About the Relationship Genetics - Personal efforts - Individual's taste
Let's start with this triplets experiment (triplets thought experiment). The triplets have got one and the same DNA (although there are some environmental factors that could switch certain genes throughout a triplet’s lifetime), i. e. the same genetics (so they are identical).
Now let's suppose that they were average people, separated for some years (because they were adopted by three different adoptive parents/families). The first triplet was adopted by foodies (gastronomes) who don't like sports. He's becoming an obese person. The second one was adopted by an average family who raised him as an average person (not overweight, but also not having a ripped body). The third one was adopted by health and fitness freaks who made him to be a person with good-looking skin, muscular body and hygienic looks.
Now, if they go to have a long walk along the beach and meet the there around 100 females, guess what will be the outcome?
1. The first triplet will receive around 0% to 1% likes. (There are those rare cases when present days females like and do prefer obese males.)
2. The second triplet will receive around 5% likes.
3. The third one will receive 20% likes.
If you illustrate it with dots, it looks like:
Let's now think of some another environment, like these triplets do the same but in a place where the females' individual tastes are different (for example, if the triplets are white they go to a country where many of the locals prefer whiter skins and white race or, the opposite, if they're yellow they go to a country where many of the locals are fans of all those K-pop, J-pop, Q-pop guys or just like males who remind them of Bruce Lee, Jet Lee, Bolo Yeung, Donnie Yen and so on). There (in that kind of new environment, where the individual tastes are more beneficial for them) the outcome may be like:
1. 5%
2. 40%
3. 90%
Let's continue this thought experiment with incel-tier triplets. If they're something like average incels (let's say 2/10 incels) then the expectations may be like:
1. 0%
2. 0%
3. 2%
(in the first environment)
1. 1%
2. 10%
3. 20%
(in the second environment).
For all those incels and noncels who didn't understand it, let's think of all this in another way (from a typical male incel perspective using some of the incels' slang words):
Imagine that there are female triplets. They've got 100% the same genetics but the first one started to eat a lot and didn't sport, the second one just remain the same and the third one healthmaxxes and gymmaxxes her. So, at the end, you're seeing a so-called landwhale, an average Becky and a Stacylite. Who are you going to like most?
Well, most of the incels do not like obese females and the first triplet is not going to receive many likes. Some (to many) incels do prefer Beckies (average looking girls because they want someone closer to their looks and/or they worry that too pretty females are more difficult to be with). So the average looking triplet will receive more (or the most in some cases) likes. And the prettiest triplet will receive the most (or at least will be "the second best") likes.
So, what kind of conclusion we may make?
I think that the most reasonable conclusion is:
1. The genetics (genome; DNA) is something that you can't control. It's a constant. This gives you basis but later it's not the one and only factor.
2. The personal efforts (and life choices, orientations, deeds, etc.) are a "game changer". A very important factor. Depending on you minn yourself or maxx yourself (you're becoming a worse version of yourself or a better version of yourself) the outcomes are different. Your attractiveness and your personal efforts are just directly proportional.
3. The environment (location; concrete people, socio-economical and cultural conditions) is the second very important game changing factor.
Hence, even the genetic factor is unavoidable and basic we, if we have a metapilled (objective, scientific and balanced) thinking, should say that we shouldn't over exaggerate it. We have to pay more attention to the other two factors (the personal efforts and the individuals' tastes) where we have full control or some control (we have full control of what we can improve, maxx in ourselves (like gymmaxx, studymaxx, healthmaxx, moneymaxx, etc.) and we can influence our luck via meeting more people and/or going to more places, i. e. socialmaxx, geomaxx, etc.)