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SEO - SOCIAL NETWORK => Social network | SEO - Social network => Topic started by: MSL on December 03, 2017, 03:23:23 AM

Title: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
Post by: MSL on December 03, 2017, 03:23:23 AM

Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- how a good idea was destroyed by bad elements

  Let's face it -- what's this, what was this and what it could be (what it may be).

Incel definition

 It's an English word, a noun -- "incel" (countable and uncountable, plural "incels"). A neologism. Meanings:
1) A person who inadequately or never has sexual activity, despite wishing to.
2) (informal, uncountable) involuntary celibacy.
 (Etymology:  A blend /i. e. a word or name that starts with the start of one word and ends with the end of another/ of  involuntary +‎ celibate.

 Source (and more): https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/incel.


What was that r/incels

 It was a subreddit (an "r/") in Reddit (reddit.com). It (reddit.com) is one of the most popular sites on the world. Millions of active users discuss almost everything over there. There are many subreddits (sections) dedicated to different things. Sometimes some subreddits enter the mainstream, and ends up in other websites, on television and the media at all. This is the case with r/incels recently (a subreddit called /r/incels), which has come into the limelight (i. e. into the focus of public attention).
 Originally, it (r/incels) was a good idea -- to quote the moderators, "r/incels is a support group for people who lack romantic relationships and sex, but mostly geared towards those lacking a girlfriend or seeking marriage." A good idea like an online lonely hearts club, but /r/incels apart from being an online support group for the involuntary celibates (i. e. the incels) it became a misogynistic echo chamber! (Misogyny /mɪˈsɒdʒɪni/ is the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against women and/or girls.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Misogyny). When the hatred toward women and girls is the dominant (or one of the main) theme (topics), then it's already bad (and it's not useful, too)! It's also idiotic, because some of the incels are females (women)! And, over time, this /r has developed its own lingo (i. e. jargon) -- women and girls were called "femoids" or even "sluts"; non-incel men are called "normies" and "Chads". It became a sort of dangerous echo chamber in which its members reinforce their pathological views, confirm their biases, and make the situation they have found themselves in even harder than it has to be!
 No wonder, that
This community has been banned

This subreddit was banned due to a violation of our content policy, specifically, our sitewide rules regarding violent content.
https://www.reddit.com/r/incels And more about it we already have here (http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/social-network-seo-social-network/is-voat-co-going-to-be-a-new-internet-leading-website/msg34798/#msg34798).

How it may be (become) good

In fact, as I said, it's a good idea and if there is no hate, no stupidity, no aggression, and if there is more realistic, scientific point of view (and attitude), it may be a useful thing like this very good alternative of r/incels and v/Incels
 If the participants are good, educated, civilized, then this topic (and all of the others) may be good, useful, creative, truthful (giving the true facts) and so on. Because it depends not only of the idea (topic; thread), it depends of the persons who're doing it.
Title: Incel forum or loveshy forum
Post by: SEO on December 03, 2017, 03:54:42 AM
Exactly! Incel = loveshy, love-shy or love shy. So, if you need an incel forum (http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/else-topics/forum-for-the-unwanted-unloved-and-unattractive/msg33004/#msg33004) (or love shy forum, love-shy forum, loveshy forum), you may use it, but use it wise -- no insults, no death, no aggression, no threads, no harass. Just be normal, polite and share and/or help with others around. It's easy.
Title: Incels group
Post by: MSL on December 04, 2017, 08:12:51 AM
 I'm trying to join a group of incels in order to learn more about it. I answered some questions:

if you don't answer all the questions you won't be approved. with that out of the way, were you in the first group?

No, I'm fresh. I learned about it recently.

how do you feel about the friendzone?

Not so good...

what do you know about incels?

Just the basic stuff.

 About the so called friendzone -- I'd like to add here, that it depends who is in the friendzone -- if there is a person that I also want to be just my friend, then it's okay; but if you really love and wish somebody -- "just friends" is not so comfortable. This is what I feel and what I mean. :)
Title: Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
Post by: Non-SEO on December 05, 2017, 02:09:51 PM
I see... Step by step.
Title: Different incels' categories
Post by: Gay on September 29, 2018, 01:33:07 AM
I don't know how many were so far 'invented', but here are the ones I learned about today:

1. currycel -- an incel (involuntary celibate) of South Asian background (Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, etc.) Source: https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=currycel (https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=currycel).

2. braincel -- an incel (involuntary celibate) due to mental issues such as social anxiety. Source: https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=braincel (https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=braincel).

3. fakecel -- a fakecel is someone who pretends to be incel or who thinks they are on the inceldom spectrum but aren't. Source: https://wiki.incels.info/w/Fakecel (https://wiki.incels.info/w/Fakecel).

4. femcel -- it's easy: "female" + "incel"; a female incel.
Title: Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
Post by: SEO on January 04, 2019, 01:20:16 AM
Many people just want to get rid of the inceldom and to learn how to be better.
Title: Incelology
Post by: MSL on May 10, 2019, 01:36:00 AM


 Incelology: it "is the study behind what causes inceldom. As of the 2010s, it may be described as a protoscience since its models remain at the nascet stage of scientific analysis. Prominent incelologists include social psychologist Brian Gilmartin and Denise Donnelly." (Source: https://incels.wiki/w/Incelology (https://incels.wiki/w/Incelology).)
 "The study behind the factors that cause some people's romantic overtures to consistently result in only inceldom, incelibacy, nearceldom or trueceldom. Not an actual academic field, but nonetheless it is often written about or researched as a social science or subset of anthropology." (Source: https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=incelology (https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=incelology).)
Title: Different incels' categories - 2
Post by: Non-SEO on May 15, 2019, 02:39:28 AM

5. Poorcel -- an incel whose poverty has been a major factor behind his/her inceldom. By the way, it's interesting:
ratings of attractiveness were around 1000 times more sensitive to salary for females rating males, compared to males rating females.
Source: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S109051381730315X (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S109051381730315X)
Title: Inceldom denialism
Post by: MSL on May 29, 2019, 06:42:33 PM

Inceldom denialism

 The term "inceldom denialism" means the belief that inceldom does not really exist.
Title: Inceldom spectrum
Post by: PageRank on June 01, 2019, 03:41:55 AM

Inceldom spectrum

Inceldom spectrum? Is that necessary? According to some people, yes, it is. And what exactly -- well,  it's a scale wherein one can measure how deeply one is submerged with the condition of inceldom. The person who is most deeply submerged is the truecel, i. e. someone who is never even touched someone of the opposite sex, never mind dated. The least submerged is the nearcel, who carries many characteristics of inceldom, yet has some degrees of normalcy (the state of being usual, typical, or expected), i. e. might have dated a few times but seems to regularly go through lengthy dry spells (a period characterized by a lack of success or productivity). The median in between these two extremes is the incel. And it can be useful to view inceldom as a spectrum, because incels may experience inceldom in varying degrees of intensity. As an analogy, for example, think of poverty. There is the underclass (it is the segment of the population that occupies the lowest possible position in a class hierarchy, below the core body of the working class) as well as the homeless. Although they're dealing with the similar issue of poverty, the homeless person is arguably worse off than the underclass since someone in the underclass may still have a roof over his/her head. Furthermore, the homeless person may not even be the worse off on the scale of poverty. There might be some people in poverty in famine stricken areas who may look at the homeless person with envy, because whilst the homeless person isn't necessarily hungry, the person suffering from malnutrition may believe they're about to die a slow death tomorrow through a lack of food.
Title: "There's no gym for your face"
Post by: Incel on July 02, 2019, 03:49:56 AM

"There's no gym for your face"

There's no gym for your face. This is an expression that means those with an ugly face can't rectify this situation through exercise, and therefore it's over for them.
 :( :o
Title: "There's no gym for your face" -- not completely true
Post by: MSL on July 02, 2019, 01:58:10 PM

"There's no gym for your face"

There's no gym for your face. This is an expression that means those with an ugly face can't rectify this situation through exercise, and therefore it's over for them.
 :( :o

 Well, it makes only a little sense. "There's no gym for your face" -- it's just not completely true and here is why:
1) Once you are regular in the gym (or just at home doing sports) or just use another way (outdoors activities) to improve your body, then your face could improve, at least a bit, too. For example when one is a fat person. After losing weight he or she, usually, will be more attractive (according to the most of the nowadays tastes around the world).
 2) Sport keeps you younger and healthy (in some degree). Healthier and younger face is prettier than ill and old face, isn't it?
 So, gyms (and the sports at all) are useful in a certain degree for your faces.
 Something related: https://www.webmd.com/fitness-exercise/news/20091201/molecular-proof-exercise-keeps-you-young#1 (https://www.webmd.com/fitness-exercise/news/20091201/molecular-proof-exercise-keeps-you-young#1) :).
Title: Anti-inceldom (anti-incels)
Post by: SEO on July 21, 2019, 12:28:42 AM



You should know that there are anti-incels. There is anti-inceldom.
Title: What else to add in my new e-book about the inceldom?
Post by: MSL on February 27, 2020, 06:13:13 PM

Soon going to finish my e-book about how to fight the inceldom. what do you need to include more in its content?

Hello, fellows!
I'm an anthropological philosopher (Master's degree) and I majored in human love. That's why I learned a lot about the inceldom and decided to write an e-book, with the hope that it may help at least half of the incels to escape from the inceldom. I promise not to sell it expensive (something like a dollar per book sounds good and cheap, right?), and I promise that it will be written in simple and understandable English, but I need your help: just tell me which QUESTIONS and PROBLEMS do you want to be included (I don't want to miss anything of importance!!!). So far I finished these topics:
- fatcels
- standardcels
- baldcels
- thincels
- shortcels
- locationcels
- denialcels
- oldcels
- framecels
- mentalcels
- gymcels
- fakecels
- incels' delusions.
Any answer is warmly welcome! :)
Title: Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
Post by: SEO on February 29, 2020, 02:42:26 AM
There weren't many good suggestions. Good luck to the book about the deincelization! 8)
Title: “How to Escape the Inceldom: A QUICK GUIDE TO Deincelization” by Geser Kurultaev
Post by: MSL on February 29, 2020, 03:01:38 AM

"How to Escape the Inceldom: A QUICK GUIDE TO Deincelization"

by Geser Kurultaev

And the book is ready: "How to Escape the Inceldom: A QUICK GUIDE TO Deincelization" by Geser Kurultaev
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0855FTRZ1 (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0855FTRZ1)
Title: Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
Post by: SEO on February 29, 2020, 03:16:04 PM
Congratulations! :)
Title: Answer 1 to an incel
Post by: MSL on February 29, 2020, 04:50:48 PM
An incel nicknamed "Imaginary-Hyena" said in Reddit, that just because I mean that the book is for those incels "who really want to stop crying, complaining" means that: "Right off the bat, this right here tells me that you really don't empathize with us and don't really care."

Here I'll answer him:
1) I really empathize with the incels, because it's hard to be an incel and because in most periods in my life I'm something like this (an incel or a nearcel). And I never met a true, 100% love.

2) I do care, otherwise, why my first English language book will be exactly about the incels. Also, it's not against them, it's about helping them. It's written with good intentions and with great hope to help as much as possible!

 I'm glad you said that "I'm not crying or complaining right now. I don't think everyone hates me." This is a good beginning and I hope that you'll be able to improve yourself in all possible and right ways! Be happy!  8) :) (thumb up)
Title: Answer 2 to an incel
Post by: MSL on February 29, 2020, 05:21:03 PM
An incel nicknamed "Ohokanotherthrowaway" said in Reddit, that "I can't find this on Google. And I am still laughing about you thinking incels will pay $1 to read a book saying they're wrong and their entire ideology is bullshit.

I very much doubt this is real.
Answering here:

1) I don't know about Google, but the direct link to this book is here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0855FTRZ1 (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0855FTRZ1). As you may see, it is real.

2) The 1 dollar price was the lowest possible. I promised to be cheap. I don't want to exploit people's money, but at least to earn something for the labour I already did and for the value I provided.

3) Who said that the book is about "You're wrong!" and "Your ideology is bad!"... and who said that there is some ideology?! Every person, including incel, has own point of view and there is no one-and-only ideology. Even in the incel pills theory, there are different "pills" made by incels -- white, black, purple... It's a meta-ideological book.

Be happy!  8) :)
Title: Re: Answer 2 to an incel
Post by: MSL on March 01, 2020, 02:19:51 AM
He didn't answer here but preferred to send a PM over there. I'll answer here again:

"Saying "nuh uh" isn't an argument."

Well, it's true, but my answer was much more than just a "nuh-uh".

"30 pages isn't a book."

It's a short and quick guide. The purpose was to not waste time and to be straight to the point. And there is no standard how many pages there will be for a book. OK, let's say 1-2 pages isn't a book, but 30 pages are already at least a mini-book. And who cares about the quantity, when here the purpose is the quality.

"That's a pamphlet. 30 pages isn't labor."

Come on, the labor already has a quantitative measure like this?! 30 pages isn't, but 31 or 41 is? Who stipulated it?!

"I can write thirty pages in an afternoon, so charging $1 for an afternoon's work is silly."

You probably can write it as a quality, but not as a quality. And who says that an afternoon's work doesn't cost at least $1?! Do you know that some people even earn $6 and much more dollars per HOUR? Don't be silly. Nowadays payments per hours could be much more than $1. And you're talking about an afternoon!

"Beyond this, I think you're full of shit. "

It's rude and it's not true. It shows that you're not going to be reasonable and positive.

"I very much doubt your story about being an  "expert in love"."

Nobody said it. I just majored in this (my thesis is "About the Different Aspects of Love").

"The way you communicate sounds like a scammer ("hello dear" is a common opening for scammers)."

I didn't know that this kind of polite way is common for scammers. Seems you have more experience/knowledge about it. But all I do is to be just polite and to give you answers. I don't scam anything. All I talk is about a very cheap book of mine, which is potentially helpful for some persons.
Title: Adding about that Ohokanotherthrowaway
Post by: MSL on March 01, 2020, 03:12:46 AM
Adding something about that, nicknamed "Ohokanotherthrowaway". He posted an answer to a user nicknamed "IllusiveGamerGirlA": "It's 30 pages and the OP communicates like a scammer who has broken English. He actually sent me a PM that says "hello dear" and is full of broken English. I very much doubt the book is quality if it's only 30 pages and costs $1."

MY ANSWER: 1) I do not communicate like a scammer, because I don't need to scam. I'm an honest and open scientist (a philosopher), who is just writing books (e-books) currently!
                       2) English isn't my native language, but I'm learning is day by day. I do nearly my best. When it comes to writing, help, philosophy and science, the language (and/or foreign language isn't the most important point!)
                       3) You may doubt as much as you want. The problem is that "30 pages" (a quantity) and 1 dollar (a price) are not enough arguments to doubt or not about something!
Title: Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
Post by: SEO on March 01, 2020, 03:15:48 AM
Just a suppose, I think he or she (Ohokanotherthrowaway) just jealous that he/she didn't write the unique book first. Sounds a bit pity and miserable... and, of course, sort of angry... ::)
Title: A new answer to that person
Post by: MSL on March 01, 2020, 03:35:10 PM
A new answer to that person. I think that he just has to follow my answers here. Right now I'll post the third answer to him:
 I'm not going to answer you there, because seems you intend to harm me, not to help me and I don't want "dramas" in there. If you wish, come here feel free to express yourself.

"Christ, you have a REALLY shaky grasp of the English language."

When I'm in a hurry, I don't need to be 100% good at English. Also, I'm not a native English speaker, but my English level is enough for what I do. When you have no arguments about the matter, you like to search for language flaws? Pity...

"That's another hallmark of a con man."

What a strange hallmark -- only people with perfect English are the good ones?! So lingocentric! ;D 

"I think that there's no way you wrote a book that will actually help incels if you can't even write a simple PM without messing up second grade English."

Your thinking is worse than that of an average first-grade person. And probably you have no idea of proof-reading and stuff. But it's okay. Not everyone can be well-educated.

"Either you're a con man trying to sell a worthless book you crapped out without any real effort or you're an idiot with a second-grade education or both.
So which is it?"

The book is written with a lot of effort and seriousness, based on my knowledge, experience and philosophical degree. I have a university education. So, if you don't get it and you are implying such a terrible false dilemma, it means that you have serious cognitive (and maybe more other) problems.

Title: Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
Post by: SEO on March 01, 2020, 05:09:30 PM
Looks like a hater...
Title: Let me add this
Post by: MSL on March 01, 2020, 05:44:47 PM
Yes, I think so.
Before, when the book wasn't yet published this one started to speak like this: "If incels won't listen to any woman who disputes the blackpill why would they listen to you, some "bluepilled cuck normie" who is also telling them their blackpill is garbage, but this time in a book that they have to buy?"

I tried to be polite and answered just with a "Trying. :)", but he/she continued: "Do you not see how bad of an idea this is?

People have to want to buy a self help book in the first place. Why should any incel buy your book when they outright refute anyone who tries to help them?

If you wanted incels to read it you should make it free then at least they don't have to offer up their hard earned NEET bucks to buy a book that tells them that they're wrong about everything."

I decided not to pay attention to these wrong words, but after he/she started to be more and more aggressive, I had to start to answer, here.

So, let me add this:

1) To publish a book that may help isn't a bad idea.
2) Who says that all of the incels are the same and don't listen to women, don't read books, don't need/refuse help, etc.? Baseless assumptions.
3) The book is "meta-pilled" and scientific, based on realism and atleastism.
4) The least possible price is a must because I'm not rich and I can't afford to write for free. Also, this minimal price is not a problem for someone, who will pay it to learn and help his/her life. It's worth it.
Title: About SOME of the incels
Post by: Alexa on March 01, 2020, 06:47:13 PM
Let me represent an opinion about some of the incels which are also haters and not constructive people. Maybe this one mentioned above is one of them? But he is not important.

Read this: a book, even a good book like this one, won't help some of them. The thing we need to understand is that some of them (some people even tend to think -- "the majority of them") don't want to change.
Even the ones that seem like just sad, lonely guys who need a break don't want to put in any effort toward changing themselves or their lives, then how we can help? They just want to be victims, uniquely devoid of actions, and able to blame all their shortcomings on everyone and everything else, i. e. self-pity is what they do prefer in fact. So, until and unless they want out, they can't be helped.

I will say again, it's not every incel, it's some incels. I'm just saying exactly what incels have said to me and to some other women and men. That they don't want help, and that "normies" know nothing. It's why many of us stopped trying to help. (Another reason to stop trying is when there is some hater like that one above!)

It's pretty sad to be discouraging you from helping, so you can try to help those who really can say "I'm doing a lot to try and change my life." They deserve help. The rest, well, until (and unless) they are willing to leave the toxic incel communities (some of them are non-toxic, but many of them are) and start to take some responsibility for themselves and their lives, nothing will help them. It's not easy and it's impossible without work. Most of the time -- hard work. So, as a wish: start working hard and keep working hard!
Title: Answer 3 to an incel
Post by: MSL on March 01, 2020, 07:09:31 PM
Here I'll continue to answer. This time it's an answer to a person nicknamed "Asleep-Beat". Asleep-Beat said "First Page:
Be white.
Second Page:
Be above 6'
Third Page:

Of course, it's not true because the book's content isn't at all about it. But, if I take it seriously, I can explain:

1) "Be white" isn't the panacea (a solution for all difficulties) because most of the people in the world aren't white, but most of them still are not incels. It's a fact. Even you're not white (and even in your area it's a very important thing to be white), there are still plenty of things and opportunities to improve and to become more attractive.

2) "Be tall." The same thing. Most of the people around the world aren't tall, but still, they (most of the non-tall ones) are able to attract others. You can improve your body (muscles), your look, your knowledge, your job, etc. and then at least some of those who are shorter than you and those who are the same height will like you (in some rare cases even taller than you, once you have more values).

3) Congrats? Only once you improve enough yourself in the fields you can: better health, better look, better education, better muscles, better heart (ethics) and so on. There are many things (if you're willing) to choose from.
Title: Answer 4 to an incel
Post by: MSL on March 01, 2020, 07:56:14 PM
Another answer to an incel who said that the book is a cope: "Cope. There is no escape from inceldom."

It's very pessimistic and it contradicts the reality, which is: almost every day we can see people, who are ascending (they're having a short-term or long-term relationship) and some of them even report it online. Most of the incels are able to improve themselves to levels when at least one person will like them. It depends on the level, situation, place, etc., so it's not the same easy/difficult for everyone, but to say that it's "no escape" is just wrong. An example: if you're a disabled person, probably it's impossible or nearly impossible. If you're a homeless person, it's also nearly impossible. But if you're just an average ugly person, then it's a lot to improve: get more muscles, lose weight, buy better clothes, improve your health (including the hygiene), educate yourself, find better job... and then at least one person is going to find you attractive (or at least acceptable). There are many things that an incel can improve and then he/she will become at least a "Norman" (a "normie"), which is enough because the "Chads" (the very attractive males) are rare and not everyone is dating "Chads" (even if they really do prefer "Chads").
Title: Answer 5 to an incel
Post by: MSL on March 01, 2020, 09:00:17 PM
Some rude person nicknamed "fakename19385894" said "This is the dumbest shit ever posted here. Fuck off." (in r/shortcels) and I will answer here:

1) A book can't be dumbest if it's a serious book.

2) It's written with good intentions.

3) No need to be so rude!

4) Try to be at least a bit more positive and optimistic (or realistic).
Title: Answer 6 to an incel
Post by: MSL on March 01, 2020, 10:05:15 PM
An incel nicknamed "Dizzywatcher" sent a comparatively rude question: "How will a fucking book make me 4" taller?" and at once I'd like to clarify it here:

1) It's a serious book, no need to put such a stupid adjective in front of it.

2) Who said that the book is going to make you taller?! But it has a chapter about the shortcels and what is best for them.

3) Most of the people around the world aren't tall, but most of them manage to have a partner. Let me self-quote:
2) "... Most of the people around the world aren't tall, but still, they (most of the non-tall ones) are able to attract others. You can improve your body (muscles), your look, your knowledge, your job, etc. and then at least some of those who are shorter than you and those who are the same height will like you (in some rare cases even taller than you, once you have more values).
Title: Answer 7 to an incel
Post by: MSL on March 02, 2020, 12:56:28 AM
A person with nickname "putconfac" tried to resume the book in this in this oversimplified way: "Summary; have sex you imbecile."

I think it's not good, because:

1) It's not simply about the sexual activity, but about getting better, more attractive, valuable person and to have a complete love life, not just physical (biological) contacts.

2) It's written to help, not to insult the incels.
Title: Adding about that abnormal Ohokanotherthrowaway
Post by: MSL on March 02, 2020, 01:20:30 AM
Yes, seems that the person is one of the abnormals. I got this: "Yeah no I'm not going to be following a y more of your shady links. It's quite revealing that you have such a bad grasp of English. That's the first step of how to recognize a con. The fact that everything you post is in this broken English and then you're selling a shitty, thirty page """"book"""" just SCREAMS that you're a con man."

1) "a y more"? And this is from the person who non-stop is focusing on the good English?

2) Shady links? He is hallucinating too?

3) "Con" is only in your abnormal brain!

4) Shitty is your behaviour, not the book!

5) Con man? It's you because you're a liar. At first, you stated that the book isn't real just because you can't find it on Google. Then started to criticise the English language of the book (even without reading it) and now you're already showing how ignorant and abnormal you are.
Title: Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
Post by: Alexa on March 02, 2020, 01:23:42 AM
Clearly a psychiatric case.
Title: "Love guru" He-he!
Post by: MSL on March 02, 2020, 01:42:54 AM
Here was an interesting case. A nicknamed "LegLicker085" person comment the new book in this way: "Omg thank you so much Love Guru I have been looking for this kind of knowledge for so long". Well, I already answered him, but I'll repost my PM here because I want to be clear what I am thinking about this "Love guru". He-he! :D
I sent this:

You're welcome, but... I'm just a serious scientist, even not popular, not a guru. "Guru" is an emotional and subjective definition and I don't know how you understand it, but in my case, it's just a normal professionalism.
Title: Answer 8 to an incel
Post by: MSL on March 02, 2020, 02:08:07 AM
An incel nicknamed "BudgetTruth" offensively said: "How dare you making money scamming ugly men living at the bottom of the barrel. If I wasn't on my phone, I'd pasted a picture of a door. Out. Don't let incels delude themselves."

Now I'm going to answer here to this insult:

1) The book is set at a minimal price of $1! And the author is getting only ~1/3 of this! Do you think it's "making money"? How many books will make me rich, huh? And who told you that the intellectual labour should be free?

2) Scamming? To provide professional content in order to help is "scamming"?! Are you insane?

3) Who said that all of the incels are poor? Who said that all of them are ugly? Your definitions are so superficial, so shallow!

4) People like you are deluding the incels, because they're not well educated and they've got other problems!
Title: Answer 9 to an incel
Post by: MSL on March 02, 2020, 02:17:10 AM
Another one, nicknamed "TeeniestTinyDancer", commented on the English of the book in this way: "That is not understandable simple English. You butchered the language beyond all hope."

My answer: it's pretty understandable for the average person. And it was proofread. As far as I'm not a native English speaker, this level is at least "okay". I'm learning more and more every day, but I can't be 100% native, just nearly native (I hope).
Title: Re: Answer 9 to an incel
Post by: MSL on March 02, 2020, 02:25:29 AM
And I see more from the same one: "Are you serious? Of course it's his native tongue! The problem here is that you don't want to become a better enough yourself to get laid. He has been studying the inceldom for a year after graduating in one of the top European universities! Do you have any complaints that're not bullshit? Buy the book! It's simple easy to understand English!"

1) No, my "native tongue" is another European language, not English.

2) It's good for everyone to try his/her best to become a better himself/herself.

3) Yes, I do study it. And I am learning more about many things every day and night. Maybe this is some value that is strange to you.

4) Yes, the university was pretty good, at least at that time (20 years ago).

5) Yes, the bullshits are the problem. Everything could be much easier and better if people do not make them.
Title: The "good" English of TeeniestTinyDancer
Post by: MSL on March 02, 2020, 02:36:59 AM
This is ridiculous. Look at this "good" English of the person"TeeniestTinyDancer": "It's nowhere close to basic english. That're isn't a word and your sentence structure is completely off. It doesn't read as a person that speaks english. It's severely broken english at best."

As I answered already (in a PM):
Now let's see your English:
1) "That're isn't a word" - LOL!
2) "english" - Capital letter?

Such a funny person! ;D
Title: Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
Post by: Alexa on March 02, 2020, 02:40:06 AM
Wow?!  :o Astonishing English (ups! english, right?) level! I never imagined that "That're isn't a word ..." Can you imagine it? That ARE is not a word! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D What kind of English is that?! ::) ???
Title: Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
Post by: MSL on March 02, 2020, 02:40:41 AM
Alien English maybe? :P
Title: Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
Post by: SEO on March 02, 2020, 02:44:22 AM
What an impudence! A person with low level English is judging... your English. Unbelievable! :-\
Title: Answer 10 to an incel
Post by: MSL on March 02, 2020, 03:00:20 AM

5'2 balding Indian janitor

It's one of the more interesting in my personal opinion and I'll explain first more about it because people who're not so familiar with the incels and their slang (of course not every incel is using it) will not guess what's that 5'2 balding Indian janitor thing. Well, the 5 foot 2 balding Indian janitor is just a visualization technique, which is meant to simplify what is a truecel (true incel). It's used by some members of the incel communities and some other similar ones, in an attempt to help others to visualize that the situation is really serious.

And now, after this intro, let me answer to an incel nicknamed "Blubber_Whaling", who commented my new book with this:
"How to be a charismatic 5'2" bald Indian janitor."

Let me answer here:

1) I think that it's a good example, no matter that, probably it shows the scepticism of that person.

2) So, let's find solutions to this problem -- let's assume that to be an Indian janitor is a problem. Are all Indians janitors? Of course not. The janitor just can educate more himself and to get a better job. So, the job problem solved.
Short? It's not very good, but if he wants to look taller, he can just go to some country like Indonesia, where the people are shorter and there he will be tall or at least normal height.
Bald? Well, it's not good, but at least it can be improved with skinhead style (for most of the people skinhead looks better than just balding or bald head).
Is that all? Of course not! A person can take care about his development. Imagine that person to gain some better body (gym-maxxing)! So as you can see, it's not a 100% "fate", if you're in this position because you can change a lot (new job, better place for your height ratio, better body, better education). And if you're 1/10, you'll become at least 4/10 after all these changes. And then, at least one woman will like you (or at least accept you).
Title: Answer 11 to an incel
Post by: MSL on March 02, 2020, 03:10:29 AM
A rude incel, nicknamed "ProperUgly" sent me this "fuck off with your rebranded stoicism. All you want is money."

Let me answer politely to this rude person here:

1) All I want is health first and then love, sport and, yes, money. Without it, you can't even eat, because in this world there is no free food.

2) Who told you that the minimal price of $1 is a big money?! Don't you think that writing isn't for free and people have to receive some money for their intellectual labour?

3) Rebranded stoicism? Not, of course, but you'll know it only if you read carefully. It's not about the stoicism, it's about the making progress, escaping from the low status and becoming better yourself (better health, look, knowledge, body, character, etc.) It's based on atleastism and on realism.
Title: Answer 12 to an incel
Post by: MSL on March 02, 2020, 03:45:16 AM
An incel nicknamed "Lanky_Initiative" posted a long answer about my book, so I really appreciate the effort and I'm going to answer here with full attention:

"You remind me of the twitch thots taking advantage of us low status men.. Anyways if it works, great for you to making money."

1) I understand, but in this case, every good intention to help you people can be seen as "taking advantage".

2) With around 1/3 of 1 dollar per book, it's hard to say that I'll "make money". Maybe if I sell 100 000 books, then it will count.

"However I'll give every incel out there what they need in this comment right now.
If you an Incel, you're probably Ugly... me I'm Ugly and Short"

1) The incels need help.

2) Many incels think they're more ugly than what they really are. But let's assume that you're "ugly and short". You can move to some country where people are shorter; you can improve your look (better body via sports, better skin via healthier life, better hairstyle maybe... There is room for improvement.)

3) Beyond the look (ugly, short), you can improve your other fields: getting more educated, finding a better job, learning new skills (or at least a new foreign language). 

"and if you know anything about women both of those are massive deal breakers, have you ever heard a woman say "I'm really turned on when a guy is 5 inches SHORTER than me", oh you haven't?? Hahha No One Has.."

1) And why you would like to date a taller woman? You may find some shorter than you. You're not the shortest incel in the world, right?

2) You just can move to another country, where you will look tall or at least middle height.

 "Because they don't exist."

To be honest, they're really rare, but they do exist. Also, I already gave you a solution.

 "What I have heard Is "I want him Rich, Tall and Handsome".."

1) Yes, it's like "I want to be a queen!", but in the end, she is just becoming a nurse or a teacher.

2) The men who are rich + tall + handsome are not that much, so most of the females end up with not that tall, not that rich and not that handsome. The quantity of rich-tall-handsome is limited. Be honest with yourself.

" Now you probably can't get two of these things if you weren't born with them... Or maybe with surgery you can be handsome but tall, you either are or aren't..."

1) Even so, you can compensate it with a better body (bodybuilding), better education, moving to another place... Even when it comes to "rich" if you move to a poorer place they'll think you're rich or at least not poor.

2) I don't want to repeat, but remember that at the end, most of the women will choose shorter, uglier, poorer than what they want. And your task should be just to be a better version of yourself -- to improve what you can!

"However height doesn't even matter if you have social status. Most women aren't gonna reject Lil Wayne because he's 5'5 or Bruno Mars.. Why? He's a celebrity.."

You're right, but it's not the only way (to be a celebrity). You just try to be above the average or at least average, don't stop your development and then, at least one person will like you or accept you as a partner.

 "So no matter what type of Incel you are, you can get out of inceldom with fame. With Fame comes money and social status, which is something more than 90% of women want and actively seek in a partner.. Get those, you won't be incel anymore. No amount of confidence, make up or taking showers will change your bone structure, which is the number 1 reason for being Incel ."

1) The status-maxx is clear, but it's not easy.

2) So, preferably you can improve your other things. Confidence, showers -- okay, it's important, but it's not all. Don't forget: more education, more skills, more sport... everything will add some per cent in your attractiveness, so at the end, you'll be able to have potential partners.

"Also you can do what Salvador did and become a crossdresser/play the other side if you get desperate enough... you'll have some lonely men like yourself who'll desire you, maybe being desired period is better than not being desired at all.. Quite frankly its something I've been considering even though I'm not gay."

It's a very tough measure. You have much more other healthier options. Just be wise and work harder to improve all you can! There is a lot that you can improve as I mentioned above! Good luck!
Title: Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
Post by: Non-SEO on March 03, 2020, 03:16:24 AM
"You can't escape the inceldom." This is what many of them post and think. With this kind of mindset, they're even not trying.
Title: "Inceldom cannot be escaped" = pessimism and fatalism
Post by: MSL on March 03, 2020, 03:24:09 AM

"Inceldom cannot be escaped" = pessimism and fatalism

 This cliche is very pessimistic and even fatalistic. It's counterproductive too. My advice is people to be more realistic and at least to try, but to try seriously, hard and responsibly. There is a room for improvement in many different sides: knowledge, body, health, earnings, jobs/business, character, location. More tries = more chances.
Title: Deleted in incels.co, reposted in here
Post by: Non-SEO on March 03, 2020, 03:31:15 AM
It's already deleted in incels.co, but I saved it and repost it here. Someone tried to make laugh at the book and the comments are low leveled as we can see:

"JFL] How to Escape the Inceldom: A QUICK GUIDE TO Deincelization
 Thread starter Lewis Carroll  Start date 19 minutes ago
Inceldom Discussion
Lewis Carroll
Lewis Carroll
Looking for his Alice
Aug 10, 2019
19 minutes ago

I know, I'm basically advertising, whatever. Anyone has a dime for a good laugh?
SEA is my only hope, failing that I kill myself.
May 1, 2019
17 minutes ago
I will not pay him to waste my time reading this shit.
Toxic Misogynist™ with a Bad Personality™
Nov 9, 2017
15 minutes ago

Nice broken Engrish too.
Forever stuck
Jul 26, 2019
11 minutes ago
Inceldom cannot be escaped
Lame Dude
Lame Dude
Lamest dude that ever lamed.
Jan 2, 2020
11 minutes ago
I will make you ascend. Just gimme money. :feelskek:"
Title: Answer 13 to an incel
Post by: MSL on March 03, 2020, 03:39:29 AM
Answer to an incel nicknamed "Lewis Carroll" in incel.co:
I know, I'm basically advertising, whatever. Anyone has a dime for a good laugh?

Thanks for the ad! And how someone who even hasn't a dime knows that a serious book, written to give peace of mind and to help you based on realism and atleastism is going to be funny?!
Title: Answer 14 to an incel
Post by: MSL on March 03, 2020, 03:48:07 AM
Answer to an incel nicknamed "Incline" in incel.co:
I will not pay him to waste my time reading this shit.

It's your free choice to pay or not to pay. But don't insult something like a good book (which you even didn't read) as "shit" because it just makes your post a useless and shitty one. If you "waste" your time to read more good books, probably you'll not produce this kind of low (rude and insulting) posting.
Title: Answer 15 to an incel
Post by: MSL on March 03, 2020, 03:59:02 AM
Answer to an incel nicknamed "MayorOfKekville" in incel.co:

Nice broken Engrish too.

Often those who criticize the English of the non-native English speakers are the ones who have got many English errors of different kinds. Recently here was shown an example.

Let me also translate this: a) "JFL" = "Just for laugh", b) "Engrish" = "A slang term for the misuse or corruption of the English language by native speakers of Asian languages." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Engrish (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Engrish).

 In fact, I'm a European (or a Eurasian), but let him think of me as an Asian. I like many of the Asians, so it's a pleasure for me. 8)
Title: Answer 16 to an incel
Post by: MSL on March 03, 2020, 04:04:10 AM
Answer to an incel nicknamed "nihility" in incel.co:
Inceldom cannot be escaped

Please, read that inceldom can be escaped (http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/social-network-seo-social-network/incel-incels-rincels-(incel-reddit-incels-reddit)-good-and-bad/msg41489/#msg41489)! :)
Title: Answer 17 to an incel
Post by: MSL on March 03, 2020, 04:11:11 AM
Answer to an incel nicknamed "Lame Dude" in incel.co:
I will make you ascend. Just gimme money.

Every real help deserves some gratitude. Most (at least more than half) of the incels surely can ascend, if they work hard and do the right things. Don't you think that most of the people, including most of the ones, who are involuntary celibates (a.k.a. incels) are able to get better in: body musculature, knowledge, skills, income (earnings; money; capital), character (ethics, moral) and so on? This improves their chances and the fact is that there is ascending non-stop all around the world.
Title: Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
Post by: Non-SEO on March 03, 2020, 04:15:17 AM
Some people are really desperate. I remember when I had faith that one day it would happen (to find a real love). Nowadays I just see it as probable as winning the lottery. It could happen but I wouldn't bet on it so much.  :P Of course, to escape the inceldom doesn't necessarily means to find a true love. As far as you have a relationship, it's already an ascend.
Title: Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
Post by: MSL on March 03, 2020, 04:27:43 AM
 Depends on the definition, but usually, those who have at least a sexual partner (even one who is not their "true love"), they're not incels. Of course, the better way to escape the inceldom is to find a complete relationship (not just sexual one), but here we mean all of the ways, which may lead to ascending/escaping the inceldom. Let me make this analogy. If you're hungry, it's okay to escape the hunger via good lunch (soup, salad, main dish, fruit), but if you can't because you just can't have all of these but at the same time you have got, for example, an egg and a mandarine, well at least you're not starving, right?
 Finding true love is the ideal variant, the ideal escaping the inceldom.
Title: Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
Post by: Non-SEO on March 03, 2020, 06:49:20 PM
The importance of the patience and intelligent effort when once you start your deincelization: some quotes -- "Quality is not an act, it is a habit."; "Good character is not formed in a week or a month. It is created little by little, day by day. Protracted and patient effort is needed.", "We cannot live better than in seeking to become better."
Title: Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
Post by: SEO on March 17, 2020, 06:05:24 PM
A person nicknamed WorkingHapa wants to know about relation to hapas (of the book about the deincelization).
Title: Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
Post by: MSL on March 17, 2020, 06:35:52 PM
A person nicknamed WorkingHapa wants to know about relation to hapas (of the book about the deincelization).

Well, as far as the book ("How to Escape the Inceldom: A QUICK GUIDE TO Deincelization") is written in hope to help the incels and some of the hapas (see more about the term in Wikipedia's article (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hapa) about it) are incels too, I think that the relation may be there at least for those of them who're really incels and who really do want to get some deincelization (deincelification; ascending; ascension), i. e. to have a good experience about escaping their inceldom. Concretely there are many useful points for these people. I know some of them are very depressed, but they shouldn't be, because they have great potential that may be developed.
Title: The inceldom during the COVID-19
Post by: MSL on March 18, 2020, 04:45:34 PM

The inceldom during the COVID-19

  During the COVID-19 pandemic and the lockdowns (quarantines), it's going to be a hard time for many people, but the worst it'll be for the poor ones -- those who lack of something: lack of money and/or lack of health and/or lack of love (partner). All of the incels are people without love (except those nearly impossible cases when there is some Platonic love) and many of them aren't rich (usually the rich persons are able to find at least one partner, no matter what are their other problems), some of them aren't healthy (and their diseases are the main cause of their inceldom).
 Now, imagine how hard will be this quarantine time for most of the incels! Yes, some of them used to stay mostly at home and to communicate mostly online. But the majority are people who go to school, college, university, work; used to have long lonely walks, to have some drink outside or just to sit quietly in some park or in front of the sea/mountain/river. The ones who are struggling hard and trying to escape the inceldom (like the gymcels for instance) will feel it at once: the gyms are locked and they can't gymmaxx; the clubs, bars, libraries, restaurants, amusement parks and so on are locked and they can't socialmaxx; even the brothels (in the countries where they're legal) are locked and the so-called "escortcels" can't be escortcels any more.
 Even if you live in a place where you may go out (in this case never forget to wear mask well, to have spirit or another hand sanitizer with you and to keep a few meters distance from others!) the nearly empty streets, the scared/nervous people and the locked shops, bars, cinemas, etc. are just giving you more depressive feelings.
 Of course, not everyone will feel it this way; there are some people who don't care that much and some are even happy. But what about the majority of the incels (and the rest of mankind) when they have to suffer a long quarantine? The only good advice I can give you is to use this time to improve yourselves: do more sports at home (at least those simple ones: push-ups, jumping, etc.) and lose weight (if you're obese) and/or build some muscles; never stop to learn (if you can't learn something more complicated like philosophy or psychology, then at least start to learn a foreign language); try to statusmaxx (via some viral videos, writing a good e-book, etc.); learn some new skill online (for example basic dancing or easy martial arts' techniques) and never forget to keep as healthy as you can: good hygiene, healthy food and healthy drinks, enough fresh air (ventilation of your home) and getting rid of the bad habits.

Best wishes to you all and please don't give up: Geser Kurultaev (the author of the e-book "How to Escape the Inceldom: A QUICK GUIDE TO Deincelization" -- https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0855FTRZ1 (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0855FTRZ1))
Title: Answer to an incel from Facebook
Post by: MSL on March 26, 2020, 05:18:50 PM
A man sent me an answer from an incel in a Facebook incel group. This person is named (or nicknamed? I don't know is it his/her true name) "Caleb Scott". And he/she posted that "Who wants to bet this book is filled with nothing but strawmen, and just ends up arguing with himself, thus not helping anyone."

My answer here: Caleb Scott or "Caleb Scott", if I wanted to fill a book with "strawmen", I'd prefer not to write it at all, or just write another book (as I do currently; now I'm writing my third English language e-book). Also, I don't need to argue with myself because I made my mind already and I'm sure about what I'm writing. About helping anyone, I'll be glad if the book may help at least to 60% of the incels, but even it ends up helping just 5% of them it's still much better than nothing! I wrote it honestly, with an open heart and open mind and with enough professionalism, knowledge. Thus it's possible to help. By the way, it's the cheapest possible, because I wanted to be easy to get (easy to buy) it, because as we know, many (or most?) of the incels are poor or not rich enough.
Title: The tablemaxxing and gardenmaxxing neologisms
Post by: SEO on May 09, 2020, 05:07:20 AM
There are 2 new neologisms (jargon; slang) among some of the incels -- tablemaxxing and gardenmaxxing. Their origin is from an idea given by someone with the nickname "spunyuns" in Reddit:
Stop this fantasy shit. No sane girl is going to talk to you like this. You all have been watching too many animes. This metaphorical dialogue may be comforting to you, but I am sorry to say this this will never come out of a person's mouth. Think to yourself - is this something you would say? Hell no.
If you all keep focusing on this concept of "chad vs virgin" or whatever you're just going to continue to perpetuate your self fulfilling prophecy. If you even manage to get a date and already go into thinking "wow I don't deserve this" you have already lost.
Stop this "woe is me" narrative and focus on bettering yourself without the validation of woman. Plant a garden, build a table, learn a new skill - not for the girl, but for yourself. Your 'dream girl' is not just around the corner and continuously pining over it is doing nothing but hurting yourself.
Maybe you all are too far gone at this point.
After that, even memes appeared about these tables and gardens things. But the point of the person is rational.
Title: Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
Post by: MSL on May 09, 2020, 05:12:26 AM
 He or she is giving a good advice -- it's better to improve yourself with some new skills. At least it gives you more chances theoretically.
Title: Comics for Incels
Post by: MSL on May 30, 2020, 03:47:59 AM

Comics for Incels

 Is there somebody who can draw comics? I'm a writer and I'd like to create a great incel comics story, but I can't draw. :(
Title: Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
Post by: MSL on May 30, 2020, 03:38:22 PM
 And, by the way, if you want to know what would the story be like. 100% Realistic. About the true problems in the incels' life.
Title: A Failed Normie (a Pretty boy?) here
Post by: Incel on June 29, 2020, 04:02:25 AM
So, to be honest, I'm a sort of failed normie (it's a kind of incel, too) or maybe an ex-pretty boy. So...

1. I'm an incel supporter! I feel you guys! (the incels, I mean.)

2. Just a few years ago I had good hair and a young face! And it was enough to get a girlfriend. Now? I got higher degrees, more knowledge, more muscles, more skills, and... no more females to like me... So? How to keep the faith that once you're older and balder you'll be better with your better knowledge, skills, degrees, etc?! Well, it's better than just nothing, but?...
Title: Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
Post by: MSL on August 29, 2020, 02:13:00 AM
Once a person becomes very bald better to shave all his hair regularly and to be a skinhead fashioned. Wear good hats and caps too. The second thing is to try to get richer. It helps in this capitalistic oriented world. The third point is never stop the good job -- keep learning, keep working, keep training... and keep trying.
Title: What's an "omega male"
Post by: SEO on August 29, 2020, 02:22:27 AM

"Omega male"

Did you hear about that? "Omega male". "An omega male is a mancel who is at the very bottom of the social totem pole as far as access to mating, sex, money, and other things distributed unevenly in society. This social ineptitude usually extends to almost all areas of his life, including his sexual prowess. The social ineptitude of an omega male usually stems from the fact that he has no confidence in himself as a sexual being, and thus has to rely on external sources of confidence for such purposes. For instance, he may seek to improve his social standing by flirting with other men." https://incels.wiki/w/Omega_male

How do you think about it?
Title: Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
Post by: MSL on August 29, 2020, 03:00:44 AM
 I think that it's very rare someone to be a fully omega. Let's say you're the worst in running, but you can be the best in chess. Another example -- one is not good at singing, but he is good at coding.
 Another thing is that even there are some real "omegas" this doesn't make them automatically incels (mancels). Not every omega male is an incel and not every incel is an omega. The reality is that there are some persons who are good enough to be called at least betas (beta males) and they're incels. And also there are some persons who are unlucky and/or lazy enough to be something that many will call it "omega", but still they were capable to find a girl-friend, a wife, a lover. So an "omega male" isn't necessarily a mancel (incel) and an incel isn't necessarily an "omega" ("omega male"). 
 The last thing that I want to add is that there are many other ways and examples about how someone may seek to improve his social standing. (And, in fact, I don't think that becoming a homosexual (gay) or bisexual is "improving the social standing").
Title: What's a "Gigachad"
Post by: SEO on September 03, 2020, 03:26:31 AM


It's something comparatively new. Gigachad. :) What's this? Let's begin with this:
"Gigachad is a Chad who is within the top 0.1% of physical attractiveness and intimidates most men by his muscular physique. Gigachads generally have incredible facial aesthetics and symmetry, tall stature and reached peak physique.

Gigachads mog all other highly attractive males and are taller than average Chad. Gigachad is the extreme opposite of a truecel. An allosexual hetero woman's reaction to seeing the Gigachad is the equivalent to how moths react to a lightbulb.

The female equivalent of Gigachad is Gigastacy." (Edited because of some English language errors. Source: https://incels.wiki/w/Gigachad (https://incels.wiki/w/Gigachad).)
Title: Re: What's a "Gigachad"
Post by: MSL on September 03, 2020, 04:42:31 AM
A simple combination of "giga-" and "Chad". "Giga" has a Greek origin - (γίγας's meaning is "giant"). "Chad" is an alpha male (according to some incels' jargon). Well, so it's, according to those who use this kind of slang, a person who is one of the top Chads.
 Now let me read that explanation above and comment it.
 1. "0.1%"? Sounds possible. Especially nowadays when there are so many obese people and/or people who don't sport at all. Maybe the real percentage of the so-called Gigachads is something close to 0.01% or 0.001%?
 2. "intimidates most men by his muscular physique" is too primitive. Not everyone with a super-muscular physique is that aggressive; not everyone with not that muscular body is weak. In many situations/relationships the psysique isn't that important (for example if the "weak guy" is a boss and the muscular guy is his worker.)
 3. About the so-called "mog" (a.k.a. "mogging" which is a verbification and apheresis of the acronym AMOG = "alpha male of the group") is the act of dominating another person or just being better than that person. So, as we may see, sometimes the other types of males are more attractive (for example some of the so-called "slayers", "pretty boys", etc.)
 4. "An allosexual hetero woman's reaction to seeing the Gigachad is the equivalent to how moths react to a lightbulb." is more or less exaggerated. I know that there are girls and women who afraid of the Gigachad type males and they prefer moderate muscular types; some even like feminine males and there are even those who search for chubby and fatty males. So, I can guess that being so giga- isn't the best option and maybe not more than 40%-45% of the females will choose a Gigachad.  :) :)
Title: The Watermaxx thing
Post by: SEO on February 06, 2021, 01:38:04 AM
Guys, it's new for me. What is that "drink water" (watermaxx) thing recently? Sources, origin?
Title: Re: The Watermaxx thing
Post by: MSL on February 06, 2021, 02:18:15 AM
 Watermaxx means usuing water (drinking it) to maximalize your attractiveness (this neologism is a combination of the words "water" and the suffix "-maxx" /a suffix is a special group of letters that appear at the end of words/; others similar are moneymaxx, gymmaxx,statusmaxx, etc.)
 According to some answers it's a sort of meme, which appeared after someone suggested to incels to drink more water in order to become better looking.
 Seriously speaking, it's better to have a good hydratation because it helps your body to be healthier, younger and better looking. Of course just this itself isn't enough for many incels to escape the inceldom, but optimistically speaking the combination of this with other things (the good diet, the right sports, the education, the income and so on) is helpful for many of the incels.
 A short comedy film about the watermaxx  ;D -- "Ascend Step by Step with Mr G!" -- Part 11 ("Ascend via Watermaxx" -- a short comedy film) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9BJfiimWEd4
Title: Moneymaxx
Post by: Dimitroff on February 07, 2021, 02:30:34 AM
My favorite so long is moneymaxx. 8) 8) 8)
Title: Looks are first
Post by: Incel on February 11, 2021, 05:55:27 AM
A study show that "Looks are first". https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40806-017-0092-x (https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40806-017-0092-x)  The Importance of Physical Attractiveness to the Mate Choices of Women and Their Mothers

    Madeleine A. Fugère, Caitlynn Chabot, Kaitlyn Doucette & Alita J. Cousins

Evolutionary Psychological Science volume

This is important to realize:
Men with the most desirable personality profiles were rated more favorably than their counterparts only when they were at least moderately attractive. Unattractive men were never rated as more desirable partners for daughters, even when they possessed the most desirable trait profiles. We conclude that a minimum level of physical attractiveness is a necessity for both women and their mothers and that when women and their parents state that other traits are more important than physical attractiveness, they assume potential mates meet a minimally acceptable standard of physical attractiveness.

Well? Looks are first. If you don't pass the "looks test", you don't get to take any other test.
Title: Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
Post by: MSL on February 11, 2021, 06:49:54 PM
 It's like "Water is wet." or "Suns are hot."  This "a minimally acceptable standard of physical attractiveness" is like that " a minimally acceptable standard of X attractiveness" ("X" may be psychological, economical, etc.)
 For example, imagine that he's a begger or an insane person. Do you think that just because he's physical attractive they'll accept him in their family if he is a homeless or a crazy one? So, yes, the minimally acceptable standard matters in many fields (areas; spheres; aspects).
Title: The incels calling themselves "sub-human" are wrong
Post by: MSL on February 20, 2021, 05:01:26 AM

The incels calling themselves "sub-human" are wrong

  First of all, the word "sub-human"/"subhuman" is not very correct because it implies that there is something that is human and not that human or something like this. Are there sub-foxes, sub-wolves, sub-elephants, sub-crocodiles, sub-bats or sub-dolphins? Obviously not. There may be smaller, weaker, disabled or ill foxes, wolves, elephants, etc., but they're still foxes, wolves, elephants and so on. That's why "sub-human"/"subhuman" is nothing but a senseless concept (or even worse -- a Nazi concept), which is useless and harmful..
 And here come some concrete examples with people who are 100% human (even above the human average, but I'll not call them "super-human"/"superhuman") and who are provenly (without doubt) heroes in the mankind history because they contributed a lot for its development (even without being "Chads", "Changs", "Chadpreets", "Tyrones" and even many persons today may consider them as "ugly", "normies", "shortcels", "baldcels", etc.):

1. Albert Einstein (height: 5 feet 9 inches) --  a German-born theoretical physicist universally acknowledged to be one of the greatest physicists of all time: (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a0/Einstein_patentoffice.jpg).

2. Vladimir Lenin (height 5 feet 5 inches) -- a philosopher, revolutionary, politician who created the biggest country in the mankind history -- the USSR: (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/4a/LeninEnSuizaMarzo1916--barbaroussovietr00mcbr.png).

3. Mahatma Gandhi (height: 5 feet 5 inches) -- anti-colonial nationalist, and political ethicist, who employed nonviolent resistance to lead the successful campaign for India's independence from British rule, and in turn inspired movements for civil rights and freedom across the world: (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/57/Gandhi_suit.jpg).

4. Kurt Huber (height: ?) -- a university professor and resistance fighter with the anti-Nazi group White Rose: (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/68/Bundesarchiv_Bild_146II-744%2C_Kurt_Huber.jpg)By Bundesarchiv, Bild 146II-744 / CC-BY-SA 3.0, CC BY-SA 3.0 de, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=5420160.

 There are hundreds of examples like these. They're showing us that the physical attributes like hair, height, skin, frame, etc. are not the ones which make you "more human" or "less human". All these are mostly animalish, biological. But a human is something (at least, a bit) beyond other animals and the difference is in its more developed thinking (science, technology, philosophy, etc.) and society. So even you're one of those who are without a partner (girlfriend, boyfriend, lover, husband, wife, or something like these) you're not a "sub-", you're still one of the mankind.

 Author: Geser Kurultaev (a philosopher-anthropologist, author of "How to Escape the Inceldom: A QUICK GUIDE TO Deincelization" -- https://www.amazon.com/How-Escape-Inceldom-QUICK-Deincelization-ebook/dp/B0855FTRZ1 (https://www.amazon.com/How-Escape-Inceldom-QUICK-Deincelization-ebook/dp/B0855FTRZ1))
Title: Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
Post by: Incel on February 27, 2021, 01:53:25 AM
Some comments from the r/IncelsWithoutHate:

1. VegetableGenocide5: "Seems like he doesn’t quite understand the subtleties of linguistics but I appreciate the point he’s trying to make"

2. Basedgnar: "Step 1 be attractive"

3. Arctic_Fox_Airsoft: "He's just saying that the term sub human is not correct word wise."

4. alteriormotivator: "Just be Einstein theory"
Title: I will ascend or I will die from overworking
Post by: Incel on February 27, 2021, 03:35:37 AM
I'm telling you this without regret and with a grain of pride. I will ascend or I will die from overworking. I decided to start a busy job (sort of stressful and responsible, but well-paid) for money-maxx + I enrolled 3 courses (an Aerobics course, a Yoga course and a Self-defense MMA course) for body-maxx, health-maxx and personality-maxx (or EQ-maxx) + I regularly hit the gym for gym-maxx + reading and learning scientific stuff for IQ-maxx.
Honestly, I don't know may I ascend because I'm norwooding (nearly to level 5, going to be a baldcel) and I'm almost a manlet (below average height and a wristcel), plus I'm getting old (going to be an oldcel), but I decided to try so. It's now or never!
Title: Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
Post by: MSL on February 27, 2021, 03:47:20 AM
Some comments from the r/IncelsWithoutHate:

1. VegetableGenocide5: "Seems like he doesn’t quite understand the subtleties of linguistics but I appreciate the point he’s trying to make"

2. Basedgnar: "Step 1 be attractive"

3. Arctic_Fox_Airsoft: "He's just saying that the term sub human is not correct word wise."

4. alteriormotivator: "Just be Einstein theory"

Good to know these feedbacks of course. Let me give them here some short answers:

1. I'm not a native English speaker but surely I'm familiar with the connotations of this word, so I think my point is right. The lack of female attention doesn't make you non-human or sub-human, because there are many, many unattractive people which are full of human qualities.

2. The point is that even you're not attractive you're still a human with human potential.

3. Yes, you can say so. The main problem in that short article of mine was that this term is a wrong one.

4. Nothing like "Just be this man/that man" theory. The point is that many of the great humans are considered ugly, unattractive, incels, nearcels, etc. (by some of the nowadays standards) but it doesn't make them "sub-" at all.
Title: Re: I will ascend or I will die from overworking
Post by: MSL on February 27, 2021, 04:56:54 AM
I'm telling you this without regret and with a grain of pride. I will ascend or I will die from overworking. I decided to start a busy job (sort of stressful and responsible, but well-paid) for money-maxx + I enrolled 3 courses (an Aerobics course, a Yoga course and a Self-defense MMA course) for body-maxx, health-maxx and personality-maxx (or EQ-maxx) + I regularly hit the gym for gym-maxx + reading and learning scientific stuff for IQ-maxx.
Honestly, I don't know may I ascend because I'm norwooding (nearly to level 5, going to be a baldcel) and I'm almost a manlet (below average height and a wristcel), plus I'm getting old (going to be an oldcel), but I decided to try so. It's now or never!

1. The money should be above average otherwise it's hard to impress those who tend to be impressed in this way.

2. The health in fact is number one, but many people doesn't value it enough or they value it when it's already too late.

3. The better body image is a good point and if it's successful (also above average) then it increases the chances for sure. Many people do believe that "face > body", i. e. the face is more important than the body when it comes to attractiveness, but it doesn't mean that a good-looking body is worthless. Let's say that a good-looking face attracts 10 and a good-looking body attracts 3. So what? If you can have at least 3, have it! Because, yes, "face > body", but also "face > body > ugly body".

4. IQ, EQ, personality... all these may be helpful (especially in a combination with the good-looking body and the money above average). I know that just an IQ (for example a good major/degree, high knowledge, etc.) itself isn't attractive to most of the people and even there are some who will hate it or dislike it. (For example there are antiscience oriented people, anti-intellectuals -- see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-intellectualism (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-intellectualism) and so on.) But once you're attractive physically in some way, the mental quality is usually a good thing and most of the people will value it to a certain degree.

If there is enough rest and optimized to-do lists, there will be no "overworking".
Title: Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
Post by: Incel on February 28, 2021, 06:17:00 AM
Thanks for the good words and intentions, but there are guys who didn't get it well enough.

I'll try to repeat it in a more detailed way: "I started it already and tried to explain it, but some guys didn't understand it, so I'll explain it again in details. I'm a truecel (shorter than most of the males around, balder than half of the males around, elder than most of the males around and a wristcel, a manlet compared with most of the males around). If the race matters to you -- my mom was a short white Stacy and my father was a fat Asian normie. All I got from these genes was a short feminine structure, you know... Here comes the idea: 1. I'm adding a self-defence (MMA based) training to my gym-maxx. 2. I'm adding yoga to my health-maxx (water, showers, healthy food, personality-maxx, etc.). 3. I'm adding aerobics to all these. 4. I'm working hard as hell everyday (for some money-maxx). 5. No matter how tired I'm I'll find at least an hour to IQ-maxx (learning more chess, new foreign language, science or other intellectual stuff).
All I want is to become nearly a human superman with a body, knowledge and soul (emotions, EQ, personality) above the average. Then at least 1 good female is going to like me. I hope. Yes, I know, I may die from over-working, but I will do it for me and for you all! I'm proud to risk myself for us all!!!" I hope it'll be clear enough for them. Because so far I got these from my previous sharing in IncelsWithoutHate:

You won't ascend by working and gymmaxxing, at most you'll be a betabux. If you really want to, save your money until you have enough for the surgeries you need, that's the only possible way an incel can ascend.

Why so sure? A good-looking body + good money may bring some love or at least respect which is above betabux-ing.

you're torturing yourself over nothing.

Why so pessimistic? The idea is to try before to conclude.

That stuff only helps once you’ve crossed the hard threshold of looks and height. If no girl has ever considered you, having interesting hobbies won’t change that.

It's not only hobby. Yoga, aerobics, fitness, MMA and so on will make me look better and to achieve more. It's not just hobbies.

No. Do you think women care how many gym courses you do? Only genetics matter.

I know but I don't do it to impress them with the number of the courses, I want to achieve better results and then the results to impress them. To compensate my genetics as more as I can.

ey babe. I finished a self-defence course, so I can defend myself in case Tyrone tries to fight me. Sorry, I'm 5'6", so I can't really defend you. I can just fight him for a little bit before I start running. Also, I can do yoga. Do you want to go on a date with me?

So "funny" yeah... what I meant is that self-defense will add more power to my health, good-looking body and character (psychology), yoga will improve my health, body, etc., but obviously he is not understanding them well. Let it be. I'm not angry. I have some sense of humor.
Title: Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
Post by: Incel on February 28, 2021, 06:19:24 AM
I forgot it. Let me add: If I ascend, it'll be a good way to follow for all of you, if I lose, it's only my loss.
Title: Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
Post by: Incel on February 28, 2021, 04:15:51 PM
The brocels who commented didn't seem to be optimistic at all. Some of them even joking it. Take some look:
"Hey Becky, this guy approached me today."

"That's cool Stacy, was he tall and handsome."

"No, but he does MMA and aerobics."

"So? Why would you date him?"

"He also plays chess."



Very pessimistic. Funny too. I appreciate the sense of humor.

it was a joke no one thinks that a mans hobbies are what attract women. that'd be face and height 😂🤣

and LMAO at trying to shame a man out of understanding that even if she likes you, her friends will try and sabotage things if you aren't attractive enough that they'd want to steal you. yeah he knows!

He didn't get it. I don't mean the hobby itself, I mean the benefits that it brings to the body and mind. For example yoga will make me stronger, fitter and wiser. Many women will like a man who is stronger, fitter and wiser.

And one more, which is a wise sentence from Fulci74:
Don’t ever things for external validation from women. Do it for your own self improvement
Title: Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
Post by: SEO on April 19, 2021, 02:20:53 AM
To avoid the potential (possible) non-tolerant and aggressive comments here I'd like earlier to say that all of you who're going to participate in this incel thread should avoid words and phrases like these ones: "foid", "moid", "rope", "ban him/her", "kys", "should commit suicide", "rope yourself", "neck yourself", "kill urself"/"kill yourself", "off yourself", "die, slut", "die, incel", "jump off a bridge", "play in traffic", "go rope", "die, incel", "do the rope", "hang yourself", "just rope", "exit kit", "exit bag", "suicide", "mass suicide", "shotgun", "slit your wrists", "ctb", "kill him/her", "rape him/her", "shoot him/her", "this is why you're a virgin", "no wonder you can't get laid", "no wonder you are an incel"/"no wonder you're incel", "that's why you're an incel", "cope or rope", "rope or cope", "just die", etc.!

We strictly forbid hate and want to provide a positive and helpful community. 8)
Title: Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
Post by: PageRank on June 03, 2021, 01:08:23 AM
Which incel is your favorite?
Title: Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
Post by: Non-SEO on June 03, 2021, 01:10:44 AM
Baldcels, oldcels, poorcels...
Title: Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
Post by: MSL on June 03, 2021, 01:42:05 AM
 When I think about it, I do have empathy towards the baldcels, oldcels and most of the poorcels. Baldness is not something that people can control nowadays. The age is also something which is out of our control. Most of the poor people are not poor because they're lazy and/or stupid. Of course, you can take a good care for your hair and in some cases to reduce the baldness; you can lead healthy life and to reduce your biological aging and you may try hard to search for money somehow. But all of these efforts are not very fruitful. So, usually being bald, old or poor is not your fault. At the same time, the empathy doesn't mean admiration. There is nothing to admire or to be proud of those lack of hair, lack of youth and lack of capital. Of course some of the elder people are wiser or with more experience but it's not every time the case. Getting/being old doesn't necessarily make you wiser, smart, intelligent, talanted, etc.
 So, if I have to choose one kind of the incels as my favorite, I do choose the gymcels. Why? 1/ They're hard working in this sport area (bodybuilding; fitness), 2/ They're getting better looking and healthier bodies compared with those people who are not working out. 3/ Some of them are able to ascend or at least to look like the average persons (also known as "normies" in some incel communities) which is a remarkable success.
Title: Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
Post by: PageRank on June 03, 2021, 01:35:29 PM
I'm such an incel... I'm thinking is it possible for a gymcel to become a Chad?
Title: Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
Post by: NOT_A Fan_ANYMORE on June 06, 2021, 03:12:19 AM
I think it is possible for a gymcel to become a Chad.
Title: Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
Post by: MSL on June 12, 2021, 03:44:18 AM
Depends on what type of incel and what type of Chad. For some it's 100% possible for others, it's nearly impossible just via gym (gym-maxxing). They'll need more than just gymcelling. Let's think about it in the terms of the decile scale (decile scale of attraction). If there is some "level 3" incel he may via gym-maxxing to achieve a "level 6" and then after adding some more simple looks-maxxings (good clothes, ideal hygiene, etc.) he may achieve a "level 7" which is already a Chad (Chadlite at least). But if he is someone who is "level 1" then even a Norman (normie) level will be not easy. But one thing is for sure -- the gym (and many of the sports) helps us to improve ourselves (to level up). 8) Of course, don't forget about the rest of the ways ("-maxxings") -- education (edu-maxxing), money (money-maxxing) and so on.  8)
Title: Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
Post by: Incel on June 14, 2021, 03:49:44 PM
For a truecel it's impossible. For example if he's just around 1 meter tall or if he is disabled (for example, no legs or no arms).
Title: Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
Post by: MSL on June 15, 2021, 02:08:38 AM
 Well, it depends on the definition of "Chad". If a Chad means tall for sure, then of course a truecel (true incel) can't become a Chad. But becoming a gymcel (starting to do some kind of fitness or bodybuilding) will help him to improve himself. You see, it's just like an ordinary job. With an ordinary salary you can't become a billionaire, but you'll be not totally poor, homeless, etc. At least better than nothing. Atleastism, you know. :)
 And don't forget that it's not necessary to become exactly a Chad. Many of the less attractive males (for example most of the so-called "normies", i. e. the average majority of the male population) are having girl-friends and wives. So even becoming a Norman (not a Gyga Chad or a Chad) is enough in most of the cases.
Title: Face > body
Post by: SEO on June 17, 2021, 02:49:20 AM
How do you think about the popular statement "face > body"?
Title: Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
Post by: Incel on June 18, 2021, 02:18:01 AM
It's "face>body" or "body<face". It's science. Studies show that ppl care like 70% about the face and only 30% about the body.
Title: Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
Post by: SEO on June 18, 2021, 08:33:30 PM
Yes, yes, yes. It's mostly so. Just in some cases body may be more helpful. Like one is pretty/handsome but too fat and the other one is not that pretty/handsome but has a good body. And in this kind of case some people will choose the second one (Not that pretty/handsome + good looking body > Pretty/handsome + obese body). The obesity was just an example. There are other reasons to not have a good looking body too.
Title: Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
Post by: MSL on June 20, 2021, 01:59:21 AM
 Something very important that many people, including many incels, do not keep in mind. It's that the reality (the gradation) is face > body > ugly body. Notice that body > ugly body. So, it's better to be with a pretty, attractive body than to be without it. If your face isn't attractive, than AT LEAST do your body attractive. An attractive body is more necessary for the people with ugly faces than for those with pretty faces. This is the right logic. It's the same as "a rich >a poor with job >a poor jobless". If you're poor AT LEAST you should have a job (even being a working poor) than to be jobless (which usually leads to homeless; very poor). The rich person can afford not to work but the poor should try to find a job. A handsome man (Chad) may afford not to try hard to develop his body but an unattractive man (an incel) should try his best to develop a better body. (When it comes to the topic "face and body". Of course, the bodybuilding isn't the one and only good thing that a human may use to be more attractive. There are other good and useful things like learning (knowledge), earning capital (for example, money, gold, etc.), developing skills (like singing, playing a musical instrument, martial arts, chess, etc.))
Title: Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
Post by: Incel on June 20, 2021, 02:34:06 AM
Sure, a man who has never attempted to gymmaxx, whilst having the ability and finances to do so, is sometimes accused of being a fakecel (or better let's say it's a sort of a volcel).

Many betas (beta males) and incels (in this case called gymcels) attempt to hit up the gym to achieve a better physique, to "feel better about themselves" and to become more attractive to women, hoping to ascend. So, a gymcel is an incel who copes by thinking that he’ll turn into a Chad if he goes to the gym and works hard. While gaining muscle does increase your chances with women online an enormous amount in highly populated areas, many incels believe this doesn't apply outside online dating if you have a short stature, small physical frame, or less than attractive face. At the end of the day, most incels would benefit by gymcelling, especially fatcels who need to lose bodyfat to show their bone structure, or skinnycels who are just skin and bones, and could use extra muscles in their neck, shoulders and torso.

A research study in 2007 which analyzed evolutionary behavior confirmed the following:

"For both sexes, face attractiveness predicted overall attractiveness more strongly than did body attractiveness, and this difference was significant in males." /Contributions of the face and body to overall attractiveness
Authors: Marianne Peters Gillian Rhodes Leigh W. Simmons

    School of Psychology, University of Western Australia, Australia

    Centre for Evolutionary Biology, School of Animal Biology, University of Western Australia, Australia

Received 13 April 2006, Revised 11 June 2006, Accepted 17 July 2006, Available online 30 April 2007.

MS. number: 8918
/ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0003347207000565
Title: Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
Post by: MSL on June 23, 2021, 02:06:20 AM
 I'd like to add some important points here:
 1. The finances are a problem for many poor people. But it can't be an excuse not to do bodybuilding at home or in the parks, gardens, fields, etc. There are many other ways to build muscles (free ways) like push-up (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Push-up (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Push-up)) and pull-up (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pull-up_(exercise) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pull-up_(exercise))) for example. You don't need a gym if you really want to get fit.
 2. "a short stature, small physical frame, or less than attractive face" -- all of these with a combination of a muscular body are a better combination than those obese and/or unattractive males (like 2/10 to 4/10) who still get girlfriends out there by some reason/reasons.
 3. It's not necessary to become a "Chad" ("Chang", "Chadpreet", "Tyrone", etc.) in order to ascend. I often see these this type of males (around 7/10 to 9/10) with average females (around 2/10 to 6/10) and at the same time many average or obese and unattractive males with prettier females (like 7/10, 8/10, 9/10...) This makes me think that the body and face are not that important how many incels think and that there are sometimes more important factors like location, good luck (like the right timing), money, characters, habits and so on. So to have a better body and a better face is useful, but not universal means.
 4. And "this difference was significant in males" is okay for the male unattractive incels because it shows exactly that there is more chance for them if they develop themselves in other fields (body, money, status, knowledge, education, better locations and so on).
Title: Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
Post by: Incel on June 29, 2021, 01:58:11 AM
(https://incelwiki.com/images/e/e8/Cell.jpg) Perhaps the heaviest things we lift and carry are not our weights, but our feels.
Title: Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
Post by: MSL on June 29, 2021, 02:28:44 AM
 This kind of sports make you even look better (when it comes to the face) because it's makes the skin healthier (thus -- prettier, better looking) and also helps in some cases to lose body fat and to show the facial bone structure (many slim faces are perceived as better looking than their obese versions). You may browse some "obese to fit" images (https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=obese+to+fit&form=HDRSC2&first=1&tsc=ImageHoverTitle (https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=obese+to+fit&form=HDRSC2&first=1&tsc=ImageHoverTitle)) and to see exactly the changes (the facial ones) and to realize that it's, often, useful to hit the gym for the face improvement as well. So, yes, "there is no gym for your face" but the gym for your body helps (often) to get a better face too.
 And let's say that, on average, the gym (fitness, bodybuilding and many other sports) may improve your face with 10%. The right food/diet (vitamins, minerals) is able to give you at least 5% more. The well-known showers ("Just take a shower, bro!") are going to make it cleaner, healthier, more hydratated, which add at least other 5% more. So, these things are not something that should be neglected.
Title: About the heightcels (a.k.a. shortcels or smallcels)
Post by: MSL on July 28, 2021, 04:00:44 AM
 It's useful to know when it comes to heightcels (a.k.a. shortcels or smallcels) -- heightism (http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/philosophy/heightism/msg43630/#msg43630). A shortcel (heightcel; smallcel) is someone whose placement on the inceldom spectrum can (at least partially) be attributed to being short.
Title: "Lucid dream-maxx"
Post by: MSL on March 19, 2022, 03:11:38 AM

Lucid dream-maxx

 Once I read about this kind of "-maxx": "Lucid dream-maxx". The lucid dreams are a type of dream where the dreamer becomes aware that he or she is dreaming. So, it's a kind of escapism, not a way to improve your chances to escape the inceldom. But it's a good thing if you can achieve it: you may have a lot of fun and satisfaction if you are able to control and/or "order" your dreams. :)
Title: About the husbandcels
Post by: MSL on April 08, 2022, 05:59:18 PM
 There is a category of incels that may sound a bit strange to some people, but these incels do exist. The category is "husbandcel". The husbandcels are married but their wives do not want to make love with them, so practically they're incels (or volcels, probably, in some rare cases).
Title: Do you think that every 0.01% counts?
Post by: Incel on May 05, 2022, 05:09:40 PM
How do you think? Every 0.01% counts? Let's just say that there are 2 billion men (your ammount of competition as a male). Amongst those, whatever percentile you lie in, you are competing with around 20 million others. In your life you are either improving or deteriorating. So you're startiting to make the correct dietary decisions, go to the gym and work out well, engage in the work you should be doing responsibly (career, business, college, volunteering), listen to an audiobook if you're lazy/busy to read, as opposed to only listen to music or playing games. Like this, you can literally surpass thousands of others (your competition, within your percentile) in terms of your quality as a man and person. So, every 0.01% counts, isn't it? Yes or no? (It's just a theory I know from $tackThatMoney).
Title: Re: Do you think that every 0.01% counts?
Post by: MSL on May 06, 2022, 04:39:52 AM
 That $tackThatMoney person is giving positive, optimistic and motivational opinion. It's much better, for many of the pessimistic incels who only think about "It's over.", "It never began.", "LDAR" (lay down and rot)/("lie down and rot"), etc.
 I'm trying to be a realist, so here is what I can comment:
 1. It's not so important if you surpass thousands of others or millions of others, or just 10 of others. It's important how many of others you do surpass in your social circle (more exact -- the social circle of the person you like). For example, you may surpass 104 000 000 people around the world but what if you're still number 7 (of 10) amongst the guys who are her potential future partners? Well, maybe she's not going to choose exactly number 1 (because she may feel insecure to be with such a great man or maybe because he'll think that she is not good enough for him). Let's assume that she will skip number 2 too and even number 3... but then, still, she will be with number 4 or 5. And you're the 7th. So, you're nearly chanceless.
 Now, imagine another situation -- you're arriving in some developing place where you're a unique and attractive person in the eyes of the locals (for example just because you're a foreigner who is considered very good looking (according to the local tastes) and who is much richer, educated, skillful, etc. than the average people around). You may surpass only 100 or 90 (or less) of others in your country and only around 200 all around the world. ;D, but what's the problem when all (or nearly all) of the local females think that you're the best they ever met? If you like enough at least one of them, then your inceldom problem is solved!
 Yes, of course, if you surpass most of the others around the world, the chance (probability) to also surpass most of the competitors around you and the female (females) you like is higher, than if you only surpass a few people in the entire world. But still, it depends, who exactly is in your (and especially, in her) social circle.
 2. The correct dietary decisions are important. The healthy menu is going to improve your health and even to make your body, skin, face to look a bit better. But in some cases it may be a reason some of the females to reject you. For example if you're eating normally and you want to be with a 100% vegan girl, probably she'll disagree or you both will have a lot of hard time. Or, imagine, that you like some very religious one who is forbidding you to eat something what you really like (for example pork (Islam) or beef (Hinduism), etc.) So the right, healthy flexitarian menu may be an obstacle in some cases. Anyway, don't give up and keep your healthy diet because the health is number one priority.

 3. Hitting the gym (working out) is a good thing too. And you can do it even without a real gym. For example you can make decent muscles at home if you're using some ordinary sports tools and you're doing the right exercises. Even only push-ups, squats and sit-ups may be enough, if you're doing them regularly, almost every day and you're having the right diet.
 Well, there are some females who do not like muscles but recently the percentage of these females isn't very significant, so don't worry and build up your body well.

 4. It's sad but have to keep it in mind: nowadays, in this cruel capitalistic world which is also full of wars and other problems if you're poor and especially if you're a poor male, your chances to find a partner are not great. That's why the best you can make your goal is to earn a lot of money (but legally; don't risk your life with criminal activities!), which means to try business, to search for jobs with high salaries, etc. Even a super charming male (a "Chad" or a "Brad") if has no money is losing most of the females because one part of them (let's say 40%) will just find another Chad or Brad who is richer. Some of them will even prefer to be with a "Norman" (a.k.a. "normie", i. e. an average male) who has the money, but not with a poor Chad. And other, let's say 25%, even agree to be with a moneyless Chad/Brad will be in trouble because their parents will never agree their daughters to be with a poor man.
 5. To be educated and knowledgeable is an important and reasonable value. The problem is that most of the people around the world are not very clever so if you're a clever person, in some cases, it may be a problem because many of the stupid females are not willing to be with a very clever man -- some of them think that they're not a match for a clever man and he should find another clever woman; others just think that being with a clever man is against them because he'll lie them or something like this; also there are women who dislike the very clever males because they're "boring", "geeks", "losers" and so on. Don't forget that category who want to control and to command their partners -- these women usually think that a very clever man is difficult to control, so they're avoiding the high IQ men.
 Still, this value is objectively a very important one and it's a must for the humankind. So, if you're able to be clever and to become cleverer, don't miss this chance! In most of the cases the clever people are able to find a way, to avoid some problem, to get a better decision and so on. Also being clever is a sort of a little compensation if you're not rich ("poor and stupid" is a terrible combination indeed).
 That's all. So, in a word, I do like this theory but I just wanted to add that it's not a 100% working. Yes, 0.01% counts but not every time. Sometimes even 0.000001% is enough (if you're in the right place, with the right person). Sometimes you have to get at least 0.91% to become at least one of the "TOP 3 potential partners" in your favorite female's social circle.
 You see, from time to time, I'm thinking about it, theoretically, if someday I am lucky enough to be close again to my favorite, angelic Long Jun-Hong (龙君红) and she is a mature adult, if I will be able to become at least one of the "TOP 10 males she likes" in her social circle. I doubt it even now when I'm totally sure that I surpass not just "thousands of others", but 80%+ of the others around the world! (Because I'm a philosopher, a poet, a writer, a webmaster. I do not smoke, I do not' drink hard alcohol. Besides my Master's at philosophy, I've got a TEFL and some sports certificates. I'm doing regular sport activities (several). I can speak several foreign languages and I'm learning everyday more and more. I'm learning non-stop about history, psychology, logic and many others. Day by day, I'm trying to earn more money via teaching, webmastering, writing, trading..., i. e. I'm a hard-working person. I'm also comparatively kind, helpful and fair person. I do avoid unhealthy things like dirtiness (germs, viruses, etc.), radiation, pollution and so on. Trying to eat healthily. As you may see, I'm something like a modern genius or, at least, not an ordinary man. That's why I'm pretty sure that 80%+ of the rest are worse than me. And, still, I'm not optimistic that if she meet me again one day, after some years, she'll think that I'm one of the potential partners for her because some the other males in her social circle will be more attractive and more acceptable to her than me).
 So, dear incels, do your best and improve yourselves more and more, as much as you can! Just remember that it won't work in every situation but it will be generally helpful (it has the potential to work in some of the situations). In simple words, it's increasing your chances.
Title: At last it's time to realize how worthy it was to spent all these years (Chad)
Post by: Incel on May 26, 2022, 05:11:18 AM

At last it's time to realize how worthy it was to spent all these years (Facing a much younger Chad soon)!

Look, I'm really serious! No jokes, no kidding, no shi*t! I'm going to face the real, real truth soon! May be... maybe!

Okay... well, let's start it normally and from the very beginning. Hi and hello, everyone! I'm comparatively new here and I'm thankful that I can meet so many brocels here (at least like readers. Hey, register if you want! I wish I could chat and discuss with more brocels here! Please!!!)! It's important for me and surely it'll give you a lot of valuable info because the situation is really a kind of "time for the truth"! No shit, no joke! I swear.

 So, here is the long story short: I was surely unlucky because I'm not just an incel, I'm a: shortcel (around 5.6 feet), a baldcel (Norwood 3~4) and a poorcel (nearly indebted, but not yet).

 But well okay, here is the point: I'm soon going to be an oldcel (i.e. I'm nearly 50!), but hey,hey, don't imagine me as a "grandpa"! I managed to look like a post-graduate or something! It's another story. And also, I did my best during the last 5 years to ascend! Bluepill or redpill? Think by yourself:

1. I was really fat as f... but I gave up the yummy food and the sodas. I lost around 89 pounds!
2. Then I improved my martial arts and started to be a real gymcel! The result was that my body became like the one I had in my 20's, and even better! (Without the f... hair, you know!)
3. I added some yoga, aerobics, self-defence and more fitness (even at home). (More gymmaxxing! Hell, yeah! 8))
4. I have got a Master's (humanitarian) degree, but I added 4 more online diplomas (linguistics and some sport (sports)) + I started to learn and play chess. Learned more languages and even started to trade and learn economics!
5. I never stopped to read incels' wikis and forums in order to keep enough real!
 Sorry, if I sound too #%$#%$#~, but I managed to become something like a "superhuman" (or at least a "king of the manlets"; even most of the males outside no matter how tall are they look so ugly, fat and so on, when they are next to my lean, muscular and trained body. No need to say my IQ is above theirs, in most of the cases!)
 The results?
OK, 100% honest with you, bros and brocels:
1. After my improvement all the females started to chat with me, to talk with me. Before they even didn't dare to answer me or to chat with me.
2. Some of these females made some compliments like: "Obviously you like sport!", "Oh-wow! You're so sporty!", "You look not bad, man! What do you practice?"
3. "Oh! You're great!" (When it comes to my degrees and learning or knowledge, but seems it doesn't matter to most of them)... I feel sorry about it, because I wanted the people to be more educated and knowledgeable but... alas...

 Well, don't get me wrong -- still NO girlfriend. (Well, two superobese wanted to be with me, but I refused. Sorry. Does it count? That's all. If you call me a "volcel" for it, I'll accept it and I will due you my apology! :( I'm just willing to be 100% honest with you, bros and brocels!)

And here comes the the hour of the truth: A nearly 30 years younger than me boy (just turned 18) who practiced only 1 year bodybulding and some MMA, is already:

1. Taller than me. (around 1 head above me.)
2. Stronger than me. (Bigger muscles, except the abdominal ones.)
3. Maybe more handsome (surely more hair and less beard.)
4. Braver (extremely brave -- inviting for sparring everyone who is available and most of the time winning!)
5. No need to say that he has at least 2000% females in his social networks who are willing to chat with him and asking him questions like "Who did you fight today?" and "Wow, how well you improved your body!" (A blackpill,...)

OK, and the top of that, the boy (I call him "the boy", because I could be his father, but I'm, obviously, I child-free, so...) would like to have a friendly fight with me. :-0 :-0 :-0 :-0 :-0 :-0 :-0 :-0

So... all I feel is insecure and that he's is 90% mogging me because he's just a natural Chad who is on steroids or something (I avoid it and maybe that's why my progress is so humble!) and who is working hard! (About the IQ, obviously I am mogging him, but who cares?!...)

The conclusion? Work hard, do your best and you'll have it better, but once comes a Chad, then it's really hard!!!

BROS and BROCELS, everything you say is welcome! Tell me what do you think and if I have to try to duel with him?! I know I may lose and I am a wise man who is not going to lose some bone because of a Chad-kid. Even I win against him, I know no female will acknowledge me, so? Let me know!!!

Title: Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
Post by: Incel on May 26, 2022, 05:18:02 AM
Not to be pessimistic but... take it as a sentence of truth about me: A... baldcel, poorcel, shotcel, gymcel and... soon to be an oldcel! Life sucks and then you... you know.
Title: Brocels
Post by: Incel on May 26, 2022, 05:20:42 AM
Brocels... Good luck, brocels! 8) :-*
Title: Re: At last it's time to realize how worthy it was to spent all these years (Chad)
Post by: Incel on May 26, 2022, 05:29:43 AM
Well, for me the races are just a bulls... but... as a P.S.: If it matters, I'm an Eurocel (a poor East-European) and he's an Asian Chad (i. e. the so-called "Chang"). I do notice it because many incels (especially the ethnic ones, the ethniccels) think that the white (Caucasian) incels are with some sort of advantage or even fakecels. Well, it's not like this. Maybe in some cases to be a eurocel is better than to be something else, but it's really not that helpful. True story!
Title: Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
Post by: Alexa on May 27, 2022, 02:53:47 AM
Don't focus on this that much. Try not to think about it.
Title: Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
Post by: SEO on May 27, 2022, 02:59:15 PM
Outside of sky there is sky, outside of people there are people. It's the idea that there will always be someone better. So what? Who cares?
Title: Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
Post by: Nadia on May 27, 2022, 03:40:39 PM
When you have no chance... then just RUN!
Title: Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
Post by: Incel on May 27, 2022, 04:51:33 PM
OK, it's something very similar to what a (looks well educated) brocel said to me earlier (I mean Pepecel). So, he said that my improvement is a nice self-improvement. It feels okay, really.
But if I am really that old (he didn't mean to insult me; even said "sorry" as a real gentleman) then I should maybe start giving up with women and maybe instead try to focus on myself more and spend the money on myself (and the examples he gave were: holidays, cars and whatever) , plus and not always looks but that of course is our own choice (as we know some people just want to look good for themselfes).
Something else that I like is that if you want to get more replies then don't write about too many things in one thread, plus don't write too formal/too long as 90% of that website consists of teenagers with no attention span.

In short: to focus on myself and whatever makes me happy and that's it.

OKAY, but as I said already, there is a problem.The problem is there is no money. :) (Poorcel, as you know.) And because I keep my body young and healthy, my libido is high; when I sleep I often dream some pretty romantic dreams or sexual ones. So, to say "giving up with women" is like "giving up" the air or the water, the food. It's not normal to self-restrict yourself from the natural needs. Also I added "Thanks for the points! You're right about many things."
Title: If the one and only female who ever likes you is 0/10, are you going to accept
Post by: Incel on May 29, 2022, 04:27:57 AM

If the one and only female who ever likes you is 0/10, are you going to accept her?

Hi, there bros!

I'd add something new now.

We all know that a 0/10 male has practically no chances to be in love. What about the 0/10 females? Think about it, are you going to give a 0/10 chance if she is:

1. 0/10 because she's superobese (even can't stand up from the bed)
2. 0/10 because she's disabled (can't walk for example)
3. 0/10 because she's in the jail (a serial killer or something else similarly terrible)
4. 0/10 because she's brain damaged (the lowest IQ you can imagine)
5. 0/10 because she's having some deadly problem like HIV or something like it.

Are you going to accept some of these kinds?
Title: Drunk posting
Post by: MSL on May 30, 2022, 10:20:09 PM
 Well, obviously it was a case of drunk posting  ;D but you know that drunkenly posting also may contribute a lot of truth (remember the Latin proverb "In vino veritas." (which simply means that under the influence of wine or another type of alcoholic drink, a person tells the truth) :) ).

1. "At last it's time to realize how worthy it was to spent all these years (Facing a much younger Chad soon)!"

 Well, the worthiness (the value) of spending years of self-improvement isn't correlated that much with how close or how better you may be to (than) a "Chad" (high tier male). It's like you to try to get richer and really to become a richer person and than to compare with the billionaires. When you compare yourself with the bests, of course, you may conclude that it wasn't worthy.
 The best way is to compare your past-yourself with your now-yourself (present yourself), i. e. to think "Would your past self be proud of you?" and of course to compare yourself with the average level too (the "Normans", "normies"). The Chads are probably only around 10%-15% of the male population so it's not a good idea to keep in mind only them.

2. A "shortcel" (i. e. short incel, not tall incel) is more or less relative. In some countries and even in some different place of one and the same big country you may be "short" or "tall", or at least "average". For example in north China or around people who are from the North of China, I feel that most of the time I'm short and when I'm in south China or around people from the South I feel that I'm a normal, average height person (even, sometimes, I feel that I'm a tall one).

3. Balding sucks. But, at least, it's not a just a problem of one or two men. According to some statistics ~35% of the males are having this issue.

4. Poverty sucks even more... but the important thing is never to give up. I do buy lottery every week 3 times, trying to make successful trading with foreign currencies and teaching some English... of course trying to make a successful website too and to write e-books.

5. Old age is one of the worst things and it's not because being old is that big problem but because of the ageism (the age discrimination) around the world.

 The best is metapill (meta pill). Why? Because every "pill" ("red pill" ("redpill"), "blue pill" ("bluepill"), "black pill" ("blackpill"), "white pill" ("whitepill")...) has got some good, useful points.

 a) if you want to lose weight, the most important is to count the calories and to do sports.
 b) the sporty elder guys look better, for sure.
 c) gym-maxx is one of the best, healthy ways for self-improvement.
 d) some people call it education-maxx or edu-maxx. It's a good thing.
 e) we should learn not only from the lucky ones but from the unlucky ones too. In some cases it's even more important to learn from the failures.
 f) "king of manlets" and "superhuman" sound so positive (a.k.a "life fuel"; "lifefuel").
 g) we should be honest and frank and to mention that there are still women who will prefer a fatter and/or an uglier male just because he's taller than a handsome, lean but short male.
 h) not very related, but often I think that being a husbandcel is worse than just being a single incel. When you're a single incel, at least, you have a bit more chance. Even let it be 0.01% more, but a chance!
 f) the "volcel" categorization (understandings; definitions) are different. But I think it's nearly reasonable not to call a volcel one who prefers to avoid the obese females. Let's call him a "standardcel" instead.
 Well, okay, let's comment these ones now:

"1. Taller than me." Not a big problem if there aren't other problems. Well, as I mentioned above, the height can beat many other advantages. There is even something called "height pill" ("heightpill") -- the knowledge that many women do prefer males taller than them or even taller than the average man around.

2. "Stronger than me. (Bigger muscles, except the abdominal ones.)" And maybe some others too, like the legs muscles. Not that important because even people with average muscles may be attractive enough. You don't need to be with super big muscles in order to look good and to be stong.
3. "Maybe more handsome (surely more hair and less beard.)" Depends of the individual preferences. Some people will never choose an Asian (East-Asian) looking person no matter he's younger or handsomer. Or, exactly the opposite, they'll choose him just because he's younger and/or Asian.
4. "Braver (extremely brave -- inviting for sparring everyone who is available and most of the time winning!)" OK, but there is a proverb "The graveyards are full of brave men." ("The cemeteries are full of brave men.") To be "not that brave" sometimes (or often) saves your life or health.
5. "No need to say that he has at least 2000% (more) females in his social networks who are willing to chat with him and asking him questions like "Who did you fight today?" and "Wow, how well you improved your body!" Who knows are there 2000% more or just 0.25% more? :) But, as a figure of speech (a rhetorical figure), it's good. Whatever. He, as a hard-working and a lucky person, surely will get more than those who're not that lucky.
6. Mogging... well, it's a verbification and apheresis (i. e. the loss of a sound or sounds at the beginning of a word) of the acronym "AMOG" (alpha male of the group) ) is the act of dominating (or just being better than) another person.
7. In a world where most of the people aren't clever enough, it's not a surprise that the intellect isn't a popular value.
8. Feeling insecure in this sort of dangerous situations is okay and even useful! And by the way, why one person who struggles with enough other problems have to go fighting with a much stronger "Chad" ("Chang", etc.) and to get some more problems like broken rib or... even the worst -- in case you win, he's in a hospital and the local police saying something like "He's a kid and you're an adult! Why did you accept to fight with him?! Are you a brainless old man?"
9. "Work hard, do your best and you'll have it better, but once comes a Chad, then it's really hard!!!" Sure it is. But the good news is that the Chads are usually a minority. The majority are Normans (normies) plus incels. For example, something like that: Gigachads -- 1%, Chads -- 19%, Normans -- 60%, incels (the true incels, i. e. truecels) -- 20%.
10. Yeah, most of the females nowadays don't care if you're a better fighter or not. So, it's pointless unless you're a popular fighter/winner like Conor McGregor or somebody else like him.
Title: The Chad-overexaggeration
Post by: MSL on May 31, 2022, 02:36:18 AM

The Chad-overexaggeration

by Geser Kurultaev (a philosopher and an incelologist)

 When I was in the university learning philosophy I could choose many different topics for my Master's degree but I decided to focus on people (philosophical anthropology) and especially on the human's love. That's why I wrote a 107 pages graduation thesis "About the Different Aspects of Love". Since that time I felt it -- to be a loveless (an incel) is something that makes you to live a life in pain, a life without your full potential and a life which is often energy lacking. Later I decided to specialize even more about it and I focused on the pitiest group of human beings who have love problems -- the incels, i. e. the ones who are not just without love but even without sexual activity (keep in mind that having sexual activity is simpler and easier to achieve than to find a real love. The love is more complicated than its biological component called "sex" or "sexual intercourse" or "copulation"). That's why I decided to write even a book which may help incels (or at least around half of them) to escape the inceldom (i. e. to "ascend") and I think it helped already some of them (the title of the book is "How to Escape the Inceldom: A QUICK GUIDE TO Deincelization").
 In this article I'd like to write about a new topic which I discovered recently, it's about the "Chad" ("Chads") and, concretely, about the Chad-overexaggeration (which you can use as "Chadoverexaggeration" if it's more convenient for you).
 "Chad" in the incelosphere stands for the top most attractive males in the world (there are "Gigachads"/"Giga-Chads" too, but let's say that they're just an insignificant subset of the "Chad" category as far as their persentage is less than 1% all around the world). Many (if not most) of the incels assume that "only" the Chads are successful in love and/or in sexual activity and that all the females are choosing and having Chad boyfriends, Chad lovers and Chad husbands. This is what I called Chadoverexaggeration. It's something that distorts the reality, which is: there are not so many Chads in the world! The approximate amount of these males is around 15-20% (according to the 20:60:20 principle or the so-called Normal distribution).
 Well, imagine that even 25% of the males are Chads (including Giga-Chads, Chadlites, etc.) the rest of the males are mostly "Normans" (also known as "normies" in the inceloshpere) plus incels (involuntary celibates). Obviously the majority of the females are not going to choose an incel (except in some very rare cases known as "unicorns") and because the Chads are less than the females where is the majority of the women goes? The answer is: to the Normans. Why?
 1) Because of the mentioned already reason (there are much less Chads in the world than women)
 2) Some part of the women really do not like Chads (they make them feel insecure, for example or they just really prefer some low tier man like "Brad" (something around "Chadlite") or Norman).
 3) There is a significant part of females around the world who're going to focus on something beyond the looks (money, visas/citizenship, etc.), i. e. so-called "gold-diggers" who're 99.99% going to chose even an ugly man (with some incelish type of face and/or body) but not an average or poor Chad. In the incelosphere it's known as "betabuxx" (or "betabuxxing").
 4) Other cases which are not relevant to this article (for example forced marriages and so on).
 Every place is different but if you look around and notice carefully the couples around you, certainly you'll see that most of the them are "composed" of an average male (some of these Normans are even nearly incelish, i. e. low tier normies) and a different type of female. Even some of the Stacies ("Stacy" is a high tier female in the incelosphere's jargon) are mating with Normans and Brads but not with Chads.

The conclusions

In our world often the successful ones are not the best ones (or, at least, not only the best ones). There are plenty of successful average businessmen (for example, he/she has not economics knowledge or some another special knowledge and he's not from a rich family but somehow he runs a business). There are plenty of successful average fighters (for example, he/she has no impressive huge body and even no martial arts knowledge but still can win in most of the fights). And, at the end, there are plenty of successful in love (or at least in sexual activity) average males.
 So, this is it: you don't have to be the best one in order to succeed. All you need is an average level, efforts and good luck.
Title: Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
Post by: Nadia on May 31, 2022, 02:42:51 AM
It's because most of the incels only focus on the online dating where the girls do choose the best looking men and still, not every time. In the real life most of the couples are formed outside of the net and the girls are choosing based of the good treatment, voice, impressions, etc. They'll still choose not very ugly one but they can give up some handsomeness for spiritual things like character, attitude, sense of security, fate and many others.
Title: Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
Post by: SEO on May 31, 2022, 03:17:56 AM
The looks are not everything but without the good look your chances are decreasing dramatically. And the opposite, the good looks are giving more chances because of the halo effect.
Title: Re: If the one and only female who ever likes you is 0/10, are you going to accept
Post by: SEO on May 31, 2022, 03:37:23 AM
Only some of these. Maybe only 2 of these femcels.
Title: Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
Post by: Incel on May 31, 2022, 03:56:14 AM
It's simple, when there is a Horn effect, you may even have no chance to give a flower. When there is a Halo effect, you may even don't need to give a flower. :) :)
Title: Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
Post by: Incel on May 31, 2022, 03:22:19 PM
In fact, drunken or not, I never ever planned to go to have fight/duel/sparring or something with that young man. If I win, I get nothing. If I lose I may even become a disabledcel and it'll be really the 100% end, it will be the 100% "it's over". It's enough for me that I'm a baldcel, a shortcel, a framecel, a poorcel and soon to be an oldcel.
Title: Re: If the one and only female who ever likes you is 0/10, are you going to accept
Post by: MSL on June 01, 2022, 03:34:42 AM
 My honest answers:

"1. 0/10 because she's superobese (even can't stand up from the bed)" -- only if she's going to lose weight and has the real will to do it.

"2. 0/10 because she's disabled (can't walk for example)" -- if I am really in love with her. For example, she was my "oneitis" (the greatest pure, unforgettable person like Long Jun-Hong).

"3. 0/10 because she's in the jail (a serial killer or something else similarly terrible)" -- no! Too terrible.

"4. 0/10 because she's brain damaged (the lowest IQ you can imagine)" -- also no! Also too terrible to deal with it. The lowest IQ means even worse than some animals' IQ.

"5. 0/10 because she's having some deadly problem like HIV or something like it." -- hard to answer... depends on who is she. If she is my oneitis, nothing like this is going to stop me.
Title: Re: About the husbandcels
Post by: MSL on June 01, 2022, 03:46:05 AM
 Other words that mean the same as husbandcel:
Title: "The oofy doofy theory" -- Q&A
Post by: SEO on June 02, 2022, 04:22:45 AM

"The oofy doofy theory" -- Q&A

 The answers of the incelologist, philosopher Geser Kurultaev:

- What's this "oofy doofy theory" and why it's such a hot topic right now in the incelosphere?

- Many of the incels are interested in learning about their big problem -- the inceldom, so everything new, especially when it's something like a theory will possibly attract their interest. In fact, it's not a very new theory. Just some incels learned about it recently, so for them it's new.
 In short it's a theory that states it: the majority of the females are going to choose not the most attractive males (Gigachads, Changs, Chadpreets, Chads, Tyrones and so on) they'll even not choose Chadlites, but a Norman who may be even a low tier Norman (low tier normie) and if we're talking about the character of this average man, it will be a submissive male.
 This is something that many of the incels (and not only they) will never accept because it is something that is almost the opposite of what they know and often what they see.

 - So, what's the truth? Is there at least a piece of truth in the oofy doofy theory?
 - A theory that is partly true. In simple words, we can say, there are oofy doofy cases but, N.B.:
 1) There are some women who do prefer submissive males. For example, this is a study from 2014 that explains why do some women prefer submissive men https://www.nel.edu/userfiles/articlesnew/NEL350714A16.pdf (https://www.nel.edu/userfiles/articlesnew/NEL350714A16.pdf). There are also some women who really avoid the very attractive males and will reject some 10/10 or 9/10 just to get married for a 6/10 or even 4/10, which will give them more security. Maybe some of the incels can't imagine it, but it's true that some women feel insecure with very handsome guys and they'll think that he'll cheat her, leave her for a prettier woman and so on. Some of them even believe that "handsome = liar" or "handsome = stupid". There are also cases where some women think that a Chad isn't their looksmatch, so they can't even think of being with him.

 2) Another category of women -- well, they're the opposite, they do want to Chad or the Gigachad, they'll feel depressed if they have "only" a Chadlite and they'll feel ashamed if they have got a Norman. But most of the women can't get what they want.  :) You see, according to the normal distribution, which looks like a bell and it's, for example, something like "10% Gigachads, Chads, Chadlites + 15% Brads + 55% Normans + 15% nearcels + 5% truecels", there is no way all of the women who want the top 10% to get these top 10%. Even in a polygamic society it's impossible all of the willing Chads (or let's say Chaddams, which are the Muslim-Arab Chads) females to receive it. Just the number of the Chads is much less than the women who want a Chad. So, what is the next? Of course, when she can't find a Chad, she will search for a Brad (and because the Brads are also "limited") then the biggest probability is that she will take a Norman. Just the Normans are the majority of the males and they're more acceptable than the nearcels and the truecels.
 So, it's kind of natural, at least from the mathematical point of view.

 3) A big percent of the elder females who already had Chads or something similar years ago, already do not prioritize the looks and they do search for other things like: money, security, stability, care and so on. For them, if a person may give them these they're okay to get married or to live without marriage even with some low tier Norman or a nearcel, in some cases, they can consider an incel as well.
 Once a elder woman said something like this to her future husband: "Look, I'm already 40+, so I don't care how many hair do you have on your head, I do care what's in your heart, what's in your pocket, what's in your head."
 In fact, many of the elder men also will choose a good, stable, honest and rich Becky, than a cheating, unstable, poor Stacy. Even some of the young incels do admit that the Beckys are their first choice.

 - So, if we can sum it up, oofy doofy theory is true about those females who really do search for less attractive males, for those who just can't find an attractive male and for the elder ones who already value things beyond the looks?
 - Yes, and we also may add another, 4th category, which is called "It just so happened." ;D
Title: Zendaya
Post by: MSL on June 02, 2022, 05:09:52 AM
 I think that Zendaya (an actress) is one of the most pretty females nowadays. So in my eyes she is a GigaStacy (it means one of the most pretty females in the incels' jargon), but I wonder how do you think? If she wasn't famous and you just meet her on the street what you'll think about her?
 Some incels think that she is just a "Becky" (it means an ordinary girl in the incels' jargon).
Title: Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
Post by: SEO on June 02, 2022, 05:34:58 AM
She is just a very charming girl. I know that many of the males will say she is just a so-so one but she is charming for sure.
Title: Literally every day an incel may ascend if this happens (Popularity-juice)
Post by: MSL on June 06, 2022, 04:44:55 AM

Literally every day an incel may ascend if this happens or what is the "popularity-juice"

By Geser Kurultaev (philosopher, incelologist)

  For those who're not familiar with the terminology I'd explain that "incel" is everyone who can't have a wife or a girl-friend, lover, etc. "Ascend" is to stop being an incel somehow.
 Here comes a very important point that I'd like to send to all of the incels around the world because it's a kind of lifefuel (something that gives you hope) and can be used as a good cope. I want to see as many as possible incels who're living in hope and who're escaping the inceldom. So, I'll never stop trying to help them with my researches and my ideas.
 The good news: this thing already happened and it's proven as a ~90% escaping the inceldom success for almost all the incels who are lucky enough to get it (except for some categories like locationcels for example)!
 So this is the thing: an incel just need to be lucky enough to look like some new incelish movie star or singer, or another very popular person.
 Examples? Check these out: 1. Michael Cera (https://tse1-mm.cn.bing.net/th/id/OIP-C.non2CqPO4pwYBTcGcW7WcAHaI-?pid=ImgDet&rs=1)
. I think that he looks nice and cute but I can bet that most of the females will never call the men who look like him "handsome" or "very attractive". Yes, but it was before. Now there are many females who think that he's attractive, he is at least a bit handsome, he is charming. They like him. That's is how, all of the incels who really look like him, are going to find at least 2-3 girls around them who'll like them just because they look like Michael Cera.
 2. The J-pop, K-pop, Q-pop and other similar boy bands. (https://image.kpopmap.com/2020/10/p1harmony-debut.jpg). Years ago males with this kind of look will be perceived like feminine, childish and sometimes -- homosexual. There are even nowadays some elder people in Asia who think that this type of males are looking like females. For me, sometimes, is also not easy to say (if I don't know the certain J-pop, K-pop or Q-pop male star and I see this star's photograph for the first time) if it's a male or a female. Many of them just haven't enough male secondary sexual characteristics (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secondary_sex_characteristic) (no offense because I'm a person who likes the Asian cultures and whose forefathers are from Asia). And what's going on nowadays? There are millions of girls and young women who are dreaming for a man like this. If you're lucky enough to look like some of these stars, it's a granted deincelisation for you! (There is also a new type of -maxx, called "K-popmaxx" which means an incel person, usually Asian, to make efforts to look like a K-pop star. It's a kind of looksmaxxing.)
 3. Some vintage examples -- Chaplin, Danny DeVito, etc. After they become popular everyone who looks like them receives attention and interest from the females around him.

As a conclusion

 Try not only to keep away from suicidal and criminal ideas, non-stop do your best to -maxx yourself, not to -minn yourself! And keep in mind that literally every day there can appear some incelish popular star who looks like you, and then, his popularitymaxx will help you to ascend and to forget about the inceldom for a long time or, I wish you, forever! You can call it "popularity-juice".
Title: Re: Literally every day an incel may ascend if this happens (Popularity-juice)
Post by: SEO on June 06, 2022, 05:36:19 AM
Wow! Pupularityjuice for life! ;) :D
Title: Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
Post by: Incel on June 06, 2022, 06:01:18 AM
This should be shared with the brocels asap!
Title: All good, non-violent incels should be advised and supported
Post by: MSL on June 07, 2022, 06:01:07 AM
 All good, non-violent incels should be advised and supported in one way or another. I still believe that at last 60% of the incels nowadays are able to escape the inceldom (a.k.a. "to ascend").
Title: Amazing maxxing plan from a high IQ incel
Post by: Incel on June 09, 2022, 04:14:50 AM
Many incels are not good people, there are even criminals amongst them. For example, some of them want to rape. There is trash in every community. In fact most of the incels are even not in a communities. So now I'm talking about a high IQ good incel who has an amazing maxxing plan. Quoting it here and you say what do you think about it:
As I mentioned, I've lurked a while before making my account. My threads will derive a lot from BlackPillPres in terms of using your 20s to wealthmax and then ascend in your 30s, only difference is that he wants hookers while I want non-hookers.

I will use my 20s to bulk up, go to the gym, I will become a Chad from the neck down.

I am using shoe lifts to boost my height. When you're short, a small height difference yields an exponential return

I will corporatemax by climbing the ladder of my consulting firm, using my free time to foster skills that will make me even more invaluable to the company.

I will wealthmax through valueinvesting, channelling my surplus wealth into undervalued securities.

Once I'm in my early 30s, I will PLASTIC SURGERY max and remove my ugliness. I will use my hard earned money to develop a better face.

Once I'm attractive, taller, bulked up, and rich.... there will be nothing stopping me from getting girls. I'm not just talking about finding a nice girl to settle with, I'm talking Stacies on my Yacht. This is what drives me. I'm actually getting so excited just thinking about this because I can't find any flaws. What is to stop me from ascending once I actually look good?

As we say, a "few millimeters of bone"... well, that can change with enough money.

I am a KISSLESS VIRGIN right now, but think about how great of a story it will be when I'm 38 with a bunch of hot young college girls on my Yacht and explaining in my vlog how i used to be a truecel.
From https://incels.is/threads/i-am-going-to-ascend-in-my-30s-read-before-calling-me-bluepilled.380925/#post-8943155 (https://incels.is/threads/i-am-going-to-ascend-in-my-30s-read-before-calling-me-bluepilled.380925/#post-8943155) (" I Am Going to Ascend in my 30s (read before calling me bluepilled)")
Title: Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
Post by: MSL on June 09, 2022, 05:18:08 AM
 My comments on "I Am Going to Ascend in my 30s (read before calling me bluepilled)".

 It's very joyful for an incelologist like me to see this type of positive and even highly optimistic attitudes in some incels! There is a huge number of incels who tend to be highly pessimistic and this (their pessimism) blocks them to escape the inceldom (i. e. to ascend).
 Of course, too optimistic is also not the optimal variant. So here, I'll try to bring up more realism.
use my 20s to bulk up, go to the gym, I will become a Chad from the neck down.
You have to be sporty all your life. Many people with good bodies are getting fat after they stop being sporty. For example they're getting those beer bellies (which are, in fact, inactivity bellies).
 Usually it's not very possible for a truecel to become a Chad, even only from the neck down, but to become something like a Brad or even a Chadlite is quite possible (and it's enough, because, you know -- Chad-overexagerration (http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/social-network-seo-social-network/incel-incels-rincels-(incel-reddit-incels-reddit)-good-and-bad/msg45200/#msg45200) is something useless. Most of the females are okay with less -- Normans, Brads, Chadlites).
 2/ Well, the shoe lifts may work temporarily. For a long-term relationship it's difficult to work.
more invaluable to the company
only if the owners are wise enough to realize this fact. The sad thing is that many of the owners and/or their managers tend to underrate you.
 4/ According to a definition "Undervalued securities are expected to increase rapidly..." but who knows? There is a risk every time. Anyway, in this or another way, the money-maxx is a must. Because in the current capitalistic world even women who really fall in love with a man will suffer if they can't earn enough money. Sometimes even a true, strong love may go away if there are huge financial problems.
 5/ I'm against the surgeries and do recommend only soft looks-maxxing.
talking Stacies on my Yacht
this may be dangerous. For example, if you have a successful business and then some people start to gossip about you're "a goat" or something. An image of a playboy may ruin business and personal life. Not everyone supports such level of hedonism and there will be many people who will jealous. Some of them may be strong enough to make you problems just because they jealous.
 Another possible trouble -- some of the yacht girls to say later "Me too!" and to make some fake accusations against you. It's a problem in some countries as far as many people don't search for the facts and for the truth; they'll just say "If she said so, it's true."
 So, to have a yacht is okay and to have a wife or a gf is okay too... I just don't see why you'll put yourself in different type of dangers with many Stacies in one yacht.
Title: Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
Post by: Gay on June 10, 2022, 02:41:40 AM
Yes, he sounds like an educate and reasonable young person. Later he'll learn much more when he's elder. Wishing him good luck!
Title: Geomaxx
Post by: Gay on June 10, 2022, 04:55:38 AM


I learned the new word "geomaxx". It's geo-maxx when a locationcel finds a place or a country where the females will like him and he may find a girlfriend or something similar.
Title: Locationmaxx
Post by: MSL on June 10, 2022, 05:08:05 AM
 Well, in fact because it's really related to the locationcels the better term is locationmaxx (location-maxx). Of course geomaxx (geo-maxx) is a not bad synonym.
Title: What is the metapill philosophy
Post by: MSL on June 11, 2022, 05:55:34 AM


What's the metapill theory

  Geser Kurultaev's incels' metapill theory which is related with his philosophy of atleastism is easy to understand. Here it will be presented in a nutshell:
 1. Every "pill" (whitepill, blackpill, redpill, bluepill, etc.) points to different sides of the inceldom. There is no "perfect pill". That's why, from the scientific point of view, we have to be objective and, according to the facts, to take every true part of the concrete pills and to reject the parts that are not true.
 For example, the metapill is using the realism of the redpill, part of the pessimism of the blackpill and part of the optimism of the bluepill. The metapill accepts that in some inceldom cases the situation may be almost "It's over." (for example, if there is a disabledcel) but it also knows that it's not over at all in many other cases (like, for example, if there is a fatcel because every one can lose weight). If the bluepill is too optimistic, the redpill is realistic and the blackpill is pessimistic, then we can say that the metapill is something between realistic to moderately optimistic. The metapill also accepts the whitepill ideas of becoming more emotionally stable and to have more philosophical attitude and it follows closely the centrism and the balance of the purplepill.
 2. The moderate optimism of the metapill is based on some facts like these:

 2.1. Even incels who do not work hard on their self-improvement and becoming a better version of themselves sometimes are ascending.
 2.2. A big part of the incels who really do their best to become a better version of themselves (via different -maxxes like gymmaxx, studymaxx, knowledgemaxx, skillmaxx, moneymaxx, locationmaxx, etc.) are surely ascending.
 2.3. Most of the incels (especially those who're still teenagers and college students) are not truecels. The truecel is someone who really has nearly 0 chance even after a lot of hard trying to ascend -- for example someone who is very, very short or very mentally disordered. But most of the self-proclaimed incels are just 1, 2 or 3 steps away from the escape of their inceldom. Practically, around 6 of 10 incels, can become enough attractive if they improve their body (gymmaxx), their status (money, job/business, etc.) and their knowledge (plus personality -- for example to become less selfish, less hostile, more gentle and respectful).
 2.4. The Matthew rule -- "For to those who have, more will be given, and they will have an abundance; but from those who have nothing, even what they have will be taken away." which means that if a person is getting richer, stronger, more clever, more popular, etc. he will receive more benefits and results in his life than if he is getting poorer, weaker, stupider, infamous, etc.
 2.5. The base of the metapill -- the atleastism -- states that at least we should do our best because "the hard work pays off". The idea is that if you don't -minn yourself (with bad habits, drugs, crimes and so on) and you do -maxx yourself (with healthy food, good hygiene, sports, learning, earning money and so on) then you can gain some points in the decile scale of attractiveness. For example a 1/10 may become a 4/10 (i. e. a truecel may become a sort of normie), a 4/10 may become a 8/10 (i. e. a normie may become a Chadlide). This is the moderate optimism and the realism of the metapill. It's not promising everyone to become a Chad but it's promising that there is no way to, at least, obtain more value and to have high real chances to ascend (to escape the inceldom).
Title: Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
Post by: Gay on June 12, 2022, 04:58:06 AM
Good, balanced science oriented and philosophical theory. But there are many low IQed incels who just know to comment things in manner like "average grayfag lmao" (greycel?) so it's only for the ones with higher IQ and for the incelologists who really understand the matter.
Title: Kurultaev's maxx law
Post by: MSL on June 16, 2022, 05:33:53 AM

Kurultaev's maxx law

  There are people who attack persons who're trying to help the pity loveless guys to find love. There are people who are able to make you miserable just because you're trying to help the incels! But still, I'm not giving up and I'm doing my best to serve the good involuntary celibates to ascend!
 My new contribution for them is the MAXX LAW.
 Simple, easy to understand and true, as usual:
  So, remember it: the maxx is useful! Gymmaxx, studymaxx, moneymaxx, statusmaxx, popularitymaxx, geomaxx, edumaxx -- all kind of safe maxxing is beneficial for us! Good luck!
Title: Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
Post by: Non-SEO on June 16, 2022, 06:29:22 AM
Just maxx bro! ;D
Title: Kurultaev's maxx law (Part 2)
Post by: MSL on June 16, 2022, 05:53:33 PM

Kurultaev's maxx law

  There are people who attack persons who're trying to help the pity loveless guys to find love. There are people who are able to make you miserable just because you're trying to help the incels! But still, I'm not giving up and I'm doing my best to serve the good involuntary celibates to ascend!
 My new contribution for them is the MAXX LAW.
 Simple, easy to understand and true, as usual:
  • An analogy: If you're poor and you find a good high salary job, you're not going to be a millionaire, but you'll be not poor anymore.
  • And here comes the concrete maxx law:
    1. Chad + maxxing = Gigachad
    2. Chadlite + maxxing = Chad
    3. Brad + maxxing = Chad
    4. Norman + maxxing = Brad
    5. Incel + maxxing = Norman
    6. Omega incels (disabledcels, mentalcels, etc.) + maxxing = incelish (theoretically able to achieve some kind of ascending).
So, remember it: the maxx is useful! Gymmaxx, studymaxx, moneymaxx, statusmaxx, popularitymaxx, geomaxx, edumaxx -- all kind of safe maxxing is beneficial for us! Good luck!

 In this second part of the Maxx law (Kurultaev's maxx law), I'll add some clarifications.
 1. This law is explained roughly. It's not 100% valid that if you're maxxing (i. e. self-developing) you'll ascend with exactly +1 level. For some incels it's possible to ascend even 2 or 3 levels. (For example: "Incel + maxxing = Brad" or even "= Chad". If you doubt it I'll give you at once the proof with the popular "A fatcel = a Chad in disguise." which is really valid for some of the fatcels (i. e. the obese incels).)
 For other incels the maxxing can't work so successfully and for them the results will be just "Incel + maxxing = Norman" or even worse like "Incel + maxxing = Incelish (low tier normie, a.k.a low tier Norman)".
 2. This law is taking into account only the softmaxx (soft maxxing). With hard hardmaxx (hard maxxing) like surgeries, transplantations, riods and other scary things like these (which I never recommend), the results maybe different (better or worse. For example if everything is successful you can ascend 3-4 levels, but if it's not, you may lose a lot, you may minn, not maxx and you even may die). Remember it and don't risk your lives.
Title: Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
Post by: Incel on June 29, 2022, 04:35:34 AM
It's easy to get if you have an average IQ and you know the incels' terminology.
Title: What may stop many incels to geomaxx
Post by: MSL on June 30, 2022, 03:25:54 AM

What May Stop Many Incels to Geomaxx

by Geser Kurultaev (philosopher incelologist)
Geomaxx is something that may help even when there is an incel who is 5'2" bald Indian janitor (http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/social-network-seo-social-network/incel-incels-rincels-(incel-reddit-incels-reddit)-good-and-bad/msg41477/?topicseen#msg41477). It means that if you're not very tall and not very rich, you may change your geolocation (i. e. you may go to another country or area) where people are shorter and more poor. There you'll be perceived as a taller and richer person. This is, in a nutshell, the philosophy of the geomaxx (geo-maxx).

Now all the incels, especially the younger ones who don't have enough life experience, should read this because it will help them not to make some serious mistakes which can stop them forever to ascend via geomaxxing

 Not only the young incels but many of the young people tend to be too brave, too irresponsible or too idealistic. All these things (and not only these) are making them to act in situations that may ruin their health and/or non-criminal record!
 And here is the problem -- when you go to geomaxx (for example in Asia, to Asiamaxx, SEAmaxx, etc.) and you want to stay there longer, in order to find a job or to get married or to apply for a Green card (or citizenship) you should be able to obtain a non-criminal record (from your country) and to pass health check (body exam).
 So, just think about it -- if when you was young you ruined your health with drugs, dangerous escormaxx, fights and so on, you can't pass this health examination (physical examination); also if you did something stupid like sued for crimes against females, homosexuals, minorities, foreigners and so on, you'll be not able to obtain a non-criminal record.
 The truth is that nobody likes foreigners who are ex-criminals and/or ill. So, if you think that you may ruin your health and your non-criminal record and then to we warmly welcomed abroad, just realize that you're too naive. The foreign companies (and even the ones in your own country) will every time prefer people who are with good health and with non-criminal records. The females (and their parents) will every time prefer males who're in good health and without criminal past. The governments will every time prefer immigrants who are healthy people without criminal records.
 So, please remember it: do your best to keep your health and to stay away from the crimes! This will make your potential future geomaxx secured. Even if you don't want to geomaxx being in good health and a person who never had some criminal records will help you to live easier than those who're ill and who are having criminal records.
 I hope it will save the future of at least some incels who may read it and understand it!
 Best wishes to you all!
Title: Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
Post by: Incel on June 30, 2022, 03:33:57 AM
This totally will save the life and the happiness of many incels! We have to share in more places online!!! Many ppl have no idea how important is that non-criminal record and the ability to pass the physical exam!

For some incels the only way to ascend is to geomaxx! If they can't do it because they haven't non-criminal record or/and they're ill then it's over for them.  :( So, brocels, share it!
Title: Hybristophilia
Post by: Alexa on June 30, 2022, 03:50:40 AM
Many of these poor incels' souls think that every woman has hybristophilia  ;D (a paraphilia which some not very sane females have got and they do like criminals, even killers and other dangerous people). In fact most of the females will avoid someone who has no non-criminal record and of course if he's ill. Even some of the ill guys may provoke pity but not the criminals.

The males (including the male incels) also will choose a woman who is not being in the jail and who is not ill, right?

So trying to be healthy and legal is a very basic thing that you should do.
Title: Thugmaxx and other dangerous "-maxx" ways
Post by: MSL on June 30, 2022, 04:10:01 AM
 Indeed. Every person who is not enough educated and/or hasn't enough life experience may be a victim of prejudices like those. One of the dangerous things is, for example, the so-called "thugmaxx". For the sane and normal people, if you become (or look like) a thug (a criminal) is not a -maxx, it's a -minn. They should call it "thugminn". But, probably, in some regions some females do prefer to be around these kind of people because they feel they're richer and/or stronger than the others and they do believe that being with a criminal will ensure you a better life, which usually, is the opposite -- the criminals are dying early, going to jail, losing health, becoming outsiders and so on.
 So, imagine what a shame is it -- when you're young to made some mistakes like "thugmaxx", drugs, etc. which will bring you criminal record and ruined health and when you want to escape the inceldom in some foreign country the local officials to tell you that without non-criminal record and/or successul full body (health) exam you can't start to work, you can get married and you can't even apply for a green card...
Title: Where are the oldcels (online)
Post by: Incel on July 02, 2022, 05:00:52 AM
From another forum about incels, a brocel asked that most people there are young (or even youngcels to be honest), where are the oldcels? Someone answered that there are many on that site. I added that here I am. Around 50 years old guy. But in good shape!!! 8) (it's because most of the people can't guess that I'm an oldcel or nearly oldcel because I do lead healthy life with good diet, avoiding smoking, hard alcohol, doing sports, etc. so my biological age isn't that old).

Others have different opinions -- one brocel said that, no there are few 50cels but "who is smart ropes and goes away from this reality". :o I disagree! Life sucks and then you die, in many cases, but most of the people, including the oldcels, do not commit suicide. Another brocel said that oldcels had it easier than us because online dating didn't exist. (Which is sort of offtopic.)

Two brocels asked reasonably how do you define "oldcel" ("youngcel" and "oldcel")?

One said pessimistically that the inceldom is for life.

There was also a brocel who said that those who aren't there either ascended, killed themselves or just found other copes than the forum. I think he pretty much described almost all of the possible situations. (A similar answer gave another brocel who said that they probably sui'd, betabuxxed, somehow became content with life through copes, or they are too old and weren't incel before the age of "soycial media" (it means "social media" "soy + social" = "soycial"  ;D ) and old.)

Another one said that they don’t want to be there because that forum is full of 15 y.o. fakecels complaining about having too much female friends.   :) :) ;D

There was an interesting opinion that worth to analyze: if you managed to be an incel back then that gives you trucel status, i. e. oldcels are the real trucels.

And the author of the topic asked (me as an oldcel but in fact he is interested about all of the oldcels) can you speak a little bit about your experience? How has your life changed throughout the years?

Title: Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
Post by: Incel on July 02, 2022, 03:36:04 PM
Incels are not the same. There are low IQ and high IQ, religious and atheists, radicals and liberals...
Title: The oldcels
Post by: MSL on July 04, 2022, 03:04:10 AM

The Oldcels

Where are they?

  To be honest, as an incelologist (and one who is middle-aged) I was glad to see that some young incel male is thinking about the oldcels (i. e. he's thinking about his possible future, which is wise).
 Let me take the liberty to answer him personally here and then this answer can be as an answer to all wise incels who're imagine different kinds of future like him. I'd like to emphasize that many of the younger incels (and especially the youngcels) are in fact fakecels (no offence!) because after they grow up they'll be able to find a female because most of them will look better, will be richer, will have more knowledge and maybe more empathy, understanding, social skills, jobs or businesses, or at least, more good luck. The longer you live, the more chances you have to get improved (gymmaxxed, moneymaxxed, edumaxxed and so on) and more opportunities you have to meet your good luck. For example, you know that popularity-maxx juice (http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/social-network-seo-social-network/incel-incels-rincels-(incel-reddit-incels-reddit)-good-and-bad/msg45240/#msg45240)).
 Many oldcels are able even to get married because the elder females are looking more for money (beta-buxxing) and/or personality (of course they also may value the appearance but for them it's already not the number one in most of the cases).
 But, let's say, that there are some incels who're truecels. If you're an incel till your old age, well, you should assume that you're a truecel or a kind of a truecel (for example, a locationcel, i. e. someone who easily may ascend if move to another country/region where the locals will think that he's at least a bit attractive).
 And now let's answer more concretely -- where are these oldcels and how are they dealing with their lives.
 First of all, it's not true that most (or many) of them rope (commit suicides). They're not going to waste their time in incel communities, many of them even don't know there is such a term like "incel" and even they succeed to enter some incel community, probably, most of them will be disappointed because they're not willing to read crazy stuff like how some young incels wish the females to be enslaved or how they are glad to read news about killed females. Most of the oldcels will prefer to visit some forum about their hobby like gardening, animals, science, engineering, drinks, etc., not to read the degradation of most of the ragefuel posts of the youngcels, teencels and young incels. That's why it seems that they can't use internet (and yeah, some of them really can't) but the thing is that they're just not participating in the incel communities. Of course there are some exceptions when they do participate or just lurking (like me) to learn something new or to make their own researches.
 Another part (I'd say it's a big part) of the incels are far away from this matter and, many of the young incels will call them "blue-pilled". There are incels who thing that they're "too young" to find a girl-friend. For example, there is one oldcel I know who said that nowadays it's "normal" for the males to have their first marriage when they're 60 years old! There are many religious oldcels who tend to believe that "everything is alright" and that their imaginary "God" is going to find for them "the right woman" so they even don't try to be active about it and just wait the "God's decision" or the "fate", the "karma", etc. imaginary things to help them... and they're just living without worries.
 There is a part who're escortcels. According to some definitions escortcel isn't an incel because when you're using this kind of service, you're having sexual activity, which is exactly the opposite of being a celibate. Of course it's not very good because the escortcels are having loveless sexual activity, short one, paid one... it's nearly fake, but still, it is a sort of sexual activity, hence you can't call them "truecels" for sure.
 In my opinion, most of the oldcels are able to escape the inceldom and they often do it successfully via these methods:
- geomaxx. They're retired and have some money. So they're okay to find and even to support a wife (or a lover) from some poorer country or region.
- online dating. They're able to find some old as them or even younger than them woman who just need a partner to deal with her daily issues (like not to be lonely, to have someone to talk with, to have someone to support her and to protect her, to help her and to give her money, in some cases).
- escortceling (already mentioned above).
- real ascending (yes, there are some oldcels who realize that when they were young were too stupid and didn't do sports, didn't read books, didn't eat healthily. So, even in their old age they do start gymmaxxing, healthy diets, self-education and so on, so they're becoming much more attractive compared with their youngselves when they were too fat or too skinny, or just good-looking guys but with mental issues or terrible personalities and views.)
 The important point is that every incel is individual and that's why every oldcel is individual too. You can meet different oldcels -- some are living in temples and don't want to ascend, others are ascending with African wives, some are just drunkards who have no idea that they're oldcels and some are just really too old to be interested in dating.
 I hope that answers your question about the oldcels.
 Regards: Geser Kurultaev (a philosopher anthropologist and incelologist)

Title: Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
Post by: Alexa on July 04, 2022, 03:32:40 AM
Of course a mature male will find a woman easier. At least he's not so selfish and he may show some romance and empathy. Life experience, higher IQ and of course a fatter wallet.

The mature women also usually have higher IQ and they're stopping to think like the lollies that "handsome = perfect".

Some elder uncles and grandfathers are able to attract even much younger females.
Title: Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
Post by: Incel on July 04, 2022, 03:43:47 AM
As a (sort of) oldcel (around 50 y. o.), I'll say this: my honest personal opinion -- if I wasn't so poor, with my gymmaxxed and edumaxxed old body and brain + my romantic abilities and normal personality, I could find someone (female) who'll at least try to love me.

I don't want to brag because I'm balding and I'm not tall. These issues + my poverty are serious problems. But, I still think that according to what I see there is no single rich man. So if I was at least not poor, I will be able to find at least an average looking woman (a Becky) who is also with a good personality and able to develop some feelings towards me. True love? Not sure if there is such thing and if it's really possible but some affections, may be!
Title: Re: At last it's time to realize how worthy it was to spent all these years (Chad)
Post by: Incel on July 05, 2022, 05:22:46 AM
Some update about that Chad (i. e. Chang, because he's an Asian guy and according to the incels' jargon a handsome Asian male = Chang).

Well, brocels, the thing is that he's a Chinese 18 years old Chad (Chang) who challenged me to fight him. Later he found out I'm much older than him (and tbh -- more experienced in martial arts) and asked me to become his teacher (sifu/shifu or something like this). :) So, a sort of my student. If you're interested I can post here some of his photos (no face of course) and my photos and compare the genome.

Ahhh! Yeah, I forgot to explain about the genome thing. Well, the whole story here: I usually do not post ragefuel because I'm a science oriented and balanced guy. But this is too much!

He is taller than most of the people around him, more muscular, with more hair, with bigger bones (shoulders, fists, frame...) and has good-looking face, but still "I can't gain more weight. I want to be heavier. I hate my poor genome which is holding me back!"

WTH, man?! What we, the balder, the shorter the weaker and the uglier can say?!  :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(

Some brocels comments were like these:

"... it is a way for them to humble brag in a somewhat more socially acceptable manner."

"Fake and g@y."

"Such a foid." ("foid" = female human, i. e. a woman; a girl).

"... he can't gain weights, that must be depressing for him."

A brocel also asked me for details -- "How tall was the said Chang? How much does he heightmog you assuming you are 5'6 or 168 cm?" I answered him that I think I am 5.61 exactly and he's 5.90+

 Well, tl;dr: me: less hair, less muscles, worse frame, smaller bones, 10 cm. shorter than him (and still never blamed my genome!!!) And the Chang with the "poor genome"...  ;D
 I told him to be proud of what he got and not to underestimate his good genome. Many males can only dream to have this kind of genome -- taller, with bigger bones (including hands/fists), good-looking face.


Oops! "The following error or errors occurred while posting this message:
Your session timed out while posting. Please try to re-submit your message."

It's okay. I'll do it. I am a patient person.
Title: Brocel assuming i have a gf
Post by: Incel on July 05, 2022, 05:34:51 AM
Brocel assumed that I have a gf. Well, when someone is assuming something like this, I have to take it positively; as a compliment, I suppose. Well, I wish I had a gf. A real gf... But I haven't.

Sad or funny? The brocel said "Shopping in the women's section. :feelshehe: For your gf? :feelshehe::feelshehe::feelsugh::feelssus:"  :P And I explained honestly that in fact it's in a local sportshop where I use dumbbells like that in my right hand for free because I have no money for gym and I just go to use free stuff like this. (In the shops, supermarkets, in the gardens, at home.) Once you have the wish to gymcelling and to be a decent gymcel, the poverty can't stop you!
Title: Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
Post by: SEO on July 05, 2022, 07:22:55 PM
They're thinking too much...
Title: "A billionaire can afford to gamble $100 000, a poor man can't afford to gamble"
Post by: MSL on July 08, 2022, 05:28:00 AM

"A billionaire can afford to gamble $100 000, a poor man can't afford to gamble". = "A Chad can afford to have many flaws, an incel can't afford to have any flaws".

 Those who are familiar with me know that I majored in human love and I'm one of the rare incelologists who're focused to help incels with an honest metapill method based on the philosophy of atleastism.
 And now directly ontopic: why the incels (and nearcels) should avoid fake maxx-es like "thugmaxx" and "dark triad maxx":
 1/ Yes, there are some females who do like thugs and criminals, BUT they like only the ones who're with a Chad, GigaChad or at least Brad looks.
 2/ If a man is not a thug or a criminal but he's a Chad, GigaChad or at least Brad he will be even much more attractive for most of the females if he's not a criminal or a thug but something socially useful like: a fireman, a policeman or even a cook.
 3/ Once you're an incel if you're a bad person they'll even dislike you and hate you more. Here is the hierarchy:

 A good Chad > a bad Chad > a good incel > a bad incel.

 Believe it or not, when it comes to long term relationship, most of the women, if you give them the choice to live with a dangerous Chad who'll beat them and kill them or to live with a good incel who will treat them well, they'll choose the incel (if there is no other choice like a good Brad, a good Chad or a good Norman, of course).

 An analogy with the males and the imaginary witches. No normal man likes witches. :D But if the witch is very pretty and sexy some males will like her. And still, if there is a good Stacy, they'll choose the good Stacy or even a good Becky, not a witch who will poison them, kill them, eat them, etc. :)

 Well, what's the conclusion? The Chads (and people like them -- pretty boys, GigaChads, Brads, etc.) have attraction capital (handsomeness) so for them some real flaws (like lacking confidence, being poor or being stupid) are not a big issue when it comes to attract a female. But if you're an incel (no attraction capital), you can't afford the luxury to have flaws like being stupid, being jobless, being too shy, etc.
 Every good thing makes you closer to the chance to ascend. For example, you're a 2/10 incel. After you gymmaxx your body you'll become a 3/10. After you make successful moneymaxx and edumaxx you'll hit at least 4//10 and with some more personality improvements like more confidence, more social ties and others, you'll become a person who almost every female will think is at least a Norman or even high-tier Norman. In some cases, some females may perceive you even as a low-tier Brad or a real Brad (depends on the regions and the personal aesthetic tastes).
 So, the long story short: if you're an incel don't -minn yourself with things like being a bad guy, dirty, criminal and so on, instead -maxx yourself and become a better version of yourself. Try to be the best version of yourself!
Title: Don't panic if you have no idea what to talk about on a first date, if are lucky
Post by: MSL on July 10, 2022, 02:57:09 AM

If you have no idea what to talk with a girl (if you're lucky enough to date one)

Don't panic! A dozen of topics

  If you have no life experience related to dates, it’ll become obvious as soon as you start talking with a girl that it's your first time. Some of the girls may value your virginity and lack of experience but others will find it not attractive and too feminine. Even they are neutral about this and they focus more on your face and body and/or your personality, money, ethics, etc., you better don't make them bored and learn some topics.

Here comes the easy and interesting part! You'll be probably surprised how easy and at the same time interesting for most of the girls may be these 12 topics which will be enough to complete a first date time (around 30-50 minutes) without any effort from your side

 1. Do you have some hobby? (Some of the girls who really like to do something -- like drawing, yoga or writing -- will be glad that you can listen about it and maybe will spend at least 5 minutes to tell you about the thing that they like to do most. Of course, if the girl isn't very bright she may gave an answer like "I just like to sleep." or "No, I haven't." but still you already asked her something meaningful.)
 2. Do you have a favorite number? And a color? (After you receive these answers you also may tell her what numbers, colors, etc. do you like.)
 3. What does your mother/father do? Do you like to spend time with your parents? Are you getting well? Any brothers or sisters? (Sometimes this family related topic may be a great idea because some girls will start to talk about their family members for a long time and all you need to do is to listen and to remember what she's saying otherwise you'll be disrespectful and disappointing if you forget something simple like "My father is an engineer in the capital." Unfortunately, sometimes you'll receive an answer like "My mom passed away.", "My dad is an ass... he left me when I was 2 and moved to another country with her lover!" and then you should be ready to say at least "Sorry to hear that!")
 4. Do you like it here? What do you think about our town/city/country? Have you been abroad? Do you like to travel? (These topics also may complete at least 10% of the time of your first date.)
 5. Who is your favorite actor? Singer? (If she is a fan, she will be able to talk long about them. Never criticize her idols because you'll make a bad impression and she can take it as a personal offense!!!)
 6. What do you like to eat? And what do you like to drink? (You also can share, honestly, what do you like/dislike. Of course if she's a vegan or something like this and you're not, don't lie and say your true preferences but still, don't bash her ideology like "You're a vegan? Are you kidding me?! Pigs are made for steaks! And eating meat is a part of the human history and evolution! You're going to get ill.")
 7. Do you read news? Interested in something like politics, activism? (In case you meet some girl like this, you'll have 0% problems with the topics. Only the recent news may complete the 100% of the time of your first and second date. :) )
 8. What do you want to do in the future? (Like job, projects...)
 9. What is your dream? (You also may share your dreams. If you haven't some serious dream. Think earlier of something like "I want to have my own business." or "I wish I can become a popular manga author." and "I want to build a gym for the poor people.")
 10. Do you like animals? And plants? What is your attitude towards the nature? Do you have any pets?
 11. What kind of persons do you like? What do you like most in a person? What do you hate most?
 12. Well, if the above suggestions you already used and there is still time to the end of your first date, before you suggest to see her off or something, you may add some minutes to your first date with the phrase "Now you can ask me something; whatever you want. I have no secrets, usually." :)
 That's it. You see? You can do it even without any experience if you prepare well with this dozen of questions for your first date. Good luck to all the good incels around the world!
Title: If you understand "The Pretty Stacy and the Ugly Becky" story, you'll get all
Post by: MSL on July 11, 2022, 03:21:23 AM

If you understand "The Pretty Stacy and the Ugly Becky" story, you'll understand why you should maxx yourself

by Geser Kurultaev (philosopher-anthropologist and incelologist)

  There are some hopeless incels who stick to the pessimistic blackpill theory and think that every effort is not only useless but meaningless so they just waste their time to ldar (or LDAR, i. e. "lay down and rot") instead of struggling.
 Some of them are just lazy guys who prefer the effortless lifestyle -- they think that it's worthless to maxx (improve) themselves just for a female. Well, in this case we're talking of volcels. It's like a poor person who refuses to start working even when he has a chance to work some well paid job, i. e. he's a voluntarily poor man.
 Others are just sure that this is the right path (the one of least resistance) -- their logic is "If my efforts are in vain and they don't bear any fruit, I will naturally give up." These incels aren't volcels but they're victims of the pessimism. You see, if you're some 0/10 or 1/10 incel (due to some disability or deformation which are incurable) then you may be right to be very pessimistic. But if you're just some obese incel (fatcel), not very tall (shotcel), bald (baldcel) or something like this which makes you just somebody between 2/10 and 4/10 you are wrong to be pessimistic because you have some potential which may make you a person who is 2-3 levels up (you can become a 5/10 or even a 6/10 person which is already something between a Norman and a Brad; the most lucky and hardworking incels may become even Chadlites without any doubt if they maxx right).
 So here is the story: A TRUE STORY!
"The Pretty Stacy and the Ugly Becky"
I had to meet often (because of my job) two very different young women. The first one (the Stacy) was born attractive and she was even lucky to have parents who're people who every man can like. The second one (the Becky) wasn't so lucky because she wasn't born very attractive and her parents were bossy and could make every man to feel uneasy. Maybe many incels and especially femcels will conclude that Becky is doomed but she proved the opposite. Just in 2 years Stacy didn't learn anything special and she spent her time in shopping and adoring her favorite singer idol. Meanwhile Becky learned 2 foreign languages. Stacy didn't take much care about her body and get a bit fatter which minn-ed her to Stacylite (from 9/10 to 7/10) but Becky spent a lot of time eating healthily and going to gyms so she became a high-tier Becky (from 4/10 to 6/10). So just in two years the difference between the Stacy and the Becky become minimal. Well, yes, maybe most of the males will still choose Stacy not Becky but in most of the cases it'll be for a short-term relationship. Every a bit more responsible man who is thinking about his future will choose Becky for long-term relationship because he sees that she's getting better and better, she is using her potential and she maxx-es while Stacy minn-es.
 At the very beginning I was like "Oh, the Stacy is the one I like for sure!" But later, I started to think "Hm,... Becky is the better and the reasonable choice."

* * *
So, what's the moral of the story? It's always try your best no matter how big your success is going to be after that.
 So, here is the analogy, for those, who still didn't get it: instead of LDARing you better start to maxx somehow: get stronger, get smarter, get richer, get healthier... And in the long run, you're going to become from someone who is far away from the Chad to someone who is close to the Chad (and even someone who is surpassing the Chads who minn-ed themselves with alcohol, inactivity, drugs, crimes, etc.) Develop your best version of yourself. I know you can.
Title: Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
Post by: SEO on July 11, 2022, 04:07:27 AM
Another good name is the story of the "Minn-ed Stacy and Maxx-ed Becky".
Title: LDAR and SUAG
Post by: SEO on July 11, 2022, 04:35:59 AM
I learned the opposite of "LDAR". It is "SUAG" (it stands for "Stand up and grow"). I think the incels should know it and to start understanding that there are many ways and choices. It's not only "Blackpill! It's over!" :)
Title: Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
Post by: Incel on July 11, 2022, 04:52:47 AM
racoon4 (a brocel from incels.is) asked "what kind of shitty forum is that". If someone can improve it, let improve it.  ;D

Don't mentioned it. Some incels are really just trolling; many of them are just still kids or teenagers and they'll say irresponsibly things that they even don't really think and (or) don't really understand.

For example, I think the best way is to ignore such baseless trollings.
Title: Re: If you understand "The Pretty Stacy and the Ugly Becky" story, you'll get all
Post by: Incel on July 11, 2022, 05:01:45 AM
You see. The point is that all of us can improve (maxx) themselves and achieve better bodies, knowledge, skills and so on. if we want, of course. If we're lazy or too "blackpilled" then nothing can help our self-destruction.

I want to tell the youngcels and those who are just young incels and younger incels that: I'm a bit elder (maybe the age of your parents) so I'll support it with examples with my female classmates. Only 1 of the Stacies continued to take care of herself (viitamins, gyms, no smoking...) and she's still a sexy girl (doesn't look like woman). Some of the Beckies did the same and now they look also younger and better than some young girls. But most Stacies and Beckies became landwhales (obese to overobese) so... the conclusion is clear. With the men is the same -- because I do maxx, now I still look like some last year college student or postgrad. But most of my male classmates are grandpa or uncle style big belly guys.
Title: Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
Post by: Incel on July 11, 2022, 05:05:09 AM
No, guys, really think about it: how brainwashed or stupid you have to be if you don't understand that if you add some sport (muscles), education, money, skills, life experience and so on you're going to be and to look much better than the incel you're now and that you'll mog even the failed Chads at some point?
Title: Incels, violence and mental disorder: a narrative review with recommendations fo
Post by: Incel on July 11, 2022, 05:27:02 AM

Incels, violence and mental disorder: a narrative review with recommendations for best practice in risk assessment and clinical intervention

Incels, violence and mental disorder: a narrative review with recommendations for best practice in risk assessment and clinical intervention


We need more studies like this to make people understand that the violence comes only from the crazy and stupid incels. Normal and educated incel is not going to ruin his life with violence because his inceldom already is making him miserable enough. The normal and educated incel is searching ways to ascend or at least keeps calm.

Once again, incel or not, the crazy or stupid one is going to cause problems. Incel  or not, the normal and educated is going to help himself or at least to keep calm.
Title: Re: Incels, violence and mental disorder: a narrative review with recommendations fo
Post by: Incel on July 11, 2022, 05:44:52 AM

Incels, violence and mental disorder: a narrative review with recommendations for best practice in risk assessment and clinical intervention

Incels, violence and mental disorder: a narrative review with recommendations for best practice in risk assessment and clinical intervention


We need more studies like this to make people understand that the violence comes only from the crazy and stupid incels. Normal and educated incel is not going to ruin his life with violence because his inceldom already is making him miserable enough. The normal and educated incel is searching ways to ascend or at least keeps calm.

Once again, incel or not, the crazy or stupid one is going to cause problems. Incel  or not, the normal and educated is going to help himself or at least to keep calm.

A brocel named InMemoriam comment my comment that "the study is clearly states thats violence can be the result of prolonged untreated mental disorders, it has nothing to do with incels being educated:feelswhat: additionally mental disorders are highly due to genetic heritability:feelsUgh: could you care to explain what you mean by ''normal'':feelswhat:"

I answered this: Simply: there are crazy and abnormal people amongst every group (Islamic people, communists, Russians, German, etc.) because of a minority of terrorists or killers, it's not in fair to blame all of the group. For example, 10 incels are killers but this doesn't mean that all of us are killers. 20 incels are abnormal (psychiatric issues) but it doesn't mean that all of us are freaks.

And yes, the education MAY help to increase your self-control and at least to search help when you feel you're going insane. The uneducated person even can't make the difference between good and bad, normal and abnormal.
Title: Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
Post by: Incel on July 11, 2022, 05:51:41 AM
To add this: The same crazy thing is happening with bigger groups. For example, because of 20 crazy gun owners in the US who shoot innocent people, all the gun owners have to suffer and meet consequences.
Because of one Putin (and some around him with power), all the Russians have to meet consequences.
Because of few brainless incels, all the incels are blacklisted...

It's not in fair. It's NOT in fair!
Title: Do you agree with the theory
Post by: Incel on July 12, 2022, 05:54:52 AM
Well, there is a theory that pretty boys are more smv-ed that the Chads. How do you think, brocels, incelologists and other fans of the theory?
Title: From a Prettyboy to a Chad
Post by: MSL on July 12, 2022, 06:57:08 AM

Pretty Boy VS Chad

 Well, this is one of the interesting questions: Pretty boy (Prettyboy) or Chad? Who are going to choose the girls? And the women?
 Okay, look. It's obvious that both are around 7/10 (at least). So it's really depends on the concrete female's taste. When it comes to girls and younger females, logically they'll prefer the younger one. Well, not always.
 According to me personal experience, when I was young and pretty boy, I had more chance to receive compliments and to get a girlfriend. When I got older, even after I improved my masculinity and body shape, it became harder to impress most of the females.

 So, I still can't get the 100% right answer, I suppose there are different answers according to the different areas.

 And never forget that there are MANY other factors as: status, capital (money), character, luck, personality, concrete psychology and former experience.

 Some visual info from me, if the admins' stuff and cPanel is okay with it or just send me a PM.
Title: Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
Post by: Incel on July 12, 2022, 07:38:40 AM
That! That makes sense. Yeah!
And never forget that there are MANY other factors as: status, capital (money), character, luck, personality, concrete psychology and former experience.
Title: More about the bad incels and the labeling theory
Post by: Incel on July 13, 2022, 05:28:58 PM
Here comes more about the bad incels (the part of incels who are bad and even dangerous people) and the so-called labeling theory.
This theory is a sociological perspective developed in 1967 and it focuses on how humans react to others who are labeled as “different” from themselves. The labeled people might be more vulnerable to discrimination, prejudice, and other negative outcomes.

So, after this intro, let me continue with these:

A brocel (SubjectSigma) said that he's glad that I noticed this, because Labeling Theory likely applies in all of these cases: https://www.simplypsychology.org/labeling-theory.html

1. Group gets marginalized by society
2. Deprivation of social resources causes them to deteriorate
3. A few get violent in response
4. All members of marginalized group now labeled as violent, treated even worse by society because normies think it will help the situation; but this just makes the situation worse.

He thinks that "The key is not to prove the morons of society right. Defy their prophecy so our people can rise. :feelsokman:"

I answered him that
I do because I use every free minute to learn something (or to do sports). But most of the people use it to play games, to sleep more or to do something useless (and even harmful like smoking and fighting in bars), so... I don't believe that more than 20% of the ppl will understand the problem.

He answered that in time they'll understand. And that "It is hard to change mindsets but I think the first step of many is to talk with brocels and understand where they're coming from. :feelsYall:"

And something related, also from me:
I'm just against it: because of a few freaks and psychos with guns (usually fakecels like E. Roger who mog most of us visually) all the good brocels (millions of modest, humble, even educated males) to be labeled as "outsiders."

And more: InMemoriam continued that "What you mean haven't you read it already most of shooters were mentalcel, the state of inceldom itself strongly associated with mental disorders and their causations, surely ER wasn't visually impaired like most of us but that doesn't render him a fakecel
When you combine severe and mostly inherited mental disorders with bad looks and consequent situational disorders such as social anxiety disorder and persistent depressive disorder
The probability of committing self harm or an act of violence becomes a matter of time, you'll turn into ticking bomb waiting to explode."

I simply added:
OK, but this is the point: I don't want the normies to think that incels = 100% freaks = all to be banned, etc.

We have enough problems so don't need to add one more "You can't get a girl-friend? Oh, you're bad! We should put in the jail!"

Most of the people are to stupid and lazy to think "Only some incels are mentalcels. Most of them are just ugly and shy." NO WAY. The majority will make the "conclusion": "Incels = Elliot Roger = psycho killer = put them NOW in the jails!" Witch hunting is real.
Title: Elliot Roger (the mass killer fakecel)
Post by: Incel on July 13, 2022, 06:04:16 PM
What do you think about Elliot Roger (aka ER) - the mass killer fakecel who brought bad reputation to all the incels?
Title: One of the serious reasons for the inceldom
Post by: MSL on July 15, 2022, 07:36:56 PM

One of the Serious Reasons for the Inceldom

by Geser Kurultaev (philosopher-anthropologist and incelologist)

  As long as I write these articles with the purpose to help as many as possible incels to escape the inceldom (i. e. to be able to ascend), I want to be clear (and honest) with them that there are plenty of reasons

 This type I'll point to a very serious reason that lies outside of the incels', i. e. it's the females' fault.


What's that females' fault (which is a logical fault)?

 This is a logical fault (a logic fallacy) which is known as jumping to conclusions.

 A definition:
Jumping to conclusions (officially the jumping conclusion bias, often abbreviated as JTC, and also referred to as the inference-observation confusion) is a psychological term referring to a communication obstacle where one "judge(s) or decide(s) something without having all the facts; to reach unwarranted conclusions". In other words, "when I fail to distinguish between what I observed first hand from what I have only inferred or assumed". Because it involves making decisions without having enough information to be sure that one is right, this can give rise to poor or rash decisions that often cause more harm to something than good.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jumping_to_conclusions (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jumping_to_conclusions)

 This fallacy is not only a female fallacy. The logic has no gender. There are many males who also can't be logical enough. Most of the people around the world aren't smart. But we're talking about the incels (involuntarily celibates) and especially the majority of them (the male incels; the female incels (femcels) are a rare case).
 And here come concrete examples from the real life when females are rejecting you just because of the Jumping to conclusions fallacy:

 "Ah, no! You're a Muslim! I can't date you because you'll make a terrorist act!" (Jumping to conclusion that "All Muslims are terrorists.")

 "A Muslim? No, thanks! I don't want to be one of your 4 wives." (Jumping to conclusion that "All Muslims are polygamic.")

 "You're from the West? I can't date you. All the Westerners are too promiscuous! You surely had many lovers and you're having now some!" (Jumping to conclusion that "Western male = Chad or Prettyboy". Many of the females don't realize that there are millions of pity incels who can't even have a simple hug with a female, including some adults who're virgins or failed Normans who had no love experience for decades.)

 "You're a poor man? Well, you'll be poor forever. I want to be a happy woman with a rich guy!" (Jumping to conclusion that "Once poor, forever poor.")

 "You are educated. I am not. The educated men cheat more than the uneducated ones. I need a person who is low educated to be only mine." (Jumping to conclusion that "Education = how to cheat.")

 "You had 4 girl-friends ago? And still not married? So, you're not a good man. Go away!" (Jumping to conclusion that "Every break up is the male's fault; The females are never wrong.")

 That's it. Simply -- sometimes it's really not the incels' fault.
Title: Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
Post by: Alexa on July 19, 2022, 01:56:49 PM
That is a problem which also makes the relationship betwen woman and woman hard.
Title: A reminder about the new Incels Forum
Post by: Good incel on July 23, 2022, 03:06:48 AM

A reminder about the new Incels forum for the normal incels

Brocels! Are you here because you're banned in Incels.is or another forum? If so, don't forget, we have got a new forum for the normal incels: Incels Without Hate (http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/a-forum-for-incels-who-are-normal-people-no-terrorists-no-rapists-no-racists-no-pedophiles-no-haters-and-so-on/)! 8) Welcome, welcome, welcome!

A direct link to the new incels forum: http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/a-forum-for-incels-who-are-normal-people-no-terrorists-no-rapists-no-racists-no-pedophiles-no-haters-and-so-on/ (http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/a-forum-for-incels-who-are-normal-people-no-terrorists-no-rapists-no-racists-no-pedophiles-no-haters-and-so-on/)
Title: Why “a state implemented girlfriend program" and other similar ideas are silly
Post by: MSL on August 10, 2022, 02:27:37 AM

Why “a state implemented girlfriend program" and other similar ideas are silly

  As we know there are some incels who strongly believe that it's their right to be loved, to have a girlfriend and to be able to reproduce themselves. Some of them have very extremist ideas like enslaving the women (and similar misogynist, inhuman ideas). Others want "only" a state implemented girlfriend program.
 Now I'd like to explain why it's a silly and a bad idea.
1. Obviously it's going to be against the concept of consent. It will be not in fair and even terrible for most of the females to be forced to become somebody's girlfriend especially when this somebody is an unknown man who is also an incel (i. e. lacking attractiveness).
 According to my personal studies and explorations, many of the incels are not going to accept a very old or a very overweight woman. So, it will be easier for them to understand the concept of consent if, for a moment, they try to imagine what if they are part of a "state implemented boyfriend program" where they have to become a boyfriend of some overweight single granny  :P.
 2. Even if, in an imaginary "ideal world", the females do agree to become doing this "girlfriend charity" and voluntarily to participate in the so-called "state implemented girlfriend program" the incels are going to have a big problem with the "distribution" of the girlfriends -- everyone (or most of them) will want to have the best girls and nobody (or most of them) will want to have the worst girls... in other words (following the incels' slang), most of the incels will want the GigaStacies and the Stacies, some part will be okay with Beckies but almost no one will be satisfied with just a femcel (female incel) girl or some 3/10 (low-tier Becky)...  And because the number of the very attractive females is less than the rest of them, there will be not enough for every incel... and it will not solve the inceldom problem but even may make it worse if leads to new waves of aggression, suicides, bloody rebellions and so on.

 Conclusion: Don't dream of these inhuman, silly and impossible methods. This will only consume your precious time and energy which you may use to maxx yourself (knowledge, bodybuilding, money, health, etc.) which brings you real chances to ascend.
Title: The Heightpill
Post by: MSL on August 13, 2022, 02:54:51 AM


 A height-pill (heightpill) article which explains its problems: About the heightpill (http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/a-forum-for-incels-who-are-normal-people-no-terrorists-no-rapists-no-racists-no-pedophiles-no-haters-and-so-on/some-brocels-think-that-there-is-no-hope/msg45570/#msg45570).
Title: Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
Post by: 英语课 on August 15, 2022, 01:48:33 AM
I'd friendly remind the incel interested visitors to only post their incel, incels, inceldom posts in the related threads and in the incels board. It is only to avoid misunderstandings. Recently I learned there is some stupid and crazy person who took this omnilogic forum as a totally "only incels" forum and this is wrong. We made it, more than 10 years ago, with the pure idea of being an everything forum. So we hope you people will keep the posts in the right boards.

As for the incels I don't have anything against them if they are not one of those misogynists who blame the females for their fails. The normal and objectively behaving incels are all welcome and they are not the right hate target.
Title: Re: Incel, incels, r/incels (incel reddit; incels reddit) -- good and bad
Post by: Incel on August 16, 2022, 12:51:05 AM
Yeah, sure, because of one psycho female and one psycho male to limit our posts or something? ;D But it's not a problem because nobody is posting elsewhere anyway.

Just to mention it because going to answer an aggressive brocel in that topic where I usually answer them because I can't pollute the "Incels without hate" board (which is about the normal incels) with answers to some of the abnormal incels.