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Non - SEO knowledge => Health => Topic started by: Non-SEO on February 16, 2021, 12:47:38 AM

Title: Everything about Yoga
Post by: Non-SEO on February 16, 2021, 12:47:38 AM


Everything about the yoga.

When it comes to learn or do yoga, you may think of it as a part of the fitness industry, which is certainly one of the most lucrative industries in the world today. According to some people, employment of fitness trainers and instructors is projected to grow 8 percent from 2014 to 2024, about as fast as the average for all occupations. Well, COVID-19 may change these figures, but the trend is obvious.
As businesses, governments, and insurance organizations continue to recognize the benefits of health and fitness programs (like yoga classes) for their employees, incentives to join gyms or other types of health clubs (for example yoga clubs) are expected to increase the need for fitness (including yoga) trainers and instructors.

A man thinks that this is an opportune time (in some areas) to become a yoga trainer and reap the huge rewards through a well directed and dedicated effort. There is a goal of becoming a professional yoga instructor. It's good to think about it "You have made the right decision." 8)

The important in such a case is to choose a yoga instructor program that is well recognized, then maybe you are also making an important and wise decision to enter the fitness industry (as a yoga instructor), because people are saying this industry offers an amazing opportunity to hard working and dedicated professionals as more and more people are attracted towards the benefits of exercise on the mind and body.

Wishing all of yoga guys good luck! 8) :)
Title: Re: Everything about Yoga
Post by: SEO on February 16, 2021, 01:43:57 AM
About the final yoga certification tests. They're very important! Be responsible. You should take the test without referring to the text materials, and it is advisable that you are well prepared before attempting the tests.

An example of such test -- the specifications of that yoga test are in this format:

1. Type of exam -- Multiple choice with one or more correct answer/answers.

2. Duration -- 45 minutes to 1 hour.

3. Number of questions -- 40-60 questions.

4. Weightage -- All questions carry equal marks.

5. Navigation -- You can go back and answer unanswered questions.

6. Answer Review -- You can review the questions at the end of the exam by going back and answering marked questions.

7. Exhibits -- Some exams will require you to answer a question based upon an exhibit.

8. Pass marks -- 50%.

9. Retake Policy -- You can retake the test any number of times by paying the required retake fee.

Of course, it's just an example; some exams may follow a different format. You should read the exam details very carefully before registering.

Well, and yes, it's good to have a yoga certificate. 8) This certificate can be used as a means of marketing your yoga instructor services as well as while seeking a job in the related field (yoga-related job). But you should know well all the essential practices and techniques of yoga!
Title: Re: Everything about Yoga
Post by: Alexa on February 16, 2021, 03:44:33 AM
I met some yoga instructors who weren't very responsible and knowledgeable. What we may think of the good roles and responsibilities of a yoga instructor? Well, as a yoga instructor one should not only be concerned with the supervision of exercises and fitness routines, but also should play a multifaceted role of an advisor, supervisor and evaluator of several activities taking place during her/his work.
We may think of these:
1. Planning and leading exercise, asana (asanas -- the Indian word for the yoga poses) or activity sessions for the clients.
2. Evaluating client questionnaires and physiological data to determine appropriate exercise/activity regimens. Don't be like those ones who even don't ask who has some waist problems! >:(
3. Planning individual exercise/activity programs for clients in such areas as cardiovascular conditioning, flexibility training, yogic postures and ensuring safe and complete client training. It's not only learning yogic postures!!!
4. Setting and monitoring training equipment. Ensuring that equipment is returned in serviceable condition.
5. Advising the clients on program and class policies and procedures, as appropriate. Not only thinking and talking about the money!
6. Assisting in performing follow-up and communication with clients. Not just thinking when you'll say "good-bye"!
7. Tracking clients' progress and maintaining complete and accurate client files. (This will help about the monitoring client's performance and helping her/him to target a yoga goal.)
8. Ensuring clients' adherence to safety and injury prevention policies and procedures! Enforcing safety procedures.
9. Demonstrating various exercises and helping clients to improve the exercise technique.
10. Imparting knowledge and implementation of the principles of yoga.
11. Passing on technical yoga information to non-technical people.
12. Taking good care for the yoga room/hall/place. Ensuring the security.
Title: Re: Everything about Yoga
Post by: Gay on February 17, 2021, 01:40:53 AM
What characteristics will help one to become a good yoga instructor?
Usually the yoga instructor profession requires a lot of close interaction with clients several times a week. A good communication and interpersonal skills can greatly help, especially if one is running his/her own yoga instructor business. A pleasing and helpful nature will help to attract more clients as well as keep the existing clients happy and satisfied. People who are outgoing, good at motivating people, and sensitive to the needs of others make great yoga instructors. Excellent health and physical fitness are required due to the physical nature of the job. Not like some fat yoga instructors, for example.  ;D If you look fit and healthy, you can quickly drive home the point that you know your job well. Simply a look at your well chiseled body should greatly help the clients in making up their minds (and also gives you a reason to charge better rates). Because the simple logic is "If he/she did it often and he/she is so ill and/or obese, then the yoga is useless!"

Some of the characteristics and assets that a yoga instructor should have are:
1. A pleasing and helpful nature.

2. Good communication skills.

3. Selling skills (especially if one plans to run his/her own business).   

4. A fit looking body (excellent health and physical fitness which one should develop over time).   

5. Sensitive to the needs of others.   

6. A good listener.   

7. A responsible attitude towards the clients safety.   

8. Patience (one should be patient with the clients even if he/she has to repeat the exercises for them). 

9. A good understanding of the principles of yoga.

10. A sharing nature.

11. Ability to grasp new techniques and scientific concepts.

12. Having a soft, encouraging and relaxing voice.

Well, nobody is perfect. In case you want to be one of those yoga guys, you should know this: Even if you do not possess some of the above characteristics it doesn't mean that you can't become a good yoga instructor. You can slowly develop the required skills and characteristics on the job and over time by keeping your weaknesses and strengths in mind. Successful yoga instructors aren't born that way, they have slowly built up their careers and reputation over time by ironing out weaknesses and sharpening strengths.

Title: Re: Everything about Yoga
Post by: Alexa on February 18, 2021, 01:54:06 AM
Now, something interesting about the yoga. One characteristic that may take your career far is a sharing nature. It's often seen that professionals don't share their most secret tips and techniques with other people. If you're to become successful and do justice to the aerobics trainer profession, you must honestly impart your knowledge to the clients to the best of your ability.

And, if you plan to start your own yoga instructor business, it'll be a good idea to sharpen your selling skills. You must approach aerobics training as a profession and a business at the same time. You'll only get a couple of minutes to convince a prospective client once he/she is in front of you. These moments are crucial and you must say the right things at the right time by creating an effective sales pitch. So search for programs which will offer helpful tips on sharpening your selling skills and learn more about business. :)
Title: Vitamins and minerals
Post by: Ren on February 18, 2021, 04:51:01 AM
Maybe it'll be useful for the yoga knowledge and practice. Disclaimer: The information contained in this post is solely for educational purposes on the given subject. It should not be considered a medical advice nor should it be used as a substitute for medical advice and expertise of a physician, physiotherapist or a dietitian.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A prevents eye problems, promotes a healthy immune system, is essential for the growth and development of cells, and keeps the skin healthy.

Good sources of vitamin A are milk, eggs, liver, fortified cereals, darkly colored orange or green vegetables (such as carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, and kale), and orange colored fruits such as cantaloupe, apricots, peaches, papayas, and mangoes. Boys in their teens need 900 micrograms of vitamin A each day and girls in their teens need 700 micrograms each day. Optimal intake: The current recommended intake of vitamin A is 5,000 IU for men and 4,000 IU for women. Many breakfast cereals, juices, dairy products, and other foods are fortified with vitamin A. Many fruits and vegetables, and some supplements, also contain beta-carotene and other vitamin A precursors, which the body can turn into vitamin A.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is needed to form collagen, a tissue that helps to hold cells together. It is essential for healthy bones, teeth, gums, and blood vessels. It helps the body absorb iron and calcium, aids in wound healing, and contributes to brain function. You will find high levels of vitamin C in red berries, kiwifruit, red and green bell peppers, tomatoes, broccoli, spinach, and juices made from guava, grapefruit, and orange. Boys in their teens need 75 mg (1 milligram equals 1,000 micrograms) and girls in their teens need 65 mg of vitamin C a day.

Optimal Intake: The current recommended dietary intake of vitamin C is 90 mg for men and 75 mg for women (add an extra 35 mg for smokers). There's no good evidence that mega doses of vitamin C improve health. As evidence continues to unfold, 200 to 300 mg of vitamin C a day appears to be a good target. This is easy to hit with a good diet and a standard multivitamin. Excellent food sources of vitamin C are citrus fruits or citrus juices, berries, green and red peppers, tomatoes, broccoli, and spinach. Many breakfast cereals are also fortified with vitamin C.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D strengthens bones because it helps the body absorb bone building calcium. Vitamin D is produced by the body when sunlight falls on the skin. You can also get vitamin D from egg yolks, fish oils, and fortified foods like milk. Teenagers need 5 micrograms of vitamin D from food every day.

Optimal Intake: The current recommended intake of vitamin D is 5 micrograms up to the age of 50, 10 micrograms between the ages of 51 and 70, and 15 micrograms after 70. Very few foods naturally contain vitamin D. Good sources include dairy products and breakfast cereals (which are fortified with vitamin D), and fatty fish such as salmon and tuna. For most people, the best way to get the recommended daily intake is by taking a multivitamin.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is an antioxidant and helps protect cells from damage. It is also important for the health of red blood cells. Vitamin E is found in many foods such as vegetable oils, nuts, and leafy green vegetables. Avocados, wheat germ, and whole grains are also good sources. Teenagers need 15 mg of vitamin E every day.

Optimal Intake: The recommended daily intake of vitamin E from food now stands at 15 milligrams which is the equivalent of 22 IU of vitamin E from natural sources or 33 IU of synthetic vitamin E. Researchers are still writing on vitamin E. Evidence from observational studies suggests that at least 400 IU of vitamin E per day, and possibly more, are needed for optimal health. Since standard multivitamins usually contain around 30 IU, a separate vitamin E supplement is needed to achieve this level.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 helps to build DNA, make red blood cells, and is important for nerve cell function. Vitamin B12 is found naturally in fish, red meat, poultry, milk, cheese, and eggs. It is also added to some breakfast cereals. Teenagers should get 2.4 micrograms of vitamin B12 daily.

Optimal Intake: The current recommended intake of vitamin B12 is 6 micrograms per day. Barely 100 years ago, lack of vitamin B12 was considered to be the cause of a common and deadly disease called pernicious anemia. Its symptoms include memory loss, disorientation, hallucinations, and tingling in the arms and legs. Although full-blown pernicious anemia is less common today, it is still often diagnosed in older people who have difficulty absorbing vitamin B12 from food. It is also possible that some people diagnosed with dementia or Alzheimer's disease actually suffer from the more reversible vitamin B12 deficiency.

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 is important for the brain and the nerves to function normally. It also helps the body break down proteins and make red blood cells. A wide variety of foods including potatoes, bananas, beans, seeds, nuts, red meat, poultry, fish, eggs, spinach, and fortified cereals contain vitamin B6. Boys in their teens need 1.3 mg of vitamin B6 daily and girls in their teens need 1.2 mg.

Optimal Intake: A healthy diet should include 1.3 to 1.7 milligrams of vitamin B6. Higher doses have been tested as a treatment for conditions ranging from premenstrual syndrome to attention deficit disorder and carpal tunnel syndrome. To date, there is little evidence that it works.

Thiamin (also called vitamin B1)

Thiamin helps the body convert carbohydrates into energy and is necessary for the heart, the muscles, and the nervous system to function properly. People get thiamin from many different foods, including fortified bread, cereals and pasta; meat and fish; dried beans, soy foods and peas; and whole grains like wheat germ. Boys in their teens need 1.2 mg of thiamin each day; girls in their teens need 1 mg.

Niacin (also called vitamin B3)

Niacin helps the body turn food into energy. It aids in digestion and is important for nerve function. You'll find niacin in red meat, poultry, fish, fortified hot and cold cereals, and peanuts. Boys in their teens need 16 mg of niacin daily. girls in their teens need 14 mg a day.

Riboflavin (also called vitamin B2)

Riboflavin is essential for turning carbohydrates into energy and producing red blood cells. It is also important for vision. Some of the best sources of riboflavin are meat, eggs, legumes (like peas and lentils), nuts, dairy products, leafy green vegetables, broccoli, asparagus, and fortified cereals. Boys in their teens need 1.3 mg of riboflavin per day and girls in their teens need 1 mg.

Folate (also known as vitamin B9, folic acid, or folacin)

Folate helps the body make red blood cells, break down proteins, and keep the heart healthy. It is also needed to make DNA. Dried beans and other legumes, leafy green vegetables, asparagus, oranges and other citrus fruits, and poultry are good sources of this vitamin. So are fortified or enriched bread, noodles, and cereals. Boys and girls in their teens need 400 micrograms of folate daily.

Optimal Intake: The current recommended intake of folic acid is 400 micrograms per day. There are many excellent sources of folic acid, including prepared breakfast cereals, beans, and fortified grains.

Vitamin K

Vitamin K helps make six of the 13 proteins needed for blood clotting. Its role in maintaining the clotting cascade is so important that people who take anticoagulants such as Warfarin (Coumadin) must be careful to keep their vitamin K intake stable. Lately, researchers have demonstrated that vitamin K is also involved in building bones. Low levels of circulating vitamin K have been linked with low bone density, and supplementation with vitamin K shows improvements in biochemical measures of bone health. Optimal intake: The recommended daily intake of vitamin K is 80 micrograms for men and 65 for women. Because this vitamin is found in so many foods, especially green leafy vegetables and commonly used cooking oils, most adults get enough of it. However, according to a 1996 survey, a substantial number of Americans, particularly children and young adults, are not getting the vitamin K they need.

Minerals required by the body

Approximately 4% of the body's mass consists of minerals. They are classified as trace minerals ( of which, the body requires less than 100 mg/day), and major minerals ( of which, the body requires more than 100 mg/day). Minerals can be found in water and soil and therefore in root plants and animals.

Trace Minerals

Trace minerals are iron, zinc, copper, selenium, iodine, fluorine and chromium.

Major Minerals

Major minerals are: sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sulfur and chlorine.

Function of minerals

Minerals serve three purposes.

1) They provide structure in forming bones and teeth.

2) They help maintain normal heart rhythm, muscle contractility, neural conductivity, and acid-base balance.

3) They help regulate cellular metabolism by becoming part of enzymes and hormones that modulate cellular activity.

Daily requirements

Minerals cannot be made in the body and must be obtained from our diet. The daily requirements of minerals required by the body can be obtained from a well balanced diet. Like vitamins, excess minerals can produce toxic effects.
Title: Re: Everything about Yoga
Post by: SEO on February 19, 2021, 03:48:47 AM
Let's know about the ethical responsibility of the yoga instructor. This could be subjective, but let's use this example:

Yoga instructors have a responsibility to their clients as well as to the society. Yoga instructors are on their honor to uphold certain ethics and perform their duties to their clients and employees according to a set code of ethics that they must keep in mind at all times. The foundation of the code of ethics revolves around the basic duties of the aerobics trainer towards the clients, practices to be followed during work, protecting the rights and interests of the clients, maintaining professional relations with the clients and performing one's duty towards the profession.

The relationship with the client

1. The clients medical condition: the interests and the welfare of the client with respect to his/her medical condition before or during the exercise/exertion must be kept in mind.

2. The yoga instructor must ensure that the best advise and guidance is provided to the client to the best of his/her ability. Don't force all of the clients to do the same! Everybody is different.

3. Inappropriate behavior with the client: the yoga instructor must not develop intimate or sexual relations with any of the clients.

4. Privacy of the client: the yoga instructor must protect the personal information provided by the client which could relate to address or medical information.

5. Misguiding the client: the yoga instructor must not abuse his/her position to influence the client to undergo any exercise or treatment that is of no benefit to the client's health or well being.

6. The contractual relation: the yoga instructor must adhere to the contract signed with the client and is bound to act honestly and in a trustworthy manner with the client at all times.

7. Discrimination: the yoga instructor must not discriminate between clients on the basis of race, caste/class, creed, education level or any other distinguishing factor. All clients must be provided with the same level of service at the same price.

The conduct of the yoga instructor

1. The yoga instructor should remain in the domain of knowledge acquired during education and certification and should not try to experiment or advise exercises or treatment for which he/she is not qualified.

2. The yoga instructor must always act in a responsible manner with issues related to the clients health and security. Avoiding any form of injury should be a prime concern for the yoga instructor!

3. The yoga instructor must take the initiative to improve and update his/her knowledge so as to advise the latest form of exercise or treatment to the clients.

4. The yoga instructor must not misrepresent or advertise himself/herself in any untruthful way with respect to his/her education, skills or experience, etc.

5. The yoga instructor must not work in an intoxicated condition or should not be suffering from any communicable diseases while at work.

6. The yoga instructor should undergo the required blood tests incase of suspicion of any serious communicable disease (a.k.a. “infectious” or “transmissible” disease).

7. The yoga instructor should not try to promote any product or service to the client eg. health powders, medicines etc. simply because the selling company will pay them commissions. Since the yoga instructor is in a position to influence the client, it is very important to keep in mind that the welfare of the client is far more important than any additional monetary benefits that may accrue to the yoga instructor. All recommendations should solely be based on health considerations.

8. In case of any difference of opinion or interest with the client, the yoga instructor must take a decision that is in the best interest of the client. If there is a conflict of interest with the client which is likely to affect the level of service provided by the yoga instructor, it is advised to discontinue the contractual relationship to avoid harm to the client.

Conduct at the work place and towards society

1. The yoga instructor must cooperate with his/her colleagues at the work place in terms of offering help and exchanging information.

2. The yoga instructor must behave in a manner that is honest and in good faith with all colleagues.

3. The yoga instructor must bring to the notice of the management or higher authorities, if he/she notices any activity which is not in the best interest of the client. This could extend to passing on information regarding the malpractices, unethical behavior or misdeeds of any colleague or client at the work place.

4. The yoga instructor must always respect the law and make sure that he/she is complying with the statutory requirements of the State's Government. The yoga instructor must also ensure that he/she does not perform any activity that could lead to legal complications.

5. The yoga instructor must endeavor to further the profession and to help promote the benefits of fitness and exercise for the good of other fellow humans.
Title: Re: Everything about Yoga
Post by: PageRank on February 19, 2021, 04:07:28 PM
Gym habits to be kept in mind and taught to the clients as well:

OK, you decide does it make good enough sense:

1. Do not talk or sit next to people you do not know. (I doubt if this is good. Some people just go there to make friends or at least they like to interact with other people.)

2. Share equipment with fellow trainers and don't spend too much time on one machine when other are waiting for their turn.

3. Don't leave your belongings or clothes in the gym or on equipment.

4. Return equipment to its designated place neatly after using it.

5. Do not leave sweat on the machines. Make sure to wipe it away before leaving.
Title: Re: Everything about Yoga
Post by: PageRank on February 19, 2021, 06:01:19 PM
More about yoga's history and essence:

What is Yoga?

More than 5000 years old, yoga is a gift of India to the world. The word "yoga" (English pronunciation -- /ˈjoʊɡə/ and written in Sanskrit -- "योग") is derived from the Sanskrit root "yuj" (युज्), which means “union”; "to attach", "join", "harness", "yoke". In yogic terminology, this union connotes the union of one’s soul with the Supreme Soul or the Supreme Power called God. (Of course there is no scientific evidence for such things). In simple words, Yoga can be delineated as an outstanding method of self-development and self-realization.

Patanjali (Patañjali (Sanskrit: पतञ्जलि)), an ancient Indian sage, is regarded as the "Father of Yoga". He propounded the concept of yoga through his treatise on yoga, named "Yoga Sutras". In his "Yoga Sutras", Patanjali elucidated the eight stages or paths of yoga called Ashtangayoga. These eight stages are popularly known as the “Eight Limbs of Yoga” and they constitute the following:

1. Yama - Social Behavior
2. Niyama - Inner Discipline
3. Asana - Physical Postures
4. Pranayama - Breath Control
5. Pratyahara - Discipline of the Senses
6. Dharna - Concentration
7. Dhyana - Meditation
8. Samadhi - Self-Realization

Each one of these limbs is as imperative as the rest of them. But nowadays, only Asana (physical postures) and Pranayama (breath control) are construed as yoga, as these are the two aspects of yoga that people are more aware of and more interested in.
Title: Re: Everything about Yoga
Post by: PageRank on February 20, 2021, 02:05:04 AM
Different Styles of Yoga

Yoga comes in different forms and styles viz. Ashtanga Yoga, Ananda Yoga, Shivananda Yoga, Viniyoga, Satyananda Yoga, Bikram Yoga, Kundalini Yoga, Swaroopa Yoga, Jivamukti Yoga, Kripalu, Kali Ray Triyoga et al.

As I heard and read, the most popular style of yoga is Iyengar Yoga. People all over the world ardently (very enthusiastically or passionately) follow this style of yoga. It is reckoned as a perfect version of yoga. Iyengar Yoga lays great emphasis on the details and the precision with which yoga should be practiced. B.K.S. Iyengar, the originator of Iyengar Yoga says,

“When I practice I am a philosopher; when I teach I am a scientist; when I demonstrate I am an artist.”
“Yoga releases the creative potential in life.”
“We need sound bodies so we can develop sound minds.”
“The hardness of a diamond is part of its usefulness, but its true value is in the light that shines through it.”
"Is it necessary to practice all these asanas, further and further? Is it necessary to develop scientific researches further and further? To a yogi, the body is a laboratory, a field of experiments and perpetual researches."
"Do not think of yourself as a small, compressed, suffering thing. Think of yourself as graceful and expanding, no matter how unlikely it may seem at the time."

This blend of philosophy, science, and art clearly reflects in his style of yoga, as he teaches yoga with profound wisdom and unflinching precision. He believes that different people have distinct body types, different alignment, and varied composition, which means everyone is different. Therefore, he asserts that one should work according to one’s own ability, keeping in view his strengths and limitations. He also recommends using different kinds of props like blocks, belts, mats, cushions, straps etc. to enable one to practice yoga the way it ought to be practiced. No wonder why people love Iyengar Yoga.
Title: Re: Everything about Yoga
Post by: Gay on February 21, 2021, 03:36:21 AM
Some statements about yoga. But 1. The disclaimer: The information contained in this post is solely for educational purposes on the given subject. It should not be considered a medical advice nor should it be used as a substitute for medical advice and expertise of a physician, physiotherapist or a dietitian. and 2. It's up to you to believe or not. I personally doubt some of these statements (for example the one about cancer), but I'll represent them here anyway.

What Yoga does?

Yoga does what nothing can. Yes, this is no exaggeration, just a fact. Yoga is the only system in the world that not only equips one with a sound mind, a peaceful spirit, and a healthy body, but also cures the whole gamut of life threatening diseases. Yoga in its truest sense, eggs us on to strive for the spiritual insight and harmony to realize our oneness with God. (And a very important reminder that there are no scientific evidences for any God's existence.)

However, in the modern era, yoga is reckoned more as a system of exercises that enables one to attain good health and to get rid of the notorious diseases. Unlike other forms and styles of exercises, yoga is not just the exercise of the body. It tones-up the mind as well. Yoga is mind, body, and spirit in symphony. (Also, remember that there are no scientific evidences for the existence any spirit or soul.) It is a great tranquilizer.

Over the years, people across the globe have realized that yoga can transform the physical, psychological, and spiritual aspects of their lives. Yoga has efficaciously apprised people of the significance of their physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being.

Why Yoga?

Yoga empowers the body and invigorates the soul (No scientific evidence for the existence of any souls.). The prime objective of yoga is to create a lilting harmony between the mind, body, and the spirit. Along with the outer body parts, yoga takes care of the inner organs as well. It has an uncanny quality of infusing peace and tranquility in our minds, both of which are fast diminishing from our lives.

Yoga’s Pranayamas and Asanas give all that one craves for -- a healthy body, an unperturbed mind, and a virtuous soul. No other form of exercise does so. That’s why people from the length and breadth of the world are moving towards yoga. According to a survey in the United States, more than 16 million Americans are into yoga. All this and a lot more that you will read further will make you say “Why not Yoga?” instead of “Why Yoga?”

Yoga kills Roga

Yoga is an out and out charismatic elixir for all the Rogas. Roga is a Sanskrit word, which means disease or ailment. Different forms of medical systems are still on hunt to fathom the real cause of different diseases and the ways and means to eliminate them. All such medical systems have done wonders as far as alleviating the pain or treating the disease is concerned. But, not one of them has the capability to eliminate the disease for once and for all.

These medical systems can only give the treatment. They are all about damage control. They only deal with the diseases. They don’t defeat them. Yoga is the only system on earth that not only defeats the diseases, but also kills them. It works on the body system in such a way that one would never get afflicted with any disease. But, if somebody already has one, it will slowly but surely kill that forever. No mercy! That’s the beauty and utility of yoga. That yoga can prevent and cure zillions of diseases and ailments is corroboration to the fact that it has some surreal attributes. These attributes emerge from yoga’s deft understanding of the mind and the body. (So the yogis never get ill?! Really?!)

Following are hordes of valid reasons that elucidate how Yoga kills Roga:

Yoga purifies the body and the mind.

Yoga increases self-control, self-discipline, and self-confidence.

Yoga improves the physical and mental health.

Yoga enables one to manage his body and mind well.

Yoga cures a wide array of diseases like diabetes, blood pressure, cancer, kidney and lung diseases, asthma, back pain, blood pressure, carpal tunnel syndrome, chronic fatigue, metabolic and endocrine imbalances, allergies, depression, diabetes, epilepsy, headaches, heart disease, multiple sclerosis, stress, Parkinson's disease, insomnia, arthritis, hernia, infertility, depression & anxiety. (So, is it "a wide array of diseases" or "cures the whole gamut of life threatening diseases"? In any case it sounds like a sort of panacea.)

Yoga strengthens the immune system.

Yoga’s key constituent Pranayama activates the parasympathetic nervous system.

Yoga takes one towards a healthy lifestyle.

Yoga enhances strength and stamina.

Yoga reduces stress and tension.

Yoga perks up the concentration power.

Yoga reduces fat, weight and alleviates weight related problem.

Yoga improves blood circulation.

Yoga decreases cholesterol.

Yoga decreases the pulse rate and the respiratory rate.

Yoga increases galvanic skin response (GSR), cardiovascular efficiency, respiratory efficiency, hemoglobin, and thyroxine.

Yoga improves posture, memory, and intelligence.

Well, I know it's special and healthy, but most of these statements sounds like an ad to me.  ;D
Title: Re: Everything about Yoga
Post by: SEO on February 21, 2021, 04:38:29 AM
What are Asanas?

Asana is a Sanskrit word, which means the "Seat" or the "Posture". As you already know, Asanas constitute the "Eight Limbs of Yoga", as enunciated by Patanjali in his "Yoga Sutras". Asanas are around eighty four million in number.

Asanas are not mere physical exercises. Nor are they a collection of complex postures. So, what exactly are asanas?

In fact, asanas are a sublime blend of physical movements and mental drills, which inject vitality in the body and infuse tranquility in the mind. Asanas not only channelize one’s energies, but also juxtapose these energies in such a way that they fortify one another to make the mind and body a strong single entity. This makes one stable, supple, composed, and strong.

In simple terms, asanas enable one to realize the stockpiles of strengths and abilities lying wasted in one’s veiled inner self. Asanas awaken the mind and activate the body. Thus, paving the way for a happy and healthy existence.
How Asanas help?
"Asanas are a Tonic for Mental, Psychological, & Spiritual Health"

Asanas are integral part of yoga. The different postures that are practiced as asanas create a synchronizing harmony between the mind and the body. This harmony kicks off a lot of positive changes that helps one realize the real mirth of life. By continuous practice of asanas, the mind starts chopping its weighty feathers of anxiety, nervousness, restlessness, apprehension, anguish, fear, insecurity, doubt, ambiguity, and dilemma. And, gears itself up to make an unbridled flight in the open and fragrant skies of joy, confidence, hope, faith, contentment, and spiritual bliss.

In short, asanas smartly train the mind to get rid of all the negative thoughts and feelings, which have been clogging it and deterring it from thinking freely, rightly, and quickly. This is how asanas act like a tonic and improve the mental, psychological, and the spiritual health.
Tonic for Physical Health

Asanas do a cleansing act for the body by wiping out all the toxic substances from it. If these toxic substances are allowed to flourish in the body, they wreak havoc on the body by giving birth to different diseases and ailments. This is where asanas come into play. Yoga emphasizes the fact that your body itself gives birth to various diseases. This happens when you do not have a strong immune system.

Immune system acts like a wall that guards the body against various obnoxious germs, infections, viruses et al., which are attacking us all the time without our noticing it. The body becomes a breeding ground for different ailments and the diseases when this wall is in a dilapidated condition.

Asanas provide different techniques and measures that fortify the wall called immune system. Furthermore, regular practice of the asanas stimulates the nervous system and ameliorates the functioning of the kidneys, heart, liver, intestines, abdomen, joints et al. Asanas galvanize the various parts of the body. Apart from strengthening the muscles, asanas give flexibility, vigor, and endurance. This is how asanas act like a tonic and improve the physical health.
Different Types of Asanas

There are whole hosts of asanas. They are generally categorized on the basis of the position taken while practicing the asana. Following are the positions different asanas can be categorized into:

Standing Asanas. The asanas that are practiced by taking standing positions are called standing asanas. These are by and large, the easy ones and equip one with flexibility, balance, and stability. So, a new student of yoga would be better off to start with the standing asanas. This will fine-tune his body and enables him to move on to the tough asanas without much difficulty. Standing asanas are specially recommended for those who spend most of their time sitting. Such people can immensely benefit from the standing asanas as these asanas tend to improve the body posture. Tadasana/Mountain Pose, Vrikshasana/Tree pose, and Garudasana/Eagle Pose are some of the key standing asanas.

Sitting Asanas. The asanas that are practiced by taking sitting positions are called sitting asanas. Sitting asanas relax the mind. Besides, they enhance concentration ability and meditation prowess. In all sitting asanas, one is required to sit erect, therefore, they strengthen the spine. They also help one breathe better by opening up the lungs and inflating the chest. Siddhasana/Perfect Posture, Padmasana/Lotus Pose, Sinhasana/Lion Pose, and Vajrasana/Thunderbolt Pose are some of the key sitting asanas.

Supine Asanas. The asanas that are practiced by lying flat on the back are called supine asanas. This position enables one to feel relaxed and to wipe out the tardiness. These asanas freshen one up and activate the whole body. In most of the supine asanas, one is required to stretch one’s legs and the toes. This makes them supple. Uttanpadasana/Raised Foot Pose, Shavasana/Corpse Pose, and Halasana/Plow Pose are some of the key supine asanas.

Prone Asanas. The asanas that are practiced by lying prone or face down are called prone asanas. This position is very beneficial for the abdominal muscles. It really tones-up the abdomen as well as the pelvic region. Makarasana/Crocodile Pose, Dhanurasana/Bow Pose, and Bhujangasana/Cobra Pose are some of the key prone asanas.

Inverted Asanas. The asanas that have one in an upside down position are called inverted asanas. In this upside down position, the course of gravitational force is on the head. This stimulates the blood supply towards the brain. This position also stamps out different toxic substances from the body. Besides, such asanas perk-up the metabolism and invigorate the pituitary gland, lungs, and the kidneys. Shirshasana/Headstand Pose, Sarvagasana/Bridge Pose, and Adhomukha Vrikshasana/Downward Facing Dog Pose are some of the key inverted asanas.

Disclaimer: The information contained in this post is solely for educational purposes on the given subject. It should not be considered a medical advice nor should it be used as a substitute for medical advice and expertise of a physician, physiotherapist or a dietitian.
Title: Re: Everything about Yoga
Post by: Gay on February 22, 2021, 02:30:56 PM
Yoga's Dos and Don'ts
It's up to you to decide which are right and okay.

1. Practice yoga under the supervision of a well-trained guide.
2. Do it empty stomach. If feeling very hungry, take a cup of milk, tea, and coffee, etc. but no meals please. And, if you had one, make sure that you exercise at least one hour after a light meal and at least three to four hours after a heavy meal.
3. Ensure that you have your bladder empty and bowels evacuated before practicing Yoga.
4. Take bath at least fifteen minutes after the exercises.
5. The best time to practice yoga is early morning or late evening.
6. Wear clothes you feel comfortable in.
7. Choose a quiet, clean, and well-ventilated place.
8. Make sure that the floor is leveled.
9. Do not practice under the influence of alcohol, drugs, etc.
10. Keep your breathing relaxed all the time during the yoga exercises.
11. Follow the breathing instructions and techniques.
12. Breathe via nose and not via mouth.
13. Yoga is not just about body, so put your heart and soul in it, and don’t let your concentration waver.
14. Use yoga props like mats, blankets, straps, blocks, cushions, etc.
15. Pregnant women, patients, and lactating mothers should consult their doctor and yoga guide before doing any exercise.
16. Women should be careful during their menstrual cycles as some of the asanas and movements might cause them more harm than good.
17. Take a 30 minutes break before doing other types of physical exercises.
18. Listen to your body. Do what it permits.
19. Be innovative and try new asanas and pranayamas to avoid monotony.
20. No jerks. No haste. Do everything with the right technique.
21. No half measures. No casual approach. Go the whole hog for it.
22. Make yoga a way of life.
Title: Re: Everything about Yoga
Post by: Gay on February 23, 2021, 03:21:14 AM
Stress and Yoga

I don't like stress.  :( I'm sensitive.

Read about it and decide by yourself.

What is stress?

We all know that stress is agonizing, but it’s even more perplexing. It hits without being seen and it hurts without giving any wound. Something is wrong! This is the feeling that haunts one when he is under stress. Stress is a distressing state of mind, which builds up a kind of trauma in one’s psyche. It gives a stuffy feeling and quite amazingly, this stuffy feeling emanates from a sense of nothingness. Stress bogs down one’s mind in such a way that all the world perceived to be a bountiful one till the other day, suddenly seems to have come to a naught.
Why and how stress happens?

There can be whole hosts of whys, whens, wheres, and hows about stress and one can write long dreary dissertations on it. But, the bottom line is that when someone feels something is wrong and this exasperating feeling boggles his mind persistently, it’s called stress. Stress can come in startling forms. Something as trifle as not being able to find one’s favorite shirt in the wardrobe to as terrible as the death of a near and dear one can lead to stress.
Is stress a disease?

Stress is not a disease in itself, but it’s an appalling condition that gives birth to several diseases. That’s why stress is even more deadly than a disease. Stress is like a goods train that carries huge amounts of goods in its long chain of wagons. These goods come in the form of deadly syndromes such as depression, high blood pressure, headache, migraine, nervous breakdown, indigestion, insomnia, nausea, weak immune system, muscle tension, menstrual disorders, fear, anger, panic, anxiety, restlessness, ulcers, weight problems, heart diseases, heart attack, and even death.
How stress hurts?

Our mind and body are in sync with each other. The body responds to the signals from the mind. If these signals exude depressed feelings and murky emotions, the body will reciprocate in the same gloomy manner. This means that the body also will feel depressed and dejected. If the body keeps getting such murky signals over a period of time, different kinds of diseases and ailments grip it. Thus, stress makes one sick both mentally and physically. Furthermore, it’s easier to cure different physical ailments and diseases, but it’s an arduous task to treat someone’s mental condition. Doctors can prescribe certain medicines for a physical ailment or even do a surgery on an affected organ. But, they can’t do the same with the mind. They can apprise one of the various ways and means to avoid or alleviate stress. But, ultimately it all boils down to an individual on how he manages his mind and how he manages stress.
How to manage stress?

The best way to manage stress is not to have it at all. But, it sounds impossible. The ways of the world have changed and so have the people. The age of idyllic pastoral life has gone by, perhaps never to come again. It’s an age of speed, competition, aggression, fights, kicks, struggles, violence, and spiraling expectations. Everyone becomes the target of one or more of such obnoxious factors at some point or the other. But, it does not mean that stress is irrepressible and invincible. There are ways and means not just to deal with it, but to actually conquer it. One of the best ways to ward-off the perilous stress is Pranayama.
Title: Re: Everything about Yoga
Post by: Gay on February 26, 2021, 04:45:47 AM
More about the Pranayama.

Stress and Pranayama

What is Pranayama?

Pranayama, as you maybe already know, is one of the “Eight Limbs of Yoga” as marked out by Patanjali (the ancient Indian sage) in his treatise on yoga called "Yoga Sutras" and "pranayama" is a Sanskrit word that means “control of the breath.” Breath is a vital energy that animates life. The moment one loses one’s prana or breath, he ceases to exist. Pranayama emphasizes the essence of invigorating lives by educating on how to accumulate more and more of this vital energy called prana.

How pranayama works?

Breathing is a natural ongoing process. One inhales and exhales... and the process goes on till one dies. But, the problem is that our breathing is too shallow. Herein, lies the significance of pranayama. Pranayama activates the process of wholesome breathing. It provides more oxygen that enables smooth functioning of the different cells of the body. Besides, pranayama teaches to augment the vital prana. This is done by deliberately modifying the breathing process through various subtle techniques. These subtle techniques are all about inhaling and exhaling in different ways -- sometimes fast, sometimes slow, and sometimes stopping the inhaling-exhaling process completely.
How pranayama works on stress?

Life is all about dealing with the different situations. Some deal with them in a strained way by putting lots of unnecessary pressures on themselves, while a few others handle the same situations with aplomb and composure. Therefore, it's all mind over matter. But, it is very difficult to control the mind. That is why, despite knowing the fact that stress dents our psyche, most of us fail to get rid of it. That is where pranayama plays a vital role.

When the breath is controlled through pranayama, breathing becomes consistent and rhythmic. This process of consistent and rhythmic breathing gradually terminates the shuddering or quivering of the breath, which in turn prevents the mind from wavering and fluttering. Pranayama creates a serene synergy between our mind as well as the body, which enables one to be at peace with oneself. A peaceful mind radiates optimism and eggs one on to remain unperturbed, no matter what the situation is. Such a state of mind completely nullifies the stress factor and leads to a blissful feeling called true happiness.
Three key aspects of Pranayama

1. Puraka -- Puraka is a Sanskrit word that connotes filling or completing. In pranayama, the process of inhaling is termed as Puraka.

2. Rechaka -- Rechaka is a Sanskrit word that connotes expelling or releasing. In pranayama, the process of exhaling is termed as Rechaka.

3. Kumbhaka -- Kumbhaka is a Sanskrit word that connotes closing or shutting. In pranayama, the process of neither inhaling nor exhaling i.e. holding the breath is called Kumbhaka.
Varieties of Pranayama
Anuloma-Viloma Pranayama (Alternate Nostril Breathing)

Ujjayi Pranayama (Loud Breathing)

Suryabhedana Pranayama (Right Nostril Breathing)

Bhastrika Pranayama (Bellow Breathing)

Shitali Pranayama (Tongue Hissing Breathing)

Sitakari Pranayama (Teeth Hissing Breathing)

Bhramari Pranayama (Nasal Snoring Breathing)

Moorchha Pranayama (Swooning Breathing)

Plavini Pranayama (Floating Breathing)
Title: Re: Everything about Yoga
Post by: SEO on March 03, 2021, 11:38:28 PM
Details about the varieties:

Anuloma Viloma Pranayama/Alternate Nostril Breathing - Anuloma Viloma Pranayama/Alternate Nostril Breathing is a very a remarkable breathing exercise. In this pranayama, one inhales and exhales alternately by the two nostrils. It makes breathing better and balances the disturbed breathing pattern.

Instructions for Anuloma Viloma Pranayama/Alternate Nostril Breathing - Sit in the position of Padmasana/Lotus Pose or Sidhasana/Adept's Pose. Inhale through the left nostril, keeping the right one closed with the thumb of the right hand. Hold the breath, close the left nostril with the ring finger and the little finger of the right hand, and exhale through the right nostril. Then inhale through the right nostril, keeping the left one closed with the ring finger and the little finger of the right hand. Hold the breath, close the right nostril with the thumb of the right hand, and exhale through the left nostril. This completes one round of the exercise. Repeat the activity 4-5 times. Never exhaust yourself while doing this exercise.

Ujjayi Pranayama/Loud Breathing - Ujjayi Pranayama/Loud Breathing creates heat in the body. In this pranayama, inhalation is done using both the nostrils, while exhalation is done using only the left nostril. It helps in curing phlegm, asthma, and tuberculosis. It also strengthens the nervous system, respiratory system, and the digestive system.

Instructions for Ujjayi Pranayama/Loud Breathing - Sit in the position of Padmasana/Lotus Pose or Sidhasana/Adept's Pose. Inhale fully through both the nostrils while constricting the lower part of the tongue and the glottis (Glottis is the space between the vocal cords, which produces the sound of your voice by movements in which this space is opened and closed). Inhalation should create a sobbing sound. Apply kumbhaka/Breath Retention for as long as you can, without exhausting yourself. After that exhale through the left nostril, keeping the right nostril closed with the thumb of the right hand. Repeat the activity 3-5 times. Never exhaust yourself while doing this exercise.

Suryabhedana Pranayama/Right Nostril Breathing - Suryabhedna Pranayama/Right Nostril Breathing creates heat in the body and activates that part of the brain, which contains the vital life-force. It strengthens the liver and the immune system. It purifies the blood and cures gas problems, intestinal ailments, leucoderma and other skin diseases.

Instructions for Suryabhedana Pranayama/Right Nostril Breathing - Sit in the position of Padmasana/Lotus Pose or Sidhasana/Adept's Pose. Inhale slowly and deeply through the right nostril, keeping the left nostril closed with the ring finger and the little finger of the right hand. Then close the right nostril with the thumb of the right hand. Press the chin against the notch between the collarbones. Apply kumbhaka/Breath Retention and then exhale through the left nostril, keeping the right nostril closed. Repeat the activity 5-10 times. Never exhaust yourself while doing this exercise.

Bhastrika Pranayama/Bellow Breathing - Bhastrika Pranayama/Bellow Breathing is a combination of Kapalbhati/Skull Shining Breathing and Surya Bhedna Pranayamas/Right Nostril Breathing. It consists of fast nonstop series of bellowing breaths followed by the retention of breath. It enhances concentration, opens-up the nasal passages and perks-up the nervous system, respiratory system as well as the circulatory system. It also cures asthma, diabetes, sinus, and the diseases arising because of the wind, bile, or phlegm disorders.

Instructions for Bhastrika Pranayama/Bellow Breathing - Sit in the position of Padmasana/Lotus Pose or Sidhasana/Adept's Pose. Start inhaling and exhaling quickly and vigorously. This will inflate and contract the chest continuously and create whooshing sounds like that of the bellows of a blacksmith. Do this 5-10 times. Then take a deep breath and hold the breath for as long as possible. Then exhale slowly and steadily. This completes one round of Bhastrika/Bellow breathing. Repeat the activity 3-4 times. Never exhaust yourself while doing this exercise.

Sitakari Pranayama/Teeth Hissing Breathing - Sitakari Pranayama has a cooling and freshening effect on the mind and the body. That is why it’s more favorable to practice it in summers. It wipes off laxness, drowsiness, and satiates thirst and hunger.

Instructions for Sitakari Pranayama/Teeth Hissing Breathing - Sit in the position of Padmasana/Lotus Pose or Sidhasana/Adept's Pose. Open the mouth a little and press the tongue against the roof or the top inside part of the mouth in such a way that the tip of the tongue touches the back of the canine teeth. Suck the air in through the mouth with a hissing sound. Retain the breath for as long as possible. Then exhale slowly through both the nostrils. Repeat the activity 5-10 times. Never exhaust yourself while doing this exercise.

Shitali Pranayama/Tongue Hissing Breathing - Shitali Pranayama/Tongue Hissing Breathing has a cooling and freshening effect on the mind and the body. That is why it’s more favorable to practice it in summers. It should not be practiced in winters. This pranayama purifies the blood, cures flatulence, constipation, indigestion, skin diseases, and pacifies the mind.

Instructions for Shitali Pranayama/Tongue Hissing Breathing - Sit in the position of Padmasana/Lotus Pose or Sidhasana/Adept's Pose. Open the mouth a little, stick your tongue out and curl it up in the form of a conduit. Suck the air in through the mouth with a hissing sound. Retain the breath for as long as possible. Then exhale slowly through both the nostrils. Repeat the activity 5-10 times. Never exhaust yourself while doing this exercise.

Bhramari Pranayama/Nasal Snoring Breathing - Bhramari Pranayama/Nasal Snoring Breathing entails using both the nostrils in puraka/inhale. This pranayama helps in curing insomnia.

Instructions for Bhramari Pranayama/Nasal Snoring Breathing - Sit in the position of Padmasana/Lotus Pose or Sidhasana/Adept's Pose. Start inhaling and exhaling quickly through the nostrils. This will create a snoring or buzzing sound. Continue the process till you sweat. Then breathe in slowly and deeply through the nostrils. Hold the breath for as long as possible. Then exhale slowly through both the nostrils. Never exhaust yourself while doing this exercise.

NOTE: Moorchha Pranayama/Fainting Breathing & Plavini Pranayama/Floating Breathing are the complex varieties of pranayama. These are meant only for the experienced practitioners of Pranayama.

Disclaimer: The information contained in this post is solely for educational purposes on the given subject. It should not be considered a medical advice nor should it be used as a substitute for medical advice and expertise of a physician, physiotherapist or a dietitian.
Title: Re: Everything about Yoga
Post by: SEO on March 09, 2021, 02:19:23 AM
Maybe it's useful for a yoga instructor also to understand a variety of fitness related terms and definitions. At least, using scientific terms helps to impress some of the clients and also looks very professional.  :)

Abduction, Adduction Abductor and Adductor

Bodily movement that involves actions that are away from the midline of the body or one of its body parts. Abduction occurs in the frontal plane. The muscle that causes this movement is called the abductor. An example of abduction is when you spread your fingers outwards so as to increase the gap between each finger. Adduction is the opposite of abduction and involves movement towards the midline of the body. The muscle that causes adduction at a joint is called adductor.

Aerobic Fitness (cardiovascular fitness)

The ability of the body to perform exercise over an extended period of time in the presence of oxygen. (eg. cycling, marathon running...)


A component of fitness which enables a person to move, change direction and position the body quickly. This ability is inherent in the person and cannot be improved to a large extent. The Illinois agility run test is used to measure agility.


The muscle that is directly responsible for the movement at a joint.

Anaerobic activity

It defines activity undertaken without the presence of oxygen. (eg. weight lifting, sprinting...) Such activities cannot be undertaken for long periods of time.

Anaerobic capacity test

A test that measures the ability of the body to undertake exercise of a short duration and of a very high intensity. The Wingate cycle test is commonly used to test anaerobic capacity.


A muscle that has an action opposite to muscle that is directly responsible for the movement of a joint.

Arterio-venous oxygen difference (VO2 difference)

A measure of the amount of oxygen consumed by the muscles. It is the difference in the oxygen content of the blood in the arteries and in the veins. At rest about 25% oxygen is utilized, but this can exceed 80% during exercise.

To be continued.
Title: Re: Everything about Yoga
Post by: SEO on March 10, 2021, 01:38:54 AM

Blood pressure (BP)

BP = systolic pressure / diastolic pressure. It is the force of the blood exerted against the walls of the blood vessels. The blood pressure changes during exercise and increases dramatically during intensive exercises.

Blood pressure is expressed as two numbers, e.g., 120/80.

The above mentioned blood pressure values are read as: "one hundred twenty over eighty".

The first value is the systolic pressure (pressure exerted when heart is pumping blood). The second value is the diastolic pressure (pressure on the arteries when heart is relaxed).

Body Mass Index (BMI)

BMI is defined as an individual's body mass (in kg) divided by the square of the individual's height (in m):

BMI = Body mass of individual / Height of individual2 (Weight / Height2)


The loss of enthusiasm and energy related to an activity due to over excessive or high levels of the particular activity.

To be continued.
Title: Re: Everything about Yoga
Post by: SEO on March 11, 2021, 01:19:56 AM

An organic compound containing carbon (C), hydrogen (H) and oxygen (O). Carbohydrates form an essential part of every diet.

It is a firm connective tissue that provides protection to the bone from wear and tear eg. the knee joint. Some types of cartilage also provide a structure to some body parts eg. the nose.

Components of fitness
The components of fitness are aerobic fitness, anaerobic fitness, strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, body composition ("body composition" is used to describe the percentages of fat, bone, water and muscle in human bodies) and speed.

Concentric muscle contraction
It involves a muscle shortening while contracting. eg. the biceps while lifting the weight during the bicep curl.

The period of light activity following exercise during which the heart rate is still elevated and helps to remove lactic acid from the body and ensures a quick recovery. This also helps to avoid dizziness after exercise.

Eccentric muscle contraction
It involves the lengthening of a muscle during movement eg. the biceps while lowering the weight during the bicep curl.

A movement which involves an increase in the angle of the articulating bones. eg. straightening your bent elbow. The muscle which causes an extension is called an extensor.

To be continued.
Title: Re: Everything about Yoga
Post by: SEO on March 13, 2021, 01:20:12 AM

Fast twitch muscle fiber
A type of muscle fiber that is suited for high intensity exercise.

A movement that leads to a decrease in the angle between two articulating bones. (eg. at the elbow during the bicep curl when the weight is brought up towards the shoulder. The muscle that causes flexion is called the flexor.

This term refers to the stored form of carbohydrate in the body. Glycogen (C₂₄H₄₂O₂₁) is stored in the liver and muscles and used by the body along with fat to generate energy. The glycogen consumption increases with high intensity exercises. Athletes try to increase glycogen in their bodies before taking part in sports events.

Glycogen loading
A deliberate increase of the intake of carbohydrates to increase the glycogen in the body.

The component of red blood that performs the function of transporting oxygen and carbon dioxide to and from the muscle cells. The normal should be 14-18g per deciliter of blood for males.

Isokinetic muscle contraction
The type of muscle contraction that occurs when the speed of shortening of the muscle remains constant over the entire range of motion. This type of contraction usually relies on special gym equipment.

Isometric muscle contraction
The type of muscle contraction that occurs when the muscle length remains static during exercise. This occurs when the force of the muscle equals the weight of the force applied on the muscle (eg. If you hold a weight in your hand with an outstretched arm for some seconds).

Isotonic muscle contraction
The type of muscle contraction that occurs when the tension remains constant and where the muscle shortens. (eg. weight training.)

To be continued.
Title: Re: Everything about Yoga
Post by: SEO on March 17, 2021, 12:19:06 AM

Karvonen method/principle/formula

A method of calculating the training heart rate/a mathematical formula that helps you determine your target heart rate (HR) training zone/a means of measuring the correct intensity of training for an individual.

A strong fibrous connective tissue that attaches one bone to another.

Maximum oxygen uptake (VO2 max)
The maximum amount of oxygen that can be taken in, absorbed and used by the muscles per minute. The maximum oxygen uptake is high for athletes like marathon runners.

Muscular endurance
The ability of a muscle to undergo repeated contractions without fatigue.

To be continued.
Title: Re: Everything about Yoga
Post by: SEO on March 19, 2021, 01:05:21 AM

This refers to excessive body fat. It isn't just a cosmetic concern. It's a medical problem that increases your risk of other diseases and health problems!

A condition that arises due to an imbalance between training and recovery. This could lead to muscle ache, fatigue, loss of appetite and sleep disturbance. It is therefore recommended that athletes rest between heavy training sessions.

Participation pyramid

This refers to various levels of sports participation leading up to professional level. It consists of:

1. Foundation level, in which the individual learns basic sports skills and develops an interest in sports related activities (eg. physical education programs in schools.)
2. Participation level, where the individual exercises in his/her leisure time for a sport eg. extra-curricular sport at school or at club level.
3. Performance level, which involves fine tuning skills through coaching, training and competitions.
4. Excellence level, which involves reaching national and recognized standards of performance.

To be continued.
Title: Re: Everything about Yoga
Post by: SEO on March 24, 2021, 11:49:02 PM

The systematic planning of training throughout a season so that an optimal physiological and psychological peak can be reached.

A type of training that is designed to improve both power and strength. It's also known as jump training or plyos; the exercises are those in which muscles exert maximum force in short intervals of time, with the goal of increasing power (speed-strength), for example such as an athlete jumping from one block to the floor and then to another block.

Principles of training
Specificity, progressive overload, reversibility, warm-up, cool-down.

Progressive overload
The principle that suggests that in order to improve the body's strength or endurance, we must put it under some kind of stress and as the body becomes stronger we should increase the amount of stress to a next level.

Resistance training
This refers to any type of training or exercise where a resistance is applied to the body (eg. running up hills (i. e. against gravity) or weight training).

To be continued.
Title: Re: Everything about Yoga
Post by: SEO on March 30, 2021, 11:59:07 PM

Respiratory exchange ratio (RER)
The respiratory exchange ratio (RER) is the ratio between the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) produced in metabolism and oxygen (O2) used. The RER is calculated by dividing the volume of carbon dioxide expired per minute by the volume of oxygen uptake per minute. The formula is VCO2/VO2.

The muscle that causes rotation is called the rotator.

SAQ (speed, agility and quickness)
A type of training designed to improve the speed, agility and quickness of the performer. This could include ladder and plyometric drills.

Slow twitch muscle fiber
These are muscle fibers which are designed for endurance and high aerobic activity and which can produce a large amount of energy using oxygen (eg. marathon runners and cyclists have a lot of slow twitch fibers).

The maximum force that can be developed within a muscle or group of muscles during a single contraction. It can be developed by special training called strength training (the most common of which is weight training).

The muscle which contracts to enhance the efficiency of the muscle that is primarily important for the movement of the joint.

It is the connective tissue responsible for attaching skeletal muscle to bone.

A period of light activity before exercise that helps to avoid injury and soreness, and helps the individual get ready for the exercise. It consists of stage 1 which involves continuous activity such as jogging, stage 2 that consists of stretching and stage 3 that consists of the skill-related practice (eg. serving in tennis).
Title: Re: Everything about Yoga
Post by: SEO on April 11, 2021, 03:16:06 AM
Human Body Fundamentals (and the Muscular System)

The cardiovascular system

You probably often read the terms "cardiovascular health" or "cardiovascular endurance" during your life. All these terms relate to the cardiovascular system of the human body. The main role of this system in the body is to transport oxygen to all tissues in the body and for removing from these same tissues metabolic waste products. The system itself consists of the blood, the medium for exchanging oxygen and nutrients for waste products in the body, the blood vessels (the pipes through which the blood flows) and the heart (the pump which forces blood to flow through the blood vessels). The blood contains red blood cells that carry oxygen and help to supply the tissues and muscles with it. The blood also clears the body of waste. Blood is pumped by the heart to various parts of the body including the lungs where it gets supplied with oxygen. The fitter the person, the better the supply of oxygen to the muscles (cardiovascular system) and the more exercise enduring capacity.

Calculating your exercise heart rate range

You can estimate your maximum heart rate by subtracting your age from 220 (i.e. 220 - age; for example if you're 30, it will be 220 - 30 = 190).

Determine your lower limit exercise heart rate by multiplying your maximum heart rate by 0.6.
Determine your upper limit exercise heart rate by multiplying your maximum heart rate by 0.9.
Your exercise heart rate range is between your upper and lower limits.

Health benefits at the lower range are usually enough for most individuals and improve the fitness. Trainers should be careful about clients who take medicines for high blood pressure as they could affect the heart rate.

Different body types

Different types of body types react differently to training. The following are the various body types:

1. Endomorphs: Short neck, round face, wide waist girth, more fat in the body. Body fat will be put on fast, and exercises should be focused to keep the fat away. A balanced diet is important to keep endomorphs in shape.

2. Mesomorphs: Long upper body, large chest, more muscles and strength. They can put on weight faster. Their muscles will also grow fast and proportionately. They should eat a balanced diet with lesser fat.

3. Ectomorphs: Long arms and legs. Long and narrow hand and feet. Long and thin muscles and narrow chests, short upper body. Muscles develop slowly and weight gain is an issue. Ectomorphs should keep up their calories with supplements if they are body building. They can gain mass by doing mass building exercises.

Title: Re: Everything about Yoga
Post by: SEO on April 27, 2021, 01:56:07 AM
How digestion takes place

Food provides energy to help our bodies grow. No one kind of food can fulfill all of the body needs, so we must eat a variety of foods in order to receive proper nutrition. Nutrients in foods are chemical substances and are classified as carbohydrates, fats and oils (lipids), proteins, minerals, and vitamins. Carbohydrates contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, and their burning is the body's usual source of energy for muscular work, body heat, breathing, and other functions. Amino acids which are linked together to form proteins contain nitrogen and sometimes sulfur in addition to carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Amino acids are essential to our bodies. Fats are made up of fatty acids and glycerol. Fatty acids or unsaturated fats and cannot be manufactured by our bodies so they must be supplied by our diets. Vitamins and minerals are needed in small amounts and are needed to make chemical reactions happen in tissues. In other words vitamins help a body run smoothly. A normal healthy diet provides almost all of the vitamins one needs.

Digestion begins in the mouth with some starches and sugars being broken down into simple sugars by an enzyme in the saliva. Proteins are then partially digested in the stomach with some carbohydrate digestion. Fats are not affected. In the duodenum, bile from the gallbladder emulsifies (breaks up) fats and digestive enzymes from the pancreas attack carbohydrates, proteins and fats. In the small intestine, remaining parts are further broken down and absorbed into the body.

The digestive process can be broken into 5 different steps. These steps include ingestion, propulsion, mechanical and chemical digestion, absorption and defecation.

To be continued.
Title: Re: Everything about Yoga
Post by: SEO on May 06, 2021, 01:02:22 AM
Types of muscles

There are four basic types of tissues recognized in higher animals, epithelial, connective, muscular and nerve. A muscle is a tissue that performs different functions which cause some sort of movement to take place. There are three different types of muscle cells: skeletal, smooth, and cardiac. The various muscles of our bodies serve as the engines or powerhouses of the body and are so constructed to provide speed and power. Each muscle cell is designed for various functions that are needed by a certain area in the body. Muscle tissue has the ability to contract or to shorten, thus producing movement of internal and external body parts. Breathing, speaking, walking, talking, eating, and almost every other function requires muscle tissue.

Smooth muscles are composed of elongated, spindle shaped cells and are commonly involved in involuntary motions. Involuntary muscle contractions or motions are those movements that cannot be consciously controlled. Muscles made from these types of cells include those found in the walls of blood vessels, urinary bladder, and the digestive system.

Skeletal muscles allow movement by being attached to bones in the body. Skeletal muscles control voluntary movements which can be consciously controlled. Skeletal muscles are made up of cylindrical fibers which are found in the locomotive system.

Cardiac muscles are roughly quadrangular in shape. The muscles are found in the heart.

Muscle tissues are supplied with nerve fibers that carry messages to and from the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord). Muscles are composed of about 75 per cent water, 20 per cent protein, and about 5 per cent is made up of carbohydrates, lipids, inorganic salts, and non protein nitrogenous compounds. The composition does vary in the different muscles.

To be continued.
Title: Re: Everything about Yoga
Post by: SEO on June 16, 2021, 01:43:47 AM
Fast twitch and slow twitch muscle fibers

This categorization of muscles is more relevant for the yoga trainers. This categorization of muscles can be done on the basis of different fibers of the muscles namely:

1. Slow twitch muscle fibers: contract slowly, but keep going for a long time.

2. Fast twitch muscle fibers: contract quickly, but rapidly get tired.

Slow twitch muscle fibers are good for endurance activities like long distance running, weight training or cycling. They can work for a long time without getting tired. Fast twitch muscles are good for rapid movements like jumping to catch a ball/frisbee or sprinting for the bus/train. They contract quickly, but get tired fast, as they consume lots of energy. Most of our muscles are made up of a mixture of both slow and fast twitch muscle fibers. But, your soleus muscle in your lower leg and muscles in your back involved in maintaining posture contain mainly slow twitch muscle fibers. And muscles that move your eyes are made up of fast twitch muscle fibers. Fast twitch muscle fibers don't use oxygen to make energy, so they don't need such a rich blood supply. This is why fast twitch muscles are lighter in color than muscles that contain a lot of slow twitch muscle fibers. Fast twitch muscle fibers can produce small amounts of energy very quickly whereas slow twitch muscles can produce large amounts of energy slowly.

To be continued.
Title: Re: Everything about Yoga
Post by: SEO on July 13, 2021, 02:02:56 AM
The Human muscular system

Look carefully at diagrams of the human muscular system, and try to memorize the main muscle groups. As a yoga teacher, you should know the name and location of the main muscle groups as this will help you undertake exercises to target specific muscles. More than any other system of the human body, you will come across references to muscle names and muscle locations during your course of work.

The abdominal muscles

The muscle of the abdominal area comprises of the rectus abdominis which extends along the length of the abdomen and the external obliques which are at the side of the torso. The muscles of the abdomen help to pull the upper and lower body together so that the organs are always aligned in their proper place. Well developed abs help to give a very lean and fit look to the individual.

The shoulder muscles

The shoulder muscles comprise of the deltoid and the trapezius. The function of the shoulder muscles is to rotate and lift the arm. Good developed shoulder muscles add to a person's stature and help to give a large and muscular impression.

The arm muscles

The muscles of the arm are the biceps, triceps and the forearms. The main function of the bicep is to lift and curl the arm. The main function of the tricep is to straighten and twist up the arm and the basic function of the forearm is curl the palm forward and to pull the hand backwards.

The chest muscles

The pectorals are the muscles of the chest. These are the large fan shaped muscles that cover the rib cage area. The function of the pectorals is to pull the arm and shoulder in front of the body. The other muscle is the subclavius which is a cylindrical muscle that helps to draw the muscle forward.

The back muscles

The back muscles are composed of the trapezius (traps), the triangular muscle that helps to raise the entire shoulder girth. The latissmus dorsi (lats), the triangular muscle that that helps to pull the shoulder down and back. Finally the spinal erectors which are several muscles in the lower back that cover the nerves and keep the spine erect.

The leg muscles

The leg muscles comprise the quadriceps at the front of the thigh which extend the leg. The 4 muscles of the quadriceps are the rectus femoris, the vastus intermedium, the vastus medialis and the vastus lateralis. The muscles of the calf comprise of the soleus which is the larger muscle and used to flex the foot. The other muscle is the 2 headed gastrocnemius which also flexes the foot.

To be continued.
Title: Re: Everything about Yoga
Post by: SEO on July 17, 2021, 04:04:30 AM
Nutrition and Constituents of Food

A suitable diet for Yoga

Diet plays a very important part in the practice of Yoga. The traditional Indian form of Yoga as described in the Yogashastra offers the following guidelines about the correct diet to be followed:

1. It must be kept in mind that an improper diet is an obstacle to the study and practice of Yoga.

2. If you do not care about your diet, you cannot expect to get the full benefits from the Yogic exercises.
3. A poor diet is detrimental to the body, and a proper diet will have favorable effects for the whole body. Yoga believes in the proverb "As is the tree so is the fruit". A good nutritious diet from the point of view of Yoga is called "Saatvika".

Saatvika foods consist of the following:

Fruits (for various nutrients and vitamins. Fibers that prevent constipation).
Vegetables (for various nutrients and vitamins. Fibers that prevent constipation).
Cereals (provide carbohydrates).
Butter (fat, energy and proteins for the body).
Butter milk (fat, energy and proteins for the body).
Ghee (A type of cooking oil made from milk cream used in every household in India. Provides fat and energy for the body. The yogic view is that the oils help to lubricate the joints).
Vegetarianism is preferred.
Foods which are excessively hot, cold, bitter, sour, pungent or salty should not be made a part of the diet.
The person practicing Yoga should avoid liquor, intoxicants, meat, fish, eggs, asafoetida, garlic, onions and other food items that are considered lustful (Rajasika food items) and eaten just for the pleasure of the palate. Yoga believes that Rajasika food items obstruct and destroy the physical and mental balance of the individual. (Which is something that contradicts with the nowadays science. It's proven that garlic, onions, etc. are healthy, for example.)
Stale, rotten or food items with a strong odor should be avoided. (I am not sure what's that "strong odor". If it includes healthy things like lemons, oranges, etc. then better to trust the nowadays science which proves that they're a healthy food choice.)
The Yogashastra also describes how much to eat and lays emphasis on Mitahar (temperance in eating). The Yogashastras suggest that the stomach should only be filled up to half with food, a quarter with water and the remaining left free for the movement of air. Excessive eating is a burden on the digestive system and harmful for the body leading to indigestion, obesity. These factors are believed to be a hurdle in the path of practicing asanas.
To conclude Yoga preaches a simple diet comprising of organic, nutrient rich foods which should be consumed in less quantity. This type of a diet is required to get complete control over the mind and the body.

To be continued.
Title: Re: Everything about Yoga
Post by: SEO on July 18, 2021, 04:45:42 AM
Food guide pyramid

Another way to think what is useful for your body are the food guide pyramids. They're different. Let's see/read about/ one of them here. It contains the following groups of food:

a)  Breads, cereal, rice, pasta group (6 to 11 servings): This group consists of the carbohydrate heavy foods and is placed at the bottom of the pyramid indicating that they should be eaten more often and should form an important part of the daily diet. A rationale behind eating more carbohydrates is also that they provide energy and require the person to eat less fat. It is recommended that a person should have 6-11 servings from this group.

b) Vegetables (3-5 servings) and fruit (2-4 servings): There is no doubt that fruits and vegetables are good for the body. Fruits and vegetables help to provide the body with essential vitamins and nutrients and ward off diseases and ailments. A person should have 3-5 servings of vegetable and 2-4 servings of fruit a day.

c) Meat, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs and nuts group (2-3 servings): This group helps to provide the body with protein. Protein helps to build the bodies tissues and muscles. A person should eat 2-3 servings from this group a day.

d) Milk, yogurt and cheese group (2-3 servings) : This group provides protein and calcium that makes the bones strong and prevents health problems related to the degeneration of bone mass. A person should eat 2-3 servings from this group a day.

e) Fats, oils and sweets (eat sparingly) : This group should be eaten sparingly. Fat leads to heart disease and obesity. Too much sugar also leads to obesity which can later create health problems.

The food guide pyramid provides a way to ensure that the bodies nutritional requirements are fulfilled. By following the guide, an individual will receive all the daily requirements in terms of energy, proteins, vitamins and other essential nutrients.

To be continued.
Title: Re: Everything about Yoga
Post by: SEO on July 19, 2021, 04:04:24 AM

Fat is one of the three nutrients (along with protein and carbohydrates) that supply calories to the body. Fat provides 9 Calories per gram, more than twice the number provided by carbohydrates or protein. Fat is essential for the proper functioning of the body. Fats provide the "essential" fatty acids, which are not made by the body and must be obtained from food. Linoleic acid is the most important essential fatty acid, especially for the growth and development of infants. Fatty acids provide the raw materials that help in the control of blood pressure, blood clotting, inflammation, and other body functions. Fat serves as the storage substance for the body's extra calories. It fills the fat cells (adipose tissue) that help insulate the body. Fats are also an important energy source. When the body has used up the calories from carbohydrate, which occurs after the first 20 minutes of exercise, it begins to depend on the calories from fat. Healthy skin and hair are maintained by fat. Fat helps in the absorption, and transport through the bloodstream of the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K.

Saturated fats

Saturated fats tend to be solid at room temperature. These are the biggest dietary cause of high LDL levels ("bad cholesterol"). When looking at a food label, pay very close attention to the % of saturated fat and avoid or limit any foods that are high (for example, over 20% saturated fat). Saturated fats are found in animal products such as butter, cheese, whole milk, ice cream, cream, and fatty meats. They are also found in some vegetable oils -- coconut, palm, and palm kernel oils. (Note: most other vegetable oils contain unsaturated fat and are healthy.)

Unsaturated fats

Unsaturated fats tend to be liquid at room temperature. Fats that help to lower blood cholesterol if used in place of saturated fats. However, unsaturated fats have a lot of calories, so you still need to limit them. There are two types: mono-unsaturated and polyunsaturated. Most (but not all!) liquid vegetable oils are unsaturated. (The exceptions include coconut, palm, and palm kernel oils.)

Mono-unsaturated fats

Fats that help to lower blood cholesterol if used in place of saturated fats. However, mono-unsaturated fats have a lot of calories, so you still need to limit them. Examples include olive and canola oils.

Polyunsaturated fats

Fats that help to lower blood cholesterol if used in place of saturated fats. However, polyunsaturated fats have a lot of calories, so you still need to limit them. Examples include safflower, sunflower, corn, and soybean oils.

Trans fatty acids

These fats form when vegetable oil hardens (a process called hydrogenation) and can raise LDL levels. They can also lower HDL levels ("good cholesterol"). Trans-fatty acids are found in fried foods, commercial baked goods (donuts, cookies, crackers), processed foods, and margarine.

Hydrogenated: refers to oils that have become hardened (such as hard butter and margarine). Foods made with hydrogenated oils should be avoided because they contain high levels of trans fatty acids, which are linked to heart disease. (Look at the ingredients in the food label.) The terms "hydrogenated" and "saturated" are related; an oil becomes saturated when hydrogen is added (i.e., becomes hydrogenated).

Eating too much saturated fat is one of the major risk factors for heart disease. A diet high in saturated fat causes a soft, waxy substance called cholesterol to build up in the arteries. Too much fat also increases the risk of heart disease because of its high calorie content, which increases the chance of becoming obese (another risk factor for heart disease and some types of cancer). A large intake of polyunsaturated fat may increase the risk for some types of cancer. Reducing daily fat intake is not a guarantee against developing cancer or heart disease, but it does help reduce the risk factors. Choose lean, protein-rich foods soy, fish, skinless chicken, very lean meat, and fat free or 1% dairy products. Eat foods that are naturally low in fat -- like whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Get plenty of soluble fiber with oats, bran, dry peas, beans, cereal, and rice. Limit your consumption of fried foods, processed foods, and commercially prepared baked goods (donuts, cookies, crackers).

To be continued.
Title: Re: Everything about Yoga
Post by: SEO on July 20, 2021, 04:03:53 AM

Carbohydrates are sometimes referred to as starches, simple sugars and sugars. Carbohydrates are one of the main dietary components. This category of foods includes sugars, starches, and fiber. The primary function of carbohydrates is to provide energy for the body, especially the brain and the nervous system. The liver breaks down carbohydrates into glucose (blood sugar), which is used for energy by the body. Carbohydrates are classified as simple or complex. The classification depends on the chemical structure of the particular food source and reflects how quickly the sugar is digested and absorbed.

There are 3 basic types of carbohydrates: simple, complex and very complex carbohydrates. Out of these the last two types are essential for a healthy diet.

1. Simple Carbohydrates (also called 'sugars'): Simple carbohydrates can be found in white sugar, preservatives, candies, coke, cake, juice concentrates, honey and glucose syrup. Simple carbohydrates are made up of single or double molecules and are quickly absorbed into the blood stream.

2. Complex carbohydrates: foods that are high in complex carbohydrates include whole grain bread, pasta, rice, beans, vegetables and potatoes. This type of carbohydrate is made up of complex molecules and the body requires time to digest them, which means that we feel full for a longer time period after eating them.

3. Very complex carbohydrates (also known as 'fiber'): this type of carbohydrate adds the bulk to our food that helps in digestion, such as found in whole meal bread and psyllium husk. Fibers help to ease the flow of food through the intestines and reduce the risk of diabetes and lowers cholesterol. 30-35 grams of fiber a day is beneficial for the body. Very complex carbohydrates have an extremely complex molecular structure.

Excessive carbohydrates can cause an increase in the total caloric intake, causing obesity. Deficient carbohydrates can cause a lack of calories (malnutrition), or excessive intake of fats to make up the calories. For most people, between 40% and 60% of total calories should come from carbohydrates, preferably from complex carbohydrates (starches) and naturally occurring sugars that can be found in fruits. Complex carbohydrates provide calories, vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Foods that are high in processed, refined simple sugars provide calories, but they have few nutritional benefits. It is wise to limit such sugars.

To increase complex carbohydrates and healthy nutrients eat more fruits and vegetables; whole grains, rice, breads, and cereals; legumes (beans, lentils, and dried peas).
To be continued.
Title: Re: Everything about Yoga
Post by: SEO on July 21, 2021, 05:36:16 AM

Proteins are complex organic compounds. The basic structure of protein is a chain of amino acids. Protein is the main component of muscles, organs, and glands. Every living cell and all body fluids, except bile and urine, contain protein. The cells of muscles, tendons, and ligaments are maintained with protein. Children and adolescents require protein for growth and development. Proteins are described as essential and nonessential proteins or amino acids. The human body requires approximately 20 amino acids for the synthesis of its proteins. The body can make only 13 of the amino acids -- these are known as the nonessential amino acids. They are called non-essential because the body can make them and does not need to get them from the diet. There are 9 essential amino acids that are obtained only from food, and not made in the body. If the protein in a food supplies enough of the essential amino acids, it is called a complete protein. If the protein of a food does not supply all the essential amino acids, it is called an incomplete protein.

All meat and other animal products are sources of complete proteins. These include beef, lamb, pork, poultry, fish, shellfish, eggs, milk, and milk products. Protein in foods (such as grains, fruits, and vegetables) are either low, incomplete protein or lack one of the essential amino acids. These food sources are considered incomplete proteins. Plant proteins can be combined to include all of the essential amino acids and form a complete protein. Examples of combined, complete plant proteins are rice and beans, milk and wheat cereal, and corn and beans.

A diet high in meat could lead to high cholesterol or other diseases, such as gout. Another potential problem is that a high-protein diet may put a strain on the kidneys. Extra waste matter, which is the end product of protein metabolism, is excreted in the urine. A nutritionally balanced diet provides adequate protein. Vegetarians are able to get enough protein if they eat the proper combination of plant proteins. The amount of recommended daily protein depends upon age, medical conditions, and the type of diet one is following. Two to three servings of protein-rich food will meet the daily needs of most adults. Meats are an essential source of protein. Fresh meats are far better to eat than processed meat, which contain up to 30% more fat and preservative chemicals.

To be continued.
Title: Re: Everything about Yoga
Post by: SEO on July 23, 2021, 05:10:01 AM
Warming Up and Stretching

Warming up is essential before any form of exercise including Yoga. The warming up process protects the body from injury and heats up the body as well as supplies oxygenated blood to the various areas so as to prepare it for exercise. Warming up can take the form of light jogging, standing exercises and cycling, etc. Stretching helps to increase the flexibility of the body and avoid over extension injuries. Since the muscles and tendons are flexible, the stretching helps to extend them to their extreme so that they do not come under undue stress during exercise causing strains and sprains. Stretching should be done with smooth movements and slowly. Jerky movements during stretching do not help to relax the muscles and extend them to their limit. Ten minutes of warming up and ten minutes of stretching should be sufficient for most people unless there is a previous injury prone area that could require further stretching. One minute per stretching exercise is sufficient. Some more advantages of stretching are:

a) Decreases risk of injury

b) Reduces stress

c) Increases agility

d) Increases flow of nutrients and blood in the stretched area

e) Helps to avoid soreness of the muscles.

To be continued.
Title: Re: Everything about Yoga
Post by: SEO on July 24, 2021, 05:16:07 AM
Warming up exercises for the back

The back is a very important and sensitive part of the human body. The back is composed of several small bones called vertebrae that are in close proximity to the nerves that send signals from the brain to the various parts of the body. Injuries of the back should be treated seriously, and the back should be regularly exercised and toned up through a correct posture of the body.

Exercises to strengthen the back and avoid injury

Wall Slide

Stand with your back against a wall and feet about 2 feet apart. Slide down the wall till your knees are bent at right angles, stay down for 10 seconds before sliding back up again.
Repeat 5 times.

Back Leg Raise

Lie down on your stomach and keep your legs straight. Lift one leg of the floor while keeping your body still and hold it in the air for 10 seconds, repeat with other leg.
Repeat this 5 times for each leg.

Front leg Raise

Lie on the floor with your arms to the sides of your body. Keep your legs straight. Lift one leg off the floor and keep it in the air for 10 seconds.
Repeat with the other leg till you have done the exercise 5 times for each leg.

Back Leg Swing

Stand behind a chair and grasp the back of the chair with both hands. While keeping the leg straight, extend it back and up till as far as it will go. Hold it at its highest point for 10 seconds before repeating with the other leg.
Repeat the exercise 5 times for each leg.

Knees to chest

Lie on your back ensuring that your back is straight. Bring both your knees up to you your chest and hold for 10 seconds. Lower your knees slowly back to the starting position and repeat till you have done the exercise 5 times. If the exercise is difficult with both legs together, it can be done one leg at a time.

Stomach Push-up

Lie on the floor with your stomach down and body in a straight line and palms on the floor. Push down with your palms and straighten your arms slowly till you lift your shoulders and chest off the ground while keeping your pelvis and legs flat on the floor. Stretch your stomach and go as high as you can without putting undue stress on the lower back. Keep the position for 10 seconds.
Repeat 5 times.

Back Bend

Stand straight and support your lower back with the palms of your hands.Bend your back backwards while supporting the lower back with your hands. Keep your legs straight during the movement. Go back as far as possible and hold for 1-2 seconds.
Repeat the exercise 5 times.

Back Knee Lift

Kneel on the floor (knees hip-wide apart) and put keep your palms flat on the floor as well (shoulder width apart). Keep your arms straight. Lift your left leg slowly still in the bent position so that your thigh is parallel to the floor and your foot is facing the ceiling. Hold for 10 seconds and repeat with other leg.
Repeat the exercise 5 times.


Lie down on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Place your hands on your chest. Bring your bent knees upward and towards your stomach and simultaneously bring your head forwards and shoulders off the floor. Your lower back will only be in contact with the floor during the crunch and pressing down hard. Hold the crunch position for 5 seconds before repeating 10 to 15 times.

To be continued.
Title: Re: Everything about Yoga
Post by: SEO on July 25, 2021, 04:51:42 AM
Warming up exercises

Body weight squat bend

It's a stretching exercise to stretch the quadriceps. Keep the feet about shoulder-width apart. Stay in the lowered position for 20 seconds.

Feet apart seated forward

It's a stretching exercise to stretch the hamstrings and lower back. Touch the floor as far in front as possible.

To be continued.
Title: Re: Everything about Yoga
Post by: SEO on July 26, 2021, 03:34:41 AM
Warming up exercises - 2

Flat bench kneel

It's a stretching exercise to stretch the quadriceps. Keep your knees together and keep your upper body weight on your calves. Slowly shift your upper body backwards in the kneeling position until you feel a stretching in your thighs. Hold for 20 seconds.

Forward bends

It's a stretching exercise to stretch the hamstrings and lower back. Go down with your hands as far as possible and hold the position for up to a minute.

To be continued.
Title: Re: Everything about Yoga
Post by: SEO on July 28, 2021, 03:43:04 AM
Warming up exercises - 3

Hamstring stretches

It's a stretching exercise to stretch the hamstrings and lower back. Stretch your arms as far as possible and hold for 30 seconds before repeating. The raised leg can be up to waist height and the leg at the back should be straight.

Hurdler's stretches

It's a stretching exercise to stretch the hamstrings and inner thighs. Hold on the extended leg as far as possible. Hold for 30 seconds before repeating with the other leg.

Inner thigh stretches

It's a stretching exercise to stretch the inner thighs. Pull your feet as close to your body as possible and hold for 30 seconds before repeating.

To be continued.
Title: Re: Everything about Yoga
Post by: SEO on July 31, 2021, 01:40:01 AM
Warming up exercises - 4

Leaning against the wall

It's a stretching exercise to stretch the calves. Bring one leg back about 3 feet and lean forward until you feel a good stretch in the leg that is forward. Hold for 20 seconds before changing sides. 

Low back roll

It's a stretching exercise to stretch the hamstring/hamstrings. Pull the leg back as far as it is comfortable.

Opposite arm grab

It's a stretching exercise to stretch the triceps. Grab your elbow with the hand that is over your head and gently push down on it and exert a force on the triceps. Hold for 30 seconds before repeating on the other arm.

To be continued.
Title: Re: Everything about Yoga
Post by: SEO on August 02, 2021, 08:19:40 PM
Warming up exercises - 5

Opposite elbow pull

It's a stretching exercise to stretch the shoulders and deltoids. Exert a force on your outstretched arm by bringing your other arm (that's grabbing your outstretched arm) backwards. Hold for ten seconds before repeating with the other arm.

Side bends

It's a stretching exercise to stretch the obliques and the muscles at the side of the torso. Hold the stretched position for 20 seconds before repeating on the other side with the other arm.

To be continued.
Title: Re: Everything about Yoga
Post by: SEO on August 03, 2021, 04:33:59 PM
Warming up exercises - 6

Straight arm twists

It's a stretching exercise to stretch the biceps. The hand should be open and fingers pointing downwards and palms facing out. Hold for 30 seconds before shifting sides.

Standing one leg hold

It's a stretching exercise to stretch the quadriceps. Grab the top of your foot and hold it until your heel touches your glute (gluteus). Hold for 20-30 seconds before repeating on the other side.
Title: Re: Everything about Yoga
Post by: MSL on August 04, 2021, 02:02:16 AM
 Oh, it's so good to know that there are yoga teachers who care about warming up and stretching! I visited many yoga courses till now and none of the yoga instructors cared to offer (to start with) some warming up and stretching. I suppose without it it's not very safe for all of the people who practice yoga (especially for the beginners), because it's risky (there is risk of injuries). :(
Title: Re: Everything about Yoga
Post by: SEO on August 04, 2021, 02:18:14 AM
That's right. And here comes something related. Note well the moment where it's about the preparation of the students.


When sequencing a yoga practice, it’s important to order the asanas in a way that makes sense. It would be wise to begin with simpler asanas and gradually build up to advanced postures.

It’s also often best to link standing postures together, seated postures together and prone or supine postures together using smooth transitions to flow from one pose to the next. You will commonly find that classes begin with standing postures, then seated and then finish with asanas on the floor.

If you have a particular asana in mind that you would like to help students work up to in class, create sequences using asanas that would prepare the body for the 'peak' pose chosen. For example, if you want to practice chakrasana, you will choose to practice postures that will prepare students for a deep back bend while opening the shoulders and chest. You may also choose a theme to sequence your class around and use postures that go with the theme.

For example, you may theme the class around inner strength and focus using many balancing postures throughout your sequencing.

It is often a good idea to write out your sequences and practice them yourself before teaching to a class. If while practicing your sequence, you find that something does not flow well you can make adjustments and find a better suited asana for what you are working on.

Yoga sequences:

1. This sequence is for opening the chest, shoulders and back.

Tadasana/Mountain Pose

Uttanasana/Intense Stretch Pose

Chaturanga Dandasana/Four-Limbed Staff Pose

Salamba Bhujangasana/Sphinx Pose

Ardha Bhujangasana/Half-Cobra Pose

Bhujangasana/Cobra Pose

Urdhva Mukha Svanasana/Upward-Facing Dog Pose

Adho Mukha Svanasana/Downward-Facing Dog Pose

Ustrasana/Camel Pose

Virasana/Hero Pose

Shalambasana/Locust Pose

Ardha Bhekasana/Half Frog Pose

Dhanurasana/Bow Pose

Chakrasana/Wheel Pose

2. This sequence focuses on preparing the body for Tittibhasana/FireFly Pose.

Tadasana/Mountain Pose

Virbhadrasana II/Warrior II Pose

Shirsh Padangusthasana/Head To Toe Pose

Trikonasana/Triangle Pose

Prasrita Padottanasana/Wide-Legged Forward Bend Pose

Bakasana/Crane Pose

Malasana/Garland Pose

Paschimottanasana/Back Stretching Pose

Baddha Konasana/Bound Angle Pose

Upavistha Konasana/Wide-Angle Seated Forward Bend Pose

Kurmasana/Tortoise Pose

Titthibhasana/Firefly Pose

3. This sequence focuses on preparing the body for Hanumanasana/Split Pose.

Adho Mukha Svanasana/Downward-Facing Dog Pose

Uttanasana/Intense Stretch Pose

Tadasana/Mountain Pose

Virbhadrasana I/Warrior I Pose

Virbhadrasana III/Warrior III Pose

Parsvottanasana/Intense Side Stretch Pose

Dandyamana Janu Shirshasana/Standing Head to Knee Pose

Natarajasana/Dancer Pose

Anjaneyasana/Low Lunge Pose

Kapotasana/Pigeon Pose

Hanumanasana/Split Pose

4. This sequence focuses on building strength and balance.

Tadasana/Mountain Pose

Utkatasana/Chair Pose

Vrkshasana/Tree Pose

Dandyamana Janu Shirshasana/Standing Head to Knee Pose

Ardha Baddha Padmasana/Half Bound Lotus Standing Forward Bend Pose

Garudasana/Eagle Pose

Virbhadrasana III/Warrior III Pose

Virbhadrasana II/Warrior II Pose

Shirsh Padangusthasana/Head To Toe Pose

Virbhadrasana I/Warrior I Pose

Natarajasana/Dancer Pose

Utkatasana/Chair Pose

5. This sequence focuses on opening the hips to safely come into Padmasana/Lotus Pose and its variations.

Prasarita Padottanasana/Wide legged Forward Bend Pose

Trikonasana/Triangle Pose

Virbhadrasana II/ Warrior II Pose

Shirsh Padangusthasana/Head To Toe Pose

Adho Mukha Svanasana/Downward Facing Dog Pose

Mandukasana/Frog Pose

Virasana/Hero Pose

Gomukhasana/Cow Face Pose

Upavistha Konasana/Wide-Angle Seated Forward Bend

Baddha Konasana/Bound Angle Pose

Arkarna Dhanurasana/Shooting Bow Pose

Siddhasana/Perfect Pose

Padmasana/Lotus Pose

6. This sequence focuses on building strength and preparing the body for Bakasana/Crane Pose and other arm balances.

Tadasana/Mountain Pose

Uttanasana/Intense Stretch Pose

Repeat next 3 steps 2-5x.

Chaturanga Dandasana/Four Limbed Staff Pose

Urdhva Mukha Svanasana/Upward-Facing Dog Pose

Adho Mukha Svanasana/Downward-Facing Dog Pose

Dandasana/Staff Pose

Navasana/Boat Pose

Malasana/Garland Pose

Bakasana/Crane Pose
Title: Yoga poses
Post by: SEO on August 05, 2021, 03:46:04 AM

The yoga poses

And, at last, let's start learning well the yoga poses!  8) 8) 8)

Starting with Virbhadrasana (Warrior Pose).


Will help to improve hip flexor and hamstring flexibility while improving balance, agility, and core strength. May also help those who suffer from sciatica.

Instructions For Exercise:

Begin by standing in an upright position, feet together, hands spread and down by your side. Exhale and step or lightly jump your foot out about four feet. Begin to raise your arms so they are perpendicular to the floor and parallel to each other. Bring them up over the head so that the little finger sides of the hands are moving towards the ceiling. Keep your back firm and think of pressing the shoulder blades down. Begin to turn your left foot in 45 to 60 degrees to the right and your right foot out so that it is at a 90 degree angle with the hips. Make sure that both of your heels are in direct alignment with each other.

Slowly begin to exhale and rotate your torso to the right, aiming to keep your pelvis as square as possible facing forward. Allow for a slight arch in your upper back torso. Once in this position, exhale and bend your forward knee so that it’s moving over the toes and the shin is perpendicular to the floor. Try and reach your fingertips to the sky as you lift your ribcage upwards. Keep your head looking forward while doing this or tilt it back every so slightly as you look up at your thumbs. Stay in this position for up to one minute and then inhale, press the heel firmly into the floor and then straighten the forward knee. Turn it inward and bring the arms down as you exhale. From here, turn to the other side and perform again.

Specialist's Comments:

Note that any individual with shoulder problems should keep their arms raised to parallel only.
Title: Re: Yoga poses
Post by: SEO on August 05, 2021, 04:06:46 AM

Virbhadrasana II (Warrior Pose 2)

There is another Virbhadrasana (Warrior Pose). We'll know it as Virbhadrasana II (Warrior Pose 2). About it:

Loosens up the hip flexors while strengthening the hamstrings, quads, and spine, all while building stamina.
Instructions For Exercise:
Bring your hands to your hips, step your feet wide apart and turn your right foot out. Turn your back foot slightly inward and align heels with each other. Bend your front knee so it’s above your ankle, seeing your shin is vertical. As you do this, keep your front shin vertical. Next, begin to extend the arms away from each other and gaze towards your front fingers. Keep your arms aligned with each other while keeping your shoulders broad. Breathe smoothly in this position as you hold for 30-60 seconds. Inhale as you come up and then reverse the feet and start again to the other side.
Specialist's Comments:
Those who are suffering from neck problems should not turn their head to look over the front hand, but instead continue to keep looking directly straight ahead instead.

Virbhadrasana III (Warrior Pose 3)

And the third one -- Virbhadrasana III (Warrior Pose 3)


This pose will help to strengthen the ankles and legs, strengthen the muscles of the shoulders and back, as well as improve the strength of your core while keeping your balance in check. Finally, it also improves memory and concentration.
Instructions For Exercise:
Begin in an upright standing position and from there, slowly bend over as you touch your toes, exhaling as you do. From here, step your left foot back into a lunge position so that your right knee is bent and at about a 90 degree angle. Keep your midsection even between the two legs as you bring your hands to your hips. Inhale and begin to lift the back foot as you lean your torso forward slightly. Lift the leg upwards as you move your gaze downward to the floor.
Lengthen both legs without locking the knees, noting that the hips should be as level as possible to maintain postural alignment. Think of lengthening the leg and spine. Release the hands from the hips and stretch the arms directly in front of you, expanding the chest. Hold this pose for 30-60 seconds. Inhale as you move your raised foot back to the ground, moving back into standing position.
Specialist's Comments:
Those who have high blood pressure should take precaution when doing this exercise.
Title: Re: Yoga poses
Post by: SEO on August 05, 2021, 04:34:46 AM

Prasarita Padottanasana (Wide Legged Forward Bend Pose)

Let's continue with Prasarita Padottanasana (Wide Legged Forward Bend Pose).

This pose will help to strengthen the core along with the hamstrings muscles while improving balance and concentration.

Instructions For Exercise:

Start in a standing position. Next, bring the hands up in front of the chest and as you inhale, jump the legs wide apart. Arms should move to the side. Next, bring the arms to the waist, making sure the outer edges of your feet are parallel to the outer edges of the mat. Lift your chest as you tilt your head back. From here, exhale and move forward, placing the hands on the floor, in the line between your feet. Keep your back concave.
Pressing the thighs back, stretch the ribs forward, keeping weight even between ankles and balls of your feet. Exhale and then bend your elbows and bring your head down to the space between your hands. From the back of your knee, lift the back thigh up towards the glutes.
Begin to lift the chest, coming back to the concave spine. Press through the feet and rise up, bringing hands to the waist. Breathe in and then jump the feet back together.
Specialist's Comments:
Those who are inflexible may need to position he hands on the floor slightly in front, rather than parallel, with the feet.
Title: Re: Yoga poses
Post by: SEO on August 06, 2021, 05:17:19 AM

Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog Pose)

Now, let's learn the Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog Pose):

This pose is a great pose for decompressing your spine.
Instructions For Exercise:
Begin face down on your mat and place your fingertips in line with the center of your chest. Press up to all fours, keeping hand and feet where they are. Next, tuck the toes under and lift the hips toward the ceiling. Straighten the knees and draw the hips back, lifting the hips higher. Reach the heels down. With breath strong, bring the attention to your hands. Make sure that the front of your wrists are parallel to the mat. Spread the fingers and press down, extending the arms.
Reach through the arms, pressing the thighs back, feeling the spine getting longer. Keep breathing deep and smooth. Hold this position for up to 60 seconds. Lower your knees to the floor, bending them down as you finish the pose.
Specialist's Comments:
Those who are suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome or high blood pressure so be careful while doing this pose and consider supporting their head on a block. Also note that this pose is not to be done by those who are in their late term of pregnancy.
Title: Re: Yoga poses
Post by: SEO on August 07, 2021, 03:54:22 AM

Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (Upward-Facing Dog Pose)

There is another dog pose -- it's Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (Upward-Facing Dog Pose). About it:

This pose will help to improve your posture, strengthen your spine, arms, and wrists, while stretching out your chest and lungs, shoulders, as well as core region. It’ll also help to relieve fatigue, sciatica, and can help ease feelings of depression.
Instructions For Exercise:
Begin in downward facing dog, moving forward into plank position while keeping the legs straight, lowering the chest and arms down until you are parallel to the floor, elbows bent. Keep the abs tight and then straighten the elbows and pressing upward until the shoulders stack right in alignment with the hips. Draw the chest upwards, broadening your shoulders and look upwards. Move back into downward facing down and then bring the knees down, bending on the floor as you bring your chest into them. Hold this to finish the pose.
Specialist's Comments:
Those who experience back pain or carpal tunnel syndrome must be careful while doing this pose. Additionally, it should not be done by those who are pregnant.
Title: Re: Yoga poses
Post by: SEO on August 09, 2021, 04:52:55 AM

Anjaneyasana (Low Lunge Pose)

So, now let's learn about Anjaneyasana (Low Lunge Pose). About it:

This pose will help to strengthen the hip flexors, open up the shoulders and chest, improve core strength, and boost balance.
Instructions For Exercise:
Start in a table position, with your knees directly under your hips and your wrists under your shoulders. Bring your right foot in between your hands, placing the hands on the ground.
Lift the back foot into high lunge, pressing through the leg, while keeping the front knee at a 90 degree angle. Lower the back leg down and now sink the hips forward as your front knee moves further over the foot. In this position you should feel an intense stretch in the hip flexor. Keep your chest upwards and open, shoulders down. Hold for 30-60 seconds and then curl the back toes under, lifting up and going back into the table position. Switch to the other side and repeat.
Specialist's Comments:
Those who struggle with this pose may want to use yoga blocks or a chair for assistance.
Title: Re: Yoga poses
Post by: SEO on August 10, 2021, 01:16:22 AM

Parsvottanasana (Intense Side Stretch Pose)

Now about Parsvottanasana (Intense Side Stretch Pose):

This pose will strengthen the core muscles, the back muscles, as well as lengthen the hamstrings and low back.
Instructions For Exercise:
Begin in a standing position. Bring your hands up in front of your chest and then jump the legs and arms outward so the arms are directly to the side. Next, bring the hands to the waist and then turn the feet to the right so the back foot turns out 60 degrees and the front foot 90 degrees. Hips should be facing forward now. Think of pressing the shoulder back as you lift up your chest. Inhale and then lift the front thigh as you lean forward, placing the hands on the floor and keeping the back concave. Think of stretching the side ribs forward. Think of pulling the hip of the front leg back towards the wall behind you. This will center your hips so they feel even.
Maintaining the lift of the front thigh, inhale and come up, turning the feet to the front as you stand in an upright position. Next, turn to the opposite side and repeat the process again, this time to the other side.
Specialist's Comments:
Those who cannot touch the floor with their hands without rounding their back should utilize yoga blocks to hold onto instead.
Title: Re: Yoga poses
Post by: SEO on August 10, 2021, 02:39:53 AM

Malasana (Garland Pose)

Malasana (Garland Pose) now. About it: Benefits:
This move will help to tone your stomach, allowing you to gain great core strength. It’ll also help to stretch out your ankles, groin, and your lower back.
Instructions For Exercise:
Begin by squatting down with your feet as close together as possible, keeping the heels on the floor if you can. If you cannot, support them with a folded mat behind you. Next, separate your thighs so they are spread wider than your torso. Exhale your breath and then begin to lean forward until your body is fitting tightly between your thighs. Press your elbows against your inner knees in this position, keeping your palms together as you resist the knees into the elbows. From here, you can begin to press your inner thighs against the side of your torso, reaching your arms forward and then bringing them to the side as you place your shin notch directly into your underarms. Place the finger tips on the floor or reach around and clasp your back heels. Hold this position for 30-60 seconds and then straighten the knees and move into a standing position to finish.
Specialist's Comments:
If you find it difficult to squat, consider sitting on the front edge of a chair seat. In this position your thighs will form a right angle to your torso and you should keep your heels on the floor, moving just slightly ahead of your knees.
Title: Re: Yoga poses
Post by: SEO on August 10, 2021, 03:49:43 AM

Utkatasana (Chair Pose)

Utkatasana (Chair Pose). About it:

This pose is great for strengthening the ankles, thighs, calves, and spine, while also stretching out the shoulders and chest. It will also help to stimulate the abdominal organs, and heart, while reducing the impacts of having flat fleet, which can go on to cause bone and joint pain.
Instructions For Exercise:
Stand in an upright pose. From there, slowly bend the knees as you sit back and down as you lift the arms up. Broaden the front of your chest and then begin to lift your torso. Gently tense your lower stomach and lift your hips up and away from your thighs. From there, straighten the legs to come back to standing and bring the arms back down to the side of the body to complete the pose.
Specialist's Comments:
Those with low blood pressure should be more careful when doing this pose as it may make their condition worse. Likewise, those who suffer from headaches regularly should also take caution.
Title: Re: Yoga poses
Post by: SEO on August 12, 2021, 05:33:08 AM

Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)

Now it's time to learn about Trikonasana (Triangle Pose). About it:

This pose will help to stretch and strengthen the thighs, knees, and ankles while also stretching out the hips, groins, and hamstrings. You’ll also feel loosening in the shoulders, chest, and spine. It can help to ease stress, improve digestion, and may also help to decrease the symptoms of menopause. It’s also a good therapeutic treatment for anxiety, flat feet, infertility, neck pain, osteoporosis, and sciatica.
Instructions For Exercise:
To begin, stand in an upright pose and then jump the feet sideways apart about 3-4 feet. Raise arms to shoulder height, keeping them parallel to the floor. Find your stability. Next, turn your right foot out, keeping your hips facing the front, while the left foot turns inward slightly.
Pull the kneecaps up by tensing the quads, inhale and extend the spine and then exhale and begin to bend to the right, bringing the right hand to the leg and the left hand coming up so it’s facing toward the ceiling. Keep the thighs firm and think of opening the chest. Extend the neck and spine. Exhale and turn the head to look up at your left hand while keeping the whole body lifted up. Hold this position for 30-60 seconds. Next, press into the back leg and then come back into an upright position. Hold for a few moments and then repeat to the other side.
Specialist's Comments:
Those who have heart conditions should practice this pose while standing against a wall, keeping the top arm on the hip. Those with high blood pressure, on the other hand, should turn the head to gaze downward in the final pose and those who have low blood pressure should be cautioned when doing this pose as it may make their condition worse.

Title: Re: Yoga poses
Post by: SEO on August 13, 2021, 02:22:08 AM

Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle Pose)

Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle Pose). About it:

This pose can help to stimulate the abdominal organs, ovaries, and prostate gland, stimulate the heart and improve circulation, while stretching out the inner thighs, groins, and knees. It can also help to relieve mild depression, anxiety, and fatigue. Some people will also find that it can help to soothe the discomfort of menopause and menstrual pain. Some also feel that practicing this pose into the later term of their pregnancy can help to improve the childbirth process.
Instructions For Exercise:
Begin in a sitting position, legs extended directly in front of you, hands back by your hips, body upright, feet flexed. Next, bend the knees and bring the soles of your feet together. Push down through your sitting bones and reach up through the spine. Press the thighs out, reaching towards the ankles. Keep your back upright, chest broad, and head looking forward. Hold this position for 20-30 seconds and then bring the thumbs to the base of the toes as you open the soles of your feet and press the feet together. Breathe slowly as you sit tall. Hold this position for another 20-30 seconds and then come out of the movement.
Specialist's Comments:
If you currently suffer from a groin or knee injury, you’ll want to perform this pose with a blanket support under the outer knees.
Title: Re: Yoga poses
Post by: SEO on August 13, 2021, 02:25:20 AM

Dandasana (Staff Pose)

Dandasana (Staff Pose). I like this one. About it:

This pose will help to strengthen the back muscles, stretch out the shoulders and chest, as well as improve your posture.
Instructions For Exercise:
Begin by stretching both legs out directly in front of you while sitting on a blank so there is a curve in the lower back. Flex the feet, spreading the toes and then begin to flex the leg muscles. Think of pressing the tailbone down as you lift the low belly and spine up and begin to stretch the arms up toward the ceiling. Take deep breaths in and out, holding for 20-30 seconds. Bring the arms down to release the position as you relax your legs.
Specialist's Comments:
Those who suffer from any wrist or lower back injury should be cautioned about doing this exercise.
Title: Re: Yoga poses
Post by: SEO on August 14, 2021, 04:50:48 AM

Virasana (Hero Pose)

Virasana (Hero Pose). I like this one too. About it:

This pose will stretch the thighs, knees, and ankles, while strengthening the arches of the foot. It can also help to improve digestion and relieve symptoms of gas. Some find that it can also help to reduce swelling of the legs during pregnancy and assist with the treatment of high blood pressure.
Instructions For Exercise:
Get a few blankets and a yoga block ready. First, lay one blanket out under the feet for padding purposes. Next, begin in a sitting position where your knees and feet are together. Lean forward and place another blanket just behind the knees, resting on the feet. Sit down as you let your bum touch the blanket (on top of your knees). If you are too tight in your thighs to sit all the way down, place another folded blanket just above the feet so there is added padding underneath the bum.
Hold this position for 20-30 seconds. Next, remove the blanket behind your knees and sit back down. This process will lengthen the quads. Be sure to sit straight up, focusing on breathing deeply for 20-30 seconds in this position. To come out, press your hands against the floor and lift your bum up. Cross the ankles beneath you and then sit back over the feet and then onto the floor. Stretch the legs out in front of you and hold this position for a few moments to finish.
Specialist's Comments:
Those who are suffering from a knee or ankle injury should avoid this position unless they are under the instruction of an instructor.
Title: Re: Yoga poses
Post by: SEO on August 15, 2021, 04:26:20 AM

Krounchasana (Heron Pose)

Krounchasana (Heron Pose). Let's learn about it:

This pose is great for stretching the hamstring muscles, as well as stimulating the abdominal organs and the heart.
Instructions For Exercise:
Begin in a seated position, sitting upright. Next, bend one knee, bringing the foot into the butt region. Aim to keep the spine tipped almost forward as you lift up along the center line. From here, bring the straight leg forward, grabbing the foot and wrapping the wrists around it, clasping one arm around the other wrist as you support your ankle. From here, think of bringing the stomach into the leg as you lengthen the spine feeling the deep stretch in the hamstring. Hold for 20-30 seconds and then slowly allow the leg to return to the floor. Repeat on the other side.
Specialist's Comments:
If you have knee problems or pain, avoid this pose unless under the direct supervision of a qualified instructor.
Title: Re: Yoga poses
Post by: SEO on August 18, 2021, 06:43:08 PM

Navasana (Boat Pose)

Navasana (Boat Pose). I like this pose. About it:

This pose will help to strengthen the abdomen, hip flexors, and spine while stimulating the kidneys and thyroid. It may also assist with decreasing stress levels and enhancing digestive processes.
Instructions For Exercise:
To begin, get into a seated position with the knees bent, placing the tip toes on the floor. Place the fingertips on the ground behind you for support. Tense the abs, lean back on the fingertips, and bring the feet up so they are parallel to the floor. Keeping the knees bent, draw the thighs towards the chest while the chest moves to the thighs. Squeeze the inner legs together. Next, extend the arms forward, keeping them parallel to the floor. Draw the shoulder blades down the back as you lift your chest. If you feel ache in your lower back, place the hands on the floor to repeat the first version. If fine to continue, straighten the legs as you extend the knees, keeping the arms in position. Broaden the chest and keep your gaze forward. Hold this position for 20-30 seconds. Begin to bend the knees and release the feet to the floor to finish the pose.
Specialist's Comments:
Those who are suffering from a neck injury will want to sit with their back near a wall as they perform this pose. This way they can rest their head against the wall as the movement is performed.
Title: Re: Yoga poses
Post by: SEO on August 19, 2021, 03:28:50 AM

Upavistha Konasana (Wide-Angle Seated Forward Bend Pose)

Upavistha Konasana (Wide-Angle Seated Forward Bend Pose). About it:

This pose will help to stretch the inner and outer thigh muscles, strengthen the spine, and release any tension occurring in the groin region. It can also help to ease stress and calm your mind.
Instructions For Exercise:
Begin by spreading the legs wide apart. Once comfortable, lean forward with the chest and grasp the outside of the foot. You should feel quite comfortable in this position. If not, move the feet slightly closer together. From here, inhale and pull the chest up, avoiding any rounding in the back.
Next, begin to lean forward, moving your head toward the floor. You want to keep your back as flat as possible as you do. Once the chin/shoulders are on the ground, you can push the legs outward slightly further. Hold this position for up to one minute before coming up as you inhale with along front torso.
Specialist's Comments:
If you suffer from a lower back injury or pain, consider placing a folded blanket on the ground first to help elevate the hips and then keep the torso upright as you lower into position.
Title: Re: Yoga poses
Post by: SEO on August 19, 2021, 04:16:06 AM

Mandukasana (Frog Pose)

Mandukasana (Frog Pose). I like this yoga pose. About it:

This pose will help to open and stretch out the hips, the groin, as well as the inner parts of the thigh muscle.
Instructions For Exercise:
Begin on all fours, back straight. From here, move the knees out to the side of the body as comfortable as possible. Bring the ankles directly behind the knees as you do this, keeping the feet turned out towards the side. From there, bring the elbows and forearms on the floor, keeping the palms placed flat on the floor.
Begin to exhale as you press the hips toward the back wall. In this position you should feel a deep stretch in the hips and inner thigh region. Breathe in and hold this for 30-45 seconds. From there, rock the hips forward and bring the palms under the shoulders as you press the back flat up so you are in a table pose. From there, walk the arms forward as you move out of position, keeping the whole body flat on the floor.
Specialist's Comments:
For those who are suffering from chronic injuries to the knees, hips, or legs, take special care when doing this movement. It can aggravate these conditions further.

Title: Re: Everything about Yoga
Post by: Brackwom on August 19, 2021, 02:25:54 PM
Is this helps in my digestive problem?
Title: Re: Everything about Yoga
Post by: SEO on August 20, 2021, 12:44:10 AM
It depends on what's the exact problem. And also it depends on your diet, health habits and so on.
Title: Re: Yoga poses
Post by: SEO on August 20, 2021, 02:31:08 AM

Ardha Bhekasana (Half Frog Pose)

Ardha Bhekasana (Half Frog Pose). About this pose:

This pose will help to stretch the entire front of the body along with the ankles, thighs, groin, abdomen, and chest. It’ll also help strengthen the back muscles while improving your posture.
Instructions For Exercise:
To perform this pose, begin by lying stomach down on the floor, legs extended, toes pointed about hip width apart. Balance the upper body on the elbows underneath the shoulders. Next, cross the left arm in front of you, bend your left knee, and grab onto your foot with your right hand. Turn the hand around so that the fingers roll towards the back, pointing toward the knee. Now turn the fingers back around to the front as your elbow turns up. Next, stretch the pubic bone to the floor as you release the tension on the front of the thigh, aiming to bring the foot down as close to the hips as possible. Keep the chest facing forward. Hold here, breathing in and out for 20-30 seconds. To release, leg go of the foot and slowly bring it back down to the floor. Repeat to the other side.
Specialist's Comments:
Those who have low back, neck, or shoulder injuries should take caution while doing this movement.
Title: Re: Yoga poses
Post by: SEO on August 20, 2021, 03:02:15 AM

Shalamba Bhujangasana (Sphinx Pose)

Shalamba Bhujangasana (Sphinx Pose). I like this pose. About it:

This pose can help to strengthen the spine, stretch the chest, lungs, shoulders and abdomen, as well as strengthen the glute muscles. It can also help to relieve stress and fatigue while soothing those with sciatica.
Instructions For Exercise:
Begin in a downward facing down, hands on the floor with the legs straight in an inverted V position. From here, inhale and come forward into a plank pose. Exhale and bend the elbows as you lower yourself down to the floor, stomach down. Roll the shoulders back and press the elbows in, torso distance apart. Reach back through the legs as you press down through the hands and bring the chest forward and up. Keep the back of your neck long as you continue to broaden your collarbones, rolling the shoulders back and down. Hold this position for 15-30 seconds before bringing the body down on an exhalation. Press back and move into a down dog to finish.
Specialist's Comments:
Those who experience back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, or who are pregnant should avoid this pose.
Title: Re: Yoga poses
Post by: SEO on August 21, 2021, 02:25:45 AM

Chaturanga Dandasana (Four-Limbed Staff Pose)

Chaturanga Dandasana (Four-Limbed Staff Pose). I like this pose. By the way the word "chaturanga" is not a new word for me. Chaturanga is an ancient Indian strategy game that is commonly theorized to be the common ancestor of the board games chess, xiangqi and others. About the yoga pose -- "chatur", meaning "four," "anga", meaning "limb," "danda", meaning "staff". About this pose:

This pose is great for improving your core strength, helping prevent lower back pain in the process. It’ll also help to strengthen the arms and wrists as well.
Instructions For Exercise:
To begin this pose, start in plank pose, making sure weight is distributed evenly. Pull the lower belly in and press strongly into the heels, reaching the sternum forward. Keep the gaze forward and begin to bend at the elbows. Exhale and lower elbows to shoulder height, pinning them against the sides. Exhale and push up to plank to come out of the pose.
Make sure while doing this you never let the midsection sag, but rather keep it straight in proper alignment. If you can’t do this on your toes, simply place the knees on the floor until you have built sufficient strength to continue in the full position.
Specialist's Comments:
Those who are pregnant or suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome should avoid doing this pose.
Title: Re: Yoga poses
Post by: SEO on August 21, 2021, 03:20:29 AM

Supta Baddha Konasana (Reclining Bound Angle Pose)

Supta Baddha Konasana (Reclining Bound Angle Pose). I like this pose. About it:

This pose is great for stretching out the inner thighs, groins, and knees, while helping to relieve the symptoms associated with stress, depression, as well as menstruation.
Instructions For Exercise:
Begin the exercise by lying comfortably on your back, with the knees bent and arms on your sides. Start bending your knees sideways so that the soles of your feet are touching together. Let the gravity work and slowly open your legs, keeping the soles of your feet together. Relax into this position and hold for as long as you are comfortable. To come back into the original position, use your hands to support your outer thighs and gently bring the legs together, keeping the soles flat on the ground.
Specialist's Comments:
If you currently suffer from a groin or knee injury, you’ll want to perform this pose with a blanket that’s placed just under the outer thigh to provide additional support to these muscles and the knee joint.
Title: Re: Yoga poses
Post by: SEO on August 22, 2021, 04:50:38 AM

Jathara Parivartanasana (Core Twist Pose)

Jathara Parivartanasana (Core Twist Pose). I like this pose too. About it:


This pose is helpful for stretching the hips, thighs, hamstrings, groin and calves while also strengthening the knee region. It can also help to improve your digestion and can help to relieve back pain and may help those suffering from sciatica. It is also good for those who are looking for relief from high blood pressure and may also help boost fertility.
Instructions For Exercise:

Lay flat down on the ground with the knees straight, arms stretched out to the side. Inhale and begin to bend your knees, drawing it towards your chest. Exhale and drop both your knees towards the right side, twisting your spine and lower back. Move your knees as close to your right arm as possible. While dropping your knees to the right side, your neck should, at the same time, be turned towards the left side. Try to look at your left hand. Rest your shoulders flat on the floor. Hold for 20-30 seconds and then slowly allow the knees roll back into the original position. Repeat on the other side.

Specialist's Comments:
Those who are suffering from high blood pressure will want to have their head raised and placed on a folded blanket under their neck.
Title: Re: Yoga poses
Post by: SEO on August 23, 2021, 04:33:43 PM

Ananda Balasana (Happy Baby Pose)

Ananda Balasana (Happy Baby Pose). I like this pose too. About it:

This pose can help to gently stretch the inner groin, the back, as well as the spinal column. Many also find that it will help calm their mind while relieving stress and fatigue.
Instructions For Exercise:
To begin this pose, lay flat down on the ground, legs extended and together, toes pointed. Next, bring the feet up forward until they are at just above 90 degrees, feet flexed. Begin to pull the big toes with the thumb and forefingers. Begin to bend the knees as you separate the legs, taking them towards the floor. Hold this position for 15-30 seconds. Bring the legs back up until straightened. Point the toes and then lower the feet back down into the ground.
Specialist's Comments:
Those who are pregnant will not be able to do this pose and those who have a knee or neck injury should also be careful while doing it as it may aggravate those conditions.
Title: Re: Yoga poses
Post by: SEO on August 23, 2021, 05:42:32 PM

Supta Kapotasana (Supine Pigeon Pose)

Supta Kapotasana (Supine Pigeon Pose). About it:

This pose is great for opening up the hips while providing a relaxing stretch for those who may suffer from sciatica.
Instructions For Exercise:
Begin by lying flat down on the ground, bending the knees at about a 60 degree angle with the feet hip width apart. Next, cross the right ankle over the left thigh and grab ahold of the shin of the left leg with the left hand. Place the right hand in between the thighs and wrap around the shin while the left hand does the same on the outside of the leg. Once in position, slowly pull the leg in towards the body while thinking of lifting up the chest. Hold for 15-30 seconds and then repeat to the other side.
Specialist's Comments:
Those who suffer from sacroiliac issues or knee injuries should take caution while doing this exercise as it can make these conditions worse.

Title: Re: Yoga poses
Post by: SEO on August 23, 2021, 06:08:20 PM

Supta Padangusthasana (Reclining Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose)

Supta Padangusthasana (Reclining Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose). About it:


This pose is going to help to stretch out the hips, thighs, and hamstrings, while lengthening the groin.  It's also great for strengthening the knees, improving digestion, and can help to provide back pain relief from those who suffer.  Finally, it's also great for those who suffer from high blood pressure.

Instructions For Exercise:

Begin lying back down on the ground, knees bent with the feet placed on the floor.  Next, take hold of a belt and straighten both legs.  From there, inhale and draw the thigh towards the chest, bending at the knee. Wrap the belt around the arch of the foot, extending the leg up towards the ceiling.  Elbows should be straight as you hold either side of the belt.

Straighten the lifted knee so that you feel a deep stretch in the hamstring muscle.  Once you've found the place where you're feeling this stretch, think of lengthening the leg on the floor as you rotate the thigh bone inward.  From here, rock the pelvis forward so that your lower back arches away from the floor. Hold this pose for 30 seconds and then slowly release the leg, bringing it down.  Switch sides and repeat to the other side.

Specialist's Comments:

Those who are suffering from high blood pressure will want to have their head raised on a folded blanket.  Additionally, those who suffer from headaches on a regular basis may want to avoid this pose.

Title: Standing Yoga Asanas
Post by: SEO on August 24, 2021, 01:13:58 AM
Now we'll continue with the standing Yoga asanas.

Standing Asanas

The asanas that are practiced by taking standing positions are called standing asanas. These are by and large, the easy ones and equip you with flexibility, balance, and stability. So, a new student of yoga would be better off to start with the standing asanas. This will fine-tune his body and he will be able to move on to the tough ones without much difficulty. Standing asanas are specially recommended for those who spend most of their time sitting. Such people can immensely benefit from the standing asanas as these asanas tend to improve your body posture. Tadasana (Mountain Pose), Vrikshasana (Tree Pose), and Garudasana (Eagle Pose) are some of the key standing asanas.
Title: Re: Standing Yoga Asanas
Post by: SEO on August 24, 2021, 01:52:59 AM
Now let's learn about them:

1. Tadasana (Mountain position)

Exercise Name: Tadasana
Exercise category: Application:- Health Oriented Body Position - Standing
English Name - Mountain Position
Benefits: Improves posture, height, and stability, and makes the spine flexible.
Instructions For Exercise: Stand erect with your feet together. Let the heels
and the big toes touch each other. Keep the arms straight and well stretched,
by the side, with the palms touching the thighs. Look straight. Raise your arms
straight to the level of your shoulders, with the palms facing the floor and the
fingers pointing forward. Twist your wrists, with the palms turned outwards.
Interlock your fingers. Stretch your hands and further lift the arms towards the
sky till they are in line with your legs. Raise your heels as much as you can.
Stand on your toes, squeeze the thighs and lift the whole body upwards as
much as you can. Feel the stretch. Breathe easily. Keep this position for 30
seconds to 1 minute. Then slowly come back to the original position.
Specialist's Comments: People prone to restlessness should not practice it.
Diseases Cured: Cures Visceroptosis and Back Pains.

2. Chakrabandhasana (Wheel Bond position)

Exercise Name: Chakrabandhasana
Exercise category: Application:- Health Oriented Body Position - Standing
English Name - Wheel Bond Position
Benefits: Improves Stimulates the adrenal glands, Gives strength and
suppleness to the neck and spine, and Strengthens the abdomen muscles.
Instructions For Exercise: Stand erect with your feet together. Let the heels
and the big toes touch each other. Keep the arms straight and well stretched,
by the side, with the palms touching the thighs, and the fingers pointing
towards the floor. Look straight. Raise your arms straight up in such a way that
your arms are in line with your legs and the fingers point towards the sky.
Keeping the arms straight, slowly start bending your spine backwards. Bend
your legs at the knees to curve the spine further to enable you to touch the
floor with your palms. Bend the knees further; drag your waist a little
downwards so that you can clasp the right ankle with the right hand and the
left ankle with the left hand. Tightening the grip on the ankles, slowly roll the
head towards your thighs in such a way that your gets close to your calves.
Look forward. Keep this position for 10 seconds. Then slowly come back to
the original position. Make sure that there are no jerky movements while
practicing the asana.
Specialist's Comments: Persons suffering from acute neck, knee, elbow,
hamstring, or back pain or injury, and those who have had a neck, knee, elbow,
hamstring, or spine surgery must consult their doctor before practicing it.
Diseases Cured: Back Pain.

3. Vrikshasana (Tree position)

Exercise Name: Vrikshasana
Exercise category: Application:- Health Oriented Body Position - Standing
English Name - Tree Position
Benefits: Relaxes the mind, and Makes the calves, ankles, joints, and knees
Instructions For Exercise: Stand erect with your feet together. Let the heels
and the big toes touch each other. Keep the arms straight and well stretched,
by the side, with the palms touching the thighs and the fingers pointing
towards the floor. Look straight. Fold the right leg at the knee and place the
right foot comfortably on the left thigh. This will have the thigh and the calf of
your right leg touch each other. Lift the arms, by the side, to the level of the
shoulders, with the palms parallel to the ground, and the fingers pointing
sideways. Then twirl the arms upside down so that the palms become parallel
to the sky. Slowly raise the arms over the head and bring the palms together
(as in Indian Namaste pose), with the fingers pointing towards the sky. The
whole body weight is carried on the left leg. Keep this position for 10 seconds.
Then slowly come back to the original position. Replicate the same steps by
reversing the position of the legs. Make sure that there are no jerky
movements while practicing the asana.
Specialist's Comments: Persons suffering from acute knee or ankle pain or
injury, and those who have had a knee or an ankle surgery must consult their
doctor before practicing it.
Diseases Cured: Joint Pains.

4. Garudasana (Eagle position)

Exercise Name: Garudasana
Exercise category: Application:- Health Oriented Body Position - Standing
English Name - Eagle Position
Benefits: Strengthens the legs, hips, and the shoulders, and Alleviates pain in
the limbs.
Instructions For Exercise: Stand erect with your feet together. Let the heels
and the big toes touch each other. Keep the arms straight and well stretched,
by the side, with the palms touching the thighs, and the fingers pointing
towards the floor. Look straight. Raise your arms straight to the level of your
shoulders, with the palms facing the floor and fingers pointing forward. Twist
your wrists, with the palms turned outwards. Bend your knees a little. Cross
your right leg over the left leg. This will have your legs interlocked, with your
right toe pressing against the back of the left leg like a hook. Balance the body
weight on the left leg. Bend both the arms at the elbows and cross them over
each other. Bring the forearms close to the face and make the palms each
other. This will have your arms interlocked and your hands would form an
eagle-beak like figure. The whole body weight is carried on the left leg. The
knees and the elbows should be in a straight line. Breathe normally. Keep this
position for 5-10 seconds. Then slowly come back to the original position.
Replicate the same steps by reversing the position of the arms. Make sure that
there are no jerky movements while practicing the asana.
Specialist's Comments: Persons suffering from acute elbow, knee, ankle, or
shoulder pain or injury, and those who have had a knee, ankle, elbow, or
shoulder surgery must consult their doctor before practicing it.
Diseases Cured: Rheumatism, Leg Pains, Kidney Disorders, Urinal Problems.

5. Vatayanasana (Horse Face position)

Exercise Name: Vatayanasana
Exercise category: Application:- Health Oriented Body Position - Standing
English Name - Horse Face Position
Benefits: Strengthens the legs, knees, and the shoulders, and Alleviates pain in
the limbs.
Instructions For Exercise: Stand erect with your feet together. Let the heels
and the big toes touch each other. Keep the arms straight and well stretched,
by the side, with the palms touching the thighs and the fingers pointing
towards the floor. Look straight. Fold the left leg at the knee and place the left
foot comfortably on the right groin, with the sole of the foot turned outwards.
Bend the right leg at the knee and keeping the back straight; drag yourself
towards the floor till the knee of the left leg touches the floor. Touch the left
knee with the right heel. Raise your arms straight to the level of your
shoulders, with the palms facing the floor and fingers pointing forward. Bend
both the arms at the elbows and cross them over each other. Bring the
forearms close to the face and make the palms touch each other. This will have
your arms interlocked. Keep this position for a few seconds. Then slowly
come back to the original position. Replicate the same steps by reversing the
position of the legs. Make sure that there are no jerky movements while
practicing the asana.
Specialist's Comments: Persons suffering from acute elbow, knee, ankle, or
shoulder pain or injury, and those who have had a knee, ankle, elbow, or
shoulder surgery must consult their doctor before practicing it.
Diseases Cured: Joint Pains.

6. Natrajasana (Dancer position)

Exercise Name: Natrajasana
Exercise category: Application:- Health Oriented Body Position - Standing
English Name - Dancer Position
Benefits: Improves concentration and balance, Tones-up the body, and
Strengthens the hips, legs, thighs, arms, back, waist, and the shoulders.
Instructions For Exercise: Stand erect with both the feet together. Let the
heels and the big toes touch each other. Keep the arms straight and well
stretched, by the side, with the palms touching the thighs. Look straight. Fold
the right leg at the knee in such a way that your right heel is close to your right
hip. Stretch the right leg upwards as much as you can. Rolling both the arms
backwards, clasp the big toe of the right foot. Curl your back to pull the right
leg upwards so that the sole of the right foot touches the back of your head.
Keep the head still and the chest up. Feel the stretch. Breathe deeply. Keep
this position for 5-10 seconds. Then slowly come back to the original position.
You can also replicate the same steps by reversing the position of the legs.
Make sure that there are no jerky movements while practicing the asana.
Specialist's Comments: Persons suffering from acute elbow, knee, ankle, or
shoulder pain or injury, and those who have had a knee, ankle, elbow, or
shoulder surgery must consult their doctor before practicing it. Persons having
blood pressure should also consult their doctor before practicing it.
Diseases Cured: Joint Pains.

7. Hanumanasana (Split position)

Exercise Name: Hanumanasana
Exercise category: Application:- Health Oriented Body Position - Sitting
English Name - Split Position
Benefits: Strengthens the spine, groins, thighs, hamstrings, knees, abdomen,
and the shoulders.
Instructions For Exercise: Stand erect with your feet together. Let the heels
and the big toes touch each other. Keep the arms straight and well stretched,
by the side with the palms touching the thighs and the fingers pointing
towards the floor. Look straight. Without bending the back, start stretching
your right leg forward and the left leg backward by sliding the feet across the
floor, without bending the knees. Keep stretching the legs until your right
buttock and the left groin touch the floor. Your outstretched legs shall be
making a straight line, with your toes pointing in the opposite directions.
Slowly raise the arms over the head so that both the palms are together (as
in Indian Namaste pose), with the fingers pointing towards the sky. Slowly
start bending backwards, keeping the head still. Stretch your waist, back, and
the neck as much as you can. Keep the arms straight. Your head should be
between your outstretched arms. Keep the head still. Keep this position for
15-30 seconds. Then slowly come back to the original position. Replicate
the same steps by reversing the position of the legs. Make sure that there
are no jerky movements while practicing the asana.
Specialist's Comments: Persons suffering from acute elbow, knee, ankle,
neck, hip, hamstring, or shoulder pain or injury, and those who have had a
knee, ankle, elbow, neck, hip, hamstring, or shoulder surgery must consult
their doctor before practicing it.
Diseases Cured: Sciatica.

To be continued.
Title: Re: Standing Yoga Asanas
Post by: SEO on August 25, 2021, 03:18:51 AM
Let's continue now with these standing Yoga asanas:

8. Uttanasana (Intense Stretch position)

Exercise Name: Uttanasana
Exercise category: Application:- Health Oriented Body Position - Standing
English Name - Intense Stretch Position
Benefits: Strengthens the spine, groins, thighs, hamstrings, knees, and the
abdomen, Soothes the brain, Relaxes the mind, Reduces stress, Tones-up the
kidneys and the liver, Stretches the hamstrings, calves, and the hips,
Strengthens the thighs and knees, Improves digestion, Helps in menopause,
and Reduces fatigue and anxiety.
Instructions For Exercise:Stand erect with your feet together. Let the heels
and the big toes touch each other. Look straight. Lift your arms towards the
sky till they are in line with your legs. Keep your arms straight and drag them
together towards the floor till they are straight to the level of your shoulders,
with the palms parallel to the floor and the fingers pointing forward. Slowly
start bending towards the floor without bending your legs. Keep bending
until your palms touch the floor. Keep the arms straight. Slide the right hand
beside the right foot, and the left hand beside the left foot in such a way that
the fingertips of the hands are close to the heels. Drag the head downwards
till your face touches the shin region. This will make your torso touch the
thighs and the knees. Keep the legs straight and together. Stay in this
position for a minute or so. Then slowly come back to the original position.
Make sure that there are no jerky movements while practicing the asana.
Specialist's Comments: Persons suffering from acute knee, neck, hip,
hamstring, or back pain or injury, and those who have had a knee, neck, hip,
hamstring, or spine surgery must consult their doctor before practicing it.
Diseases Cured: Headache, Abdominal Pains, Osteoporosis, Sinusitis, High
Blood Pressure, Asthma, Infertility, and Insomnia.

9. Tittibhasana (Fire Fly position)

Exercise Name: Tittibhasana
Exercise category: Application:- Health Oriented Body Position - Standing
English Name - Fire Fly Position
Benefits: Stimulates the lungs, Strengthens the back, neck, hamstrings,
abdomen muscles, and the thighs, Activates the pineal, pituitary, thyroid,
and the parathyroid glands, Relaxes the mind, Helps hair growth, and
Improves sleep.
Instructions For Exercise: Stand erect. Keep your feet about six inches apart.
Keep the arms straight and well stretched, by the side, with the palms
touching the thighs and the fingers pointing towards the floor. Look straight.
Slowly raise your arms straight up in such a way that they are in line with
your legs, with the palms facing forwards and the fingers pointing towards
the sky. Slowly start bending towards the floor without bending your legs
and the arms. Keep bending until your palms touch the floor. Curl your back
further down, bend your legs at the knees and slide your arms between the
legs. Then bend the arms at the elbows to place your palms behind your feet
with the fingertips touching the heels. Press your hands firmly against the
floor and raise your feet off the floor. Lift the legs together upwards as much
as you can. Keep the arms straight. Keep the legs together and straight, with
the toes pointing ahead. Keep the head forward and look in front. Maintain
balance. Stay in this position for a few seconds. Then slowly come back to
the original position. Make sure that there are no jerky movements while
practicing the asana.
Specialist's Comments: Persons suffering from acute elbow, wrist, knee,
back, hamstring, or neck pain or injury, and those who have had a knee,
neck, elbow, wrist, spine, hamstring, or neck surgery must consult their
doctor before practicing it.
Diseases Cured: Thyroid and sleeplessness.
Title: Sitting Yoga Asanas
Post by: SEO on August 25, 2021, 03:23:13 AM
Learn now about the sitting Yoga asanas.

The asanas that are practiced in sitting positions are called sitting asanas. Sitting asanas relax the mind. Besides, they enhance concentration and meditation prowess. In all sitting asanas one is required to sit erect, therefore, strengthening the spine. They also help one breathe better by opening up the lungs and inflating the chest. Siddhasana (Perfect pose), Padmasana (Lotus Pose), Sinhasana (Lion Pose), and Vajrasana (Thunderbolt pose) are some of the key sitting asanas.
Title: Re: Sitting Yoga Asanas
Post by: SEO on August 25, 2021, 04:53:14 AM
Let's learn concretely.

1. Akarna Dhanurasana (Shooting Bow position)

Exercise Name: Akarna Dhanurasana
Exercise category: Application:- Health Oriented Body Position - Sitting
English Name - Shooting Bow Position
Benefits: Reduces Back Pains, Enhances flexibility of the thighs, neck,
spine, and the shoulders, and Reduces women's menstrual problems.
Instructions For Exercise: Sit erect. Fully stretch both the legs together in
front. Bend the toes forward. Keep your hands by the side, with the palms
touching the ground and the fingers pointing forward. Hold the toe of the
left leg with the help of the index finger and the thumb of the right hand.
Holding the toe this way, pull the leg by folding it at the knee so that your
left foot is parallel to your right thigh. Hold the toe of the right leg with the
help of the index finger and the thumb of the left hand. Slowly, pull the
left leg further, in a way, which brings the left foot towards the right ear,
the left knee towards the left armpit, and the left thigh close to the
abdomen. Hold the breath and then exhale slowly. Stay in this position for
a few seconds. Slowly come back to the original position. Replicate the
same steps by reversing the position of the legs. Make sure that there are
no jerky movements while practicing the asana.
Specialist's Comments: Persons suffering from acute ankle or knee pain or
injury, and those who had a knee or an ankle surgery recently must
consult their doctor before practicing it.
Diseases Cured: Arthritis, Rheumatic Conditions, Asthma, Ovary
Disorders, Tuberculosis, Tonsillitis, Cough, Indigestion, and Constipation.

2. Padmasana (Lotus position)

Exercise Name: Padmasana
Exercise Category: Application:- Meditative Body Position - Sitting
English Name - Lotus Position
Benefits: Relaxes the mind, Augments vitality, Stimulates the pelvis,
abdomen, endocrine glands, and the bladder, Makes ankles, joints and the
knees supple, Improves meditation and concentration, Reduces anxiety, and
Strengthens the spine.
Instructions For Exercise: Sit erect. Fully stretch both the legs together in
front. Bend the toes forward. Keep your hands by the side, with the palms
touching the ground and the fingers pointing forward. Bend the right leg at
the knee and place the right foot on the left thigh. Then bend the left leg at
the knee and place the left foot on the right thigh. Make sure that the head,
neck, and the spine are all straight. Place the right hand on the right knee
and the left hand on the left knee, with the palms touching the knees. Stay in
this position for 2-3 minutes. Then slowly come back to the original position.
Try to increase the time gradually.
Specialist's Comments: Persons suffering from acute ankle or knee pain or
injury, and those who have had a knee or an ankle surgery must consult their
doctor before practicing it.
Diseases Cured: Insomnia, Asthma, Hysteria. Also cures back problems, and
reduces menstrual difficulties.

3. Siddhasana (Perfect position)

Exercise Name: Siddhasana
Exercise Category: Application:- Meditative Body Position - Sitting
English Name - Perfect Position
Benefits: Relaxes the mind, Augments vitality, Stimulates the pelvis,
abdomen, endocrine glands, and the bladder, Makes ankles, joints and the
knees supple, Improves meditation and concentration, Reduces anxiety, and
Strengthens the spine.
Instructions For Exercise: Sit erect. Fully stretch both the legs together in
front. Bend the toes forward. Keep your hands by the side with the palms
touching the ground and the fingers pointing forward. Bend the left leg at
the knee, place the sole of the left foot in such a way that it presses the anal
slot. Then bend the left leg at the knee and place the left foot on the right
thigh. Make sure that the head, neck, and the spine are all straight. Place the
right hand on the right knee and the left hand on the left knee with the
palms touching the knees. Stay in this position for 2-3 minutes. Then slowly
come back to the original position. Try to increase the time gradually.
Specialist's Comments: Persons suffering from acute ankle or knee pain or
injury, and those who have had a knee or an ankle surgery must consult their
doctor before practicing it.
Diseases Cured: Indigestion, Asthma, Heart Diseases, Dysentery, Diabetes,
Joint Ailments, and Tuberculosis.

4. Vajrasana (Thunderbolt position)

Exercise Name: Vajrasana
Exercise Category: Application:- Meditative Body Position - Sitting
English Name - Thunderbolt Position
Benefits: Relaxes the mind, Strengthens the calf muscles, Makes the ankles,
joints, and the knees supple, Improves meditation and concentration,
Reduces anxiety, Perks- up the digestive system, Eradicates gas trouble, and
Strengthens the legs and thighs.
Instructions For Exercise: Sit erect. Fully stretch both the legs together in
front. Bend the toes forward. Keep your hands by the side with the palms
touching the ground and the fingers pointing forward. Fold the left leg at the
knee. Place the foot under the left buttock in such a way that the sole is
tilted inwards and the heel at the side of the anus. Replicate the same steps
on the right leg. Both the knees should touch each other. Place the right
hand on the right knee and the left hand on the left knee, with the palms
touching the knees. Look straight. Make sure that the head, neck, and the
spine are all straight. Breathe normally. Stay in this position for as long as
you can. Then slowly come back to the original position. Try to increase the
time gradually.
Specialist's Comments: Persons having piles should not practice it. Also,
persons suffering from acute ankle or knee pain or injury, and those who
have had a knee or an ankle surgery must consult their doctor before
practicing it.
Diseases Cured: Constipation, Indigestion, Gas, Myalgia, Sciatica, Flatulence,
and other stomach problems.

5. Paschimottanasana  (Back Stretching position)

Exercise Name: Paschimottanasana
Exercise Category: Application:- Health Oriented Body Position - Sitting
English Name - Back Stretching Position
Benefits: Relaxes the mind, Reduces Fat, Improves the condition of kidney,
liver, and abdomen, Reduces Back Pains, Strengthens the hamstrings, back,
and shoulders, Reduces menstrual problems, and improves sexual vigor.
Instructions For Exercise: Sit erect. Fully stretch both the legs together in
front. Bend the toes forward. Keep your hands by the side, with the palms
touching the ground and the fingers pointing forward. Raise your arms
straight towards the sky at an angle of 90 degrees, with your fingers
pointing straight towards the sky. Slowly drag your arms and the trunk
forward. Bend both the arms at the elbows. Clasp the thumb of your right
foot with the thumb and the index finger of the right hand, and the thumb of
your left foot with the thumb and the index finger of the left hand. Let the
elbows rest on the floor and the forehead touch the knees. Feel the stretch.
Keep this position for a few seconds. Then slowly come back to the original
position. Try to increase the time gradually, taking it to 8-10 minutes. Do not
try to force the things. This asana might require a lot of practice before you
actually reach the exact position. Make sure that there are no jerky
movements while practicing the asana.
Specialist's Comments: Persons suffering from acute back or knee pain or
injury, and those who have had a spine or knee surgery must consult their
doctor before practicing it. Pregnant women, particularly those who do not
have the experience of doing this asana should avoid it. Persons having ulcer
in abdomen should not practice it.
Diseases Cured: Liver Disorders, Hiccough, Sciatica, Liver Diseases, High
Blood Pressure, Infertility, Insomnia, Sinusitis, Indigestion, Constipation, and

6. Parvatasana (Mountain position)

Exercise Name: Parvatasana
Exercise Category: Application:- Health Oriented Body Position - Sitting
English Name - Mountain Position
Benefits: Relaxes the mind, Reduces Fat, Improves the condition of kidney,
liver, and abdomen, Reduces Back Pains, Strengthens the hamstrings, back,
and shoulders, Reduces menstrual problems, and improves sexual vigor.
Instructions For Exercise: Sit erect. Fully stretch both the legs together in
front. Bend the toes forward. Keep your hands by the side, with the palms
touching the ground and the fingers pointing forward. Fold the right leg at
the knee and place the right foot on the left thigh. Then fold the left leg at
the knee and place the left foot on the right thigh. Make sure that the head,
neck, and the spine are all straight. Lift the arms, by the side, to the level of
your shoulders with the palms parallel to the floor, and the fingers pointing
sideways. Then twirl the arms upside down so that the palms get parallel to
the sky. Slowly raise the arms over the head so that both the palms are
together (as in Indian Namaste pose), with the fingers pointing towards the
sky. Try to pull your body upwards without lifting it. Keep your head straight
and look in front. Keep this position for as long as you can. Breathe normally.
Then slowly come back to the original position.
Specialist's Comments: Persons suffering from acute ankle or knee pain or
injury, and those who have had a knee or an ankle surgery must consult their
doctor before practicing it.
Diseases Cured: Visceroptosis, Back Problems, and Constipation.

7. Baddha Padmasana (Bound Lotus position)

Exercise Name: Baddha Padmasana
Exercise category: Application:- Health Oriented Body Position - Sitting
English Name - Bound Lotus Position
Benefits: Relaxes the mind, Makes ankles, joints and the knees supple and
stronger, Improves meditation and concentration, Strengthens the spine,
and Invigorates the lungs, liver, and the heart.
Instructions For Exercise: Sit erect. Fully stretch both the legs together in
front. Bend the toes forward. Keep your hands by the side, with the palms
touching the ground and the fingers pointing forward. Fold the left leg at
the knee and place the left foot on the right thigh. Thenfold the right leg
at the knee and place the right foot on the left thigh. Make sure that the
head, neck, and the spine are all straight. Take the right arm behind the
back and stretch it to clasp the big toe of the right foot with the thumb
and the index finger of the right hand. Then similarly, take the left arm
behind the back and stretch it to clasp the big toe of the left foot with the
thumb and the index finger of the left hand. This will have your arms in an
interlocked position behind your back. Stay erect. Breathe normally. Stay
in this position for 1-2 minutes. Then slowly come back to the original
position. Try to increase the time gradually.
Specialist's Comments: Persons suffering from acute ankle or knee pain,
and those who have had a knee or an ankle surgery must consult their
doctor before practicing it.
Diseases Cured: Indigestion, Back aches, Joint aches, and Flatulence.

8. Laghu Vajrasana (Little Thunderbolt position)

Exercise Name: Laghu Vajrasana
Exercise category: Application:- Health Oriented Body Position - Sitting
English Name - Little Thunderbolt Position
Benefits: Tones-up the body, and Strengthens the spine, abdomen, chest,
hips, thighs, arms, and the waist.
Instructions For Exercise: Sit erect. Keep your hands by the side, with
palms touching the ground and the fingers pointing forward. Fold the left
leg at the knee. Place the foot under the left buttock in such a way that the
sole will remain inside and the heel at the side of the anus. Replicate the
same steps on the right leg. Both the knees should touch each other. Place
the right hand on the right knee and the left hand on the left knee, with
the palms touching the knees. Look straight. Make sure that the head,
neck, and the spine are all straight. Stand on your knees in a kneeling
position with the hands beside the thighs. Keep the spine and the head
straight. Start bending your back and the neck slowly towards your heels.
Then, drag your arms towards the knees. Clasp the right knee with your
right hand, and your left knee with the left hand. Tightening the grip on the
knees curl you're back further down till the top of your head touches the
soles of the feet.Comfortably rest your head on the soles. Keep the arms
straight. Keep this position up to 15 seconds. Breathe normally. Then
slowly come back to the original position. Make sure that there are no
jerky movements while practicing the asana.
Specialist's Comments: Persons suffering from acute elbow, knee, back,
neck, or ankle pain or injury, and those who have had a knee, elbow, spine,
neck, or ankle surgery must consult their doctor before practicing it.
Diseases Cured: Back Aches.
Title: Re: Sitting Yoga Asanas
Post by: SEO on August 25, 2021, 06:41:51 PM
And now, let's continue with the sitting Yoga asanas:

9. Matsyasana (Fish position)

Exercise Name: Matsyasana
Exercise category: Application:- Health Oriented Body Position Sitting
English Name - Fish Position
Benefits: Strengthens the thighs, Makes the neck nimble, Improves the
functioning of thyroid, adrenal, pituitary, and pineal glands, Stimulates and
strengthens the abdomen, Perks-up the nervous system, and Nourishes the
Instructions For Exercise: Sit erect. Fully stretch both the legs together in
front. Bend the toes forward. Keep your hands by the side with the palms
touching the ground and the fingers pointing forward? Fold the left leg at the
knee and place the left foot on the right thigh. Then fold the right leg at the
knee and place the right foot on the left thigh. Make sure that the head,
neck, and the spine are all straight. Using your elbows and hands, tilt
backwards to place the top of your head on the floor. This will make quite a
discernible curve in your back. Adjust the top of your head comfortably on
the floor. Move your arms towards the feet. Then clasp the big toe of your
right foot with the thumb and the index finger of the left hand, and the big
toe of your left foot with the thumb and the index finger of the right hand.
Make sure that your neck doesn't twist. Breathe normally. Stay in this
position for as long you can. Then slowly come back to the original position.
Try to increase the time gradually. Make sure that there are no jerky
movements while practicing the asana.
Specialist's Comments: Persons suffering from acute neck, knee, or back
pain or injury, and those who have had a neck, knee, or spine surgery must
consult their doctor before practicing it.
Diseases Cured: Asthma, Thyroid Ailments, and Back Problems.

10. Yogamudrasana (Stoop position)

Exercise Name: Yogamudrasana
Exercise category: Application:- Health Oriented Body Position Sitting
English Name - Stoop Position
Benefits: Strengthens the back, abdominal muscles, Stimulates Pancreas,
Strengthens the liver, Perks-up the nervous system, and improves sexual
Instructions For Exercise: Sit erect. Fully stretch both the legs together in
front. Bend the toes forward. Keep your hands by the side with the palms
touching the ground and the fingers pointing forward. Fold the right leg at
the knee and place the right foot on the left thigh. Then fold the left leg at
the knee and place the left foot on the right thigh. Make sure that the head,
neck, and the spine are all straight. Take both the arms behind the back and
get hold of the right wrist with the left hand. This will have your arms in an
interlocked position behind your back. While exhaling, start bending
downwards till your nose touches the floor. Don't lift your buttocks off the
ground. Stay in this position for 5-10 seconds Then slowly come back to the
original position. Try to increase the time gradually. Make sure that there
are no jerky movements while practicing the asana.
Specialist's Comments: Persons having hypertension should not practice it.
Also, persons suffering from acute back or knee pain or injury, and those
who have had a spine or knee surgery must consult their doctor before
practicing it. Pregnant women should not do it.
Diseases Cured: Constipation, Indigestion, Gas, Diabetes, Asthma, Insomnia,
and Gas Trouble.

11. Kukkutasana (Cock position)

Exercise Name: Kukkutasana
Exercise category: Application:- Health Oriented Body Position Sitting
English Name - Cock Position
Benefits: Strengthens the ankles, joints, knees, wrists, elbows, shoulders,
and improves the digestive system.
Instructions For Exercise: Sit erect. Fully stretch both the legs together in
front. Bend the toes forward. Keep your hands by the side, with the palms
touching the ground and the fingers pointing forward. Fold the left leg at the
knee and place the left foot on the right thigh. Thenfold the right leg at the
knee and place the right foot on the left thigh. Make sure that the head,
neck, and the spine are all straight. Drag the interlocked legs towards your
chest. Insert the right arm in the space between the right thigh and the right
calf. Then insert the left arm in the space between the left thigh and the left
calf. Place the hands on the floor so that the palms touch the ground and the
fingers point forward. Keep the interlocked legs close to your chest. Then
press your hands firmly against the floor, inhale, and lift your body up so that
it's off the floor, with only your hands touching the floor. The whole body
weight should be on your hands. Keep the arms straight. Your elbows should
be clutched between your thighs and the calves. Keep the head still and look
straight. The perfect position is when you are absolutely parallel to the floor.
Stay in this position for a few seconds. Breathe normally. Then slowly come
back to the original position. Try to increase the time gradually. Make sure
that there are no jerky movements while practicing the asana.
Specialist's Comments: Persons suffering from acute elbow, knee, ankle or
shoulder pain or injury, and those who have had a knee, ankle, and elbow or
shoulder surgery must consult their doctor before practicing it.
Diseases Cured: Intestinal Worms, Dysentery, Constipation, and Indigestion.

12. Utthita Padmasana (Elevated Lotus position)

Exercise Name: Utthita Padmasana
Exercise category: Application:- Health Oriented Body Position Sitting
English Name - Elevated Lotus Position
Benefits: Strengthens the ankles, joints, knees, wrists, elbows, shoulders,
and improves the digestive system.
Instructions For Exercise: Sit erect. Fully stretch both the legs together in
front. Bend the toes forward. Keep your hands by the side, with the palms
touching the ground and the fingers pointing forward. Fold the left leg at the
knee and place the left foot on the right thigh. Then fold the right leg at the
knee and place the right foot on the left thigh. Make sure that the head,
neck, and the spine are all straight. Then press your hands firmly against the
floor, inhale, and lift your body up so that it's off the floor, with only your
hands touching the floor. The whole body weight should be on your hands.
Keep the arms straight. Keep the head still and look straight. The perfect
position is when you are absolutely parallel to the floor. Stay in this position
for a few seconds. Breathe normally. Then slowly come back to the original
position. Make sure that there are no jerky movements while practicing the
Specialist's Comments: Persons suffering from acute elbow, knee, ankle or
shoulder pain or injury, and those who have had a knee, ankle, elbow, or
shoulder surgery must consult their doctor before practicing it.
Diseases Cured: Intestinal Worms, Dysentery, Constipation, and Indigestion.

13. Mayurasana (Peacock position)

Exercise Name: Mayurasana
Exercise Category: Application:- Health Oriented Body Position - Sitting
English Name - Peacock Position
Benefits: Relaxes the mind, Reduces Fat, Improves the condition of kidney,
liver, and abdomen, Reduces Back Pains, Strengthens the hamstrings, back,
and shoulders, Reduces menstrual problems, and improves sexual vigor.
Instructions For Exercise: Sit erect. Keep your hands by the side, with the
palms touching the ground and the fingers pointing forward. Fold the left leg
at the knee. Place the foot under the left buttock in such a way that the sole
will remain inside and the heel at the side of the anus. Replicate the same
steps on the right leg. Place the right hand on the right knee, and the left
hand on the left knee, with the palms touching the knees. Look straight.
Make sure that the head, neck, and the spine are all straight. Spread your
knees at a distance of around one feet. Rest the stretched palms on the
ground and twist the arms inside out to place your hands between the
knees, with the fingers point inwards. Bend a little downwards, fold the arms
at the elbows. Rest the abdomen on the elbows and lift yourself by pressing
the hands firmly against the floor. Make sure that the lift is smooth and slow.
Bring your legs, waist, shoulders, and the head in a straight line. Keep the
forearms straight. The perfect position is when you are absolutely parallel to
the floor. Stay in this position for a few of seconds. Then slowly come back
to the original position. Make sure that there are no jerky movements while
practicing the asana.
Specialist's Comments: Persons suffering from acute elbow, neck, knee, or
shoulder pain or injury, and those who have had a shoulder, neck, knee, or
elbow surgery must consult their doctor before practicing it. Those suffering
from cervical spondilitis should not practice it.
Diseases Cured: Asthma, Insomnia, Visceroptosis, Obesity, Piles,
Constipation, Dyspepsia, High Blood Pressure, Osteoporosis, and Sinusitis.

14. Ardh Matsyendrasana (Half Spinal Twist position)

Exercise Name: Ardh Matsyendrasana
Exercise Category: Application:- Health Oriented Body Position - Sitting
English Name - Half Spinal Twist Position
Benefits: Alleviates back pain, Helps in diabetes, asthma, kidney, and liver
disorders, Strengthens the back, neck, and the shoulders, and improves the
Instructions For Exercise: Sit erect. Fully stretch both the legs together in
front. Bend the toes forward. Keep your hands by the side, with the palms
touching the ground and the fingers pointing forward. Make sure that the
head, neck, and the spine are all straight. Fold the left leg at the knee. Cross
the left leg over the right leg to place the left foot on the right hand side of
your right knee. Bring your right arm over the left knee to clasp the big toe of
the left foot with the thumb and the index finger of the right hand. The
position will have your left knee clutched under your right armpit. Keep the
arm straight. Then bend the left arm at the elbow to take it behind your
back. Place it on your right thigh. Twist your back towards your left side as
much as you can. Also, turn your head towards the left shoulder in such a
way that your chin and the shoulders are in a straight line. Keep your head
still. Keep this position for as long as you can. Breathe normally. Then slowly
come back to the original position. Replicate the twist on the other side by
reversing the position of the legs. Make sure that there are no jerky
movements while practicing the asana.
Specialist's Comments: Persons suffering from acute neck, thigh, knee,
shoulder, or back pain or injury, and those who have had a neck, thigh, knee,
spine, or shoulder surgery must consult their doctor before practicing it.
Diseases Cured: Indigestion, Constipation, Spine Disorders, and Dyspepsia.

15. Gomukhasana (Cow Face position)

Exercise Name: Gomukhasana
Exercise Category: Application:- Health Oriented Body Position - Sitting
English Name - Cow Face Position
Benefits: Enhances flexibility of the shoulders and spine, and Strengthens
the liver, kidneys, abdomen muscles, chest, lungs, and the heart.
Instructions For Exercise: Sit erect. Fully stretch both the legs together in front.
Bend the toes forward. Keep your hands by the side, with the palms touching
the floor and the fingers pointing forward. Fold the right leg at the knee and
place the right foot beside the left buttock in such a way that the heel touches
the left buttock. Then fold the left leg at the knee. Cross it over the right leg and
place the left foot beside the right buttock in such a way that the heel touches
the right buttock. This will bring both the knees parallel to each other. Then
bend the right arm at the elbow and slowly drag it behind the back to take the
outstretched hand upwards in the direction of the neck. Raise the left arm to
take it behind the back by bending it at the elbow, with the forearm touching the
back of the head, and the elbow pointing straight towards the sky. Clasp the
right hand with the left hand. This will have your hands in an interlocked position
behind your back. Feel the stretch. Make sure that the head, neck, and the
spine are all straight. Stay in this position for one minute. Then slowly come
back to the original position. Replicate the same steps by reversing the position
of the arms. Try to increase the time gradually. Make sure that there are no
jerky movements while practicing the asana.
Specialist's Comments: Persons suffering from acute shoulder, elbow, or
back pain or injury, and those who have had a shoulder, spine, or elbow
surgery must consult their doctor before practicing it. Persons having
bleeding piles should not practice it.
Diseases Cured: Rheumatism, Polyurea, Axilla Tumor, Constipation, and

16. Durvasana (Trascible Sage position)

Exercise Name: Durvasana
Exercise Category: Application:- Health Oriented Body Position - Sitting
English Name - Trascible Sage Position
Benefits: Tones-up the body, Improves Blood Circulation, Perks-up the
nervous system, and strengthens the spine, legs, and the hips.
Instructions For Exercise: Sit erect. Fully stretch both the legs together in
front. Bend the toes forward. Keep your hands by the side, with the palms
touching the floor and the fingers pointing forward. Fold the right leg at the
knee and with the help of the hands, place the right foot on the left thigh.
Insert the right arm in the space between the right thigh and the right calf.
Clasp the heel of the right foot with both the hands and tilt it inwards, close
to the chest. Straighten the right leg at the knee and raise it right up at an
angle of 90 degrees with your right toe pointing towards the sky. Again bend
the straightened right leg at the knee to take it behind your back. Place it
comfortably behind the back. Then, fold the left leg at the knee. Kneel on
your left leg so that your left buttock rests on your left heel. Slowly start
pulling the body up on the left leg. Support the left leg with the right arm.
Keep the left arm back to support the right leg resting behind your back.
Stand comfortably on one leg. Fold both the arms at the elbows, bring both
the hands close to the chest and put the palms together (as in Indian
Namaste pose), with the fingers pointing towards the sky. Keep the head
still. Look straight. Maintain balance. Stay in this position for as long as you
can. Breathe normally. Then slowly come back to the original position.
Replicate the same steps by reversing the position of the legs. Make sure
that there are no jerky movements while practicing the asana.
Specialist's Comments: Persons suffering from acute knee, ankle, hip,
hamstring, or back pain or injury, and those who have had a knee, ankle, hip,
hamstring, or spine surgery must consult their doctor before practicing it.
Diseases Cured: Cures ailments related to the nervous system and blood
Title: Re: Sitting Yoga Asanas
Post by: SEO on August 27, 2021, 12:45:43 AM
Continuing with other sitting Yoga asanas:

17. Sinhasana (Lion position)

Exercise Name: Sinhasana
Exercise category: Application:- Health Oriented Body Position Sitting
English Name - Lion Position
Benefits: Strengthens the respiratory system, Nourishes the thyroid,
Stimulates Pancreas, Strengthens the liver, Perks-up the nervous system, and
Improves sexual vigor.
Instructions For Exercise: Sit erect. Fold both the legs at the knees. Place the
feet under the buttocks and sit comfortably on the heels. Keep your hands
on the respective knees with the palms touching the knees and the fingers
pointing forward. Look straight. Make sure that the head, neck, and the
spine are all straight. Spread your knees at a distance of around one feet.
Also spread the fingers of the palms on the knees. Keep the spine straight.
Open your mouth, stretch the facial muscles, and drag the tongue out of
your mouth as much as you can. Open your eyes as wide as you can. Your
expressions should give a threatening look. Stay in this position for a few
seconds. Then slowly come back to the original position. Release the
Specialist's Comments: Persons suffering from acute knee or ankle pain or
injury, and those who have had a knee or an ankle surgery must consult their
doctor before practicing it.
Diseases Cured: Tonsillitis, Throat Ailments, Stammering, and Chest, ear,
and abdomen diseases.

18. Garbhasana (Foetus position)

Exercise Name: Garbhasana
Exercise category: Application:- Health Oriented Body Position - Sitting
English Name - Foetus Position
Benefits: Relaxes the mind, Tones-up the body, Stimulates digestion, Makes
the back supple, and Strengthens the abdomen muscles.
Instructions For Exercise: Sit erect. Fully stretch both the legs together in
front. Bend the toes forward. Keep your hands by the side, with the palms
touching the ground and the fingers pointing forward. Fold the left leg at the
knee and place the left foot on the right thigh. Insert the left arm in the
space between the left thigh and the left calf. Then fold the right leg at the
knee and place the right foot on the left thigh. Insert the right arm in the
space between the right thigh and the right calf. Make sure that the head,
neck, and the spine are all straight. Drag the interlocked legs towards your
chest. Place the hands on the floor, with the palms touching the floor and
the fingers pointing forward. Then fold both the arms at the elbows to take
the hands towards the respective ears. Touch the lobe of the right ear with
the fingers of the right hand and that of the left ear with the fingers of the
left hand. This will have your chest and abdomen firmly pressing against the
interlocked legs. Keep the head still and look straight. The perfect position is
when you are sitting on your tail-bone. Stay in this position for 5-10 seconds.
Then slowly come back to the original position. Make sure that there are no
jerky movements while practicing the asana.
Specialist's Comments: Persons suffering from acute ankle, knee, elbow, or
back pain or injury, and those who have had a knee, elbow, ankle, or spine
surgery must consult their doctor before practicing it.
Diseases Cured: Constipation, Indigestion, Gas, Joint Pains, Enteritis, and

19. Bakasana (Crane position)

Exercise Name: Bakasana
Exercise category: Application:- Health Oriented Body Position - Sitting
English Name - Crane Position
Benefits: Tones-up the body, Stimulates digestion, Invigorates the
respiratory and the nervous system, and Strengthens the abdomen muscles,
arms, hands, wrists, back, groins, and the shoulders.
Instructions For Exercise: Sit erect. Keep your hands by the side, with palms
touching the ground and the fingers pointing forward. Fold the legs at the
knees. Place the feet under the buttocks. Sit comfortably on your heels. Both
the knees should touch each other. Place the right hand on the right knee
and the left hand on the left knee, with the palms touching the knees. Make
sure that the head, neck, and the spine are all straight. Then, place the palms
on the floor with the fingers spread across. Keeping the hands on the
ground, stand up on your feet, without bending the arms and the knees. This
will have your arms and legs straight and parallel to each other, and your
waist parallel to the sky. Keep the head forward and look in front. Stand on
your toes and tuck your knees into the armpits, making your thighs touch the
torso. Press your hands firmly against the floor, lean a little forward and raise
both your legs off the floor. Fold the legs at the knees and stretch the toes.
This will bring your head, knees, and the toes in a straight line and also
parallel to the floor. Maintain balance. Stay in this position for a few seconds.
Then slowly come back to the original position. Try to increase the time
gradually. Make sure that there are no jerky movements while practicing the
Specialist's Comments: Persons suffering from acute neck, knee, elbow,
shoulder, or back pain or injury, and those who have had a neck, knee,
elbow, shoulder, or spine surgery must consult their doctor before practicing
Diseases Cured: Indigestion.

20. Utthita Ekpadashirshasana (Extended One-legged position)

Exercise Name: Utthita Ekpadashirshasana
Exercise category: Application:- Health Oriented Body Position - Sitting
English Name - Extended One-legged Position
Benefits: Tones-up the body, Stimulates digestion, and strengthens the legs,
arms, hands, wrists, back, and the shoulders.
Instructions For Exercise: Sit erect. Fully stretch both the legs together in
front. Bend the toes forward. Keep your hands by the side, with the palms
touching the floor and the fingers pointing forward. Fold the left leg at the
knee. Clasp the left leg with the hands and tilt it inwards close to the chest,
in such a way that your left toe points towards your right armpit. Support the
leg with hands. Straighten the leg at the knee and raise it right up at an angle
of 90 degrees with your left toe pointing towards the sky. Again bend the
straight leg at the knee to take it behind your back with the help of the
hands. Place it comfortably behind the back. Bring both the arms by the side,
with the palms touching the floor. Press both the hands firmly against the
floor and slowly lift yourself. Make sure that the lift is smooth and slow. Keep
the arms and the right leg straight. The right toe should be well stretched
and pointing outwards. Keep the head still. Look straight. The perfect
position is when your right leg is absolutely parallel to the floor. Maintain
balance. Stay in this position for a few of seconds. Then slowly come back to
the original position. You can also replicate the same steps by reversing the
position of the legs. Make sure that there are no jerky movements while
practicing the asana.
Specialist's Comments: Persons suffering from acute elbow, knee, ankle, or
shoulder pain or injury, and those who have had a knee, ankle, elbow, or
shoulder surgery must consult their doctor before practicing it.
Diseases Cured: Indigestion, Abdominal Diseases, and Constipation.

21. Ekpada Shirshasana (One-legged Head position)

Exercise Name: Ekpada Shirshasana
Exercise category: Application:- Health Oriented Body Position - Sitting
English Name - One-legged Head Position
Benefits: Alleviates back pain, Helps digestion, and Strengthens the back,
neck, hamstrings, abdomen muscles, thighs, and the shoulders.
Instructions For Exercise: Sit erect. Fully stretch both the legs together in
front. Bend the toes forward. Keep your hands by the side, with the palms
touching the ground and the fingers pointing forward. Fold the right leg at
the knee. Insert the right arm in the space between the right thigh and
the right calf. Clasp the toe of the right foot with both the hands and tilt it
inwards, close to the chest. Straighten the right leg at the knee and raise it
straight up at an angle of 90 degrees with your right toe pointing towards
the sky. Again bend the straightened leg at the knee to take it behind your
back with the help of your right hand. Place it comfortably behind the
back. Fold both the arms at the elbows, bring both the hands close to the
chest and put the palms together (as in Indian Namaste pose), with the
fingers pointing towards the sky. Keep the head still. Look straight. Stay in
this position for 10-20 seconds. Then slowly come back to the original
position. Replicate the same steps by reversing the position of the legs.
Make sure that there are no jerky movements while practicing the asana.
Specialist's Comments: Persons suffering from acute thigh, knee,
shoulder, ankle, or back pain or injury, and those who have had a thigh,
knee, spine, ankle, or shoulder surgery must consult their doctor before
practicing it.
Diseases Cured: Indigestion, and Spine and neck debility.

22. Kapotasana (Pigeon position)

Exercise Name: Kapotasana
Exercise Category: Application:- Health Oriented Body Position - Sitting
English Name - Pigeon Position
Benefits: Strengthens the spine, chest, neck, abdomen, and the hamstrings,
Tones-up the chest, lumbar region and the pelvic region, Nourishes the
heart, and Stimulates the endocrine and thyroid glands.
Instructions For Exercise: Sit erect. Fully stretch both the legs together in
front. Bend the toes forward. Keep your hands by the side with, the palms
touching the ground and the fingers pointing forward. Look straight. Fold the
left leg at the knee. Drag it backwards. Stretch it fully till your left groin
touches the floor. Keep it straight. Your outstretched legs shall be making a
straight line with your toes pointing in the opposite directions. Fold the
outstretched right leg at the knee and slide it inwards to let the heel of the
right foot touch the left groin. Then fold the outstretched left leg at the knee
to bring your left foot parallel to your back, with the toe pointing towards
the sky. The folded part of the left leg from the toe up to the knee should be
absolutely straight. Slowly raise the arms over the head and curve the back
to clasp the toe of the left foot with both the hands. Stretch the neck
towards the left toe to let the top of your head touch the sole of your left
foot. Feel the stretch. Keep the head still. Keep this position for a few
seconds. Then slowly come back to the original position. Replicate the same
steps by reversing the position of the legs. Make sure that there are no jerky
movements while practicing the asana.
Specialist's Comments: Persons suffering from acute knee, ankle, neck, hip,
hamstring, back, or shoulder pain or injury, and those who have had a knee,
ankle, neck, hip, hamstring, spine, or shoulder surgery must consult their
doctor before practicing it.
Diseases Cured: Urinary Disorders, and Backaches.

23. Kurmasana (Tortoise position)

Exercise Name: Kurmasana
Exercise category: Application:- Health Oriented Body Position - Sitting
English Name - Tortoise Position
Benefits: Pacifies the mind, Tones-up the body, and Strengthens the
spine, legs, arms, neck, hips, and the abdomen.
Instructions For Exercise: Sit erect. Fully stretch both the legs together in
front. Bend the toes forward. Keep your hands by the side, with the palms
touching the floor and the fingers pointing forward. Fold both the arms at
the elbows and bring both the hands close to the chest and put the palms
together (as in Indian Namaste pose), with the fingers pointing towards
the sky. Keep the head still. Look straight. Bend the knees to move them
apart while keeping the toes together. Drag the legs a little towards you.
Lean forwards in the direction of the bent knees. Insert the arms in the
space created between the legs and the floor. Slide them beneath the
knees until both the arms are straight. Lean you further till your torso
touches the floor. Straighten the legs fully so that they press against your
shoulders. Bend the toes forwards. Rest the chin firmly on the floor. Keep
the head still and look straight. Stay in this position for 30-40 seconds or
more if you can. Breathe normally. Then slowly come back to the original
position. Make sure that there are no jerky movements while practicing
the asana.
Specialist's Comments: Persons suffering from acute ankle, knee, elbow,
shoulder, or back pain or injury, and those who have had a knee, elbow,
ankle, shoulder, or spine surgery must consult their doctor before
practicing it.
Diseases Cured: Abdomen and back ailments.

24. Utthita Paschimottanasana (Extended Forward Bend Position)

Exercise Name: Utthita Paschimottanasana
Exercise category: Application:- Health Oriented Body Position - Sitting
English Name - Extended Forward Bend Position
Benefits: Perks-up the nervous system, Helps digestion, and Strengthens
the spine, legs, abdomen, hamstrings, and the hips.
Instructions For Exercise: Sit erect. Fully stretch both the legs together in
front. Bend the toes forward. Keep your hands by the side, with the palms
touching the ground and the fingers pointing forward. Fold both the legs
at the knees. Drag the right arm towards the right foot and the left arm
towards the left foot. Slide the fingers beneath the heels to let the heels
rest in your palms. Clasp your heels with the hands and raise your legs
towards the sky till they are fully stretched, with the toes pointing
towards the sky. Drag the head forwards, till your face touches the shin
region. This will make your torso touch the thighs and the knees. Keep the
legs straight and together. Maintain balance on your pelvis. Stay in this
position for 8-10 seconds. Then slowly come back to the original position.
Make sure that there are no jerky movements while practicing the asana.
Specialist's Comments: Persons suffering from acute knee, ankle, hip,
hamstring, or back pain or injury, and those who have had a knee, ankle,
hip, hamstring, or spine surgery must consult their doctor before
practicing it.
Diseases Cured: Indigestion, and Constipation.
Title: Re: Sitting Yoga Asanas
Post by: SEO on August 28, 2021, 12:32:05 AM
Continuing with some more sitting Yoga asanas:

25. Kurmasana (Advance Stage) (Advance Tortoise position)

Exercise Name: Kurmasana (Advance Stage)
Exercise category: Application:- Health Oriented Body Position - Sitting
English Name - Advance Tortoise Position
Benefits: Pacifies the mind, Tones-up the body, and Strengthens the
spine, legs, arms, neck, hips, and the abdomen.
Instructions For Exercise: Sit erect. Fully stretch both the legs together in
front. Bend the toes forward. Keep your hands by the side, with the palms
touching the ground and the fingers pointing forward. Fold both the arms
at the elbows, bring both the hands close to the chest, and put the palms
together (as in Indian Namaste pose), with the fingers pointing towards
the sky. Keep the head still. Look straight. Bend the knees; move them
apart keeping the toes together. Drag the legs a little towards you. Tilt the
feet inwards to allow the soles touch each other. Insert the arms in the
space created between the legs and the floor. Slide them beneath the legs
until both the arms are straight. Lean forwards in the direction of the feet.
Rest your forehead on the feet. Drag the arms towards your buttocks,
turn the palms inside towards the anus and interlock the fingers. Stay in
this position for 30-40 seconds or more if you can. Breathe normally.
Then slowly come back to the original position. Make sure that there are
no jerky movements while practicing the asana.
Specialist's Comments: Persons suffering from acute ankle, knee, elbow,
shoulder, or back pain or injury, and those who have had a knee, elbow,
ankle, shoulder, or spine surgery must consult their doctor before
practicing it.
Diseases Cured: Abdomen and back ailments.

26. Kandasana (Knot position)

Exercise Name: Kandasana
Exercise category: Application:- Health Oriented Body Position - Sitting
English Name - Knot Position
Benefits: Tones-up the body, Strengthens the hips, thighs, knees, ankles,
and the back, and improves sexual vigor.
Instructions For Exercise: Sit erect. Fully stretch both the legs together in
front. Bend the toes forward. Keep your hands by the side, with the palms
touching the ground and the fingers pointing forward. Fold the legs at the
knees. With the help of the hands, drag your feet inwards to bring your
heels close to your genitals. Let the soles of the feet touch each other.
Clasp the right foot with the right hand and the left foot with the left
hand. Pull both your feet towards the torso. This will give your ankles and
knees a real stretch. Place the feet on the torso with the heels tucked in
the navel region. Take the hands off the feet. Bring both the hands close
to the feet and put the palms together (as in Indian Namaste pose), with
the fingers pointing towards the sky. Keep the back straight and the head
still. Look straight. Stay in this position for 20-30 seconds. Breathe deeply.
Then slowly come back to the original position. Make sure that there are
no jerky movements while practicing the asana.
Specialist's Comments: Persons suffering from acute knee, ankle, or thigh
pain or injury, and those who have had a knee, ankle, or thigh surgery
must consult their doctor before practicing it.
Diseases Cured: Indigestion and Joint pains.

27. Ustrasana (Camel position)

Exercise Name: Ustrasana
Exercise category: Application:- Health Oriented Body Position - Sitting
English Name - Camel Position
Benefits: Stimulates the abdominal muscles, Activates the nervous system
and the respiratory system, Strengthens the back and the neck, Opens-up
the chest, Helps the lungs and the thyroid, Alleviates pain in the shoulders
and the back, and improves eyesight.
Instructions For Exercise: Sit erect. Keep your hands by the side with the
palms touching the ground and the fingers pointing forward. Fold the legs
at the knees. Place your feet under the buttocks in such a way that the
soles will remain inside and the heels at the side of the anus. Both the
knees should touch each other. Place the right hand on the right knee and
the left hand on the left knee, with the palms touching the knees. Look
straight. Make sure that the head, neck, and the spine are all straight.
Stand on your knees in a kneeling position, with the hands well stretched
and palms touching the thighs. Keep the spine and the head straight. Start
bending your back slowly towards your heels. Then drag your right arm
towards the right heel. Clasp the heel with your hand. Similarly clasp the
left heel with the left hand. Comfortably adjust the hands on the heels.
Keep the arms straight. While inhaling, slowly and carefully drop your
head backwards. Stretch your waist and the neck as much as you can. This
will bring your chest parallel to the sky. Keep this position for position for
5-10 seconds. Breathe normally. Then slowly come back to the original
position. Make sure that there are no jerky movements while practicing
the asana.
Specialist's Comments: Persons suffering from acute neck, thigh,
shoulder, knee, or back pain or injury, and those who have had a neck,
thigh, knee, spine, or shoulder surgery must consult their doctor before
practicing it. Pregnant women and persons suffering from hernia should
avoid it.
Diseases Cured: Cervical, Asthma, Spondilitis, Problems of spine, and
Diseases caused due to phlegm, wind, and bile.
Title: Prone Yoga Asanas
Post by: SEO on August 28, 2021, 01:58:05 AM
Prone Yoga Asanas

At last we can continue with the prone Yoga asanas. Prone asanas: The asanas that are practiced by lying prone or face down are called prone asanas. This position is very beneficial for the abdominal muscles. Yoga exercises in prone position tone up the abdomen as well as the pelvic region. Makarasana (Crocodile Pose), Dhanurasana (Bow Pose), and Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose) are some of the key prone asanas.
Title: Re: Prone Yoga Asanas
Post by: SEO on August 28, 2021, 02:58:20 AM
Prone Yoga asanas:

1. Bhujangasana (Cobra position)

Exercise Name: Bhujangasana
Exercise category: Application - Health Oriented Body Position - Prone
English Name - Cobra Position
Benefits: Relaxes the mind, Reduces Back Pains, Enhances flexibility of the
thighs, shoulders, neck, and the spine, Strengthens the abdomen and the
lungs, Stimulates digestion, and improves blood circulation.
Instructions For Exercise: Lie prone (face down) on the floor with both
the legs touching each other and the toes stretched outwards. Bend the
arms at the elbows and place both the hands by the side, close to the
chest, with the palms touching the ground and the fingers pointing
forward. Keep both the elbows raised towards the sky. Touch the floor
with your chin. Inhale and slowly raise the chest by pressing the palms
against the floor. Turn the head backwards as much as you can. Curve the
spine and the waist so that the upper part of your body up to the navel is
raised in a fully stretched position. Look up. Keep breathing normally.
Keep this position for at least 5-10 seconds. Then slowly come back to the
original position, while exhaling. Try to increase the time gradually. Make
sure that there are no jerky movements while practicing the asana.
Specialist's Comments: Persons suffering from acute back or neck pain or
injury, and those who have had a spine or neck surgery must consult their
doctor before practicing it. Persons having ulcer in the stomach, hernia,
tuberculosis in the intestine, and carpal tunnel syndrome should also
consult their doctor before practicing it. Pregnant women should avoid it.
Diseases Cured: Asthma, Dyspepsia, and Sciatica.

2. Makarasana (Crocodile position)

Exercise Name: Makarasana
Exercise category: Application:- Health Oriented Body Position - Prone
English Name - Crocodile Position
Benefits: Relaxes the mind, Improves meditation and concentration, and
Reduces anxiety.
Instructions For Exercise: Lie prone (face down) on the floor. Spread the
legs so that there is a distance of around one/one and a half feet between
them, with the heels placed inwards and the toes outwards. Drag the
arms forwards, fold them at the elbows. Clasp the triceps region of the
right arm with the left hand and that of the left arm with the right hand.
Then rest the forehead comfortably on the entwined arms. Breathe
normally. Relax. Release the tension out of all the body parts.
Diseases Cured: Asthma and other Respiratory Disorders.

3. Dhanurasana (Bow position)

Exercise Name: Dhanurasana
Exercise category: Application:- Health Oriented Body Position - Prone
English Name - Bow Position
Benefits: Reduces Back Pains, Enhances the flexibility of the thighs,
shoulders, neck, and the spine, Strengthens the abdomen muscles,
Stimulates digestion, Reduces fat, Improves blood circulation, Stimulates
the pancreas, and Wards off laxness.
Instructions For Exercise: Lie prone (face down) on the floor with both the
legs touching each other and toes stretched outwards. Bend the arms at
the elbows, form an interlock of the hands to place your chin on the
interlock so formed. Feel relaxed. Fold both the legs at the knees. Raise
them in such a way that the heels are held together above the hips,
without touching them. Then clasp the right ankle with the right hand and
the left ankle with the left hand. Press your stomach against the floor and
tighten your grip on the ankles. Inhale and lift your head, chest, and the
legs simultaneously. Stretch yourself as much as you can. Curve the spine
and the waist so that the upper part of your body up to the navel is raised
in a fully stretched position. Keep the arms straight. The whole body
weight should be on the area around the navel. Look in front. The legs
have to be together all the time. Keep this position for a few seconds.
Then, exhaling, come back to the original position. Repeat the activity 3-4
times. Make sure that there are no jerky movements while practicing the
Specialist's Comments: Persons suffering from acute back pain or injury,
persons having lumbar spondylosis, ulcer in stomach, hernia, or TB in
intestine, and also those having thyroid or endocrine gland disorders must
consult their doctor before practicing it. Pregnant women should not do it.
Diseases Cured: Gastrointestinal Trouble, Constipation, Indigestion,
Dyspepsia, Abdominal Disorders, Cervical, Spondilitis, Menstrual Disorders,
Urinal Problems, Gas Problems, and Intestinal Disorders.

4. Naukasana (Boat position)

Exercise Name: Naukasana
Exercise category: Application:- Health Oriented
Body Position Prone (Can be done in Supine Position as well)
English Name - Boat Position
Benefits: Improves digestion, Reduces fat, Strengthens the back and
abdomen muscles.
Instructions For Exercise: Lie prone (face down) on the floor with both
the legs touching each other and toes stretched outwards. Stretch the
arms forward in line with your legs, with the palms touching the floor and
your chin resting on the floor. Look straight. Press your hands firmly
against the floor and lift both the legs together without bending them at
the knees. Stretch the legs upwards as much as you can. Keep the toes well
stretched in such a way that the soles of your feet are parallel to the sky.
Then lift both the arms together without bending them at the elbows. Also
lift the head. Keep the hands well stretched. Stretch the arms upwards as
much as you can. Keep the face between the raised arms. Keep this
position for 5-10 seconds. Then, come back to the original position. Repeat
the activity 3-4 times. Make sure that there are no jerky movements while
practicing the asana. You can also replicate the steps in supine position as
shown in the pictures.
Specialist's Comments: Persons suffering from acute abdomen, back,
neck, or shoulder pain or injury, and those who have had a shoulder, spine,
neck, or abdomen surgery must consult their doctor before practicing it.
Those having ulcer in stomach, tuberculosis in the intestine, or hernia
should also consult their doctor before practicing it.
Diseases Cured: Indigestion and Back Problems.

5. Ganda Bherundasana (Two-Headed Bird position)

Exercise Name: Ganda Bherundasana
Exercise category: Application:- Health Oriented Body Position - Prone
English Name - Two-Headed Bird Position
Benefits: Tones-up the body, and Strengthens the spine, abdomen,
chest, hips, legs, thighs, and the waist.
Instructions For Exercise: Lie prone (face down) on the floor with both
the legs touching each other and the toes stretched outwards. Fold the
arms at the elbows and interlock your hands. Place your chin on the
interlocked hands. Feel relaxed. Drag the arms towards the legs and tuck
your hands under the thighs, with the palms touching the floor. Look
forward and stretch your neck. Let the chin rest firmly on the floor. Keep
the arms straight. Exhale, and press your hands firmly against the floor and
slowly lift both your legs upwards as much as you can. This will curl your
back and lift your stomach off the floor. Then, bend both the legs at the
knees to allow your feet to hang downwards so that they are parallel to
the floor. Slowly bring the feet down towards your head. Fold the arms at
the elbows and clasp the right foot with the right hand and the left foot
with the left hand. Slowly drag the feet down to allow them to rest
comfortably on the floor, by the side of your cheeks. Let the heels of the
feet touch the shoulders. Press your feet with the wrists and the forearms.
Interlock the hands and let the palms touch the floor. Keep the head still
and look straight. Keep breathing. Stay in this position for a few seconds.
Then, slowly come back to the original position. Make sure that there are
no jerky movements while practicing the asana.
Specialist's Comments: Persons suffering from acute knee, back, hip, or
hamstring pain or injury, and those who have had a knee, spine, hip, or
hamstring surgery must consult their doctor before practicing it.
Diseases Cured: Back Problems

6. Rajakapotasana (Royal Pigeon position)

Exercise Name: Rajakapotasana
Exercise category: Application:- Health Oriented Body Position - Prone
English Name - Royal Pigeon Position
Benefits: Tones-up the body, Improves Blood Circulation, Strengthens the
spine, legs, arms, neck, hips, and the abdomen.
Instructions For Exercise: Lie prone (face down) on the floor with both the
legs touching each other and the toes stretched outwards. Bend the arms at
the elbows to form an interlock of the hands. Place your chin on the interlock
so formed. Feel relaxed. Then place both the hands beside the shoulders,
with the palms touching the floor and the fingers pointing forward. Keep
both the elbows raised towards the sky. Keep the head straight and look
forward. Slowly raise the chest by pressing the palms against the floor. Also,
fold the outstretched legs at the knees to bring your feet parallel to the neck,
with the toes pointing towards the sky. Curve the spine and the waist so that
the upper part of your body up to the navel is raised in a fully stretched
position. Stretch the neck towards the toes to let the top of your head touch
the soles of your feet. Feel the stretch. Keep the head still. Look up.
Because of the position your breathing would be fast and strenuous. Keep
this position for at least 10-15 seconds. Then slowly come back to the
original position. Make sure that there are no jerky movements while
practicing the asana.
Specialist's Comments: Persons suffering from acute knee, ankle, neck, hip,
hamstring, or back pain or injury, and those who have had a knee, ankle,
neck, hip, hamstring, or spine surgery must consult their doctor before
practicing it.
Diseases Cured: Urinary Disorders.

7. Padangustha Dhanurasana (Big Toe Bow position)

Exercise Name: Padangustha Dhanurasana
Exercise category: Application:- Health Oriented Body Position - Prone
English Name - Big Toe Bow Position
Benefits: Tones-up the body, and strengthens the spine, legs, arms, neck,
hips, and the abdomen.
Instructions For Exercise: Lie prone (face down) on the floor with both the
legs touching each other and toes stretched outwards. Bend the arms at the
elbows and place your hands just below the chin. Form an interlock of the
hands. Place your chin on the interlock so formed. Feel relaxed. Fold both
the legs at the knees. Raise them in such a way that the heels are held
together above the hips, without touching them. Then, clasp the right toe
with the right hand and the left toe with the left hand. Press your stomach
against the floor and tighten your grip on the toes. Inhale, and lift your head,
chest, and the legs simultaneously. Curve the spine and the waist so that the
upper part of your body up to the navel is raised in a fully stretched position.
Keep the arms straight. Stretch your legs high over the head. Straighten the
arms at the elbows. The whole body weight should be on the area around
the navel. Keep the head straight between the arms and look in front. The
legs have to be together all the time. Keep this position for 10-15 seconds.
Then, slowly come back to the original position. Because of the position your
breathing would be fast and strenuous. Make sure that there are no jerky
movements while practicing the asana.
Specialist's Comments: Persons suffering from acute knee, ankle, neck, hip,
hamstring, or back pain or injury, and those who have had a knee, ankle,
neck, hip, hamstring, or spine surgery must consult their doctor before
practicing it.
Diseases Cured: Indigestion.

8. Purna Shalabhasana (Full Locust position)

Exercise Name: Purna Shalabhasana (Advance)
Exercise category: Application:- Health Oriented Body Position - Prone
English Name - Full Locust Position
Benefits: Tones-up the body, Stimulates digestion, and strengthens the legs,
feet, neck, back, and the hips.
Instructions For Exercise: Lie prone (face down) on the floor with both the
legs touching each other and the toes stretched outwards. Fold the the arms
at the elbows and interlock your hands. Place your chin on the interlocked
hands. Feel relaxed. Drag the arms towards the legs and tuck your hands
under the thighs, with the palms touching the ground. Look forward and
stretch your neck. Let the chin rest firmly on the floor. Keep the arms
straight. Press your hands firmly against the floor and slowly lift both your
legs upwards as much as you can. This will curl your back and lift your
stomach off the floor. Keep the legs together, with the toes pointing towards
the sky. Then, fold both the legs at the knees to allow your feet to hang
downwards. Slowly drag your feet down to allow them to rest comfortably
on the top of your head. Keep the head still and look straight. Keep
breathing. Stay in this position for a few seconds. Then, slowly come back to
the original position. Make sure that there are no jerky movements while
practicing the asana.
Specialist's Comments: Persons suffering from acute knee, ankle, neck, hip,
hamstring, or back pain or injury, and those who have had a knee, ankle,
elbow, neck, hip, hamstring, or spine surgery must consult their doctor
before practicing it.
Diseases Cured: Indigestion.

9. Viparita Shalabhasana (Reverse Locust position)

Exercise Name: Viparita Shalabhasana
Exercise category: Application:- Health Oriented Body Position - Prone
English Name - Reverse Locust Position
Benefits: Tones-up the body, and strengthens the spine, legs, arms, neck,
hips, and the abdomen.
Instructions For Exercise: Lie prone (face down) on the floor with both the
legs touching each other and the toes stretched outwards. Fold the the arms
at the elbows and interlock your hands. Place your chin on the interlocked
hands. Feel relaxed. Drag the arms towards the legs and tuck your hands
under the thighs, with the palms touching the ground. Look forward and
stretch your neck. Let the chin rest firmly on the floor. Keep the arms
straight. Press your hands firmly against the floor and slowly lift both your
legs towards the sky. Bring your legs straight up, with the toes pointing
towards the sky. Then, slowly drag both your legs and the hips backwards.
Bend the legs backwards till the soles of your feet touch the ground. Stretch
the feet as far as you can and try to keep the legs as straight as possible. This
will bring your hips just above the crown of your head, and your torso off the
floor. The whole body weight should be on your chin, neck, shoulders, arms,
and the hands. Keep the legs together and the arms straight all the time.
Keep the head still and look in front. Stay in this position for a few seconds.
Because of the position your breathing would be fast and strenuous. Then,
slowly come back to the original position. Make sure that there are no jerky
movements while practicing the asana.
Specialist's Comments: Persons suffering from acute knee, ankle, neck, hip,
hamstring, or back pain or injury, and those who have had a knee, ankle,
neck, hip, hamstring, or spine surgery must consult their doctor before
practicing it.
Diseases Cured: Cures problems related to a weak back.
Title: Supine Yoga Asanas
Post by: SEO on August 28, 2021, 03:08:46 AM
Supine Yoga Asanas

I'm glad that now we can learn about the supine Yoga asanas. Supine Asanas: The asanas that are practiced by lying flat on the back are called supine asanas. This position enables one to feel relaxed and helps wipe out tiredness. These asanas freshen up the individual and activate the whole body. In most of the supine asanas, the exerciser is required to stretch the legs and the toes. This makes them supple. Uttanpadasana (Raised Foot Position), Shavasana (Corpse Position), and Halasana (Plow Position) are some of the key supine asanas.
Title: Re: Supine Yoga Asanas
Post by: SEO on August 29, 2021, 02:33:44 AM
Let's start with the supine Yoga asanas.

1. Halasana (Plow position)

Exercise Name: Halasana
Exercise category: Application:- Health Oriented Body Position - Supine
English Name - Plow Position
Benefits: Improves blood circulation, Relaxes the mind, Reduces anxiety,
Stimulates the thyroid gland, Stimulates the abdominal muscles, Perks-up
the entire body system, Gives strength and suppleness to the shoulders,
neck, and the spine, Reduces mucus and phlegm, Soothes the nervous
system, and Balances the glandular secretions.
Instructions For Exercise: Lie straight on your back with both the legs
touching each other. Bend the toes forward. Keep your hands by the side,
with the palms touching the ground and the fingers pointing forward. Feel
relaxed. Press your hands against the floor and slowly raise both the legs
together without bending them at the knees. Slowly bring the legs straight
up at an angle of 90 degrees, with your pointing towards the sky. Bend the
legs further by stretching them backwards till your toes touch the floor and
the chin presses against the chest. The legs have to be together and straight
all the time. Keep the arms straight along the floor. Keep the eyes open or
closed as per your liking. Keep this position for a few seconds. Breathe
normally. Then slowly come back to the original position. Make sure that
there are no jerky movements while practicing the asana.
Specialist's Comments: Persons suffering from acute neck, shoulder or back
pain or injury, and persons, who have had a neck, spine, or shoulder surgery,
must consult their doctor before practicing it. Pregnant women, particularly
those who do not have the experience of doing this asana should avoid it.
Diseases Cured: Constipation, Dyspepsia, Lumbar Pains, Neuritis, Gastric
Problems, and some forms of Diabetes.

2. Uttanpadasana (Raised Feet position)

Exercise Name: Uttanpadasana
Exercise category: Application:- Health Oriented Body Position - Supine
English Name - Raised Feet Position
Benefits: Stimulates the abdominal muscles, Improves Digestive System,
Strengthens the thighs and the back, and Alleviates pain in the back, thighs,
and the loins.
Instructions For Exercise: Lie straight on your back with both the legs
touching each other. Bend the toes forward. Keep your hands by the side,
with the palms touching the ground and the fingers pointing forward. Feel
relaxed. Press your hands against the floor and slowly raise both the legs
together without bending them at knees. Slowly bring the legs at an angle of
45 degrees one at a time. After a couple of seconds slowly bring the legs at
an angle of 60 degrees with your toes pointing forward. Look at the toes.
Keep this position for 5-10 seconds. Then slowly come back to the original
position. Make sure that there are no jerky movements while practicing the
Specialist's Comments: Persons suffering from acute back or knee pain or
injury, and persons who have had a spine or knee surgery must consult their
doctor before practicing it. Persons having lumbar spondilitis should not
practice it.
Diseases Cured: Constipation, Indigestion, Diabetes, Hiccough, Nervous
Disorders, Intestinal Worms, and Piles in its early stages.

3. Shavasana (Corpse position)

Exercise Name: Shavasana
Exercise category: Application:- Relaxing Body Position - Supine English
Name - Corpse Position
Benefits: Relaxes the mind and the body, Releases tension, and Strengthens
the mind and the body.
Instructions For Exercise: Lie straight on your back. Spread the legs so that
there is a distance of around one/one and a half feet between them, with
the heels placed inwards and the toes outwards. Keep your hands by the side
around 4-6 inches away from the body, with the palms facing the sky and the
fingers curled in loosely. Close your eyes. Turn the neck to any side or keep it
straight as per your liking. Breathe slowly. Release the tension out of all the
body parts. Relax. Let the whole body calm down. Keep this position for as
long as you can
Specialist's Comments:
Diseases Cured: Neurosis, Heart Ailments, and Blood Pressure.

4. Karnpeedasana (Ear Pressure position)

Exercise Name: Karnpeedasana
Exercise category: Application:- Health Oriented Body Position - Supine
English Name - Ear Pressure Position
Benefits:Improves blood circulation, Relaxes the mind, Stimulates the
thyroid gland and abdominal muscles, and strengthens the shoulders, neck,
and the spine.
Instructions For Exercise: Lie straight on your back with both the legs
touching each other. Bend the toes forward. Keep your hands by the side,
with the palms touching the floor and the fingers pointing forward. Feel
relaxed. Press your hands against the ground and slowly raise both the legs
together without bending them at knees. Slowly bring the legs straight at an
angle of 90 degrees, with your toes pointing towards the sky. Continue this
bending by further stretching your legs backwards till the toes touch the
floor and the chin presses against the chest. The legs have to be together
and straight all the time. Keep the arms straight along the floor. Twist your
wrists so that the palms move inwards. Interlock the fingers of the two hands
and stretch the arms. Bend the legs at the knees and bring the right knee
close to the right ear and the left knee close to the left ear in a way that the
knees are in line with the shoulders. In fact, this position will have your toes,
knees, and the shoulders in a straight line. Imagine a camel's hump placed on
a plank. That is how your position would look like in the Karnpeedasana. Stay
in this position for a few seconds. Then slowly come back to the original
position. Make sure that there are no jerky movements while practicing the
Specialist's Comments: Persons suffering from acute neck, shoulder, knee,
or back pain or injury, and those who have had a neck, spine, knee, or
shoulder surgery must consult their doctor before practicing it. Pregnant
women should avoid it.
Diseases Cured: Diseases of the ear, Constipation, Dyspepsia, Lumbar Pains,
Neuritis, and Gastric Problems.

5. Pavanmuktasana (Wind Releasing position)

Exercise Name: Pavanmuktasana
Exercise category: Application:- Health Oriented Body Position - Supine
English Name - Wind Releasing Position
Benefits: Improves digestion, Reducesfat, Eliminates gas, Ameliorates
blood circulation, Improves the functioning of thyroid and pituitary glands,
Fine-tunes the sex glands, Strengthens the shoulders and the neck, Reduces
menstrual problems, and improves sexual vigor.
Instructions For Exercise: Lie straight on your back with both the legs
touching each other. Bend the toes forward. Keep your hands by the side,
with the palms touching the ground and the fingers pointing forward. Feel
relaxed. Bend the left leg at the knee, move it towards the stomach. Clasp
the knee with both the hands so that the thigh and the knee press against
the stomach and the chest region. Exhale, and lift your head towards the
knee till the nose touch the knee-cap.Keep the other leg straight. Holding
and breath out, keep this position for around 30 seconds. Then slowly come
back to the original position. Make sure that there are no jerky movements
while practicing the asana. Replicate the same on the right leg. Do this 2-4
times. After that, practice the asana with both the legs. Make sure that
there are no jerky movements while practicing the asana.
Specialist's Comments: Persons suffering from acute knee or neck pain or
injury, and those who have had a knee or neck surgery must consult their
doctor before practicing it. Pregnant women and persons having hernia
should also consult their doctor before practicing it.
Diseases Cured: Indigestion, Intestinal Worms, Uterus Ailments, Piles,
Rheumatism, Appendix, Constipation, Indigestion. Gas and Acidity.

6. Setubandhasana (Bridge position)

Exercise Name: Setubandhasana
Exercise category: Application:- Health Oriented Body Position - Supine
English Name - Bridge Position
Benefits: Strengthens the spine, chest, neck, abdomen, hamstrings, and the
feet, Improves digestion, Stimulates respiratory system, Reduces, fatigue,
stress, and anxiety, and Alleviates the pain in the thighs and the loins.
Instructions For Exercise: Lie straight on your back with both the legs
touching each other. Bend the toes forward. Keep your hands by the side, with
the palms touching the ground and the fingers pointing forward. Feel relaxed.
Then, fold the arms at the elbows and comfortably place both your hands on
your back, with the elbows resting on the ground. Press the elbows firmly
against the floor and tighten the grip of the hands on the back. Inhale, and lift
your waist and the thighs as much as you can. Only your feet, head, shoulders,
and the forearms should be touching the ground. Let the chin press against
the chest. Keep the legs and the feet together and straight all the time. Make
sure that the body is still. Don't move your hands. Breathe normally. Keep this
position for 5-10 seconds. Then slowly come back to the original position.
Repeat the exercise 3-4 times. Make sure that there are no jerky movements
while practicing the asana.
Specialist's Comments: Persons suffering from acute elbow, knee, ankle,
neck, or shoulder pain or injury, and those who have had a knee, ankle, elbow,
neck, or shoulder surgery must consult their doctor before practicing it.
Diseases Cured: Indigestion, Asthma, Insomnia, Osteoporosis, Sinusitis,
Backaches, Headache, and High blood Pressure.

7. Chakrasana (Wheel position)

Exercise Name: Chakrasana
Exercise Category: Application:- Health Oriented Body Position - Supine
English Name - Wheel Position
Benefits: Tones-up the body, Stimulates digestion, Strengthens the legs,
feet, neck, arms, hands, wrists, back, hips, and the shoulders, Perks-up the
nervous system and the respiratory system.
Instructions For Exercise: Lie straight on your back with both the legs
touching each other. Bend the toes forward. Keep your hands by the side
with palms touching the ground and fingers pointing forward. Feel relaxed.
Fold the legs at the knees and slide the heels closer to the hips. Also fold the
arms at the elbows and roll them backwards to rest the palms by the side of
the shoulders with the fingers pointing towards the heels. Press the hands
and the feet firmly against the floor. Slowly lift your head, shoulders, torso,
and the buttocks off the ground. Resting on your hands and the feet, stretch
yourself skywards as much as you can. This will have you in a semi-circle
position. Make sure that your body is still. Don't move your hands and the
feet. Have steady breathing pattern. Keep this position as long as you can.
Then slowly come back to the original position. Make sure that there are no
jerky movements while practicing the asana.
Specialist's Comments: Persons suffering from acute ankle, knee, wrist,
elbow, shoulder, neck, or back pain or injury, and those who have had a
knee, wrist, elbow, ankle, shoulder, neck, or spine surgery must consult their
doctor before practicing it. Persons having high blood pressure, or detached
retinas should also consult their doctor before practicing it.
Diseases Cured: Headache, Eye Ailments, Back and loins trouble, Anomalies
of the womb.

8. Supta Trivikramasana (Supine Stride position)

Exercise Name: Supta Trivikramasana
Exercise Category: Application:- Health Oriented Body Position - Supine
English Name - Supine Stride Position
Benefits: Strengthens the spine, groins, thighs, hamstrings, knees, and the
abdomen, and Soothes the mind.
Instructions For Exercise: Lie straight on your back with both your legs
touching each other. Bend the toes forward. Keep your hands by the side,
with palms touching the ground and the fingers pointing forward. Feel
relaxed. Slowly raise the right leg without bending it at the knee. Lift it
straight up at an angle of 90 degrees. Then, bend it further and drag it close
to your right shoulder, as much as you can. Fold the right arm at the elbow,
bring it towards the right leg. Clasp the right leg from above the ankle with
the right hand. Exhale, and drag the right leg further down till the right toe
touches the floor. Keep the leg straight so that it passes by the side of your
right ear. Keep this position for as long as you can. Breathe normally. Then
slowly come back to the original position. Replicate the same steps by
reversing the position of the legs. Make sure that there are no jerky
movements while practicing the asana.
Specialist's Comments: Persons suffering from acute knee, hip, hamstring,
or back pain or injury, and those who have had a knee, hip, hamstring, or
spine surgery must consult their doctor before practicing it.
Diseases Cured: Hernia.

9. Yoganidrasana (Sleeping Yogi position)

Exercise Name: Yoganidrasana
Exercise category: Application:- Health Oriented Body Position - Supine
English Name - Sleeping Yogi Position
Benefits: Tones-up the body, Stimulates the lungs, gall bladder, kidneys,
and the intestines, and strengthens the legs, neck, back, abdomen, and
the hips.
Instructions For Exercise: Lie straight on your back with both the legs
touching each other. Bend the toes forward. Keep your hands by the side,
with the palms touching the floor and the fingers pointing forward. Feel
relaxed. Press your hands against the floor and slowly raise both the legs
together without bending them at the knees. Slowly bring the legs straight
up at an angle of 90 degrees, with your toes pointing towards the sky.
Move the arms straight back in line with your shoulders, with the palms
outstretched to face the sky. Bend the legs further by stretching them
backwards till your toes touch the fingers of your outstretched hands. Then
bend the legs at the knees and lift your head up. With the help of your
hands, press the knees against the floor to take the legs from behind the
shoulders in such a way that your feet come underneath the raised head.
Cross one foot over the other to form an interlock. Rest your neck and the
head comfortably on the interlock so formed. Bring your hands behind the
raised portion of your back and interlock the fingers. Keep this position for
30 seconds- 1 minute. Breathe normally. Then slowly come back to the
original position. Make sure that there are no jerky movements while
practicing the asana.
Specialist's Comments: Persons suffering from acute knee, ankle, neck,
hip, hamstring, or back pain or injury, and those who have had a knee,
ankle, neck, hip, hamstring, or spine surgery must consult their doctor
before practicing it.
Diseases Cured: Abdominal ailments.

10. Viparitakarni Mudra/Vilomasana (The Inverted position)

Exercise Name: Viparitakarni Mudra/Vilomasana
Exercise category: Application:- Health Oriented Body Position - Supine
English Name - The Inverted Position
Benefits: Nourishes the whole body, Good for skin, eyes, and the digestive
system, Improves blood circulation. Benefits the thyroid gland and sex
glands, Prevents wrinkles, Improves sexual vigor.
Instructions For Exercise: Lie straight on your back with both the legs
touching each other. Bend the toes forward. Keep your hands by the side
with palms touching the ground and fingers pointing forward. Feel relaxed.
Press your hands against the ground and slowly raise both the legs
together without bending them at knees. Slowly bring the legs straight at
an angle of 90 degrees with your toes pointing towards the sky. Bend both
the arms at the elbows and place your hands on the waist to support the
body. Further bend the legs by stretching them backwards till your legs are
absolutely parallel to the floor. Let the chin presses against the chest. The
legs have to be together and straight all the time. Keep the eyes open or
closed as per your liking. Keep this position for a few seconds. Breathe
deeply. Then slowly come back to the original position. Make sure that
there are no jerky movements while practicing the asana.
Specialist's Comments: Persons suffering from acute elbow, knee, ankle or
shoulder pain or injury, and those who have had a knee, ankle, elbow or
shoulder surgery must consult their doctor before practicing it. Persons
suffering from hernia and cervical spondilitis should not practice it.
Diseases Cured: Goitre, Eczema, Abscess, Pimples, Menstrual
Disorders, and Sexual Problems of men, dyspepsia, hernia and
Title: Inverted Yoga Asanas
Post by: SEO on August 29, 2021, 03:44:32 PM
Inverted Yoga Asanas

So glad to start today with the inverted Yoga asanas!  The asanas in an upside down position are called inverted asanas. In this upside down position, the gravitational force is on your head. This stimulates the blood supply towards your brain. This position also stamps out different toxic substances from the body. Besides, such asanas perk-up your metabolism and invigorate the pituitary gland, lungs, and the kidneys. Shirshasana (Headstand Pose), Sarvagasana (Shoulder Stand Pose), and Adhomukha Vrikshasana (Handstand Pose) are some of the key inverted asanas.
Title: Re: Inverted Yoga Asanas
Post by: SEO on August 29, 2021, 04:35:33 PM
So, inverted Yoga asanas:

1. Shirshasana (Headstand position)

Exercise Name: Shirshasana
Exercise category: Application:- Health Oriented Body Position - Inverted
English Name - Headstand Position
Benefits: Improves memory, Improves the functioning of the brain,
Strengthens the back, neck, hamstrings, abdomen muscles, and the thighs,
Activates the pineal, pituitary, thyroid, and the parathyroid glands, Relaxes
the mind, Helps hair growth, Improves sleep.
Instructions For Exercise: Take a position like that of a horse with your
elbows, forearms, knees, shins, and the toes touching the floor, and your
back parallel to the sky. Keep the feet together, with the soles turned
outwards. Interlock your fingers, with the palms turned inwards. Rest the
crown of your head comfortably on the floor and let the interlocked hands
touch the back of your head to give it the required support. Then, firmly
press your head, forearms and the elbows against the floor to slowly lift your
legs off the floor. Lift the legs together skywards until they are in a straight
line with your head and the shoulders. Keep the back straight. Keep the legs
together and straight, with the toes pointing towards the sky? Keep the head
still. Maintain balance. Your body should be perpendicular to the floor. Stay
in this position for 1-5 minutes. Breathe slowly. Then slowly come back to
the original position. Make sure that there are no jerky movements while
practicing the asana. Beginners should take the support of the wall while
practicing it.
Specialist's Comments: Persons suffering from acute elbow, knee, back, or
neck pain or injury, and those who have had a knee, neck, elbow, spine, or
neck surgery must consult their doctor before practicing it. Persons having
constipation, blood pressure, eye diseases, and throat infections, pus in the
ears, nasal catarrh, or atherosclerosis should also consult their doctor before
practicing it.
Diseases Cured: Asthma, Headaches, Constipation, Indigestion,
Diabetes, Fatigue, Sleeplessness, Liver and throat disorders, and
Female Ailments.

2. Pincha Mayurasana (Dancing Peacock position)

Exercise Name: Pincha Mayurasana
Exercise category: Application:- Health Oriented Body Position - Inverted
English Name - Dancing Peacock Position
Benefits: Tones-up the body, and Strengthens the spine, chest, neck,
abdomen, hamstrings, and the chest.
Instructions For Exercise: Take a position like that of a horse with your
elbows, forearms, palms, knees, and the toes touching the floor, and your
back parallel to the sky. Keep the feet together, with the soles turned
outwards. Your shoulders and the elbows should be in a straight line. Press
your hands, forearms, and the elbows firmly against the floor, lean a little
forward and raise your feet off the floor. Exhale, and lift the legs one by one
skywards. Keep the legs together, with the toes pointing towards the sky. Do
not hang your legs backwards. Keep the head forward and look in front.
Maintain balance. Stay in this position for a minute or so. Breathe normally.
Then slowly come back to the original position. Make sure that there are no
jerky movements while practicing the asana.
Specialist's Comments: Persons suffering from acute elbow, knee, ankle,
neck, hip, hamstring, back, or shoulder pain or injury, and those who have
had a knee, ankle, elbow, neck, hip, hamstring, spine, or shoulder surgery
must consult their doctor before practicing it.

3. Sarvangasana (Shoulder Stand position)

Exercise Name: Sarvangasana
Exercise category: Application:- Health Oriented Body Position - Inverted
English Name - Shoulder Stand Position
Benefits:Improves blood circulation, Improves the functioning of thyroid
and pituitary glands, Fine-tunes the sex glands, Strengthens the shoulders
and the neck, Reduces menstrual problems, and improves sexual vigor.
Instructions For Exercise: Lie straight on your back with both the legs
touching each other. Bend the toes forward. Keep your hands by the side,
with the palms touching the ground and the fingers pointing forward. Feel
relaxed. Press your hands against the floor and slowly raise both the legs
together without bending them at the knees. Slowly bring the legs straight
up at an angle of 90 degrees, with your toes pointing towards the sky.Inhale
while you raise your legs. Then, comfortably place both your hands on your
back, with the elbows resting on the ground. Lift your trunk in such a way
that your toes, legs, waist, spine, and the shoulders get in a straight line. Let
the chin press against the chest. Keep the spine straight. The legs too have to
be together and straight all the time. Make sure that the body is still. The
whole body weight should be on the shoulders, with the elbows acting only
as a support to keep the body still. Don't move your hands. Keep the eyes
closed or look at the toes. Breathe normally. Keep this position for 2-3
minutes. Breathe normally. Then slowly come back to the original position.
Make sure that there are no jerky movements while practicing the asana. Try
to increase the time gradually.
Specialist's Comments: Persons suffering from acute shoulder, knee, spine,
or neck pain or injury, and persons who have had a shoulder, knee, neck, or
spine surgery, must consult their doctor before practicing it. Pregnant
women and persons having heart ailments, high blood pressure, and chronic
nasal catarrh should avoid it.
Diseases Cured: Indigestion, Infertility, Asthma, Constipation, Menstrual
Disorders, and Genital Problems.

4. Vrishchikasana (Scorpion position)

Exercise Name: Vrishchikasana
Exercise category: Application:- Health Oriented Body Position - Inverted
English Name - Scorpion Position
Benefits: Alleviates back pain, Strengthens the back, neck, arms, abdomen
muscles, thighs, and the shoulders, and Reduces fat.
Instructions For Exercise: Take a position like that of a horse with your elbows,
forearms, knees, and the toes touching the floor, and your back parallel to the
sky. Press your feet against the floor and raise your buttocks upwards as much
as you can. Then, firmly press your hands and the elbows against the floor to
slowly lift your legs and the trunk towards the sky. Curl the spine as much as
you can and fold the legs at the knees to place the feet comfortably on your
head. The whole body weight should be on the hands, forearms, and the
elbows. Keep your head still. Look in front. Maintain balance. Keep this
position for a few seconds. Breathe normally. Then slowly come back to the
original position. Make sure that there are no jerky movements while
practicing the asana.
Specialist's Comments: Persons suffering from acute neck, thigh, knee,
shoulder or back pain or injury, and persons who have had a neck, thigh, knee,
spine, or shoulder surgery must consult their doctor before practicing it.
Diseases Cured: Indigestion and Spine Disorders.

5. Adhomukha Vrikshasana (Tree Facing Down position)

Exercise Name: Adhomukha Vrikshasana
Exercise Category: Application:- Health Oriented Body Position - Inverted
English Name - Tree Facing Down Position
Benefits: Tones-up the body, and Strengthens the spine, abdomen, chest,
hips, legs, thighs, arms, and the waist.
Instructions For Exercise: Stand erect with your feet together. Let the heels
and the big toes touch each other. Keep the arms straight and well stretched,
by the side, with the palms touching the thighs and the fingers pointing
towards the floor. Look straight. Slowly bend towards the floor without
bending your legs. Keep bending until your palms touch the floor. Keep the
arms straight. This will have your arms and legs straight and parallel to each
other and your waist parallel to the sky. Press your hands firmly against the
floor, lean a little forward and raise your feet off the floor. Lift the legs
together skywards until they are in a straight line with your shoulders. Keep
the arms straight. Keep the back straight. Keep the legs together and
straight, with the toes pointing towards the sky. Keep the head forward and
look in front. Maintain balance. Your body should be perpendicular to the
floor. Stay in this position for a minute or so. Breathe normally. Then slowly
come back to the original position. Make sure that there are no jerky
movements while practicing the asana.
Specialist's Comments: Persons suffering from acute wrist, elbow, knee,
back, neck, or shoulder pain or injury, and those who have had a knee, wrist,
elbow, spine, neck, or shoulder surgery must consult their doctor before
practicing it.
Diseases Cured: Cures problems arising from a weak muscular system.

6. Shalabhasana (Locust posture)

Exercise Name: Shalabhasana
Exercise Category: Application:- Health Oriented Body Position - Inverted
English Name - Locust Posture
Benefits: Tones-up the body, Strengthens the hips, thighs, knees, neck,
abdomen, and the back, Improves digestion, and Stimulates the nervous
system and the reproductive system.
Instructions For Exercise: Lie down on your stomach with legs close
together and hands on the sides. Make sure your abdomen, chest and
chin are touching the ground. Inhale and hold your breath. Taking support
of the palms, raise both legs backwards straight up, without bending the
knee. The body from navel upwards should be on the ground. The chin
should be touching the ground. Raise your legs as much as you can. Hold
the legs in the raised position for five seconds. Exhale slowly and bring
your left leg down. Complete exhalation. Relax.
Specialist's Comments: Persons suffering from acute wrist, elbow, knee,
back, neck, or shoulder pain or injury, and those who have had a knee, wrist,
elbow, spine, neck, or shoulder surgery must consult their doctor before
practicing it.
Diseases Cured: Cures problems arising from a weak muscular system.

7. Vipreetakarani Mudra (Supported Inverted Position)

Exercise Name: Vipreetakarani Mudra
Exercise Category: Application:- Health Oriented Body Position - Inverted
English Name - Supported Inverted Position
Benefits: Nourishes the whole body, Good for skin, eyes, and the digestive
system, Improves blood circulation, Benefits the thyroid and the sex glands,
Prevents wrinkles, and improves sexual vigor.
Instructions For Exercise: Lie straight on your back with both the legs
touching each other. Bend the toes forward. Keep your hands by the side,
with palms touching the ground and fingers pointing forward. Feel relaxed.
Press your hands against the ground and slowly raise both the legs together
without bending them at the knees. Slowly bring the legs straight up at an
angle of 90 degrees with your toes pointing towards the sky. Bend both the
arms at the elbows and place your hands on the waist to support the body.
Further bend the legs by stretching them backwards till your legs are
absolutely parallel to the floor. Let the chin presses against the chest. The
legs have to be together and straight all the time. Keep the eyes open or
closed as per your liking. Keep this position for a few seconds. Breathe
deeply. Then slowly come back to the original position. Make sure that there
are no jerky movements while practicing the asana.
Specialist's Comments: Persons suffering from acute elbow, knee, ankle, or
back pain or injury, and those who have had a knee, ankle, elbow or spine
surgery must consult their doctor before practicing it. Persons suffering from
hernia and cervical spondilitis should not practice it.
Diseases Cured: Goitre, Eczema, Abscess, Pimples, Menstrual Disorders,
Sexual problems of men, and Dyspepsia.
Title: Advanced Yoga Asanas
Post by: SEO on August 29, 2021, 05:34:21 PM
Advanced Yoga Asanas

Let's finish with these advanced Yoga asanas. Well, the following are some important Advanced Yoga exercises which are not commonly found. Many of these asanas require a lot of experience before being attempted.

1. Dimbasana (Full Wheel pose)

Exercise Name: Dimbasana
Exercise category: Application:- Health Oriented Body Position - Standing
English Name - Full Wheel Pose
Benefits: Stretches and tones the abdominal muscles and organs. Increases
circulation in the back. Strengthens the legs and develops balance.
Instructions For Exercise: Stand erect with the feet one foot apart. Raise the
arms above the head. Inhale slowly and bend the trunk backwards from the
waist. Move the arms back and reach down to the floor to grasp the ankles.
Then slowly grasp the calf and hold the final position for as long as is
comfortable. Breathe normally in the final position.
Specialist's Comments: Not for people with stomach ulcers, high blood
pressure, coronary thrombosis or serious back ailments.
Diseases Cured: Back Pains.

2. Omkarasana (OM pose)

Exercise Name: Omkarasana
Exercise category: Application:- Health Oriented Body Position - Sitting
English Name - OM Pose
Benefits: Cures physical as well as mental disorders. Increases memory
power and useful for children and students. Provides strength to the
shoulder and tones up the entire physical structure of the body.
Instructions For Exercise: Sit down on the ground and stretch the legs
forward. Place the palms by the side of the body. Slowly and carefully bend
one leg and place the foot on the opposite thigh. Grip the foot with both the
hands and raise it up to the chest. Exhale slowly and place the leg at the bach
of the neck. Lift the neck and head so that it is straight. The leg should be
folded and locked just below the shoulder. Thereafter, place the palms on
the ground and balance the body on the palms. The body should be straight
and erect. Stay in this position for about 10-20 seconds with even breathing.
Slowly come back to the normal position.
Specialist's Comments: While placing the leg on the back of the neck and
stretching the knees, the movements should be done very slowly. At times
there can be slight pain around the neck or knees.
Diseases Cured: Mental disorders, lack of physical strength.

3. Ardha Bhujangasana (Half Cobra pose)

Exercise Name: Ardha Bhujangasana
Exercise category: Application:- Health Oriented Body Position - Lying on
front English Name - Half Cobra Pose
Benefits: Very effective for people suffering from lower back ache or any
other spinal disorder.
Instructions For Exercise: Lie flat on the stomach. Raise the head and
shoulders and rest the chin in the palms with the elbows firmly resting on
the floor. You can spread out the elbows to reduce the pressure on the neck.
The ideal position is when the whole spine is in a relaxed position. Breathe
normally and rhythmically during the exercise.
Specialist's Comments: This is a good exercise for lower back injury
Diseases Cured: Lower back pain and spinal disorders.

4. Chakki-chalana-asana (Mill Churning pose)

Exercise Name: Chakki-chalana-asana
Exercise category: Application:- Health Oriented Body Position-Sitting
English Name - Mill Churning Pose
Benefits: Strengthens the legs, knees, and the shoulders, and Alleviates pain
in the limbs.
Instructions For Exercise: Sit erect with the legs one foot apart in front of the
body. Interlock the fingers of both the hands and fold the arms at the elbows
in front of the chest. Bend forward as much as possible. Imagine the action
of churning an old fashioned stone grinder. Swivel to the left so that the
hands pass above the left toes and lean back as far as possible during the
backward motion. Try to move the body away from the waist. On the
forward swing, bring the arms and hands to the right side. Repeat 5 times in
a clockwise direction and 5 times anti clockwise.
Specialist's Comments: Persons suffering from acute elbow, knee, ankle, or
shoulder pain or injury, and those who have had a knee, ankle, elbow, or
shoulder surgery must consult their doctor before practicing it.
Diseases Cured: Joint Pains.

5. Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana (Half Bound Lotus Standing Forward Bend pose)

Exercise Name: Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana
Exercise category: Application:- Health Oriented Body Position-Standing
English Name - Half Bound Lotus Standing Forward Bend Pose
Benefits: It stimulates digestion, removes constipation, improves blood
circulation & strengthens the legs.
Instructions For Exercise: Stand with the feet together. Focus the gaze on a
fixed point at eye level. While balancing on the right leg, bend the left knee
at the knee & place the foot as high as possible on the right thigh. Inhale
slowly & grip the toe of the left foot with the left hand by passing the arm
across from behind the back. Exhale slowly & raise the right arm up. Slowly
bend forward, placing the palm on the floor. Ensure that the head or chin
rests on the right knee. Inhale slowly while lifting the palm off the floor &
release the grip of the other hand slowly, while returning back to the normal
Specialist's Comments: People with high blood pressure, weak legs, hernia,
cervical spondilytis & chronic joint pain or back ache should not perform this
Diseases Cured: Blood circulatory disorders & constipation.

6. Dandyamana Janu Shirshasana (Standing Head to Knee pose)

Exercise Name: Dandyamana Janu Shirshasana
Exercise category: Application:- Health Oriented Body Position-Standing
English Name - Standing Head to Knee Pose
Benefits: Removes fat from the hip region. Helps relieve the leg, knee, and
back pain.
Instructions For Exercise: Stand firmly & keep both the feet together &
hands. Take 2-3 breaths. Keeping the right leg straight, start raising it
upwards till it is parallel to the floor with the toe pointing forwards. While
exhaling, place the chin on the right knee. Take 2-3 deep breadths. Focus the
gaze on the tip of the big toe. Slowly release the right leg & come back to
original position. Repeat the process with the left leg.
Specialist's Comments: This exercise is beneficial for athletes.
Diseases Cured: Obesity.

7. Deepanasa

Exercise Name: Deepanasa
Exercise category: Application:- Health Oriented Body Position-Sitting
Benefits: It helps cure lung disorders and tones up all the abdominal
functions. It also Strengthens the arms, legs, shoulders & back.
Instructions For Exercise: Sit erect on the floor with the legs stretched in
front. Bring the left foot up to the chest by folding it at the knee. Take the
foot behind the back and lock it under the right arm close to the shoulder.
From there bring it behind the neck. Exhale slowly & lift the other leg with
the support of the hand & place it behind the neck. Place the hands on the
floor & straighten the arms, so that the entire body is balanced on the hands
(this is called Dwipada Shirsh-asana). Stay in this position for a few seconds &
exhale fully. Maintaining balance on the hands, slowly lift the body upwards,
so that the head comes between both the arms. Keep this position for a few
seconds & then slowly return back to the original position.
Specialist's Comments: Persons suffering from acute knee, neck, hip,
hamstring, or back pain or injury, and those who have had a knee, neck, hip,
hamstring, or spine surgery must consult their doctor before practicing it.
Diseases Cured: Respiratory disorders and constipation.

8. Shirsh Padangushta sana (Head To Toe pose)

Exercise Name: Shirsh Padangushta sana
Exercise category: Application:- Health Oriented Body Position-Standing
English Name - Head To Toe Pose
Benefits: Cure various spinal problems & alleviates leg, chest, and neck
Instructions For Exercise:Stand erect & keep both the feet together. Move
the legs about 3 to 4 feet apart. Start inhaling and simultaneously bend the
right knee, so that the right thigh is parallel to the ground. Hold the hands
behind back. While exhaling, bend the body forward & rest the head on the
right ankle. Stay in this position for about 30 to 40 seconds, keeping the
breathing normal. Come back to the original position. Repeat the process on
the other leg.
Specialist's Comments: Persons suffering from Heart problems, slip disc or
sacral infection should not to try this exercise.
Diseases Cured: Back and joint pains.

9. Shalabhasana (Locust pose)

Exercise Name: Shalabhasana
Exercise category: Application:- Health Oriented Body Position-Prone
English Name - Locust Pose
Benefits: Develops coordination of the body movements while controlling
Instructions For Exercise: Lie on the stomach with the legs and feet together
& chin touching the floor. Raise the chest as much as possible, stretch both
the arms & inhale fully. While exhaling, rock the body down (as though it is a
rocking "U" letter), and bring the arms down to the floor. In the continuous
movement, push the hands & chest down to lift the legs up as high as
possible. Rock & roll the whole body backward and forward on the stomach.
Practice 5 to 10 backward-forward movements.
Specialist's Comments: Not for heart patients and for people suffering from
stomach ulcers or chronic stomach ailments.
Diseases Cured: Weak Back.

10. Shashakasana (Hare pose)

Exercise Name: Shashakasana
Exercise category: Application:- Health Oriented Body Position-Sitting
English Name - Hare Pose
Benefits: Increases blood supply in the head
Instructions For Exercise: Sit in Vajrasana. Place the palms hands on the
knees. Stand up on the knees with arms by the side. Slowly bend forward &
place the crown of the head on the floor in front of the knees, while
exhaling. Raise the hips as high as possible. Hold the thighs with the hands.
Let the forehead press against the knees. Hold your breath for a few
seconds. Keep this position for 5 to seconds. Slowly come back to the
original position.
Specialist's Comments: Not to be performed by the people with cervical
problems or weak neck. People with high blood pressure should not attempt
this exercise.
Diseases Cured: Improves vision and memory.

11. Samkhyasana

Exercise Name: Samkhyasana
Exercise category: Application:- Health Oriented Body Position-Sitting
Benefits: Cures physical as well as mental disorders. Increases memory
power. Usefulfor children and students. Provides strength to the shoulders
and tones up the entire body.
Instructions For Exercise: Sit erect on the floor and stretch the legs forward.
Place the palms by the side of the body. Slowly and carefully fold one leg at
the knee, and place the foot on the opposite thigh. Grip the foot with one
hand or both the hands & raise it in front of the chest. Exhale slowly and
place the leg at the back of the neck. Push the leg downwards as much as
you can. Fold the stretched leg at the knee & balance your body with the
help of the palms. Lock the foot at the back under the armpit. Keep both the
palms in Namaskar position (folded hands position).
Specialist's Comments: Be careful while placing the leg on the back of the
neck, and stretching the knees. There can be slight pain around the neck, and
Diseases Cured: Mental disorders, lack of physical strength.
Title: Managing Your Yoga Instructor Business
Post by: Dimitroff on August 29, 2021, 06:18:07 PM
I'm a business oriented man. I'll add this info about how to manage your yoga instructor business.

Should you set up your own business or should your start from a health club?

While working with a health club you have the convenience of working with the clubs equipment and facilities. Moreover you need not commute between clients. You get a head start in terms of receiving a lot of inquiries and plenty of experience. You are also safer from professional liabilities. While working at a club you can also learn faster from experienced trainers.

The disadvantages of working in a health club over your own business is firstly that you get a lower fee, and you must pay up to 20% of your fee from each training session towards the facilities used at the club (for example). You are also not known independently and are part of a larger organization - this can make it hard to create a brand name for yourself later on. While on the job, you may be required to perform other club duties with little returns. If you think that you have an entrepreneur in you, it is best to take a shot at starting your own yoga instructor business where you are the boss and you can set you own targets and goals.

Improve your business skills: When you run your yoga instructor business you not only impart instruction but also must look after the commercial angle of the enterprise. It is important to sharpen your managerial and marketing skills so that you can grow faster as a business. There is a host of information about management skills on the Internet and in various books that you should go over. You will learn something about building your marketing skills in some course. It is a good idea to role play with a co-worker or friend to build your marketing skills. You can ask the friend to play the role of a new client, unhappy customer, telephonic inquiry and follow up inquiry.

Client feedback: Feedback from the client is very important for you to improve your services. You must first get the following survey filled from a new client who has come to you for consultation. The yoga instructor assessment form is an important tool in the hand of the yoga instructor. From the clients feedback you can understand what type of services the customer expects. You also get a broad idea of where the client stands in terms of his/her level of fitness and how much work you will have to put into getting him/her to the desired fitness level.

The example:

Fill the following Details
Date of Birth:
Emergency contact:
(name, relationship, telephone)
Affix your
Name :
photo here
What days are best for you to participate in the training program?
What time of day is it best for you to participate in the training program?
Body measurements (Height, chest, waist , hips arms, weight):
Please describe your training goals briefly?
How would you rate your motivation towards your training goals (low, medium, high, very high)?
What is the main motivating factor behind you joining a training program?
Are you satisfied with your weight. If not, what body weight would you like?
Are you motivated enough to follow a rigorous training regime for up to 2 months with a controlled diet?
Have you been training in the last year. If yes, please describe any improvements in your fitness level?
What are the main things that you are looking forward from the training program?
How many months are you ready to spend to achieve your objectives?

Another important feedback is the yoga instructor review sheet which is filled up periodically by your existing clients. This sheet helps you know whether your training program is going down well with the trainee and how you can improve it. You must ask the trainee to be truthful about the feedback and you should take all criticism with a positive approach.

The example:

Fill the following Details
What part of your current training program do you like the most?
What part of your current training program do you like the least?
As far as the achievement of your training goals are concerned, how satisfied are you with the training
program (on a scale of 1-4, where 1 is least satisfied)?
Which areas of your training do you think you need more emphasis?
Are you satisfied with the method of instruction and the knowledge of the yoga instructor?
What do you dislike most about the training program or trainer?
Are you satisfied with the equipment at the gym?

How to start your yoga instructor business

When you enter the market as a yoga instructor, you must be aware that along with a huge market, there is a lot of competition as well. The fitness industry offers a huge potential which can be harnessed by properly planning your venture and executing your business plan according to the book. Some of the important questions you will have to answer to yourself before starting your business are:

1. What kind of training will you prescribe (area of specialization).

2. Where will you conduct the training.

3. Will you run the training full or part time.

4. How you will market the business and which segment you plan to target.

5. How you will insure yourself against professional liabilities.

1. Areas of specialization: Most of the clients you will work for will simply be looking for a Yoga fitness program. However if you think you can attract different segments of the fitness market, you could fine tune your marketing effort and supplement it with additional information and reading to attract one or more of the following specialties:
pre- and post- pregnant clients.
Athletes - Senior citizens.
Fat loss.

2. Where to conduct the training: Training can be conducted in the home, in the office or in a health club. It can be a good idea to conduct your training in an established and running facility. This can help avoid many of the issues related to marketing and preoperative issues and liabilities. It is always convenient to work at a place which is close to home as it greatly cuts down commuting time. Some other important points you should consider are that there should be enough clients in the area you plan to set up your business and also that there should be some existing health clubs in the area.

3. Decide whether you will run the training full time or part time: It is important for you to decide how much time you would like to devote to your venture. If you are busy for part of the day, then obviously it will not be possible for you to devote the full day. If you are very serious about your business, you can free up your time elsewhere and invest more time, money and effort into the business to ensure it is a success.

4. Marketing your yoga instructor business: When running your yoga instructor business, you must market it properly. Marketing can be a major expense and you should make the most of every penny. Implement the following marketing and sales promotion techniques:

1. Have a small brochure and visiting cards printed. Remember to always highlight your certified logo on all printed material.

2. Mention your full address and telephone number on all printed material and also leave it with all telephonic and personal inquiries.

3. Try to set up a website for yourself. You can start with a free server, if you do not want to invest in independent web space. Set up an official email address for your business. Don't forget the SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and SEM (Search Engine Marketing).

4. Visit local health clubs and see how they promote their business. Try to spread the message about your business with people you know, right down to the local hair dresser.

5. Promote your business in local newspapers and fitness magazines. You can also run an advertising campaign for your website. Google and other SEs now has a feature where advertisers can place advertisements to attract customers within a mile or so from their place of business.

6. Ask existing clients, friends and relatives for referrals.

7. While talking to prospective clients, try to put on a professional attitude and dress presentably. Make sure that you have a proper pad and pen ready to explain various features of your program. Keep all the marketing material handy while talking to the client. Give a copy of your brochure to the client at the end of the meeting.

8. If possible place a computer on your table and show the client a few slides related to exercise techniques, or a view of your training program. It will also help to get an accounting software installed in the computer. At least you can do it with a cellphone.

Professional Liability insurance and lawyers: It is always a good idea to get yourself insured against professional liabilities. You can search for a good insurer near your area and make sure that the insured amount will be enough to cover any sort of financial liabilities and legal expenses that may crop up. Even though it is very unlikely that you will ever come across a legal problem during the course of work, it is always better to be safe than sorry. You must also consult a business lawyer before setting up your company, this will help you avoid any legal pitfalls with respect to company formation, payment of taxes and other mandatory business obligations. Two important documents that you must get signed from every client are the yoga instructor agreement and the physical activity readiness questionnaire.These two documents will help you stay away from legal problems and must always be filled up by the client.

Determining the clients' health profile

Another important feedback document is the physical activity readiness questionnaire which should be filled up by the client.

The business of Yoga Training - Steps to a successful sale:

1. Warm up questions and the initial meeting.
Ask questions and pay a lot of attention to what the client is saying. You must try to judge what the client is looking for from the training program. Try to be observant and take notes. Some suggested questions are:

1. What are your training ambitions.

2. How quickly would you like to accomplish your objectives.

3. How committed are you to reaching your goals and how much effort are you ready to put in.

4. Please elaborate on point number 3.

2. Confirm that you have understood the clients needs.

Repeat whatever the client has told you and also explain how the training program will work and how all the objectives will be fulfilled. Explain time frames for achieving the goals and also elaborate on the advantages of being trained by a certified yoga instructor. Explain how you will move along the program and reach the desired milestones along the way.

3. Explain your services and skills.

You must now explain to the client why your services are the best (or good enough). You must talk about your training procedure, your fixed policies, your payment terms and cancellation policies.

4. Give a sample of your services.

If you can show your services in any way this can really help. You could also introduce another client or show documentary evidence of how effective your training programs are. If you have a good physique, give your client a free preview of your body, or show him/her how you can evaluate important health considerations.

5. Closing the sale.

This is the time to ask for the business. You must state your charges and defend the fee with valid points about your track records and certified status. You can ask the client when you should get back to them, or when they will get back to you. This part of the sales process may not be easy for some people, so you can try to role play it with a friend.

6. Handling apprehensions.

You must respond directly to the clients objections with strong and valid points and let the person know that it is a common problem and you can handle the situation. After you have satisfied the client, you must once again ask for business.
Keep in mind the following guidelines while making a sale:

a) Identify what makes you better than others. It could be your experience, certified status, price or equipment. Drive home your positive points as much as possible.

b) Try not to go after the competition. Instead talk about your strengths.

c) Testimonials are strong and should be used. Use real testimonials only.

d) Always use your name, logo and phone number/chat program.

e) Remember that you clearly state your services, and how you can help the client reach his goals.
Defining a cancellation policy

You must stick to a policy regarding cancellation of appointments by the client. If there is a cancellation within 48 hours of the schedule, you should charge a partial or full value of the training fee. You should show consideration towards illness or family emergencies. You must show that your policy cannot be changed and explain the policy at the time of accepting the client so that there is no ambiguity later on.
Billing and fixing rates

It is a better idea to get a prepayment for training rather than individual payments for each training session. It may also be easier to enforce your cancellation policy as well as for the client to pay in one go. If prepayment is not possible, get the payment for each session. You can offer an invoice to the client, and make sure that you keep a carbon copy of it. Before setting your rates, you must do some research. You can start by charging a little over the local health club rates. Be sure not to undersell yourself. You must also keep in mind your expenses and expected incomes as per your qualification and experience. Check the following factors related to competing health clubs and trainers in your area before fixing your rates:

- What do the health clubs charge for Yoga Training

- What do the independent yoga instructors charge for Yoga Training

- Do discounts for large packages prevail

- What do they include in their services

- What positive marketing factors do they have such as certified trainers or new equipment

- Where do they conduct the training

- What is the spending capacity of the people living in the area

Your rates will send out an important signal to your clients about your level of service. If you charge too less, it could look like a cheap low quality service, charging too high will look as though it may not be worth it. Make sure that you charge all clients consistently.

How to create long terms client that stay for up to a year: it is important that your existing clients stay with you. This helps to build up a roll over income which ensures you a steady income every month. Not only does it lower the pressure for you to hunt for more clients every month, but also adds to your bottom line as the existing clients pay you without any additional marketing effort or expense. Some important factors that help keep your clients stay with you are:

1. Put in your best effort and survey the client to understand whether he trusts you fully. Build trust with the client.

2. Always train on time every day. If you come late, it will be a huge demotivating factor for the client.

3. Understand the client's goals and keep reminding the client that you are on the path to achieving the goals.

4. Constantly ask the client to review the training program and improve as soon as you find a deviation from the clients expectations.

5. Work closely with the client to build motivation. Train by example with a hands on approach.

6. Talk to the client after every training session and summarize the work done and the work ahead. Try to get the client to think long term in terms of training with you.

7. Try not to make the training routine boring. You can break the monotony by adding a few interesting exercises or narrating an experience attached with an exercise.

Good luck!!! 8)
Title: Re: Everything about Yoga
Post by: Alexa on August 29, 2021, 06:35:38 PM
Have a list of the yoga asanas and other yoga things:

Tadasana – Mountain Pose
Garudasana – Eagle Pose
Vrikshasana – Tree Pose
Siddhasana –Perfect Pose
Padmasana – Lotus Posture
Sinhasana – Lion Pose
Vajrasana – Thunderbolt Pose
Uttanpadasana – Raised Foot Pose
Shavasana - Corpse Pose
Halasana – Plow Pose
Makarasana – Crocodile Pose
Dhanurasana – Bow Pose
Bhujangasana – Cobra Pose
Shirshasana – Headstand Pose
Sarvagasana – Bridge Pose/Shoulder Stand Position
Adhomukha Vrikshasana – Handstand
Anuloma-Viloma Pranayama – Alternate Nostril Breathing
Ujjayi Pranayama – Loud Breathing
Suryabhedana Pranayama – Right Nostril Breathing
Bhastrika Pranayama – Bellow Breathing
Shitali Pranayama – Tongue Hissing Breathing
Sitakari Pranayama – Teeth Hissing Breathing
Bhramari Pranayama – Nasal Snoring Breathing
Moorchha Pranayama – Swooning Breathing
Plavini Pranayama – Floating Breathing
Kumbhaka – Breath Retention
Kapalbhati – Skull Shining
Moorchha Pranayama – Fainting Breathing
Plavini Pranayama – Floating Breathing
Uttanasana – Intense Stretch Pose
Chaturanga Dandasana – Four-Limbed Staff Pose
Shalamba Bhujangasana – Sphinx Pose
Ardha Bhujangasana – Half-Cobra Pose
Urdhva Mukha Svanasana – Upward-Facing Dog Pose
Adho Mukha Svanasana – Downward-Facing Dog Pose
Ustrasana – Camel Pose
Virasana – Hero Pose
Shalambasana – Locust Pose
Ardha Bhekasana – Half Frog Pose
Chakrasana – Wheel Pose
Tittibhasana – Firefly Pose
Virbhadrasana II – Warrior II Pose
Shirsh Padangusthasana – Head to Toe Pose
Trikonasana – Triangle Pose
Prasrita Padottanasana – Wide-Legged Forward Bend Pose
Bakasana – Crane Pose
Malasana – Garland Pose
Paschimottanasana – Back Stretching Pose
Baddha Konasana – Bound Angle Pose
Upavistha Konasana – Wide-Angle Seated Forward Bend Pose
Kurmasana – Tortoise Pose
Titthibhasana – Firefly Pose
Hanumanasana –Split Pose
Virbhadrasana I – Warrior I Pose
Virbhadrasana III – Warrior III Pose
Parsvottanasana – Intense Side Stretch Pose
Dandyamana Janu Shirshasana – Standing Head to Knee Pose
Natarajasana – Dancer Pose
Anjaneyasana – Low Lunge Pose
Kapotasana – Pigeon Pose
Utkatasana – Chair Pose
Vrkshasana – Tree Pose
Ardha Baddha Padmasana – Half Bound Lotus Standing Forward Bend Pose
Prasarita Padottanasana – Wide Legged Forward Bend Pose
Mandukasana – Frog Pose
Gomukhasana – Cow Face Pose
Akarna Dhanurasana – Shooting Bow Pose
Dandasana – Staff Pose
Navasana – Boat Pose
Krounchasana – Heron Pose
Prone-Madukasana – Downward Facing Frog Pose
Supta Baddha Konasana – Reclining Bound Angle Pose
Jathara Parivartanasana – Core Twist Pose
Ananda Balasana – Happy Baby Pose
Supta Kapotasana – Supine Pigeon Pose
Supta Padangusthasana – Reclining Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose
Vatayanasana – Horse Face Position
Baddha Padmasana – Bound Lotus Pose
Laghu Vajrasana – Little Thunderbolt Pose
Matsyasana – Fish Pose
Yogamudrasana – Stoop Position
Kukkutasana – Cock Pose
Utthita Padmasana – Elevated Lotus Pose
Mayurasana – Peacock Pose
Ardh Matsyendrasana – Half Spinal Twist Pose
Durvasana – Irascible Sage Pose
Garbhasana – Foetus Pose
Utthita Ekpadashirshasana – Extended One-Legged Position
Ekpada Shirshasana – One- Legged Head Position
Utthita Paschimottanasana – Extended Forward Bend Position
Kurmasana (Advance Stage) – Advance Tortoise Position
Kandasana – Knot Pose
Naukasana – Boat Pose
Ganda Bherundasana – Two Headed Bird Position
RajaKapotasana – Royal Pigeon Pose
Padangushtha Dhanurasana – Big Toe Bow Position
Purna Shalambhasana – Full Locust Position
Vipatrita Shalambhasana – Reverse Locust Position
Karnpeedasana – Ear Pressure Pose
Pavanmuktasana – Wind Releasing Pose
Setubandhasana – Bridge Pose
Supta Trivikramasana – Supine Stride Position
Yoganidrasana – Sleeping Yoga Position
Viparitakarni Mudra/ Vilomasana - The Inverted Posture
Pincha Mayurasana – Dancing Peacock Position
Vrishchikasana – Scorpion Pose
Adhomukha Vrikshasana – Tree Facing Down Position
Vipreetakarani Mudra – Supported Inverted Position
Dimbasana – Full Wheel Pose
Omkarasana – OM Pose
Chakki-chalana-asana – Mill Churning Pose
Ardha Baddha Padmottanasana - Half Bound Lotus Standing Forward Bend
Shashankasana – The Hare Pose
Shalabhasana – Locust Pose
Roga – Disease
Pranayama – Breath control
Title: Yoga poses. Some personal view.
Post by: MSL on August 30, 2021, 05:43:39 AM
 I'll review these yoga poses and I'll give you my personal view.
1. The Warrior poses are easy. I like them all.
2. The Wide legged forward bend pose is still difficult for me.
3. The Downward-facing dog pose is easy. I like it.
4. The Upward-facing dog pose is easy too. I also like it.
5. The Low lunge pose is easy. I like it.
6. The intense side stretch pose is difficult for me.
7. The Garland pose is easy. I like it.
8. The Chair pose is a very easy one. I like it.
9. The Triangle pose is not very diffeicult, but I still can't do it well.
10. The Bound angle pose is not so difficult, but I still can't do it.
11. The Staff pose is very easy and I like it very much.
12 The Hero pose is not very difficult for me. I think I like it.
13. The Heron pose is not very difficult, but it is difficult for me... still.
14. The Boat pose is not very difficult for me. I like it.
15. The Wide-angle seated forward bend pose is really difficult for me.
16. The Downward facing frog pose is not very difficult and I like it.
17. The Half frog pose is very difficult for me.
18. The Sphinx pose is easy and I like it.
19. The Four-limbed staff pose is easy too and I like it too.
 To be continued...
Title: Re: Yoga poses. Some personal view.
Post by: MSL on August 30, 2021, 07:28:45 PM
 20. The Reclining bound angle pose is easy and I like it very much.
 21. The Core twist pose is also easy and I like it too.
 22. The Happy baby pose is easy. I can do it almost well.
 23. The Supine pigeon pose is very easy. I tried it right now. I do it well.
 24. The Reclining hand-to-big-toe pose is not very difficult, but I still can't do it well.
 25. The Mountain poses are easy. I like all of them and I can do them well.
 26. The Wheel bond position is very difficult.
 27. The Tree positions are easy. I like them all and I can do them well.
 28. The Eagle position is not very difficult. I can't do it very well, but I like it.
 29. The Horse face position is not very difficult, but I can't do it well.
 30. The Dancer position is difficult.
 31. The Split position is easy for many people, but still not for me.
 32. The Intense stretch position is not that difficult, but I can't do it well.
 33. The Fire fly position is difficult.
 34. The Shooting bow position is difficult.
 35. The Lotus position is easy.
 36. The Perfect position is even easier. I like it very much.
 37. The Thunderbolt position is easy and I like it.
 38. The Back stretching position is not difficult, but I still can't do it well.
 39. The Bound lotus position is not very difficult for many people, but it's difficult for me.
 40. The Little thunderbolt position is difficult.
 41. The Fish position is not very difficult, but I can't do it well.
 42. The Stoop position is not very difficult too, but I also can't do it well.
 43. The Cock position is very difficult.
 44. The Elevated lotus position is difficult.
 45. The Peacock position is difficult too.
 46. The Half spinal twist position is not very difficult, but I can't do it well.
 47. The Cow face position is difficult.
 48. The Irascible sage position is very difficult.
 49. The Lion position is very easy.
 50. The Foetus position is very difficult.
 51. The Crane position is not very difficult, but I still can't do it well.
 52. The Extended one-legged position is very, very difficult.
 53. The One-legged head position is very, very difficult too.
 54. The Pigeon position is difficult.
 55. The Tortoise position is difficult.
 56. The Extended forward bend position is not very difficult, but I still can't do it well.
 57. The Advance tortoise position is very difficult.
 58. The Knot position is very difficult too.
 59. The Camel position is difficult as well.
 60. The Cobra position is easy. I like it.
 61. The Crocodile position is easy too. I also like it.
 62. The Bow position is not very difficult, but for me it's still difficult.
 63. The Two-headed bird position is difficult.
 64. The Royal pigeon position is difficult too.
 65. The Big toe bow position is difficult as well.
 66. The Full locust position is very difficult.
 67. The Reverse locust position is very difficult too.
 68. The Plow position is not very difficult.
 69. The Raised feet position is easy. I like it.
 70. The Corpse position is very easy.
 71. The Ear pressure position is difficult.
 72. The Wind releasing position is very easy. I like it.
 73. The Bridge position is not very difficult.
 74. The Wheel position is not very difficult too.
 75. The Supine stride position is difficult for me.
 76. The Sleeping Yogi position is very difficult.
 77. The Inverted position is very easy and I like it very much.
 78. The Headstand position is not very difficult, but I don't like to try it.
 79. The Dancing peacock position is difficult.
 80. The Shoulder stand position is very easy and I like it very much.
 81. The Scorpion position is difficult.
 82. The Tree Facing down position is not difficult, but I don't do it.
 83. The Locust posture is not very difficult, but I can't do it well.
 84. The Supported inverted position is easy. I like it very much.
 85. The Full wheel pose is very difficult.
 86. The OM podr is very, very difficult.
 87. The Half cobra pose is very easy. I like it.
 88. The Mill churning pose is very easy. I like it too.
 89. The Half bound lotus standing forward bend pose is difficult.
 90. The Standing head to knee pose is not very difficult, but I still can't do it well.
 91. The Deepanasa is very difficult.
 92. The Head to toe pose is difficult.
 93. The Hare pose is not very difficult.
 94. The Samkhyasana is very, very difficult.
 That's it for now. In the future I'll be able to do well many of these yoga positions. I hope so.