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Normal Incels (Incels Without Hate) => A forum for incels who are normal people (no terrorists, no rapists, no racists, no pedophiles, no haters and so on) => Topic started by: MSL on August 24, 2022, 03:32:53 AM

Title: Genetics - Personal efforts - Individual's taste
Post by: MSL on August 24, 2022, 03:32:53 AM

About the Relationship Genetics - Personal efforts - Individual's taste

  Let's start with this triplets experiment (triplets thought experiment). The triplets have got one and the same DNA (although there are some environmental factors that could switch certain genes throughout a triplet’s lifetime), i. e. the same genetics (so they are identical).
 Now let's suppose that they were average people, separated for some years (because they were adopted by three different adoptive parents/families). The first triplet was adopted by foodies (gastronomes) who don't like sports. He's becoming an obese person. The second one was adopted by an average family who raised him as an average person (not overweight, but also not having a ripped body). The third one was adopted by health and fitness freaks who made him to be a person with good-looking skin, muscular body and hygienic looks.
 Now, if they go to have a long walk along the beach and meet the there around 100 females, guess what will be the outcome
 1. The first triplet will receive around 0% to 1% likes. (There are those rare cases when present days females like and do prefer obese males.)
 2. The second triplet will receive around 5% likes.
 3. The third one will receive 20% likes.
 If you illustrate it with dots, it looks like:

 Let's now think of some another environment, like these triplets do the same but in a place where the females' individual tastes are different (for example, if the triplets are white they go to a country where many of the locals prefer whiter skins and white race or, the opposite, if they're yellow they go to a country where many of the locals are fans of all those K-pop, J-pop, Q-pop guys or just like males who remind them of Bruce Lee, Jet Lee, Bolo Yeung, Donnie Yen and so on). There (in that kind of new environment, where the individual tastes are more beneficial for them) the outcome may be like:

1. 5%
2. 40%
3. 90%


Let's continue this thought experiment with incel-tier triplets. If they're something like average incels (let's say 2/10 incels) then the expectations may be like:

1. 0%
2. 0%
3. 2%

(in the first environment)


1. 1%
2. 10%
3. 20%

(in the second environment).

 For all those incels and noncels who didn't understand it, let's think of all this in another way (from a typical male incel perspective using some of the incels' slang words):
 Imagine that there are female triplets. They've got 100% the same genetics but the first one started to eat a lot and didn't sport, the second one just remain the same and the third one healthmaxxes and gymmaxxes her. So, at the end, you're seeing a so-called landwhale, an average Becky and a Stacylite. Who are you going to like most?
 Well, most of the incels do not like obese females and the first triplet is not going to receive many likes. Some (to many) incels do prefer Beckies (average looking girls because they want someone closer to their looks and/or they worry that too pretty females are more difficult to be with). So the average looking triplet will receive more (or the most in some cases) likes. And the prettiest triplet will receive the most (or at least will be "the second best") likes.

So, what kind of conclusion we may make?

 I think that the most reasonable conclusion is:
 1. The genetics (genome; DNA) is something that you can't control. It's a constant. This gives you basis but later it's not the one and only factor.
 2. The personal efforts (and life choices, orientations, deeds, etc.) are a "game changer". A very important factor. Depending on you minn yourself or maxx yourself (you're becoming a worse version of yourself or a better version of yourself) the outcomes are different. Your attractiveness  and your personal efforts are just directly proportional.
 3. The environment (location; concrete people, socio-economical and cultural conditions) is the second very important game changing factor.
 Hence, even the genetic factor is unavoidable and basic we, if we have a metapilled (objective, scientific and balanced) thinking, should say that we shouldn't over exaggerate it. We have to pay more attention to the other two factors (the personal efforts and the individuals' tastes) where we have full control or some control (we have full control of what we can improve, maxx in ourselves (like gymmaxx, studymaxx, healthmaxx, moneymaxx, etc.) and we can influence our luck via meeting more people and/or going to more places, i. e. socialmaxx, geomaxx, etc.)
Title: Re: Genetics - Personal efforts - Individual's taste
Post by: MSL on August 24, 2022, 04:10:27 AM
 I like to be real and honest with my followers, readers and people who spend time to learn something here. So, I'll illustrate it with my recent experience. As I told you already in that post (http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/a-forum-for-incels-who-are-normal-people-no-terrorists-no-rapists-no-racists-no-pedophiles-no-haters-and-so-on/lifefuel-don-t-kill-yourself-because-you-re-getting-older!-read-this!-8735/msg45591/#msg45591) I'm becoming more and more good at different sports (I develop different skills -- martial arts since I was 5 y. o. till now and recently more bodybuilding, fitness, aerobics, yoga, etc.) and I spend hours day by day to improve my force, speed and body's image. (Of course I don't neglect my intellectual hobbies like learning more about psychology, anthropology, Altaistics, Sinology and so on.) And, as a result, now I'm looking better than let's say 10 years ago (I can't compete with my youngest self when I was 24 for example but I look much better than when I was 36). So, due to this improvement (which many incels will just call "gymmaxx") I can see the positive outcomes when it comes to receiving likes, attention, interest.
 Years ago there weren't females who will say even a "Hi!" to me. But today (in fact, yesterday  :) ) when I had a long 3-hours walk in different city's areas (boulevards, streets, schools, beaches and a park) I met at least 5 young women and a few middle-aged women who greeted me or showed their interest in another way. (By the way, I'm glad to inform you that a female nearcel who followed my advises -- to lose weight, to limit her unhealthy habits, to color her white hair, to change her style and to socialize a bit more -- get married and she's not a single female nearcel anymore.) These two concrete examples are here to make you more confident that via right personal efforts and right socialization you have more chances to ascend.
Title: Re: Genetics - Personal efforts - Individual's taste
Post by: Good incel on December 12, 2022, 12:50:15 AM
More incels should read it. 8)
Title: Re: Genetics - Personal efforts - Individual's taste
Post by: Incel on December 13, 2022, 05:24:33 PM
Only the objective incels will get it.
Title: Re: Genetics - Personal efforts - Individual's taste
Post by: Good incel on December 14, 2022, 06:23:55 PM
You just share it. And the good incels will give it a try... don't worry about the hatecels.
Title: Re: Genetics - Personal efforts - Individual's taste
Post by: Incel on December 15, 2022, 03:41:25 AM
Some feedbacks from brocels, please answer them! As I told them "I'll resent your answers and it'll be interesting to see the incelologist's answers to you, brocels."

Here they come,

LadiesMan thinks this:
Woah! They said hello! There's a gigantic gulf between women saying "hi" to you, which is what they do, they are genetically programmed to be more agreeable, and jumping into your bed. The fact that you think it is significant is quite depressing. You must be even lonelier than me.

Mazzuro (known from before with his not that friendly language) said:
You are probably an autistic incel writing this gibberish to establish your moral highground. What gives you the blessed wisdom to guide anyone when you are alone yourself and moreover - you are typing like a seriously handicapped person?
Title: Re: Genetics - Personal efforts - Individual's taste
Post by: MSL on December 15, 2022, 03:51:27 AM
There's a gigantic gulf between women saying "hi" to you, which is what they do, they are genetically programmed to be more agreeable, and jumping into your bed. The fact that you think it is significant is quite depressing. You must be even lonelier than me.

 Man, what I meant is that before I wasn't maxxed and they even avoided eye contact with me; they were not willing even to be polite. Now they are (and there are females who're interested in dating with me but currently I have other things to do in my life; by the way I am an incelologist, not an incel).

You are probably an autistic incel writing this gibberish to establish your moral highground. What gives you the blessed wisdom to guide anyone when you are alone yourself and moreover - you are typing like a seriously handicapped person?

 Mazzuro and you're a probably a hatecel with low IQ who even can't read well and when he sees an incelology article like this all his brain can proceed is "gibberish" and paranoid suggestions that it's for some "moral highgrounds". What gives me the "blessed wisdom" is that:

 1. I am a philosopher-anthropologist graduated in one of the biggest European universities.
 2. I have got Master's at human love thesis.
 3. I am an author of the first ever e-book about how to escape the inceldom.
 4. I learn non-stop about the incels, inceldom and the human love problems.
 Is that enough for someone like you who is the one who sounds like a seriously handicapped person?
Title: Re: Genetics - Personal efforts - Individual's taste
Post by: Incel on December 15, 2022, 03:59:18 AM
Thanks a lot! You see, they're just teenagers and youngcels (maybe the eldest are still in the college) so they can't be so tolerant, understanding and so on; also mostly they're from Western countries where they live non-stop in aggressive environment, which is full of rude words, insults, challenges and lack of politeness. So, don't get surprised when some blackpilled teens and around this age comment like Mazzuro or Vortex. It's just their "style". ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Genetics - Personal efforts - Individual's taste
Post by: Alexa on December 15, 2022, 04:02:04 AM
I notice that people like them (especially this Mazzo guy) are not only hurting females' feeling but they're very bad towards their own brocels. These guys hate everything and everybody. Hatecels can't ascend (and it's good by the way because they'll not reproduce some terribe kids like themselves).
Title: Re: Genetics - Personal efforts - Individual's taste
Post by: Incel on December 15, 2022, 04:06:42 AM
Yes, many of the blackpilled communities are lacking brotherhood. They like to have incel cannibalism (instead to help each other and to think how to ascend they just attack each other). This sort of people can't ascend at all because they're rotting in a circle (self-pity - hate - self-pity - hate)... no efforts to improve themselves and at the end of the day they're becoming dadbods bitter Westerners (or others) who're wondering why there is nobody to like them. Terrible. But as you saw, there are good incels here, which are normal -- they study, hit the gym, earn some money, communicate without hate and rudeness. These people may ascend.
Title: Re: Genetics - Personal efforts - Individual's taste
Post by: xxs on December 15, 2022, 04:07:04 AM
If you can't give someone some love then you don't deserve love yourself.
It's as simple as that.
Title: Re: Genetics - Personal efforts - Individual's taste
Post by: Good incel on December 15, 2022, 04:30:27 AM
These guys (the angry blackpillers who only think of death, harming and so on) are really a disgrace for the good incels who're able to love and to have positive feelings.

Take as an example this Mazzuro man. He could just shut up and to learn from a person who's tons of times more educated and knowledgeable than him but nooooooo, the hatecel decided to type offensive words to show his low level. And what he gets from it? More hate.

Sometimes I also think that the bad incels shouldn't find love because they're not worthy to have love and children.
Title: Re: Genetics - Personal efforts - Individual's taste
Post by: Incel on December 15, 2022, 04:38:43 AM
Well, I think it's a good rule. They're just too entitled (they think they may hate and do bad things but the people should like them and the women should be their servants or something). They can't realize that if don't put efforts on self-improvement (gymmaxx, moneymaxx, edumaxx, healtmaxx and so on) they can't be good boyfriends and good fathers too. What sons they may parent? Losers full of hate like them?
Title: Re: Genetics - Personal efforts - Individual's taste
Post by: Ineedloveandpassion on December 15, 2022, 04:44:40 AM
Just a part of their subculture. Can't see there is a better way. They just grow up in ghettos or in rich spoiled families and they are just becoming ugly, fat, deformed hateful boys. Maybe only 10% of them will get some measures to ascend. There is a disgusting one who even doesn't brush his teeth because "it's a cope"... idiotism.
Title: Re: Genetics - Personal efforts - Individual's taste
Post by: Good incel on December 15, 2022, 05:17:04 AM
That Mazzuro lowIQcel is disgusting really. He, again:
This entire site is personification of retardation. Bunch of coping incel faggots who will never ever succeed anyway, but they want to force this shit on others. Pathetic.


LMAAAAAO. Imagine having so little to do in life.
Title: Re: Genetics - Personal efforts - Individual's taste
Post by: MSL on December 15, 2022, 05:28:11 AM
That Mazzuro lowIQcel is disgusting really. He, again:
This entire site is personification of retardation. Bunch of coping incel faggots who will never ever succeed anyway, but they want to force this shit on others. Pathetic.


LMAAAAAO. Imagine having so little to do in life.

 Yes, this is an example for a rude, low-level incel, who's self-blocking his chances to maxx himself.
 My answers to this stupid and rude creature:
 1. Retardation when it's about SEO - science, education and omnilogy? This is exactly shows that the real retard is the one who thinks that something based on science and knowledge is "retardation".
 2. Most of the incels here are straight people; even the so-called faggots are better than you because they do learn, do sports and progress, not like you -- doing nothing but hating online.
 3. Coping but with healthy copes like gymmaxx and studymaxx. They're getting stronger, more clever and more successful and you're getting worse mentally and psysically. Proud of yourself?
 4. They will never succeed, just because a low-IQed blackpilled losercel predicted so, trying to discourage them and turning them to someone like you? Get a life!
 5. Nobody forces shits. The only shits are coming out of your damaged brain which has never chance to develop itself, poisend by the non-scientific blackpillism.
 6. Pathetic is almost every post of yours, you, low educated and lost little retardcel.
 7. So little to do in life? Well, sure: 5 sports, writing e-books, teaching and doing some psysical job but Mazzurocel thinks that it's "so little to do".
 Hopeless (if he's already over 18. If he's just a teen with bad marks in school and blackpilled little brain, then maybe in the future there will be some chance for him.)
Title: Re: Genetics - Personal efforts - Individual's taste
Post by: Non-SEO on December 15, 2022, 05:40:31 AM
Just another little insignificant person who is from the cancel culture -- he doesn't understand the science-education-omnilogy, so he thinks it's a retarded thing. He can't make the logical relation "self-improve = more chance to ascend", "rotting online with hate like him = no chance to ascend", so he is just continuing to be a black-pill victim as many others.

I can't pity the stupid, ignorant and lazy cels like him. I pity only the hard-working ones who do study, hit the gym, taking care of the hygiene, do some social useful help and who are being at least a bit polite to those who're trying to help them.
Title: Re: Genetics - Personal efforts - Individual's taste
Post by: Non-SEO on December 15, 2022, 06:07:03 AM
Continue reading the answers to you there, don't bother here with me.

Well said. If he's a true man, let him come here and proof his point. But he can't, I bet.
Title: Re: Genetics - Personal efforts - Individual's taste
Post by: Good incel on December 15, 2022, 09:49:08 PM
Look like those type of incels who are lazy to implement some positive change in their life and soon or later will start to drink, to drug and will end up in misery.
Title: Re: Genetics - Personal efforts - Individual's taste
Post by: Incel on December 17, 2022, 05:01:57 AM
I will continue to answer him here (http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/a-forum-for-incels-who-are-normal-people-no-terrorists-no-rapists-no-racists-no-pedophiles-no-haters-and-so-on/some-personal-answers-to-a-hatecel-nicknamed-mazzuro/)!!!
Title: Re: Genetics - Personal efforts - Individual's taste
Post by: Nadia on February 21, 2024, 02:19:34 PM
Cool  8) ;D