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Normal Incels (Incels Without Hate) => A forum for incels who are normal people (no terrorists, no rapists, no racists, no pedophiles, no haters and so on) => Topic started by: Aquonut on January 02, 2024, 09:32:50 PM
I know it sounds abrupt since the majority of people here are Christian or Catholic or Atheistic but please learn that Buddhism philosophy is different from Buddhism. :P
From what I've learn from the former, I'd say Buddhism philosophy is the thing that can 'liberate' you most! And it can gain you limitless and boundless wisdom! You will know how to achieve 'real' happy(Buddhism philosophy calls it 'liberate yourself'), you will know how to analyze things in sublime wisdom, and you will know how to be a good person. 8)
I can't describe in more detail since I am not good enough at English and per se you must embark on learning it to experience the extraordinariness and excellent of Buddhism philosophy, and it's better to let you be curious.
For anyone who is good at Chinese, here are two links for you to learn it by reading canons whose languages were translated into modern Chinese(Yeah I know how much it sucks to read ancient Chinese ;D):
(Btw weixin and the authors are doing good job :P. In this regard weixin is way better than ICQ)
"佛" means "Buddha". But it's a bit hard to find the connection here with the inceldom. The Buddhist monks are (usually) volcels and... that's all.
There are different Buddhisms too. For example the one in Tibet is not the same as the one in Cambodia.
Anuttara-Samyrak-Sambodhi! New nickname. So impressive! 8)
As far as the Buddhism helps you to ascend, it's okay, isn't it? ;D
Just don't get as fat as many Buddhist monks because... let me be honest? Okay? If you're short AND fat AND without muscles, well,... why on Earth some woman will wish to be with a fatty, short, weak man? Only because of his philosophy of Buddha? I doubt... Oh, right only for his money... and, huh... how is it different from beta-buxxing?
Just don't get as fat as many Buddhist monks because... let me be honest? Okay? If you're short AND fat AND without muscles, well,... why on Earth some woman will wish to be with a fatty, short, weak man? Only because of his philosophy of Buddha? I doubt... Oh, right only for his money... and, huh... how is it different from beta-buxxing?
Of course, but learning it will not cause you to be fatty. The reason why those Buddhas are fatty is that they are too old.
I think that the reason is that they didn't care about the calories and the exercises. ;D
And, no, I didn't mean you learn "philosophy -> you are fat" ;D I only remind you not to stick just to the books but to think about your body; yes, you think the Asian females will think more about your money, status, whiteness and property but once you're short you have to compensate this lack (缺点) with better health + better muscles. And you'll hit the top of the 30~40/100 best. :-*
Buddhism philosophy calls it 'liberate yourself'... but is it a real liberation or just a defeatism? Like if you're an incel and... just become a volcel. ;D Think what are the differences?
Yes, tell us more about it. Your English is more than good. 8) 8)
Defeatism, escapism, baseless ideas (like "When you die, you're going to be born again (reborn)." (the so-called reincarnation; in Chinese language it is "投胎"), which is as baseless as the idea that "When you die, you're going to the hell or to the paradise.") and so on...
Defeatism, escapism, baseless ideas (like "When you die, you're going to be born again (reborn)." (the so-called reincarnation; in Chinese language it is "投胎"), which is as baseless as the idea that "When you die, you're going to the hell or to the paradise.") and so on...
Well I am afraid that reincarnation is not baseless. Do you know 'Inference to the best explanation'? To put it concisely, if there are multiple explanations for a phenomena that can't be explained by scientific means, the inferenece to the best explanation is the only correct one among all of the explanations.
What's the best explanation of inference for the phenomenon of 'achieving the "effects" of a "cause" created by others' and 'others' achieving the "effects" of a "cause" created by you'? Of course reincarnation.
I follow the Occam's razor (or Ockham's razor) principle (from philosophy and science). Also I don't blindly accept a religious concept which is without any science base/proof.
The effects and cause have good enough scientific dialectic explanation thus they don't need to imply some unproven reincarnation. The reincarnation isn't demonstrated (needless to say "repeated" as an experiment) anywhere till now.
About the "Inference to the best explanation", according to this: it "is the procedure of choosing the hypothesis or theory that best explains the available data." why we have to choose something from the mythology/religion when we have at least a few better natural explanations?! Following the logic of "Of course, reincarnation", the better one can be "Of course, Jesus!" or "Of course, Allah." So easy and "clear" explanations but without proves. This is not how the nowadays real science works. Before you put (suppose) some idea you must have enough experiments, knowledge, observations, etc. Otherwise, let's believe in that FSM (Flying Spaghetti Monster) /link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flying_Spaghetti_Monster (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flying_Spaghetti_Monster)/, which also can be a "very good" cause-and-effect explanation.
The mistake is just this: the inference of the best explanation is not a bad method but the unproven and "just said" ideas like "karma" and "reincarnation" aren't "the best" explanations; they're even not close to a "good explanation" because they're just "many years ago some people said so". :)
Basically it will teach you to have a mindset of a voluntary celibate, am I right? For instance "I am an incel now but no worries, in the next life I will be a Chad."
Basically it will teach you to have a mindset of a voluntary celibate, am I right? For instance "I am an incel now but no worries, in the next life I will be a Chad."
No. In actuality as though does Buddhism tell you that there are next lives and past lives, it also tells you to have 'Naiṣkāmya', aka the desire of 'escaping' from reincarnation(by the practices of course).
;D yeah, to reach the Nirvana, right? That's the Cope with a capital letter. 8)
Sounds like the greatest copium ever. :D Bro, this will just distract you from your problem how to asend.
Sounds like the greatest copium ever. :D Bro, this will just distract you from your problem how to asend.
Idk why you think this way as if people were obligatory to be faced with 'Kleshas' so that if you tried any means to escape from them you were being avoidant. If you are thinking Buddhism is a copium because it does not teach you how to 'ascend', then you are deadly wrong.
What is called 'escape'? When you try any means not to do something you are obligatory to do, which typically harms others when you do not do it, then this behaviour is called 'escape'.
Am I supposed to be faced with 'Kleshas'? No.
If you want to say that because Buddhism teaches you how to 'escape' from 'Kleshas' so that you will not be contributing to the world, the society, etc., not complying with 'putra dharma', not studying, etc., you are not still invested enough in Buddhism.
Buddhism teaches you to hold 'Bodhicitta'. Yeah Buddhism thinks it's better to 'restore' people, but it's also good to 'benefit' people by any means, including publishing breaking studies what I am now managing to accomplish. Buddhism never said the latter was not good.
What I think you may feel 'negative' about Buddhism is that it negatively sees Gymmaxxing or else, since it is an indication of 'ātma-grāha' in the perspective of Buddhism, but Buddhists seek for 'real happiness', which derives from the behaviours and the thoughts that are 'bodhi', 'sutti', etc. enough, while common people seek for 'fake happiness' that derives from the ones that are 'impure'.
I don't think it's 'escapism' when you are seeking for 'real happiness', distracting yourself from Gymmaxxing or smth, since per se you are not supposed to seek for 'fake happiness' instead of 'real happiness'.
Correct me if I am wrong. Well I've not learned Buddhism for a long while so I may have said something absurd, or that 'does not uphold the dharma', if I put it by the terminology of Buddism.
;D yeah, to reach the Nirvana, right? That's the Cope with a capital letter. 8)
It's impossible to eludicate to you why Nirvana is not a cope, since you have never embarked on learning Buddhism. It will take you a rigmarole to educate yourself why it is not, and why Buddhism is not negative at all, if you think so.
Maybe seemingly propaganda to you, I still want to suggest reading <The Diamond Sutra>, <Adornment Sutra> and <Agama>, to know about what Buddhism is all about.
Well if you still think Buddhism is just a copium... then yeah you do not have 'Buddha-Indriya', so that you are inable to 'liberate' yourself, as well as 'restoring' others.
Maybe seemingly propaganda to you, I still want to suggest reading <The Diamond Sutra>, <Adornment Sutra> and <Agama>, to know about what Buddhism is all about.
Well if you still think Buddhism is just a copium... then yeah you do not have 'Buddha-Indriya', so that you are inable to 'liberate' yourself, as well as 'restoring' others.
What seems to me just sophistry is that I need to distract myself from seeking for 'liberation' to gymmaxxing, moneymaxxing, etc., while both of them can obtain me happiness, but because contriving for Nirvana does not require me to 'ascend', Nirvana is a copium.
It's impossible to eludicate to you why Nirvana is not a cope, since you have never embarked on learning Buddhism. It will take you a rigmarole to educate yourself why it is not, and why Buddhism is not negative at all, if you think so.
How do you know I didn't? ;D I don't want to disappoint you but the Buddhism is pretty popular and we, as people, who grow up in China and lived there for many years at least heard a lot, saw a lot about it. I even read some books and articles about it.
Back to that point, if you wish. Explain me how is it different: - A fox likes grapes and want them but when the same fox can't reach them, it is saying "No, the grapes are sour, I don't want them." (You see, I refer to that "The Fox and the Grapes"/"狐狸与葡萄" story.)
- You were for a long time willing to have a girlfriend, suffering from your inceldom and tried some ideas to ascend (mostly focusing on your favorite hard-maxx techniques like nose job, height job, and some soft-maxx like the education maxx, to be frank)... and now "Nirvana is not a cope. I want to be a monk-like volcel and I don't want a female, I want my Nirvana."
You gave up to ascend and you're going to become a voluntary celibate? Is that so?
It's impossible to eludicate to you why Nirvana is not a cope, since you have never embarked on learning Buddhism. It will take you a rigmarole to educate yourself why it is not, and why Buddhism is not negative at all, if you think so.
How do you know I didn't? ;D I don't want to disappoint you but the Buddhism is pretty popular and we, as people, who grow up in China and lived there for many years at least heard a lot, saw a lot about it. I even read some books and articles about it.
Back to that point, if you wish. Explain me how is it different: - A fox likes grapes and want them but when the same fox can't reach them, it is saying "No, the grapes are sour, I don't want them." (You see, I refer to that "The Fox and the Grapes"/"狐狸与葡萄" story.)
- You were for a long time willing to have a girlfriend, suffering from your inceldom and tried some ideas to ascend (mostly focusing on your favorite hard-maxx techniques like nose job, height job, and some soft-maxx like the education maxx, to be frank)... and now "Nirvana is not a cope. I want to be a monk-like volcel and I don't want a female, I want my Nirvana."
You gave up to ascend and you're going to become a voluntary celibate? Is that so?
Then you are projecting very badly tbh.
"Idk why you think this way as if people were obligatory to be faced with 'Kleshas' so that if you tried any means to escape from them you were being avoidant."
Let me check the dictionary. ;D Kleshas? OK, "in Buddhism, are mental states that cloud the mind and manifest in unwholesome actions." (Wikipedia) Because when you are an incel and your body, your brain lack of sexual and love needs you can't just ignore them as "kleshas". What when the need calls? You'll masturbate? And then? Again?... That's not so easy to ignore. If you're hungry and no food? You'll be like "No, bro! Hunger... it's just some kleshas, let me ignore it. For how long?"
"If you are thinking Buddhism is a copium because it does not teach you how to 'ascend', then you are deadly wrong."
Oh... oh, my... It's worse than a copium because it is teaching you how to ignore your needs as a person, to live in an imaginary world, to forget about women, to be a 100% volcel. Of course it's not going to teach you how to ascend, it makes you a 100% volcel. ;D
"What is called 'escape'? When you try any means not to do something you are obligatory to do, which typically harms others when you do not do it, then this behaviour is called 'escape'. "
Idk, depends... what definition you pick up for it but... if you're a victim of the inceldom and instead to fight to go out of it, you embrace it :o :( :( :( :( :(, then the Buddhism makes you more incel than you were before. Because now you will think that being loveless and sexless is "normal" and you'll be (or already are?) a volcel.
"Am I supposed to be faced with 'Kleshas'? No. "
Are you supposed to search for love? No. Are you supposed to search for food, water?... No. It's up to you. All is Kleshas. Why then to struggle to search for: women, food, water...? Just ignore it and wow, what a "free man"... ups, dead man too... Sorry.
"If you want to say that because Buddhism teaches you how to 'escape' from 'Kleshas' so that you will not be contributing to the world, the society, etc., not complying with 'putra dharma', not studying, etc., you are not still invested enough in Buddhism. "
I don't want to invest in religion, especially such a loser-making like the passive ones. I don't want to be brain-washed by any religion or politics or propaganda of any sort that will teach me how wrong I am for willing to have a better life based on satisfying my true, natural needs. And putra dharma (a person's duty as a son) isn't something I meant. I mean that it will teach you to ignore your true self, your needs, your social life and the end is what? Being in a temple and becoming a monk volcel. Wow, what an achievement. ;D Bro, you can become a volcel without any religion too. Why bother to learn useless things to obtain the volcelism when you can just say "I gave up, I am defeatist, so from now on I am a volcel and just let me live my life learning about the IQ metrics, geometry and my other nerdy stuff without bothering." Isn't it easier and healthier?
"Buddhism teaches you to hold 'Bodhicitta'."
Translation, again. Okay, "bodhicitta, ("enlightenment-mind" or "the thought of awakening"), is the mind (citta) that is aimed at awakening (bodhi), with wisdom and compassion for the benefit of all sentient beings." (from Wikipedia).
Wisdom and compassion? And how the wisdom is coming without education, science? You have to learn, to experience, to study, to think. It's not as easy as reading religion books and becomg a monk. And about the compassion, you can have it (practice it) without sunk in religious cults and nonsenses.
"Yeah Buddhism thinks it's better to 'restore' people, but it's also good to 'benefit' people by any means, including publishing breaking studies what I am now managing to accomplish. Buddhism never said the latter was not good."
And how they (Buddhist monks) are benefiting me when they come to knock the door for giving them something? Being a beggar isn't something useful for the community. They're making me poor (if I give them something). Why they don't give me, to make me richer? You see? This is the problem. The religions doesn't produce anything but propaganda and lies. Of course, there are some who organize charitable actions and stuff but again, mostly begging others to give, give, give... Even some kids produce more than a monk because they can help parents to clean the street or to go shopping.
"What I think you may feel 'negative' about Buddhism is that it negatively sees Gymmaxxing or else"
Not everyone? Or Shaolin (the perfect example of giga-gymmax and martial arts) is a Muslim temple? ;D Nothing to do with the gymmaxx. I just feel that Buddhism and inceldom are very related -- being a Buddhist already makes you a volcel or at least an incel who tends to give up easier than the atheistic incels and others.
"since it is an indication of 'ātma-grāha' in the perspective of Buddhism, but Buddhists seek for 'real happiness'
Oh, yes. Our happiness is the real one. (We heard it before. Every propaganda is teaching you that its happiness is the best. Xi Jinping's 吃苦-ism (chiku-ism) is also, according to him, something that is real happiness...) Being loveless, sexless, kissless is the "real" happiness. Ah, forgot: no meat too! What a happy life! Meat-less, love-less, girlfriend-less... do you feel how "happy" you are? :P
"while common people seek for 'fake happiness'"
Yes, sure. Having a tasty meal with meat, having love and living outside of a boring 100%-male community is a fake happiness. I feel you, bro. ;)
"I don't think it's 'escapism' when you are seeking for 'real happiness', distracting yourself from Gymmaxxing or smth, since per se you are not supposed to seek for 'fake happiness' instead of 'real happiness'. "
With this thinking you are ready to even join some aggressive army (like Putin's one) where they will easily teach you that to die for your Putin (or Xi, Kim...?) is the "real happiness". Come on, you're one of the most intelligent incels I met. Are you really so naive to fall for "only my happiness is real, because I am a Buddhism man"? I am speechless. ;D
"Correct me if I am wrong. Well I've not learned Buddhism for a long while so I may have said something absurd, or that 'does not uphold the dharma', if I put it by the terminology of Buddism."
Nothing wrong bro... just say it shortly: "I lost it, I became a volcel. Wish me good luck with it." ;)
;D yeah, to reach the Nirvana, right? That's the Cope with a capital letter. 8)
It's impossible to eludicate to you why Nirvana is not a cope, since you have never embarked on learning Buddhism. It will take you a rigmarole to educate yourself why it is not, and why Buddhism is not negative at all, if you think so.
I think I said more than enough of my last post (above this one) but I can't ignore it. Bro, I really TOTALLY do agree with you on this one: for you, the Nirvana is NOT a cope. It is a cope for some incel but you're a volcel. As such the Nirvana isn't a cope. It's your goal as if it's for the rest of the Buddhist volcels. Good luck with it and the "real happiness". ;D (I give you at most 2 years before you're disappointed of the Buddhist sanghas and stuff and becoming something new... maybe next time, a New Age supporter or a vegan... Idk, you are just prone to jump easily from one idea (doctrine) to another. Can't see you as a Buddhist for more than 2 years... my bet...)
Maybe seemingly propaganda to you, I still want to suggest reading <The Diamond Sutra>, <Adornment Sutra> and <Agama>, to know about what Buddhism is all about.
Well if you still think Buddhism is just a copium... then yeah you do not have 'Buddha-Indriya', so that you are inable to 'liberate' yourself, as well as 'restoring' others.
What seems to me just sophistry is that I need to distract myself from seeking for 'liberation' to gymmaxxing, moneymaxxing, etc., while both of them can obtain me happiness, but because contriving for Nirvana does not require me to 'ascend', Nirvana is a copium.
Isn't the logic very simple here? - Option 1: you want women, they like rich and strong men, you're trying to become one.
- Option 2: you want women, they like rich and strong men, you're giving up, starting to be a Buddha fan, they don't give a damn for your religion, you (no choice) to become a volcel.
Nirvana and other imaginary things doesn't require you to ascend, they only require you to become a volcel. Right, the volcels do not want to ascend, because they're voluntary into the celibate. Volceldom on its highest level = Buddhism. We got it.
I am not surprised (and I, hope we all) respect his decision. See, at the very beginning he wasn't a "warrior type" incel and he was scared to join a gym (or he wasn't that hard-working; he prefers the games not the dumbbells and he prefers the books not the push-ups)... and in one moment his brain is telling him: "Don't even bother just give up but in a fancy way. What if you start to be a buddhist guy and believe that being a volcel is the real happiness? Problem solved, yeah! Yeah!"
I never expected that this type of young man will really ascend (without gymmaxing, without moneymaxxing and without edumaxxing and sure geomaxxing outside of the tall girls world) and now, voila - "Please, let me show you how good is to be a Buddhism follower volcel." That suits him best. And we're without hate here so as I see, good luck + respect your decision and no more criticism. :-*
"Idk why you think this way as if people were obligatory to be faced with 'Kleshas' so that if you tried any means to escape from them you were being avoidant."
Let me check the dictionary. ;D Kleshas? OK, "in Buddhism, are mental states that cloud the mind and manifest in unwholesome actions." (Wikipedia) Because when you are an incel and your body, your brain lack of sexual and love needs you can't just ignore them as "kleshas". What when the need calls? You'll masturbate? And then? Again?... That's not so easy to ignore. If you're hungry and no food? You'll be like "No, bro! Hunger... it's just some kleshas, let me ignore it. For how long?"
"If you are thinking Buddhism is a copium because it does not teach you how to 'ascend', then you are deadly wrong."
Oh... oh, my... It's worse than a copium because it is teaching you how to ignore your needs as a person, to live in an imaginary world, to forget about women, to be a 100% volcel. Of course it's not going to teach you how to ascend, it makes you a 100% volcel. ;D
"What is called 'escape'? When you try any means not to do something you are obligatory to do, which typically harms others when you do not do it, then this behaviour is called 'escape'. "
Idk, depends... what definition you pick up for it but... if you're a victim of the inceldom and instead to fight to go out of it, you embrace it :o :( :( :( :( :(, then the Buddhism makes you more incel than you were before. Because now you will think that being loveless and sexless is "normal" and you'll be (or already are?) a volcel.
"Am I supposed to be faced with 'Kleshas'? No. "
Are you supposed to search for love? No. Are you supposed to search for food, water?... No. It's up to you. All is Kleshas. Why then to struggle to search for: women, food, water...? Just ignore it and wow, what a "free man"... ups, dead man too... Sorry.
"If you want to say that because Buddhism teaches you how to 'escape' from 'Kleshas' so that you will not be contributing to the world, the society, etc., not complying with 'putra dharma', not studying, etc., you are not still invested enough in Buddhism. "
I don't want to invest in religion, especially such a loser-making like the passive ones. I don't want to be brain-washed by any religion or politics or propaganda of any sort that will teach me how wrong I am for willing to have a better life based on satisfying my true, natural needs. And putra dharma (a person's duty as a son) isn't something I meant. I mean that it will teach you to ignore your true self, your needs, your social life and the end is what? Being in a temple and becoming a monk volcel. Wow, what an achievement. ;D Bro, you can become a volcel without any religion too. Why bother to learn useless things to obtain the volcelism when you can just say "I gave up, I am defeatist, so from now on I am a volcel and just let me live my life learning about the IQ metrics, geometry and my other nerdy stuff without bothering." Isn't it easier and healthier?
"Buddhism teaches you to hold 'Bodhicitta'."
Translation, again. Okay, "bodhicitta, ("enlightenment-mind" or "the thought of awakening"), is the mind (citta) that is aimed at awakening (bodhi), with wisdom and compassion for the benefit of all sentient beings." (from Wikipedia).
Wisdom and compassion? And how the wisdom is coming without education, science? You have to learn, to experience, to study, to think. It's not as easy as reading religion books and becomg a monk. And about the compassion, you can have it (practice it) without sunk in religious cults and nonsenses.
"Yeah Buddhism thinks it's better to 'restore' people, but it's also good to 'benefit' people by any means, including publishing breaking studies what I am now managing to accomplish. Buddhism never said the latter was not good."
And how they (Buddhist monks) are benefiting me when they come to knock the door for giving them something? Being a beggar isn't something useful for the community. They're making me poor (if I give them something). Why they don't give me, to make me richer? You see? This is the problem. The religions doesn't produce anything but propaganda and lies. Of course, there are some who organize charitable actions and stuff but again, mostly begging others to give, give, give... Even some kids produce more than a monk because they can help parents to clean the street or to go shopping.
"What I think you may feel 'negative' about Buddhism is that it negatively sees Gymmaxxing or else"
Not everyone? Or Shaolin (the perfect example of giga-gymmax and martial arts) is a Muslim temple? ;D Nothing to do with the gymmaxx. I just feel that Buddhism and inceldom are very related -- being a Buddhist already makes you a volcel or at least an incel who tends to give up easier than the atheistic incels and others.
"since it is an indication of 'ātma-grāha' in the perspective of Buddhism, but Buddhists seek for 'real happiness'
Oh, yes. Our happiness is the real one. (We heard it before. Every propaganda is teaching you that its happiness is the best. Xi Jinping's 吃苦-ism (chiku-ism) is also, according to him, something that is real happiness...) Being loveless, sexless, kissless is the "real" happiness. Ah, forgot: no meat too! What a happy life! Meat-less, love-less, girlfriend-less... do you feel how "happy" you are? :P
"while common people seek for 'fake happiness'"
Yes, sure. Having a tasty meal with meat, having love and living outside of a boring 100%-male community is a fake happiness. I feel you, bro. ;)
"I don't think it's 'escapism' when you are seeking for 'real happiness', distracting yourself from Gymmaxxing or smth, since per se you are not supposed to seek for 'fake happiness' instead of 'real happiness'. "
With this thinking you are ready to even join some aggressive army (like Putin's one) where they will easily teach you that to die for your Putin (or Xi, Kim...?) is the "real happiness". Come on, you're one of the most intelligent incels I met. Are you really so naive to fall for "only my happiness is real, because I am a Buddhism man"? I am speechless. ;D
"Correct me if I am wrong. Well I've not learned Buddhism for a long while so I may have said something absurd, or that 'does not uphold the dharma', if I put it by the terminology of Buddism."
Nothing wrong bro... just say it shortly: "I lost it, I became a volcel. Wish me good luck with it." ;)
So nowadays it's also false not to have natural needs you mentioned?
I am not saying religions are 100% good since yeah nowadays religions are deceiving people's money and, yeah time lol. I am not saying, for Buddhism you need to believe bs like if you swear at a monk you will be in the Infernal.
Apart from the superstitious things of religions, they can cultivate your heart and nurture your character.
My talk will be the one of a chicken to a duck if you are not inversed in Buddhism since you yourself have prejudices to Buddhism.
What I can say is to study Buddhism.
Here is the analogy I have to let you roughly know about how Buddhism lets you deal with your natural needs, which in the perspective of Buddhism hamper you from obtaining 'real happiness':
Natural needs are like itches on your skin. You feel itchy so that you have to tickle them, but Buddhism can enable you not to feel itchy.
Of course it makes you feel good to tickle them, but won't you feel better not to feel itchy anymore? And this is the so-called 'real happiness' in the perspective of Buddhism. And when you are 'free' from 'natural needs', you become an 'Arhat'.
And no, I don't think I will give up Buddhism within 2 yrs... It is really helping me a lot.
And, seeing from your quotes, I don't think you understand what I said well.
I am not surprised (and I, hope we all) respect his decision. See, at the very beginning he wasn't a "warrior type" incel and he was scared to join a gym (or he wasn't that hard-working; he prefers the games not the dumbbells and he prefers the books not the push-ups)... and in one moment his brain is telling him: "Don't even bother just give up but in a fancy way. What if you start to be a buddhist guy and believe that being a volcel is the real happiness? Problem solved, yeah! Yeah!"
I never expected that this type of young man will really ascend (without gymmaxing, without moneymaxxing and without edumaxxing and sure geomaxxing outside of the tall girls world) and now, voila - "Please, let me show you how good is to be a Buddhism follower volcel." That suits him best. And we're without hate here so as I see, good luck + respect your decision and no more criticism. :-*
Well, see, I didn't mention I was what-maxxing, yeah, but that does not mean I was really not doing any of them.
I admit that I am not gymmaxxing, because to me having a jacked build does not make me feel good + a jacked build is not very favorred in China. It is in the west of course. I can't moneymax since I can't where I am living. I will be moneymaxxing when I get back to Shanghai.
I think I said in my previous posts that I was learning Math physics and Psychometrics. Lately I've also been writing paper.
I don't believe that a monk can become needless. They still like to eat, to earn money and some of them lie women to sleep with them with religious tricks and others are becoming homosexual... You have got too idealistic idea and image about the human nature. The reality isn't that ideal. Step by step in a gradual way you will learn it. Maybe 🤔???
What if when you are back in Shanghai the war between China and Taiwan start? Are you that brave to go back to the Big jail of the dictator once you're a free man?
I don't believe that a monk can become needless. They still like to eat, to earn money and some of them lie women to sleep with them with religious tricks and others are becoming homosexual... You have got too idealistic idea and image about the human nature. The reality isn't that ideal. Step by step in a gradual way you will learn it. Maybe 🤔???
Neither do I. Well of course entire needlessness is just idealistic, but Buddhism directs you how to 'liberate' yourself.
No I don't think I will be engaged in the war between the mainland and Taiwan. I will be in America next yr.
What if when you are back in Shanghai the war between China and Taiwan start? Are you that brave to go back to the Big jail of the dictator once you're a free man?
Didn't you say to me that this web might be being censorred by CCP huh? :P
I think you'd better stop conversating with me over CCP-related stuffs.
Then you are projecting very badly tbh.
OK, let then simplify it. You said you are an incel and you want to solve this problem: you planned even radical looksmaxx techniques like all those surgery-maxxes (nasal, facial, bones even...) and then, in one moment, you decided to promote a religion that teaches us to accept the things the way they are and you are now a volcel because "better the imaginary nirvana and stuff, than a real female". If there something I miss? Try again to simplify it. How becoming a Buddhist helps the incels to become noncels (which is the goal of the incels. They are incels, not volcels.)?
I don't believe that a monk can become needless. They still like to eat, to earn money and some of them lie women to sleep with them with religious tricks and others are becoming homosexual... You have got too idealistic idea and image about the human nature. The reality isn't that ideal. Step by step in a gradual way you will learn it. Maybe 🤔???
Neither do I. Well of course entire needlessness is just idealistic, but Buddhism directs you how to 'liberate' yourself.
No I don't think I will be engaged in the war between the mainland and Taiwan. I will be in America next yr.
Keep in mind that there are many cases in China recently, when a Chinese citizen is back and then the authorities don't want to let him/her to go abroad again. The risk of becoming a real slave (a part of the new "serfdom" in China "农奴制") is not low. We heard these cases even about Chinese with foreign green cards. Just be aware of the risk if you still love the freedom.
How I am "liberated" if I want something and the Buddhism is telling me not to want it and to be happy? How is it different than Xi's ideas "to 吃苦 (to bear hardships) + being limited online and offline + to study his thoughts" and being "happy"? Just sour grapes, defeatism... the easy way.
Hello, dear brocel! Glad to see you escaped the Jinping's big jail-like empire! How are you doing?
Brocel, this is what many people didn't get here. You are willing to embrace your inceldom! This is the white pill!!!
Listen all, the brocel decided to take the whitepill. It is worldview based on the maximization of happiness of an individual, by acceptance of their situation. It is a stoic and ascetic extension of the blackpill. He sees he can't ascend and he's not even trying the most of the maxxing (the best ones like geomaxx, gymmaxx and others) so he's taking the whitepill (Buddhist or not, doesn't matter. It could be also a Christian one similar to those christiancels who think ''Jesus loves me, this is the real love and freedom, I don't need anything else incl. girls.')
It's sort of cool to see a whitepiller around! The whitepillers are like unicorns. :P
What if when you are back in Shanghai the war between China and Taiwan start? Are you that brave to go back to the Big jail of the dictator once you're a free man?
Didn't you say to me that this web might be being censorred by CCP huh? :P
I think you'd better stop conversating with me over CCP-related stuffs.
LOL. Good point. Bro, most of us (the team here) already left China so we are now really liberated (not like your religious "liberation") to use free Internet, to criticize openly the bad president and so on. And because the traffic from China is anyway weak I think it worth to risk it for the truth, free speech and the liberty. We like Chinese and pre-Xi China, we hate the crazy man. This is it. And most of the people with sane thoughts think the same. The recent Taiwanese elections show so too... nobody wants to be under a bad dictator.
I still didn't say anything about CCP. We were talking about the only one (the "president") who controls the PRC now. No more CCP. And I was just trying to warn you to be careful because there are people like you in the West (and not only) who once back in China later can't go abroad again. But... it is your life and your decisions. Once you're "liberated" via Buddha philosophy maybe you'll feel okay even going to fight for the insane one-and-only "Leader", who knows... good luck anyway. I think you're too young to spare your life in dead-end acts like believing in reincarnations or going to fight for the "ideals" of one crazy as hell dictator who killed our favorite CCP...
About the traffic, it would be sort of pity. But how long we should keep silence? Especially once we were really liberated outside of the Jail? We miss China but we don't miss the freedomless and insane situation there. See, today I read again about falling businesses (factories), immigrating people, etc. The declining of the empire is obvious... and to keep silent still? At least before the end we should say something, right?
There are still many Chinese and non-Chinese who still don't realize that Xi Jinping is a 100% neo-emperor type dictator who controls all of the CCP which is already not like a Communist/Socialist party but like a tool or like a "mafia structure" (as one clever Chinese communist woman said) of this criminal who ruined the lives of millions in China and abroad. If he say something, CCP (all of the members) is just going to follow. In case someone disagrees, well, you know what happens, right? The person is not anymore a member of the CCP and even, worse, he/she may totally disappear (to die, to be jailed, to have to run away, etc.)
Really, can't understand how there are still people who can't see that CCP is just a past, a history and now China is a "Xina" ("Xi-na") and the CCP is nothing more than a "XiP" ("Xi-P"), a "Xi's Party".
Facts... ??? ::) :-X
The white pill is one of the best but the best is the meta pill 8). It's my discovery, as you all know.
As a philosopher I'd like to take the liberty to discuss some of the important (for the incels and also for the noncels) points:
Natural needs are like itches on your skin.
This analogy isn't correct enough but let's use it practically.
You feel itchy so that you have to tickle them, but Buddhism can enable you not to feel itchy.
Let's suppose it's possible. Then it leads to dangers. Yes, seriously: think about it:
1/ feeling itchy shows (alarms) that there is something wrong (an animal, dirt, allergy, etc.) and you can take the necessary measures. For example, to stop eating the dangerous for your body (allergic reactions) food or to deal with the mosquito around that cause your itchiness. But if you don't have the itchy feeling (sense) then you're unaware what's wrong.
2/ feeling hungry, thirsty, etc. are (to a certain degree) useful for you, because they remind you that you're out of energy, vitamins, etc.; you're dehydrated. What if you (somehow, due to Buddhism, for instance) in one moment forget (stop feeling) any hunger and thirst. You are dead in less than a month. The same comes about feeling cold, for example. If you don't know that it's too cold and take measures to warm yourself you're dead too. Maybe, in school, you had some language exercises like "They died from cold and hunger. -- 他们死于寒冷和饥饿。", I mean that it's a primary school knowledge level, where the pupils learn that you should avoid the cold, the hunger and so on (thus, you better don't "liberate" yourself from these useful, natural senses, feelings, needs.)
Of course it makes you feel good to tickle them, but won't you feel better not to feel itchy anymore?
At the beginning, yes, but (as I explained above) in a long term to become a senseless (which is doubtful but let's just suppose it's possible to achieve via Buddhist practices) is leading to dangers and death.
And this is the so-called 'real happiness' in the perspective of Buddhism. And when you are 'free' from 'natural needs', you become an 'Arhat'.
The natural needs are really natural, so we can't use quotes (to doubt them) if we want to be realistic and right. The so-called arhats are not completely "free" from their natural (biological) needs. They may suppress some of them (like the sexual desire and others) but the basic ones: to eat, to drink, to go to toilet, to sleep... they can't. So this "liberation" you're talking about is just an illusion, a wrong definition even (giving up, suppressing all that is natural, avoiding most of the things, isolation, not even trying to achieve what most of the people achieved in the society... it's not a "liberation", it's nothing more than a "self-limitation".)
And no, I don't think I will give up Buddhism within 2 yrs... It is really helping me a lot.
I met many people who said that the religion helping them a lot (for example an Arab girl said she is happy no matter what because she just believes in Allah. Other two, Europeans, a male and a female, said they're secured because they have their faith in Jesus...) so, yes, to a certain degree the religions may "really helping you a lot" but this doesn't make them full of truths or useful about everything. You may think about this in that way: reading manga stories (or some good novel) may also help you to feel better, to feel "it is really helping me a lot" and so on, but this doesn't make the stories real and this doesn't guarantee you will be better only with the (religion, manga, novel, etc.) in a longer term. You need more, for example: science, social support, self-improvement...
As a philosopher I'd like to take the liberty to discuss some of the important (for the incels and also for the noncels) points:
Natural needs are like itches on your skin.
This analogy isn't correct enough but let's use it practically.
You feel itchy so that you have to tickle them, but Buddhism can enable you not to feel itchy.
Let's suppose it's possible. Then it leads to dangers. Yes, seriously: think about it:
1/ feeling itchy shows (alarms) that there is something wrong (an animal, dirt, allergy, etc.) and you can take the necessary measures. For example, to stop eating the dangerous for your body (allergic reactions) food or to deal with the mosquito around that cause your itchiness. But if you don't have the itchy feeling (sense) then you're unaware what's wrong.
2/ feeling hungry, thirsty, etc. are (to a certain degree) useful for you, because they remind you that you're out of energy, vitamins, etc.; you're dehydrated. What if you (somehow, due to Buddhism, for instance) in one moment forget (stop feeling) any hunger and thirst. You are dead in less than a month. The same comes about feeling cold, for example. If you don't know that it's too cold and take measures to warm yourself you're dead too. Maybe, in school, you had some language exercises like "They died from cold and hunger. -- 他们死于寒冷和饥饿。", I mean that it's a primary school knowledge level, where the pupils learn that you should avoid the cold, the hunger and so on (thus, you better don't "liberate" yourself from these useful, natural senses, feelings, needs.)
Of course it makes you feel good to tickle them, but won't you feel better not to feel itchy anymore?
At the beginning, yes, but (as I explained above) in a long term to become a senseless (which is doubtful but let's just suppose it's possible to achieve via Buddhist practices) is leading to dangers and death.
And this is the so-called 'real happiness' in the perspective of Buddhism. And when you are 'free' from 'natural needs', you become an 'Arhat'.
The natural needs are really natural, so we can't use quotes (to doubt them) if we want to be realistic and right. The so-called arhats are not completely "free" from their natural (biological) needs. They may suppress some of them (like the sexual desire and others) but the basic ones: to eat, to drink, to go to toilet, to sleep... they can't. So this "liberation" you're talking about is just an illusion, a wrong definition even (giving up, suppressing all that is natural, avoiding most of the things, isolation, not even trying to achieve what most of the people achieved in the society... it's not a "liberation", it's nothing more than a "self-limitation".)
And no, I don't think I will give up Buddhism within 2 yrs... It is really helping me a lot.
I met many people who said that the religion helping them a lot (for example an Arab girl said she is happy no matter what because she just believes in Allah. Other two, Europeans, a male and a female, said they're secured because they have their faith in Jesus...) so, yes, to a certain degree the religions may "really helping you a lot" but this doesn't make them full of truths or useful about everything. You may think about this in that way: reading manga stories (or some good novel) may also help you to feel better, to feel "it is really helping me a lot" and so on, but this doesn't make the stories real and this doesn't guarantee you will be better only with the (religion, manga, novel, etc.) in a longer term. You need more, for example: science, social support, self-improvement...
Well indeed I've yet to hear of any Arhat who is completely free from natural needs. I think I said Buddhism gave you a direction that could 'liberate' yourself. Treat Liberation like Communism. It's idealistic but it gives direction.
As a philosopher I'd like to take the liberty to discuss some of the important (for the incels and also for the noncels) points:
Natural needs are like itches on your skin.
This analogy isn't correct enough but let's use it practically.
You feel itchy so that you have to tickle them, but Buddhism can enable you not to feel itchy.
Let's suppose it's possible. Then it leads to dangers. Yes, seriously: think about it:
1/ feeling itchy shows (alarms) that there is something wrong (an animal, dirt, allergy, etc.) and you can take the necessary measures. For example, to stop eating the dangerous for your body (allergic reactions) food or to deal with the mosquito around that cause your itchiness. But if you don't have the itchy feeling (sense) then you're unaware what's wrong.
2/ feeling hungry, thirsty, etc. are (to a certain degree) useful for you, because they remind you that you're out of energy, vitamins, etc.; you're dehydrated. What if you (somehow, due to Buddhism, for instance) in one moment forget (stop feeling) any hunger and thirst. You are dead in less than a month. The same comes about feeling cold, for example. If you don't know that it's too cold and take measures to warm yourself you're dead too. Maybe, in school, you had some language exercises like "They died from cold and hunger. -- 他们死于寒冷和饥饿。", I mean that it's a primary school knowledge level, where the pupils learn that you should avoid the cold, the hunger and so on (thus, you better don't "liberate" yourself from these useful, natural senses, feelings, needs.)
Of course it makes you feel good to tickle them, but won't you feel better not to feel itchy anymore?
At the beginning, yes, but (as I explained above) in a long term to become a senseless (which is doubtful but let's just suppose it's possible to achieve via Buddhist practices) is leading to dangers and death.
And this is the so-called 'real happiness' in the perspective of Buddhism. And when you are 'free' from 'natural needs', you become an 'Arhat'.
The natural needs are really natural, so we can't use quotes (to doubt them) if we want to be realistic and right. The so-called arhats are not completely "free" from their natural (biological) needs. They may suppress some of them (like the sexual desire and others) but the basic ones: to eat, to drink, to go to toilet, to sleep... they can't. So this "liberation" you're talking about is just an illusion, a wrong definition even (giving up, suppressing all that is natural, avoiding most of the things, isolation, not even trying to achieve what most of the people achieved in the society... it's not a "liberation", it's nothing more than a "self-limitation".)
And no, I don't think I will give up Buddhism within 2 yrs... It is really helping me a lot.
I met many people who said that the religion helping them a lot (for example an Arab girl said she is happy no matter what because she just believes in Allah. Other two, Europeans, a male and a female, said they're secured because they have their faith in Jesus...) so, yes, to a certain degree the religions may "really helping you a lot" but this doesn't make them full of truths or useful about everything. You may think about this in that way: reading manga stories (or some good novel) may also help you to feel better, to feel "it is really helping me a lot" and so on, but this doesn't make the stories real and this doesn't guarantee you will be better only with the (religion, manga, novel, etc.) in a longer term. You need more, for example: science, social support, self-improvement...
I was not saying for anyone there was no better alternative than Buddhism, but in the perspective of Buddhism, if there are other better alternatives that lead you to other directions to make you feel better, this is an indication of 'having yet to completely eliminate Kleshas'
As I said above, yes it's impossible for anyone to become totally needless, and even Buddha himself couldn't, but Buddhism gives you direction and the less Kleshas you have, the more you feel Buddhism as the only right 'Dharma', though Buddhism itself advocates for 'upekkha' so that you shouldn't be like 'Nah It's not Buddhism so it's just bs!'. Buddhism seeks for 'madhyamā-mārga', so as long as a 'tirthika' makes sense, Buddhism adopts it, and any tirthika which lets you 'subject to Kleshas' is not correct.
I myself have not been well versed in Buddhism so I may be wrong. At least that's my understanding. I suggest asking some 'bhadantas' about it.
About the traffic, it would be sort of pity. But how long we should keep silence? Especially once we were really liberated outside of the Jail? We miss China but we don't miss the freedomless and insane situation there. See, today I read again about falling businesses (factories), immigrating people, etc. The declining of the empire is obvious... and to keep silent still? At least before the end we should say something, right?
Hahaha I think originally I said CCP was not censorring this web ;D. They do not know about the International Internet that much. Also, they don't have that big power! For ex they can't censor Youtube videos and that's why they need to pay to Youtube to remove some videos.
And yeah, China is now moribund. The economy... the education... the science... etc.... All of them are moribund, particularly the economy. Like you said, indeed a lot of factories, industries and companies are falling down. Everyone does not want to invest, everyone does not want to trade stocks, everyone does not want to start a business... because we know how shitty the current economy and the politic climinate are.
I am really glad to see you 'liberate' yourselves out of this big jail. IMO within 6 years Xi will invade Taiwan. He daren't invade there because there are interrupters, including America, but Biden is a retard and he is subjecting to CCP! He even welcomed Xi to America and the result of the negotiation was that, yeah he ffffffffffffffffffff agreed not to fight with CCP!
As a philosopher I'd like to take the liberty to discuss some of the important (for the incels and also for the noncels) points:
Natural needs are like itches on your skin.
This analogy isn't correct enough but let's use it practically.
You feel itchy so that you have to tickle them, but Buddhism can enable you not to feel itchy.
Let's suppose it's possible. Then it leads to dangers. Yes, seriously: think about it:
1/ feeling itchy shows (alarms) that there is something wrong (an animal, dirt, allergy, etc.) and you can take the necessary measures. For example, to stop eating the dangerous for your body (allergic reactions) food or to deal with the mosquito around that cause your itchiness. But if you don't have the itchy feeling (sense) then you're unaware what's wrong.
2/ feeling hungry, thirsty, etc. are (to a certain degree) useful for you, because they remind you that you're out of energy, vitamins, etc.; you're dehydrated. What if you (somehow, due to Buddhism, for instance) in one moment forget (stop feeling) any hunger and thirst. You are dead in less than a month. The same comes about feeling cold, for example. If you don't know that it's too cold and take measures to warm yourself you're dead too. Maybe, in school, you had some language exercises like "They died from cold and hunger. -- 他们死于寒冷和饥饿。", I mean that it's a primary school knowledge level, where the pupils learn that you should avoid the cold, the hunger and so on (thus, you better don't "liberate" yourself from these useful, natural senses, feelings, needs.)
Of course it makes you feel good to tickle them, but won't you feel better not to feel itchy anymore?
At the beginning, yes, but (as I explained above) in a long term to become a senseless (which is doubtful but let's just suppose it's possible to achieve via Buddhist practices) is leading to dangers and death.
And this is the so-called 'real happiness' in the perspective of Buddhism. And when you are 'free' from 'natural needs', you become an 'Arhat'.
The natural needs are really natural, so we can't use quotes (to doubt them) if we want to be realistic and right. The so-called arhats are not completely "free" from their natural (biological) needs. They may suppress some of them (like the sexual desire and others) but the basic ones: to eat, to drink, to go to toilet, to sleep... they can't. So this "liberation" you're talking about is just an illusion, a wrong definition even (giving up, suppressing all that is natural, avoiding most of the things, isolation, not even trying to achieve what most of the people achieved in the society... it's not a "liberation", it's nothing more than a "self-limitation".)
And no, I don't think I will give up Buddhism within 2 yrs... It is really helping me a lot.
I met many people who said that the religion helping them a lot (for example an Arab girl said she is happy no matter what because she just believes in Allah. Other two, Europeans, a male and a female, said they're secured because they have their faith in Jesus...) so, yes, to a certain degree the religions may "really helping you a lot" but this doesn't make them full of truths or useful about everything. You may think about this in that way: reading manga stories (or some good novel) may also help you to feel better, to feel "it is really helping me a lot" and so on, but this doesn't make the stories real and this doesn't guarantee you will be better only with the (religion, manga, novel, etc.) in a longer term. You need more, for example: science, social support, self-improvement...
Well indeed I've yet to hear of any Arhat who is completely free from natural needs. I think I said Buddhism gave you a direction that could 'liberate' yourself. Treat Liberation like Communism. It's idealistic but it gives direction.
The communist philosophy (Dialmat, i. e. Dialectical Materialism) is really something that teaches me useful things like: try to develop all sides of yourself (knowledge, morals, physics), don't believe without proves (only real, true science), etc., but at least it's teaching me to struggle, to be active, to have hope (energy) for success, etc. Buddhism is almost the opposite: passiveness, acceptance, avoidance, and... many, many stories (claims) that aren't based on science, on anything... So, what direction may be useful (for example to achieve your goals like: becoming more rich, having more real love, etc.) from Buddhism when it's goal is people just to refuse all and to lead nearly beggars' lives?
Do you notice how similar is the Buddhism with the blackpillers' "LDAR" (lay down and rot)? The difference is that the blackpillers' don't promise you unproven stuff like nirvana, paradise, and so on.
but Buddhism gives you direction and the less Kleshas you have, the more you feel Buddhism as the only right 'Dharma', though Buddhism itself advocates for 'upekkha' so that you shouldn't be like 'Nah It's not Buddhism so it's just bs!'.
Upekṣā (Sanskrit: उपेक्षा; Pali: Upekkhā) is the Buddhist concept of equanimity, right? Well, because the equanimity isn't only a Buddhist thing, then it's nothing unique and this doesn't make a religion (in this case -- the Buddhism) more precious than, for example, the nowadays psychology that also may teach you to have equanimity (a state of psychological stability and composure which is undisturbed by the experience of or exposure to emotions, pain, or other phenomena that may cause others to lose the balance of their mind.) This virtue and value (equanimity) is extolled and advocated by a number of major religions and ancient philosophies. So? Why we have to restrict ourselves (less kleshas) once/when the equanimity is well done even from scientific point of view?
Buddhism seeks for 'madhyamā-mārga', so as long as a 'tirthika' makes sense, Buddhism adopts it, and any tirthika which lets you 'subject to Kleshas' is not correct.
The so-called "Middle way" which is also something that even the kindergarten teaching knows: don't be too this and don't be too that. Even in the politics there are concepts similar to this. Nothing unique and obtainable via common sense (materialistic).
I myself have not been well versed in Buddhism so I may be wrong. At least that's my understanding. I suggest asking some 'bhadantas' about it.
No need. I think I learned it enough and I may ensure you that this will minn your chances to find a wife (this is one of the goals of many Buddhists to be wifeless) and will have bad impact on your future physical (in the worst cases -- health, too) development (in case you become a vegetarian or a vegan + the lack of sports), which will bring you more un-attractiveness in future (if now you're 6/10, later you will be at its best, 4/10 and when you get older, you'll become a 3/10 or less). At that time, only some super wealth-maxx (money-maxx) will be able to bring you a partner (or you have to search for some 1/10 as looks and social status). Don't ruin your future so early. Give yourself at least 20 years more chance, until you give up your tries to ascend because now you have a better potential for this (the Buddhism is waiting for you when you're really an old, a loser... why now, when you're full of bright future opportunities? :( )
About the traffic, it would be sort of pity. But how long we should keep silence? Especially once we were really liberated outside of the Jail? We miss China but we don't miss the freedomless and insane situation there. See, today I read again about falling businesses (factories), immigrating people, etc. The declining of the empire is obvious... and to keep silent still? At least before the end we should say something, right?
Hahaha I think originally I said CCP was not censorring this web ;D. They do not know about the International Internet that much. Also, they don't have that big power! For ex they can't censor Youtube videos and that's why they need to pay to Youtube to remove some videos.
And yeah, China is now moribund. The economy... the education... the science... etc.... All of them are moribund, particularly the economy. Like you said, indeed a lot of factories, industries and companies are falling down. Everyone does not want to invest, everyone does not want to trade stocks, everyone does not want to start a business... because we know how shitty the current economy and the politic climinate are.
I am really glad to see you 'liberate' yourselves out of this big jail. IMO within 6 years Xi will invade Taiwan. He daren't invade there because there are interrupters, including America, but Biden is a retard and he is subjecting to CCP! He even welcomed Xi to America and the result of the negotiation was that, yeah he ffffffffffffffffffff agreed not to fight with CCP!
Yes, you said so and because at that time we were in misery in China (soon after 2017, when the bad dictator started to ruin the country and the people's lives gradually) we didn't want to take any risks (to make our lives more miserable than they were). Now, after (almost all of us) left the so-called "Big Prison" we're a bit richer, a bit happier and much more free (we don't need VPNs to read normal websites like Wikipedia or to watch normal videos on YouTube)... that's why I think you can now freely speak your criticism about the Chinese politics (which is already not very complicated because it's just a One-man-politics)...
YouTube isn't accessible in Mainland China, is it? I couldn't use/visit it in Shanghai, Guangzhou, but I could in Macau... I think it's blocked. Isn't it?
No matter what is Biden, at least the US people may choose again (not sure if Trump will be better or worse to China). And yes, to accept or welcome a dictator isn't a good thing but at least Biden said it again that Xi is a dictator. Admirations! 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
About the wars, we never know and we hope for the best! But Taiwan, Philippines... even Japan, are never safe when there is one dictator with many problems in China and outside, who also have aggressive partners like Russia (Putin), North Korea (Kim), Iran and the rest like them... So, how you are so brave to go back to China, once you're free? What if they stop your passport or mobilize you in the army? Are you that brave or you just underestimate the dangers? Do your best to establish a normal and free life abroad, young man! :)
The problem is that you, let me be kinda harsh, are severely suffering from Dunning-Krugger Effect!!! Your comment on 'Midway' ideology will really be laughed at if you show it to a venerable monk!!! ;D Of course it's nothing new, but it's really very hard to keep in the 'midway' all the time Yeah it's just 'objectivity' but Buddhism also teaches you how to keep objective, by being without ātma-grāha for ex, which is actually as easy to be as you think. And you think this makes Buddhism?!
And if you think Buddhism is 'suppressive', 'pessimistic', etc., whatever you think of it as, you even have not had primary understanding of Buddhism yet! :P
I really suggest you embark on reading some sutras and abhidharmas... Your understanding of Buddhism is really not even primary and not better in the slightest bit than the one of everyone who has not tried learning it tbh...
Originally I also thought Buddhism was just a piece of pessimistic and suppressive dogshit and yeah it contains lots of superstitious stuffs like if you swear at a monk you will be suffering from being burned being bited by dogs wolves snakes being castigated etc. for 1x10^25 years in Infernal as you die, but after I learned the concepts and the ideologies of Buddhism I was really shocked by its 'extraordinariness and excellence'.... You will also be surprised by how wise and intelligent Buddha was... You can't really understand if you have not learned Buddhism enough. I bet you have yet to read any sutra or abhidharma right? I suggest reading some and then come back to disguss witih me.
You are a philosophy student right? What about seeing a layman who thinks philosophy is useless and it can only overwhelm yourself in shitloads of meaningless coundrums? I am having the same feeling now. But I am not saying you are 'over-confident' or 'unopen'. It's totally normal for a person to be like this when he or she has not learned something yet.
I remember I myself thought IQ was just bs and believed anyone who treated IQ seriously just coped with his or her unindustriousness, but now? I have known IQ is the most validated construct among all of psychometric constructs. I remember I myself thought Communism was just a piece of white lie that was made use of by evil politicians like Xi to encroach on his or her people, but after I had known how scientific it was actually, I even embarked on learning Communism literatures before!
For Buddhism, yeah I was even a former anti-Buddhism, because I thought it robbed people's money by the pieces of white lie, the mysterious stories, the hypocritic ideologies it preached, etc., but after I had known how amazing it was, I turned into a Buddhist from an anti-Buddhism!
I really suggest learning some literatures before forming any viewpoint! You may realize how severely you were suffering from Dunning-Krugger Effect after you really know about Buddhism! ;D
(PS: yeah I know Dunning-Krugger Effect has been debunked but it's easier to throw to let you understand what I am construing than 'You are being too over-confident in your understanding of Buddhism because of your lack of understanding and learning of Buddhism')
but Buddhism gives you direction and the less Kleshas you have, the more you feel Buddhism as the only right 'Dharma', though Buddhism itself advocates for 'upekkha' so that you shouldn't be like 'Nah It's not Buddhism so it's just bs!'.
Upekṣā (Sanskrit: उपेक्षा; Pali: Upekkhā) is the Buddhist concept of equanimity, right? Well, because the equanimity isn't only a Buddhist thing, then it's nothing unique and this doesn't make a religion (in this case -- the Buddhism) more precious than, for example, the nowadays psychology that also may teach you to have equanimity (a state of psychological stability and composure which is undisturbed by the experience of or exposure to emotions, pain, or other phenomena that may cause others to lose the balance of their mind.) This virtue and value (equanimity) is extolled and advocated by a number of major religions and ancient philosophies. So? Why we have to restrict ourselves (less kleshas) once/when the equanimity is well done even from scientific point of view?
Buddhism seeks for 'madhyamā-mārga', so as long as a 'tirthika' makes sense, Buddhism adopts it, and any tirthika which lets you 'subject to Kleshas' is not correct.
The so-called "Middle way" which is also something that even the kindergarten teaching knows: don't be too this and don't be too that. Even in the politics there are concepts similar to this. Nothing unique and obtainable via common sense (materialistic).
I myself have not been well versed in Buddhism so I may be wrong. At least that's my understanding. I suggest asking some 'bhadantas' about it.
No need. I think I learned it enough and I may ensure you that this will minn your chances to find a wife (this is one of the goals of many Buddhists to be wifeless) and will have bad impact on your future physical (in the worst cases -- health, too) development (in case you become a vegetarian or a vegan + the lack of sports), which will bring you more un-attractiveness in future (if now you're 6/10, later you will be at its best, 4/10 and when you get older, you'll become a 3/10 or less). At that time, only some super wealth-maxx (money-maxx) will be able to bring you a partner (or you have to search for some 1/10 as looks and social status). Don't ruin your future so early. Give yourself at least 20 years more chance, until you give up your tries to ascend because now you have a better potential for this (the Buddhism is waiting for you when you're really an old, a loser... why now, when you're full of bright future opportunities? :( )
The problem is that you, let me be kinda harsh, are severely suffering from Dunning-Krugger Effect!!! Your comment on 'Midway' ideology will really be laughed at if you show it to a venerable monk!!! ;D Of course it's nothing new, but it's really very hard to keep in the 'midway' all the time Yeah it's just 'objectivity' but Buddhism also teaches you how to keep objective, by being without ātma-grāha for ex, which is actually as easy to be as you think. And you think this makes Buddhism?!
And if you think Buddhism is 'suppressive', 'pessimistic', etc., whatever you think of it as, you even have not had primary understanding of Buddhism yet! :P
I really suggest you embark on reading some sutras and abhidharmas... Your understanding of Buddhism is really not even primary and not better in the slightest bit than the one of everyone who has not tried learning it tbh...
Originally I also thought Buddhism was just a piece of pessimistic and suppressive dogshit and yeah it contains lots of superstitious stuffs like if you swear at a monk you will be suffering from being burned being bited by dogs wolves snakes being castigated etc. for 1x10^25 years in Infernal as you die, but after I learned the concepts and the ideologies of Buddhism I was really shocked by its 'extraordinariness and excellence'.... You will also be surprised by how wise and intelligent Buddha was... You can't really understand if you have not learned Buddhism enough. I bet you have yet to read any sutra or abhidharma right? I suggest reading some and then come back to disguss witih me.
You are a philosophy student right? What about seeing a layman who thinks philosophy is useless and it can only overwhelm yourself in shitloads of meaningless coundrums? I am having the same feeling now. But I am not saying you are 'over-confident' or 'unopen'. It's totally normal for a person to be like this when he or she has not learned something yet.
I remember I myself thought IQ was just bs and believed anyone who treated IQ seriously just coped with his or her unindustriousness, but now? I have known IQ is the most validated construct among all of psychometric constructs. I remember I myself thought Communism was just a piece of white lie that was made use of by evil politicians like Xi to encroach on his or her people, but after I had known how scientific it was actually, I even embarked on learning Communism literatures before!
For Buddhism, yeah I was even a former anti-Buddhism, because I thought it robbed people's money by the pieces of white lie, the mysterious stories, the hypocritic ideologies it preached, etc., but after I had known how amazing it was, I turned into a Buddhist from an anti-Buddhism!
I really suggest learning some literatures before forming any viewpoint! You may realize how severely you were suffering from Dunning-Krugger Effect after you really know about Buddhism! ;D
(PS: yeah I know Dunning-Krugger Effect has been debunked but it's easier to throw to let you understand what I am construing than 'You are being too over-confident in your understanding of Buddhism because of your lack of understanding and learning of Buddhism')
I forgot to say to you that, Buddha was born in like B.C 623/583/480, not A.C 1623/1583/1480, so before you think Buddha was just a 'common' person, you have to remind yourself of it.
Boy, are you kidding him? 😂 He is almost 50, a graduated master of Philosophy, author of books and one of the earliest (ex-Buddists) in his native country. ;D Geser Kurultaev, a "student"?😂 Before you was born, yes😀😀 You made my morning, skipping the☕ coffee.
It's because Geser Kurultaev is a philosopher, writer, poet and martial artist with young spirit + young looks, and the people often forget his chronological age (it's a person's age in terms of years, months, and days. ) :P
The problem is that you, let me be kinda harsh, are severely suffering from Dunning-Krugger Effect!!! Your comment on 'Midway' ideology will really be laughed at if you show it to a venerable monk!!!
亲爱的QQ网友,请小心点,我现在慢慢说明给你 (To those who doesn't speak Chinese: "Dear QQ-internet friend, please carefully read my explanations which I'll give you below:")
1. I admire your honesty but I am not suffering from the effect (because, as you forget, I am 48, I graduated in 2000 in the biggest South-East European University majored in Philosophy, I learned Eastern philosophy, religious philosophies, religions, etc., plus I am a former Buddhist.)
2. As a person who learned Buddhism (in all his forms from the SEA's Hinayana to the Japanese Zen) by myself and in the university, I'd like to say that I am at the end of the Dunning-Kruger's scale and (as a newbie in Buddhism) you're at its very beginning. Think by yourself: a man who was a Buddhist since 1990 and read even Nāgārjuna (an Indian Mahāyāna Buddhist philosopher monk of the Madhyamaka (Centrism, Middle Way) school) till around 2005 (when he was lucky enough to be in China and to communicate with real scientific-oriented masters of science, law, dialmat, socialism, etc. and to challenge his philosophy and unbased Buddhist/religious beliefs) can't be just a victim of the effect mentioned above. You said, by yourself, that you're a freshman to all this Buddhist theories + you're 25 years younger than me + you're not a philosopher. Well? Any thought?
3. I met more monks than you in my entire life (both Christian and Buddhist in: Bulgaria, Russia, including Tatarstan, China, Macao SAR, Cambodia) and I want to tell you that there aren't many venerable monks. Most of them are monks just to gain something (like money or donations) and the rest are there just because their parents said so, or because they had no other significant choice.
Also, it's not important who laugh or not, the important is that the "Midway" (I even know it in Chinese! It's "中道", 那个佛教的术语!) is nothing so "genius" what you think just because you'd like to improve your Karma and/or you're impressed by it because you didn't compare it with similar theories. I bet you even didn't compare it with the Gadaffi's "Third Universal Theory" (ظرية عالمية ثالثة) or the Titoism (Yugoslavian's)...
So, please (拜托, 兄弟), before you think someone is that dumb check a bit his background. I didn't spend my 48 years + life to learn and study just to get this sort of criticism online.
Of course it's nothing new, but it's really very hard to keep in the 'midway' all the time Yeah it's just 'objectivity' but Buddhism also teaches you how to keep objective, by being without ātma-grāha for ex, which is actually as easy to be as you think.
a) ātmagraha (आत्मग्रह) doesn't need a hyphen. Well, if you just copy-pasted it from the 我执's article in Wikipedia, it's understandable. ;)
b) So many (nearly all) philosophies and theories wants to keep you objective. Point me at least to 3 of them who claim that their goal is to keep you subjective. Can you? So, what's the uniqueness of the Buddhism in this? The Islam also says that if you start following it, you'll be the most objective. So what?
c) How you will be without the mentioned 我执 (atmagraha), if you don't follow the latest scientific discoveries? Hey, my friend, the Buddhist that time (when they created this concept of atmagraha) even didn't know about the existence of the DNA, the existence of the Pluto, the existence of the Americas, if you wish... Don't think of them as omniknowledgeable.
And you think this makes Buddhism?!
And if you think Buddhism is 'suppressive', 'pessimistic', etc., whatever you think of it as, you even have not had primary understanding of Buddhism yet! :P
And how is it active then? Being an arhat makes you to achieve your goals of having a girlfriend, becoming good-looking and having a business? Yes, if you're filthy rich like Buddha (Siddhartha Gautama, you see? I even know his real name since I was a kid!) you can play around but what if you're poor, homeless and it's -20 degree Celsius outside like in Inner Mongolia (内蒙古)? Still going to be in the state of isolation outside?
I really suggest you embark on reading some sutras and abhidharmas... Your understanding of Buddhism is really not even primary and not better in the slightest bit than the one of everyone who has not tried learning it tbh...
Said the 26 years younger male to his uncle (大叔, in Chinese) who's graduated in 2000 and learned so much about Buddhism by himself and in the university + was a Buddhist himself + living in a Buddhist kingdom currently + wrote even articles about this culture... Impressive! Try again. :D
I was really shocked by its 'extraordinariness and excellence'....
1. It's just because you didn't learn enough other philosophies and theories. Be honest to yourself and tell me how many of these you (at least) heard of?
1.1. Дъновизъм (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_White_Brotherhood (http://(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_White_Brotherhood))
1.2. Stoicism (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stoicism (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stoicism))
1.3. Illusionism (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illusionism_(philosophy) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illusionism_(philosophy)))
1.4. Hesychasm (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hesychasm (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hesychasm))
1.5. Варлаамитство (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barlaam_of_Seminara (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barlaam_of_Seminara))
Your knowledge compared with my knowledge is around 25% at its best (when it comes to philosophies, religions, anthropology, etc. If we are talking about Chinese language or Mathematics, you know more probably).
You will also be surprised by how wise and intelligent Buddha was...
Oh, really? Let me think... when I had my first biography of Buddha book (in 1990) you were... just a dream in your father's and mother's heads? ;D Siddhartha (a.k.a. 释迦牟尼, in Chinese) was just intelligent enough to see that outside of the palace people are getting ill, die miserable, etc. and he was depressed enough to start being scared about his own future to the level when he started to be a philosopher (and not the best of the philosophers to be honest, because you can't compare him with Aristotle or Marx, for example) and to think what to do to "suffer less", because you see, the "life is suffering"... From the root of his philosophy you can see the escapism, the defeatism... nothing in common with the Chad-like (in terms of the Incelology here) philosophy of Marx, Engels, Lenin... Even people like Hegel were more active-oriented and success-oriented than him! It's a fact.
You can't really understand if you have not learned Buddhism enough. I bet you have yet to read any sutra or abhidharma right? I suggest reading some and then come back to disguss witih me.
Well, if I inherit more than 1 000 000 dollars like you, I surely will. Sadly, as you know, my father decided to give his only small apartment to his lover, not to me. So, even I am a poet, a philosopher, a writer, a webmaster and a martial art fan, I should struggle day by day to earn a dollar or two. (Only the good banks here, with fixed deposits and ~7% interest rates are saving me from being a poor man!) So, really sorry, but not enough time to discuss exactly the useless Buddhism. You're a rich young fellow, you may spend your time for this. I have to struggle to earn a dollar or two, I have to do sports to keep myself above average (not willing to be a Norman-tier type) and I have to learn really useful knowledge (economics, psychology, martial arts, online activities, etc.)
You are a philosophy student right? What about seeing a layman who thinks philosophy is useless and it can only overwhelm yourself in shitloads of meaningless coundrums? I am having the same feeling now.
It shows that you're a zealot! I don't care who respects or not the philosophy. But you're on the state of a zealot -- a few months ago you didn't even mention the religion and now... trying to make all of us Buddhist or Buddhists fans... Not very different than a Muslim who wants people to truly believe in Allah, meleks (angels), etc.
I don't want to hurt your feelings but, as it was mentioned above, we're mostly poor or semi-poor people, who only can rely on science, sport and working hard, so we have NO NEED AND NO TIME for Buddhist things that only can make us more:
- poor
- weak (not active and giving up easy)
- subjective (believing in theories who never prove till today).
But I am not saying you are 'over-confident' or 'unopen'. It's totally normal for a person to be like this when he or she has not learned something yet.
And I have to repeat that I was born 1975, a former Buddhist, a Master of Philosophy, a writer, etc. and... when I was reading about Buddha you were even not planned by your parents. True.
I remember I myself thought IQ was just bs and believed anyone who treated IQ seriously just coped with his or her unindustriousness, but now? I have known IQ is the most validated construct among all of psychometric constructs.
Oh, wait! This topics you also didn't finish. There were many questions about it and you just avoided them. Like those that the IQ is once and forever (according to your mentor) and the opposite ones who state that the IQ is improvable. Take a look again. I see your memory isn't well (if you even forgot that I am a 大叔, a QQ-pal and a philosopher-anthropologist), but at least you're not an amnesiac, right?
I remember I myself thought Communism was just a piece of white lie that was made use of by evil politicians like Xi to encroach on his or her people, but after I had known how scientific it was actually, I even embarked on learning Communism literatures before!
The problem of the Communism (in its Marxism-Leninism variant primary) is that it's too fatalistic. My Ontology professor (Alexander Andonov) did agree with me that it's a sort of fatalism. The world's history showed I am right a few years later (after I stated this in the Sofia University).
For Buddhism, yeah I was even a former anti-Buddhism, because I thought it robbed people's money by the pieces of white lie, the mysterious stories, the hypocritic ideologies it preached, etc., but after I had known how amazing it was, I turned into a Buddhist from an anti-Buddhism!
And you denied all those facts that you witnessed? Hey, there are really tons of it! In China, everywhere! They, mostly, use your money, sometimes even may rape your girlfriend (if she is too naive to believe them)! Of course, it's nothing to do with the Buddhism as a theory, but... till now you didn't give a single example, at least 1 or 2 examples, how the Buddhism helps the incels to become happy, normal noncels (not volcels what the Buddhism is teaching). OK, you accepted yourself as a volcel, for this time, but, see the "tiny" difference, OK? Here we are trying to deal with the problems of the incels. In case you forgot, here is my e-book: https://www.amazon.com/How-Escape-Inceldom-QUICK-Deincelization-ebook/dp/B0855FTRZ1 (http://How to Escape the Inceldom: A QUICK GUIDE TO Deincelization)
I really suggest learning some literatures before forming any viewpoint! You may realize how severely you were suffering from Dunning-Krugger Effect after you really know about Buddhism! ;D
(PS: yeah I know Dunning-Krugger Effect has been debunked but it's easier to throw to let you understand what I am construing than 'You are being too over-confident in your understanding of Buddhism because of your lack of understanding and learning of Buddhism')
I do suggest to start a better diet (+ sports) to improve your memory because (I really wish you the best and I hope it's not the case but..) it looks like amnesia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amnesia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amnesia))! So, don't get me wrong, I have no hard feelings; I even wish to re-connect with you on QQ and I will find you when I move my desktop computer to my apartment because now it's in a shop. I will suggest you some good cooperation here, because there are some bank opportunities which are only a dream in China. Hope to see you soon around! Best wishes!
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;D
The problem is that you, let me be kinda harsh, are severely suffering from Dunning-Krugger Effect!!! Your comment on 'Midway' ideology will really be laughed at if you show it to a venerable monk!!!
亲爱的QQ网友,请小心点,我现在慢慢说明给你 (To those who doesn't speak Chinese: "Dear QQ-internet friend, please carefully read my explanations which I'll give you below:")
1. I admire your honesty but I am not suffering from the effect (because, as you forget, I am 48, I graduated in 2000 in the biggest South-East European University majored in Philosophy, I learned Eastern philosophy, religious philosophies, religions, etc., plus I am a former Buddhist.)
2. As a person who learned Buddhism (in all his forms from the SEA's Hinayana to the Japanese Zen) by myself and in the university, I'd like to say that I am at the end of the Dunning-Kruger's scale and (as a newbie in Buddhism) you're at its very beginning. Think by yourself: a man who was a Buddhist since 1990 and read even Nāgārjuna (an Indian Mahāyāna Buddhist philosopher monk of the Madhyamaka (Centrism, Middle Way) school) till around 2005 (when he was lucky enough to be in China and to communicate with real scientific-oriented masters of science, law, dialmat, socialism, etc. and to challenge his philosophy and unbased Buddhist/religious beliefs) can't be just a victim of the effect mentioned above. You said, by yourself, that you're a freshman to all this Buddhist theories + you're 25 years younger than me + you're not a philosopher. Well? Any thought?
3. I met more monks than you in my entire life (both Christian and Buddhist in: Bulgaria, Russia, including Tatarstan, China, Macao SAR, Cambodia) and I want to tell you that there aren't many venerable monks. Most of them are monks just to gain something (like money or donations) and the rest are there just because their parents said so, or because they had no other significant choice.
Also, it's not important who laugh or not, the important is that the "Midway" (I even know it in Chinese! It's "中道", 那个佛教的术语!) is nothing so "genius" what you think just because you'd like to improve your Karma and/or you're impressed by it because you didn't compare it with similar theories. I bet you even didn't compare it with the Gadaffi's "Third Universal Theory" (ظرية عالمية ثالثة) or the Titoism (Yugoslavian's)...
So, please (拜托, 兄弟), before you think someone is that dumb check a bit his background. I didn't spend my 48 years + life to learn and study just to get this sort of criticism online.
Of course it's nothing new, but it's really very hard to keep in the 'midway' all the time Yeah it's just 'objectivity' but Buddhism also teaches you how to keep objective, by being without ātma-grāha for ex, which is actually as easy to be as you think.
a) ātmagraha (आत्मग्रह) doesn't need a hyphen. Well, if you just copy-pasted it from the 我执's article in Wikipedia, it's understandable. ;)
b) So many (nearly all) philosophies and theories wants to keep you objective. Point me at least to 3 of them who claim that their goal is to keep you subjective. Can you? So, what's the uniqueness of the Buddhism in this? The Islam also says that if you start following it, you'll be the most objective. So what?
c) How you will be without the mentioned 我执 (atmagraha), if you don't follow the latest scientific discoveries? Hey, my friend, the Buddhist that time (when they created this concept of atmagraha) even didn't know about the existence of the DNA, the existence of the Pluto, the existence of the Americas, if you wish... Don't think of them as omniknowledgeable.
And you think this makes Buddhism?!
And if you think Buddhism is 'suppressive', 'pessimistic', etc., whatever you think of it as, you even have not had primary understanding of Buddhism yet! :P
And how is it active then? Being an arhat makes you to achieve your goals of having a girlfriend, becoming good-looking and having a business? Yes, if you're filthy rich like Buddha (Siddhartha Gautama, you see? I even know his real name since I was a kid!) you can play around but what if you're poor, homeless and it's -20 degree Celsius outside like in Inner Mongolia (内蒙古)? Still going to be in the state of isolation outside?
I really suggest you embark on reading some sutras and abhidharmas... Your understanding of Buddhism is really not even primary and not better in the slightest bit than the one of everyone who has not tried learning it tbh...
Said the 26 years younger male to his uncle (大叔, in Chinese) who's graduated in 2000 and learned so much about Buddhism by himself and in the university + was a Buddhist himself + living in a Buddhist kingdom currently + wrote even articles about this culture... Impressive! Try again. :D
I was really shocked by its 'extraordinariness and excellence'....
1. It's just because you didn't learn enough other philosophies and theories. Be honest to yourself and tell me how many of these you (at least) heard of?
1.1. Дъновизъм (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_White_Brotherhood (http://(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_White_Brotherhood))
1.2. Stoicism (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stoicism (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stoicism))
1.3. Illusionism (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illusionism_(philosophy) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illusionism_(philosophy)))
1.4. Hesychasm (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hesychasm (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hesychasm))
1.5. Варлаамитство (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barlaam_of_Seminara (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barlaam_of_Seminara))
Your knowledge compared with my knowledge is around 25% at its best (when it comes to philosophies, religions, anthropology, etc. If we are talking about Chinese language or Mathematics, you know more probably).
You will also be surprised by how wise and intelligent Buddha was...
Oh, really? Let me think... when I had my first biography of Buddha book (in 1990) you were... just a dream in your father's and mother's heads? ;D Siddhartha (a.k.a. 释迦牟尼, in Chinese) was just intelligent enough to see that outside of the palace people are getting ill, die miserable, etc. and he was depressed enough to start being scared about his own future to the level when he started to be a philosopher (and not the best of the philosophers to be honest, because you can't compare him with Aristotle or Marx, for example) and to think what to do to "suffer less", because you see, the "life is suffering"... From the root of his philosophy you can see the escapism, the defeatism... nothing in common with the Chad-like (in terms of the Incelology here) philosophy of Marx, Engels, Lenin... Even people like Hegel were more active-oriented and success-oriented than him! It's a fact.
You can't really understand if you have not learned Buddhism enough. I bet you have yet to read any sutra or abhidharma right? I suggest reading some and then come back to disguss witih me.
Well, if I inherit more than 1 000 000 dollars like you, I surely will. Sadly, as you know, my father decided to give his only small apartment to his lover, not to me. So, even I am a poet, a philosopher, a writer, a webmaster and a martial art fan, I should struggle day by day to earn a dollar or two. (Only the good banks here, with fixed deposits and ~7% interest rates are saving me from being a poor man!) So, really sorry, but not enough time to discuss exactly the useless Buddhism. You're a rich young fellow, you may spend your time for this. I have to struggle to earn a dollar or two, I have to do sports to keep myself above average (not willing to be a Norman-tier type) and I have to learn really useful knowledge (economics, psychology, martial arts, online activities, etc.)
You are a philosophy student right? What about seeing a layman who thinks philosophy is useless and it can only overwhelm yourself in shitloads of meaningless coundrums? I am having the same feeling now.
It shows that you're a zealot! I don't care who respects or not the philosophy. But you're on the state of a zealot -- a few months ago you didn't even mention the religion and now... trying to make all of us Buddhist or Buddhists fans... Not very different than a Muslim who wants people to truly believe in Allah, meleks (angels), etc.
I don't want to hurt your feelings but, as it was mentioned above, we're mostly poor or semi-poor people, who only can rely on science, sport and working hard, so we have NO NEED AND NO TIME for Buddhist things that only can make us more:
- poor
- weak (not active and giving up easy)
- subjective (believing in theories who never prove till today).
But I am not saying you are 'over-confident' or 'unopen'. It's totally normal for a person to be like this when he or she has not learned something yet.
And I have to repeat that I was born 1975, a former Buddhist, a Master of Philosophy, a writer, etc. and... when I was reading about Buddha you were even not planned by your parents. True.
I remember I myself thought IQ was just bs and believed anyone who treated IQ seriously just coped with his or her unindustriousness, but now? I have known IQ is the most validated construct among all of psychometric constructs.
Oh, wait! This topics you also didn't finish. There were many questions about it and you just avoided them. Like those that the IQ is once and forever (according to your mentor) and the opposite ones who state that the IQ is improvable. Take a look again. I see your memory isn't well (if you even forgot that I am a 大叔, a QQ-pal and a philosopher-anthropologist), but at least you're not an amnesiac, right?
I remember I myself thought Communism was just a piece of white lie that was made use of by evil politicians like Xi to encroach on his or her people, but after I had known how scientific it was actually, I even embarked on learning Communism literatures before!
The problem of the Communism (in its Marxism-Leninism variant primary) is that it's too fatalistic. My Ontology professor (Alexander Andonov) did agree with me that it's a sort of fatalism. The world's history showed I am right a few years later (after I stated this in the Sofia University).
For Buddhism, yeah I was even a former anti-Buddhism, because I thought it robbed people's money by the pieces of white lie, the mysterious stories, the hypocritic ideologies it preached, etc., but after I had known how amazing it was, I turned into a Buddhist from an anti-Buddhism!
And you denied all those facts that you witnessed? Hey, there are really tons of it! In China, everywhere! They, mostly, use your money, sometimes even may rape your girlfriend (if she is too naive to believe them)! Of course, it's nothing to do with the Buddhism as a theory, but... till now you didn't give a single example, at least 1 or 2 examples, how the Buddhism helps the incels to become happy, normal noncels (not volcels what the Buddhism is teaching). OK, you accepted yourself as a volcel, for this time, but, see the "tiny" difference, OK? Here we are trying to deal with the problems of the incels. In case you forgot, here is my e-book: https://www.amazon.com/How-Escape-Inceldom-QUICK-Deincelization-ebook/dp/B0855FTRZ1 (http://How to Escape the Inceldom: A QUICK GUIDE TO Deincelization)
I really suggest learning some literatures before forming any viewpoint! You may realize how severely you were suffering from Dunning-Krugger Effect after you really know about Buddhism! ;D
(PS: yeah I know Dunning-Krugger Effect has been debunked but it's easier to throw to let you understand what I am construing than 'You are being too over-confident in your understanding of Buddhism because of your lack of understanding and learning of Buddhism')
I do suggest to start a better diet (+ sports) to improve your memory because (I really wish you the best and I hope it's not the case but..) it looks like amnesia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amnesia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amnesia))! So, don't get me wrong, I have no hard feelings; I even wish to re-connect with you on QQ and I will find you when I move my desktop computer to my apartment because now it's in a shop. I will suggest you some good cooperation here, because there are some bank opportunities which are only a dream in China. Hope to see you soon around! Best wishes!
Well first of all, my memory is very well and extraordinary because I just got it tested around one month ago:
(If you are not being ironic... I hope :o)
Secondly, sorry for my misprojection of your amount of learning of Buddhism, because(what I can throw is better than this but...) I couldn't even imagine any person who was a former Buddhist claiming that Buddhism was suppressive and pessimistic... Were you practicing Paramitas? This is even more important than reading literatures(well thats my take. Take it or leave it). Were you having a Guru? a Buddhist must have a Guru for learning Buddhism well otherwise he or she may mislead himself or herself like yeah thinking Buddhism is inactive, pessimistic, anti-humanity etc.... Because you know Philosophy is not for dummies and non-neurotypicals(to get sidetracked for a while, I knew one friend of my HS Politics teacher hanged himself because he, either be him a dummy or nonneurotypical, learned Philosophy and my teacher told me we'd better not learn Philosophy otherwise it might be endangering us... I bet learning whatever is philosophical should be with a 'Guru''s help and guidance right?) not to mention Buddhism per se is very abstruse for people without enough capacity for growth. You yourself said that you had yet to read tons of literatures because of your life, which definitely misleads you to thinking of Buddhism this way... It seems to me you don't even know what are 'sunyata', 'anitya', 'dukkha', 'anatman' etc., which are basic concepts and ideologies of Buddhism. Then I finally understand why u think so ;D.
Well whether one thing is excellent or not depends on individual right? Like you love Stocism, I love Cynicism, for ex. I admit that I do not know about those philosophic ideologies but am I even wrong on thinking Buddhism am excellent, just because you think Buddhism is bad, without having ever been practicing and learning it systematically enough?
And yeah sorry again I let u down by having been confusing u with Incel and thats why I asked whether ur were a philosophy student because what I could remember was that you were learning Philosophy. I misremembered it was Incel that was contacting with me on QQ along the way(because both of u use the photographs of a male as your profile photos so for me I couldnt distinguish you from him...)... Really sorry... I remember you talked about yourself there but, I remember you did not talk about how successful you were in Philosophy and your age? I can only remember you seemed like 30+ to me...
I am not amnesiac. Per se it's been a while which one Dmed me to be chatting with me on QQ(I remember you befriended me there in April last yr right? See my extraordinary memory ;D?)0and lemme be harsh again... I was not caring about you that much and thats why you had been left there without instant replies for multiple times since you were not even on my mind when I was stuffing and free(sorry)
I was speechless when I read that Buddha was born B.C. ... Gosh bruh, ... Are you really thinking that here we're bunch of ignorant American teens who will be amazed by such a primary school bio fact? ::) Socrates, Confucius, Lao Tse, you name ..., they all were born before Christ. It's not a bigdealism and we don't think that the dinos were living in the same period as the cavemen... Bruh, level up, the life around average US ppl made you think that knowing a birth year of an Indian guy makes you smarty ::) ::)
Bruh, you kidding me?! You are having a guru? And you want to hit Harvard? Cool 8) Sunken in the religious crap but also aiming for science. The Ultimate combo ;D 🤩
Bruh in short, tell me how a religion that wants me to be a vegetarian, to believe in shit that most fems don't and think I am crazy, and making me an obeying Beta male or up to Omega will help me to ascend? Bruh even a Muslim with radical fate mogs me a n this scenario...
The problem is that you, let me be kinda harsh, are severely suffering from Dunning-Krugger Effect!!! Your comment on 'Midway' ideology will really be laughed at if you show it to a venerable monk!!!
亲爱的QQ网友,请小心点,我现在慢慢说明给你 (To those who doesn't speak Chinese: "Dear QQ-internet friend, please carefully read my explanations which I'll give you below:")
1. I admire your honesty but I am not suffering from the effect (because, as you forget, I am 48, I graduated in 2000 in the biggest South-East European University majored in Philosophy, I learned Eastern philosophy, religious philosophies, religions, etc., plus I am a former Buddhist.)
2. As a person who learned Buddhism (in all his forms from the SEA's Hinayana to the Japanese Zen) by myself and in the university, I'd like to say that I am at the end of the Dunning-Kruger's scale and (as a newbie in Buddhism) you're at its very beginning. Think by yourself: a man who was a Buddhist since 1990 and read even Nāgārjuna (an Indian Mahāyāna Buddhist philosopher monk of the Madhyamaka (Centrism, Middle Way) school) till around 2005 (when he was lucky enough to be in China and to communicate with real scientific-oriented masters of science, law, dialmat, socialism, etc. and to challenge his philosophy and unbased Buddhist/religious beliefs) can't be just a victim of the effect mentioned above. You said, by yourself, that you're a freshman to all this Buddhist theories + you're 25 years younger than me + you're not a philosopher. Well? Any thought?
3. I met more monks than you in my entire life (both Christian and Buddhist in: Bulgaria, Russia, including Tatarstan, China, Macao SAR, Cambodia) and I want to tell you that there aren't many venerable monks. Most of them are monks just to gain something (like money or donations) and the rest are there just because their parents said so, or because they had no other significant choice.
Also, it's not important who laugh or not, the important is that the "Midway" (I even know it in Chinese! It's "中道", 那个佛教的术语!) is nothing so "genius" what you think just because you'd like to improve your Karma and/or you're impressed by it because you didn't compare it with similar theories. I bet you even didn't compare it with the Gadaffi's "Third Universal Theory" (ظرية عالمية ثالثة) or the Titoism (Yugoslavian's)...
So, please (拜托, 兄弟), before you think someone is that dumb check a bit his background. I didn't spend my 48 years + life to learn and study just to get this sort of criticism online.
Of course it's nothing new, but it's really very hard to keep in the 'midway' all the time Yeah it's just 'objectivity' but Buddhism also teaches you how to keep objective, by being without ātma-grāha for ex, which is actually as easy to be as you think.
a) ātmagraha (आत्मग्रह) doesn't need a hyphen. Well, if you just copy-pasted it from the 我执's article in Wikipedia, it's understandable. ;)
b) So many (nearly all) philosophies and theories wants to keep you objective. Point me at least to 3 of them who claim that their goal is to keep you subjective. Can you? So, what's the uniqueness of the Buddhism in this? The Islam also says that if you start following it, you'll be the most objective. So what?
c) How you will be without the mentioned 我执 (atmagraha), if you don't follow the latest scientific discoveries? Hey, my friend, the Buddhist that time (when they created this concept of atmagraha) even didn't know about the existence of the DNA, the existence of the Pluto, the existence of the Americas, if you wish... Don't think of them as omniknowledgeable.
And you think this makes Buddhism?!
And if you think Buddhism is 'suppressive', 'pessimistic', etc., whatever you think of it as, you even have not had primary understanding of Buddhism yet! :P
And how is it active then? Being an arhat makes you to achieve your goals of having a girlfriend, becoming good-looking and having a business? Yes, if you're filthy rich like Buddha (Siddhartha Gautama, you see? I even know his real name since I was a kid!) you can play around but what if you're poor, homeless and it's -20 degree Celsius outside like in Inner Mongolia (内蒙古)? Still going to be in the state of isolation outside?
I really suggest you embark on reading some sutras and abhidharmas... Your understanding of Buddhism is really not even primary and not better in the slightest bit than the one of everyone who has not tried learning it tbh...
Said the 26 years younger male to his uncle (大叔, in Chinese) who's graduated in 2000 and learned so much about Buddhism by himself and in the university + was a Buddhist himself + living in a Buddhist kingdom currently + wrote even articles about this culture... Impressive! Try again. :D
I was really shocked by its 'extraordinariness and excellence'....
1. It's just because you didn't learn enough other philosophies and theories. Be honest to yourself and tell me how many of these you (at least) heard of?
1.1. Дъновизъм (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_White_Brotherhood (http://(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_White_Brotherhood))
1.2. Stoicism (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stoicism (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stoicism))
1.3. Illusionism (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illusionism_(philosophy) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illusionism_(philosophy)))
1.4. Hesychasm (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hesychasm (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hesychasm))
1.5. Варлаамитство (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barlaam_of_Seminara (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barlaam_of_Seminara))
Your knowledge compared with my knowledge is around 25% at its best (when it comes to philosophies, religions, anthropology, etc. If we are talking about Chinese language or Mathematics, you know more probably).
You will also be surprised by how wise and intelligent Buddha was...
Oh, really? Let me think... when I had my first biography of Buddha book (in 1990) you were... just a dream in your father's and mother's heads? ;D Siddhartha (a.k.a. 释迦牟尼, in Chinese) was just intelligent enough to see that outside of the palace people are getting ill, die miserable, etc. and he was depressed enough to start being scared about his own future to the level when he started to be a philosopher (and not the best of the philosophers to be honest, because you can't compare him with Aristotle or Marx, for example) and to think what to do to "suffer less", because you see, the "life is suffering"... From the root of his philosophy you can see the escapism, the defeatism... nothing in common with the Chad-like (in terms of the Incelology here) philosophy of Marx, Engels, Lenin... Even people like Hegel were more active-oriented and success-oriented than him! It's a fact.
You can't really understand if you have not learned Buddhism enough. I bet you have yet to read any sutra or abhidharma right? I suggest reading some and then come back to disguss witih me.
Well, if I inherit more than 1 000 000 dollars like you, I surely will. Sadly, as you know, my father decided to give his only small apartment to his lover, not to me. So, even I am a poet, a philosopher, a writer, a webmaster and a martial art fan, I should struggle day by day to earn a dollar or two. (Only the good banks here, with fixed deposits and ~7% interest rates are saving me from being a poor man!) So, really sorry, but not enough time to discuss exactly the useless Buddhism. You're a rich young fellow, you may spend your time for this. I have to struggle to earn a dollar or two, I have to do sports to keep myself above average (not willing to be a Norman-tier type) and I have to learn really useful knowledge (economics, psychology, martial arts, online activities, etc.)
You are a philosophy student right? What about seeing a layman who thinks philosophy is useless and it can only overwhelm yourself in shitloads of meaningless coundrums? I am having the same feeling now.
It shows that you're a zealot! I don't care who respects or not the philosophy. But you're on the state of a zealot -- a few months ago you didn't even mention the religion and now... trying to make all of us Buddhist or Buddhists fans... Not very different than a Muslim who wants people to truly believe in Allah, meleks (angels), etc.
I don't want to hurt your feelings but, as it was mentioned above, we're mostly poor or semi-poor people, who only can rely on science, sport and working hard, so we have NO NEED AND NO TIME for Buddhist things that only can make us more:
- poor
- weak (not active and giving up easy)
- subjective (believing in theories who never prove till today).
But I am not saying you are 'over-confident' or 'unopen'. It's totally normal for a person to be like this when he or she has not learned something yet.
And I have to repeat that I was born 1975, a former Buddhist, a Master of Philosophy, a writer, etc. and... when I was reading about Buddha you were even not planned by your parents. True.
I remember I myself thought IQ was just bs and believed anyone who treated IQ seriously just coped with his or her unindustriousness, but now? I have known IQ is the most validated construct among all of psychometric constructs.
Oh, wait! This topics you also didn't finish. There were many questions about it and you just avoided them. Like those that the IQ is once and forever (according to your mentor) and the opposite ones who state that the IQ is improvable. Take a look again. I see your memory isn't well (if you even forgot that I am a 大叔, a QQ-pal and a philosopher-anthropologist), but at least you're not an amnesiac, right?
I remember I myself thought Communism was just a piece of white lie that was made use of by evil politicians like Xi to encroach on his or her people, but after I had known how scientific it was actually, I even embarked on learning Communism literatures before!
The problem of the Communism (in its Marxism-Leninism variant primary) is that it's too fatalistic. My Ontology professor (Alexander Andonov) did agree with me that it's a sort of fatalism. The world's history showed I am right a few years later (after I stated this in the Sofia University).
For Buddhism, yeah I was even a former anti-Buddhism, because I thought it robbed people's money by the pieces of white lie, the mysterious stories, the hypocritic ideologies it preached, etc., but after I had known how amazing it was, I turned into a Buddhist from an anti-Buddhism!
And you denied all those facts that you witnessed? Hey, there are really tons of it! In China, everywhere! They, mostly, use your money, sometimes even may rape your girlfriend (if she is too naive to believe them)! Of course, it's nothing to do with the Buddhism as a theory, but... till now you didn't give a single example, at least 1 or 2 examples, how the Buddhism helps the incels to become happy, normal noncels (not volcels what the Buddhism is teaching). OK, you accepted yourself as a volcel, for this time, but, see the "tiny" difference, OK? Here we are trying to deal with the problems of the incels. In case you forgot, here is my e-book: https://www.amazon.com/How-Escape-Inceldom-QUICK-Deincelization-ebook/dp/B0855FTRZ1 (http://How to Escape the Inceldom: A QUICK GUIDE TO Deincelization)
I really suggest learning some literatures before forming any viewpoint! You may realize how severely you were suffering from Dunning-Krugger Effect after you really know about Buddhism! ;D
(PS: yeah I know Dunning-Krugger Effect has been debunked but it's easier to throw to let you understand what I am construing than 'You are being too over-confident in your understanding of Buddhism because of your lack of understanding and learning of Buddhism')
I do suggest to start a better diet (+ sports) to improve your memory because (I really wish you the best and I hope it's not the case but..) it looks like amnesia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amnesia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amnesia))! So, don't get me wrong, I have no hard feelings; I even wish to re-connect with you on QQ and I will find you when I move my desktop computer to my apartment because now it's in a shop. I will suggest you some good cooperation here, because there are some bank opportunities which are only a dream in China. Hope to see you soon around! Best wishes!
Well first of all, my memory is very well and extraordinary because I just got it tested around one month ago:
(If you are not being ironic... I hope :o)
Secondly, sorry for my misprojection of your amount of learning of Buddhism, because(what I can throw is better than this but...) I couldn't even imagine any person who was a former Buddhist claiming that Buddhism was suppressive and pessimistic... Were you practicing Paramitas? This is even more important than reading literatures(well thats my take. Take it or leave it). Were you having a Guru? a Buddhist must have a Guru for learning Buddhism well otherwise he or she may mislead himself or herself like yeah thinking Buddhism is inactive, pessimistic, anti-humanity etc.... Because you know Philosophy is not for dummies and non-neurotypicals(to get sidetracked for a while, I knew one friend of my HS Politics teacher hanged himself because he, either be him a dummy or nonneurotypical, learned Philosophy and my teacher told me we'd better not learn Philosophy otherwise it might be endangering us... I bet learning whatever is philosophical should be with a 'Guru''s help and guidance right?) not to mention Buddhism per se is very abstruse for people without enough capacity for growth. You yourself said that you had yet to read tons of literatures because of your life, which definitely misleads you to thinking of Buddhism this way... It seems to me you don't even know what are 'sunyata', 'anitya', 'dukkha', 'anatman' etc., which are basic concepts and ideologies of Buddhism. Then I finally understand why u think so ;D.
Well whether one thing is excellent or not depends on individual right? Like you love Stocism, I love Cynicism, for ex. I admit that I do not know about those philosophic ideologies but am I even wrong on thinking Buddhism am excellent, just because you think Buddhism is bad, without having ever been practicing and learning it systematically enough?
And yeah sorry again I let u down by having been confusing u with Incel and thats why I asked whether ur were a philosophy student because what I could remember was that you were learning Philosophy. I misremembered it was Incel that was contacting with me on QQ along the way(because both of u use the photographs of a male as your profile photos so for me I couldnt distinguish you from him...)... Really sorry... I remember you talked about yourself there but, I remember you did not talk about how successful you were in Philosophy and your age? I can only remember you seemed like 30+ to me...
I am not amnesiac. Per se it's been a while which one Dmed me to be chatting with me on QQ(I remember you befriended me there in April last yr right? See my extraordinary memory ;D?)0and lemme be harsh again... I was not caring about you that much and thats why you had been left there without instant replies for multiple times since you were not even on my mind when I was stuffing and free(sorry)
Btw I am not saying you are not intellectually and persomality-wise apt for Buddhism. I am just telling you that Buddhism was not that simple.
Bruh, you kidding me?! You are having a guru? And you want to hit Harvard? Cool 8) Sunken in the religious crap but also aiming for science. The Ultimate combo ;D 🤩
Bruh in short, tell me how a religion that wants me to be a vegetarian, to believe in shit that most fems don't and think I am crazy, and making me an obeying Beta male or up to Omega will help me to ascend? Bruh even a Muslim with radical fate mogs me a n this scenario...
I think I shoulda not made this post in this section because it looks to some of u that I am talking about how good Buddhism is to let u give up ascending...
And sorry in China we are not compulsory to remember when Buddha was born... no matter in primary school or HS(you know how freakishly intensive the HS learning in China is right ;D) Even I only knew he was born B.C, but what year? I didnt know.
I also was wondering why you post it in the Incels'. The forum is omnilogy oriented and got many boards so you may use others. For incels this sounds very "quit to ascend and embrace volcel lifestyle". It's okay to have volcels too and noncels like me but if we want to help the incels Buddhism isn't at all the solution, except for some really rare cases.
Anuttara-Samyrak-Sambodhi, hi there!
I don't know, mate. See (that memory puzzle question in mind), if your memory was extraordinary how you can: First forget our pills list, you had to browse again for the "White pill" meaning? Second forget that MSL is the philosopher incelologist (there are so many interesting theories especially in this forum written by him) moreover you are net-pals on QQ? Third you were asked many questions here but seems you are forgetting and leaving the brocels without answers. The last but not least, you said most of us are Christians here (when before you were told and saw by yourself that in fact most of the active members in the forum are non-native English speakers, Chinese, Europeans and atheists or ignostics)
Not good to brag about extraordinary X if the X in question isn't even "above the average". If your memory was extraordinary you will point out things like how many femcels are there in the forum, how many gaycels are there, who is an incel, who is a noncel. (You don't have to know it; we're not examinators but it would be if your memory was really extraordinary.) I believe that in some tests you may pass for "extraordinary" memory wise speaking but it's not one and the same to remember numbers like 321873, 23128797 and 592934 from one side and people from another side. It's like your IQ tests. You may score extraordinary when it comes to "Compare this set of symbols with set X and say is it bigger than it, and if set X + set B are bigger than this set + set B?" I am sure you will answer it well and soon, nonetheless you are failing in simple life-related problems like "If it's obvious that living in a present dictatorship area like China, NK, Russian Federation and so on is dangerous for yourself, are you going back there?" Your answer is "Yes, I miss SH, going there, investing money in business there" (and this, at the same time, when a notorious number of richer Chinese do move their capitals in Singapore, Canada, US, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, South East Asia (aside SG), GB, France, Greece, African states.) You know this information, you're educated, you're not a privileged party member, you know it's unstable not safe and unpredictable to live even for a month in the Xi's China but despite of all, you're making the worse life choice endangering your freedom, safety, human rights and opportunities. :-[ High IQ? I'll leave the answer to yourself (of course if you don't forget to answer it "extraordinarily") ::)
Alexa, better don't post this again. Later someone else with an extraordinary memory will think you're also a student or a baby cause they can't see the irony. (Needless to speak that it has no some informative value. Sic.)
Well first of all, my memory is very well and extraordinary because I just got it tested around one month ago
I hope so. Well, extraordinary may be when it comes to STM (in Chinese: 短期记忆 (English:Short-term memory)), but you saw what happened when it's about the LTM (in Chinese: 长期记忆 (English: Long-term memory)). It's nearly unbelievable --being here one of the eldest, writing so many incelology-related articles, publishing an e-book about inceldom + clearly chatting with you on QQ (even sharing photographs) and in one beautiful moment you're thinking of me as an ordinary incel-student who has no idea what the Buddhism is... Not a good reference for a normal LTM (about the "extraordinary" even not necessary to speak.)
Secondly, sorry for my misprojection of your amount of learning of Buddhism, because(what I can throw is better than this but...) I couldn't even imagine any person who was a former Buddhist claiming that Buddhism was suppressive and pessimistic...
I do value your politeness. Glad to see a "sorry", really. But/and about the Buddhism it's exactly the other way around: BECAUSE OF being a Buddhist, I can tell/know/feel/experience its bad sides. Isn't it the same when it comes to China? Exactly, because of being a very big China fan for long, I can now objectively criticize the neo-emperorisation (neo-emperarization) because I knew the real CCP China (when there were no dictators after Mao Zedong) and the recent China, i. e. Xi-na (Xina; Xi's China)...
Were you practicing Paramitas?
If you're talking about the 波罗密 (पारमिता), of course I did and I still do (most of it) but based totally on the scientific base. For example, 忍 (kṣānti) is something that you can practice (and/or know, use, etc.) based entirely on the present science knowledge; you don't need to start it only when you read/hear about it from some Buddhist.
This is even more important than reading literatures
It may be important for the Buddhists but what is important for the knowledge/understanding of the Buddhism (i. e. to have a Meta-Buddhist view; a real objective knowledge about the Buddhism) is the literature, the theory. This is valid for everything -- from the birds to the neo-emperor, first and foremost you need the theory, the knowledge.
Were you having a Guru? a Buddhist must have a Guru for learning Buddhism well otherwise he or she may mislead himself or herself like yeah thinking Buddhism is inactive, pessimistic, anti-humanity etc....
My "guru" were the specialists of Buddhism like professor Иван Камбуров (Ivan Kamburov): http://phls.uni-sofia.bg/article/3032 (http://phls.uni-sofia.bg/article/3032). There were more too, but let me show you (via Google Translate) his background and you think is he a guru or not:
BA/MA,年份,学科:MA,哲学系,SU“St. Cl. Ohrid”; 1979-1984年,圣彼得堡国立大学哲学系,哲学专业(哲学史专业)
博士学位,年份,主题:1992 哲学博士,(05.00.01)哲学史(东方哲学); “多克索拉菲纪念碑中桑卡拉的阿德瓦塔-吠檀多哲学”
资格(学科):2011年哲学教授(古典佛教)(2.3); 2002年 哲学史副教授(东方哲学)
1994年至2004年,以及2012年《哲学》杂志编辑。 周一
摘自 1999 年《Svetilnik》杂志,编辑。 印度之友俱乐部
古典佛教哲学,第一部分“道”,S.,2011 年,597 页。
智慧范式中的古印度哲学(伟大的游戏),S.2002,591 页。
宗教知识。 破坏性邪教中的精神暴力。 预防。 给老师的书。,S.,编辑。 《Interclass》,2001 年,466 页。 (合着)
世界宗教简明词典,“佛教”部分(86 位作者百科全书式文章和概念 S.1995,第 15 - 87 页。
救世论灵知作为不二论吠檀多哲学中的价值论范式(桑卡拉和 M.埃克哈特),第 14 页。 哲学与价值论,VTU.,1993 年,第 65-104 页。
Advaita-Vedanta:灵魂的观念。,哲学杂志,1993 年,第 2 期,第 52-57 页
《男性-女性:东方的本体论流淌》,哲学杂志,1994 年,第 6 期,第 15-24 页。
元意识作为大乘佛教的本体论原则,《哲学》杂志,1995 年,第 6 期,第 1-14 页。
作为形而上学的哲学史,《哲学》杂志,1996 年,第 4 期,第 3-12 页。
大乘佛教中的意识概念和“我”。 保加利亚科学中的印度,S. 1997,第 110 – 118 页。
佛陀 - 游戏的本体论。,《哲学》杂志,第 5/6 期,2000 年。 第 79 - 83 页。
尼采的东方,第 1 册。 尼采与东方(国际会议),编辑。 Dilock 2002 年,第 38 - 47 页。
关于早期基督教古迹中古印度(佛教)“根源”的假定影响:正典(新约)和非正典次经,《哲学》杂志,2001 年,第 5/6 页,第 84-98 页
古印度的知识技术(学院:教师-学生),《哲学》杂志,2002 年,第 5-6 期,第 79-88 页。
印度哲学中的人,Sp。 Svetilnik,第 4 期,第 137-145 页,S.,2002 年。
神话及其游戏神秘化。,《哲学》杂志,2003 年。第 1 期,第 43-49 页。
作为现代意识形态的宗教间对话,《哲学》杂志,2003 年,第 3 期,第 3-6 页。
形而上学的游戏。,周六。 康德与形而上学,YuZU,Bl.,2003,第91-115页,
东西方:宗教之间的对话 - 或关于所谓的影响。,科尔。 哲学与正统,Bl.,2004 年,第 11-25 页。
哲学史:世俗的哲学思考或形而上学。,in sb。 康德与传统的对话。,YuZU,Blag。 2004 年,第 254 - 272 页
东西方:新先知时代(第 1 部分),《哲学》杂志,2007 年,第 2 期,第 10-18 页
东西方:新先知时代(第二部分),哲学杂志,2007 年,第 4 期,第 7 - 14 页
卡尔·古斯塔夫·荣格和东方,科尔。 精神分析。 想法和追随者,BL。 “N. Rilski”YZU,2007 年,第 211 - 241 页
索非亚大学“圣彼得堡”印度学 克莱。 奥赫里德斯基”,2009,大学。 埃德。 “英石。 Kl. Ohridski”,第 366-379 页
古典佛教哲学:超验主义和心理技术,卷。 哲学与神秘主义,BL.,2008(大学出版社“N. Rilski”),第 115-137 页
东西方:跨文化时代的宗教传统。 跨文化对话和教育网络:土耳其-保加利亚,S. 2009。
(编者:格式视觉。ISBN 978-954-92309-2-5),第 66-81 页
“沉思的沉默”——一种“谈论”现有事物的超验形式。 形而上学的先验语言,BL.,2009(大学出版社,第115-137页)
古典佛教中“法”的范畴。 从印度到印度:看法和观点,大学。 埃德。 奥赫里德大教堂,2015 年,第 96-105 页
早期佛教沉思的超验主义,哲学另类杂志,2015 年第 6 期,第 59-74 页
“回到形而上学”寻找超越的“路径”,coll。 回到形而上学(国际会议),UI“N.Rilski”,Bl.,2016,第 23-44 页"
怎么样? Enough "guru" level or still not?
And I want to tell you about one Chinese "guru" who used a way to sleep with women there -- "teaching" them that to prove they are real female Buddhists they should't care about having or not sex with who and... to "become" true Buddhists they had to sleep with him! One of them told me that in one moment she realized that she is not a Buddhist but a cheap whore for doing this. And I'd like to add -- a "very stupid one". Yes, I am talking about Zhou Ning. This is what many of your "gurus" are. So, better trust the specialists and scientists than the "gurus".
my teacher told me we'd better not learn Philosophy otherwise it might be endangering us...
That teacher is 100% right about some of the philosophies. A pro-philosopher should know all of the philosophy branches, kinds. For example, even I dislike the religious philosophies, as a pro I had and I did/still do learn them more or less. But if you're just a student and you start with some over-pessimistic philosophy like that one of Schopenhauer /阿图尔·叔本华 (Arthur Schopenhauer)/, well then, you may end up in a very bad condition. But if you learn something written by more optimistic philosophers like Socrates, Engels and so on, then it's not dangerous.
You yourself said that you had yet to read tons of literatures because of your life, which definitely misleads you to thinking of Buddhism this way...
It's because I know that knowledge is like a white circle on a big blackboard. The bigger is the circle, the more it touches the unknown. That's why learning is a nonstop process. For example, if you never heard of Cambodia you're not going to know about Pnom Penh but if you know even its capital (Pnom Penh), then you may start to know that there are big rivers, many Buddhist temples, etc. The more you learn, the more unknown (questions) you may have, so this is why we should read and learn "endlessly".
It seems to me you don't even know what are 'sunyata', 'anitya', 'dukkha', 'anatman' etc., which are basic concepts and ideologies of Buddhism.
Seems to you because you're: 1. judging people without prior knowledge who are they + 2. you want to show how greater you are compared with the commoners (but for a bad surprise, here you don't deal with teenage incels in the US or low-educated rich 富家子弟 and 富二代 in Shanghai. You're dealing with people with 20+ more years experience, hard work and knowledge than yourself.)
Just an example, to state the ridiculousness of what you think that Geser Kurultaev doesn't know about anatman ("非我").
In 1990 (when you even didn't exist in your parents' thoughts) I spent all my money, for a month food, to buy the last "Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary" in Russian, Soviet Edition! It's its Chinese name: "苏联百科词典
". Here you may see how it looks like: (https://321909.selcdn.ru/uploads/152/34354/1655469189_b784094b8cbe76497bc1.jpg?2022-06-17%2015:35:38&title=Большой-энциклопедический-словарь-СССР-Картинка-1) and I started to read and learn everything about Asia, China, Daoism, Buddhism, Confucianism, etc. One of the first things that I learned in the period 1990-1993 (you still was not born that time) was about the anatman (soon after I learned about people in Buddhism like Ananda), which in Russian (I used this foreign language to educate myself + English) is "Ананда" https://www.rulit.me/books/enciklopedicheskij-slovar-read-140017-93.html (I even know the etymology of the word -- "an-" + "atman" and was thinking how similar is the negative particle with the Greek one! For example the word "anarchy" in Greek is from an- "without" + arkhos "ruler".)
If you're intelligent enough, you should get it: In the period 1990-1993 I even learned the etymology of the words like "Ananda" and "anatman". But you think that it's some very "secret" or "high" knowledge that is "unoptainable" ?! ;D
Well whether one thing is excellent or not depends on individual right?
This is an agnostic and relativistic view. From the viewpoint of the relativism, of course it is but if you're not a relativist and you know that some things are more easy to be "measured", to be observed objectively, then you can't say that the theories excellence is just a subjective and relativistic choice. One of the ways to see if something is good or not is the practice (a good point of the Leninism).
...just because you think Buddhism is bad, without having ever been practicing and learning it systematically enough?
The difference between the humans and most of the rest of the animals is exactly this: we don't need to practice something in order to know it. For instance, you can see photos of Mars in NASA's website and to get the idea what's on Mars, without being there. I see what is happening with many Buddhists: they're just becoming quitters because of the idea of "It's all Karma" and/or "In the next life, I will be better."
Also, the Buddhist diet isn't the best for many of us. And at the end, especially in your case: the combination is nearly dangerous for your ascending: 1. you're not tall, you have no big frame and this with malnutrition of a Buddhist vegetarian diet will make you less masculine in the eyes of the women, 2. you're not strong enough mentally and all those fake hopes for next life, karmism and so on, may make you even weaker, 3. you're rich but easy to believe which will make some fake gurus just to lie you to pay them a lot of money "for your happiness"...
Why I am looking at least 20 years younger? 1. I do sports, 2. I am not a vegetarian and at the same time I avoid a lot of meat, 3. I don't smoke and don't drink hard alcohol, 4. I read useful literature to keep my brain younger, active and I do keep my "spirit" young with some youth content like manhwa (Korean manga). This is the "secret".
OK, I think I prove enough and with the all due respect who and what I am, I do accept your apologies. As I said, I am in SEA and I see great opportunities to cooperate with you in some fields (all legal, never believe the neo-Chinese propaganda that all the SEAs are criminal places and it's everywhere dangerous!), so peace, please!
We learned so much from this thread! 8)
Well first of all, my memory is very well and extraordinary because I just got it tested around one month ago
I hope so. Well, extraordinary may be when it comes to STM (in Chinese: 短期记忆 (English:Short-term memory)), but you saw what happened when it's about the LTM (in Chinese: 长期记忆 (English: Long-term memory)). It's nearly unbelievable --being here one of the eldest, writing so many incelology-related articles, publishing an e-book about inceldom + clearly chatting with you on QQ (even sharing photographs) and in one beautiful moment you're thinking of me as an ordinary incel-student who has no idea what the Buddhism is... Not a good reference for a normal LTM (about the "extraordinary" even not necessary to speak.)
Secondly, sorry for my misprojection of your amount of learning of Buddhism, because(what I can throw is better than this but...) I couldn't even imagine any person who was a former Buddhist claiming that Buddhism was suppressive and pessimistic...
I do value your politeness. Glad to see a "sorry", really. But/and about the Buddhism it's exactly the other way around: BECAUSE OF being a Buddhist, I can tell/know/feel/experience its bad sides. Isn't it the same when it comes to China? Exactly, because of being a very big China fan for long, I can now objectively criticize the neo-emperorisation (neo-emperarization) because I knew the real CCP China (when there were no dictators after Mao Zedong) and the recent China, i. e. Xi-na (Xina; Xi's China)...
Were you practicing Paramitas?
If you're talking about the 波罗密 (पारमिता), of course I did and I still do (most of it) but based totally on the scientific base. For example, 忍 (kṣānti) is something that you can practice (and/or know, use, etc.) based entirely on the present science knowledge; you don't need to start it only when you read/hear about it from some Buddhist.
This is even more important than reading literatures
It may be important for the Buddhists but what is important for the knowledge/understanding of the Buddhism (i. e. to have a Meta-Buddhist view; a real objective knowledge about the Buddhism) is the literature, the theory. This is valid for everything -- from the birds to the neo-emperor, first and foremost you need the theory, the knowledge.
Were you having a Guru? a Buddhist must have a Guru for learning Buddhism well otherwise he or she may mislead himself or herself like yeah thinking Buddhism is inactive, pessimistic, anti-humanity etc....
My "guru" were the specialists of Buddhism like professor Иван Камбуров (Ivan Kamburov): http://phls.uni-sofia.bg/article/3032 (http://phls.uni-sofia.bg/article/3032). There were more too, but let me show you (via Google Translate) his background and you think is he a guru or not:
BA/MA,年份,学科:MA,哲学系,SU“St. Cl. Ohrid”; 1979-1984年,圣彼得堡国立大学哲学系,哲学专业(哲学史专业)
博士学位,年份,主题:1992 哲学博士,(05.00.01)哲学史(东方哲学); “多克索拉菲纪念碑中桑卡拉的阿德瓦塔-吠檀多哲学”
资格(学科):2011年哲学教授(古典佛教)(2.3); 2002年 哲学史副教授(东方哲学)
1994年至2004年,以及2012年《哲学》杂志编辑。 周一
摘自 1999 年《Svetilnik》杂志,编辑。 印度之友俱乐部
古典佛教哲学,第一部分“道”,S.,2011 年,597 页。
智慧范式中的古印度哲学(伟大的游戏),S.2002,591 页。
宗教知识。 破坏性邪教中的精神暴力。 预防。 给老师的书。,S.,编辑。 《Interclass》,2001 年,466 页。 (合着)
世界宗教简明词典,“佛教”部分(86 位作者百科全书式文章和概念 S.1995,第 15 - 87 页。
救世论灵知作为不二论吠檀多哲学中的价值论范式(桑卡拉和 M.埃克哈特),第 14 页。 哲学与价值论,VTU.,1993 年,第 65-104 页。
Advaita-Vedanta:灵魂的观念。,哲学杂志,1993 年,第 2 期,第 52-57 页
《男性-女性:东方的本体论流淌》,哲学杂志,1994 年,第 6 期,第 15-24 页。
元意识作为大乘佛教的本体论原则,《哲学》杂志,1995 年,第 6 期,第 1-14 页。
作为形而上学的哲学史,《哲学》杂志,1996 年,第 4 期,第 3-12 页。
大乘佛教中的意识概念和“我”。 保加利亚科学中的印度,S. 1997,第 110 – 118 页。
佛陀 - 游戏的本体论。,《哲学》杂志,第 5/6 期,2000 年。 第 79 - 83 页。
尼采的东方,第 1 册。 尼采与东方(国际会议),编辑。 Dilock 2002 年,第 38 - 47 页。
关于早期基督教古迹中古印度(佛教)“根源”的假定影响:正典(新约)和非正典次经,《哲学》杂志,2001 年,第 5/6 页,第 84-98 页
古印度的知识技术(学院:教师-学生),《哲学》杂志,2002 年,第 5-6 期,第 79-88 页。
印度哲学中的人,Sp。 Svetilnik,第 4 期,第 137-145 页,S.,2002 年。
神话及其游戏神秘化。,《哲学》杂志,2003 年。第 1 期,第 43-49 页。
作为现代意识形态的宗教间对话,《哲学》杂志,2003 年,第 3 期,第 3-6 页。
形而上学的游戏。,周六。 康德与形而上学,YuZU,Bl.,2003,第91-115页,
东西方:宗教之间的对话 - 或关于所谓的影响。,科尔。 哲学与正统,Bl.,2004 年,第 11-25 页。
哲学史:世俗的哲学思考或形而上学。,in sb。 康德与传统的对话。,YuZU,Blag。 2004 年,第 254 - 272 页
东西方:新先知时代(第 1 部分),《哲学》杂志,2007 年,第 2 期,第 10-18 页
东西方:新先知时代(第二部分),哲学杂志,2007 年,第 4 期,第 7 - 14 页
卡尔·古斯塔夫·荣格和东方,科尔。 精神分析。 想法和追随者,BL。 “N. Rilski”YZU,2007 年,第 211 - 241 页
索非亚大学“圣彼得堡”印度学 克莱。 奥赫里德斯基”,2009,大学。 埃德。 “英石。 Kl. Ohridski”,第 366-379 页
古典佛教哲学:超验主义和心理技术,卷。 哲学与神秘主义,BL.,2008(大学出版社“N. Rilski”),第 115-137 页
东西方:跨文化时代的宗教传统。 跨文化对话和教育网络:土耳其-保加利亚,S. 2009。
(编者:格式视觉。ISBN 978-954-92309-2-5),第 66-81 页
“沉思的沉默”——一种“谈论”现有事物的超验形式。 形而上学的先验语言,BL.,2009(大学出版社,第115-137页)
古典佛教中“法”的范畴。 从印度到印度:看法和观点,大学。 埃德。 奥赫里德大教堂,2015 年,第 96-105 页
早期佛教沉思的超验主义,哲学另类杂志,2015 年第 6 期,第 59-74 页
“回到形而上学”寻找超越的“路径”,coll。 回到形而上学(国际会议),UI“N.Rilski”,Bl.,2016,第 23-44 页"
怎么样? Enough "guru" level or still not?
And I want to tell you about one Chinese "guru" who used a way to sleep with women there -- "teaching" them that to prove they are real female Buddhists they should't care about having or not sex with who and... to "become" true Buddhists they had to sleep with him! One of them told me that in one moment she realized that she is not a Buddhist but a cheap whore for doing this. And I'd like to add -- a "very stupid one". Yes, I am talking about Zhou Ning. This is what many of your "gurus" are. So, better trust the specialists and scientists than the "gurus".
my teacher told me we'd better not learn Philosophy otherwise it might be endangering us...
That teacher is 100% right about some of the philosophies. A pro-philosopher should know all of the philosophy branches, kinds. For example, even I dislike the religious philosophies, as a pro I had and I did/still do learn them more or less. But if you're just a student and you start with some over-pessimistic philosophy like that one of Schopenhauer /阿图尔·叔本华 (Arthur Schopenhauer)/, well then, you may end up in a very bad condition. But if you learn something written by more optimistic philosophers like Socrates, Engels and so on, then it's not dangerous.
You yourself said that you had yet to read tons of literatures because of your life, which definitely misleads you to thinking of Buddhism this way...
It's because I know that knowledge is like a white circle on a big blackboard. The bigger is the circle, the more it touches the unknown. That's why learning is a nonstop process. For example, if you never heard of Cambodia you're not going to know about Pnom Penh but if you know even its capital (Pnom Penh), then you may start to know that there are big rivers, many Buddhist temples, etc. The more you learn, the more unknown (questions) you may have, so this is why we should read and learn "endlessly".
It seems to me you don't even know what are 'sunyata', 'anitya', 'dukkha', 'anatman' etc., which are basic concepts and ideologies of Buddhism.
Seems to you because you're: 1. judging people without prior knowledge who are they + 2. you want to show how greater you are compared with the commoners (but for a bad surprise, here you don't deal with teenage incels in the US or low-educated rich 富家子弟 and 富二代 in Shanghai. You're dealing with people with 20+ more years experience, hard work and knowledge than yourself.)
Just an example, to state the ridiculousness of what you think that Geser Kurultaev doesn't know about anatman ("非我").
In 1990 (when you even didn't exist in your parents' thoughts) I spent all my money, for a month food, to buy the last "Soviet Encyclopedic Dictionary" in Russian, Soviet Edition! It's its Chinese name: "苏联百科词典
". Here you may see how it looks like: (https://321909.selcdn.ru/uploads/152/34354/1655469189_b784094b8cbe76497bc1.jpg?2022-06-17%2015:35:38&title=Большой-энциклопедический-словарь-СССР-Картинка-1) and I started to read and learn everything about Asia, China, Daoism, Buddhism, Confucianism, etc. One of the first things that I learned in the period 1990-1993 (you still was not born that time) was about the anatman (soon after I learned about people in Buddhism like Ananda), which in Russian (I used this foreign language to educate myself + English) is "Ананда" https://www.rulit.me/books/enciklopedicheskij-slovar-read-140017-93.html (I even know the etymology of the word -- "an-" + "atman" and was thinking how similar is the negative particle with the Greek one! For example the word "anarchy" in Greek is from an- "without" + arkhos "ruler".)
If you're intelligent enough, you should get it: In the period 1990-1993 I even learned the etymology of the words like "Ananda" and "anatman". But you think that it's some very "secret" or "high" knowledge that is "unoptainable" ?! ;D
Well whether one thing is excellent or not depends on individual right?
This is an agnostic and relativistic view. From the viewpoint of the relativism, of course it is but if you're not a relativist and you know that some things are more easy to be "measured", to be observed objectively, then you can't say that the theories excellence is just a subjective and relativistic choice. One of the ways to see if something is good or not is the practice (a good point of the Leninism).
...just because you think Buddhism is bad, without having ever been practicing and learning it systematically enough?
The difference between the humans and most of the rest of the animals is exactly this: we don't need to practice something in order to know it. For instance, you can see photos of Mars in NASA's website and to get the idea what's on Mars, without being there. I see what is happening with many Buddhists: they're just becoming quitters because of the idea of "It's all Karma" and/or "In the next life, I will be better."
Also, the Buddhist diet isn't the best for many of us. And at the end, especially in your case: the combination is nearly dangerous for your ascending: 1. you're not tall, you have no big frame and this with malnutrition of a Buddhist vegetarian diet will make you less masculine in the eyes of the women, 2. you're not strong enough mentally and all those fake hopes for next life, karmism and so on, may make you even weaker, 3. you're rich but easy to believe which will make some fake gurus just to lie you to pay them a lot of money "for your happiness"...
Why I am looking at least 20 years younger? 1. I do sports, 2. I am not a vegetarian and at the same time I avoid a lot of meat, 3. I don't smoke and don't drink hard alcohol, 4. I read useful literature to keep my brain younger, active and I do keep my "spirit" young with some youth content like manhwa (Korean manga). This is the "secret".
OK, I think I prove enough and with the all due respect who and what I am, I do accept your apologies. As I said, I am in SEA and I see great opportunities to cooperate with you in some fields (all legal, never believe the neo-Chinese propaganda that all the SEAs are criminal places and it's everywhere dangerous!), so peace, please!
Oh, I see the problems here:
1. You and Non-SEO misprojected that I browsed the 'pill list' while I didnt even know there was one on this forum before he told me because I never browsed that.
2. You guys misprojected me because of how famous you were that I had known about you but I just forgot your bio while actually I never browsed it either(I remember one girl in your previous post about your situation in SEA shared me the link to ur bio in Russian but tbh I didnt even check that)
3. You are misprojecting that, I want to show you I am better than commoner ppl... what?! You serioisly think so?!
And yeah, I am really surprised that you were practicing and being with a professor, but you still think Buddhism is so bad.
If you really knew about emptiness etc., you shoulda not thought Buddhism was 'pessimistic', 'suppressive', etc., unless you don't want to admit the ideologies are correct. This usually happens, particularly in the modern society where nearly everyone is 'attached' to everything, thus you can see lots of people doing crazy things, for ex, Xi is trying all means to keep his own supremacy... the Brazilian has done close to one hundred plastic surgeries, and... my relatives fought with my father over the take-over of my grandma's ownship of her areas...
But I shoulda been opener, so that I can allow others to choose other 'Dharmas' to happiness... I am sorry for my previous 'attachment' to Buddha-Dharma.
As though Buddhism itself claims everyone is apt for it, thus it calls itself 'The one and the only Dharma to happiness'(不二法门), I do not really think so.
Many people are inept for Buddhism because of their lack of 'Buddha-Indriya'(佛根)... Well I am just a new learner so I don't even know how to cultivate it and persuade one person into Buddhism(Buddhism calls it 'restoring', but Buddhism also claims not everyone has the 'Indriya' to be able to be 'restored').
What I am feeling about you now is that for some reason you don't admit everything is 'empty', thus u think Buddhism is pessimistic and inactive; You don't admit everything is 'impermanent', thus you were surprised by my choice of learning Buddhism, seemingly just being coping with having given up ascending to you; You don't admit 'dukkha' is not real happiness so you think Buddhism is suppressive...
Thats totally normal. I actually stumbled upon another Buddhist who had learned Buddhism for 10 years and said Buddhism was suppressive and pessimistic... The only thing that distinguishes you from him are that he didn't even have no Guru lol.
As for my viewpoint that whether one thing is good or not being agnostic and relativistic.... well my practicing is telling me Buddhism is good at its finest, and your practicing told u that Buddhism was bad. So you see why I said it depended on individual? Einstein thought Hegel's philosophy was just a hodgepodge of a drunk maniac's bullshits. I think Hegel's philosophy is excellent. See it depends on individual, but yeah the quality of 'practicing' is arguable(but how to measure it? Its arguable.) One's own personality also plays a role.(Its just 'kinda much' measurable.). This is just 'subjectivity'. If you don't admit subjectivity is valid, then why did u argue that aesthetics was subjective in my previous post?(The proof that my LTM is also well. I can also remember you also argued that Philosophy taught aesthetics, but the one taught by Philosophy was not what I referred to. The one I referred to was actually 'Plastic Aesthetics'.) Likewise, whether philosophy is good or not also depends on individual.
In the perspective of Marxism, yes to evaluate philosophy as good or not, there is one way:practice, but Marx would not claim 'Oh red hair is what I love when I see a red hair girl. So favorring red hair is correct and favorring black hair blue haie blondie is false!' And the same applies for Buddhism.
Getting tired of the religious propaganda... MSL to answer and to lock this topic. The incels becoming Buddhist will only make them volcels and less healthy, less strong... Exactly the opposite what most of the females want: healthy, strong, ready to struggle for success man who is not talking all the time about his religious imaginary "entities" and ideologies... 🥵
Real zealot. It is a person who is fanatical and uncompromising in pursuit of her or his religious, political, or other ideas and believes.
Also a young man who yesterday discoved the Buddhist thoughts and thinks it is the best. The day after tomorrow may discover the Islam with its promised paradise with many virgins and then he will cope with it trying to make us Muslims the same as now he's trying to make us Buddhists.
A lucky rich born guy from the megapolis who is not struggling like most of us for money and who has plenty of time to preach the elders how to "liberate" themselves. And to mislead the incels to stop develop their objective values (health maximizing, science knowledge maximizing, bodybuilding and good looks maximizing, money earning maximizing, self protection maximizing.) and just to get drown in the fantasy world of the religiously made constructs.
I am ignoring all this. It was my 50 cents of mind or remind.
Really sorry to disagree again but as far as I know I have no my bio written in Russian. So, some girl shares my bio in Russian sounds dubious. ;D Are you sure you remember well? (Memory problem/question again, but can't avoid it).
You are misprojecting that, I want to show you I am better than commoner ppl... what?! You serioisly think so?!
Honestly, to me, looks/sounds something like that. Because in the reality you achieved more than the guys around your age (your generation) and you started to think that even in a place where we discuss omnilogy problems (including science, philosophy, etc.) all of us are under your knowledge. You, that was so surprising, even explained to us that Buddha was born B. C. How you will feel if I explain to you something like that: "可能你不知道,但是我告诉你:北京是中国的首都。你肯定会感到惊讶的。" Telling me that Buddha was born centuries before Jesus equals I am telling you (as a Chinese) that "Beijing is the capital of China."
And yeah, I am really surprised that you were practicing and being with a professor, but you still think Buddhism is so bad.
I was being too young and believed without the necessary proves, just because I was thinking that East Asians are the smartest people in the world and if there are so many Buddhists in East Asia, then it can't be wrong... And I was so wrong... The practicing and not only one professor (there were at least 3, who taught us about the Buddhism from different perspectives -- as a religion, as a philosophy, as history of the philosophy and so on) were real. "So bad" isn't what I said. I am saying that:
- If you want to ascend and becoming a noncel, becoming a true Buddhist is counter-productive and will lead you to a volcel status, which is bad for sure, for those incels who want to be noncels, not to become volcels. It's like wanting to be rich. If you want to make money, you need ways that will help you to get rich, not ways that will teach you how to be voluntarily poor.
- Exactly because I accumulated a lot of practice, knowledge and meta-Buddhist view, I could make the conclusion that the Buddhism may have some better sides compared to many other religions but it's not worthy compared with the nowadays science. What I believe now is only proven, true, real facts and I, as a critical and reasonable elder man, can't blindly believe dubious and totally unproven religious idealistic constructs like Karma, Samsara and other fabrications (捏造的 stuff, if I can use a Chinese term.)
I have got enough self-respect to avoid being gullible. Why are you (a man, who is targeting even IQ research, further mathematics /进阶数学/ and Harvard University!!!) so gullible?! You're demonstrating high level of gullibility ("Classes of people especially vulnerable to exploitation due to gullibility include children, the elderly, and the developmentally disabled." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gullibility). You're not a kid anymore, you're not an old man and even you had/have some psychological issues, you're not a retard. So, how it comes an IQ researcher, a further math fan and a Harvard oriented adult to have got "the tendency to believe unlikely propositions that are unsupported by evidence." (from the same source mentioned above).
If you really knew about emptiness etc., you shoulda not thought Buddhism was 'pessimistic', 'suppressive', etc.,
For the first time we learned about the so-called "Emptiness" in 1994! I remembered it's original name (Shunyata, i. e. "Śūnyatā") and the etymology which is "nothing", "zero"! And these months it even was useful for my Khmer learning, where the "0" ("zero") is ០ (and is pronunciation is very close to the Indian one): Value Khmer Word Form IPA UNGEGN GD ALA-LC Notes
0 ០ សូន្យ [soːn] sony souny sūny From Sanskrit śūnya
So, again, stop thinking that I (one of the first Bulgarian Buddhists and one who learned Buddhism from the best philosophers in South-East Europe) don't know about the "Emptiness".
So? The different Buddhist branches have different understanding of it. How it makes you optimistic and free? You must give up the natural (omnivore) diet, you have to suppress your sexuality, you have to forget about many things in the social sphere. How it's not suppressing? Can't you see the life of the real Buddhists? SO MANY SELF-LIMITATIONS (even more than in the Abrahamic religions!) and still, because you "just believe", it's "the best". With the same "success" you can tell me how true are the houris (In Islam, a houri (English plural houris, /ˈhʊəriz/; from Arabic: حُـورِيَّـة ,حُورِيّ, romanized: ḥūriyy, ḥūrīya), is a woman with beautiful eyes who is described as a reward for the faithful Muslim men in paradise.)https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Houri
This usually happens, particularly in the modern society where nearly everyone is 'attached' to everything, thus you can see lots of people doing crazy things
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, wait, wait, wait! One of the crazy things is just this (the core of many problems) that you are taking something as a face value without any proof! You believe gullibly in Buddhist fabrications, others -- in Islamic or Christian... some even believe in the greatness of Xi Jinping! And the common here is that all of you DON'T QUESTION your believes at all!
And the people are "attached" because they have no choice usually. For example, you as a potential capitalist, don't need to worry about money, but most of the people have to! And this "attached" status is the only way for them (if they don't want to become beggars like many of your favorite monks). It's very easy to be "unattached" when you have it all, right?
for ex, Xi is trying all means to keep his own supremacy... the Brazilian has done close to one hundred plastic surgeries, and... my relatives fought with my father over the take-over of my grandma's ownship of her areas...
You're giving examples with more or less abnormal people. This type of "attachment" is too much. But you can't negate the normal attachment like: willing to have a healthier body, willing to have a better house, willing to have a safer life, willing to move to a better place... Without all these "attachments" you're just "living and waiting to die" (and, ah yes, believing that you're becoming something special like an arhat until death comes).
But I shoulda been opener, so that I can allow others to choose other 'Dharmas' to happiness... I am sorry for my previous 'attachment' to Buddha-Dharma.
It's/was nearly close to the proselytism (劝诱改宗). You're really too deep in all these fabricated (proof-less) categories, constructs and all this idealism is seriously misleading the incels to ascend and the poor people to do their best to get a better life (poorcels, included).
Many people are inept for Buddhism because of their lack of 'Buddha-Indriya'(佛根)...
Many people are just not willing to waste time and money for this. If you're busy and poor (a working poor like many Chinese and others nowadays) if you start to invest money and time for fabrications you'll end up as an even bigger loser than what you're (as a working poor or as a precariat). I know you're far, far away from such future because you're one of the 1%-5% in the world but... most of us (even people with bachelor and master degrees like many here) aren't so okay financially, so we have no wish to drop into scams like religions and to donate our last money to some "guru", "preacher", etc. We're realistic enough and old enough to follow only proven ways, proven truths.
Well I am just a new learner so I don't even know how to cultivate it and persuade one person into Buddhism(Buddhism calls it 'restoring', but Buddhism also claims not everyone has the 'Indriya' to be able to be 'restored').
Oh, you're developing also a savior complex?! ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) Check it, in case you don't know it: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Savior_complex (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Savior_complex)
What I am feeling about you now is that for some reason you don't admit everything is 'empty', thus u think Buddhism is pessimistic and inactive
Why I have to admit something that nobody prove? Because someone said so?! Do you really make difference between a said thing and a fact?
You don't admit everything is 'impermanent', thus you were surprised by my choice of learning Buddhism, seemingly just being coping with having given up ascending to you
Oh, how much wrong someone can be?! As a dialectical materialist and a person who strictly follows the science, I know that everything is impermanent. There is progress and regress, things change. And I am not surprised of your choice that much. I am surprised of the combination: "I like Psychometrics and Further math, and I want to be in Harvard" + "Now, let me teach you how the fabrications of the religion will improve your life!" :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o
You don't admit 'dukkha' is not real happiness so you think Buddhism is suppressive...
If you want to admit that dukkha is not real, go now to Harbin, where is -18°C, take off your clothes, sleep only one night outside (to feel what's like to be poor, homeless and cold!) and then tell me again how "unreal" is it.
The only thing that distinguishes you from him are that he didn't even have no Guru lol.
The lol-ling is that a person who wants to be a scientist (Psychometrics, Further mats, Harvard, etc.) become believing gurus and being a victim of "There are no proves, but I believe." (You're the Second Tertullian ;D. You know him? In case you don't, take a lookhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tertullian (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tertullian) (I hope this time won't be like "Yes, you gave me, but I didn't follow, so I'll write whatever...") He is the one who said "Credo quia absurdum. (I believe because it is absurd.) ") ;D
I think a further discussion is not useful so, yes, lock the topic.
A fast reply about the measurable and unmeasurable things. There are different levels. Yes, you can't objectively "measure" a nose's beauty because some like it big, some like it small, some like it "Greek", etc., BUT at the same time, you can "measure" many other things like if something is proven fact or just a religious fabrication (in which the gullible people believe without problem)!
Good or bad philosophy -- the criteria may be different, but the one and the most important is the practice. If some philosophy improves your life, chances, etc., it's a good one and the opposite -- if it makes you more poor, more choice-less, more rigid, well, obviously it's not a good one.
Darwin didn't read Hegel, he even didn't read to the end Marx's book. (Marx read Darwin.) Marx sent Darwin his book ("The Capital") in 1873. That was 14 years after Darwin published “Origin”. It also seems most of the pages were not cut -- so he could not have read most of it.
The difference between the philosophy and the religions is that many of the philosophic ideas are more or less measurable via practice but the religious claims are just claims and you even can't use logic to understand them, i. e. the ignosticism is something very good (the idea that the question of the existence of God is meaningless because the word "God" has no coherency and an ambiguous definition.) and this is it, most of the religious things are like that...
Locked for good.
The best is to think how to cooperate to get more rich, more strong, more healthy, more handsome, more attractive, more secured. The Maslow's hierarchy of needs, you know.
(https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/ef/Dynamic_hierarchy_of_needs_-_Maslow.svg/1024px-Dynamic_hierarchy_of_needs_-_Maslow.svg.png)Philipp Guttmann - Own work
Dynamic hierarchy of needs of Abraham Maslow referring to Krech, D./Crutchfield, R. S./Ballachey, E. L. (1962), Individual in society, Tokyo etc. 1962, S. 77