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Normal Incels (Incels Without Hate) => A forum for incels who are normal people (no terrorists, no rapists, no racists, no pedophiles, no haters and so on) => Topic started by: Good incel on January 16, 2023, 09:02:27 PM
I think it may be an umbrella term. Losercel (losercels as plural.) I think it's somebody like me who combines several or many incel traits. For example, me:
Why I am a losercel
- I'm poor as a church mouse. A poorcel here. I even can't eat 3 times a day.
- I wasn't lucky to get a better genetic recombination (my father is with a good frame but I took some loser genes from my mother's side and so I am a framecel. I do gymmaxx but with my little tiny bones how much mucles mass I should add before becoming a noticeable Norman plus-tier male? Without roids I am doomed...)
- Not very noticeable, tbh, but sort of an uglycel because most of the ratings gave me average score of 3.5/10 to 4/10. It's nothing in the present world when even 7/10 Brads and Chadlites are having difficulties with finding a female.
- Ethnicel because I am from a place with major Slav population and I'm being perceived as a Slavcel when it comes to communication with Westerner brocels.
I know it's a bit stupid and it's also racist or something, but it's a fact that most of the females, even our own females, are going to like much more some man if he's a German, a British, a French, etc than some man from Russia, Poland, Serbia...
All this makes me being a losercel. Thoughts? Any thoughts?
Good umbrella term. 8)
As soon as you money-maxx the rest is not that "big deal".
It's very difficult. :( :'(
Aw yes. People these days. Blaming the genes. Stop complaining about them and actually do something.
At least you're going to the gym.
Also, I heard that there are more men than women in Russia and they even have things where they help Russian women get a man.
The opposite. :) More women than men in Russia. And more men than women in China.
I know there are fatties who search for excuses not to lose weight because of the "genetics" and also some blackpilled incels who even don't move their asses because "Everything is genetic!"
I am not so radical and I do admit that you can do a lot, despite of your genes. For example, I was fat and I lost weight. I was stupid and I learned a lot and now I am a high-IQ incel. But I can't make myself taller than I am and I can't enlarge my bones to get a better frame. So, partially, some things are really genetically doomed and you can't control them at all.
Not to brag but after a little success these days I feel a 0.01% less loser. This is my little success (http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/a-forum-for-incels-who-are-normal-people-no-terrorists-no-rapists-no-racists-no-pedophiles-no-haters-and-so-on/learning-from-my-bitter-experience-2-lesson-learned/) in learning about the life.
Oh, good. Now, don't get too full of yourself (too proud), keep in mind that you're still far from a real attractive man (even far from a cute one) and keep the good job.
The opposite. :) More women than men in Russia. And more men than women in China.
I was slightly drunk as I typed that.
Aren't you too young (15 year old girl, right?) to be drunken (even slightly)? ::) Isn't it forbidden to sell alcohol in Norway to those who're under 18 or another closer to this number age (19, 20...?)
Yes, I know there are many teenagers who doesn't care about the laws and will smoke or/and drink earlier but... just wondering (and suggesting) not to drink alcohol when you're under 18 because it harms the body and its development, and you're risking to have health, social and other potential problems.
Haha ;D! Lexi and laws... funny. ;D She is keeping the laws very arbitrary. ;D For example, when I sent her a photo (which shows people having copulation) she made me feel guilty and explained how it is against the laws in her country and exactly when I believed her that she is still too young for this and maybe she obeys the laws... guess what? She asked for nudes another incel (because he's younger than me and she maybe like to watch younger guys)... so, where is the law in that case?
Of course, internet is "you never know". I doubt she is exactly a teenager and even wonder if it's a man or a woman but... still. It's not in fair to make one person feels he did something wrong because a photo of some unknown couple and at the same time to ask another younger lad to send you his own nudes.
I don't feel like a losercel but I feel this type of behaviour is loser type: if you really don't like to watch nude people or something don't ask guys to send you these photos. Or if you do, then don't make people to feel they did something wrong with pointing to your laws, your parents and so on.
Yeah, that's not very good and she should be more honest, frank and straight with the people. But, anyway, this is her choice how to behave. We suggest her to be a good girl (no lies, no alcohol, no early falling in love and so on) but we can't control her. She has her own parents, society, country. We're just foreigners (to each other) and we're just too far from her life. Let her be happy and wish her best of luck.
Of course. Honestly, I already started to dislike her but I wish her to be okay and to become a good, a better person. She is probably a person with potential (or just a troll who is having his/her agenda here but I don't care because till now we had no some forum problems with her at all). She is welcome.
The opposite. :) More women than men in Russia. And more men than women in China.
I was slightly drunk as I typed that.
Aren't you too young (15 year old girl, right?) to be drunken (even slightly)? ::) Isn't it forbidden to sell alcohol in Norway to those who're under 18 or another closer to this number age (19, 20...?)
Yes, I know there are many teenagers who doesn't care about the laws and will smoke or/and drink earlier but... just wondering (and suggesting) not to drink alcohol when you're under 18 because it harms the body and its development, and you're risking to have health, social and other potential problems.
What I meant to say was not "drunk" but actually I've been taking pills for my mental health (I have a personality disorder and need those pills) and lately I haven't been doing so great.
Sorry to hear that but at least I can ensure you that you're doing greater than many others! You're a great teen anyway!
What's the trouble? May I help?
What's the trouble? May I help?
Do you mean me? Or someone else?
Yes, yes, you. I want to help you. Just tell me how.
I was recently hit with bad news.
Grandfather has been diagnosed with cancer. Don't know how long he'll live.
It depends on the type of the cancer and the stage. For example it's better to be early stage skin cancer than late stage of lung cancer. You got it.
Wishing him best possible luck!
This is something I can't help. :(
Sorry to hear this but at least it's not you. If a young person gets cancer it's even more scary than when it's during the old age.
I know it's a bit stupid and it's also racist or something, but it's a fact that most of the females, even our own females, are going to like much more some man if he's a German, a British, a French, etc than some man from Russia, Poland, Serbia...[/li][/list]
That's true man, girls like exotic guys instead of local. Well, I think Ukrainian men are now in poorest situation when girls went to f*ck abroad while leaving them to die. That's pretty bad situation.
The Russian (and many others who're under Russian power like Chuvash, Buryat, Tatar, etc. people) men too. Everyone involved in this war is in big trouble, especially the ordinary soldiers (their death rate is usually the highest). To be fair, there are female soldiers too but usually the wars are "sexist" and that's why the males are those who die or get disabled more.
His point was that there are some women who prefer men from from abroad will mostly look for somebody from a richer and more developed economically country. The nationality matters but it's not everything.
People are losing their lives every day. Especially those in the wars.
It depends on the type of the cancer and the stage. For example it's better to be early stage skin cancer than late stage of lung cancer. You got it.
Wishing him best possible luck!
Stage 4 small cell lung cancer or something like that.
It's why I've tryed putting any relationships on hold as he has like 1 year to live if he takes chemo.
Maybe because of smoking?
Smoking, asbestos... there are different reasons. So, at least, follow this: "NO SMOKING!"
Wow... putiing on hold the relationships. Good but also the best is to be honest and not to trick people like that case when a girl said "Sending you nudes... but you first and then... nothing." Honesty first.
More about that learning from the terrible case (http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/a-forum-for-incels-who-are-normal-people-no-terrorists-no-rapists-no-racists-no-pedophiles-no-haters-and-so-on/learning-from-my-bitter-experience-2-lesson-learned/msg47598/#msg47598). At least now I feel less losercel.
Maybe because of smoking?
Some anti-cancer food (http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/health/anti-cancer-foods/msg38239/#msg38239) may be helpful. And sport.
In this cases we may say "I really just need someone to talk to. Anything will help."
The situation is that many people lose their grandparents until they're young. I met my mother's side grandfather only twice until I was a little kid and then he passed away; I even don't remember his face well. His wife (mother's side grandmother) passed away when I was in the high school.
This is not all. My mother passed away when I was in the university. Later -- my father's side grandfather and soon after, the grandmother. I am not sure how long will live my father. Every day I think I may receive a sad massage that he's dead too.
Some people are even born without having any alive grandmothers, grandfathers... in some cases even no father (died before the kid was born) or mother (died during giving the birth).
And the big problem is that we don't know when we're going to die. For example, some person may have cancer and doesn't know about it, so he/she is even not able to plan the rest of his/her life. Others are passing away suddenly (like those in the car accidents)... So, think how you can survive longer (avoiding the dangers, keeping healthy lifestyle and so on).
Sometimes I cry myself to sleep knowing I can't do anything to help.
I think most of us here, especially those who're not teenagers anymore, have lost their grandparents (or even the parents).
Think about it in this way: the people die (and mostly the ones who die are the old people). Even he survives this cancer (what I think we all wish him; there are some cancer survivors, for example -- https://www.cdc.gov/cancer/survivors/stories/index.htm (https://www.cdc.gov/cancer/survivors/stories/index.htm)), i. e. he is a cancer survivor, if he's old enough (around 79.8 years for men is the life expectancy in Norway: https://www.lifeinnorway.net/life-expectancy/#:~:text=How%20long%20do%20Norwegians%20live%3F%20A%20person%20born,men.%20This%20compares%20extremely%20favourably%20with%20worldwide%20data. (https://www.lifeinnorway.net/life-expectancy/#:~:text=How%20long%20do%20Norwegians%20live%3F%20A%20person%20born,men.%20This%20compares%20extremely%20favourably%20with%20worldwide%20data.)) then he's going to leave you just because of the old age. What I mean is that it's something unavoidable. I hope there will be some way that make us live forever but the reality is that the mankind is far from it, probably. So, just try to live the life as happy as you can and cherish every moment.
Edit: MSL.
This was painful for all of us (Bulgarians, Mongolians, Serbs, Russians, Ukrainians, Belorussians, Macedonians and others) who use the Cyrillic alphabet!!! He insulted not Desi but the alphabet! So, this is what I told him:
"You even insulted the Cyrillic alphabet!!! What a moron!!! Okay, no more gymmaxx for you!!!
I can't stand anymore your chauvinism!!! Not only spreading lies, insults, dirty words, curses and other shit but already the alphabet of millions!!!!?!?!!
You are a trashy person!!!"
Never want to communicate with him again! Time wasters, stingy, repeating many times one and the same, insulting people, spreading lies and fake accusations and... on top of this a chauvinist!!!
Go to hell!!!
The exact definition of a losercel, isn't it?
I really can't stand him anymore. Blocked him. Don't need his money, don't need his time me waste and don't need his perpetual insanity!
Now, just take care not to allow him to jeopardize our forum!!!
After his fury and explosive comments caused by a simple disagreement on his cash or capitals and whatever, he (Zhang dude) exposed clearly his losecel nature. Because just being rich isn't enough to ascend. He is a total personalitycel but also a shortcel, a mentalcel, a parentcel, a framecel (still a fatcel?) and with this formidable combination I can't see another incel who is more losercel than Zhang dude. After his formidable demo of personalitycel in action, I rate him not more than 1.5 of 10. Truecel. But he deserves it because it's almost all his choices.