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Normal Incels (Incels Without Hate) => A forum for incels who are normal people (no terrorists, no rapists, no racists, no pedophiles, no haters and so on) => Topic started by: Incel on July 17, 2022, 05:50:42 AM

Title: What do you expect from this new incels forum
Post by: Incel on July 17, 2022, 05:50:42 AM

What do you expect from this new incels forum?

I'll tell you later what are my expectations. What about yours?
Title: Re: What do you expect from this new incels forum
Post by: Good incel on July 17, 2022, 06:22:19 AM
To learn more in a friendly manner and to ascend in the best possible way. :P 8)
Title: Re: What do you expect from this new incels forum
Post by: MSL on July 19, 2022, 04:19:13 AM
 To learn more about the human nature and concretely about the inceldom itself.
 To meet many new good people.
Title: Re: What do you expect from this new incels forum
Post by: Alexa on July 19, 2022, 01:46:10 PM
To deal with less hostility and spam. To see adequate incels and other people in.
Title: Re: What do you expect from this new incels forum
Post by: SEO on July 19, 2022, 06:08:43 PM
Exactly the same what's in the description of this incels' category.
Title: Re: What do you expect from this new incels forum
Post by: Incel on August 03, 2022, 05:20:36 PM
At the beginning I just wanted to expect that here we'll have normal high IQ users/members who're going to help us to self-improve ourselves and to support each other. But now I have got a new expectation. I don't want to see things like this: "Incel and 6 Guests are viewing this board." (which is the current situation) I want to see things like, for example this: "Incel and 1227 Guests are viewing this board." and then some of these guests to be members and for example to have something like this: "Incel, (followed by around 50 members) and 3370 Guests are viewing this topic." 8)

Even a 50% of this is okay, like: "me + 25 members + 1685 guests." A place which attracts 1711 incels and incels-interested (inceldom-interested) people is going to be a super cool!

OKAY. Enough daydreaming for today! 8) If we achieve only 1% of my daydream  :P it's still not bad because it equals ~ 34 incels and incels' interested people. A perfect beginning for a successful good incels community! Oh, yeah!
Title: What a progress!
Post by: Incel on August 03, 2022, 05:22:59 PM
Hey! What a progress! I knew it! Saw it already?
Incel and 9 Guests are viewing this board.
Title: "101 Posts 25 Topics" already
Post by: MSL on August 04, 2022, 04:52:36 PM
 Hello! Well, there are already "100 posts in 25 topics". After this one there will be 101 posts in 25 topics. This is a good beginning indeed. But considering that incels are (especially online) people who're mostly teenagers and young men, we can't expect here to come many of them because:
 1. not every incel is a person with relatively high IQ. Only people with relatively high IQ will be able to find this forum and to register (the registration in this forum is comparatively difficult in order to prevent the spambots).
 2. not every incel is a good person (even some of the originally good incels are getting radicalized because of those extremists and murderers like George Sodini, Elliot Rodger, Alek Minassian and others, and because of the blackpill theory which is the most pessimistic, fatalistic and if not combined with other theories (in which case could be a good part of a better theory) is leading to hopelessness, sadness, anger and other negative psychological and social issues.)
 3. even for the comparatively good and normal incels it'll be challengeable to follow the rules of non-hate and civilized communication here.
 So, I suppose, that maybe around 80% of the incels are not coming here and/or not going to remain here for a longer period of time. If the rest 20% are here, well, then it'll be a great success for this normal incels without hate project. :) 8)
Title: Re: What do you expect from this new incels forum
Post by: Good incel on August 05, 2022, 06:41:17 PM
Eh... in fact, even with 20 brocels... it'll be okay, isn't it? As long as they're good, normal... just... to be with people who're like me (good incels who'd like to ascend.)
Title: Re: What do you expect from this new incels forum
Post by: SEO on August 06, 2022, 02:56:12 AM
You know. This forum isn't just lucky enough. It was hit hard in the recent years... met some great troubles. Otherwise it had and it has a great potential... I hope it'll be more lucky when it comes to the good incels. Time will show.
Title: Re: What do you expect from this new incels forum
Post by: Good incel on August 15, 2022, 12:12:03 AM
No worries. You are really doing better than most of the rest. You know how many forums already failed, especially it started after the social networks rise. But it survived and even got popular in Voat and some others networks. You've got some scientists here too so it's going to be better.
Title: Re: What do you expect from this new incels forum
Post by: yellowbrick on August 15, 2022, 04:35:45 PM
To learn more about the human nature and concretely about the inceldom itself.
 To meet many new good people.

You claim to have a partner in Wechat - so how are you an incel?
Title: Offtopic but not a big deal
Post by: Incel on August 15, 2022, 05:15:41 PM
Offtopic but not a big deal. Let check it out.

Brickie, I'm in the middle of something (answering the crazy accusation of that J. stalker) in another topic but you grab my attention with your incel-related question. No, I am not kidding you, this is what the 99% of the blackpilled incels will ask. Congrats on your good hit!

Bro,... really, I don't know what kind of incel are you (according to your nick you're a mentalcel, is that right?) but let me ask you, why all of you brocels think that "a partner" means "s@xual partner" or "friends with benefits" and other overthinked partnership?

I am not sure what Wechat and who claims (let him or her answer you that) but based on my common interest I'll take the liberty to ask you: isn't there in your native language something else like in English ---------------------

Don't get me wrong! I wish the bros here to get a real life partner (what you stipulate) but why you bros think that "partner" means only "girlfriend", "wife", "lover" and fourth?
Title: More education for you
Post by: MSL on August 16, 2022, 02:40:54 AM
To learn more about the human nature and concretely about the inceldom itself.
 To meet many new good people.

You claim to have a partner in Wechat - so how are you an incel?

 Yesterday you had to be educated how to type right some elementary English words (http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/a-forum-for-incels-who-are-normal-people-no-terrorists-no-rapists-no-racists-no-pedophiles-no-haters-and-so-on/different-topics-and-answers-to-a-foreigner-in-china-who-blocked-me-in/msg45580/#msg45580). Now I have to educate you what does "incelology" mean. It is an interdisciplinary science that studies the causes of inceldom and the possible solutions to it.
 So, now, follow the logic of the example carefully because seems like your attention span isn't long enough.
 1. Geology deals with the Earth's physical structure and substance. A person who deals with geology is a geologist.
 2. Ornithology deals with the birds. A person who deals with ornithology is an ornithologist.
 3. Incelology deals with the inceldom. A person who deals with incelology is an incelologist.
1. A geologist isn't a rock.
  2. An ornithologist isn't a bird.
   3. An incelologist MAY be an incel BUT ALSO may be a noncel, or a nearcel, or a husbandcel (which means living in a formal marriage lacking of love and/or copulations).
 Well, hopefully, you understood me. Now think about it: Where did I say that I am an incel-incelologist? I am one of the first incelologists but if you ask the incels most of them will tell you that I can't be considered an "incel". Their opinions vary: some think that I'm even a "Chad" (which I doubt), others think that I'm a "gymmaxed Norman" (which is much closer to the reality) and there are also those ones who think that I am "a nearcel" (which may be true if I live in some places like Denmark or Holland).
 Well, now you know that "incelologist" doesn't mean "incel".
 What do you expect from this incel subforum?
Title: Re: What do you expect from this new incels forum
Post by: Nadia on August 17, 2022, 02:31:43 AM
To save more lives of those confused people through science and education.
Title: Re: What do you expect from this new incels forum
Post by: MSL on August 18, 2022, 02:20:21 PM
This is the main idea. I want the incels not to fall in that pessimistic and full of violence trap called "blackpillism" and to have more balanced metapilled attitudes. It will help them to lead a normal, more decent life and it will increase their chances to ascend (to escape their inceldoms).

It's simple: if you only stay in a toxic group/forum/etc. where most of the others only complain, show their frustrations, call for violence and self-harm (self-injury) you're at risk and your chances to achieve something that the females will like is practically 0. But if you're a member of more positive, balanced community like this incels without hate (for the normal incels and people who're interested in inceldom's problematics) then your chances are becoming real because in this kind of community we're talking non-stop how to optimize ourselves -- learning more/study more (IQmaxx), to do more sports (gymmaxx), to try earning (and saving) more money (moneymaxx); not to neglect some of the bluepilled (but logical and based advises) like keeping good hygiene, eating and drinking healthily (healthmaxx), and so on.
 Everyone may become a better version of himself (or herself). And everyone who become the optimal version of himself/herself is highly likely to ascend.
Title: Re: What do you expect from this new incels forum
Post by: SEO on August 28, 2022, 04:00:28 AM
SEO, Good incel, Incel, Alexa and 13 Guests are viewing this board.
now looks better. Adding to this almost 300 posts. Seems it has got some chances to become somewhat popular. 8)
Title: Re: What do you expect from this new incels forum
Post by: 北京:高等教育出版社 on July 10, 2024, 07:56:43 AM
I expect this ffffffffffffffffffff forum not to be imbecile and slow anymore which is actually just a pretty unrealistic wish...
Title: Re: What do you expect from this new incels forum
Post by: Dimitroff on July 10, 2024, 07:31:04 PM
The only one who is like that (imbecile and slow) plus crazy liar, abuser, hallucinating psycho, calling for crimes criminal and stuff is you Zhang man. Me pretty realistic wish is you to end up in the jail and to get cancer.