The greatest idea ever!!! But should avoid the doxxing. No personal names, address, bank's account, ID card and so on!
Why do all the users have names like "Alexa", "Internet" and "Good Incel"? What kind of bot experiment is this?What I can answer him is that not all the usears names are like this.
A question from a brocel:
I shared this in another website and a brocel nicknamed LadiesMan is asking @Alexa, @Good incel and @InternetQuoteWhy do all the users have names like "Alexa", "Internet" and "Good Incel"? What kind of bot experiment is this?What I can answer him is that not all the usears names are like this.
A question from a brocel:
I shared this in another website and a brocel nicknamed LadiesMan is asking @Alexa, @Good incel and @InternetQuoteWhy do all the users have names like "Alexa", "Internet" and "Good Incel"? What kind of bot experiment is this?What I can answer him is that not all the usears names are like this.
Sounds familiar. I think I met this brocel somewhere. Bro, I am "Good incel" because I saw terrible incels in and I don't want normies to think I am some ER fan or suicidal psycho and blackpilled moron, etc. This is why I chose the "Good incel". I want to make normies and the brocels to know that incels aren't all that bad.
A question from a brocel:
I shared this in another website and a brocel nicknamed LadiesMan is asking @Alexa, @Good incel and @InternetQuoteWhy do all the users have names like "Alexa", "Internet" and "Good Incel"? What kind of bot experiment is this?What I can answer him is that not all the usears names are like this.
Sounds familiar. I think I met this brocel somewhere. Bro, I am "Good incel" because I saw terrible incels in and I don't want normies to think I am some ER fan or suicidal psycho and blackpilled moron, etc. This is why I chose the "Good incel". I want to make normies and the brocels to know that incels aren't all that bad.
12 years ago when we started this forum there were less sections than now and I had to use this account to develop the Internet section (board). I also think that "Internet" is too boring so later I became popular around with my second name "Internet Gay". I like it.
Here, bro. I told them what you asked and they answered you: answers to LadiesMan. Hope the brocel will be satisfied and may join us! Good incels without hate! So cool, so great! 8)
I can manage new forum as I will buy hosting anonymously anyway bc I need it for my website, so you don't have to take any responsibility, I'm pretty free to host such things where I live, only piracy is disallowed but this is good imo and I won't allow such content.
It's good but also the bicels (the bisexual incels, malecels and femcels) should be included.
She means that if here some users show up with strong anti-Chinese slogans or guns, drugs, etc. propaganda, the ones who admin it may have serious problems like at least going to the police station and/or stopping their ads.
A total free speech is also against the rules of Google AdSense (for example you can't make Nazi propaganda or discussing porn ;D ), so I don't think they'll agree to accept it (raw free speech). ;)
I do believe you can. 8) But it's difficult to make a successful forum at the present time. Most of the people are "locked" to FaceBook, the rest to Reddit, Twitter, TikTok ... I don't know how you may attract visitors from scratch but if you wish and you have the money, give it shot. :P Most of the forums can't survive. They were the real thing before FB. Now a new forum to succeed is like 1: 10 000 I guess but if you want do it and feel free to advertise it here. We don't jealous. :P
what about modernizing this forumit's the last version "SMF 2.0.19", no more modern currently. We're updating it on regular basis.
buying domainit has a domain "" (means science-education-omnilogy forum. "Luntan" is "forum" too but in Chinese).
adding chat functionalityuse the PM (private messaging) if you feel any discomfort to speak openly in the threads (topics). It's almost instant, like a chat.
about migrating this forum to new softwareit's exactly what I don't want to do. Old but gold saying:
I wonder what will be stolen there - identity, money, informations, doxxing or what.
There is no single reason why would any f. give any sympathy for our situation
Brocel Mazurro is full of worries. He asks:QuoteI wonder what will be stolen there - identity, money, informations, doxxing or what.
There is no single reason why would any f. give any sympathy for our situation
I edited only the word "foid" because here is for incels without hate and it's not a good word in this forum.
It will follow the same route as always - if I don't follow foid narrative and not play around this pathetic "voluntery charity" I will be considered as evil.
Like seriously, imagine posting on some obscure forum to some obscure f*ggots who are calling themselves "good incels" (in which way they are good exactly? In taking shit straight into their face without questions?) just for the sake of what?
Charity? The most charity a f*id could make is to percieve ugly men as feeling creatures. Befriending and dating one of them in real life is more than enough. But instead - even if it's real and not for stealing data - she chose to get internet validation from doing this shit.
She is either stupid, attention wh*re or doxx.
If you're an incel and you're not a bad one:
not calling for ER
not calling the females "foids"
not hating the innocent people for your problems
got vasectomy
support lgbtfu*ckyou
vote for biden
paid $20
6"+ tall
I will give you my virtual help.
Well, according to his last answer, I think this guy really has issues and I don't want to interact with him any more:
Here (I edit only the obscene words):QuoteIt will follow the same route as always - if I don't follow foid narrative and not play around this pathetic "voluntery charity" I will be considered as evil.
Like seriously, imagine posting on some obscure forum to some obscure f*ggots who are calling themselves "good incels" (in which way they are good exactly? In taking shit straight into their face without questions?) just for the sake of what?
Charity? The most charity a f*id could make is to percieve ugly men as feeling creatures. Befriending and dating one of them in real life is more than enough. But instead - even if it's real and not for stealing data - she chose to get internet validation from doing this shit.
She is either stupid, attention wh*re or doxx.
This kind of incel really is self-locking all the possibilities to ascend. A 100% volcel. ;D
And our "favorite" Vortex:QuoteIf you're an incel and you're not a bad one:
not calling for ER
not calling the females "foids"
not hating the innocent people for your problems
got vasectomy
support lgbtfu*ckyou
vote for biden
paid $20
6"+ tall
I will give you my virtual help.
This entire post and replies are like combination of Doogy and Chris Chan autism. The ignorance and lack of knowledge about reality makes it a satire.Said the guy who demonstrates autistic thinking and who has distorted image of the reality in his head. :P
I will never be a f... to make kweenz feel comfortable.Said the guy who feels discomfortable exactly because he can't have a "kween". He wants a kween so badly but he don't want to make them feel good. Smart if he wants to be a volcel. ;D ;D ;D
They don't deserve that for everything I have been through, neither I want to maxx anything - which is just focusing on some random s... to leave f... alone.Said the guy who obviously needs to work a lot if he don't want to die as a single obese ignorant person. He needs to learn more knowledge, empathy, improving his looks (body, weight, muscles, skin condition, style) and ethics. Otherwise, better not to reproduce, he can't be e normal husband and a normal parent.
The funniest part is that with my misogyny I still have higher chances of finding a partner than f... "cool incels"Said the guy who is an incel with obvious mentalcel, hatecel and other issues. How he counts his chances? Even a Chad with this bitter ignorant character will repel most of the females. This person can't show at least one positive, attractive side of his human nature. Why then he is so sure that he has a chance? With some girl from a psychiatry maybe? Where is the normal woman who will like this one?
I at least force some emotions, where they force literally nothing except disgust maybe (which I also force).Forcing negative emotions is the dumbest tactics ever. If you're not a Chad, this will minn you to the 0/10, boy. ;D ;D ;D A 10/10 Chad being so ignorant may decline to 6/10 but if you're now 2/10, you are degrading yourself to literally nothing. If you're ugly at least you should start to improve your character, your knowledge, your personality, your body and so on. This is what is the REAL chance. Being a hatecel loser brings you nothing.
It's not the hate which keeps anyone alone. It's looks.
The site your shilling doesn't support https. Any incel that clicks these links or even posts there should be aware that anybody who controls your internet connection can see exactly what you are doing. Your ISP, gov and even roommates can now if they care to check
Bing source.
a former British coin and monetary unit equal to one twentieth of a pound or twelve pence.
the basic monetary unit in Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda, equal to 100 cents.
She loves you. Read her answer again if you wish. I don't really care. Good luck.;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D That really rocks!
Lmao, it's one of the most autistic circlejerks I have ever seen. I wonder what you are trying to get from it, but whatever, weird fetish.
Good girls are over there. 8) But the problem with many of those incels is that they're so doubtful that they're even not going to give it a try. You see that one, for example? He thinks that you'll cheat his money, steal his precious name and address (so-called doxxing) and other horror-movie like scenarios. ;D They just stopped believing in good and in hope.
I am trying it! Great experience! Never saw so hot photos!
And never had chance to say to a girl she is my dearest girlfriend in this way! :-*