because of the lack of the 'someone else' and the wisdom, argument tends to become a fight...
Know how I learned that? Because back then when we were still living in the original house(which has been demolited as I said), in the 'Shanghaiese valley'(we call it '弄堂' Long Tang), there had been multiple such cases. I never witnessed an argument to be stopped by a wiser side... it always turned into a horrible fight. This made me thinking whether it is just human's nature(to prove one's own right when there is someone else trying to rob him of his foods or even habitat...)
Whatever. Nobody locks anything! We avoid limiting the core values like Freedom of speech. If MSL wants to lock something he will lock it and I am sure it won't be three, if he wants to continue being a respected moderator here.
Thanks God I asked for proof! Another example of blatant distortion of the information. There is (and I was right to doubt!) anything about locking three topics.
It will be really difficult to gain trust again... Can you at least try to be honest once in your life?
Tell me what is distorted by me and can you at least try to trust me? Otherwise I don't think I need to talk to you anymore. i am now talking to you because I think you deserve to.
Thanks God I asked for proof! Another example of blatant distortion of the information. There is (and I was right to doubt!) anything about locking three topics.
It will be really difficult to gain trust again... Can you at least try to be honest once in your life?
Tell me what is distorted by me and can you at least try to trust me? Otherwise I don't think I need to talk to you anymore. i am now talking to you because I think you deserve to.
He just meant 'three posts' by 'it'. Ask him when he is active. Too tired to be said to have distorted this and that. And you think you deserve my lying lol. Don't be kidding.
Why did you lie that he wants to lock three topics?
I even can't see the word or the number "three" (3)... It was just another of his hallucinations... Sad. Don't call him a liar, he just sees things that didn't exist.
Why did you lie that had wants to lock three topics?
Because he just meant 'three posts' by 'it'. Ask him when he is active. Oh and you can see the history:(I said something offensive to you but... I can only prove to you by that means...):
I even can't see the word or the number "three" (3)... It was just another of his hallucinations... Sad. Don't call him a liar, he just sees things that didn't exist.
Yeah! ;D Everyone here knows me better than myself! 'Course and I won't be surprised if there is still gonna be comments like 'Oh he hallucinated "three words"!' even after I have posted the proof.
Why did you lie that he wants to lock three topics?
Just to tell you. When the forum does not have any argument, yeah, it's stupid to lock three topics at once, but how about now? Don't you think it's best to just lock them all at once? Tell me what is wrong with that move? The arguments are paling, not helpful and endless. It's really best to just lock them all.
If I were a mod, I would instantly choose to lock them all with the excuse that, the arguments are continuing and to cease them these three topics are locked for good.
Why did you lie that he wants to lock three topics?
And, if you think slandering the other side as a liar does not hurt one's feeling, then who is actually 'souless' and 'crule' is self-explanatory. :o
Why did you lie that had wants to lock three topics?
Because he just meant 'three posts' by 'it'. Ask him when he is active. Oh and you can see the history:(I said something offensive to you but... I can only prove to you by that means...):
Oh be mindful of the posting time and posts being 'plural'(yeah since y'all know about plural form you know what 'posts' means right?). The order has been fked up by ibb.
Dear friend, please let it be for the last time.
Don't say things that never ever happened!!! First you said on QQ that they are doing "stupid things" and I asked you to give me the links of violations. You know the rules: no drugs, no pedophilia, no terrorism, no suicidal ideas and no racism, and other forms of discrimination!
I came here expecting to see really something like this... And what I saw is only debates without even rude words!!! Why you said they make stupid things? You debate and they debate too. Didn't see anything stupid.
Second and most important! I didn't say anything of locking three topics!!! It's his interpretation of our conversation to lock ONLY the gym topic.
Third, yes I am poor partly because of these 200 CNY that I was surprised he's not paying this month... but it's not only because of this. I just have to save money and can't have a full time job right now.
Today is the Khmer New Year. Please, leave me alone for a while and don't spread incorrect info that I, the biggest pluralist and truth defender wanted to lock three topics!!! It's very manipulative, to be honest!
Thank you all that you doubted the false information that I want or plan to lock three threads at once! It never happened in the entire history of this 13 y. o. forum.
Zhang is my good friend, but the Truth is my best friend.
Thanks dear God again! I was like "If MSL really got insane and ruin our dearest freedom of speech and expression, he will be banned for life!"
What a relief to see that Zhang was playing us with his diceiving words again!
Dear friend, please let it be for the last time.
Don't say things that never ever happened!!! First you said on QQ that they are doing "stupid things" and I asked you to give me the links of violations. You know the rules: no drugs, no pedophilia, no terrorism, no suicidal ideas and no racism, and other forms of discrimination!
I came here expecting to see really something like this... And what I saw is only debates without even rude words!!! Why you said they make stupid things? You debate and they debate too. Didn't see anything stupid.
Second and most important! I didn't say anything of locking three topics!!! It's his interpretation of our conversation to lock ONLY the gym topic.
Third, yes I am poor partly because of these 200 CNY that I was surprised he's not paying this month... but it's not only because of this. I just have to save money and can't have a full time job right now.
Today is the Khmer New Year. Please, leave me alone for a while and don't spread incorrect info that I, the biggest pluralist and truth defender wanted to lock three topics!!! It's very manipulative, to be honest!
Thank you all that you doubted the false information that I want or plan to lock three threads at once! It never happened in the entire history of this 13 y. o. forum.
Zhang is my good friend, but the Truth is my best friend.
Stupid things == commenting stupid things, instead of breaking any rule. That's what I implied.
And sorry for my misinterpretation(I misinterpretted because... you reply under that word...) but at least I was being honest), although I suggest locking the other posts as well, since I feel there are also gonna be new comments there.
I never said I would be paying you every month, not sure why you were surprised.
Thanks dear God again! I was like "If MSL really got insane and ruin our dearest freedom of speech and expression, he will be banned for life!"
What a relief to see that Zhang was playing us with his diceiving words again!
Yeah perceive me as a liar as you want since i know you don't care what I write all the time ;D. Even it's just misinterpretation you will still think it's a lie. Just let yourself be. I am really too tired.
Thanks dear God again! I was like "If MSL really got insane and ruin our dearest freedom of speech and expression, he will be banned for life!"
What a relief to see that Zhang was playing us with his diceiving words again!
Yeah perceive me as a liar as you want since i know you don't care what I write all the time ;D. Even it's just misinterpretation you will still think it's a lie. Just let yourself be. I am really too tired.
Everyone who thinks me as a liar, tell yourself you need an intellectual diagnose btw just to remind.
And don't make those three sections for me. I won't be there.
I have given up this forum already...
And as you see in my screenshots... I no longer perceive this forum as even good..
The only good thing this forum has is the freedom that I could never imagine.
You see? I was right he is going to give up early. I imagined that he is going to quit after a week or 10 days but oh, wait, the unstable psychologically person even quits now, before he even stated to do!!!
So, well, no more dealing with an obviously crazy man.
Zhang, you are crazy, my boy! I self-ban myself for these true but offensive words for three days!!!
What a manipulator and what a time waster! Tried to diceiving us that MSL is doing his anti-democratic locks on three topics... Then again he is an angel but here all are bad and the only good thing is our freedom?!...
Really a danger... Don't ever trust him. I stop here otherwise I also have to self-ban myself for 1000 days :P.
What a manipulator and what a time waster! Tried to diceiving us that MSL is doing his anti-democratic locks on three topics... Then again he is an angel but here all are bad and the only good thing is our freedom?!...
Really a danger... Don't ever trust him. I stop here otherwise I also have to self-ban myself for 1000 days :P.
See? I know the comments will be like this lmfao. Deceive you? Who are you(and the others who think I was lying which is absurdly stupid) so that you deserve my lying or 'deceiving'? What are you, Xi? Oh. Selective blindness is really popular here lol. And the circulation will be here
Brocel, you was told many times that because of your controversy with some of the members of the forum you can't call all of us these negative words. I was more than good to you, there is MSL and his partner, the English teacher, who also treated you more than well, plus people like Dimitroff and others who just never talked to you because of no chance.
You are implying to all of us negative like all the forum is bad, only the freedom is good.
Don't you understand the forum means all people here, including me and others who never ever fought with you?
Yes, brocel, I read and I understand. Even MSL himself confirmed that he never spoke about 3. It was only you who misrepresented him in this bad side and they almost thought to be banned. Thankfully he came on time to say that it's not true.
What are you doing, brocel?
Now you all know why I was sarcastically writing... I was 100 percent sure that he will fail again... Failed even before starting.
Brocel, you was told many times that because of your controversy with some of the members of the forum you can't call all of us these negative words. I was more than good to you, there is MSL and his partner, the English teacher, who also treated you more than well, plus people like Dimitroff and others who just never talked to you because of no chance.
You are implying to all of us negative like all the forum is bad, only the freedom is good.
Don't you understand the forum means all people here, including me and others who never ever fought with you?
Yes, brocel, I read and I understand. Even MSL himself confirmed that he never spoke about 3. It was only you who misrepresented him in this bad side and they almost thought to be banned. Thankfully he came on time to say that it's not true.
What are you doing, brocel?
Think over why I asked to lock. Think it over well. I was too lazy to restrict the range that was criticized by me with the words. You, and those ppl mentioned are ofc the finest.
I am really on the verge of swearing tbh because I am really mad.
I wont care about getting banned. I even wish that, to get myself unable to argue again.
Since y'all are ignoring me, why posting about me and commenting about me here and there? Just because of that apology? Oh well...
Brocel, you was told many times that because of your controversy with some of the members of the forum you can't call all of us these negative words. I was more than good to you, there is MSL and his partner, the English teacher, who also treated you more than well, plus people like Dimitroff and others who just never talked to you because of no chance.
You are implying to all of us negative like all the forum is bad, only the freedom is good.
Don't you understand the forum means all people here, including me and others who never ever fought with you?
Yes, brocel, I read and I understand. Even MSL himself confirmed that he never spoke about 3. It was only you who misrepresented him in this bad side and they almost thought to be banned. Thankfully he came on time to say that it's not true.
What are you doing, brocel?
To change the atmosphere, Dimitroff did conversate with me. I kinda forget his avatar but is it a male with a pair of sunlight-proof glasses?
Full ignore!
You are comparing is with Xi but in fact you are his duplicate. You tried to limit our free speech, later you said someone broke the rules and gave us a link with a general statement, then you wanted to use your best friend here as a scapegoat with the lies that exactly he who wants freedom of speech more then anybody else agrees to lock three topics only to shut the mouths of the people.
After all, like Xi, you behave like you never did something wrong, you never lied...
You are a minor Xi who only thinks that he's pro freedom. If you have a little power you will be the same cruel as him and you will apply a huge censorship above us.
I don't know if you're just hallucinating or really have broken memory or you are just a blatant liar but one I know, ... It is not safe for anybody to believe you.
Yes, you are free to speak but after several acts of false information nobody due trust to you.
Zhang man, do you still want these three boards?
Hello? http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/seo/apply-for-three-new-sections/msg52487/#msg52487 (http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/seo/apply-for-three-new-sections/msg52487/#msg52487)
Don't expect a fast answer from him. Sometimes there is even no answer from him.
Don't expect a fast answer from him. Sometimes there is even no answer from him.
Of course. When a question is pointless and answering it can only get me angry why do I gotta answer it?
The boss is asking you politely and patiently of you still want those three sections to be created and to you this is "pointless" and "gets you angry"? Are you drinking something like soju or red wine or even stronger like vodka, baijiu? Clean up your mind and see again what is the question.
Hello? http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/seo/apply-for-three-new-sections/msg52487/#msg52487 (http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/seo/apply-for-three-new-sections/msg52487/#msg52487)
Sorry, boss, your question is too pointless and gets him angry. :D
I really can't understand this brocel. He suggests to have 3 new boards, then refuses, then again suggests in the SEO board and when the new admin asks him what he wants, the brocel is angry and thinks it's pointless.
Brocel, no offence, just asking, are you on medications? What's going on with your feelings, perceptions, logic?
Zhang is an ungrateful and unstable young Chinese incel. Don't take it too personal.
Zhang man, do you still want these three boards?
oh sorry didnt see it. But no, I have totally given up this retarded forum
Zhang is an ungrateful and unstable young Chinese incel. Don't take it too personal.
Yeah, to such a shitty forum no one except you can be grateful and stable or whatever you name :D
I really can't understand this brocel. He suggests to have 3 new boards, then refuses, then again suggests in the SEO board and when the new admin asks him what he wants, the brocel is angry and thinks it's pointless.
Brocel, no offence, just asking, are you on medications? What's going on with your feelings, perceptions, logic?
Because I didn't see that message. Simple as that. Gonna 'doubt' oh Zhang must be lying/have forgotten it because of his bad memory/be unstable? :D.
Maybe you won't but there must be someone else gonna do it :P
Don't expect a fast answer from him. Sometimes there is even no answer from him.
Of course. When a question is pointless and answering it can only get me angry why do I gotta answer it?
Oh and to clarify, I was referring to the other unanswered questions you asked before instead of the boss' question. Those questions are indeed pointless and even irritating because of the lack of very basic psychometric knowledge for ex.
Zhang is an ungrateful and unstable young Chinese incel. Don't take it too personal.
Yeah, to such a shitty forum no one except you can be grateful and stable or whatever you name :D
Read well, young man. I was enough patient and polite, and, you call it, liberal. Don't insult a forum full of knowledge as "shitty" because it will result your ban next time!
1/ I asked you many times do you want the boards.
2/ I was patient enough.
3/ I am not going to allow you to insult all the members of this forum calling all of it shitty only because you are from China.
4/ If you hate all of us here, feel free to leave.
5/ If you miss us, cohe back but limit your insults to all forum and control your temper.
Not good. We helped him to see how soyboy and fat he is, to start deal with his stupid religious nightmares and to overcome his genetical fatal black-pillism and now to read that the whole forum is shitty... Now way.
Even he is my client currently (gymmaxx client) I am STRONGLY against his baseless insult of all the forum (that has thousands literally topics related to science and culture) as "shitty".
I told him personally: I am a person with dignity who values his own works online so, please, don't insult all of the forum (which is more than 50% written by me and my partner) as "shitty" there again. Or I will ban you personally. 👌
Zhang man, do you still want these three boards?
oh sorry didnt see it. But no, I have totally given up this retarded forum
Oh, even "retarded"! Good, try once more and the ban promise I made is coming!
Yes, indeed I didn't see that the forum is also "retarded", not just "shitty".
Listen, young fellow. Go to your Chinese forums and exercise your freedom of speech there if this forum isn't satisfying your picky taste.
The rules are rules and you can't insult the whole mass of people and content here.
We all know that the life in your China sucks and you need to go venting but he'll no, this is not the right place to do so.
And if honey boy Zhang is so knowledge full about psychometrics why he didn't go to his favorite USA to study it? Maybe because he is not that knowledgeable. Only reading a book or two by Jensen writer doesn't make honey professional.
And now what? New idea 💡! He will be electrician! He is a founder of a non-existing Electric company of Chinese... What will be his next great idea? From psychometrics in USA through Electric company in PRC to maybe Catholic church in Brazil? Or a snake farm in Vietnam?
How rude a person can be to say in the face of the owner of a forum that his forum is shitty and retarded and at the same time to have the guts still to be here?!
Ridiculously crazy 🤣!!!
Just an incel with psychological issues. Stop noticing him and think about yourselves.
I noticed him. He said sorry! I sent him a private message. I hope I will be in good touch and good creative, progressive relationship with this incel.
I noticed him. He said sorry! I sent him a private message. I hope I will be in good touch and good creative, progressive relationship with this incel.
You probably will be in good touch.
I want to touch you, you know, dear? I need you! Muah!
That's the strong libido. :P
I want to touch you, you know, dear? I need you! Muah!
Um alright. You never message me anyways.
Because he's too shy. Shycel. :P
Oh, no it's not exactly this. I just read those drama stories from that bro (aka brocel) who said she was cheating him to send first his photos and then she will in return but... she never did and I can't trust liars, that's all. Just avoiding but still thinking of her as a very attractive one because I am inceling hardly ...
Of course this forum is shitty and retarded. Insofar as I know about this ... forum, the ... retarded dynamics of this forum is that when someone sees MSL or whatever ... stupid forumers get misprojected/misreasoned/misunderstood by me, then up come will ... Nadia or ... Alexa or whatever other moron saying 'Oh Zhang you go ffffffffffffffffffff mental again! Brocel be paranoic/bad-memoryed/hallucinating/ again!' and finally up come will other forumers concurring with this donkey ass. But what about when I get ... misprojected/misreasoned/misunderstood? 'Oh Zhang be ffffffffffffffffffff fragile/oversensitive/ill-tempered!' and up come will ... MSL or Nadia or someone ... else concurring. This is the ... dynamics of this ... foum and you were flabbergasted by why I called this ... forum shitty and retarded ... hmm.....
What a simple new proof that Zhang is a total psycho and degraded crazy man. Except, of course, calling for harm and death, which was the top of his disgusting insanity today!!!
The schizophrenic Zhang in the same day posts good words for MSL and called him bad here.
Thos is why Zhang should be in the jails, psychiatric hospitals and the best, I hope, is to get cancer.