You don't like me!She answered with rude tone but what she said made me realize for the first time a blackpill or a redpill truth and to start to respect people's decisions when it comes to choice. Her rude toned but meaningful answer was that short:
And is it mandatory to like you?!
I am not a hooligan and that time I wasn't as strong and sporty as I am now because I was at the very beginning of my sports development. But I was ready to fight with him...,
I was with a knife in my pocket that time (in the country I grew up there are many dangerous guys outside and often we wear different weapons for self-protections) and I wasn't sure if he start to attack me how long I could protect myself without using the knife.There was a university mate (an educated and cultured person) who said ones "From all people I know I am the one and only who still didn't buy a weapon." Since that time I decided to buy some simple weapons like knives.
Rejection 14
It was a deja-vu of the rejection 12. Another girl online from forums that we visited together (about martial arts and about zoology). She even knew that girl and she said she has a boy-friend too. But she said she likes me very much and wanted to be my pen-pal. We ended up chatting online 12 hours once... she showed me even her childhood dolls and said that her boyfriend isn't the right person for her. I was in a sort of a problem because I hate to lie but she said to keep it a secret from him. Once he chatted with me too, I didn't tell him anything about her girlfriend and me. Well, one day happened the same -- she was sure he is not able to see her chats and private messages but he did. Then she started to behave like another person, to speak against me, to swear in front of him how much he loves him and he decided that it was only my fault, not her fault (the same as I started all this and she wasn't the initiator). We even had some angry words exchanges online and we agreed to meet and to fight but we never had this opportunity. He banned me from one of the forums where he was a mod and I was just a member continuing to believe that all is my fault and his cheating girl-friend is just an innocent lovely girl. Naive man. I was also very surprised how fast she could turn against me (like she was afraid that he will beat her or something) and all her tender words to become cold, bad and so on. 100% hypocritical person. Later I heard that they both went to university (different majors though) and that was the last info (also from her because she decided to chat with me again but only as "pure friends". That time I kept it 100% pure and only official chats related to her major and study. Maybe she expected something more again? Maybe, because soon after I didn't get emotional as before and kept it pure she stopped chatting with me.) All I can think is that highly likely she cheated on him again (and maybe not only online) and that they're not together soon after that moment.
Rejection #15
It's a very fresh one. Literally from the last few minutes. She found me first. Sent me a PM. We started to chat about this and that. She said she's even eager to come to visit me. I thought we're getting close and shared with her something more intimate but seems like it was a mistake. Well, she decided to friendzone me. In fact, there are true friendzones and fake friendzones. In make case, it was a fake one because she even blocked me after she said that she want to make friends with me (what kind of friendship is it if you even block a person's ability to communicate with you?) But, of course, I'm not surprised. This is what my life is: a perpetual loneliness.
Still, nothing happened. She is living abroad and she's too young. Not even possible.