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Non - SEO knowledge => Other topics => Topic started by: 델핀(Delphine) on May 31, 2021, 06:39:58 AM

Title: Get to know some things about Delphine
Post by: 델핀(Delphine) on May 31, 2021, 06:39:58 AM
Time on: 9am-10pm on average.
From: South Korea
What i'm like:Always happy,friendly and honest.
I made this because i get bored fast and no one is posting besides me mostly.
Title: Re: Get to know some things about Delphine
Post by: MSL on June 11, 2021, 12:44:59 AM
 Looks good. 8)
Title: Re: Get to know some things about Delphine
Post by: NOT_A Fan_ANYMORE on June 11, 2021, 12:48:12 AM
She is one of the best!
Title: Re: Get to know some things about Delphine
Post by: 델핀(Delphine) on June 11, 2021, 04:05:44 AM
Today i went to a lake so i was gone for some hours.
But im back!
Title: Re: Get to know some things about Delphine
Post by: MSL on June 11, 2021, 11:19:49 PM
 Well, you are really a constant person to this forum! I hope the rest of us will notice it well and will keep it in mind when it comes to elect someone for a responsible position like a global mod. 8)
Title: Re: Get to know some things about Delphine
Post by: NOT_A Fan_ANYMORE on June 11, 2021, 11:20:54 PM
It's so true! :-*
Title: Re: Get to know some things about Delphine
Post by: MSL on June 15, 2021, 01:22:04 PM
 Yes, but here is no fan anymore. ;D
Title: Re: Get to know some things about Delphine
Post by: 델핀(Delphine) on June 15, 2021, 11:48:22 PM
Yes, but here is no fan anymore. ;D
He smited me because of the message i sent him.
Title: Re: Get to know some things about Delphine
Post by: SEO on June 16, 2021, 12:37:36 AM
Understandable. After a such accusation of... you know. ;D ;D
Title: Re: Get to know some things about Delphine
Post by: NOT_A Fan_ANYMORE on June 16, 2021, 12:52:09 AM
It doesn't matter that she accused me to be a wanker even without knowing me. I forgive her. Maybe she really thinks that all of the males around the world are masturbating on ordinary females' photos. Or maybe she just wanted to use it as an excuse not to send me a pic.

It's OKAY. But what is NOT okay is that it's likely that it's a male who pretends to be a Korean girl. Keep it in mind and stay safe!
Title: Re: Get to know some things about Delphine
Post by: SEO on June 16, 2021, 01:00:33 AM
In fact male or not, this person is welcome here! I don't really care of the gender (sex) of the users and moderators around. We're not sexists here. No sexism, no racism, no ageism, no spam...  :)
Title: Re: Get to know some things about Delphine
Post by: 델핀(Delphine) on June 16, 2021, 01:33:40 AM
It doesn't matter that she accused me to be a wanker even without knowing me. I forgive her. Maybe she really thinks that all of the males around the world are masturbating on ordinary females' photos. Or maybe she just wanted to use it as an excuse not to send me a pic.

It's OKAY. But what is NOT okay is that it's likely that it's a male who pretends to be a Korean girl. Keep it in mind and stay safe!
This is what i actually think.
Title: Re: Get to know some things about Delphine
Post by: SEO on June 16, 2021, 01:55:37 AM
You think that actually you're a
male who pretends to be a Korean girl
? :o
Title: Re: Get to know some things about Delphine
Post by: 델핀(Delphine) on June 16, 2021, 04:40:20 AM
You think that actually you're a
male who pretends to be a Korean girl
? :o
What i did do was put in bold what i thought.
I'll underline it so you can see it.
It doesn't matter that she accused me to be a wanker even without knowing me. I forgive her. Maybe she really thinks that all of the males around the world are masturbating on ordinary females' photos. Or maybe she just wanted to use it as an excuse not to send me a pic.

It's OKAY. But what is NOT okay is that it's likely that it's a male who pretends to be a Korean girl. Keep it in mind and stay safe!
Title: Re: Get to know some things about Delphine
Post by: SEO on June 17, 2021, 02:17:59 AM
It's hard to believe that someone can believe such an abnormal thing about the males around the world. At first I refused to believe that  you're serious about it. I thought that it's something like a joke or at least trolling. But... well, not everyone can be informed. What I can say is that there are plenty of normal men around the globe and to put them all in this small fetish category is childish. But it's your choice what to think and what to believe. I'm not going to be a free teacher about the males' anthropology. ;D
Title: Re: Get to know some things about Delphine
Post by: MSL on June 17, 2021, 02:38:27 AM
 May be it's not useful to explain this thing to someone who already believes (based on his/her own experience with some boys and/or men). It's the same as those who had some bad experience with some Chinese, Koreans or Japanese and then they think that "all Asians are bad". Or those males who met a few sexually ultra-liberal women and then conclude that "All women are whores." There are also believers that believe that "All Koreans are good at taekwondo (태권도)." or "All Chinese eat mice." Here is the same case -- no matter how many examples or counter-opinions we're going to provide it's quite possible that the result will be "This is what I actually think!" So, just cut the crap. :) (And, btw, "cut the crap" is an informal way (and even a rude way in some contexts) of telling someone to stop saying things that are not true or not important.)
Title: Re: Get to know some things about Delphine
Post by: 델핀(Delphine) on June 17, 2021, 02:50:12 AM
It's hard to believe that someone can believe such an abnormal thing about the males around the world. At first I refused to believe that  you're serious about it. I thought that it's something like a joke or at least trolling. But... well, not everyone can be informed. What I can say is that there are plenty of normal men around the globe and to put them all in this small fetish category is childish. But it's your choice what to think and what to believe. I'm not going to be a free teacher about the males' anthropology. ;D
Well i dont think all men are like this but i think a lot of men are like this.
Plus it would be obvious if i was trolling.
May be it's not useful to explain this thing to someone who already believes (based on his/her own experience with some boys and/or men). It's the same as those who had some bad experience with some Chinese, Koreans or Japanese and then they think that "all Asians are bad". Or those males who met a few sexually ultra-liberal women and then conclude that "All women are whores." There are also believers that believe that "All Koreans are good at taekwondo (태권도)." or "All Chinese eat mice." Here is the same case -- no matter how many examples or counter-opinions we're going to provide it's quite possible that the result will be "This is what I actually think!" So, just cut the crap. :) (And, btw, "cut the crap" is an informal way (and even a rude way in some contexts) of telling someone to stop saying things that are not true or not important.)
Maybe someone should tell all the Anti vaxxers that.
Title: Re: Get to know some things about Delphine
Post by: SEO on June 18, 2021, 01:38:53 AM
It's silly. There are so many pretty and/or sexy girls' and women's photos online: like these (https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=pretty+women&form=HDRSC2&first=1&tsc=ImageBasicHover), so to think that a lot are like this (to spend time chatting and begging for photos instead just to type a keyword like "pretty women" or "sexy females" and to enjoy millions of photos) is really funny. ;D And a lot of males just have enough real women (girl-friends, wives, lovers, friends with benefits and so on) so to think that they're searching for your photo to do such an action is nearly delusional. Also, some men will really feel upset and hurt when you, without any evidence, call them masturbators just because they're curious to see your face. Only in case some of them really imply they need your nude photos, you may think "Oh, he is a masturbator.", otherwise you can't call the normal curiosity something silly like this.

And btw, how you will feel if you are curious to see some man and he answers you: "No way! You're going to use my photo for your maturbation!" It's rude and silly, isn't it?
Title: Re: Get to know some things about Delphine
Post by: 델핀(Delphine) on June 18, 2021, 01:49:39 AM
It's silly. There are so many pretty and/or sexy girls' and women's photos online: like these (https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=pretty+women&form=HDRSC2&first=1&tsc=ImageBasicHover), so to think that a lot are like this (to spend time chatting and begging for photos instead just to type a keyword like "pretty women" or "sexy females" and to enjoy millions of photos) is really funny. ;D And a lot of males just have enough real women (girl-friends, wives, lovers, friends with benefits and so on) so to think that they're searching for your photo to do such an action is nearly delusional. Also, some men will really feel upset and hurt when you, without any evidence, call them masturbators just because they're curious to see your face. Only in case some of them really imply they need your nude photos, you may think "Oh, he is a masturbator.", otherwise you can't call the normal curiosity something silly like this.

And btw, how you will feel if you are curious to see some man and he answers you: "No way! You're going to use my photo for your maturbation!" It's rude and silly, isn't it?
You have a point.
Now that i think about it i must let go of that.
Title: Re: Get to know some things about Delphine
Post by: Incel on June 18, 2021, 01:58:06 AM
I'm an incel. Involuntary celibate. I am one of those who think almost 100% of the time how to find a girl who will love me or at least who will like me and will give me to hold her hand and to hug me. When I sleep often I do dream romantic dreams (like we're in a pretty mountain with a lovely, nice girl) or erotic dreams (like we're hugging and kissing on the beach). As a lonely, very lonely man, I am lack of sexual activity too, so to tell you the truth I do masturbate and I know many (hundreds) other incels who do it too. But we usually watch some AV film or photos. Some of us like to use photos or pictures of their favorite actresses, models, singers, anime and hentai characters. I never met an incel who is going to make friends with a girl just for her photo to wank on it. So, it's really too childish or pre-teen. Or maybe it's your way to imagine that you are a very attractive and sexy female so all of us will prefer to watch your photos instead of the photos of much prettier than you females (all those actresses, models, singers)? Be rational. You, if you're a girl, are most likely an ordinary, average girl (in the better case) or a chubby or a fat one (in many cases). So it doesn't make sense. If you become a popular actress, model or at least a streamer, tuber something... then it's another story. Just trying to give you a more real picture of the reality.
Title: Re: Get to know some things about Delphine
Post by: 델핀(Delphine) on June 18, 2021, 02:01:12 AM
I'm an incel. Involuntary celibate. I am one of those who think almost 100% of the time how to find a girl who will love me or at least who will like me and will give me to hold her hand and to hug me. When I sleep often I do dream romantic dreams (like we're in a pretty mountain with a lovely, nice girl) or erotic dreams (like we're hugging and kissing on the beach). As a lonely, very lonely man, I am lack of sexual activity too, so to tell you the truth I do masturbate and I know many (hundreds) other incels who do it too. But we usually watch some AV film or photos. Some of us like to use photos or pictures of their favorite actresses, models, singers, anime and hentai characters. I never met an incel who is going to make friends with a girl just for her photo to wank on it. So, it's really too childish or pre-teen. Or maybe it's your way to imagine that you are a very attractive and sexy female so all of us will prefer to watch your photos instead of the photos of much prettier than you females (all those actresses, models, singers)? Be rational. You, if you're a girl, are most likely an ordinary, average girl (in the better case) or a chubby or a fat one (in many cases). So it doesn't make sense. If you become a popular actress, model or at least a streamer, tuber something... then it's another story. Just trying to give you a more real picture of the reality.
I honestly feel bad you cant find love.
But love always finds a way.
Sometime's it takes some time.
While others are like a finger snap.
They happen instantly if you dont understand.
But i hope you find someone at least and not to be alone.
As for me i dont want to date anyone because i like being alone.
Title: Re: Get to know some things about Delphine
Post by: Incel on June 18, 2021, 09:06:31 PM
What I meant is there are many lonely men, yeah, but exactly why they will use your own photos for this when there are a lot of others'?  May be you got some more imagination.