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Normal Incels (Incels Without Hate) => A forum for incels who are normal people (no terrorists, no rapists, no racists, no pedophiles, no haters and so on) => Topic started by: Good incel on September 16, 2022, 04:59:07 AM
An agecuck is someone who strongly opposes and condemns men who desire teens or even men who date young adults (usually ages 18 to 22). This type of attitude towards these types of men is often referred to as agecuckoldry.
An example: when an 18 year old dates a 14 year old, the 18 year old is considered by the agecucks an "pedophile" and a "grown adult" but if an 18 year old dates a 25 year old, for example, then agecucks infantilizes the 18 year old and say he/she is still a "child".
Imagine being so offended over someone else‘s relationship (”too old for you“, ”too young for you“, 'too short for you", "too tall for you", "too slim for you", "too fat for you", "too x for you", "too y for you"...)! Are people really that miserable?
They should be called "matchcucks". Looksmatch, agematch,... even sometimes someones go too far as racematch... Matchcucks.
Good words. Everything which is against the discriminations is good. 8)
I only oppose adults dating/having sex with minors! It just isn't right.
But when the minors have it with their classmates and even make abnormal sexual activities with them (like many boys with one girl) it looks very right to you? ;D
So we have got an agecuck here. But it's okay. We welcome everybody.
Girl, if an adult and minor have more in common than the minor with his/her classmates and the adult with his/her the-same-age people, it's not a problem to date. Because the minor, after 2-3 years is already not a minor. For example if they date when the minor is 16, after 2 years (less than two even because it will be not exactly on the birthday usually. Chance 1:365 to be exactly 2 round years) he/she is already an adult too. So, where is the ageism problem comining from?
The younger people think so only when the adult isn't attractive. At the same time they dream of adult music stars and cinema stars. ;D
I personally am not interested in sex. I don't care if people who are 18 date people who are 40/30/50 etc but minors? Like, I don't support it as it's really frowned upon where I'm from.
Also, Incel sounds like he has some real bad problems. Dunno how to help.
Also, Incel sounds like he has some real bad problems. Dunno how to help.
Don't get it personal, I speak it to you and those who have to know it. If you didn't notice it's a board for "incels" and it's normal in a board for incels there to be someone with a nickname "incel". Incel = someone who can't find even one girlfriend (or lover; wife). Yes, it's a really bad problem. And if you don't know how to help at least don't make the things worse with saying that his nickname sounds like he "has some real bad problems". :) There is a proverb in my language which says "If you can't help a person, at least don't make the things worse for him or her."
You're really not helping him with stating that he sounds this or that. If you can let him know a girl who may like him or show him some way to become a really attractive man -- this is a real help. Otherwise we're the same as those who when you ask them to help you to find something (job, for instance) they're answering you that you are depressed and you need psychological help. ;D
Okay, about
it's really frowned upon where I'm from
shows that there are many agecucks. Nothing more, nothing less. There are also people who frown when they see a black man with a white girl, a yellow girl with a white man and so on (racecucks)... or those who frown when the daughter is going to love a poor man... but what? Does it show that they're right or wrong? It's just "We don't like it."
It's a sort of off-topic but I have to answer her (a person with the name beginning with the letter "E") here. She got sort of uspet after I told her the truth that what I really need is to find me a job, not to be concerned about my emotions (or that imaginary "depression"):
Her last words before blocked me were: P. S. I don't work for free
My answer here:
Nobody works for free. Where is that coming from? I didn't say you work for free; but you said you want to brainstorm my options and I thought you can show me a real job (at least you have money for VPN and can search in Facebook the Cambodians if here really they don't give visas easily anymore)... Of course, it's up to you (if even a findin a job costs money -- okay, I am not capable to pay, you know how hard I earn even 2 yuan from internet or bottles)... ------------------- Just for the record, I don't need non-job help (if you think I am depressed, see what Guterres said: I am here to sound the alarm: The world must wake up.
We are on the edge of an abyss — and moving in the wrong direction.
Our world has never been more threatened.
Or more divided.
We face the greatest cascade of crises in our lifetimes.
Does he need to visit a psychologist?
(The context is clear I hope!)
Sorry for the second offtopic but once we started here... just don't want to offtopic it with a new thread in the forum because E. isn't an anti-incel or pro-incel something. I just answer it in this context that --if you can't help somebody at least don't make his/her life worse.
Here: she unblocked me to send me some memes (insulting ones "Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.” ― Mark Twain ", "When you blame and criticize others, you are avoiding some truth about yourself." ― Deepak Chopra, "The worst person to be around is someone who complains about everything and appreciates nothing." )
Then she blocked me again. She wants only she to send messages but not to read the answers. ;D Well, I like the right to answer and I will use this right of mine here:
My answers:
About "Silence is better than unnecessary drama.": Hunger is not a drama.
About the "stupid people": Thank you for the "stupid“!
About the rest of the quotes and all this childishness: I am objective and I am honest. You said I am genuine. If you honestly told me that I have to pay you money for the job searching , I would do it. I didn't know it costs money for such a simple help. I agree to give you 50% of my first salary.
I appreciate many things and if you read carefully my articles, you'll know it. I complain only against the current COVID 0 policy.
You're now angry for nothing. I don't understand why you added us, you said it's because you wanted to help to find a job. Simple as that... Later, obviously, my "fault” was that I didn't know it's a paid service. So, please, tell me how much does it cost and I will try to pay you.
You said you like to help the poorer, the weaker... but didn't say it costs money. I do value your business spirit -- just find me a real job and 50% of the first salary is yours. (OK)
Or you just can send another meme which explains how "stupid" or something bad am I. (OK) This shows what a clever and good person you are indeed. (ROSE)
What a nice and rational woman is that E.... ;D
Also, Incel sounds like he has some real bad problems. Dunno how to help.
Don't get it personal, I speak it to you and those who have to know it. If you didn't notice it's a board for "incels" and it's normal in a board for incels there to be someone with a nickname "incel". Incel = someone who can't find even one girlfriend (or lover; wife). Yes, it's a really bad problem. And if you don't know how to help at least don't make the things worse with saying that his nickname sounds like he "has some real bad problems". :) There is a proverb in my language which says "If you can't help a person, at least don't make the things worse for him or her."
You're really not helping him with stating that he sounds this or that. If you can let him know a girl who may like him or show him some way to become a really attractive man -- this is a real help. Otherwise we're the same as those who when you ask them to help you to find something (job, for instance) they're answering you that you are depressed and you need psychological help. ;D
No, I was talking about his post in psychology.
Ah, the book about the 500 rejections! I see now. Well 500 rejections is a problem but at least the book is going to be interesting. :)
Ah, the book about the 500 rejections! I see now. Well 500 rejections is a problem but at least the book is going to be interesting. :)
You misunderstood what I meant but that's ok! I didn't mean anything bad about his username.
At the beginning I thought that she is really going to be nice and to help, to be a friend. She was the one who offered her friendship and potential help. Later I found out that she's even not reading all of the content that I sent to her (according to her comments Just an example -- I won a chess game. And I told her "Another example why I try even when it seems 0 chance: I won against this Indian player even without a queen: (screenshot sent). . Usually without a queen (the most powerful piece in chess) the game is over. " but she didn't comment it at all) and she's not helping with something practical, something real (of course, I didn't expect her to give me some money when I speak to her about my jobless period and when I am describing my hard life because there are not so many people around the world who can give you cash just because you're in need, but at least I expected she to assist me to find a job or at least a part-time job). I didn't know that she is expecting me (the poor one) to pay her for this little favor. Also, I don't know how her niceness and recognition disappeared so fast. I guess, because I refused to use some realtor who she had in mind. I gave her my honest answer:
Yes, I bought an apartment 11 or 12 years ago. I hoped I can settle down here and become a real Chinese (with Chinese citizenship). Didn't know that this dark future is coming...
But I can't just sell it right now and starting to eat up from its money. My rule is "Don't eat your house."
And before I am sure I have a stable job abroad, I can't sell it so willingly...
Well, at the end, if here the COVID 0 madness continues endlessly, I have to sell it and to leave the hell even without job. (sad)
But realtors charge too expensive; I understand 90% of the Chinese characters, so I can deal directly with the selling; there are many neighbors (more than 10) who're willing to pay me directly 300 000 to 350 000 yuan.
As a reasonable-and-poor man I should avoid realtors. (thumb up)
Yeah, there are those men who think "Why?! It's only a small %, you'll pay them only 15 000 yuan!" Gosh (sweat), did they know HOW MUCH is 15 000 for me? For these (thumb down)rich bastards(thumb down) it's like 1 week work. For me it's more than 3 years work to have 15 000 yuan right now (with income of 400-500 yuan per month.)
So, saving money as much as I can, including buses, realtors, restaurants, cinemas... just focused to not die from hunger and to have some liquid (tea, water)...
Note about the word "bastards": in one of its meaning it's not rude, it's just informal and means "a person of a specified kind:
"He was a lucky bastard". (Source: "Oxford Languages" via Bing.)
As my partner said, she probably hoped that she can earn some percent of the realtor's commission. I wasn't very sure if this is the agenda but after her last words "I don't work for free" (even when it comes about helping to find a job) I also guess so -- she expected to earn some money from me and when I showed her honestly and clearly that I am not the right person for this she showed her real face and now I know that all those words like " I am concerned. " or "I am so sorry you are having such struggles. " were nothing but a mask. Now we know the real face, the real she.
Was she pretty?
It depends if you take into account her age. I never asked her age (becuase you maybe already know me -- for me the age is just a number and a sort of social construct) but according to her looks, she is maybe the age of your grandmother. (You said you're a young girl so I suppose your grandma is something like her). And because most of the grandmas are not so pretty as the young girls (and the younger selves), you can guess that she isn't someone who I can perceive as "pretty" but I don't think she is some ugly or scary woman; she is just a normal, average elder woman. (I am objective and I am not like her -- when get angry to somebody to start to speak bad things about him/her; it's so childish ;D For example, a week or two ago you speak to somebody how he's genuine, gifted, clever or something like this, and when you get upset you're telling him or her that she/he's stupid and other bad words... -- so, honestly I can't say something bad like "Oh, she is hell ugly! Blah-blah!" and I just can rate her objectively like a person with an average face (and maybe, body too, I don't know), i. e. a solid 5/10 woman, for her age).
It depends if you take into account her age. I never asked her age (becuase you maybe already know me -- for me the age is just a number and a sort of social construct) but according to her looks, she is maybe the age of your grandmother. (You said you're a young girl so I suppose your grandma is something like her). And because most of the grandmas are not so pretty as the young girls (and the younger selves), you can guess that she isn't someone who I can perceive as "pretty" but I don't think she is some ugly or scary woman; she is just a normal, average elder woman. (I am objective and I am not like her -- when get angry to somebody to start to speak bad things about him/her; it's so childish ;D For example, a week or two ago you speak to somebody how he's genuine, gifted, clever or something like this, and when you get upset you're telling him or her that she/he's stupid and other bad words... -- so, honestly I can't say something bad like "Oh, she is hell ugly! Blah-blah!" and I just can rate her objectively like a person with an average face (and maybe, body too, I don't know), i. e. a solid 5/10 woman, for her age).
I'd say I'm not the prettiest but I'm above average for sure.
Good. If you want to be prettier you should have healthy life -- eat vegatebles and fruit, drink a lot of water, do more sports. It will keep your skin and the whole body healthy and you'll be more pretty in 2-3 years for sure!
Good. If you want to be prettier you should have healthy life -- eat vegatebles and fruit, drink a lot of water, do more sports. It will keep your skin and the whole body healthy and you'll be more pretty in 2-3 years for sure!
That's literally what I do everyday, besides teach myself how to write with both hands by writing 15 paragraphs worth of words a week.