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Normal Incels (Incels Without Hate) => A forum for incels who are normal people (no terrorists, no rapists, no racists, no pedophiles, no haters and so on) => Topic started by: MSL on March 01, 2024, 01:53:37 AM
Good luck VS Effort
Just a quick quote (from a bitcoin lottery results):
There were in total 78490814 tickets.
A person with 105 tickets won the first prize of 0.04691137 BTC. His/her chance was just around 1:747532. Another person with much more tickets (1200428 tickets) won the tenth prize of only 0.00009162 BTC. His/her chance was around 1:65.
So, as you may see, when it comes to lotteries, the luck matters and the effort matters too. In this case "good luck > effort". There are also people who got more money with more efforts than those with less efforts (for example the fifth prize belongs to somebody with 11682 tickets and the ninth prize belongs to somebody with only 30 tickets), so as you can see -- in this example, "effort > good luck".
Some more thoughts:
Luck (the good luck) isn't available all the time. Effort, on the other hand, is totally available, and it usually is, all the time. Also, we should know that, the effort has more motivating power to push you to succeed. In the lottery it's not always true that "Luck is when opportunity meets preparation." (well, there also, the winner should do some preparation, at least to obtain 1 ticket/combination/etc.) but the human life isn't as simple as lottery. In our lives the luck is a great factor but also there are others like talents and efforts.
I read not long ago that it's like this (irl): Luck > Talent > Efforts. Makes sense, right?
By the way, it's related to the inceldom and incels. I want to hear more opinions and then I'll add the concrete points (inceldom and incels related).
1. Luck, 2. Talent, 3. Efforts. Can't be said better. 8)
Yes and I think science said it right.
It depends on the task.
For ex, for taking an IQ test whose g-loadng is very high, how high your score will be is mainly dependent of your 'talent', viz 'g' here.
For labouring, it is mainly dependent of your efforts.
It's false to summarize what thing is #1 important what thing is #2 important and what thing is the least important to succeed.
It depends on the task.
For ex, for taking an IQ test whose g-loadng is very high, how high your score will be is mainly dependent of your 'talent', viz 'g' here.
For labouring, it is mainly dependent of your efforts.
It's false to summarize what thing is #1 important what thing is #2 important and what thing is the least important to succeed.
Oh, I realized that you could actually 'summarize' by statistical techniques to get a general conclusion. The job will be a rigmarole however so I will not get down to it :P
In some areas, yes and depends on.
Edit: MSL.
What a disgraceful person!!! To accuse a stranger female that she is on drugs (heroin) and working in a whorehouse... And calling her bad names...
Zhang, telling you the truth, you are one of the worst Chinese citizens I ever met!!!
I am really speechless. I saw some degraded incels like him in the West but I didn't know in China we have got the same quality... For sure he will be reported in future if continues this criminal activity! Shame, what a shame!