☯☼☯ SEO and Non-SEO (Science-Education-Omnilogy) Forum ☯☼☯
SEO - SOCIAL NETWORK => Social network | SEO - Social network => Topic started by: SEO on May 12, 2016, 05:30:12 AM
Your advertisement here
I wanted to start this in the near future, when we'll have more popularity and a better traffic rank, but as far as our development during these years is a progressive development, probably it's a good idea to start the "your advertisement here" today (i.e. all of you are already able to advertise on Seo-forum-seo-luntan.com, which was born on January 2011 and it's a big international omnilogy forum with some additional sub-domains/some additional websites.)
Your ads here
Well, I think most of you are good people and should be treated as such, so, I'll be straightforward with you about the "your ads here": it's good to start generating more revenue, if we are to keep Seo-forum-seo-luntan.com running and free, plus to share some of this revenue with our best contributors (because they deserve it). We never asked for donations, because it is not something we want to see here! We dislike the way some other websites use: the users visit them, the users post (generate/create content) for free for them and still those websites want their users to give them money! OMG! :o It just doesn't feel right!
Your ad here
Now, concretely, about your ad here (or your ads here).
- It will be a site-wide default ad (site-wide default ads)
- We will not track ad impressions and we won't track clicks on the ads! We prefer the way "money-time". It's simple and it's natural: 1 day = $5 (upside, i.e. in the header) or 1 day = $4 (downside, i.e. in the footer). A discount: 1 week (7 days) = $28 (in the header) or $21 (in the footer). A big discount: 1 month (30 days) = $90 (in the header) or $60 (in the footer).
- If there is some interest, we may think of implying some very big year discount like $657 per year in the header and $584 per year in the footer. Time will tell... :).
- How to purchase an ad/ads.
a/ Choose a place, i.e. a location (headers or footers), choose a period (1 day, 1 week or 1 month...)
b/ Let us know what kind of ad or ads do you want. We can't approve all kinds of ads, because we have some limits, of course. If we approve your ad/ads, then you may pay. After you pay (we can use PayPal or bank accounts), let us know your ad's (ads') URL and/or the ad's/ads' image (banner). If you haven't any banner, you may purchase some here. I think we may make some average banners for you (it's cheap -- just $1 per banner).
c/ Remember: No refunds are issued once ad is placed! A deal is a deal. - Prices may be changed at any time, but we'll let you know, if we decide to change them, so don't worry about it.
- We reserve the right to schedule the start date of the ad/ads. (It's just because this is a manual process.)
So, what do you people think? I hope that we're doing the right thing. :)
The important is these (potential) new ads to be in concordance with the Google's (AdSense's) rules. :)
That's important! And that's why I already mentioned that "We can't approve all kinds of ads, because we have some limits, of course." 8)
Hi! I think that this is a very reasonable ads policy! 8)
Well, it's good and I hope it's for good! :) I don't really mind some more or less ads. I'm more worried about the site remaining a platform for good and positive speech, no matter how (because that will allow us to be not very stressed out running the website!) :P
OK, let me be honest with you, guys.
The only thing I dislike about ads (advertising) is how some of the advertisers force the sites (in particular -- the forums) to deliver a certain message (information), because the certain website’s costs happen to largely depend on the advertisers. If the certain website has said a message (an info) the advertiser does not like, then he or she can... simply threaten to stop paying the site, unless it takes that message/messages (info) down. :(
All this depends on the dynamic (quantity, quality, sources, characters, etc.) We have to do our best to balance that dynamic.
I doubt someone will purchase ads here, because there are many other websites online. The competition is strong enough. Of cours, we're the one and only omnilogy website-forum online and it's sort of attractive, but who knows?
With advertisements will probably come some corporate influence. Eventually they'll control the site in one or another level. The question is who and in which direction.
I'll start with a joke: YOU sold us out! ;D ;D
Completely seriously: I do share the pessimism "who is going to purchase?" ::)
Reasonable prices for this quality, imho!
Important and related: http://googlepublicpolicy.blogspot.com/2016/05/an-update-to-our-adwords-policy-on.html
Ads for loans with terms of 60 days or less will be prohibited; Starting this summer, Google will no longer allow payday lenders (companies offering short-term, high-interest loans) to buy advertising on Google ad systems!
I'm thinking about all these theories. We will not allow anyone to advertise things and ideas that are not in accordance with our values. And I can concretize it: I think I will oppose, for example, religious ads (we like the healthy scientific atheism), anti-Chinese ads (some of us live in China and/or are related with China, so, at least, we have to show some respect) and other anti-countries, anti-peoples, anti-races, etc. ads.
All I hope is to get some normal ads and everything to be okay as it was (comparatively) till today.
To add 2 ideas:
- Later on change the color (currently it's red). Change to blue, green, purple, etc.
- Your ad here image. If you like the idea, we may use some image (for example, a banner).
I'd like to read more opinions, points of view, suggestions, ideas and so on. Feel free to join this discussion! (I even invited one of our best members and contributors to share his point.)
Yep, the colors! We should remember it. I don't want to see red all the time long. It's not a bad color, but only red isn't the best way.
That's good! 8)
I understand that without money things are more difficult to do. Here in the US the advertisers have taken serious advantage of people. If there is a pet peeve of mine, it's ads. I'm probably the exception to the rule that most people don't mind ads.
For one I practice a reverse thing with ads. If they manage to make it in, when I go to the store, if I spot a product that has displayed for me since the last time I was in the store, I will buy any thing but that product.
Ads were partially responcible for me eliminating tv. It wasn't solely because of that reason but it had a heavy influance on it. I was paying for PPV tv and getting ads on my dime.
Another reason I block ads is security. I've had quite a few times over the years where I didn't get malware that others did and a few times where I had to clean my network because of malvertising. Advertisers do not check 3rd party advertisers for clean contents. You never hear, "I'll send some one right over to fix it" nor "Here's some software to take care of that". If the fix and the hours it takes to get it out of the system is on me, so is the cure.
Now that I am facing caps, ads have become even more of a problem. Between 40% to 79% of bandwidth traffic is taken by ads and data collection on cell phones and wired connections. (https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20160317/09274333934/why-are-people-using-ad-blockers-ads-can-eat-up-to-79-mobile-data-allotments.shtml)
It's a large combination of factors over many years that have really turned me against ads. Today there are digital billboards that attempt to identify you by your cell phone as you drive, in order to custom tailor ads to you. That's a whole bit too much. The ad industry has become a pest industry.
I'm sorry folks, I know you set great store by reaching people and that ads is a way to do that to secure both viewership as well as income. This is one we will disagree on as to the importance of ads. It is not your fault the world is as it is but when it comes to this topic, I'm pretty set in my ways.
It's good to have this kind of original, motivated and well-explained answers! 8) This is useful for the thread and this generates more answers/debates/participation.
You see, if Mojo, didn't answer, I would not post this, because I would not have what to comment. His answer gave me a reason and 'energy' to post more! 8)
I'd like to focus on the our concrete topic (because the ads themselves are a very big and very 'endless 'one). :)
Let's assume that we can't avoid the ads in question. Then what are our options?
Waiting for some ideas. :)
I'm just thinking out loud:
- Donations. As it was mentioned a few times already -- it's bad to beg for money like some other websites, which use this terrible strategy:
1. They attract many users somehow.
2. Those many users post/type (or even more work -- for example correct, edit, etc.) for free.
3. Then the site-owner (site-owners) think that it's not enough that those many users visit them (generate traffic for them, making the website popular) and it's not enough that they post/write/etc. for free (generate content, which attracts more visitors and enlarge the popularity and the value of the site) and THEN they start begging for money : Donate, because if you don't the website is gone; support us with your donations, otherwise the site you love so much will never exist again; when you need us, we were here for you, now we need you! (These are periphrasis.)
If we want to have some respect to people here, who spend and bring to us their time, labor (typing/posting) and visitation, then IT'S abnormal and greedy to ask them also to PAY for it! If they're co-owners, it's okay to share the spendings, but usually almost all of them are not!
I think it's worse than the slaves. The slaves are working for free, but they don't pay and they even have some water to drink and some food to eat! - Money for propaganda. I heard, I read many, many, many times that there are (in different places and countries) people, hired by some propaganda authorities in an attempt to shape public opinion to the benefit of the certain party, movement, ideals, etc.
Till today, nobody like this contacts me to hire me for some kind of this job -- you just post online to protect/advertise/etc. something or somebody and you get paid for every your post, every single day! :-*
And I'm online since 1998 as far as I remember. I posted in Bulgarian websites, in Russian websites, in American websites, in Chinese websites and NOTHING!... Nobody offered me something so sweet! (I don't want to say that I'll accept 100% of these potential offers -- for example I'm not going to propagandize racism, chauvinism, terrorism, etc., but why not something good like humanism, socialism, communism, etc.?)
So, I do not expect this forum to receive this kind of economical support. (Like: "Write pro-vegan articles and you'll get $1000 per month." or "Post how great is this or that political movement and you'll get $5000/day.")
Don't hope at all about it. - What else? Start selling seo-forum-seo-luntan merchandise (stickers, mugs, pens, T-shirts, etc.)? Ha! ;D
Maybe somebody else can add something to this list?