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Normal Incels (Incels Without Hate) => A forum for incels who are normal people (no terrorists, no rapists, no racists, no pedophiles, no haters and so on) => Topic started by: Zhang Jie on December 13, 2022, 03:35:10 PM
Education:Learning Computer Science as an undergraduate in one of the best 15 private-established unis.
Political Stance: Individualism + Capitalism + Atheism
Hobby:Psychometrics, Math, Language(I like English most), Music.
What am I doing now:Reading scientific materials from Library Genesis + Z-lib + real books + Suffering from Depression.
What am I planning to do now:Get the Bachelor's Degree of CS and then migrate into USA to study Psychometrics to get a master/Ph.D there and then live there forever.
What is my dream:Become a Psychometrician and a professor.
Neurological Diversity:Autism + OCD.
Personality: around ISFP or INFP.
Academic Performance:After primary school I am all the time above average or even well above and my English is one of the best in my class all the time as well. I never studied hard though(My longest extracurricular study time was only 3 hours and that was before months before Gaokao. In the rest of time, I just finished what my teachers asked me to do and spent my time on the games or Internet)
How would you rate it?
"One the NATIONWIDE best 15 unis"
I think about your value, you're in the TOP 1 000 000 of the best Chinese people, so you can't be e a truecel and have to have more self-confidence. (你真棒,就要多点自信。)
And as a responsible administrator, let me tell you that I edit your "anti-Party" statement because most of us DO LIVE IN CHINA and we don't want this forum to be banned in China (we're poor and we don't spend money for VPNs).
Also, it's not wise and safe to shout everywhere online "I am anti-!" What you will gain from it? Only problems. Avoid the politics, at least until you live in China, and focus on your self-development.
又帅又聪明! :-* Clever and handsome! Not bad.
Well, you're one of the best in China, you know. Sort of 贵族 (nobleman in a good sense).
It's not that you're ugly. You're not an uglycel. It's about your "Autism + OCD".
Bro, you're rich (moneymaxxed), educated (edumaxxed), top students and top fields (statusmaxxed). If you still can't get a gf it's exactly because you're a mentalcel. Deal with that OCD and you'll be the best!
I think you're 8/10. If you gym-maxx you'll hit the 9/10 in China.
In USA you'll be 6/10 at most. (美国的女人们就不太喜欢亚洲男人们。他们最喜欢白人,拉丁美洲男人,黑人。很少会有喜欢亚洲的。所以好多在美国华人觉得自己不怎么样。但是你已经决定了只有美国是高级的,所以没有办法的。其实它比瑞士,新加坡,瑞典,日本,等是更差的--天天开枪,好多没有礼貌的人,好多社会的矛盾,经常乱的。) You're educated and richer and so on, but there will be a harsh place for you, especially if you really got autistic issues.
I think you're 8/10. If you gym-maxx you'll hit the 9/10 in China.
In USA you'll be 6/10 at most. (美国的女人们就不太喜欢亚洲男人们。他们最喜欢白人,拉丁美洲男人,黑人。很少会有喜欢亚洲的。所以好多在美国华人觉得自己不怎么样。但是你已经决定了只有美国是高级的,所以没有办法的。其实它比瑞士,新加坡,瑞典,日本,等是更差的--天天开枪,好多没有礼貌的人,好多社会的矛盾,经常乱的。) You're educated and richer and so on, but there will be a harsh place for you, especially if you really got autistic issues.
It's chaotic, but I am appreciating its scientific attainments, and Psychometrics there is the best.
I don't care about white women since I am not into them. I love Asians most.
But yeah, what you said reminds me of the chaos there, so I will migrate into the Nordic ultimately, and become a professor there.
Anyway, the field of Psychometrics is still very undeveloped and we need to improve it.
I think about your value, you're in the TOP 1 000 000 of the best Chinese people, so you can't be e a truecel and have to have more self-confidence. (你真棒,就要多点自信。)
And as a responsible administrator, let me tell you that I edit your "anti-Party" statement because most of us DO LIVE IN CHINA and we don't want this forum to be banned in China (we're poor and we don't spend money for VPNs).
Also, it's not wise and safe to shout everywhere online "I am anti-!" What you will gain from it? Only problems. Avoid the politics, at least until you live in China, and focus on your self-development.
Sorry, but I really don't think CCP is monitoring this kind of forums lol.
But, I really think I am just a piece of crap because that profile is really not an identification of a 'TOP 1000000 Chineses'.
I'd say I am being mogged a lot so that I am like below 99.9 percentiles lol.
又帅又聪明! :-* Clever and handsome! Not bad.
Well, you're one of the best in China, you know. Sort of 贵族 (nobleman in a good sense).
It's not that you're ugly. You're not an uglycel. It's about your "Autism + OCD".
Thx, but another thing that is ffffffffffffffffffff with me is that I am not proficient at English thus when I am reading English materials I often can't get the points of word.
I really feel like an enough proficiency at English can help your academic and professional performances a lot.
Bro, you're rich (moneymaxxed), educated (edumaxxed), top students and top fields (statusmaxxed). If you still can't get a gf it's exactly because you're a mentalcel. Deal with that OCD and you'll be the best!
I actually don't care about my Autism since I'd just think I am just different.
But OCD is screwing me up and I become retard because of this. It can make you suffer from 'pseudo-intellectual-retardation' because it is driving you obsessive.
You're just ambitious man and I think you will be "successful" in your life. Idk how you look but as long as you care about hygiene and treat other people good you can find friends and girlfriend, just a matter of time and you need to talk to others and don't care about those who reject you. Also avoid girls that just look stupid, eg. with a lot of makeup and/or rude, they are not worth talking to.
I think about your value, you're in the TOP 1 000 000 of the best Chinese people, so you can't be e a truecel and have to have more self-confidence. (你真棒,就要多点自信。)
And as a responsible administrator, let me tell you that I edit your "anti-Party" statement because most of us DO LIVE IN CHINA and we don't want this forum to be banned in China (we're poor and we don't spend money for VPNs).
Also, it's not wise and safe to shout everywhere online "I am anti-!" What you will gain from it? Only problems. Avoid the politics, at least until you live in China, and focus on your self-development.
Sorry, but I really don't think CCP is monitoring this kind of forums lol.
But, I really think I am just a piece of crap because that profile is really not an identification of a 'TOP 1000000 Chineses'.
I'd say I am being mogged a lot so that I am like below 99.9 percentiles lol.
Well, see, we like "Better safe than sorry", so just don't want to jeopardize this forum. If someday we run away (also known as "润" in the Chinese online slang) than maybe we can allow more topics like this but still -- if the website get ban in China than most of the Chinese visitors are not able to visit it. Not everyone knows what's VPN and not everyone has some more money to pay the capitalistic VPN owners for this. And at the end of the day, we'll lose a lot of visitors (traffic).
Our goal here is to fight the inceldom, not to go deep down into political problems.
Do you think most of the Chads and rich men who got the best women waste their time to chat politics? No! They use their time to make muscles and to make money. 8)
Think about it: (https://gimg2.baidu.com/image_search/src=http%3A%2F%2Fimg.fundiscuss.com%2F201908%2FT8LpywiY.jpg&refer=http%3A%2F%2Fimg.fundiscuss.com&app=2002&size=f9999,10000&q=a80&n=0&g=0n&fmt=auto?sec=1673539201&t=e1f5cde809a909b8c46bafa4daf34cee) (https://t12.baidu.com/it/u=3467035992,175870583&fm=30&app=106&f=JPEG?w=640&h=442&s=0A7149844E633C96EA853C9D03001098)(https://img0.baidu.com/it/u=3434505187,4024586663&fm=253&fmt=auto&app=138&f=JPEG?w=450&h=300)
Do you think these men talk about politics and anti-politics to impress these girls? ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D Most of the females hate political talks and they feel it's boring. Instead of politics take your time to improve your body and to earn more money or study new things.
Females want strong body, rich pocket and interesting character. They don't really care are you a communist, a capitalist or a feudalist. ;D
As a man who know what males are cute, handsome and so on, I'd say you're a big cutie! :-* And you're smart, not poor. I think if you deal with your little psychological issues you're going to rock many girls.
I think about your value, you're in the TOP 1 000 000 of the best Chinese people, so you can't be e a truecel and have to have more self-confidence. (你真棒,就要多点自信。)
And as a responsible administrator, let me tell you that I edit your "anti-Party" statement because most of us DO LIVE IN CHINA and we don't want this forum to be banned in China (we're poor and we don't spend money for VPNs).
Also, it's not wise and safe to shout everywhere online "I am anti-!" What you will gain from it? Only problems. Avoid the politics, at least until you live in China, and focus on your self-development.
Sorry, but I really don't think CCP is monitoring this kind of forums lol.
But, I really think I am just a piece of crap because that profile is really not an identification of a 'TOP 1000000 Chineses'.
I'd say I am being mogged a lot so that I am like below 99.9 percentiles lol.
Well, see, we like "Better safe than sorry", so just don't want to jeopardize this forum. If someday we run away (also known as "润" in the Chinese online slang) than maybe we can allow more topics like this but still -- if the website get ban in China than most of the Chinese visitors are not able to visit it. Not everyone knows what's VPN and not everyone has some more money to pay the capitalistic VPN owners for this. And at the end of the day, we'll lose a lot of visitors (traffic).
Our goal here is to fight the inceldom, not to go deep down into political problems.
Do you think most of the Chads and rich men who got the best women waste their time to chat politics? No! They use their time to make muscles and to make money. 8)
Think about it: (https://gimg2.baidu.com/image_search/src=http%3A%2F%2Fimg.fundiscuss.com%2F201908%2FT8LpywiY.jpg&refer=http%3A%2F%2Fimg.fundiscuss.com&app=2002&size=f9999,10000&q=a80&n=0&g=0n&fmt=auto?sec=1673539201&t=e1f5cde809a909b8c46bafa4daf34cee) (https://t12.baidu.com/it/u=3467035992,175870583&fm=30&app=106&f=JPEG?w=640&h=442&s=0A7149844E633C96EA853C9D03001098)(https://img0.baidu.com/it/u=3434505187,4024586663&fm=253&fmt=auto&app=138&f=JPEG?w=450&h=300)
Do you think these men talk about politics and anti-politics to impress these girls? ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D Most of the females hate political talks and they feel it's boring. Instead of politics take your time to improve your body and to earn more money or study new things.
Females want strong body, rich pocket and interesting character. They don't really care are you a communist, a capitalist or a feudalist. ;D
Ok indeed this forum is not for political talks but you really are overthinking about the censorship of CCP. They are just supervisioning the main websites such as discord twitter. For the niche forums like this I will vouch for them not being so strict with them.
But I am not saying I'd like to register my political standpoints to any girl off my chest to sustain the conversations either.
Just thought political standpoints were related to the individual values so I clarified them.
As a man who know what males are cute, handsome and so on, I'd say you're a big cutie! :-* And you're smart, not poor. I think if you deal with your little psychological issues you're going to rock many girls.
Thx but my Autism is not very severe. I can handle normal conversations with others easily now but just still have characterstic syndromes.
For OCD, well it is indeed a big issue to me. It is kinda severe.
Btw I have no idea how people here think i am smart. I thought I did not give any clues about how smart i am ?
@Enlighten3d, this is his photo: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/972439464699916328/1041924303865778186/20221115085539.jpg
Looks pretty good. Just needs to add some muscle mass and will be 100% sexy! :P
I am from Europe, never been to USA, living in China since 2004. I am a socialist/communist and thus I am pro-Communist and pro-Socialist parties (all of them, as far as they are real, not fake) but, of course, when there is something like emperorisation (emperorization) (in Chinese, I suppose it will be "皇帝化") than I also can't continue to be pro-something which already isn't what it was meant to be.
That's why from a hard-liner communist and socialist I became something like dissident (but still with communist and socialist orientation) writing this protest during the madness called "0 COVID": "Zero COVID" -- policy of the impossible against which I protest (http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/health/coronavirus-disease-(covid-19)/msg45734/#msg45734).
The reason I dream of socialist/communist society is that there people can't be poor and loveless. Everyone, even the poor ones will have at least some food, some female... all the needs will be satisfied and at the same time people will be cultured, not selfish and cooperative.
This is the ideal and it's normal to be like this, because "There is enough for everybody's need but not for anybody's greed."
Well, if it's not possible, then, at least let people to have a NORMAL capitalism where at least the hard-working and the creative ones will do better and will provide some working places for the rest.
Okay, enough politology. :)
Let's see the real inceldom problems here...
Most of the girls do not think too much about your character, values, etc., if you're handsome and rich. This is the truth -- house, car, high income (房子,车,工资高) + handsome, tall (帅,高)... these are usually the values of the most females in China (and also abroad -- they don't value so much poor, ugly, short men). Most of the people (including the female people) around the world aren't educated or smart. So, only a minority will think of your internal world (like values, political, art, philosophical and other points of view).
If you're handsome and rich, usually you're not an incel. But if you're not:
then you should improve yourself (maxxing).
Be a better version of yourself: for example, now you're not strong enough, so you can start doing more sports. Your English is not perfect, so you can add more words per day (if you learn 2 new words everyday successfully, you can try to learn 3.) In this way, you'll be more attractive.
But, you should remember, according to what I read online (as I said I am from Europe and lived only in China recently), the Asian women in the USA usually do prefer the Caucasian males (many Asian males living in the US complain that the Asian females don't like them often), so for you the chance to ascend in the US will be less than the chance you have in China (I am not saying here is easy but what I read is that the Asians and even the hapas (half-Asian) males there are very frustrated). That psycho -- Elliot Roger (the mass killer) also was a hapa (White father, Chinese Malaysian mother) and even rich he couldn't find a girl (but he didn't gymmaxx; I think if he added some good amount of muscle mass maybe there will be at least one girl for him).
Yes, you're smart because most of the people don't go to private universities, don't understand programming and psychometrics (they even don't know what's this "psychometrics"; probably they think it's something like "psychokinesis" ;D ) and their English level isn't that high as yours.
He really looks better than 50% of the Chinese males in China (according to my nearly 19 years long experience in China). I don't think he's having some looks problems (the only thing that he may add is some gym activity, the so-called gym-maxx and he'll be a Chang-tier). Also, being a student in a top private university is showing a relatively higher status. And he's more educated than many of the people around. And he has high goals... so, except some sort of mentalcel inceldom (can't find a girlfriend because too shy or because of other psychological problems mentioned above) there is no problem for him.
I saw your photo. I think you're good-looking. No something wrong on your face (like bald, acne, scars, etc.)
You are not a fat guy too.
You are young.
So, I think at least 6/10 for the looks.
And you're a good student. You use words that I don't understand sometimes. High IQ.
All I can think is: hit the gym, finish well your education and try to minimize the psychological problems. Then you can't be incel anymore.
I didn't get 1 thing. How you are having great dreams and at the same time you're depressed? If you soon may be a doctor of psychometrics then you should be not depressed because you have a great goal to achieve.
Depression can go away.
Just look for the things in life that make you happy.
I didn't get 1 thing. How you are having great dreams and at the same time you're depressed? If you soon may be a doctor of psychometrics then you should be not depressed because you have a great goal to achieve.
I understand him in this manner, sometimes it's just like you understand more and feel different from others, often you can also be rejected for controversial views etc.
About look - lol you actually look pretty good, just be more patient and you'll find someone. and remember what I said before, you need to talk to others (but don't say everything too fast, bc you will deplete all safe, meaningless topics before you can go to more personal)
Btw what a coincidence that many of us are socialists/communists xD
I saw your photo. I think you're good-looking. No something wrong on your face (like bald, acne, scars, etc.)
You are not a fat guy too.
You are young.
So, I think at least 6/10 for the looks.
And you're a good student. You use words that I don't understand sometimes. High IQ.
All I can think is: hit the gym, finish well your education and try to minimize the psychological problems. Then you can't be incel anymore.
I didn't get 1 thing. How you are having great dreams and at the same time you're depressed? If you soon may be a doctor of psychometrics then you should be not depressed because you have a great goal to achieve.
Well now my daytime is 90% bitter and 10% sweet so when I am in 'sweet time', I am ambitious and when I am in 'bitter time' I am depressed. But generally speaking I am depressed.
For vocabulary, I just don't think you are a native speaker because I did not use any very rarely used words. I learned very few rare words.
Also I took old sat/gre/gmat, and old LSAT before for fun. I don't know if you know about them because old sat and gre do not equal to new sat/gre, since the former are very unsusceptible to 'practice effects', namely they can be used to estimate how talent you are.
For old gmat and old LSAT I don't know, but old GMAT has very similar cognitive tasks to those of old sat/gre. Old LSAT imo is also a good indication of your language ability but ofc a way better indication of your 'verbal intelligence'.
I got 35 or so percentiles on old sat and gre verbal sections and analytical sections, and got 12.8 percentiles on old LSAT, but higher on old gmat. So this can outline how good I am at English well.
I didn't get 1 thing. How you are having great dreams and at the same time you're depressed? If you soon may be a doctor of psychometrics then you should be not depressed because you have a great goal to achieve.
I understand him in this manner, sometimes it's just like you understand more and feel different from others, often you can also be rejected for controversial views etc.
About look - lol you actually look pretty good, just be more patient and you'll find someone. and remember what I said before, you need to talk to others (but don't say everything too fast, bc you will deplete all safe, meaningless topics before you can go to more personal)
Btw what a coincidence that many of us are socialists/communists xD
Thx for you empathy! I feel different but I don't feel inferior thereof. I feel inferior because of inferior complexities, because I have many disadvantages and I am so-called 'garbage' in the world.
Depression can go away.
Just look for the things in life that make you happy.
Huhh... yeah I know, but, the things that make me happy are not unachievable and unachieved, and the things that can't make me happy are achieved intrinsically.
I am from Europe, never been to USA, living in China since 2004. I am a socialist/communist and thus I am pro-Communist and pro-Socialist parties (all of them, as far as they are real, not fake) but, of course, when there is something like emperorisation (emperorization) (in Chinese, I suppose it will be "皇帝化") than I also can't continue to be pro-something which already isn't what it was meant to be.
That's why from a hard-liner communist and socialist I became something like dissident (but still with communist and socialist orientation) writing this protest during the madness called "0 COVID": "Zero COVID" -- policy of the impossible against which I protest (http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/health/coronavirus-disease-(covid-19)/msg45734/#msg45734).
The reason I dream of socialist/communist society is that there people can't be poor and loveless. Everyone, even the poor ones will have at least some food, some female... all the needs will be satisfied and at the same time people will be cultured, not selfish and cooperative.
This is the ideal and it's normal to be like this, because "There is enough for everybody's need but not for anybody's greed."
Well, if it's not possible, then, at least let people to have a NORMAL capitalism where at least the hard-working and the creative ones will do better and will provide some working places for the rest.
Okay, enough politology. :)
Let's see the real inceldom problems here...
Most of the girls do not think too much about your character, values, etc., if you're handsome and rich. This is the truth -- house, car, high income (房子,车,工资高) + handsome, tall (帅,高)... these are usually the values of the most females in China (and also abroad -- they don't value so much poor, ugly, short men). Most of the people (including the female people) around the world aren't educated or smart. So, only a minority will think of your internal world (like values, political, art, philosophical and other points of view).
If you're handsome and rich, usually you're not an incel. But if you're not:
then you should improve yourself (maxxing).
Be a better version of yourself: for example, now you're not strong enough, so you can start doing more sports. Your English is not perfect, so you can add more words per day (if you learn 2 new words everyday successfully, you can try to learn 3.) In this way, you'll be more attractive.
But, you should remember, according to what I read online (as I said I am from Europe and lived only in China recently), the Asian women in the USA usually do prefer the Caucasian males (many Asian males living in the US complain that the Asian females don't like them often), so for you the chance to ascend in the US will be less than the chance you have in China (I am not saying here is easy but what I read is that the Asians and even the hapas (half-Asian) males there are very frustrated). That psycho -- Elliot Roger (the mass killer) also was a hapa (White father, Chinese Malaysian mother) and even rich he couldn't find a girl (but he didn't gymmaxx; I think if he added some good amount of muscle mass maybe there will be at least one girl for him).
Yes, you're smart because most of the people don't go to private universities, don't understand programming and psychometrics (they even don't know what's this "psychometrics"; probably they think it's something like "psychokinesis" ;D ) and their English level isn't that high as yours.
My gaokao score is only 55 percentiles, and so is my zhongkao score. But one of my classmate's father told me my zhongkao score coulda guaranteed into one of the best high schools over the whole district and he was wondering why I chose my shitty high school.
For Gaokao score, well imo it boomed so badly, particularly on my English because my English never went down one of the top 10+ in my high school but I only got 86/150 on it on gaokao.
But a student told me that was not a bad score at all and if I chose Summer Gaokao I could make it into a '一本学校', namely 'key university' in Shanghai. I did not realize I was that good until he told me that lol.
PS:There are two gaokaos in some cities, one of the which is held in the spring and the other is held in the summer.
The spring one can only permit you into the normal universities in Shanghai and the universities in other regions are not permitted.
The summer one can only permit you into all of the universities in China.
But the spring one only tests your 'Chinese, English and Math'.
The summer one tests all of your subjects.
And that student told me I shouda chosen the summer one to get myself permitted into a key uni.
For more details, my high school is the worst or one of the worst 2 schools in Shanghai.
Btw what a coincidence that many of us are socialists/communists xD
It's because we lived before in socialist countries which became capitalist ones and we may compare the things -- for example, before there were free hospitals, libraries, education and so on -- no matter rich or poor, you never could be left without medical care, education, books, etc. Now the poor people can't have these. So, it's normal people to prefer the socialism (even it had some disadvantages).
At the same time, people like this Chinese fellow, who experienced the system here which is more feudal than socialist or communist (for example, politically it's just one-man ruling, something like the emperors ago; the hospitals and the universities aren't free; the rich people have much more choices and better treatment in the society than the poor ones) can't see a reason to be socialist/communist (because they never lived in a real socialist society). I don't mean that the socialist Poland or socialist Bulgaria were the 100% ideal of socialism, there were some flaws too (like limitations for people to travel abroad, restricted free speech and some others) but at least there were those many free services (and cheap, affordable goods) that made most of the people feeling okay and with dignity.
And, at the end, even at that time, there are those people who when they live in the capitalism they'll think that the socialism is better and the opposite.
About the inceldom: in a real socialist society, it's easier to deal with the inceldom and I will explain why:
When you're not worrying about money (because the hospitals, the education and the libraries are free + the goods are mostly cheap), then you usually can't be a greedy person and you'll focus more on art, culture, science, etc. In this kind of society the females are also going to be more educated, high-leveled and oriented to search males with brain, feelings, morals (not only males with money and looks).
In the capitalism, especially the one that makes big gaps between poor and rich, and allows anarchy, crimes, etc. the females are growing more wild -- they value more animalistic qualities like strong body man, man full of resources and so on, and usually you can't impress such a woman with poetry, knowledge, romantic feelings and so on. Thus in the capitalism only the very rich, very powerful and very handsome males are secured with Stacy-level females, the rest -- if they can have a Becky are feeling lucky.
and I am so-called 'garbage' in the world.
But wait, you can't say so, because you're privileged comparing with all these guys (in Poland and other East European countries) who live poor life, who're dealing with falling missiles on their territory (because they're close to Russia and Ukraine) and who live in fear every day because even on the street they can get beaten by skinheads (光头党), football hooligans (那些喜欢打人的足球粉丝), dog bites (homeless dogs) and so on. You live in secured Shanghai and you're in a private university. Also you're more knowledgeable than most of the other Chinese (好多中国人的英语不好,你的算是特别好。而且大家,大多数,是农民,工人,服务员,司机。没有那么多会你一样懂IT或心理学。)
If you're "garbage" who is not? The worker who thinks that "Malaysia" is "Bulgaria"? The waitress who thinks that all non-Chinese are rich? The peasant who even don't know that Thailand has no border with China? The cashier who thinks that all foreigners have got AIDS? The fuerdai (second generation rich) who only plays online games and never heard of Lech Walesa, Georgi Dimitrov and even local men like Mo Zi and Peng Dehuai, and who thinks that "planet" and "star" is one and the same?
Most of the people around the world are very weak in knowledge, information and education. And most of the people live in dangerous areas. You're lucky enough to be what you are. Except adding to (maxxing) your body and curing the psychological problems, you're already okay. If you're only son, you're also guaranteed with apartment, maybe a car, you'll have a high salary job... you're just the ideal for son-in-law for many Chinese mothers and fathers. I know many in Shanghai are too greedy and picky, but not all China (and Asia) is like Shanghai or Shenzhen. Just geomaxx a bit (move to a less greedy place) and you'll be perceived as a very successful young man.
Depression can go away.
Just look for the things in life that make you happy.
Huhh... yeah I know, but, the things that make me happy are not unachievable and unachieved, and the things that can't make me happy are achieved intrinsically.
If you wish, share concretely what bothers you so much. Because I see Chinese in much worse conditions (for example the workers and soldiers in Xinjiang or those in Inner Mongolia) who stay there in subzero temperatures, deal with diseases, storms and so on... and still, most of them feel okay and some are even happy. You don't need to suffer in some cold place, don't need to fight with Indian army (like the ones in Tibet recently), don't need to work hard job (like all those in the mines, on the field and the construction workers)... For many people your worries are like "first world problem" (because being in Shanghai and in a private university is already one of the top worldwide).
You're also much better than the poor foreigners in China (like me) because you have legal rights to work almost any job you want and we, the non-native speakers, after the 2017 law that limited us to be at least English teachers,... we were left almost without any chance to find a legal job (yes, if we're in Taiwan, Macao or Japan, we can work even as cleaners, waiters and so on but in China we can't. No foreign cleaners, no foreign bus drivers, no foreign postmen... ) Now I only survive here because I had a few private students (300 yuan per week), I collect empty bottles and cans on the streets and sell them (4 yuan per week) and I have some minor online earnings (a euro or two per week). Can you imagine what hell of life is it?
If I can change (exchange) myself, I will prefer to be you, not me, when it comes being in China.
and I am so-called 'garbage' in the world.
But wait, you can't say so, because you're privileged comparing with all these guys (in Poland and other East European countries) who live poor life, who're dealing with falling missiles on their territory (because they're close to Russia and Ukraine) and who live in fear every day because even on the street they can get beaten by skinheads (光头党), football hooligans (那些喜欢打人的足球粉丝), dog bites (homeless dogs) and so on. You live in secured Shanghai and you're in a private university. Also you're more knowledgeable than most of the other Chinese (好多中国人的英语不好,你的算是特别好。而且大家,大多数,是农民,工人,服务员,司机。没有那么多会你一样懂IT或心理学。)
If you're "garbage" who is not? The worker who thinks that "Malaysia" is "Bulgaria"? The waitress who thinks that all non-Chinese are rich? The peasant who even don't know that Thailand has no border with China? The cashier who thinks that all foreigners have got AIDS? The fuerdai (second generation rich) who only plays online games and never heard of Lech Walesa, Georgi Dimitrov and even local men like Mo Zi and Peng Dehuai, and who thinks that "planet" and "star" is one and the same?
Most of the people around the world are very weak in knowledge, information and education. And most of the people live in dangerous areas. You're lucky enough to be what you are. Except adding to (maxxing) your body and curing the psychological problems, you're already okay. If you're only son, you're also guaranteed with apartment, maybe a car, you'll have a high salary job... you're just the ideal for son-in-law for many Chinese mothers and fathers. I know many in Shanghai are too greedy and picky, but not all China (and Asia) is like Shanghai or Shenzhen. Just geomaxx a bit (move to a less greedy place) and you'll be perceived as a very successful young man.
I am fixated on the migration into the Nordic or USA to learn Psychometrics, Japan is the third option because I gotta learn japanese and I don't think they develop Psychometrics well enough. This subject derived from the West and for Japan Singapore or other countries they at most learned 'clinical tests' well but not 'IQ tests', which is my biggest interest in the sense of psychometrics. It's again hard to explain here but I am just saying either in general are they undevelopped in this sense or they learned the things well which however are out of my interests, although Psychometrics contains way more things besides IQ tests.
I don't want to convey any 'IQ autistic' traits so let's not go deeper, but indeed IQ is now the thing that I care about most.
I think that is because I had tons of traumatic experiences during my primary school and my mother often said I was worthless, so I don't want to have any intrinsic disadvantages, which becomes the mainest reason why I have Depression.
I see.
I wonder (if it's not too private), how does your mother think of you now, after you achieve more in your life? Does she praise you more (or at least stopped to criticize you)? Or she remains the same "never satisfied mother" with non-stop "I want more! It's nothing!"?
Depression can go away.
Just look for the things in life that make you happy.
Huhh... yeah I know, but, the things that make me happy are not unachievable and unachieved, and the things that can't make me happy are achieved intrinsically.
If you wish, share concretely what bothers you so much. Because I see Chinese in much worse conditions (for example the workers and soldiers in Xinjiang or those in Inner Mongolia) who stay there in subzero temperatures, deal with diseases, storms and so on... and still, most of them feel okay and some are even happy. You don't need to suffer in some cold place, don't need to fight with Indian army (like the ones in Tibet recently), don't need to work hard job (like all those in the mines, on the field and the construction workers)... For many people your worries are like "first world problem" (because being in Shanghai and in a private university is already one of the top worldwide).
You're also much better than the poor foreigners in China (like me) because you have legal rights to work almost any job you want and we, the non-native speakers, after the 2017 law that limited us to be at least English teachers,... we were left almost without any chance to find a legal job (yes, if we're in Taiwan, Macao or Japan, we can work even as cleaners, waiters and so on but in China we can't. No foreign cleaners, no foreign bus drivers, no foreign postmen... ) Now I only survive here because I had a few private students (300 yuan per week), I collect empty bottles and cans on the streets and sell them (4 yuan per week) and I have some minor online earnings (a euro or two per week). Can you imagine what hell of life is it?
If I can change (exchange) myself, I will prefer to be you, not me, when it comes being in China.
So according to all of your narrations of posts, you are living in China now on the private tutoring, collecting the trashes, and the online earnings, as a native American?
It sounds terrible that China welcomes the foreigners like this, and I don't even know that.
I am feeling sorry for you and since you are a foreginer you should make livings in taiwan hk or other asian countries, instead of China. China is screwing many people up psychiatrically by its alienately horrendous involutions, clearly and unflexibly differentiated social-economic stratums, desperates concerning the prospectives of life, and joblessnesses, etc.. So in all senses China is now a tremendous cesspool and you should seek for better lives by moving to other countries. Again, very sorry for what you are experiencing in China now, ad infinito!
I still don't get why you think China is good, except its safety. You shoulda migrated into the Nordic. If I were you I would never definitely consider migrating into China as a reasonable option.
I see.
I wonder (if it's not too private), how does your mother think of you now, after you achieve more in your life? Does she praise you more (or at least stopped to criticize you)? Or she remains the same "never satisfied mother" with non-stop "I want more! It's nothing!"?
She says I am the best in my 'family tree' except there is one another girl who graduated into a uni, and in addition to my motivation to move to USA to get higher scholastic degrees so in her perspective I am 'successful' and I remember for once when we were video-chatting her eyes were filled with the tears out of a sense of pride for me. That happened in my 2020 winter vacation.
But based upon the aforementioned thing, rather than never getting satisfied, she is more likely to lemme know I should keep improving, instead of becoming proud of myself thus stopping evolving.
I also learned Japanese, French, German, Spanish, Korean and Vietnamese before, by an online language learning web, but I forgot almost all things about them since I was learning just for fun, except French because I wanted to migrate into Canada and if you are a good French speaker you will have very big priviledges there, particularly in Quebec.
Not to interrupt but nobody's from the USA here currently. Mostly European and Chinese members.
No Americans here. Only one old man who was active long time ago and posted many interesting materials.
Poland is not that bad when it comes to healthcare and economic support comparing to USA and China. We are between them and civilized Europe, not very bad, not good, yet our government drowns the country so it's getting worse now.
Poland is not that bad when it comes to healthcare and economic support comparing to USA and China. We are between them and civilized Europe, not very bad, not good, yet our government drowns the country so it's getting worse now.
Don't know about Poland and I don't need to since it's off the table for my migration.
USA is the best resort if you pursue Psychometric educations.
Now I am practicing English on the Internet and learning new words every day.
Hope one day I can understand English scientific materials like a breeze lol.
Not to interrupt but nobody's from the USA here currently. Mostly European and Chinese members.
Why does this forum not have Americans may I ask? Thought America is the genesis of incel culture so it owns the largest incel population?
So according to all of your narrations of posts, you are living in China now on the private tutoring, collecting the trashes, and the online earnings, as a native American?
:o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o After I said I am from Europe, never been to USA, living in China since 2004.
I am a "native American"? ;D Focus, my friend! If I was a native English speaker, the 2017 law that forbids/limits the non-native English speakers to teach English in China couldn't affect me! The US citizens in China are still okay and can find jobs easily.
Also, there is this attitude in China -- many Chinese do hate USA but at the same time do admire the USA. ;D Something very ambivalent! There are also those Chinese who're treating you well until they think you're from the USA. Once they understand you're not from the US but from a small, poor European country, they're losing interest. ;D
It sounds terrible that China welcomes the foreigners like this, and I don't even know that.
During the Hu Jintao's period China was very, very friendly and international. Later, China became more xenophobic and now for the foreigners (especially the poor ones and the non-native English speakers) the situation is not easy.
I am feeling sorry for you and since you are a foreginer you should make livings in taiwan hk or other asian countries, instead of China.
I chose China because I am a socialist and I hoped here I can live a real socialistic life (like the one I lived in Bulgaria till 1989) but later I saw that I am wrong -- here the situation becomes more feudal.
China is screwing many people up psychiatrically by its alienately horrendous involutions, clearly and unflexibly differentiated social-economic stratums, desperates concerning the prospectives of life, and joblessnesses, etc.. So in all senses China is now a tremendous cesspool and you should seek for better lives by moving to other countries. Again, very sorry for what you are experiencing in China now, ad infinito!
Well, it's still okay for the rich Chinese and the rich foreigners. But, I do agree, that there is regress recently due to the emperorization.
I still don't get why you think China is good, except its safety.
I like Chinese culture and concretely the Chinese food, Chinese music, Chinese martial arts and I like the looks of the Chinese people (I am not a racist but to me the average yellow woman looks prettier than the average white woman or average black woman)... And as I said, I believe that China will build the socialism with Chinese characteristics but I was wrong.
You shoulda migrated into the Nordic.
There I could be a dish washer or cleaner. ;D These rich, tall, white Europeans (Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland,...) don't feel people like me from South-East Europe are very precious; many of them think of us as poor, "black", second-hand people. In China -- most of the Chinese will see me as a real white man and here I was at least a teacher. Do you understand the different level?
Also, I don't understand their languages but I do speak Chinese well; I don't like the cold, dark (long nights), depressing (high rate of suicides) north European nature... and I even don't think that most of the people are pretty/handsome there. So, why I have to go to a place where I like nothing and where nobody will like me? ;D
Everyone shoud choose wisely where to live and where he/she looks better, being treated better, can find better job and feels better. 北欧就不适合我,对我来说最好的是东亚,东南亚。这边我又高,又人家会喜欢我,又不会有人说我的国籍是差的(当然他们更爱美国人,可是还没有北欧的和西欧的歧视),又(以前)会当外语老师。还有,我原来是社会主义的,中国粉丝的人。所以选了这边,可是最近越来越皇帝化了,封建化了,所以如果到三月份还是老样子的,就要润。
Enlighten3d, I am glad to see a person with balanced and reasonable, objective thinking when it comes to the own country! I mean, I don't like those nationalists who will say "Everything is perfect!" or those never satisfied who will say "Everything sucks in my land!" Good to see a man who can analyze well. 8)
Are the majority of Polish females picky when it comes to looks? ("Chad only!" attitudes or something?) Are there many gold-diggers ("Beta-buxx" oriented?) What's your opinion? (I am asking because seems like you're giving objective info about it.) I know only one Polish woman and she is intelligent (knows some history and politics, also reads the news and speaks well English) but we don't chat about love topics and I even don't know what's her male ideal, so asking you to describe a "present picture" of the inceldom and females in Poland (if you want even start a new topic). :)
Ow, man, your mother is really sort of "tiger mommy". But what... at least now she treats you more as a person. Could be worse. Don't think about the past and focus on your development. You're clever.
Yeah, the Polish communist incel is also a clever man. It's a great luck to gather with intelligent guys like you. You 2 proved that not every incel is some dumb and lost head. :)
So according to all of your narrations of posts, you are living in China now on the private tutoring, collecting the trashes, and the online earnings, as a native American?
:o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o After I said I am from Europe, never been to USA, living in China since 2004.
I am a "native American"? ;D Focus, my friend! If I was a native English speaker, the 2017 law that forbids/limits the non-native English speakers to teach English in China couldn't affect me! The US citizens in China are still okay and can find jobs easily.
Also, there is this attitude in China -- many Chinese do hate USA but at the same time do admire the USA. ;D Something very ambivalent! There are also those Chinese who're treating you well until they think you're from the USA. Once they understand you're not from the US but from a small, poor European country, they're losing interest. ;D
It sounds terrible that China welcomes the foreigners like this, and I don't even know that.
During the Hu Jintao's period China was very, very friendly and international. Later, China became more xenophobic and now for the foreigners (especially the poor ones and the non-native English speakers) the situation is not easy.
I am feeling sorry for you and since you are a foreginer you should make livings in taiwan hk or other asian countries, instead of China.
I chose China because I am a socialist and I hoped here I can live a real socialistic life (like the one I lived in Bulgaria till 1989) but later I saw that I am wrong -- here the situation becomes more feudal.
China is screwing many people up psychiatrically by its alienately horrendous involutions, clearly and unflexibly differentiated social-economic stratums, desperates concerning the prospectives of life, and joblessnesses, etc.. So in all senses China is now a tremendous cesspool and you should seek for better lives by moving to other countries. Again, very sorry for what you are experiencing in China now, ad infinito!
Well, it's still okay for the rich Chinese and the rich foreigners. But, I do agree, that there is regress recently due to the emperorization.
I still don't get why you think China is good, except its safety.
I like Chinese culture and concretely the Chinese food, Chinese music, Chinese martial arts and I like the looks of the Chinese people (I am not a racist but to me the average yellow woman looks prettier than the average white woman or average black woman)... And as I said, I believe that China will build the socialism with Chinese characteristics but I was wrong.
You shoulda migrated into the Nordic.
There I could be a dish washer or cleaner. ;D These rich, tall, white Europeans (Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland,...) don't feel people like me from South-East Europe are very precious; many of them think of us as poor, "black", second-hand people. In China -- most of the Chinese will see me as a real white man and here I was at least a teacher. Do you understand the different level?
Also, I don't understand their languages but I do speak Chinese well; I don't like the cold, dark (long nights), depressing (high rate of suicides) north European nature... and I even don't think that most of the people are pretty/handsome there. So, why I have to go to a place where I like nothing and where nobody will like me? ;D
Everyone shoud choose wisely where to live and where he/she looks better, being treated better, can find better job and feels better. 北欧就不适合我,对我来说最好的是东亚,东南亚。这边我又高,又人家会喜欢我,又不会有人说我的国籍是差的(当然他们更爱美国人,可是还没有北欧的和西欧的歧视),又(以前)会当外语老师。还有,我原来是社会主义的,中国粉丝的人。所以选了这边,可是最近越来越皇帝化了,封建化了,所以如果到三月份还是老样子的,就要润。
No wonder your Chinese is so good because you've been in China for so long lol!
But the most important:
China is not a true socialism country! It just sugarcoats its bureaucracy, feudalism, centralism, etc. by its rhetorics concerning how good our institute is, how bad USA/Japan is, how bad Taiwan is, how wonderful our party is, etc., to inure Chineses to its brutal and foolish policies and to oblige them to conform to the ............ During Mao's time there were countless, like 40,000,000——50,000,000 died from Mao's nonhuman policies. Not long before we were suffering from the brutal Zero Covid-19 policies and many students killed themselves, many old people died from the lack of enough treatments, or the infections from the exposures to the covid-19 patients when waiting in queue to get nucleric examinations, etc..
It is now just a country as horrible as Soviet. The original socialism had already been demonized by Lenin, Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot, and Mao, the ULTIME PARAMOUNT LEADER of China, killed the most people.
Btw, if I could soldier on until I become a professor, I would be bent on publishing my own researches and stuffs and teaching my uni students! But, there is a prerequisite:I can hold on until then!
Ow, man, your mother is really sort of "tiger mommy". But what... at least now she treats you more as a person. Could be worse. Don't think about the past and focus on your development. You're clever.
Can't say she is a tiger mommy of course but I don't think she really 'loves' me.
I mean she reproduced me most likely on the purpose of making usage of me as a 'human endowment insurance' or something like that.
Every Chinese parents reproduce just for that reason because of the toxicities in the Chinese culture.
I don't like the sterilization to be profitable. It is just one of the crystals of romance.
Not to interrupt but nobody's from the USA here currently. Mostly European and Chinese members.
Why does this forum not have Americans may I ask? Thought America is the genesis of incel culture so it owns the largest incel population?
Because this forum was created as an Omnilogy (everything-logy, 全学,全部知识) forum. The incel (normal incels without hate) is a recent project and we're still not popular in the USA. ;D
Here we had an American grandpa who was a wise man but a traditionalist. And one day I shared that I am a gay (I like ladyboys most) and he felt sick and left us. I think it was my fault. :(
Yeah, the Polish communist incel is also a clever man. It's a great luck to gather with intelligent guys like you. You 2 proved that not every incel is some dumb and lost head. :)
All of the incels are incarcerating themselves in their own 'matrixes' in which if you can't tap with girls you are subhuman or something like that or maybe they just need to improve their lacks of self-efficacy. I am one of the latter but def not one of the former because I never perceive relationship as one of the necessities of life and I think everyone necessitates it because it is indeed highly correlated with many good attributes of one person thus your attainment of it can corroborate you really have them and the magnitudes of those good attributes.
For me I will of course not improve myself to satisfy random girls. I don't want to get into the troubles as the effects of various treadmills, nourishing babies, infinite arguments, tackling girls' tampers, paranoias about whether there is any chances that they will cheat on me(again I am not saying 100% of course), etc.. I just don't want to make my life emasuclating.
A minor edit (I told you that this forum is good to be visible in China and we don't want to get in the Great Firewall filters and to lose our Chinese visitors), so don't use sensitive words. (Maybe you think it's a censorship but compared to Reddit here we're better and more patient, right?) ;)
"Mao killed most people" isn't true. There were victims and wars and wrong doings but "most of the people" sounds like some low IQ capitalist propaganda for westerners who even don't remember what they learn in school.
Well, I'm a philosopher (Master's degree) and I learned Marxism-Leninism too. Have to say that Lenin was a good communist philosopher and he added some value to the original Marx and Engels works. About Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot -- okay, we can agree that it's already too much but to Lenin it was okay.
I am also a person who lived during the Soviet era (our country was the closest satelite of the USSR) and we had people who visited there, pen-pals from the USSR and tourists. I ensure you that the USSR wasn't so bad as you read now in some anti-communist shallow propaganda websites or e-books. Yes, there were problems but people had security, free hospitals, free education, cheap prices, developed science and culture, amazing TV productions for young people and kids. Many people still miss this country and they're still alive so, as a young and clever man, don't blindly believe all what you read in English. (By the was I read in Russian too and I can tell you that the science and history in Russian has good sources).
USSR wasn't good for the people during Stalin and the late Gorbachev, but during, for example, Brejnev it was one of the best countries in the world and even surpassed some of the Western developed countries in many fields (economy, science, society). Something like China -- yes, now China is not that great, but when I came here in 2004 (and to 2017) it was a good place for most of the people. Everything depends on the leaders of the country. Compare for example Trump's America and Biden's America. If you think the things dialectically (辩证法地), you will find out that it's not only static or only white-black/black-white. There are nuances (细微的差别) which make the pictures more clear when you know them. :)
Not to interrupt but nobody's from the USA here currently. Mostly European and Chinese members.
Why does this forum not have Americans may I ask? Thought America is the genesis of incel culture so it owns the largest incel population?
Because this forum was created as an Omnilogy (everything-logy, 全学,全部知识) forum. The incel (normal incels without hate) is a recent project and we're still not popular in the USA. ;D
Here we had an American grandpa who was a wise man but a traditionalist. And one day I shared that I am a gay (I like ladyboys most) and he felt sick and left us. I think it was my fault. :(
Well, he said he's a "security freak" and maybe when found us that here are Chinese and people who live in China, he got a bit uneasy and left... or just got disappointed that here didn't meet some hot girls? ;D Joking, of course, but everything is possible. Anyway, we miss him.
Not to interrupt but nobody's from the USA here currently. Mostly European and Chinese members.
Why does this forum not have Americans may I ask? Thought America is the genesis of incel culture so it owns the largest incel population?
Because this forum was created as an Omnilogy (everything-logy, 全学,全部知识) forum. The incel (normal incels without hate) is a recent project and we're still not popular in the USA. ;D
Here we had an American grandpa who was a wise man but a traditionalist. And one day I shared that I am a gay (I like ladyboys most) and he felt sick and left us. I think it was my fault. :(
It's your fault, but not because you are a gay, instead, because you are condemning yourself to being a gay, and keep feeling guilty for an excessively discriminatory and feudalistic old fart!
It's your right to love girls or boys but it is not anyone else's right to judge whether it is correct to be gravitated to people of the same gender, because it is totally normal and a normal differentiation of human! They are just uneducated about the specificity of human and even for China we Genzs already have become open to homosexuality! But of course more open to lesbian than gay. It will feast my eyes when watching two beauties sloppy kissing each other and have .......................!
Ow, man, your mother is really sort of "tiger mommy". But what... at least now she treats you more as a person. Could be worse. Don't think about the past and focus on your development. You're clever.
Can't say she is a tiger mommy of course but I don't think she really 'loves' me.
I mean she reproduced me most likely on the purpose of making usage of me as a 'human endowment insurance' or something like that.
Every Chinese parents reproduce just for that reason because of the toxicities in the Chinese culture.
I don't like the sterilization to be profitable. It is just one of the crystals of romance.
哎呦!不要这样吧。 ;D肯定也有因为爱孩子的父母。你这样说的,老外们可以觉得全部的中国人是没有”灵魂“的,机器人一样。
What I mean is, you're a Chinese person and when you speak like this many of the foreigners will think that all of the Chinese are like biorobots who just produce kids (in fact there are racists who think exactly the same and hate Chinese very much). Just accept that there are also loving parents who really like kids (and they even don't give them pressure). I was a teacher for a long time in China, so I met hundreds of kids and parents. 是的,有些家长是你说的,可是也有好多不给孩子压力的。我教过了在黑龙江,吉林,辽宁,广东,海南。。。。。。 那里都有老虎家长,可是也有关心孩子们的,也有那些一点都不管的。Stereotyping all the Chinese isn't good.
For example, now I asked the Polish comrade how he thinks about the females in Poland, to make a description, but I don't expect that 100% of the Polish are the same. Chinese are also people -- some are what you say, but also there are others, including child-free (丁克) people.
Well, I'm a philosopher (Master's degree) and I learned Marxism-Leninism too. Have to say that Lenin was a good communist philosopher and he added some value to the original Marx and Engels works. About Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot -- okay, we can agree that it's already too much but to Lenin it was okay.
I am also a person who lived during the Soviet era (our country was the closest satelite of the USSR) and we had people who visited there, pen-pals from the USSR and tourists. I ensure you that the USSR wasn't so bad as you read now in some anti-communist shallow propaganda websites or e-books. Yes, there were problems but people had security, free hospitals, free education, cheap prices, developed science and culture, amazing TV productions for young people and kids. Many people still miss this country and they're still alive so, as a young and clever man, don't blindly believe all what you read in English. (By the was I read in Russian too and I can tell you that the science and history in Russian has good sources).
USSR wasn't good for the people during Stalin and the late Gorbachev, but during, for example, Brejnev it was one of the best countries in the world and even surpassed some of the Western developed countries in many fields (economy, science, society). Something like China -- yes, now China is not that great, but when I came here in 2004 (and to 2017) it was a good place for most of the people. Everything depends on the leaders of the country. Compare for example Trump's America and Biden's America. If you think the things dialectically (辩证法地), you will find out that it's not only static or only white-black/black-white. There are nuances (细微的差别) which make the pictures more clear when you know them. :)
I forgot to make myself clear that I was not negating the accomplishments of Stalin, for example his sucess in the WWII, the improvements of Soviet, etc., but he indeed demonized Socialism to warrant himself to be a dictator.
As for Lenin, yeah I indeed did not read his works but he was escorted back to RE during the WWI by Germany and who would escort a real intelligence back to the opponent country if he would really do good to it? But of course at least he was not a dictator and indeed revoluntionized the whole country, and improved people's life qualities, so I think maybe that was because Germany did not believe socialism and thought it would only become a disaster to any country for some reasons but eventually everything proved they were wrong, until Stalin achieved the sovereignty.(Lenin already recognized Stalin as a potiential bad leader but his power was already able to subvert Lenin's government).
Seems most of the US incels are blackpilled so we can't expect to be here where the metapill theory is respected.
The blackpillers just want to do nothing, to hate the women, to search excuses not to maxx... and they just tend to self-pity and ldar ("lay down and rot"). But, of course, it'll be fun if some of them come here and give it a try.
Ow, man, your mother is really sort of "tiger mommy". But what... at least now she treats you more as a person. Could be worse. Don't think about the past and focus on your development. You're clever.
Can't say she is a tiger mommy of course but I don't think she really 'loves' me.
I mean she reproduced me most likely on the purpose of making usage of me as a 'human endowment insurance' or something like that.
Every Chinese parents reproduce just for that reason because of the toxicities in the Chinese culture.
I don't like the sterilization to be profitable. It is just one of the crystals of romance.
哎呦!不要这样吧。 ;D肯定也有因为爱孩子的父母。你这样说的,老外们可以觉得全部的中国人是没有”灵魂“的,机器人一样。
What I mean is, you're a Chinese person and when you speak like this many of the foreigners will think that all of the Chinese are like biorobots who just produce kids (in fact there are racists who think exactly the same and hate Chinese very much). Just accept that there are also loving parents who really like kids (and they even don't give them pressure). I was a teacher for a long time in China, so I met hundreds of kids and parents. 是的,有些家长是你说的,可是也有好多不给孩子压力的。我教过了在黑龙江,吉林,辽宁,广东,海南。。。。。。 那里都有老虎家长,可是也有关心孩子们的,也有那些一点都不管的。Stereotyping all the Chinese isn't good.
For example, now I asked the Polish comrade how he thinks about the females in Poland, to make a description, but I don't expect that 100% of the Polish are the same. Chinese are also people -- some are what you say, but also there are others, including child-free (丁克) people.
Yeah, but very rare, in light of the Chinese culture.
I am actually practicing my 'mother-tongue thinking' of English by continuing my dialogues here because I found out that was ignored by China's English education but that was extremely indispensible in learning every language and I am practicing it to increase my comprehensive ability of English scientific publications of Psychometrics.
For now I can understand basically entirely, except some memorizations of properties and formulae of Psychometics.
To digress from politlca and societal discursions, as though autistic I am, I have a best female friend and also the best friend named 马嘉玲. We are really having intimate friendship with each other and she is encouraging me all the time and sharing the beauties of her life to me and so am I. She has good stature and face. But the only thing that makes her 'imperfect', but she is not guilty because it's her own right, is that she does not like chatting with others on phone so we have not much time to chat. I wish she could become more active online.
I do agree that discrimination is a bad thing and let the gays be free if they don't bother the heterosexual people.
But I did another minor edit -- don't use those sexual words because it's against the Google rules (and we may lose our only income, if Google ban us for being too 性爱-explicit). ;D ;D ;D
Hi, LibGen! How are you doing?
Yes, I am the old, bald, poor incel who gave the opinion to that good currycel bro! :) I really think you're going to ascend because you're looking good, you can learn well and you may add good muscle mass to your body.
Enlighten3d, I am glad to see a person with balanced and reasonable, objective thinking when it comes to the own country! I mean, I don't like those nationalists who will say "Everything is perfect!" or those never satisfied who will say "Everything sucks in my land!" Good to see a man who can analyze well. 8)
Are the majority of Polish females picky when it comes to looks? ("Chad only!" attitudes or something?) Are there many gold-diggers ("Beta-buxx" oriented?) What's your opinion? (I am asking because seems like you're giving objective info about it.) I know only one Polish woman and she is intelligent (knows some history and politics, also reads the news and speaks well English) but we don't chat about love topics and I even don't know what's her male ideal, so asking you to describe a "present picture" of the inceldom and females in Poland (if you want even start a new topic). :)
There are many picky, but at the same time men are so dumb simps that fuel it a lot. I'll say half are normal, half are toxic. Generally situation of women is better than men. And as I said, it's because dumb men will do everything to get woman, they don't understand it's bilateral relationship. So women become picky when men are doing everything for them. On the other side, they demand women to follow some stupid standards of look, many men want stupid doll instead of intelligent girlfriend. Of course not everyone is the same, I describe only part of society, that stupid part.
But the only thing that makes her 'imperfect', but she is not guilty because it's her own right, is that she does not like chatting with others on phone so we have not much time to chat. I wish she could become more active online.
Whaaat! Imo it makes her perfect xD I also don't like chatting with people I know in reality. Lol just meet with her more often, maybe she is afraid of censorship or have controversial views/something to hide.
But the only thing that makes her 'imperfect', but she is not guilty because it's her own right, is that she does not like chatting with others on phone so we have not much time to chat. I wish she could become more active online.
Whaaat! Imo it makes her perfect xD I also don't like chatting with people I know in reality. Lol just meet with her more often, maybe she is afraid of censorship or have controversial views/something to hide.
We never met offline, but we posted our selfies to each other. She said I was 'cute', but not 'sexy'. She just means I am 'lovely'.
"Yeah, but very rare, in light of the Chinese culture."
We haven't exact sociological data to speak in %, but you see everyday (especially in the not so developed areas) Chinese who are doing hard or simple jobs like: construction workers, cleaners, KTV girls and so on. All of them (or the majority) are born in families where the parents doesn't want (or couldn't) press them to be what the successful guys like you are now. 我的意思是在中国这么多工人,保洁,”小姐“,等,人不少。他们都是父母不给了压力的孩子们。没有你那么多成功的,有教育的人。所以我的意思是,中国的人口,大多数,没有这么多”老虎“父母的人们。比如,1个教授:5老师:10个工人:100个保洁:1000小姐。。。。。。 Maybe most of the parents in Shanghai or in Beijing are what you said, but these aren't the majority of Chinese society. All around the world the nerdy schoolboys and schoolgirls with strict parents are a minority. (The majority of the society is full of not well educated and semi-educated people. Maybe there are only 5-10 countries with mainly educated population, but usually the well-educated and intelligent ones are not more than 20% of the whole population).
Well, good luck with 马嘉玲. I also have a favorite one, named 龙君红, but we even can't chat because her parents are sort of xenophobic and maybe they think that I am just one of the "foreign trash", despite of my efforts to be a great man: no smoking, no hard alcohol, graduated in Philosophy, Master's degree, also got TEFL, yoga certificate, step aerobics certificate and self-defense certificate, speaking 5 foreign languages, doing sports everyday, learning a lot everyday... once you're labeled like “老外不好” or something else, no matter how hard you're trying you're never welcome. But it's okay, I really hope she's doing well and being happy!
She said I was 'cute', but not 'sexy'.
You see? A rare honest and frank girl. If you was a muscle guy (in Chinese -- 肌肉男), she will say that you're at least a bit sexy. Think what she may say to this man: (https://gimg2.baidu.com/image_search/src=http%3A%2F%2Fphotocdn.sohu.com%2F20151105%2Fmp39869211_1446693394975_2_th.jpeg&refer=http%3A%2F%2Fphotocdn.sohu.com&app=2002&size=f9999,10000&q=a80&n=0&g=0n&fmt=auto?sec=1673694619&t=5df39a91ea80189046c14141490ae42e).
Even very ugly males, when they're having muscles, may add some sexy-ness to their looks. (Only those girls who like 娘, feminine ones, will not notice a good, muscular, shredded body). As a Chinese man said: "If you want to be attractive, you should be one of these: handsome, rich or with 6 packs ( well-developed abdominal muscles)." 8)
She said I was 'cute', but not 'sexy'.
You see? A rare honest and frank girl. If you was a muscle guy (in Chinese -- 肌肉男), she will say that you're at least a bit sexy. Think what she may say to this man: (https://gimg2.baidu.com/image_search/src=http%3A%2F%2Fphotocdn.sohu.com%2F20151105%2Fmp39869211_1446693394975_2_th.jpeg&refer=http%3A%2F%2Fphotocdn.sohu.com&app=2002&size=f9999,10000&q=a80&n=0&g=0n&fmt=auto?sec=1673694619&t=5df39a91ea80189046c14141490ae42e).
Even very ugly males, when they're having muscles, may add some sexy-ness to their looks. (Only those girls who like 娘, feminine ones, will not notice a good, muscular, shredded body). As a Chinese man said: "If you want to be attractive, you should be one of these: handsome, rich or with 6 packs ( well-developed abdominal muscles)." 8)
Thx a lot! I really like her because she is really much of a heartwarming girl!
Btw, I forgot to show you my own philosophical works. They are writtin in Chinese but I used google translate(I am too lazy to translate them myself...).
I excerpted part of my whole works(though I only completed 13 sections lol). Take them if you are glad to leave them if you don't like them:
Once people talk about art, almost no one will feel strange. From small folk songs, folk dances, folk paintings, etc., to popular songs, ballet, gouache paintings, etc., they are basically arts that we are familiar with. At present, our definition of art is generally a high-level activity in which human beings express their emotions and thoughts in some form. It is true that this definition is very appropriate, but I think it is still not precise enough. At least in the philosophical system described in this book, art is a The definition of door activity is relatively vague. We need to know that any art comes from real life, and no art is created out of nothing out of real life. The reason is that art is the product of human brain consciousness, and consciousness cannot be separated from objective substances. You don't need to copy the elements of reality mechanically.
When it comes to the consciousness of the human brain, I think of the "thought" and "balance of thought" that I explained earlier. Yes, it is not difficult to see that there is a certain overlap between art and my previous exposition about thought and the balance of thought. However, the content displayed in art is not completely a copy of real life content, so we cannot say that the ideas of the artists who create art are completely balanced. For example, to draw a few comic strips, I will draw a scene of a track and field athlete running on the track as an example. First of all, the outline of the human body line, structure, proportion, color and other elements is the primary element. Then, we have to start to outline the various details of the athletes when they run-the eyes are full of high fighting spirit, passion for competition and desire for victory. The sweat is as follows Dripping like rain, breathing as quickly and violently as swallowing clouds, hair blowing back in the wind like reeds by the lake, etc. - these are naturally masterpieces of the artist's balance between thought and reality. However, in order to highlight the fast running speed of an athlete, some painters will add a few horizontal bars behind him to express the meaning of speed (usually the left or right side of a certain two-dimensional plane), which is naturally an imbalance between thought and reality For example, when writing novels with ups and downs, ordinary novels have the purpose of exposing and even criticizing the social status quo, so the content of it is naturally a portrayal of reality, but the reason why the novel is called a novel is naturally impossible to be completely copied like a video The specific content in real life must be added with the elements created by the author himself, which is also a manifestation of the imbalance between thought and reality; songs, dances, and musicals, of course, needless to say, the elements of the imbalance between thought and reality are even more overwhelming enumerate. Obviously, the thoughts of artists are not completely balanced with the individual (collective). However, through the above examples, we can conclude that art is a high-level expressive activity in which the creator's thoughts and the individual (collective) are partially balanced and partially unbalanced. Maybe readers with careful thinking will ask questions: Aren't documentaries, videos, narratives, etc. completely balanced? Of course not. First of all, let’s take the documentary as an example. Assuming that the documentary does not have all kinds of artistic processing like the TV programs, but simply presents the scenes that people see with the naked eye to the audience, then we must know that no matter how realistic it is, the presented Scenarios are just a corner of reality. You cannot discern all the points, lines, and surfaces of an individual (collective) from a specific angle, a specific field of view, a specific lighting condition, and other optical factors. It's like observing a leopard with the naked eye. Can you see the top, bottom, left, right, and even all organs and internal organs of the leopard at the same time from one angle? Obviously, no matter how you observe, you can only glimpse a corner of the individual (collective), there will always be large or small deviations, which is not a balanced expression. The same is true for videos, records, etc. No matter how realistic art is, it will always be It is impossible to achieve a complete balance with the individual (collective), and it will always lead to partial imbalance because it can only peek into a corner, but the degree may be different.
Since art is the product of the partial balance and imbalance of artists' thoughts, the content expressed by nature is not completely balanced in the individual (collective), just like a water pipe without a water purifier. Still not pure water. However, we need to be aware that the content expressed by art may not be in balance with the artists' own thoughts, that is to say, the artistic content expressed by artists in a certain form cannot be guaranteed to be exactly what the artists originally thought in their consciousness There may be some "loss" of the content to be expressed. First, the art form itself may restrict the content of expression. For example, if you want to expose the specific atrocities committed by the Japanese army in the Nanjing Massacre, there are obviously restrictions through musicals, because the musicals themselves pursue elegance and nobleness and the audience’s expectations for musicals, simulating the stage as a bloody battlefield It is obviously contrary to its essence. This will inevitably lead to the fact that even if the artists who design musicals recall the various atrocities committed by the Japanese army in their minds, due to these two factors, they will not completely display the scenes recalled in their minds on the stage of the musical; secondly, the artists themselves Artistic level also affects the expression of artistic content. I once fell in love with comics, and I also suffered from depression during that time, and even though I was depressed, it was only a month or two since I started drawing comics, so I couldn’t express my thoughts What I think is completely expressed on the drawing paper, and the content expressed is also very vague, so that people who read it can half-read and half guess what my state of mind was at that time. This is because my painting level was too low at that time, which severely limited the expression of artistic content. The same thought content, the content expressed by me and a professional cartoonist, the content of the latter is much smaller than mine because of the limited artistic level, and I have to cut it out because I can’t draw well. Paint what you want to paint; in the end, viewers of art may receive information that may be processed differently. The so-called "thousand audiences have a thousand Hamlets" is the best portrayal of this phenomenon. It is impossible for us to guarantee that the content expressed in art will not be "distorted" in the eyes of the appreciators. Of course, this will also be affected by the artist's art form and artistic level, but we must not forget that the appreciators themselves are also one of the determinants of art content.
In the final analysis, the formation process of art is basically the same as the formation process of a balanced system: deconstruction, assignment, calculation, verification (possibly). For example, in the example of drawing track and field athletes I mentioned earlier, the painter must first deconstruct the athlete's movements, proportions, posture, expression, etc., which is deconstruction; For the specific situation, after the basic description of the human body is basically completed, a few horizontal bars (indicating fast speed), bean big sweat, torch-like eyes, etc. will be added. This is actually "assignment" - further Use a brush to describe the degree; then, after drawing all the elements in the painting, you have to name the painting, select a journal for publication, wait for others to evaluate, etc. This is the process of "calculation"-analysis as a whole The specific situation of the individual (collective) is usually expressed as the ultimate goal of the formation process of a certain balanced system; needless to say, the final verification work. However, the verification here may also precede the "calculation" step, which needs to be discussed according to the situation: if the "calculation" step is preceded, then, as the name suggests, the painters will perform the verification of the painting after the painting is completed, adding bricks and tiles, finishing touches, and removing redundancy. If it is one step later than the "calculation", it is generally done by others after the painting is evaluated, and then the verification work is performed by oneself. There are many forms of art. I will use painting as an example to explain it. Presumably readers can understand the meaning of my explanation. Other forms will not be repeated, because they are basically the same.
I also need to mention separately that the expression of artistic content may also be affected by the intention of the artist to make art. In today's society, artists create art only because of money and fame. There are countless situations, and it has even become a common phenomenon. At this time, even if we take a step back and say that some of them really have fat in their stomachs, I am afraid that under the influence of interests, they will no longer pay attention to the sincere expression of ideological content, and instead express what the appreciators are willing to appreciate. Understand the content, and I am completely led by the nose by the admirers. I often say that art requires not only creativity and imagination, but also an "independent personality". Why? I always believe that the intention of art is to express what the artist wants to express, not what the audience wants to see. We fiddle with the paintbrush on the drawing paper, our limbs on the stage, and the mouthpiece in front of the microphone. We work hard and continuously, but not for ourselves, but for the audience. Isn’t this a kind of sadness? What is an artist? A person who is proficient in artistic expression. If your artistic expression is limited by other people, you are not an artist, you are just a clown in a circus - led by the emotions of the audience. Don't forget that life is also an art. How many people can "live for themselves, die for themselves"?
As human beings, the creator endowed us with senses, not just in name only, but to allow us to better observe, understand and analyze the world. In fact, there are a lot of similar phenomena in nature: such as the sun and the moon, the sky and the earth, the mountains and rivers, etc., etc., the sun, the moon, the sky, the earth, the mountains, and the waters in these phenomena are all individuals, and similar to these Individuals appear in pairs with other individuals, is it really just a coincidence? Every individual has existence value, whether it is positive value, or negative value, or both positive and negative, and these individuals obviously have positive value - if there is no sun, the world is dark and desolate, and everything It cannot grow, there is no moon, the world will never have a peaceful day, and all things cannot sleep. The same is true for heaven, earth, mountains, and water. This shows that although I compare the weight of individuals to "weights" to deduce the concept of "balanced system" is very vivid, but the concept of "balanced value" derived from the balanced system may also cause misunderstandings ——Because the concept of "balance" will make people mistakenly think that the total contribution of a pair of individuals in a certain aspect is 0, which is a state of ebb and flow, but in fact, the fusion of pairs of individuals into a collective Sometimes, the balance value of the collective, that is, the balance value contributed by two individuals is not necessarily 0. Therefore, it is very necessary to explain the concept of "balance", and it is also necessary to note that it is quite different from the "balance" in the balance state and balance value.
From the perspective of natural science, "balance" is a physical representation of an object that is still in a static state under the action of multiple forces, and chemically represents a state in which the forward and reverse reaction rates of a chemical reaction are equal, etc.; from the perspective of humanities In economics, it means that the total cost and total revenue are equal, in psychology, it means the interaction between the maturing internal organization and the external organization, and so on. Although the concepts of "balance" in different disciplines seem to have nothing to do with each other, they can be summed up in one word: "balance" means that multiple individuals are in a state of complementarity or competition. Since the collective is composed of individuals, it may be It also introduces the two concepts of complementary and competitive states that individuals have for collectives.
Thus, the concept of "balance" is:
1) Multiple individuals or collectives are in a state of complementarity or competition.
2) Balance does not mean that the total balance value of multiple individuals or collectives is 0, it is not a value, but a certain state of multiple individuals or collectives. Balance is essentially state.
3) The purpose of balance is to make up or not to make up for the rights that one individual among multiple individuals does not have over the rest or all of the individuals, or it may play a role of "restriction" in order to ensure the availability of individuals from a certain perspective— — That is, to prevent a certain individual or certain individuals from causing the remaining certain individual or certain individuals to be in a state of surpassing or being surpassed due to the balance value.
4) Balance can be interpreted from multiple angles. For multiple individuals, the state of balance can be explained from physical, chemical, economical, psychological, etc. levels.
5) Balance is impossible for a single individual because: 1) The purpose of balance is to ensure the availability of the individual, and the individual cannot be isolated, so no matter the specific balance value of the individual is How much, are harming the usability of the individual. So in order to guarantee availability, balancing is impossible for a single individual. 2) The essence of balance is that multiple individuals are in a state of complementarity or competition, and the state of complementarity or competition cannot be achieved by an isolated individual. Therefore, starting from the essence, balance is impossible for a single individual.
Balance has three properties: subjectivity, universality, and relativity.
The subjectivity of balance means that because balance can be interpreted from multiple angles, how to judge whether an individual is in a balanced state is justified by the referee, and there is no uniform and fixed standard, so this characteristic is called subjectivity.
The universality of balance means that since the purpose of balance is to ensure the availability of individuals, and availability is one of the necessary characteristics of individuals according to my interpretation, so each individual needs to be in a specific state of balance, so this characteristic is called universality.
The relativity of balance means that since an individual cannot be in a state of balance in isolation, there must be an individual that is used to refer to the balance to correspond to it, and it has other meanings, that is, the individual is in a state of balance relative to another individual, but It may not necessarily be in equilibrium with other individuals other than these two, so this property is called relativity.
Corresponding to balance is "imbalance", and the concept of unbalance is completely opposite to balance. Next, we will explain:
1) Multiple individuals or groups are in a transcending or transforming relationship
Transcendence relationship, that is, multiple individuals or groups have the same weight but not exactly the same or completely different weights. It is a relationship corresponding to competitive relationship, so individuals or groups must be out of balance.
What needs to be explained in detail is the conversion relationship. From the perspective of the four relationships between individuals or groups, the transcendence relationship has been explained, and the conversion relationship violates the complementary relationship (an individual or group in the conversion relationship owns the rights of other individuals or groups, so it must not be complementary. relationship), and also violates the competitive relationship (one of the individuals or collectives in the conversion relationship partially or completely owns the rights of the other individual or collective, and their rights are not the same, so it must not be a competitive relationship), that is, it violates the balance The two essential relationships of , and from a logical perspective, multiple individuals or collectives must occupy one of the balance and imbalance states, and will not be in the "third state" (it can be proved by counter-evidence: suppose there are multiple individuals Or there is a non-balanced or unbalanced state between groups, that is, there are powers among multiple individuals or groups, because two individuals are either in competition or in a state of transcendence, but the "third state" cannot be in these two states. This relationship, that is, the rights between each other are different or the same, which is a contradiction; similarly, the "third state" cannot be in a complementary or conversion relationship, that is, it has the rights owned by the other party, and neither owning the rights that the other party has, which is another contradiction, and having two contradictions at the same time is enough to show that the assumption cannot be established), therefore, if the relationship of complementarity and competition is violated, it must be in a state of imbalance, and the transcendence relationship has been explained, so from a logical perspective, the conversion relationship is also one of the essential manifestations of imbalance.
2) Imbalance also does not reflect a specific balance value, but reflects a state. Essentially, an imbalance represents a state.
3) The imbalance itself has no purpose, but the imbalance may need to be actively or passively reached a state of equilibrium, and the balance will also enter into an unbalanced state under certain conditions due to the existence form of matter—movement. Therefore, imbalance and balance can be transformed into each other under certain conditions. Balance is the ultimate goal of imbalance, and imbalance is the only way to balance. (The reason is that the fundamental property of matter is motion, so balance can never be an eternal state)
4) Imbalances can also be interpreted from multiple angles. It can be explained from economics, physics, chemistry, society, etc.
5) Imbalance is impossible for a single individual because: 1) The goal of imbalance is balance, and balance is impossible for a single individual. 2) The essence of imbalance is that multiple individuals are in a transcending or transforming relationship, and the transcending or transforming relationship cannot be realized for an isolated individual, so starting from the essence, imbalance is impossible for a single individual.
Imbalance has three characteristics: subjectivity, universality, and relativity.
The subjectivity of imbalance means that because imbalance can be interpreted from multiple angles, how to judge whether an individual is in an imbalanced state is justified by the referee, and there is no uniform and fixed standard, so this characteristic is called subjectivity.
The universality of imbalance means that because imbalance is transformed from balance, and according to the fundamental property of matter—movement, imbalance and balance are constantly transformed into each other without stopping, so multiple individuals or groups can be in a state of imbalance, so it is called This property is universal.
The relativity of imbalance means that since an individual cannot be in an unbalanced state in isolation, there must be an individual who is used to refer to the unbalanced corresponding to it, and it has other meanings, that is, the individual is in an unbalanced state relative to another individual, but It may not necessarily be out of balance with other individuals other than these two, so this property is called relativity.
In addition, since the fundamental property of matter is motion, there is no fixed balance and no fixed imbalance, and the two transform into each other and never stop.
In my worldview, there is no absolutely isolated individual. As long as there is an individual, there must be a certain connection with other individuals, which is determined by the universality of the connection. Therefore, it is inevitable to analyze what kind of connection between individuals and individuals, and it can also make more valuable use of the balance system.
Suppose there is an unknown company, employee A has the four rights of teamwork ability, design project ability, communication and expression ability, and transaction handling ability, employee B has the ability to test projects, love and dedication, business proficiency, and emotional management Four rights. Obviously, employee A has rights that employee B does not have, and employee B also has rights that employee A does not have, so the relationship between individuals is said to be complementary. At this time, there is an employee C, who has the same teamwork ability, design project ability, communication skills and transaction handling ability as employee A, and employee D, who also has the same test project ability as employee B , love and professionalism, business proficiency, and emotion management ability, the relationship between four individuals, employee A and employee C, employee B and employee D, is called competition. At this time, there is an employee E, who not only has the four rights of employee A, but also has more weights than employee A, and an employee F, who not only has the four rights of employee B, but also has the weight of the four rights. Both exceed employee B, then the relationship between E and A is called surpassing, and the relationship between A and E is surpassed. Similarly, F is surpassed by B and B is surpassed by F. At this time, the general manager of this company has a good ability to train employees. He has trained employee A to develop the ability of employee B, and he has also trained employee B to develop the ability of employee A. Employees A and B have benefited from each other. The right between individuals, whether obtained in full or in part, is a relationship between individuals and becomes a conversion.
To sum up, there are four relationships among individuals: complementarity, competition, transcendence, and conversion.
Complementarity is unstable and beneficial.
The instability of complementarity means that due to the variability of the weight of the balance system itself, the weights of multiple individuals may change to a certain extent, which will lead to certain changes in the complementary relationship between individuals, so it is called This property is unstable.
Complementary benefit means that since multiple individuals have rights that they do not possess each other, if the individuals are not in a competitive relationship, the whole composed of multiple individuals has more diverse rights, so the overall existence value The sum will be higher than the sum of its partial individual existence value, this feature is called effectiveness.
Competition has only instability, inevitability.
The instability of competition means that due to the variability of the weight of the balance system itself, the weights of multiple individuals may change to a certain extent, which will lead to certain changes in the competitive relationship between individuals, so it is called This property is unstable.
The inevitability of competition means that because the individual concept itself serves its ultimate existence value, and the existence value, that is, the balance value, the concept itself exists to ensure the availability of the individual, so the balance of the individual Values must compete, a property called coercion.
Transcendence is unstable and inevitable.
The instability of transcendence means that due to the variability of the weight of the balance system itself, the weights of multiple individuals may change to a certain extent, which will lead to certain changes in the competitive relationship between individuals, so it is called This property is unstable.
The inevitability of transcendence means that because the individual concept itself serves its ultimate existence value, and the existence value, that is, the balance value, the concept itself exists to ensure the availability of the individual, so the balance of the individual Values must compete, a property called coercion.
Conversion is unstable, beneficial and relative.
The instability of conversion means that due to the variability of the weight of the balance system itself, the weights of multiple individuals may change to a certain extent, which will lead to certain changes in the complementary relationship between individuals, so it is called This property is unstable.
The effectiveness of conversion means that since each individual has partial or full rights to each other, the same individual before the conversion relationship does not have the right after the conversion relationship, so this characteristic is called efficiency.
The relativity of conversion means that assuming that a certain individual A and B are in a conversion relationship, it means that A has some or all rights of B, and B has some or all rights of A. At this time, a new individual C is introduced, and then B Some or all of the rights owned by individual C are transferred to C, but because the rights converted by individual C and the rights it owns may not necessarily be owned by A, so B and C can be called a conversion relationship, while A and C are not. It must be a conversion relationship, so this feature is called relativity.
In addition, competition is the premise of surpassing, because the purpose of competition is to ensure the availability of individuals, and in order to ensure the availability of individuals, it is necessary to increase or decrease its own weight to achieve the purpose of surpassing other individuals, without surpassing , the meaning of competition will no longer exist, because the weights between individuals will always be the same, and the availability of individuals will never be guaranteed. Therefore, transcendence is the purpose of competition, and competition is the premise of transcendence.
When multiple isolated individuals are integrated into a collection, I would like to call this collection a "collective".
From the origin of the collective, we can know that the weight of a collective is the sum of the weights of all the individuals that constitute the collective, and the balance value of the collective is the sum of the balance values of all the individuals that constitute the collective. When the balance value of an individual is negative, another individual whose balance value is positive and whose absolute value is greater than the absolute value of the individual’s balance value will form a collective with it, then the collective balance value will be positive, that is, the original balance value is The value of the individual with a negative number has been "sublimated"-because of forming a collective with other individuals who can raise its balance value to a positive number, its collective existence has a positive value (the balance value of the collective is positive), and the same is true for the individual In the case where the balance value is positive and another individual whose balance value is negative and whose absolute value is greater than the individual’s balance value is integrated with it, the value of the individual has been “attenuated”—because it is integrated with other individuals that can balance it The value is reduced to a negative number to form a collective, causing its collective existence to have a negative value instead (the balance value of the collective is negative).
Collectives are divisible, subjectivity, and infinite
The subdivision of the collective means that since the collective is composed of individuals, the collective can naturally be decomposed into individuals, and the specific "cutting" means that how many individuals are decomposed from the collective and how many individuals are kept in the collective, or not. Disintegration, or total disintegration, is at the discretion of the referee. When the individuals in the collective are completely decomposed and no individual remains in the original collective, the collective at this time cannot be divided and the collective itself ceases to exist. This property is called subdivision.
The subjectivity of the collective means that since the collective itself has no requirements for the individual, which individual is included in a collective is determined by the referee, but the number of individuals contained in the collective must be > 0, otherwise it is contrary to the concept of collective (collective Composed of individuals, without individuals there is no collective). This property is called subjectivity.
The infinity of the collective means that the number of individuals contained in the collective is unlimited. As long as the number of individuals is greater than 0, the collective can contain infinitely many individuals, but what individuals and how many individuals the collective needs are determined by the referee (collective subjectivity). This property is called infinity.
The logical relationship between the collective and the individual is: the collective contains the individual, and the individual constitutes the collective, and there must be an individual if there is a collective, but there is not necessarily a collective if there is an individual.
Astonishing! High IQ priceless. 8)
Astonishing! High IQ priceless. 8)
Well actually for my philosophical works, 马嘉玲 had good comments on it although she concurred that my works lacked of 'profound' philosophical notions(I found this issue and asked her if she concurred with it she said yeah). My works as I found out lacked of the notions regarding people's minds, but just solely the logical and operational systems of this world. This may be the reason why both of us found out it lacked of profoundities.
I achieved both good and bad comments on them. A Chinese guy told me he could not understand my works but he did not start to read from the first section instead he just read two sections of them and he said my writing significations were too awful to understand.(I think he shoulda started to read from the first section, because I thought I had already written my works in a so neet style and the other readers could understand them, at least to the extent that they did not think I had significational problems in my writing, that everyone could understand the lexical expressions of my works, but might not understand the notions, and admitted it was indeed hard to understand the notions particularly if he/she was impatient to read my works)
I am not sure if you evaluated me as 'high iq incel' after reading my exerpts though, since I never thought google trasnlate was a good translator.
I'll read it these days (I plan so.) and maybe will comment some of its parts. Thank you for sharing this!
I am glad that you have also philosophical abilities! 8) It's really something!
马嘉伶? :P Like this Taiwanese singer: https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E9%A9%AC%E5%98%89%E4%BC%B6/19148915 (https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E9%A9%AC%E5%98%89%E4%BC%B6/19148915) :D
How interesting, Libgen!
You know, if you ever need someone to talk to about depression (I know how you feel as I once was depressed too after some really bad things happened but I got over it) then I'm someone you can chat with!
How interesting, Libgen!
You know, if you ever need someone to talk to about depression (I know how you feel as I once was depressed too after some really bad things happened but I got over it) then I'm someone you can chat with!
I am surely appreciating your well-meaningness but I don't think a talk can reverse my desperate mindset.
I've also already given up medications and therapies. I've done them for like 6 times but they are all in vain. So I have no expectations to them anymore.
I am glad that you have also philosophical abilities! 8) It's really something!
马嘉伶? :P Like this Taiwanese singer: https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E9%A9%AC%E5%98%89%E4%BC%B6/19148915 (https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E9%A9%AC%E5%98%89%E4%BC%B6/19148915) :D
Well you put a wrong character here and her name is 嘉'玲'.
But thanks for informing me of a new cute singer! I am also surprised she was born in Taiwan.
The only star I know of who was born in Taiwan and then became a migrant into Japan is Jin Chengwu.
We are in the same team LibGen, I'm used to my depression, it became part of my life and I try to appreciate benefits it has. You have to change the way you approach life, embrace loss of fear and fight weakness. This is middle stage to being strong and self-aware. You see problems but can't carry them. But next you will find how to get stronger. Do what you want and always think how you can achieve something and let your mind take full control of your body and emotions be part of you, this is hard to explain a bit, but depression is just hardship of finding yourself in reality. There is no bottom of life, there is another side under that you need to explore. You may say I'm crazy but I actually live this way and I appreciate that I am not stupid. Embrace sadness, it's the path to see the world in it's true shape.
@Enlighten3d, what 'crazy', bro?! This is the most high IQ incel post I read in decades! I like especially this about
There is no bottom of life, there is another side under that you need to explore.
Some incels are like "Oh ascending is pointless blahblahblah angry suicidal rant" when in fact, they've onle experienced a fraction of life.
Live life the way you want it to be with whoever you love.
Sincerly yours~~~
A. O.
You're right. There are those hopeless incels.
Some incels are like "Oh ascending is pointless blahblahblah angry suicidal rant" when in fact, they've onle experienced a fraction of life.
Live life the way you want it to be with whoever you love.
Sincerly yours~~~
A. O.
Yeah That's why I suggested at least escaping from incel forums like incel.is.
For once I hanged around there and I was impressed by the magnitude of intoxications. Many people there are already in psychotic zone, beyond neurotic zone.
Yes, it's a good example. But many (most) of the incels communities online are similar and the reason is the ideology focused on the only one (one of the many) theories (the black pill, a.k.a. blackpill), which is the worst possible choice because it's fatalistic (don't see the positive possibilities and thinks that everything is 100% predestined by genetics, fate, society and others), it's a cult (if you have another point of view, even the similar, but more realistic redpill (red pill), you're banned or attacked or called "bluepilled" and so on) which brainwashes the incels in the negative way...
You're okay. Why do you complain brocel?
Did you have some girlfriends already?
He looks very well for a present Chinese young man. Can't see what's his incel problem?... I don't know, the only things I can think of are these 3.
- Serious mental issues (like he's afraid to go to talk to a girl). But this can't be a problem with the nowadays technologies which allows you to chat with females online, right?
- Too short. He never mentioned how tall is he. Maybe he feels too shy to say his height because he's a shortcel or because he's a tallcel and he's afraid some incels will accuse him of being a fakecel.
- Standardcel, maybe? There are some girls to like him but he's not liking them back.
But one is sure, if in China (or elsewhere in East Asia) he can't be seen as a boyfriend material, sorry to say it, but in the Western world he's "it's over"ed. ;D Sorry for being so direct but the honesty is the best policy, you know...
Very good looking! Most of the Chinese will jealous that they even doesn't look a half good as you are. Why do you complain? Are you short or something? Height?
Don't insist asking about height. He was asked already many times and he keeps this in secret. It is his right not to say.
Very good looking! Most of the Chinese will jealous that they even doesn't look a half good as you are. Why do you complain? Are you short or something? Height?
What? I think that is too exaggerated ???
Let's see who is too exaggerating ;) I typed "上海大学生" ("Shanghai university students") to find people who're from the same area and the same age generation as our dear Dotato (Zhang) and here are some: (https://img1.baidu.com/it/u=761801443,2847382774&fm=253&fmt=auto&app=138&f=JPEG?w=580&h=440). The first male looks not more than 3/10 and he's fat, the second is too slim and better looking so, he's around 4/10 and the third one is short, fat, not very handsome, but more good looking than the first one, so we can rate him as 3.5/10.
So, don't you think that most of the Chinese (except the models, actors and influencers) are really not that good looking as you are? You're, for China, at least 5.5/10 to 6.5/10. If you decide to improve your body seriously, you will reach a 7/10 to 8/10.
Your problem (if we ignore your height which we all see is a secret) isn't the looks. Your problem is mental (so if you're really an incel, highly likely you're a mentalcel). And I will prove it: I sent you 2 PMs but you didn't answer even one. Let's say you don't like me but you could just answer something like "I see, sorry excuse me, not interested in this chat." or "I am very busy." as 99% of the excusers. ;D But you didn't. Every noncel (even a 4/10 Norman when receives a message will show at least some interest but your mental shyness or something stops you to experience even the communication). Then what? Even you're a Chad the girls will try to chat but when you don't answer twice, "Ohhhh, sorry Chad, there are other Chads out there!" ;D
I am never wassting an opportunity to answer. Even when it's something that makes me such a losercel you can read the losercel story here (http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/a-forum-for-incels-who-are-normal-people-no-terrorists-no-rapists-no-racists-no-pedophiles-no-haters-and-so-on/learning-from-my-bitter-experience/), I am trying to communicate (socialmaxx).
You bro, better don't restrain yourself of communication because you're not an uglycel. You're a normal looking to good looking man (depends where on Earth you live) so I think all you need firstly is to socialmaxx (and add some more gym work when you're ready. You are already monemaxxed which is cool).
Errr, wait. Your case is really the opposite -- you're needy, willing, socialmaxxing at max, no serious mental issues buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut... errr, not being rude but truth is you're far from attractive. As it was said already, you should know your place and even not trying to send photos to women because all you can get is disgust and disappointment from them: first make your manlet-tier body stronger (we see you gymmaxx but not even 20% there!), think how to get at least a middle paid job if not lucky with businesses (or win the lottery ;) ) and then dare to be so brave with the women. If you was handsome at least like Dotato (Zhang) okay, do it, but you're an uglycel and a poorcel, and not enough gymmaxxed, so for now, know your place and maxx it better!
This makes me feel I want to cry but it's true. I am too losercel (looks, body and status, money) so I should at least work harder and harder on my body improvement if others are not achievable. This brocel is the opposite -- he got it all: looks, status, money... just some gymmaxx and more socialmaxx and he's there.
That's part of the problem. The wish being a "cry baby", easy self-pity and giving up. Good luck to both of you, especially the to loser here!
So right. Thank you very much for the valuable lessons!
And, as I promised, I'll comment it (the philosophy work of Mr Zhang).
1. There are different art definitions. Some of them, well, pretty strange.
2. That "imbalance" word. I think, maybe because of the computer translation, but sounds a bit incorrect. Maybe you meant "difference" or "additional reality", "additional elements", "fictional elelments"?... You may explain, if you want, what did you mean or write the original Chinese philosohy word. It's interesting, really.
3. About this: "That is to say, the artistic content expressed by artists in a certain form cannot be guaranteed to be exactly what the artists originally thought in their consciousness. There may be some "loss" of the content to be expressed." is true and also it's true that every person will perceive it in his or her own way. And then, the artists' ideas are even more far (in the understanding). That's one of the reason why it's difficult for the common people to communicate every time in the right, understandable (really understanding each other) way.
4. Yes, the form and the content. This is a dialectical way of seeing the things.
5. About this "...in the end, viewers of art may receive information that may be processed differently": yes, but when it comes to simple things, usually, it's without problem. For example, if you draw a horse, most of the people will see it as a horse, not as a frog, grains, car, letter or something else.
6. About this: "The so-called "thousand audiences have a thousand Hamlets" is the best portrayal of this phenomenon. It is impossible for us to guarantee that the content expressed in art will not be "distorted" in the eyes of the appreciators. Of course, this will also be affected by the artist's art form and artistic level, but we must not forget that the appreciators themselves are also one of the determinants of art content." Sure, this process is bilateral (artists-audience).
7. About " In today's society, artists create art only because of money and fame." -- maybe there are still some who create art because of the art (especially the rich and already popular artists who don't need to earn much more money and fame; also some artists who really love the art.)
To be continued... :)
Let's continue it with the eighth point:
8. About "Art requires not only creativity and imagination, but also an "independent personality"." It's the ideal art. There are many artists who're just servants and they have to work for the propaganda or for the ones who pays them.
9. " Isn’t this a kind of sadness?" Yes, it is, but this is the reality.
10. "If your artistic expression is limited by other people, you are not an artist, you are just a clown in a circus - led by the emotions of the audience. Don't forget that life is also an art. How many people can "live for themselves, die for themselves"?" I do agree that this isn't art for the art, free art, etc. but it's also a sort of art. You should be really good to be able to satisfy what others want. Even you're a propaganda slave artists, still, you should know how to paint, draw, write, otherwise, they'll just choose another one and you, probably, should search for a non-art job. This is the capitalism.
11. "As human beings, the creator endowed us with senses..." Creationism? Oh, no. Anti-science, sort of...
To be continued...
High IQcel! Cool! I like this art philosophy essay. 100% honest opinion, brocel. Good work!
And let me continue with some more comments about the philosophy of art here.
12. " the sun and the moon" is only from the human's Earth perspective. From a bigger one, there are more moons in the Solar system so the Earth's moon isn't something unique as the Sun.
13. "the sun, the moon, the sky, the earth, the mountains, and the waters in these phenomena are all individuals, and similar to these Individuals appear in pairs with other individuals" is sort of strange. Where are these so-called "pairs"? Sometimes there are like day-night or summer-winter, but usually, there aren't.
14. "The same is true for heaven, earth, mountains, and water." The heaven? The one with the singing angels inside or that one with the virgins? ;) ;D And you think you're not a religious person after all?
15. The balance is a good point but also there is imbalance too.
To be continued...
16. "partially balanced and partially unbalanced" -- yes, this is what I was thinking and said already. The imbalance is also an important point!
17. "the presented scenarios are just a corner of reality" -- they are. And it's not a problem, as far as it gives enough true pictures's information. I mean that there is a certain threshold.
18. "It's like observing a leopard with the naked eye. Can you see the top, bottom, left, right, and even all organs and internal organs of the leopard at the same time from one angle?" -- That's right but as far as we know (see; understand) that it is a leopard (not a horse or a lizard) then the details (form) isn't important once the content is rightly perceived.
19. "This is because my painting level was too low at that time, which severely limited the expression of artistic content. " -- A good point. This is what is talent (ability) about.
To be continued...
Wow... if with the females he's also so deep and detailed like in this art philosophy, surely he'll get some good love opportunity, I bet.
Right. :) 8)
20. "The same thought content, the content expressed by me and a professional cartoonist, the content of the latter is much smaller than mine because of the limited artistic level, and I have to cut it out because I can’t draw well."
This sounds really familiar. There are people who sometimes will say "I wish I could draw better." or "I wish I could write better." because they want to have the power to express better their emotions, ideas and so on.
21. "Paint what you want to paint; in the end, viewers of art may receive information that may be processed differently."
Sure. The more complicated is the painting the more different perceptions you'll get. For example, if it's just an apple, most (or all) of them will get it as an apple, but if it's the map of Turkmenistan (without any description, just like colored spot) some people may recognize it as Turkmenistan but for others it will be just a spot or a head of a snail (because it may look like this in the part where is Garabogaz bay, which is a part of the Caspian sea). :)
22. "It is impossible for us to guarantee that the content expressed in art will not be "distorted" in the eyes of the appreciators."
Of course. And not only in art. Even in some political article or some daily conversation.
23. "Of course, this will also be affected by the artist's art form and artistic level, but we must not forget that the appreciators themselves are also one of the determinants of art content."
Sure, it's bilateral ("artist - appreciators"). :)
To be continued...
24. "There are many forms of art. " Yes, there are. And also, there is that question (those questions) what's the art exactly, what is pseudoart (pseudo-art; fake art), not real art, is there something that's semi-art (almost art) is something art just because it's in an art gallery, etc.
25. "In today's society, artists create art only because of money and fame." Well, maybe many or the majority but we can't accuse that all of them are only money-oriented. Of course, in this present capitalistic and neofeudalistic the money (the capital) is one of the most important things, thus the artists, mostly, have to or just do care about it. But probably there are some, at least, artists who do create "pure art" (i. e. something like the "art for art’s sake", in French -- "l’art pour l’art" /which was coined in the early 19th century by the French philosopher Victor Cousin/.) Sometimes I am one of them -- it's when I write some of my poems just because I want to write a good poem and/or to express what I want to.
I suppose that most of the artists are motivated by a combination of all these: money + fame + pure art creation pleasure + ideas (ideology, fate, etc.) + personal stuff...
26. "... they will no longer pay attention to the sincere expression of ideological content, and instead express what the appreciators are willing to appreciate." But the wiser ones can (and do) combine it. I have this kind of art attempts (literature related) where I do combine my "ideological content" with form/forms that may satisfy the appreciators (the bigger percentage of the mass, the average reader).
27. "How many people can "live for themselves, die for themselves"?" Not very attainable. You can see that even the most powerful neomonarchs nowadays (like the present Russia's and China's ones) are not 100% free to do what they want to do because there are some opposing factors or other factors which limit their total control. If you're just an ordinary person, even a businessman, well you may obtain more control over your life, choices and so on but there are many factors which may limit you like nature, local laws, enemies, friends, partners, emotions... So, there are different degrees of "live for myself" -- it may be 0.01/100 to 99.99/100 but never 100/100.
28. "there is no moon, the world will never have a peaceful day, and all things cannot sleep. " About this (what if there was no moon) we know that according to some scientists the Earth would experience drastic changes in its rotation, tides, and calendar: the days would be shorter, between 6-12 hours, and the years would have over a 1000 days. The water would spread more evenly across the planet, reducing the friction and the high tides. The Earth's axis would also change, affecting the seasons and the climate. The ecosystem would be disrupted, especially for marine life and predators. The nights would be darker, and, of course, there would be no moonlight. But this doesn't mean that all things cannot sleep or will never have a peaceful day.
29. "Heaven" -- if you mean the paradise, well it's just a religious idea, not proven to exist by the science.
To be continued...
Wow, men, that's so deep, isn't it... :o
Right. :) 8)
Thx for commenting on my philosophical ideas when the translations are shitty(because I used google translation. I was too lazy to translate them myself lol)
I even didn't finish yet. Plan to finish reading and comment later anyway. :)
And I am continuing now. :)
30. "the balance value contributed by two individuals is not necessarily 0". Well, maybe we're talking about some dynamical balance? Like at one moment, it's 0.34, then it's 1.00, after this returns to 0.34 and then changes to 0.40 and decreases to 0.00 before jumps to 0.57... Something like this, like some endless balancing, but never like an ended balance.
31. " the individual is in a state of balance relative to another individual, but It may not necessarily be in equilibrium with other individuals other than these two, so this property is called relativity." Indeed. I doubt it's possible everybody to be balanced towards all of the rest. You can't be balanced equally towards some liberal and some jihadist at the same time, right?