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Normal Incels (Incels Without Hate) => A forum for incels who are normal people (no terrorists, no rapists, no racists, no pedophiles, no haters and so on) => Topic started by: Incel on December 06, 2022, 06:24:49 PM
I'll start with some examples of baseless, chauvinistic and racist attacks from people in TALK.LOL (aka voat.xyz).
1/ When I shared a French link about "Public anger over China’s strict 'Zero-Covid'" I was "warmly welcomed" by some "beece" who accused me for being somebody's alt ("apparent Paul neri alt.") I even don't know who is he!
2/ An angry low-IQ aggressive BushChuck decided that I'am a "fagg*t" (without any proof), accused this science-education-and-omnilogy forum for being "trash" (baselessly).
3/ Some SecretHitler (a racist?) full of himself decided that here we're "barely literate" (despite of many of us are with bachelors' and masters' degrees and we are elder people, full of experience) and that this scientific forum is just "trash foreigner". He even doesn't know how to for a sentence. Look at this: "Barely literate post with a couple barely literate responses in the incel subforum of a trash foreigner SEO forum great find. " (No comas, no full stops...)
4/ The same SecretHitler under a post where I shared a Russian link about those Mongols who attack their government palace, states that "OP is illiterate" and it's just without anything. Just an accusation and he expects the low-level IQed guys to believe it.
Another one ("Shotinthedark") added that "Mongols" should be "mongolias" ;D Can you imagine?! 2 mistakes in only one word: "Mongolians" (but with no capital letter and without an "n"). By the was many of those native English speaker have no idea that "Mongols" and "Mongolians" are almost the same words like "Spanish" and "Spaniard", for instance. I do agree that "Mongolians" is more concrete (because it refers to people who are Mongolia's Mongols (and the rest of their citizens like the minority of Kazakhs), "Mongols" refers to Mongols in Russia and China too.) But here is nothing that you can call "illiterate".
5/ And here comes the most disgusting one (Spaceman84) -- a person with undoubtable mental, cognitive and psychological problems! See why:
a) under a post about a crime of some 10 y. o. boy who shot his mother, this Spaceman84 posted a schizophrenic "word salad" (it is "a confused or unintelligible mixture of seemingly random words and phrases, specifically (in psychiatry) as a form of speech indicative of advanced schizophrenia.") in mixed English and Traditional Chinese where he mentions different things from an animated bear to square.
Some people noticed this schizophrenical post there and started to ask him if he is one of "the voices" ;D and that English is a second language for him.
All he can answer was "Copypasta, nigger"...
b) under the post about the Mongols (Mongolian Mongols) he started this racist and chauvinistic attacks that "I am a bot" (baselessly), "or some non English speaking Chinkoid or other foreign shitskin." (Here I will emphasize that English is just one of the world languages and it's not something that makes you better or worse. "Chinkoid" comes from "Chink" which is a racist word used against the Chinese. "Shitskin" is another racist word that refers to people with darker skin.
As you can see, the person is chauvinistic and racist, which only causes anger and I despise him.)
c) "OP doesn't actually speak English" (another baseless claim, but no wonder because maybe this racist and chauvinist is also a schizophrenic or a schizoid).
(By the way there are some thoughtful people too but I am giving these trashy ones as an example why if you're a good incel you should be careful which websites do you join.)
This forum is better than all these Reddit, Talk lol, etc., because here the votes (Karma) doesn't affect your participation. For example, you may have -400 (negative karma) and you will be able to continue posting and participating normally. But there, no way... remember not to answer these trolls and other bad people because this is what they wait for: to downvote you and to limit your access.
That's right. The only one (similar to Reddit, this voat-like website Talk.lol and others) is Saidit.net. There they have no downvote but 2 kinds of upvoat. This is much better. 8) Here is okay too, because we do have downvote option but it doesn't affect your participation (as far as you don't break the basic rules).
That's right. Downvote brigades are everywhere. Even one downgraded person like the one mentioned above is enough to affect (and in some cases, to ruin) your participation.
It's right that we mention that there are also good people who do support and that not everyone is bad. But, yes, if you're so pity (once you're a bald, short, poor and aging incel) or another pity person (like disabledcel, oldcel and so on) you better choose a 100% positive and supportive place, where nobody is going to hurt you.
Yes, men. As it was said, these were just the decent answer (answers) about the baseless accusations of Spaceman84 for being a "bot", "shitskin", "Chinkoid" and about some other abnormal people there.
Decent answers to the abnormal ones there doesn't mean we should forget th thanks to the normal people here who do support the normal participation.
Yes, men
and women. :) We're respecting the women too here, you know.
The problem of these communities (there are also forums like this) is clear: their moderation sucks. The bad users (with higher power to downvoat and influence) are making the newbies out soon... in one point the community, forum or not, is over.
I will continue to answer them here; once I check my PMs.
Some of these losers didn't answer me but others come there... well, let me see, let me see.
beece (the one who accused me of being somebody's alt) instead of realizing his mistake and saying a "sorry", decided to show how "disinterested" he is with a very original comment that his interest in my "bullshit" can be measured in "microgiveashits". What a clever man! If you're so disinterested, beece, why you came to accuse me without any proof? And why you're reading my "bullshit"? Does it some symptom of microbrainianism? ;D ;D ;D You see? I can invent new words too.
A new one (FacelessOne) comment that I am glowing this morning. (In fact, I was glowing that night, but who cares...) And, yeah, he thinks that I am sort of too sensitive because "Wow you really do post dear diary an internet stranger called me names today..." Ha! Okay, man, it's easy: when they attack you, you can complain but when they attack the others you're like "Oh, come on! Don't be such a cry baby." What do you want me to do? To be a Jesus who is saying "Hit me one more time!"?
I think Joe_McCarthy post a good answer!!! Even wise in some points. Deserves your attention, seriously: If guys are going around calling you a Jew, pedo, etc., unprompted or unprovoked they kind of epitomize disruptive elements. It is pretty much only these provocations that will cause me to hurl fed accusations in response. Even if I'm suspicious I'll hold my tongue unless trespassed against first. At worst I come off no worse than they do in hurling unproven charges. Better even as they started it.
Mostly makes sense! I like it.
And some very racist (full of antisemitism for sure) person nicknamed "AryanPrime" posted a very aggressive comment (full of hate like "you should be necked until dead", "bury them all" and so on). This kind of 100% degenerate doesn't deserve any attention here because it's a place which doesn't allow people like him and if I quote more from him I'll be a part of his hate speech. So, no!
Good to see that there are some wiser people too!
There are some very wise incels. Not every incel is a stupid person.
Indeed. There are many toxic places that are not good for incels. I don't recommend hanging over there either.
For example, the toxic place I've been to is looksmaxxing forum. It's not guilty to improve your face and body, but when you improve them because of severe body/face dysphoria, it seems to me rather than improving, you need therapy, and the forumers there are pretty toxic, aggressive, and even racismic, due to their severe dysphoria or else.
Not only can you see chads/gigachads(namely 7/10 and 8/10) rated only 3/10 there, but also you can see the whole forum is just a cesspool full of toxic teens and trollers, who even throw racismic and unrealistic rude words to your post.
I think the mods there are braindead. They can't tolerate a post to be off-section but they can tolerate so many bad guys.
Yes. When you have problems and you have to deal with racism, agression, etc., your problems are worsening. So, stick to friendlier communities like this one. 8) :-*
They can't tolerate a post to be off-section but they can tolerate so many bad guys.
Stupid and formalistic...
They can't tolerate a post to be off-section but they can tolerate so many bad guys.
Stupid and formalistic...
I recommend taking a look there ;D because it will literally feast your eyes, if you don't mind getting a heart attack:
No, thanks just because I think it's a waste of time and can't improve anything except the English skills on some conversational level probably?
I had a look. Many of the answers are just one word answers and not very educational, nor useful. No idea what's the whole content of the forum. Just shared an opinion based on its topics about "rate me" (what you were focusing about).
And also be careful with landwhales like Desi who suspects everything you ffffffffffffffffffff claim to be fake! Oh well I really wish she had been born contemporarily with Wittgenstein because her learning of his Philosophy has caused her to be like that and maybe only Wittgenstein can solve her ffffffffffffffffffff old lady issues...
This immature (and full of lies or hallucinations!) posts only shows that you didn't understand Wittgenstein at all.
Also, to all of the rest who are reading here: this man is dishonest and spreading lies. She is not old, she is not a landwhale... He is just a liar and/or an insane, hallucinations having man, who can only harm the forum and our incomes, visitors, etc.
So, just fully ignore his posts!!!