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Normal Incels (Incels Without Hate) => A forum for incels who are normal people (no terrorists, no rapists, no racists, no pedophiles, no haters and so on) => Topic started by: MSL on March 16, 2023, 04:30:16 AM
About the Chadness
A new short incelology article. Let me explain you the chadness. You know that we're not talking about the country named "Chad" (it's an African country). We're talking about the so-called "Chads" -- the most attractive males (they're known as "Chad" in the incels' communities, so I am using the same word, in order to be more clear). The chadness, i. e. the male attractiveness is not only genetics (which usually is the first and only thing that the blackpilled incels like to think), it's partly due to the activities, life choices, way of life of these very attractive men.
I'll explain it with an example: there are 3 students: Chad who plays rugby, Melvin A. who plays rugby too and Melvin B. who doesn't play any sport. Chad also study hard, Melvin A. study hard too, Melvin B. doesn't study well. So, what we've got here? Chad > Melvin A. > Melvin B (or, which is equal, Melvin B. < Melvin A. < Chad). Originally the two Melvins are incels but soon after Melvin A. starts to study hard and to play rugby he's becoming better than Melvin B. Later Melvin B. is a truecel (not smart, obese, weak muscles, etc.) and Melvin A. is a nearcel (smarter, educated, fit, etc.), i. e. due to his activities, better choices and a better way of life he's getting some chadness or, at least, some chadishness. Thus Melvin A. has a real potential to ascend but Melvin B. hasn't any.
Some incels maybe will ask, what about if there is another Chad, let's name it Chad B. who doesn't play sports and doesn't study well. What's going on with him? Soon he's going to reduce his chadness (like becoming more obese, not becoming educated, etc.) and in one moment he'll minn himself to a degree when he'll be around a Norman-tier man. At this point some sport-maxxed and edu-maxxed person like Melvin A. will be able to be a 100% competitor of this minn-ed Chad.
Well, yes. I had the chance to befriend with 2 Chads before and here is what happened.
The first one was a GigaChad-tier: one of the tallest, strongest, very knowledge oriented at that time and martial arts expert. The friendship with this Chad made me more knowledgeable and more fit, better in some of his martial arts. So, from a 2.5/10 I became a 4.5/10 one. Later he got many girlfriends. During that period I got only one. But those other 2/10s, 3/10s and even the 5/10s around us didn't get any girlfriends, I mean they became real incels during that period. One of them is still an incel I think, another one is divorced, third one somehow got married (probably betabuxx marriage case; i guess)...
The second one was just a Chad-tier: comparatively tall, one of the strongest, comparatively knowledgeable, doing one single martial art and playing music. The friendship with him made me also more knowledgeable than before, more skillful than before, more art-maxxed and kept fit. At that period he couldn't get a girlfriend (because he had a bad minn- problem which was a light mental disorder), only once he had a kiss with one from another town. Me, even being shorter, weaker, less handsome, got 2 serious girlfriends during this period and a short relationship.
So, believe it or not, the maxxing works well and you, even an incel or a nearcel, may get some chadness and be at least a bit chadish if you do all those useful actions and having the good habits.
Most people are definatly taller than me. I'm so short.
Those "chads" as you say would probably crush me.
The Chads, usually, do not beat girls. :)
Some popular Chads' memes:
1. Chad with Stacies (orbiters) and their orbiters (Melvins) (https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/001/626/072/833.jpg)
2. Chad and incel (https://ts1.cn.mm.bing.net/th/id/R-C.068b491c891177d8f0bbe99823d171a6?rik=se3VmQBj%2boe8Gg&pid=ImgRaw&r=0)
I'm saying if one fell on me then I would probably be crushed lol.
Most people are definatly taller than me. I'm so short.
Those "chads" as you say would probably crush me.
Many Chads (and other types of males) do like short girls more than tall girls so, you definitely will be safe. ;D
I know. But they weigh much more than me and are much taller to the point where I look like a dwarf.
Of course but usually they are having sporty bodies and good reflexes so you're out of danger. 8) :)
I'm 150 CM. Most "chads" as you say are probably almost double my height.
I'm sooooooooo short fr.
On average a present day Chad is around 1.83 m (like Theo James) but there are some exceptions like Tom Cruise (1.70 m)
It's like that incel > gymcel > Chad.
One good example is: a gymmaxxed Chad with a gymmaxxed incel-tier guy (https://image.noelshack.com/minis/2019/37/5/1568330897-34c71416335112a3a1402779b82bf3b82dc9a6a6d946751af2957d46c41b3808.png)
The example is good but not perfect. I am thinking that this person (the shorter one) still has room for improvement. If, on this photo, he's a 4/10 physically, he certainly may become a 5.5/10 or 6/10 with the right diets and exercises.
And, this Chad is nearly a GigaChad. Next to him everybody will look "average" or worse. This is just a 9.9/10 person, at least. ;D
The image is very blurry.
And yeah, the same comes when we're talking about the Tyrones. The brocels would say "Tyron plays basketball, hits the gym, blah-blah." Okay men, why you don't do the same? Hit the gym, play basketball, don't eat sh*t foods and one beautiful day you will be what, maybe a half-Tyrone. It's not that bad compared to your present selves.
I don't get the incel slang.
It's easy. :) Tyron (or Tyrone) is a black Chad (the most handsome black males are called "Tyrone"). Examples: Will Smith and Kobe Bryant.
Oh, thanks for noticing this. I realized we haven't anything about the Chads in the glossary, so I wrote some. Take a look: Chads (http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/a-forum-for-incels-who-are-normal-people-no-terrorists-no-rapists-no-racists-no-pedophiles-no-haters-and-so-on/incel-glossary/msg48239/#msg48239). 8)
I want to be a Chadlite.
I remembered a Chad who was a football player too. He sometimes used to go to gym too. I think that this boy was 8/10. And I think that if he didn't play football and didn't go to gym, he could be not more than 6.5/10. So, as you see, the chadness is partly working out and other maxxing activities.
True. There are many gays and gaycels who also like the Chads.
It's all true.
Another, good, new example. I saw a Chad man in an expat group. I wodered what's his ratio genetics : personal efforts and I was thinking "The man probably plays some sports!" and he confirmed it:
I used to play a lot back in the days, even as a pro for few seasons. Those days are gone, but I still love the game and can hit the ball a bit.
The name of the game? Volleyball.
So, for all those blackpilled, fatalistic, lazy, etc. incels: yes, we're not talking about that he's a Chad because of the volleyball! The only point here is that the man is what he is partly because of the volleyball. For example, if you play volleyball you'll get 5% better and if he didn't he'll be 1% worse... something around this degree.