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Normal Incels (Incels Without Hate) => A forum for incels who are normal people (no terrorists, no rapists, no racists, no pedophiles, no haters and so on) => Topic started by: SEO on October 26, 2022, 03:18:24 AM

Title: Gymmaxx and gymcels
Post by: SEO on October 26, 2022, 03:18:24 AM

Gymmaxx and gymcels

As we see the gymcels (incels who try to ascend by means of work out: in the gym, in the sport clubs, in the parks and at home, etc.) are one of the best looking incels and/or the ones who deserve at least some respect for trying hard to get rid of the inceldom.

Here we have got one or two great gymcelling guys. How do you work out and what efforts do you make? How about the results?
Title: Re: Gymmaxx and gymcels
Post by: xxs on October 26, 2022, 03:28:10 AM
Incel (the user) reasons for being an incel isn't because he's not  fit (being fit is not working for him) and based off of my interactions with him.
I know why he's an incel because of what he does.
If he simply stopped doing such things he may be able to get a girlfriend.
Title: Re: Gymmaxx and gymcels
Post by: MSL on October 26, 2022, 05:01:55 AM
 Currently: practicing some martial arts (mostly kungfu, TKD, JKD and MMA) + some yoga, aerobics and chess (it's a sport too, you know? :P ) + working out with my gym tools at home (I've got a mini gym) + biking, running and long walks + working out in parks and gardens (there are often opportunities for the so-called "street workout").
 I use almost every free minute to do sports -- including when I'm watching TV, reading an article or waiting for something.
 Of course, remember that only gymcelling (gymmaxx) isn't (usually) enough (if you have other problems to solve like -- being a poorcel, being a locationcel, being a baldcel, etc.)
Title: Re: Gymmaxx and gymcels
Post by: SEO on October 26, 2022, 04:10:40 PM
Usually like this? :o
Title: Re: Gymmaxx and gymcels
Post by: MSL on October 26, 2022, 04:33:25 PM
 Not 100% but around 95% it is usually like this. I don't like to have "lazy day" and I do my best to use every free minute to do some additional exercise. Let's say you're waiting for something and you must wait for it 2 minutes. I use these 2 minutes to do several squats. At the rest of the day, when there is time for sports, as I said -- the different martial arts, aerobics, yoga, chess and bodybuilding (dumbbells, toning ring, push up bars, chest expander, ab wheel, hand grip and a few others). The walks are something like a must. The running and the biking -- from time to time. And trying a new martial art also from time to time.
Title: Re: Gymmaxx and gymcels
Post by: Good incel on October 26, 2022, 04:39:23 PM
Wow, you are so fit bro!
Title: Re: Gymmaxx and gymcels
Post by: MSL on October 26, 2022, 05:20:26 PM
 As a matter of fact, I am because it's not only this perpetual sporty life; I also have to take care of my incomes (not like these incels who only rely on their parents' income) and I do a physical activity job, a semi-physical activity job and intellectual jobs (all of them are burning a solid amount of calories and keeping, more or less, the tonus) plus I'm the one who should take the best possible care for the health, which includes regular washing, sweeping and so on (in order to keep the good hygiene which is equal to healthier and biologically younger self), which additionally is adding some fitness (the condition of being physically fir and healthy) to the one got from the many sports activities and the jobs.
 Of course, I'm still far from perfect because I build my body naturally (no steroids) and the progress isn't rapid but when I compare myself to the rest of the males outside, well, let's say there are 20% skinny guys, 40% fat ones, 20% average ones, 15% semi-muscular and 5% muscular. It means I look (body wise) better than at least 85% of them. Hard work pays off.
Title: Re: Gymmaxx and gymcels
Post by: Incel on October 26, 2022, 06:18:11 PM
Incel (the user) reasons for being an incel isn't because he's not  fit (being fit is not working for him) and based off of my interactions with him.
I know why he's an incel because of what he does.
If he simply stopped doing such things he may be able to get a girlfriend.

LOL~~~ Sounds like I did something criminal! ;D ;D ;D  I sent a photo. And what? First, if you think that I am sending photos to all of the others you're 1 000 000% wrong. Second, if you're attributing my problems (balding, being shorter than many others and poorer than most of the people around, and on top of that -- my elder age) to just "He sent a photo." it means you don't understand anything and you better to learn more before try to help with this sort of wrong conclusions. Read more: http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/a-forum-for-incels-who-are-normal-people-no-terrorists-no-rapists-no-racists-no-pedophiles-no-haters-and-so-on/that-s-why-you-re-an-incel/msg46301/#msg46301 (http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/a-forum-for-incels-who-are-normal-people-no-terrorists-no-rapists-no-racists-no-pedophiles-no-haters-and-so-on/that-s-why-you-re-an-incel/msg46301/#msg46301) and learn.

Hey, everybody! Don't take seriously this girl's statement. My problem isn't because I'm sending photos. My problems are: 1. Balding (women prefer hair), 2. Shorter than average (women prefer taller but I am the same tall as most of the women), 3. Poor (more and more unemployment rate around me, even for the locals due to the new realities; women prefer rich men), 4. Elder age (most of the people are searching for younger guys).
Title: Re: Gymmaxx and gymcels
Post by: SEO on October 26, 2022, 06:23:10 PM
Incel (the user) reasons for being an incel isn't because he's not  fit (being fit is not working for him) and based off of my interactions with him.
I know why he's an incel because of what he does.
If he simply stopped doing such things he may be able to get a girlfriend.

LOL~~~ Sounds like I did something criminal! ;D ;D ;D  I sent a photo. And what? First, if you think that I am sending photos to all of the others you're 1 000 000% wrong. Second, if you're attributing my problems (balding, being shorter than many others and poorer than most of the people around, and on top of that -- my elder age) to just "He sent a photo." it means you don't understand anything and you better to learn more before try to help with this sort of wrong conclusions. Read more: http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/a-forum-for-incels-who-are-normal-people-no-terrorists-no-rapists-no-racists-no-pedophiles-no-haters-and-so-on/that-s-why-you-re-an-incel/msg46301/#msg46301 (http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/a-forum-for-incels-who-are-normal-people-no-terrorists-no-rapists-no-racists-no-pedophiles-no-haters-and-so-on/that-s-why-you-re-an-incel/msg46301/#msg46301) and learn.

Hey, everybody! Don't take seriously this girl's statement. My problem isn't because I'm sending photos. My problems are: 1. Balding (women prefer hair), 2. Shorter than average (women prefer taller but I am the same tall as most of the women), 3. Poor (more and more unemployment rate around me, even for the locals due to the new realities; women prefer rich men), 4. Elder age (most of the people are searching for younger guys).

 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D Yeah, the kid is really still too naive if she thinks that you just stop sending photos and there will be some girl who will like a bald, short, poor and aging dude!  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D Classical one (like "Just take a shower, bro!!! Just go and say "Hi!" bro!", "Just have a haircut, bro.")  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D But this is the way how the normies imagine the incels problems; they don't understand the real reasons behind the inceldom.
Title: Re: Gymmaxx and gymcels
Post by: MSL on October 26, 2022, 06:45:12 PM
 For the balding -- hatmaxx (hat-maxx) and/or shaving, sometimes -- figs (figmaxx; fig-maxx). The current other ways are not working well or they're full of side effects.
 For the shortness, it's the most difficult but at least you can compensate it with the good bodybuilding and some other maxxings (improvements) like popularitymaxx or geomaxx.
 For the aging -- it sucks but if you keep your real age (the biological age) younger (via sports, good diets, etc.) you can pass for a younger one (especially if you can hide your passport age (ID card age)  :) ).
 For being poor -- that's the most challenging... especially if you live in some particular countries which are full of problems...
Title: Re: Gymmaxx and gymcels
Post by: xxs on October 27, 2022, 02:21:02 AM
That's not what I mean. What I mean is you come on WAY too strongly and thus would make some people feel uncomfortable.
Title: Re: Gymmaxx and gymcels
Post by: xxs on October 27, 2022, 02:39:59 AM
Seriously, you guys disappoint me thinking that I'm the type to say "stop sending photos and you'll get a girl" NO.
You got it all wrong.
Clearly, you don't know what exactly I was talking about but you then assume I'm naive and don't get what you're talking about.
Title: Re: Gymmaxx and gymcels
Post by: Alexa on October 27, 2022, 03:11:58 AM
No, just be honest with him. Tell him that even he never did that "terrible thing" (to send a photo) once he's a balding, not tall, not rich and not young, he has almost 0 chance to find anybody.  :P Don't give him false hopes like
If he simply stopped doing such things he may be able to get a girlfriend.

As a woman, think about it: even he stops doing "such things" (photo) what woman in her sane mind will say "The guy is without hair, poor as church mouse, short and aging but he doesn't send photos, so I am in love!"  :P Let's be realistic.
Title: Re: Gymmaxx and gymcels
Post by: MSL on October 27, 2022, 03:13:33 AM
That's not what I mean. What I mean is you come on WAY too strongly and thus would make some people feel uncomfortable.

 Yes. The key word here is "some".
Title: Re: Gymmaxx and gymcels
Post by: xxs on October 27, 2022, 03:25:55 AM
Right now I am very angry but I will contain all of it in.
Title: Re: Gymmaxx and gymcels
Post by: MSL on October 27, 2022, 03:30:11 AM
Seriously, you guys disappoint me thinking that I'm the type to say "stop sending photos and you'll get a girl" NO.
You got it all wrong.
Clearly, you don't know what exactly I was talking about but you then assume I'm naive and don't get what you're talking about.

 Don't worry. Just describe better what do you think. It's like in the literature (language) classes -- you may have many thoughts and emotions but you have to describe them with the right words so the people will get your meaning as much as possible.
 Maybe it'll be useful for your further literature and English classes -- try to re-write this
I know why he's an incel because of what he does.
If he simply stopped doing such things he may be able to get a girlfriend.
. Try to re-write it in the way that will show us how you didn't mean that simply stop doing such things (sending a photo that you dislike) is going to give him some chance to get a girlfriend.
Title: Re: Gymmaxx and gymcels
Post by: MSL on October 27, 2022, 03:34:57 AM
Right now I am very angry but I will contain all of it in.

That's good. Keep it polite, calm and don't think too much about your private chats with Internet, incel and others. For example, you may think "I'll remind him again how he sent me a photo and I will make him to realize what a loser is he." but instead he's getting upset because he thinks "Gosh, if only the photos were my problem, I will never ever touch a photo any more! How the hell is she so naive to think that my big problems like bald head, no money, no long bones and no more youth are less than that #@#!%$ photo?!?!?!?!" and you're getting very angry too... So, what's the point to mention the people which you chat privately here?
Title: Re: Gymmaxx and gymcels
Post by: MSL on October 27, 2022, 03:50:30 AM
No, just be honest with him. Tell him that even he never did that "terrible thing" (to send a photo) once he's a balding, not tall, not rich and not young, he has almost 0 chance to find anybody.  :P Don't give him false hopes like
If he simply stopped doing such things he may be able to get a girlfriend.

As a woman, think about it: even he stops doing "such things" (photo) what woman in her sane mind will say "The guy is without hair, poor as church mouse, short and aging but he doesn't send photos, so I am in love!"  :P Let's be realistic.

 The best quality (or one of the best) in a person is being able to be honest, frank and genuine to the opposite sex (gender) and to give the right information like "Dear, no offense, but your problems are: x, y and z." or "To be honest, if you improve a and b, and take more care of c you'll be much better."
 But when you only speak "You're ugly, short, poor..." without giving some courage (like good ideas) to deal with these problems or (if it's impossible), at least, how to compensate it with something else (like "Yes, man, you are shorter than most of the Europeans but if you move to Indonesia or Brazil you'll be just okay." or like "Your ugly face maybe compensated with more sports, diets and being popular.") then it's just brutal. ;D
Title: Re: Gymmaxx and gymcels
Post by: xxs on October 27, 2022, 03:53:10 AM
Just try to remove your bad habits and you'll get better.
Try to study and if you graduate from that you could get a good job.
Title: Re: Gymmaxx and gymcels
Post by: Alexa on October 27, 2022, 03:55:11 AM
I am sorry I didn't want to emphasize about the solutions but about the honesty. When it comes to guys with so many problems it's really better to tell him straightly: Boy you're poor, old, bald, short and these are the problems (he should be awared of the real problems, not to believe that "Oh, next time if I don't send a photo the females are going to love me!") Everytime be honest with them and don't waste their time to believe that some little problem is their main problem. Usually their main problems are that they are ugly and poor. The handsome and rich men are never single, right?
Title: Re: Gymmaxx and gymcels
Post by: xxs on October 27, 2022, 03:57:12 AM
I am sorry I didn't want to emphasize about the solutions but about the honesty. When it comes to guys with so many problems it's really better to tell him straightly: Boy you're poor, old, bald, short and these are the problems (he should be awared of the real problems, not to believe that "Oh, next time if I don't send a photo the females are going to love me!") Everytime be honest with them and don't waste their time to believe that some little problem is their main problem. Usually their main problems are that they are ugly and poor. The handsome and rich men are never single, right?

It's because they're rich.
You'll never see me having s&x with a rich guy just for money.
Title: Re: Gymmaxx and gymcels
Post by: Incel on October 27, 2022, 04:10:28 AM
Thanks so much, everyone, for the big attention to my humble incel's personality. Let me answer with some friendly answers:

1. I may be balding (can't stop it no matter how many massages, shampoos and diets I have), not tall (can't make my bones longer), not rich (no matter how hard I try to earn in different ways), the eldest here (can't turn back the time and to choose to be born later) but I am not stupid. :)
 It's perfectly clear that even a photo may be a mistake, nobody cares that much, if you're with pretty hair, taller body, plenty of money and younger... I know my problems and I do my best to deal with them as much as possible.

2. I am not upset or angry or something. She is just 14. When I was 14 I didn't know even that much. It's normal for a kid to be without so much experience as we, the elder, are. So, let her talk. I don't mind.

3. About this
Just try to remove your bad habits and you'll get better.
Try to study and if you graduate from that you could get a good job.

 Kid, I don't smoke, don't drink vodkas, whiskeys and other hard alcohol. I even hate the idea of smoking marijuana and I don't know why they make it legal in so many places, i. e. I am anti-drug oriented. I do sports on daily basis (sometimes I even think I may die, because I am very exhausted after work out + doing the rest of heavy duties that I have to every day, but I keep working because if I get fat again I am 100% lost surely). I can't find a bad habit (except spending hours online maybe), so this idea of yours isn't something valuable for me (for the guys with the bad habits it's a really precious one but I am really okay and it's rare nowadays to see someone with so healthy and no bad habits life like me).
 About the graduation -- I did it already (around 22 years ago). So, also nothing that helps me. (By the way don't believe that everyone who graduates may take a job. There is that thing called unemployment (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unemployment))...
Title: Re: Gymmaxx and gymcels
Post by: xxs on October 27, 2022, 04:13:21 AM
The bad habit I'm talking about is what you watch and do in your free time. I won't reveal it as it's personal of course but I'll tell you in a message.
Title: Re: Gymmaxx and gymcels
Post by: Alexa on October 27, 2022, 04:15:25 AM
I am sorry I didn't want to emphasize about the solutions but about the honesty. When it comes to guys with so many problems it's really better to tell him straightly: Boy you're poor, old, bald, short and these are the problems (he should be awared of the real problems, not to believe that "Oh, next time if I don't send a photo the females are going to love me!") Everytime be honest with them and don't waste their time to believe that some little problem is their main problem. Usually their main problems are that they are ugly and poor. The handsome and rich men are never single, right?

It's because they're rich.
You'll never see me having s&x with a rich guy just for money.

What I am saying is that the rich men aren't single. The handsome men aren't single too. But he's an ugly (according to most of the females) and poor man, so he just should realize that with or without sending photos there is no normal woman who will like him. The standards are very high nowadays and I doubt that he'll have some chance if he's not going to become something more -- for example an online star, a toto billionaire, a famous fitness instructor or something...
Title: Re: Gymmaxx and gymcels
Post by: xxs on October 27, 2022, 04:16:43 AM
I see.
I'll talk later as I gotta go.
Cya later!
Title: Re: Gymmaxx and gymcels
Post by: Incel on October 27, 2022, 04:25:28 AM
ROFL! Nobody cares what I watch or not watch. And you know nothing about my free time:

I am reading geopolitics. Do you even know what's that?

I am learning economics. Do you know at least what's "Demand-side theory"?

I am learning Chinese hard. 你肯定一点都不懂。

I am doing sports and I nearly break my body day by day with hard work outs. The amount of sport I do maybe equals to those that you'll do in 300 x 14 years.

So, if really the females care what I do and learn in my free time I ensure you that I surpass most of the males and they'll be impressed: Awwwwwww, such a clever guy who knows geopolitics, economics and Chinese language! And he is sporty! I am so into him!
When you find a clever but, short, balding, old and poor boy-friend, then try to explain me how if I change what I watch in my free time, they'll like me. Is it that difficult for you to understand that people want handsome and/or rich men and 99.99999999999999999999999999999% of the females doesn't give a damn what the ugly, short, poor and elder ones are doing in their free time or what they know?
Title: Re: Gymmaxx and gymcels
Post by: MSL on October 27, 2022, 04:36:43 AM
 That's true. The edumaxx is a good thing but only this isn't enough.
 No doubt, the majority of the successful men are the handsome ones and/or the rich ones. If you're none of them, just "I do good things in my free time." isn't enough. You need results like: more and more muscular body; changing the economical situation; trying to ascend via geomaxx and or socialmaxx (sometimes they're related); never neglect your hair problem because maybe it's the biggest one so far (or the second big one).
Title: Re: Gymmaxx and gymcels
Post by: Good incel on October 27, 2022, 05:16:05 AM
Keep the good job brocels! Or else you'll become like those fat losers. At least you're now so well gymmaxxed, edumaxxed... you have reached a great line. I bet if you moneymaxx somehow you'll ascend instantly. 8)
Title: Re: Gymmaxx and gymcels
Post by: xxs on October 28, 2022, 01:54:25 AM
Generally, everyone is smart in their own way.
I did learn some programming, learned some languages, learned some interesting things about science, and taught myself cursive and to write with both hands.
Title: Re: Gymmaxx and gymcels
Post by: Alexa on October 28, 2022, 03:53:17 AM
Congrats! :-*
Title: Re: Gymmaxx and gymcels
Post by: MSL on October 28, 2022, 04:21:10 AM
 Good, good.
 The point is that really the personal hobbies (like what do you watch in your free time -- for example, some people watch horses, others -- WWE and so on) doesn't influence the females like/dislike that much.
 Let's use some examples:

 1. (https://www.malemodelscene.net/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/Francisco-Lachowski-for-UMag-MaleModelSceneNet-01.jpg)Source: malemodelscene.net

 He is Francisco Lachowski (a Brazilian fashion model). Most of the females who know him would say they like him and he is 9/10 or 10/10. (They're not going to change their opinion about his attractiveness despite of what he's doing in his free time. For example, he may like to sing or he may just like to plant flowers... they'll like him just the same.)

 2. (https://incels.wiki/images/7/7d/Ravens2.jpg)Source: incels.wiki
 He is known as "Ravens". He is almost 50 and he's a gymcel, who uses a lot of time to weightlifting and as far as we know from the source, unfortunately, only a gay man is hitting on him, and for months, no women like him. (And they're not going to like him despite of what he do in his free time -- singing or taking care for flowers.)

 Now, watch them again and think (honestly) -- if you have to choose one, are you going to consider your choice based on what they do in their free time or you'll just choose the more handsome one?

 (I am not saying that the hobbies or the activities doesn't matter at all. Well, there are some females who may pay attention to it and if they like it (for example "I like Spanish and he is learning Spanish too, wow!" but it's not going to increase the man's value more than some 0.5 or 1 point. For example this can help him to become a 4.5/10 if he was a 4/10 before he shares what he is doing... But it's really very insignificant and most of the people even don't ask about your hobbies when they make their mind "I like him." or "I don't like him."))
Title: Re: Gymmaxx and gymcels
Post by: Alexa on October 28, 2022, 04:35:17 AM
Ravens have to shavemaxx and hatmaxx. Maybe, fashionmaxx too... Then he will be 4/10 at least. Now he looks like 2/10 to many women I suppose.
Title: Re: Gymmaxx and gymcels
Post by: Good incel on October 28, 2022, 04:37:12 AM
Based! 8)
Title: Re: Gymmaxx and gymcels
Post by: Good incel on October 28, 2022, 02:40:49 PM
Because I'm a good incel and I am not a misogynic incel, I will add that it's the same when we, the males, are liking a girl. If she is very pretty even without some achievements or hobbies, we like her. But if she is very ugly, we can't like her just because she is full of achievements and hobbies. She must be at least an average looking girl if she want to impress us with her hobbies and achievements.
Title: Re: Gymmaxx and gymcels
Post by: Incel on October 28, 2022, 03:07:58 PM
Generally, everyone is smart in their own way.
I did learn some programming, learned some languages, learned some interesting things about science, and taught myself cursive and to write with both hands.

 It's very good but we were talking about me, right? You jump into a fast (baseless) conclusion that in my free time I watch only one type of thing to cope with my inceldom but in fact I am a person with a lot of knowledge (I graduated at humanitarian studies) and I do use most of my free time to learn geopolitics, economics, Chinese and to do freaking amount of sports. Most of the boys you like probably don't do even 1/3 of my daily routine but you still like them because they're attractive to you. I am sure you even don't know 100% what they do in their free time (maybe some of them browse disgusting websites with dead animals or watch perverted mangas but they will never share it with anybody, even with their closest friends), but you like them. So????????????????????????????????????????????? Let's just say that you learn your lesson -- one kind of your free time activity (especially if nobody knows about it, no matter is it watching erotic photos or learning the African countries' capitals), doesn't make difference about whether you're going to have a girl-friend or not.
Title: Re: Gymmaxx and gymcels
Post by: xxs on October 29, 2022, 02:26:26 AM
Who said I assumed you only watch one thing in your free time?
I never said you watch only one thing in your free time.
Plus, I generally am not attracted to anyone in a romantic way.
Only as friends. I have other things to do other than get caught up in love.
Title: Re: Gymmaxx and gymcels
Post by: MSL on October 29, 2022, 04:12:35 AM
Lexi, did you read this post (http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/a-forum-for-incels-who-are-normal-people-no-terrorists-no-rapists-no-racists-no-pedophiles-no-haters-and-so-on/gymmaxx-and-gymcels/msg46314/#msg46314)? If not, please read it once and try to re-write your idea in a clear way.
Title: Re: Gymmaxx and gymcels
Post by: Incel on October 29, 2022, 04:25:37 AM
Who said I assumed you only watch one thing in your free time?
I never said you watch only one thing in your free time.
Plus, I generally am not attracted to anyone in a romantic way.
Only as friends. I have other things to do other than get caught up in love.

Here is what you said:

Incel (the user) reasons for being an incel isn't because he's not  fit (being fit is not working for him) and based off of my interactions with him.
I know why he's an incel because of what he does.
If he simply stopped doing such things he may be able to get a girlfriend.

You knew that time ONLY ONE of my free time activities and you jumped to the "conclusion" that I am an incels of "what he does" (which as everybody here knows already was -- A PHOTO)... So everything is about this ONE thing! Nothing more or less. And because it's NOT TRUE, now you're trying to deflect the matter instead to say "Look, I am sorry, it's really funny to think that the females doesn't like you because you sent me a wrong photo!"

I still can't stop laugh when I read "If he simply stopped doing such things..." So simple? ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D I'm stopping to send photos (and to watch them) and then magically I am already:

- with new hair
- taller
- rich
- 20 years younger?   

 So simple! Incels should ask you for the ideas, you will be able to solve the inceldom problem forever!  ;D
Title: Re: Gymmaxx and gymcels
Post by: Incel on October 29, 2022, 04:30:50 AM
She simply can't...  :)
Title: Re: Gymmaxx and gymcels
Post by: MSL on October 29, 2022, 06:31:45 PM
 Well, then she better to stop this and to focus on our other topics. :)

 About this one thing she is right. Only gymmaxx itself not always is working for an incel but it is adding some value (a.k.a. smv in some incels' communities) to your previous value plus it keeps you healthier (and health itself is a value too). So, at least, it is a solid base for more maxxing (improvement). 
Title: Re: Gymmaxx and gymcels
Post by: xxs on November 01, 2022, 02:58:36 AM
Did you notice that I said "may be able to"? I never said you WILL get a girlfriend or anything will happen to you.
If you improved like not coming on too strong, break bad habits, and some other things.... Maybe good luck will happen to you.
Who knows? Karma is a thing.
Title: Re: Gymmaxx and gymcels
Post by: MSL on November 01, 2022, 04:48:50 AM
 Karma is a religious thing that is based on nothing than imagination and wishful thinking.
I know why he's an incel because of what he does.
sounds really hard to trust because a single action doesn't make you an incel. The person in question is an incel because he's poor, elder, short and balding. He has no bad habits (no smoking, no drugging, no excessive drinking, no picking fights (only self-defense), no cursing people).
Title: Re: Gymmaxx and gymcels
Post by: SEO on November 01, 2022, 04:51:48 AM
not coming on too strong

Hey, he came like a tornado or like a tropical storm? Typhoon maybe? :P

Yeah... these cold approaches are not working when you're bald, poor, aging and short... sad. :(
Title: Re: Gymmaxx and gymcels
Post by: Incel on November 01, 2022, 04:58:13 AM
She just decided that I have "done" something and I have "bad habits" and now nothing can change this.

Lexi, you know nothing about me. Better don't try to pretend being some kind of young psychologist or incelologist. Maybe after 5 years if you learn well biology and other related subjects you will know better. Now, just don't try because it's funny and focus on matters that are more understandable and useful for your development.
Title: Re: Gymmaxx and gymcels
Post by: Incel on November 01, 2022, 03:28:34 PM
LOL! Thinking about it, even the warm approaches are not working well when you're bald/balding, aging, short and poor.
Title: Re: Gymmaxx and gymcels
Post by: Good incel on November 01, 2022, 05:16:57 PM
I also think that when a man is so fucked up (it means "damaged") -- terrible hair loss, born much earlier than most of people around him, not lucky to be tall and on top of that, no money, then nobody cares about his habits (good or bad), because he's just invisible to the women. If he's a Chad than they willingly will ask him like "Hey, baby, what do you drink?", "Honey, what's your favorite food?", "How do you spare your free time?", "Where do you hang up?" and then it may matters (like if the Chad likes whiskey or he's staying sober), but when you're such a truecel (aged, bald, short and poor) where is the woman who's giving a f*ck about his habits, coming strong or coming weak  ;D and so on. It's all blue pill talk if you don't realize that oldcel, baldcel, shortcel and poorcel has much bigger problems than "habits and coming strong". (Also the man said he has no bad habits and he's not coming strong with photos at all). People with a minumum IQ will get it: the hair, the age, the height and the capital are his problems.
Title: Re: Gymmaxx and gymcels
Post by: SEO on November 02, 2022, 02:06:00 AM
It's really too much for a single person! Think about it. If he's just bald, it's not a problem because there are those tall, strong men like The Rock (https://ts1.cn.mm.bing.net/th/id/R-C.2985b141e1e07069fa1a3e09f7e575b6?rik=uChUR0M7Xr67xw&pid=ImgRaw&r=0, K.) Angle (https://ts1.cn.mm.bing.net/th/id/R-C.b2b6631c5d09c1a26ae80be02347be40?rik=BQWEXAM%2b2OEsXw&pid=ImgRaw&r=0), Vin Diesel (https://ts1.cn.mm.bing.net/th/id/R-C.a858e4326d049a250eda0f4fa656c500?rik=a%2fTZomVp9ywL%2bA&pid=ImgRaw&r=0) and others who are considered handsome.

... But they're popular, tall, rich and very strong.

 If you're not only bald or balding but also short, poor and aging, believe me, the bad habits (or the photos that were sent ;D ) are the least problem.
Title: Re: Gymmaxx and gymcels
Post by: Good incel on November 24, 2022, 04:40:24 AM
Yes, that's it.
Title: Re: Gymmaxx and gymcels
Post by: Gay on November 24, 2022, 06:32:22 AM
I like them!  :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: Gymmaxx and gymcels
Post by: 英语课 on November 24, 2022, 09:21:26 PM
And very popular too. :)
Title: Re: Gymmaxx and gymcels
Post by: MSL on November 29, 2022, 02:08:04 AM
 Gymmaxxing is one of the best maxxings. 8)
Title: Re: Gymmaxx and gymcels
Post by: SEO on November 29, 2022, 02:19:31 AM
Some reactions about it from saidit.net:

1. LadiesMan said that this omnilogy international forum "reads"... "like a forum full of bots". (Partly true.)

We're a well-known international omnilogy forum and we have regular bot traffic (search engines bots/crawlers, spambots, other bots)... it's normal when you have a website and when it's an aged one like this forum.

2. AnimeRespecter said "Yo another incel forum." and he thinks that;s pretty cool.  8) (We're so proud and so glad to hear that!!!) He's been looking for another active incel forum besides incels.is since most incels were banned from reddit, but this was the only one he found.
Well, we're glad that there is a good alternative here now. It's a positive, creative and good incel forum (subforum) for the normal and good incels. About the question: "If you don't mind me asking, how many member are there in it?" the answer is
43411 Posts in 6847 Topics by 4158 Members.
  8) Of course, not everyone is active and some of them are multi-accountings or bots.

3. greybeard noticed that "No https, so government and your ISP will know exactly what you are writing without even having to target you"  ;D

What a funny guy. Everyone can know what we're writing (typing) here because we're an international, public forum. Nothing hidden and nothing to worry about because we're against the bad things! 8)

4. Vortex thinks that it's an "Autism forum." but it's because he's probably not enough educated to understand the matter about this international omnilogy forum.
Title: Re: Gymmaxx and gymcels
Post by: Incel on November 29, 2022, 07:03:14 PM
Some sort of a degenerate... or just a preteen person...
Title: Re: Gymmaxx and gymcels
Post by: SEO on December 06, 2022, 05:42:25 PM
A funny interpretation from thoughtcryme: "its a sad sad story about sad sad people
tl:dr - nerd came on too strong, chick wierded out, dude thought it was about a photo, photo shows hes bald, short and poor."  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Gymmaxx and gymcels
Post by: Alexa on December 06, 2022, 05:44:46 PM
The story is sad but the understanding is wrong. Reading with understanding... not everyone can do it... it is much more than merely decoding words.
Title: Re: Gymmaxx and gymcels
Post by: Ineedloveandpassion on December 09, 2022, 01:35:25 AM
Yes. Gymmax is a cool max! 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)