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Normal Incels (Incels Without Hate) => A forum for incels who are normal people (no terrorists, no rapists, no racists, no pedophiles, no haters and so on) => Topic started by: Деси on April 11, 2024, 08:31:40 PM

Title: The ideal forum for Zhang
Post by: Деси on April 11, 2024, 08:31:40 PM
 What do you think is the ideal forum for Zhang?

 My guess:

Nobody disagrees with him and do support his thoughts 100%.

Lie him that he's not fatty.

Accept his ideas for spending millions for surgeries (because to do sports and to keep diets is hell difficult).

Pro hard-maxx oriented (people should be full of artificial bones, cuttted skin, etc like cyborgs)

Zhang to have 100% free speech and the others to avoid even to comment his new nickname, otherwise it's a bad forum!

He to admit his problems like mental ones but when you speak about it to be unacceptable.


Conclusion: the forum which is a little model of the present China? One man speaks whatever he wants the rest only follow... Otherwise, the man is angry...
Title: Re: The ideal forum for Zhang
Post by: Nadia on April 11, 2024, 08:35:17 PM
Yes... He speaks we shut up. A little disagreement ot a bit critical note = fury, blackmailed messages, etc.

The typical totalitarian state practice: shut up and follow or it's bad for you!
Title: Re: The ideal forum for Zhang
Post by: Aquonut on April 11, 2024, 08:37:39 PM
No need to be so unproficiently sarcastic. I've been square with the house.
Title: Re: The ideal forum for Zhang
Post by: SEO on April 11, 2024, 08:40:51 PM
To me he is like a kid, still... He needs understanding and protection otherwise he tend to do wrong things. Like breaking his body in some dangerous surgery or getting lied by some 'guru' religiously...

Jumps from one extreme to another extreme idea...

Not free from the family, they decide what he spends what he eats... And at the sand time he is practically an adult 20+ , happy birthday!

So, don't be harsh to him. You already let him know what are his mistakes. He is still a kid (psychological and knowledge wise speaking) so be patient. After some years he will be thankful that we showed him the mistakes.
Title: Re: The ideal forum for Zhang
Post by: Aquonut on April 11, 2024, 08:43:26 PM
So, don't be harsh to him. You already let him know what are his mistakes. He is still a kid (psychological and knowledge wise speaking) so be patient. After some years he will be thankful that we showed him the mistakes.
Mistakes? Like saying 'please stop doing xxx' and pointing out the problems the forumers have while this forum is 'free'?
Title: Re: The ideal forum for Zhang
Post by: Деси on April 11, 2024, 08:49:43 PM
Answering you about the "neurotic" issues and your CCP believes. Most of the foreigners doesn't care about it. The neuroticism caused by CCP or what left of it is only towards humans like you who like to complain but don't have the balls to run away from China.  ;D

Yes, when you let people to express freely their doubts, to comment your forum name, opinions and so on the same as you do, then you will be free and understand the free speech, the free will, the democracy. Now you are still not very aware of what is that.

But at least you are better than many Chinese. Good so far. And if you improve your body, better. Step by step you will be normal, I guess. Best wishes! 8)
Title: Re: The ideal forum for Zhang
Post by: Alexa on April 11, 2024, 08:52:48 PM
Oh, honey... Since you have some apologies... Let me chat with you a bit:

Why this forum is not free enough for you? Someone limits your speech? No. Ban? No. Stopping you to criticize others? No.

Your definition of "free forum" is...?

Title: Re: The ideal forum for Zhang
Post by: Alexa on April 11, 2024, 08:55:05 PM
What do you think is the ideal forum for Zhang?

 My guess:

Nobody disagrees with him and do support his thoughts 100%.

Lie him that he's not fatty.

Accept his ideas for spending millions for surgeries (because to do sports and to keep diets is hell difficult).

Pro hard-maxx oriented (people should be full of artificial bones, cuttted skin, etc like cyborgs)

Zhang to have 100% free speech and the others to avoid even to comment his new nickname, otherwise it's a bad forum!

He to admit his problems like mental ones but when you speak about it to be unacceptable.


Conclusion: the forum which is a little model of the present China? One man speaks whatever he wants the rest only follow... Otherwise, the man is angry...

I already asked him. To define what is a free forum. He can describe the ideal forum too. So far we know that we can't read his nicknames nor comment them, can't speak truth to him because he is angry, what else?
Title: Re: The ideal forum for Zhang
Post by: Aquonut on April 11, 2024, 08:59:26 PM
Answering you about the "neurotic" issues and your CCP believes. Most of the foreigners doesn't care about it. The neuroticism caused by CCP or what left of it is only towards humans like you who like to complain but don't have the balls to run away from China.  ;D

Yes, when you let people to express freely their doubts, to comment your forum name, opinions and so on the same as you do, then you will be free and understand the free speech, the free will, the democracy. Now you are still not very aware of what is that.

But at least you are better than many Chinese. Good so far. And if you improve your body, better. Step by step you will be normal, I guess. Best wishes! 8)
I mean, I've described multiple ytubers who are quintessential of '反贼's in the perspective of Chineses and they have preached about freedom, human rights, individualism, free will etc.. to people very well, like Mr. Shen:



and so on.

Check some videos of theirs and I think you can know how much I know about freedom, rights, individualism, etc.. I even know why they derived from Europe(well the reasons are complicated, but to put them as simply as I can, the reasons are 'Contract Spirit', 'commerical civilization', the geography, etc.), instead of other places. Some ignoramuses contribute it to Europeans' superior genetics in this regard. They believe Europeans are born to be freer, more individualistic, more logical, etc.. I think even a primary student can know how absurd it is.

Tell me am I not allowed to say 'please stop it' when I see a disgusting pedo talking about how he wants to 'touch' a 6-7 y.o girl in a group, because it's his 'freedom'? Am I not allowed to point out he is being disgusting and terrifying? 
Title: Re: The ideal forum for Zhang
Post by: Aquonut on April 11, 2024, 09:05:50 PM
What do you think is the ideal forum for Zhang?

 My guess:

Nobody disagrees with him and do support his thoughts 100%.

Lie him that he's not fatty.

Accept his ideas for spending millions for surgeries (because to do sports and to keep diets is hell difficult).

Pro hard-maxx oriented (people should be full of artificial bones, cuttted skin, etc like cyborgs)

Zhang to have 100% free speech and the others to avoid even to comment his new nickname, otherwise it's a bad forum!

He to admit his problems like mental ones but when you speak about it to be unacceptable.


Conclusion: the forum which is a little model of the present China? One man speaks whatever he wants the rest only follow... Otherwise, the man is angry...

I already asked him. To define what is a free forum. He can describe the ideal forum too. So far we know that we can't read his nicknames nor comment them, can't speak truth to him because he is angry, what else?
This forum, of course is free in the perspective of me, since this forum does not ban you just because you say a random political word or you are talking about a random political leader, but does 'freedom' mean I can't even say please stop doing something that makes me irked and irritated or put it on the table, just because everyone here has freedom?

Which will you do when you see a 45 y.o pedo saying how he wants to touch a kindergarten girl, saying 'Yeah go for it brocel!' because it's just his free will, or saying 'Please stop talking about it. This is making us feeling disgusted'?
Title: Re: The ideal forum for Zhang
Post by: 英语课 on April 11, 2024, 11:37:19 PM
Before here we had a girl who wanted to have own forum. We did one board for her. I suggest this: if Mr Zhang would like to have more freedom and more control, let him be a moderator in a brand new board here. For example, the "ZHANG WORLD" or name that he choose. And there he may create the best acoording to him forum and to demonstrate how the things will be done better?
Title: Re: The ideal forum for Zhang
Post by: Alexa on April 12, 2024, 12:34:20 AM
A pedo will be an example for illegal activity and will be banned. Freedom of speech isn't freedom of crime. You see, something new for honey to learn. ;)

And of course, you can say what you like or not, but not to boss around like "I don't like you comment my new name!: Surveillance!!! Stop or I am leaving!" Relax and let people comment, doubt, think... Express your freedom the same way, don't get nervous for nothing and seeing our good intentions and attention as evil things. Don't be a mirror of the authoritarian society where you grow up, be more relaxed, mind free and... You see, we even give you a free chance to have own forum here, where you can moderate and demonstrate how the ideal forum should be build. Just say "yes" and choose the title.
Title: Re: The ideal forum for Zhang
Post by: Aquonut on April 12, 2024, 01:11:02 AM
A pedo will be an example for illegal activity and will be banned. Freedom of speech isn't freedom of crime. You see, something new for honey to learn. ;)

And of course, you can say what you like or not, but not to boss around like "I don't like you comment my new name!: Surveillance!!! Stop or I am leaving!" Relax and let people comment, doubt, think... Express your freedom the same way, don't get nervous for nothing and seeing our good intentions and attention as evil things. Don't be a mirror of the authoritarian society where you grow up, be more relaxed, mind free and... You see, we even give you a free chance to have own forum here, where you can moderate and demonstrate how the ideal forum should be build. Just say "yes" and choose the title.
I wish you could understand the same logic behind the pedo example and misprojecting and etc.... But, it seems my setting this example is just in vain.
Okay answer this question, if you still can't get what I am trying to implicate:
You speak of freedom of speech, but do you think it's okay to say 'f.k you Alexa' to you and when you get angry I say 'Why you get angry? It's freedom of speech! You should lemme curse on you!'?
If you think it's okay, then okay, this forum teaches me what 'freedom of speech' is.
Title: Re: The ideal forum for Zhang
Post by: Aquonut on April 12, 2024, 01:17:59 AM
A pedo will be an example for illegal activity and will be banned. Freedom of speech isn't freedom of crime. You see, something new for honey to learn. ;)

And of course, you can say what you like or not, but not to boss around like "I don't like you comment my new name!: Surveillance!!! Stop or I am leaving!" Relax and let people comment, doubt, think... Express your freedom the same way, don't get nervous for nothing and seeing our good intentions and attention as evil things. Don't be a mirror of the authoritarian society where you grow up, be more relaxed, mind free and... You see, we even give you a free chance to have own forum here, where you can moderate and demonstrate how the ideal forum should be build. Just say "yes" and choose the title.
I wish you could understand the same logic behind the pedo example and misprojecting and etc.... But, it seems my setting this example is just in vain.
Okay answer this question, if you still can't get what I am trying to implicate:
You speak of freedom of speech, but do you think it's okay to say 'f.k you Alexa' to you and when you get angry I say 'Why you get angry? It's freedom of speech! You should lemme curse on you!'?
If you think it's okay, then okay, this forum teaches me what 'freedom of speech' is.
Yeah, I never said anyone here did not have the rights to doubt, suspect, misprojection, but should you hurt my feeling with these behaviours? That's something related to 'EQ'(Emotional Intelligence, even though it has been debunked, I am just using this term to make you understand what I am trying to refer to). Freedom of speech is not a valid excuse for being low-EQed. It just becomes a copium for being that.
As for the misunderstanding that some of your good intentions are evil, that's why I said this forum had turned out to be not in the same way as I thought. Because to me, these are good, but did not make me feel warmed at all. When you 'pass the line', the other side will only get mad at you even though you do something out of good intention.
I've been really tired of making all of these clear. Anyway I won't be here. And do not need to create a new forum for me tbh.
Title: Re: The ideal forum for Zhang
Post by: SEO on April 12, 2024, 04:01:26 AM
1. Your example, Zhang 先生 is basically wrong because you compare crimes with freedom. You know that our rules follow the USA and Google rules here. The American law forbids the crimes like terrorism, pedophilia and so on, so you are not free to be a criminal.
 Comparing a crime like pedophilia with free expression of legal thoughts, doubts, questions isn't right analogy.

2. "You speak of freedom of speech, but do you think it's okay to say 'f.k you Alexa' to you and when you get angry I say 'Why you get angry? It's freedom of speech! You should lemme curse on you!'?"

Lame logic and poor understanding of what is freedom of speech again. And again to teach you a bit:

Cursing, insults, all this is cyberbullying. Nothing to do with the free speech. Are you (I think you are not, but let's suppose) that low IQed to think that "F. U., Alexa!" is a sort of speech?????????????

Of course, there are some opinions that Alexa is a whore, because of her freer sexual behaviour with hot men and her online sexual activities that earn her money legally but just to curse her because she doesn't see you as one of the hot guys here, isn't any sort of "speech".

Only a first grader will misinterpreted a two word curse with speech which requires at least some sentences with opinion or questions.

3. "but should you hurt my feeling with these behaviours?"
 Nobody knows that you are so fragile and you couldn't stand some healthy criticism. Yes, I got some minimal ideas about it when you spoke about how the school ruined your life. People even got beaten in school l, robbed, experienced racket and whatever but didn't even call it culprit for there present problems. That time I saw you are too sensitive and fragile. But hey, you are here to ascend and part of it is to see the reality and how people see you.
 For example, some said you are weak AND JUST now you confirm with "you hurt my feelings"... Too weak! Why? Because nobody said curse, insult or even minimal aggressive thing to you like "Bro, come to fight!" but you behave like a little girl in grade 1. Sorry but, it's not how a 23 y.o. Chinese MALE can react, especially when he wants to ascend. Ascending requires more psychological power.

4. EQ, as it was written in other thread is NOT debunked. Just reminding you. I know you have great memory. :D

 5. "Freedom of speech is not a valid excuse for being low-EQed. It just becomes a copium for being that."
 Good. Then take some time and educate yourself exactly what is speech and how it differs from curses, crimes, etc. Don't be low IQed, improve your knowledge. I never saw an adult to compare freedom of speech and expression with curses and crimes. This was "mind blown"...
 ALSO you mean we are low EQ-ed because we hurt your feelings with honest answers and honest doubts. And you? When you accused us of surveillance for being kind and atentive to your nicknames or for uselessness when we are spending hours to think about your problems? You don't know how this ingratitude hurts, right? So long for the high EQ. At least realize that if you never found this forum you will be in your 30s already a very fat, religious and ill person. We changed your future in a week waking you up from all those Blackpillism and at the end, sorry pals, but you're worthless... This was sad!

6. "did not make me feel warmed at all. "
 At first people were warm to you a lot but later it came to the point to start working hard, because you have to man up! Now you need a nanny or real men like us and real strong girls like them to point you the strong will, the power, the soldier spirit? How long you will need being treated as a kid? Your father treats you so, he even chooses your food!!! Do you need we to be the same spoiling and making you fat, formless, will lacking soy type male? No, you don't. You gave to know best what is in your interest.

7. "When you 'pass the line', the other side will only get mad at you even though you do something out of good intention."

 And then why you don't tell this to your father? Tell him he passes the line with your diets not telling us we pass with our normal frank and helpful true support here.
 Be a bit more brave.
Title: Re: The ideal forum for Zhang
Post by: Incel on April 12, 2024, 04:07:40 AM
After you read Seo's 7 important points, answer me just this one:

You knew the rules of the forum and the rules of the incels board. You accepted them. Point at least one person with concrete breaking the rules in this forum towards you. For example, calling you bad names, cursing you, threatening you with hurt or death, sending you illegal stuff ? If you can, we ban him, if you can't... "You hurt my feelings." sounds too childish. You are an adult male.
Title: Re: The ideal forum for Zhang
Post by: Aquonut on April 12, 2024, 04:58:38 AM
1. Your example, Zhang 先生 is basically wrong because you compare crimes with freedom. You know that our rules follow the USA and Google rules here. The American law forbids the crimes like terrorism, pedophilia and so on, so you are not free to be a criminal.
 Comparing a crime like pedophilia with free expression of legal thoughts, doubts, questions isn't right analogy.

2. "You speak of freedom of speech, but do you think it's okay to say 'f.k you Alexa' to you and when you get angry I say 'Why you get angry? It's freedom of speech! You should lemme curse on you!'?"

Lame logic and poor understanding of what is freedom of speech again. And again to teach you a bit:

Cursing, insults, all this is cyberbullying. Nothing to do with the free speech. Are you (I think you are not, but let's suppose) that low IQed to think that "F. U., Alexa!" is a sort of speech?????????????

Of course, there are some opinions that Alexa is a whore, because of her freer sexual behaviour with hot men and her online sexual activities that earn her money legally but just to curse her because she doesn't see you as one of the hot guys here, isn't any sort of "speech".

Only a first grader will misinterpreted a two word curse with speech which requires at least some sentences with opinion or questions.

3. "but should you hurt my feeling with these behaviours?"
 Nobody knows that you are so fragile and you couldn't stand some healthy criticism. Yes, I got some minimal ideas about it when you spoke about how the school ruined your life. People even got beaten in school l, robbed, experienced racket and whatever but didn't even call it culprit for there present problems. That time I saw you are too sensitive and fragile. But hey, you are here to ascend and part of it is to see the reality and how people see you.
 For example, some said you are weak AND JUST now you confirm with "you hurt my feelings"... Too weak! Why? Because nobody said curse, insult or even minimal aggressive thing to you like "Bro, come to fight!" but you behave like a little girl in grade 1. Sorry but, it's not how a 23 y.o. Chinese MALE can react, especially when he wants to ascend. Ascending requires more psychological power.

4. EQ, as it was written in other thread is NOT debunked. Just reminding you. I know you have great memory. :D

 5. "Freedom of speech is not a valid excuse for being low-EQed. It just becomes a copium for being that."
 Good. Then take some time and educate yourself exactly what is speech and how it differs from curses, crimes, etc. Don't be low IQed, improve your knowledge. I never saw an adult to compare freedom of speech and expression with curses and crimes. This was "mind blown"...
 ALSO you mean we are low EQ-ed because we hurt your feelings with honest answers and honest doubts. And you? When you accused us of surveillance for being kind and atentive to your nicknames or for uselessness when we are spending hours to think about your problems? You don't know how this ingratitude hurts, right? So long for the high EQ. At least realize that if you never found this forum you will be in your 30s already a very fat, religious and ill person. We changed your future in a week waking you up from all those Blackpillism and at the end, sorry pals, but you're worthless... This was sad!

6. "did not make me feel warmed at all. "
 At first people were warm to you a lot but later it came to the point to start working hard, because you have to man up! Now you need a nanny or real men like us and real strong girls like them to point you the strong will, the power, the soldier spirit? How long you will need being treated as a kid? Your father treats you so, he even chooses your food!!! Do you need we to be the same spoiling and making you fat, formless, will lacking soy type male? No, you don't. You gave to know best what is in your interest.

7. "When you 'pass the line', the other side will only get mad at you even though you do something out of good intention."

 And then why you don't tell this to your father? Tell him he passes the line with your diets not telling us we pass with our normal frank and helpful true support here.
 Be a bit more brave.
I really doubt I am just talking to a series of brick walls. Why not think carefully over what I write before even replying? Can't you get 'the same logic'? I need you to tell me freedom of speech =/= freedom of crime? :o
Ok, i don't know about freedom of speech while y'all are experts, who however still can't understand freedom of speech =/= freedom of hurting other's feeling, after I have explained for like millions of times. I am not here to play the game 'Who knows more things of the English dictionary' with anyone and yeah I am lexically a first grader while lexically you are.. a Ph.D student graduating from Harvard :P.
'some healthy criticism'
Srsly dude? Maybe you should check the outside of SEO and ask some people if they will think these 'healthy critism' is really healthy and not irking or irritating. There must be someone who do this ngl, because it really surprises me that the criticism(I am not saying all of it is. I am referring to part of it) is healthy in the perspective of you and you blame me for being emotionally fragile myself. Who is really 'cruel' and 'soulless' may I ask? So I must accept the critism and say 'Oh thx for the criticism' and I gotta say that otherwise I will be doubted to be still continuing? What kind of cult am I in now? 'Being criticized to ascend' cult lmao?
Oh and as I remember(again. I just glampsed instantly at part of that reply of yours about EQ having been 'debunked'), you just refer to the wiki of EQ. Google 'Jordan·Peterson EQ is debunked'.
Oh and I am saying about your problems and you turn to talk about my father lmfao. Well strategy to 'give the bullet' lol, and no need to remind me to tell them to him since I have done so.
Title: Re: The ideal forum for Zhang
Post by: Aquonut on April 12, 2024, 05:02:14 AM
After you read Seo's 7 important points, answer me just this one:

You knew the rules of the forum and the rules of the incels board. You accepted them. Point at least one person with concrete breaking the rules in this forum towards you. For example, calling you bad names, cursing you, threatening you with hurt or death, sending you illegal stuff ? If you can, we ban him, if you can't... "You hurt my feelings." sounds too childish. You are an adult male.
Okay, now I've become mature 8).
Thanks for your criticism! I feel repowered because of it! I was deadly wrong and I shoulda accepted all of it with gratitude.
I was being too fragile to get hurt when seeing those comments and I must be a man, to accept them euphorically! and shoulda said 'Thanks for saying me as a willingless soyboy. You put it right! I am one and thanks to you I will no long be one!'  ;D
Title: Re: The ideal forum for Zhang
Post by: Aquonut on April 12, 2024, 05:06:45 AM
After you read Seo's 7 important points, answer me just this one:

You knew the rules of the forum and the rules of the incels board. You accepted them. Point at least one person with concrete breaking the rules in this forum towards you. For example, calling you bad names, cursing you, threatening you with hurt or death, sending you illegal stuff ? If you can, we ban him, if you can't... "You hurt my feelings." sounds too childish. You are an adult male.
Okay, now I've become mature 8).
Thanks for your criticism! I feel repowered because of it! I was deadly wrong and I shoulda accepted all of it with gratitude.
I was being too fragile to get hurt when seeing those comments and I must be a man, to accept them euphorically! and shoulda said 'Thanks for saying me as a willingless soyboy. You put it right! I am one and thanks to you I will no long be one!'  ;D
Oh and 'Yeah I don't know about freedom of speech. I can doubt willy-nilly other is willingful, continuing gymmaxing, being well memory-wise, etc., because it's my freedom of speech, and if he can't accept the doubt, he is a dictator and does not allow freedom of speech!'
A real lesson m8. Yeah I should be 'more brave' a bit. Now you can criticize me as anything you want. Go ahead 8)
Title: Re: The ideal forum for Zhang
Post by: Incel on April 12, 2024, 07:34:32 AM
Prove the accusation and to take measures. A link to the concrete insult "willingness soyboy"!
Title: Re: The ideal forum for Zhang
Post by: Incel on April 12, 2024, 07:40:22 AM
Prove with concrete links who break which rule of the forum towards you and a concrete link where the insult "willingness soyboy" was typed.

About you feel bad, I am sorry but if there were no curses, no insults, no breaking rules, this is subjective. They also felt bad because they believed you are grateful for the help and attention but they were wrong. Still nobody complains against you. You complain against them. So, prove with links the broken rules and the insults and let's take measures. Concrete examples, no common speech.
Title: Re: The ideal forum for Zhang
Post by: Alexa on April 12, 2024, 07:51:33 AM
Bricks, wall... Why honey, why we have to accept your failed analogies that the freedom of crime is equal to freedom of speech?

When I use my freedom of speech to tell you the truth that you destroyed your body becoming like a 10 y.o. not attractive boy and advise you to take care of your muscular development it was pretty useful because you at last saw yourself in the mirror and found out how terrible you look. Later even your aunt and mother noticed the good change.

But you compare my good free speech that helped you to become so leaner and stronger, to a rude curse "F*ck you, Alexa!" It's not free speech, it's even not a speech...

Seo or someone else told you that you will be a very ill and obese, destroyed person in your 30's if you continue to be passive and just to stay without sport and only reading books... This also helped you to become a better version of your own self. Instead to value this useful advise based on free speech sentences you are comparing it with... a pedo man... How you again compare a good free speech that saved your future health and looks to a crime?!
Title: Re: The ideal forum for Zhang
Post by: Alexa on April 12, 2024, 07:58:43 AM
Noone broke any rule. Nobody said rude words to him. No body called him will something soyboy... He is just like a crying little boy with all this "you hurt my feelings"... We are teaching him how to ascend, to save his money, to become stronger, leaner, to look like a real J pop star... The girls were honest to tell him what really is sexy, he started to realize that being masculine and stronger, and healthier is the key... And in one moment... We are the bad people, we hurt him... This is totally insane... ;D
Title: Re: The ideal forum for Zhang
Post by: Incel on April 12, 2024, 08:05:11 AM
Before PageRank complained to some of us here that he is very upset that you had sex "with all of us in the forum but not with him"  ;D He was bitter because he is the weaklig compared to the rest and still... He never compained that his feelings are hurt or someone comment his nick, or what we see here now. I's like a soap opera drama.

So ... I just want a single fact, a link with real broken rules and (or) insults like that will soyboy someting. Come on!
Title: Re: The ideal forum for Zhang
Post by: Ethnicel on April 12, 2024, 08:13:00 AM

You are offering him even own forum board and you are so patient to explain him what good you did for him... And he is like a drama queen crying out how you hurt his feefees  ;D ;D ;D ::) Guys this person in other forums will be ignored or banned as hell. Here you are so soft, peaceful and gentle to this errr how to call it? ... And he is even starting to behave sarcastically and to make you look fools ;D... Just tell him to leave and to find for his glass heart some kindergarten forum... But wait, sone kindergarten guys are too rude and they will hurt him. So, I don't know. Maybe some newborn babies forum? But they will watch his nicknames! Terrible... No idea, sorry.
Title: Re: The ideal forum for Zhang
Post by: PageRank on April 12, 2024, 08:57:45 AM
I also think that we made a lot for him, more than we did to ourselves so far. And he is still dissatisfied. I never met more complicated case in my life. The only explanation is some early schizophrenia but as I post in the other topic, it may be or may be not. Just to many signs...
Title: Re: The ideal forum for Zhang
Post by: Non-SEO on April 12, 2024, 09:14:15 AM
Full ignore from me.
Title: Re: The ideal forum for Zhang
Post by: MSL on April 12, 2024, 05:50:10 PM
 That's better.
Title: Re: The ideal forum for Zhang
Post by: Aquonut on April 12, 2024, 09:42:55 PM
Prove the accusation and to take measures. A link to the concrete insult "willingness soyboy"!
Here you go, and don't forget check my post history as well to see the whole story(Oh but, since thse comments do not disobey any rule, it's just my 'glass heart' working lol):
"It is but not for lazy asses and will-less soyboys."

Since this fourm only knows about freedom of speech but not etiquette or respect or etc., I will stop arguing with anyone and just reply when it's really necessary, not like criticizing me of being glass-hearted or else. 
Title: Re: The ideal forum for Zhang
Post by: Aquonut on April 12, 2024, 10:03:55 PM
I also think that we made a lot for him, more than we did to ourselves so far. And he is still dissatisfied. I never met more complicated case in my life. The only explanation is some early schizophrenia but as I post in the other topic, it may be or may be not. Just to many signs...
Who does not know you have made a lot? But that does not mean you can be wrong or else and when someone breaks it to ya you can say 'What? How ingrateful! You are violating freedom of speech(or glass-hearted or etc.)'.
No one here seems to understand what I am actually being dissatisfied with.(and you know it's just dissatisficaton instead of having been 'spoiled' or else, if you think so)
Anyway I am leaving. Per se there is no point for me to still stay here. But don't expect me to come back because I find out how good this forum is actually.(You think I've only been to looksmaxxing forum except this forum lol? C'mon) I've said that there are better groups than this forum, at least they accept my dissafiscation with any of them, won't misproject, won't be inable to understand being disrespected, etc.. Again don't deify this forum.
Title: Re: The ideal forum for Zhang
Post by: Aquonut on April 12, 2024, 10:08:50 PM
I also think that we made a lot for him, more than we did to ourselves so far. And he is still dissatisfied. I never met more complicated case in my life. The only explanation is some early schizophrenia but as I post in the other topic, it may be or may be not. Just to many signs...
Who does not know you have made a lot? But that does not mean you can be wrong or else and when someone breaks it to ya you can say 'What? How ingrateful! You are violating freedom of speech(or glass-hearted or etc.)'.
No one here seems to understand what I am actually being dissatisfied with.(and you know it's just dissatisficaton instead of having been 'spoiled' or else, if you think so)
Anyway I am leaving. Per se there is no point for me to still stay here. But don't expect me to come back because I find out how good this forum is actually.(You think I've only been to looksmaxxing forum except this forum lol? C'mon) I've said that there are better groups than this forum, at least they accept my dissafiscation with any of them, won't misproject, won't be inable to understand being disrespected, etc.. Again don't deify this forum.
For ex, Zhihu imo is better than this forum as a forum whose nature is however very different(but still it's a forum):
I also suggest everyone who is good at Chinese to use it, because except the toxicities of this forum. you can really learn a lot and there are also interesting things.
You won't get doubted to be willingless, your memory won't get misprojected to be very bad, the other side can always understand why you get dissatisfied automatically without telling it why(and even if it can't, after telling him why, it won't say something about freedom of speech or 'validate' itself by its good intention or etc..), etc..

The depressive groups of QQ are also better, for the same reasons as another example.
Title: Re: The ideal forum for Zhang
Post by: Incel on April 13, 2024, 12:14:22 AM
Did you point at least one example of breaking rules, insults, etc? "Toxicity" is subjective term. Some people also may think your are toxic or schizophrenic but it's their own opinion. You point facts, where, when and who broke the rules here which are the best possible.
Title: Re: The ideal forum for Zhang
Post by: Incel on April 13, 2024, 12:19:38 AM

"It is but not for lazy asses and will-less soyboys."

1. I's a general coment. In Englsh i's with plural nouns (did you see the "-s" at the end?) It's not against you.

2. You lied that someone calls you peronally bad names. You lied they break the rules.

Who is toxic?
Title: Re: The ideal forum for Zhang
Post by: Good incel on April 13, 2024, 12:37:31 AM
Brocel, why you're so hurting everyone? You said you are not against me, you like also MSL, the 英语课 member and also three are at least 5 more that didn't chat with you or never had any disagreement with you.

Why you are so depressing now and call all of us toxic? 😭 It is not in fair. Is this how you pay me back and the others who were not just supportive but also never criticizes you?
Title: Re: The ideal forum for Zhang
Post by: SEO on April 13, 2024, 01:16:03 AM
Of course he can't point. Everything is in his head. Good that here are reading more educated and objective people to see the truth that we are fat away from what he accused us. Soon, just wait, he will complain against the other community too.
Title: Re: The ideal forum for Zhang
Post by: Alexa on April 13, 2024, 01:39:48 AM
Oh, he said someone called him "willness soyboy" but at the end it was a general statement about "will-less soyboys"... What a great memory. ;)

Yes, he is imagine things and have some wrong illusions. Do not mind him that much.
Title: Re: The ideal forum for Zhang
Post by: Aquonut on April 13, 2024, 01:44:08 AM
Oh, he said someone called him "willness soyboy" but at the end it was a general statement about "will-less soyboys"... What a great memory. ;)

Yes, he is imagine things and have some wrong illusions. Do not mind him that much.
So? This word he said clearly included me. Whether it is put plurally or not does not matter because he left that comment in my thread, otherwise why he put that there? Answer me this question.
Title: Re: The ideal forum for Zhang
Post by: Aquonut on April 13, 2024, 01:47:03 AM

"It is but not for lazy asses and will-less soyboys."

1. I's a general coment. In Englsh i's with plural nouns (did you see the "-s" at the end?) It's not against you.

2. You lied that someone calls you peronally bad names. You lied they break the rules.

Who is toxic?
Plural == not including me. Good logic. Then answer why he left that comment in my thread? ;D

Oh and I did not say he(the guy who commented that in my thread) as well as the other guys broke any rule. I said they did not break but they really hurt me, and you wouldn't give a rat's ass.
Title: Re: The ideal forum for Zhang
Post by: Aquonut on April 13, 2024, 01:51:32 AM
Brocel, why you're so hurting everyone? You said you are not against me, you like also MSL, the 英语课 member and also three are at least 5 more that didn't chat with you or never had any disagreement with you.

Why you are so depressing now and call all of us toxic? 😭 It is not in fair. Is this how you pay me back and the others who were not just supportive but also never criticizes you?
Well, you know when the majority of the members of a forum are toxic, then we can say this forum is toxic. Of course you are not toxic at all, while the other guys are(and they proved me again I was just wasting my breath... And they are wondering why I said I was talking to a series of brick walls.... good).

I am 'hurting' them because they did hurt me and are hurting me. So again, 'who is toxic'? Oh and I won't be surprised if there will be someone who verifies me a a pedo or else since even commenting that there did not even insinuate me because 'boys' are plural lol!(Yeah I wish there will be someone out there can know how absurd this logic is...)
Title: Re: The ideal forum for Zhang
Post by: Aquonut on April 13, 2024, 01:53:33 AM

"It is but not for lazy asses and will-less soyboys."

1. I's a general coment. In Englsh i's with plural nouns (did you see the "-s" at the end?) It's not against you.

2. You lied that someone calls you peronally bad names. You lied they break the rules.

Who is toxic?
Plural == not including me. Good logic. Then answer why he left that comment in my thread? ;D

Oh and I did not say he(the guy who commented that in my thread) as well as the other guys broke any rule. I said they did not break but they really hurt me, and you wouldn't give a rat's ass.
I am waiting for the answer. If anyone can gimme a reasonable answer that can prove me wrong, then I will apologize, but to note, this commenting will per se spir misunderstanding, so at least I am not convicting him purposedly.
Title: Re: The ideal forum for Zhang
Post by: Nadia on April 13, 2024, 01:55:02 AM
As a person who went to university not like a NEET as you (check the meaning before your ultra-sensitive heart get broke in pieces) I ensure you friendly that if someone make a general statement like "lazy boys" this is about all the lazy boys, not about you. But if you feel offended then you sekf-include yourself in the group of the lazy boys.

Soyboys and lazy boys are general categories. If you recognize yourself being in this category, good. But don't feel broken just because a guy there makes a statement that gymmaxx is not for the lazy ones.

Shame oc you to accuse us without proves and to demonstrate such a bad memory.
Title: Re: The ideal forum for Zhang
Post by: Aquonut on April 13, 2024, 01:58:50 AM
As a person who went to university not like a NEET as you (check the meaning before your ultra-sensitive heart get broke in pieces) I ensure you friendly that if someone make a general statement like "lazy boys" this is about all the lazy boys, not about you. But if you feel offended then you sekf-include yourself in the group of the lazy boys.

Soyboys and lazy boys are general categories. If you recognize yourself being in this category, good. But don't feel broken just because a guy there makes a statement that gymmaxx is not for the lazy ones.

Shame oc you to accuse us without proves and to demonstrate such a bad memory.
Answer me why he left that comment in my thread? Huh? Why does whether being plural or not matter? Why do I need to memorize it as plural when it does not matter since it was left in my thread? Oh and 'ultra-sensitive'! Good word! Make me see clearer how ridiculous this forum is lmfao.
Title: Re: The ideal forum for Zhang
Post by: Ethnicel on April 13, 2024, 02:27:40 AM
I wanted to say he is a liar but I wanted first to see if he, the man with self-proclaimed high IQ and good memory will really find at least 1 evidence that we here break rules or insult him. He failed. No he's officially a liar. Stating the fact.
Title: Re: The ideal forum for Zhang
Post by: Aquonut on April 13, 2024, 02:35:08 AM
I wanted to say he is a liar but I wanted first to see if he, the man with self-proclaimed high IQ and good memory will really find at least 1 evidence that we here break rules or insult him. He failed. No he's officially a liar. Stating the fact.
Of course! What can I expect now since that comment is even perceived as not an insult :-\.
Or maybe you think you gotta say smth like 'F(k you' to insult the other side? Good! This proves this forum defines an insult very differently, then I am indeed deadly wrong lol.
And, not just 'self-proclaimed' but they are proven. This forum, again, does not deserve anyone to lie. What are you thinking huh? This forum is something like a commerical conference held in the Wall Street?
Title: Re: The ideal forum for Zhang
Post by: Gay on April 13, 2024, 03:25:03 AM
Xiao Zhang, you was very offended that some people pointed to your bad memory time ago. Now you did it again. You, your confused brain, saw insults and made incorrect memory image for something called "willness soyboy" but it is plural form and it is "will-less soyboys"... Really good in memorizing stuff?

Also, you are seeing "toxicity" but we all were very calm, gentle, full of ideas and supporting you, more than your real family. This is because you have got some sort of illusions?

We comment Kitsune's new nicknames too. But only you decided that to prove interest to your new appearance online, is sort of "surveillance". Because you have developed some paranoid identity?

There are many accounts (people) who are still good to you OR AT LEAST do not bother you but you are accusing all of them being toxic and this insulting us just because a few guys supposed you are not going to pay him again (And hell yeah, they guessed right!!!)... Is it because of hallucinations?

All of it: fake memories, emotional instability, sudden change of moods and ideas, paranoidism and illusions or hallucinations like issues are showing a red light that maybe we have to deal with signs of young age schizophrenia start.

Not trying to insult you at all, just suggesting like others you to take care and visit some good psychiatrist until it's not too late.
Title: Re: The ideal forum for Zhang
Post by: Aquonut on April 13, 2024, 03:30:51 AM
Xiao Zhang, you was very offended that some people pointed to your bad memory time ago. Now you did it again. You, your confused brain, saw insults and made incorrect memory image for something called "willness soyboy" but it is plural form and it is "will-less soyboys"... Really good in memorizing stuff?

Also, you are seeing "toxicity" but we all were very calm, gentle, full of ideas and supporting you, more than your real family. This is because you have got some sort of illusions?

We comment Kitsune's new nicknames too. But only you decided that to prove interest to your new appearance online, is sort of "surveillance". Because you have developed some paranoid identity?

There are many accounts (people) who are still good to you OR AT LEAST do not bother you but you are accusing all of them being toxic and this insulting us just because a few guys supposed you are not going to pay him again (And hell yeah, they guessed right!!!)... Is it because of hallucinations?

All of it: fake memories, emotional instability, sudden change of moods and ideas, paranoidism and illusions or hallucinations like issues are showing a red light that maybe we have to deal with signs of young age schizophrenia start.

Not trying to insult you at all, just suggesting like others you to take care and visit some good psychiatrist until it's not too late.
If you are still ignoring what I've written and keep repeating the same and wrong things again and again, as if you were a brick wall, then it's your problem and I won't care.
Everyone is different. Just because Kitsune accepted to be exclaimed about her change of username, I gotta also accept? What logic!
Idk if you are really caring, but, I am not having the start of schizophrenia. 'Thanks' for your warning,
Title: Re: The ideal forum for Zhang
Post by: Gay on April 13, 2024, 12:02:31 PM
Title: Re: The ideal forum for Zhang
Post by: Dimitroff on May 11, 2024, 01:26:43 PM
The ideal forum is when I own it. :)
Title: Re: The ideal forum for Zhang
Post by: PageRank on May 11, 2024, 01:34:02 PM
That topic is locked... People would like to know, if he continues to gymmaxx or it will be again in the mode of "I will gymmaxx again after I got fat because now I learn Japanese."? Just asking to let people know what's going on with our favorite forumer.
Title: Re: The ideal forum for Zhang
Post by: MSL on May 11, 2024, 06:09:41 PM
 Yes. Mr Zhang paid and already started his third month of gymmaxx-ing. 👍 His progress is okay (visible) but I don't want to share his details. Let hem to share them, if he wants. 👍☺️👌
Title: Re: The ideal forum for Zhang
Post by: Dimitroff on May 11, 2024, 08:50:42 PM
Sounds great 👍.
Title: Re: The ideal forum for Zhang
Post by: Alexa on May 12, 2024, 12:57:07 AM
Wow! Impressive! Good for him.
Title: Re: The ideal forum for Zhang
Post by: 英语课 on May 12, 2024, 07:39:04 PM
Wish you good luck!
Title: Re: The ideal forum for Zhang
Post by: Non-SEO on May 19, 2024, 08:59:48 PM
Let's see if it will last longer. Good luck 🤞!
Title: Re: The ideal forum for Zhang
Post by: Ethnicel on May 20, 2024, 12:20:49 AM
Good for him that found a precious place/people to show him the best way. He was halluva delusional like that "I gymmaxx one month, later I got soy again and three months later the trainer will do a miracle to clean up my gained fat, to improve my reduced muscles and making me 🔝..."

Never forget to say the truth to all the delusional incels. This is their only chance to start seriously to ascend with gymmaxx, moneymaxx, locationmaxx and all of the rest good stuff!
Title: Re: The ideal forum for Zhang
Post by: Деси on May 20, 2024, 02:51:50 AM
Truthpill for him on 100% level.
Title: Re: The ideal forum for Zhang
Post by: Nadia on May 21, 2024, 05:21:23 AM
Can't wait to see his new shredded, athletic and breathtaking body.
Title: Re: The ideal forum for Zhang
Post by: Non-SEO on May 22, 2024, 12:50:29 AM
Please, everyone, don't be surprised if one or two months later the story repeats itself, for instance, he can say he's poor again or he's going to change his maxxing strategy, or he is too busy for this... Once a man shows you it's difficult for him to stay solidly on his maxxing plan, never put too much hopes on him or her.

I only let you know what trend to expect from our dear coforumer.
Title: Re: The ideal forum for Zhang
Post by: Aquonut on May 22, 2024, 06:02:16 AM
Please, everyone, don't be surprised if one or two months later the story repeats itself, for instance, he can say he's poor again or he's going to change his maxxing strategy, or he is too busy for this... Once a man shows you it's difficult for him to stay solidly on his maxxing plan, never put too much hopes on him or her.

I only let you know what trend to expect from our dear coforumer.
So you want me to leave this fourm again? Oh well. Keep doubting.
Title: Re: The ideal forum for Zhang
Post by: Good incel on May 24, 2024, 04:25:58 AM
Brocel, keep it cool. Many of us doubt because you are changing like a wind. For example, you said you want three boards, then you said you don't want, then again you wanted and now you call the admin pointless and got angry just because the man asked you normally do you still want them.

Or the case when you said you are rich-maxxed without efforts but then you wanted to stop your gymmaxx because you can't pay at the same time for Japanese language and gymmaxxing (btw, how us your Japan geo-maxx going on?)

Or that cases when you said MSL agrees to lock three of the threads but it was clear that you are delusional because he confirmed that it was only one thread...

Allow us to have our doubts. It's our right.

And if you don't like a free forum where people may express their opinion, doubt, thoughts, then search for a better place for you like some censorship Chinese forum where it's forbidden to doubt, to think and to speak freely, where you only have to praise the ladership of your country. Here we like freedom of thoughts and speech.
Title: Re: The ideal forum for Zhang
Post by: Ethnicel on May 24, 2024, 04:40:04 AM
Don't forget the fake reports against me (linked a post with fake accusation and when everyone told him he's wrong, he even didn't bring me an apology.)

Now, being ontopic, the ideal for him is a forum where people can't doubt, can't have own opinion. The man grew up in a totalitarian state and this is his ideal, to be a controller of others exactly the same way what the censorship does in his state.

Good luck with finding a better forum. We see you in other communities where you are highly unhappy too. LoL
Title: Re: The ideal forum for Zhang
Post by: Dimitroff on May 24, 2024, 04:47:55 AM
What the heck? Why I am pointless to ask a reasonable question and how this may be a legit reason someone to be upset?

Zhang man, feel free to send me a private message if you made your mind about the boards. And also, if you need sone help about the forum. I am the boss.
Title: Re: The ideal forum for Zhang
Post by: Деси on May 30, 2024, 01:06:56 PM
He told you straight in your face that our/your forum is restarted and shitty. Do you still want to help this rude Chinese incel?
Title: Re: The ideal forum for Zhang
Post by: Ethnicel on May 30, 2024, 01:24:39 PM
He is exactly like those ungrateful immigrants (I am an immigrant but I am grateful) who only know how to criticize and destroy the place they live but don't wanna go back to their failed countries.

Go to rod in the Chinese boards, leave the "shitty, retarded" place alone.
Title: Re: The ideal forum for Zhang
Post by: Alexa on June 03, 2024, 07:06:23 PM
Good suggestion for him. Now, better stop noticing this incel with psychological issues and think about your own ascending.
Title: Re: The ideal forum for Zhang
Post by: Деси on June 06, 2024, 04:08:11 PM
Many people have got psychological issues but they still may behave friendly, rationally and freely with others. If you're not a psychotic person your psychological issues can't be an excuse to behave wrongly. Just speaking generally.
Title: Re: The ideal forum for Zhang
Post by: Good incel on June 07, 2024, 10:11:50 PM
Of course. The brocel obviously has his obsessive thoughts. He literally can't stop thinking and speaking about certain things and tend to repeat them often.

I also do have some obsessive thoughts about the wars, bad people and so on, but at least I do not bring them often here like the brocel.
Title: Re: The ideal forum for Zhang
Post by: Dimitroff on June 08, 2024, 12:27:37 AM
I see.
Title: Re: The ideal forum for Zhang
Post by: Ineedloveandpassion on June 08, 2024, 01:58:06 AM
Your brocel must focus more on his gymmaxx and other improvements not to spend days or weeks thinking about who feels him, who said something about him and who doesn't trust him.
Title: Re: The ideal forum for Zhang
Post by: Alexa on June 09, 2024, 02:56:56 PM
Sure. Overthinking is wasting his time to ascend faster. The women don't need a thinker, they need a successful, full of potential men, and good looking is a bonus too. Overthinkers especially combined with obsessive thoughts are a red light for a difficult personality. And most of the women don't like difficulties, they want easygoing, happy man, who is strong and smart.
Title: Re: The ideal forum for Zhang
Post by: Alexa on June 09, 2024, 07:00:59 PM
Good luck, btw!!!
Title: Re: The ideal forum for Zhang
Post by: 北京:高等教育出版社 on July 10, 2024, 08:55:24 AM

To me you are a unfortune Alzheimer's patient who is also bald, streakful and inable to control his pooping and urination as I can sniff out since your tone appears to be a poor old man's one. What I can suggest to you is that better take care of your own brain and body. Don't let them keep decaying so that one day a baby can also mog you into oblivion intellectually and athletically!
Title: Re: The ideal forum for Zhang
Post by: Alexa on July 10, 2024, 05:36:47 PM
New hallucination from Zhang's sick brain. He never saw Seo.

By the way, what Zhang described here, even based on his schizophrenic perceived reality, is close to him. Zhang physically is challenged but mentally much more.

By the way, speaking of bald it's rude to insult a person over something that isn't in his control -- like Seo is bald or Zhang is short. But this reminds me that Zhang also will be highly likely bald and then the mix of mentalcel, shortcel, chubbycel, baldcel will be a truecel status for him. This is good because the females will stay safe and away from this terrible person.