... Voat is not a safe space...
Sorry but I have no intention of supporting Voat financially seeing as how Voat inherited a lot of Reddit's censorship tactics and group-think ideologies. There are far too many ex-redditors,sheeple,retards,feminists and fail-trolls lurking around this site downvoting my content and comments.Source: https://voat.co/user/TheUnderNetwork/comments
Even if I were to advertise on this site all that would do is attract the worst that Voat has to offer and cause me nothing but problems and grief in the long run. I have already personally experienced first hand advertising on Reddit and I doubt it would be any different here.
I have no intention of investing my hard earned cash to a negative and ignorant community that has no interest in any of my services or content and only seeks out to hurt or to destroy me. This is my take in this matter and it should be taken into consideration.
You can do as you like with your money but I am no fool.
And don't forget the downvote brigades in voat.co! (It's a form of censorship.)Yes, it is a form of censorship, because it's not like here (no matter how many downvotes you get over here in this big international omnilogy forum, you may continue to post what you want, as usual).
Hi!And don't forget the downvote brigades in voat.co! (It's a form of censorship.)Yes, it is a form of censorship, because it's not like here (no matter how many downvotes you get over here in this big international omnilogy forum, you may continue to post what you want, as usual).
Ohhh, when it comes to reddit.com/r/VOATinAction/ ('This kills the goat.' ;D) I have to mention another redditor there, nicknamed 'mizmoose'. This redditor has very good observations, understanding and so on about the problems of voat.co and its essence at all. For example, look at this on-topic one: "Voat merchandise is here! Buy now and let the world know your hatred of n*ggers, fatties, Muslims, and cucks." ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D So well said (posted)! :)Hi!And don't forget the downvote brigades in voat.co! (It's a form of censorship.)Yes, it is a form of censorship, because it's not like here (no matter how many downvotes you get over here in this big international omnilogy forum, you may continue to post what you want, as usual).
As kittenmommy said on Reddit's r/VOATinAction, Free speech on Voat? You know, that place where, if you get enough downvotes, you can't post anymore? That's one of the most hilarious things I've read here yet!
Don't be stupid and don't waste your money! Respect your money! 8) :)
In fact I invited already 3 persons, who I know and who have some idea what voat.co is. The 1-st one has some internet difficulties and just, after around 1 hour offline chat about this, told me to say she supports our point of view that it's a very bad idea to advertise and/or to support voat.co in anyway (because it's an anti-human and evil website, if I can summarize it in this way.) By the way she has not registration (an account here), as far as I know.
The second one also was informed about it (and I think also read the topic), but seems not interested to post opinions, because "It's a waste of time to deal with those kind of degenerates."
And the third person, I can quote even, because our chat is written:
"I had read it (i.e. means this thread), but didn't comment. I see no sense in providing hits for a search engine for something I no longer support.
Thank you for the link but on this one I think I'll hold my peace.
So, as we all may see (understand), there are many others who think the same or almost the same. They're just not posting here and it's up to them, of course. I do respect their right to chose when to post and when to be just readers. (I also do not post every time and everywhere.)
This is exactly the reason Atko gave to refuse ads on Voat about an year ago.
How things change!
It still disgusts me that I donated hard earned cash to that place in the beginning.
Atko can't lead voat.