☯☼☯ SEO and Non-SEO (Science-Education-Omnilogy) Forum ☯☼☯
Non - SEO knowledge => Other topics => Topic started by: MSL on April 26, 2011, 01:20:11 PM
Attention! REPORT:
To all "administration body" over here, in SEO-forum-SEO-luntan.com (A SEO and Non-SEO leading, international forum):
"Database Error
Please try again. If you come back to this error screen, report the error to an administrator."
What's going on?
Well, it was a "Database Error: Got error 28 from storage engine". Right now the forum is already all right. Mr. SEO probably will explain the error 28 to us.
Yes. It's really a good idea for SEO-FORUM-SEO-LUNTAN.COM to has a topic about the problems.
Database Error: Got error 28 from storage engine was exactly what we had. It was an external problem. You can google it and to find out how it's coming up. Currently seo-forum-seo-luntan.com hasn't internal problems. Next time, if it happens to get again this "Database Error: Got error 28 from storage engine", just be patient and it will be okay later. I'm familiar with it and just can say: "Don't worry!" :)
I see. Now I understand the "error 28 from storage engine" matter. Hope it will not happens often. Good luck to this luntan!
Our forum was hacked. I saw a black page and something about "Team Hitman Hacker". We must write more about this hacked problem, I think. We're a good Chinese and international forum. We don't deserve to be hacked! Especially "just for fun" as I read on the defaced, black page!
Besides of Team Hitman Hacker, I got also this "[a fatal error or timeout occurred while processing this directive]" when I tryed to reach our cpanel.
Our forum was hacked. I saw a black page and something about "Team Hitman Hacker". We must write more about this hacked problem, I think. We're a good Chinese and international forum. We don't deserve to be hacked! Especially "just for fun" as I read on the defaced, black page!
It's happend in China already. You can read about it here:
"TeaM HITMAN HaCkEr 怎么回事
浏览次数:477次悬赏分:0 | 解决时间:2010-5-21 22:23 | 提问者:cookxk
去Google出现TeaM HITMAN HaCkEr黑色主页,怎么回事?别人的电脑看没事"
(Fast Google translate: "TeaM HITMAN HaCkEr matter how
Views: 477 reward points: 0 | solution time :2010-5-21 22:23 | Asked by: cookxk
Google appears TeaM HITMAN HaCkEr to black home page, how is it? Other people's computers to see ok" http://translate.google.com/#auto|en|TeaM%20HITMAN%20HaCkEr%20%E6%80%8E%E4%B9%88%E5%9B%9E%E4%BA%8B%20%0D%0A%E6%B5%8F%E8%A7%88%E6%AC%A1%E6%95%B0%EF%BC%9A477%E6%AC%A1%E6%82%AC%E8%B5%8F%E5%88%86%EF%BC%9A0%20%7C%20%E8%A7%A3%E5%86%B3%E6%97%B6%E9%97%B4%EF%BC%9A2010-5-21%2022%3A23%20%7C%20%E6%8F%90%E9%97%AE%E8%80%85%EF%BC%9Acookxk%20%0D%0A%20%E5%8E%BBGoogle%E5%87%BA%E7%8E%B0TeaM%20HITMAN%20HaCkEr%E9%BB%91%E8%89%B2%E4%B8%BB%E9%A1%B5%EF%BC%8C%E6%80%8E%E4%B9%88%E5%9B%9E%E4%BA%8B%EF%BC%9F%E5%88%AB%E4%BA%BA%E7%9A%84%E7%94%B5%E8%84%91%E7%9C%8B%E6%B2%A1%E4%BA%8B )
And the answer is:
(Fast Google translation: "Virus, the virus must have come in, the best scan killing look. The virus changes, the general approach can not be modified back. Need to deal with the virus and then modified. Download Kingsoft Internet Security 2011 cloud recommended anti-virus software to kill it. Rid of the virus and then delete, you can search for Kingsoft Internet Security 2011 Baidu, it is easy to find the latest free download of the address, the first you can click to download and install" http://translate.google.com/#auto|en|%E7%97%85%E6%AF%92%EF%BC%8C%E4%B8%80%E5%AE%9A%E6%98%AF%E4%B8%AD%E4%BA%86%E7%97%85%E6%AF%92%E6%9D%A5%E7%9A%84%EF%BC%8C%E6%9C%80%E5%A5%BD%E8%BF%98%E6%98%AF%E6%89%AB%E6%8F%8F%E6%9F%A5%E6%9D%80%E7%9C%8B%E7%9C%8B%E3%80%82%E5%AF%B9%E4%BA%8E%E7%97%85%E6%AF%92%E4%BF%AE%E6%94%B9%EF%BC%8C%E6%99%AE%E9%80%9A%E5%8A%9E%E6%B3%95%E6%97%A0%E6%B3%95%E4%BF%AE%E6%94%B9%E5%9B%9E%E6%9D%A5%E3%80%82%E9%9C%80%E8%A6%81%E5%85%88%E5%A4%84%E7%90%86%E7%97%85%E6%AF%92%E7%84%B6%E5%90%8E%E5%86%8D%E4%BF%AE%E6%94%B9%E3%80%82%E5%BB%BA%E8%AE%AE%E4%B8%8B%E8%BD%BD%E9%87%91%E5%B1%B1%E6%AF%92%E9%9C%B82011%E4%BA%91%E6%9D%80%E6%AF%92%E8%BD%AF%E4%BB%B6%E6%9D%80%E4%B8%80%E4%B8%8B%E3%80%82%E6%B8%85%E9%99%A4%E7%97%85%E6%AF%92%E5%90%8E%E5%86%8D%E8%BF%9B%E8%A1%8C%E5%88%A0%E9%99%A4%EF%BC%8C%E4%BD%A0%E5%8F%AF%E4%BB%A5%E5%9C%A8%E7%99%BE%E5%BA%A6%E6%90%9C%E7%B4%A2%E9%87%91%E5%B1%B1%E6%AF%92%E9%9C%B82011%EF%BC%8C%E5%BE%88%E5%AE%B9%E6%98%93%E6%89%BE%E5%88%B0%E6%9C%80%E6%96%B0%E5%85%8D%E8%B4%B9%E4%B8%8B%E8%BD%BD%E7%9A%84%E5%9C%B0%E5%9D%80%EF%BC%8C%E7%AC%AC%E4%B8%80%E4%B8%AA%E5%B0%B1%E5%8F%AF%E4%BB%A5%E7%82%B9%E5%87%BB%E4%B8%8B%E8%BD%BD%E5%AE%89%E8%A3%85 )
Besides of Team Hitman Hacker, I got also this "[a fatal error or timeout occurred while processing this directive]" when I tryed to reach our cpanel.
OK, now let's see what's the matter about the "a fatal error or timeout occurred while processing this directive" - there are A LOT of results about it. If you're interested in this issue - look here: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&source=hp&biw=1020&bih=601&q=%22a+fatal+error+or+timeout+occurred+while+processing+this+directive%22&aq=f&aqi=g4&aql=&oq=&rlz=1R2ADFA_enCN402 . I can't explain it any better than what you can find googling it by yourselves. Good luck!
I posted last night some posts, but now all of them are missing. Also - we got only this:
"735 " pageviews... Probably it was a hosting problem. I can't see something in the error logs.
I am checking again: "Forum Error Log
The error log tracks every error encountered by your forum. To delete any errors from the database, mark the checkbox, and click the Remove button at the bottom of the page.
Pages: [1]
No messages...
I checked the Cpanel's error log. There are NOT any messages about this stuff. Probably it's something about the hosting, because it's happend already once, if you remember.
P.S. Plus - "Listing of forum errors
Congratulations, no errors found! Thanks for checking."
Now I see whe there is missing also the Baipo's post. I will write about it again in the Alexa Traffic Rank place.
You see "whe" ? It's an interesting word I think! ;D
Merry SMF 1.1.14 and Happy SMF 1.1.14 !
Good luck !
(What I mean is that we upgraded our SEO-Non-SEO forum and now we're Powered by SMF 1.1.14)
Password incorrect, Password incorrect, Password incorrect... that's what I see when I am checking up our "forum error log" (The error log tracks every error encountered by your forum.)
SEO and Non-SEO friends. Please remember better your passwords! :)
Merry SMF 1.1.14 and Happy SMF 1.1.14 !
Good luck !
(What I mean is that we upgraded our SEO-Non-SEO forum and now we're Powered by SMF 1.1.14)
Happy SMF 1.1.14 and Happy new PageRank, SEO ! ;D
Shortly: We have got PageRank 1 in less than half a year! Conrats, comrade SEO!
Password incorrect, Password incorrect, Password incorrect... that's what I see when I am checking up our "forum error log" (The error log tracks every error encountered by your forum.)
SEO and Non-SEO friends. Please remember better your passwords! :)
As far as they have got a lot of passwords, probably they're not that smart to remember all of them ;) Not that big deal. Don't need to take it so hard. But it's really useful to remember your password (passwords)!
There are again a lot of these "Database Error: Got error 28 from storage engine" errors. Have to say "I'm so sorry, guys!", and "Not my fault!", for sure. Hehe, it reminds me Chris Brown's song "Not my fault". /http://www.metrolyrics.com/not-my-fault-lyrics-chris-brown.html/
A person or a spambot, named "corrinefr" had posted more than 100 messages in so many topics about medicines, Viagra...A huge spam. We deleted his/her/its messages and topics. No spam, no spammers, no spamming here ;D
Have a nice day, without spam! 8)
Haha! Big balls of...spammers! ;D (As an association with the song "Big Balls Of Fire" - Jerry Lee Lewis)
Today Davis (davis) was banned. He got a partial ban - "cannot post". What is this? Here is the explanation:
"The 'cannot post' restriction turns the forum into read-only mode for the banned user. The user cannot create new topics, or reply to existing ones, send personal messages or vote in polls. The banned user can however still read personal messages and topics.
A warning message is shown to the users that are banned this way."
His disrespect, spam, etc. turned to ban. Happy Ban, Davis !
His e-mail and IPs are blacklisted in http://www.stopforumspam.com. Hence the ban is the right decision. Davis' SEO is a kind of anti-SEO.
But he is posting again! Someone removed his BAN ?! >:(
Right now I saw he posted cache & index question in the Alexa Internet section. As far as there is something like Alexa Internet index and stuff, I am going to leave his post there, but if he is going to spam around, please, let's ban him permanently. I know he is making visits, page views, etc., but is this the price we have to pay for his disrespectful spam around?
But he is posting again! Someone removed his BAN ?! >:(
Right now I saw he posted cache & index question in the Alexa Internet section. As far as there is something like Alexa Internet index and stuff, I am going to leave his post there, but if he is going to spam around, please, let's ban him permanently. I know he is making visits, page views, etc., but is this the price we have to pay for his disrespectful spam around?
He got his FULL BAN TODAY. Look at this:
"Ban name Notes Reason Added Expires Triggers Actions
davis Spam, disrespect, no communication Spam, disrespect, no communication July 12, 2011 Never 0 Modify "
I lost a lot of time to edit, to move his spam in appropriate sections. He is posting without any responsibility and disrespect our labor over here! We told him so many times, including sending him personal messages, but the result is he is spamming more and more. As I said, when you trace his IP or e-mail you will see that he/she is already blacklisted as spammer in other places. We were just one of his victims! I hope he/she is not going to show up again. I will full ban this spammer as soon as possible. Please, you too!
It is the right decision, but we should try to be polite people.
Hey, good news! Davis got his/her full ban. Are you happy, guys? :) I am very happy!
Hey, good news! Davis got his/her full ban. Are you happy, guys? :) I am very happy!
Oh, so good ! Glad for this FULL BAN of Davis ! I hate Davis. And this is the truth. Davis is a symbol of everything bad I ever saw. No moral, no respect, robot like behavior, not professional SEO...Good for you, SEO !
I enjoy this BAN (as you know I mean the first ban in this forum - the Davis BAN). I saw our forum error log(The error log tracks every error encountered by your forum. )
And then...hehe, I saw these Davis message:
1. Password incorrect - davis
2. Password incorrect - davis
3. Sorry Guest, you are banned from using this forum!
Spam, disrespect, no communication
YES ! YES ! YES ! Spam, disrespect and no communication ! What else I can say about this famous internet spammer - davis !
I feel so good now. No spam - no cry ! ;D
I enjoy this BAN (as you know I mean the first ban in this forum - the Davis BAN). I saw our forum error log(The error log tracks every error encountered by your forum. )
And then...hehe, I saw these Davis message:
1. Password incorrect - davis
2. Password incorrect - davis
3. Sorry Guest, you are banned from using this forum!
Spam, disrespect, no communication
YES ! YES ! YES ! Spam, disrespect and no communication ! What else I can say about this famous internet spammer - davis !
I feel so good now. No spam - no cry ! ;D
I saw it right now. Davis is trying from 2 different IPs to log in, but the result is as follow:
Sorry Guest, you are banned from using this forum!
Spam, disrespect, no communication. Let it be a good lesson for davis and for all other people who are going just to spam around. We're not a spam forum, we're leading international SEO and Non-SEO, omnilogic forum.
Congratulations for our new button - The Google +1 Button 8) Hope it'll be good for our SEO and our socialization.
Today, all day long, seo-forum-seo-luntan.com was down. Probably - hosting problems, nothing else...
Illegal mix of collations for operation ' IN '
This is the topic. We had this error log ("Illegal mix of collations for operation ' IN '"). Any ideas what exactly is this Illegal mix of collations for operation ' IN '-error? Thank you.
Warning - while you were reading a new reply has been posted. You may wish to review your post.
I like this SMF function ! And it sounds pretty well: "Warning - while you were reading a new reply has been posted. You may wish to review your post." :)
Illegal mix of collations for operation ' IN '
This is the topic. We had this error log ("Illegal mix of collations for operation ' IN '"). Any ideas what exactly is this Illegal mix of collations for operation ' IN '-error? Thank you.
We can find some information about Illegal mix of collations for operation ' IN ' below:
As far as we dislike the chaotic posting, I warn kalisha: POST YOUR POSTS IN THE APPROPRIATE SECTIONS ! Here is what I mean:
That's the way. I like it.
We don't like chaotic posting!
They should/have to/must KNOW IT!
No chaos in seo-forum-seo-luntan.com!
No, no, no !
Sorry, no matches were found
Hello, forum-luntan! This is what I meant:
Show Posts
Sorry, no matches were found
I.e. some users around just read, visit, but no posts...Just mention it. ;)
Happy SMF 1.1.15 ! :D
Our new user jintu posted 2 spam posts. I quote them:
Show Posts
Pages: [1]
1 Non - SEO knowledge / Other topics / Re: Forum (Luntan) problems on: Today at 04:20:00 AM
y engineers to keep at a study, called a cost-benefit Buy hermes handbags analysis, the blessing of which is to suspicion the erase christian louboutin shoes for less y engineers to keep at a study, called a cost-benefit louis vuitton bags analysis, the blessing of which is to suspicion the erase cheap lv y engineers to keep at a study, called a cost-benefit christian louboutin uk analysis, the blessing of which is to suspicion the erase christian louboutin uk y engineers to keep at a study, called a cost-benefit chanel cheap handbags analysis, the blessing of which is to suspicion the erase designer Handbags
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2 Non - SEO knowledge / Other topics / replica bandage dress wholesale on: Today at 04:18:42 AM
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I deleted this SPAM and I send him/her a message that we don't like SPAM here! jintu, you're welcome, but NO SPAM, please!
I saw so good SEO activity in our SEO and Non-SEO forum, guys! Keep active! :) I will do my best for you! :D 8)
Best regards: Mr. SEO!
I will put some new PTC banner on my signature these days, that's why I gave back to the MSL's one I used right now. I hope that it was useful, because of my activity here. I will search something else.
I am really satisfied of our SEO activity in the SEO subforum of our SEO and Non-SEO website (seo-forum-seo-luntan.com) :)
I will put some new PTC banner on my signature these days, that's why I gave back to the MSL's one I used right now. I hope that it was useful, because of my activity here. I will search something else.
Me too. I will think about something new and I'll give back to MSL his banner. But it's OK, there is no conflict or something. It's just for better business.
I will put some new PTC banner on my signature these days, that's why I gave back to the MSL's one I used right now. I hope that it was useful, because of my activity here. I will search something else.
Me too. I will think about something new and I'll give back to MSL his banner. But it's OK, there is no conflict or something. It's just for better business.
No problem. I can't put so many banners in my profile's signature, because there the number of the characters is limited, but we'll find a way. There is no need my affiliate banners to be in SEO's or Internet's signatures at all :) Don't worry, be happy! :)
I like affiliate business as well. 8) :-*
So I am going to put a new banner signature now. I think a PTC is a good idea. :D
Our new user jintu posted 2 spam posts. I quote them:
Show Posts
Pages: [1]
1 Non - SEO knowledge / Other topics / Re: Forum (Luntan) problems on: Today at 04:20:00 AM
y engineers to keep at a study, called a cost-benefit Buy hermes handbags analysis, the blessing of which is to suspicion the erase christian louboutin shoes for less y engineers to keep at a study, called a cost-benefit louis vuitton bags analysis, the blessing of which is to suspicion the erase cheap lv y engineers to keep at a study, called a cost-benefit christian louboutin uk analysis, the blessing of which is to suspicion the erase christian louboutin uk y engineers to keep at a study, called a cost-benefit chanel cheap handbags analysis, the blessing of which is to suspicion the erase designer Handbags
Remove messageRemove ReplyReply Reply with quoteQuote Notify of repliesNotify
2 Non - SEO knowledge / Other topics / replica bandage dress wholesale on: Today at 04:18:42 AM
ides the haunting heavy metal region charcoal Sabbath annihilate perhaps christian louboutin for sale thanks to the color. The Vestal ZR3002 ZR3 black Sabbath replica bandage dress wholesale ides the haunting heavy metal region charcoal Sabbath annihilate perhaps lv outlet thanks to the color. The Vestal ZR3002 ZR3 black Sabbath louis vuitton monogram ides the haunting heavy metal region charcoal Sabbath annihilate perhaps high heel shoes thanks to the color. The Vestal ZR3002 ZR3 black Sabbath christian louboutin replica ides the haunting heavy metal region charcoal Sabbath annihilate perhaps wholesale handbags from china thanks to the color. The Vestal ZR3002 ZR3 black Sabbath chanel 49724
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I deleted this SPAM and I send him/her a message that we don't like SPAM here! jintu, you're welcome, but NO SPAM, please!
Do you remember that jintu? Right now I deleted another jintu's SPAM:
SEO newbie
SEO - karma: +0/-2
[applaud] [smite]
Posts: 1
View Profile Email Personal Message (Offline)
pastoral reconnaissance gorgeous
« on: October 26, 2011, 07:48:54 PM »
Reply with quoteQuote Modify messageModify Remove messageRemove Split TopicSplit Topic
pastoral reconnaissance gorgeous (especially if you lose the canal street fake herve leger ones, and grip usual kid replicas - supplementary valued kind, christian louboutin for sale pastoral reconnaissance gorgeous (especially if you lose the canal street white herve leger dress ones, and grip usual kid replicas - supplementary valued kind, herve leger collection pastoral reconnaissance gorgeous (especially if you lose the canal street louis vuitton wallets ones, and grip usual kid replicas - supplementary valued kind, louis vuitton handbags sale pastoral reconnaissance gorgeous (especially if you lose the canal street best designer handbags ones, and grip usual kid replicas - supplementary valued kind, buy leather handbags online"
And now let's BAN this jintu spammer!
jintu was BANNED !
Good for jintu! ;D It will cure his SPAM disease! 8)
Happy PageRank 2, luntan! :)
PageRank 2 : http://www.checkpagerank.net/index.php?name=seo-forum-seo-luntan.com&links=1&captcha_code=f4rq
Missing information (posts) 16 - 27 . 11. 2011
We had this e-mail from our hosting: "We apologize for any
inconvenience caused. Server's file system was crashed. We tried to run
the fsck command and fix the file system. But it failed. It took almost 24
hours to complete. So we reinstalled the operating system and restored the
account from backups."
It probably explains why...
I am really sorry for my and for your posts, dear friends!
Too bad, too bad...
We hope that it will be their last misfortune and in the future they'll be a good hosting provider!
thomasjer is a spammer. He/She already got SEO-Karma -1 before as you can see. To prove his/her spam you have to read his 3 posts and also to check out this Google results: http://www.google.com.hk/search?hl=zh-CN&newwindow=1&safe=strict&client=firefox-a&hs=im5&rls=org.mozilla%3Aen-US%3Aofficial&q=thomasjer+spam&oq=thomasjer+spam&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&gs_sm=e&gs_upl=5249l6269l0l6540l5l5l0l0l0l0l0l0ll4l0
thomasjer we're a leading international SEO and Non-SEO forum with a good PageRank. We can't allow disrespectful spam here. So, we're warmly welcome you in our BAN list, thomasjer spammer!
I edited an adult link about "escorts in birmingham". I hope the user jammul to understand it.
Our new users' statistics show 12 yesterday and already 19 today! Lift ! Congrats, SEO forum and Non-SEO forum people!
Alexa lifts too. :)
I hate FLOODING. There is a new member - ajarajmohanty and he/she/it posted 3 same topics about SEO services. I would like to delete it, because we can't tolerate the FLOOD-SPAM practices here.
I set up a higher anti-spam protection on this forum. It's not the highest one, but higher.
ajarajmohanty is a bad spammer and the worse flooder I ever met. I told you already about its flood. 3 equal posts about some SEO services (more expensive than ours) and now again SPAM in this topic: http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/seo/is-social-bookmarking-alive/msg4697/?boardseen#new
So, the spammer ajarajmohanty is welcomed to our BAN list with pleasure! And most of your flood will be deleted!
Happy SMF 1.1.16 !
smnh6 - the spammer, banned !
, you like to put SEO-texts with a huge amount of links. That's why instead of "Other topics", where we expect people to post and to read something really interesting, not artificial SEO-texts, you better post your SEO-texts' topics in our SEO directory
Right now I saw another new user with an ugg boots signature. I swear - I will ban at once the next ugg boots SPAM. This ugg boots "SEO" is really disgusting !
We're here again! Sorry for our bad hosting!
I had no idea what happened these days. Let me show you the history of this tragedy.
It was a great tragedy for our seo-forum-seo-luntan.com. It's stopped for around a week.
The data:
1/ The message was "Connection Problems
Sorry, SMF was unable to connect to the database. This may be caused by the server being busy. Please try again later. "
2/ The Server Status was OK. Everything was green. Not busy.
3/ We could see the 2 attached html pages in our forum, for example www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/Make%20money%20online.html was visible/openable.
4/ We wrote to the hosting company many times. They asked us to write/post a support ticket. We wrote/posted them a few. Then they wanted us to give them our username and our password, we gave them.
5/ Still nothing.
We started to right them e-mails "www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com is still out of order. Can we have our money back, because we would like to choose another hosting company.", but we didn't get any answer from them.
A support team member (SMF) wrote us "most likely nothing you can do, but try to get a full backup of your forum and go find a new host that will reply to you when you have questions."
I answered him: "I hope there must be something to do. We paid 1 more year recently (hosting + domain) and it's hard to leave it right now.
Well, I sent them this:
" 收件人:support@1dollar-webhosting.com
www. seo-forum-seo-luntan.com is still out of order. Can we have our money back, because we would like to choose another hosting company."
If no money and no forum, we'll just wait until the end, because we have no earnings from this forum at all till today and there is no reason to spend more money right now."
Then he answered that "i would not expect much from a host that offers such cheap oversold hosting." And my answer was: "We use this cheap hosting more than 1 year. During this time it happened few times already. Seems it wasn't the right choice."
Another guy asked me "are you sure you did everything alright with databases and such settings?"
I answered him: "we didn't touch anything inside. The last and only changes we did is to edit a .html file (adding or removing some banners in that html page). "
At last we got again where is the problem, a man said "I can access your agreement.txt on each of the sites, so I am presuming that all your files are still there. There is a problem with the MySql server most likely, and since your host will not respond, then there isn't much you can do through Cpanel either. "
"Yes. As I can see all our files are there. So it's MySql problem most likely...I see."- I answered, anyway it was somehow obvious that this is the problem according to the message "Connection Problems
Sorry, SMF was unable to connect to the database. This may be caused by the server being busy. Please try again later. ", isn't it?
At last a skillful Geser Kurultaev's (MSL's) friend from Bulgaria helped us! Thank you so much, dear friend! 8)
I will send to the hosting company this email:
"It's working now.
A friend helped us to repair the problem. It's really sad that your support is not answering. All we need it our forum to work normally.
Yes, we're here again. Thanks to my good friend! A friend in need is a friend indeed!
We lost some data (a few posts and a new member, as I saw), I don't know how...We're sorry!
Backup more often. I pasted my 2 posts again. At least my content is back here. Good luck!
We made a new backup system yesterday. Hope to be better from now on. Happy New Dragon 2012 !
Here you will see why brightseo will get BAN and why the posts will be deleted. It's from his recent activity:
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brightseo, you're very welcome to our BAN list!
A very good decision! I told him/her that it's a flood, but he/she came again to flood with these almost the same SEO posts. BAN, BAN and DELETE! That's the way!
Yes, it's true.
lvhandbags5 is very welcome to our BAN list! Reasons? SPAM + FLOOD in our SEO section of seo-forum-seo-luntan.com. Also his posts will be deleted, but I will paste them here (without the active links, of course, because he/she/it do not deserve it!)
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Terrible posts, aren't they?
dilshan123, next time if you don't post in the right sections, you'll get a ban!
I said it here:
and not only there.
As I see you're a famous spammer: http://www.google.com.hk/search?hl=en&newwindow=1&safe=strict&client=firefox-a&hs=mr3&rls=org.mozilla%3Aen-US%3Aofficial&q=dilshan123+spam&oq=dilshan123+spam&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&gs_sm=e&gs_upl=17199l17752l0l18015l5l5l0l0l0l0l0l0ll0l0
But I will give you one last chance.
Welcome to our BAN LIST, dilshan123 - the spammer! BAN YOU ! >:(
Yes, this is a very cool BAN! "BAN YOU, dilshan123"! ;D
23 table(s) optimized.
Congratulations, no errors found! Thanks for checking.
Congratulations for our SEO and Non-SEO: forum, SERP, educational and so on results! :)
Gannison786, next time read carefully the section names and post in the appropriate ones. Otherwise - you're fast welcome to our BAN LIST.
Malpensa the spammer is very welcome to our BAN list! Already second time Malpensais is posting its link building posts in inappropriate sections. BAN, BAN, BAN for Malpensa the spammer!
sbglobal69, I warn you. Look at your warning: http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/social-network-seo-social-network/ukraine-admission-start-for-new-intake-opportunity-to-study-in-ukraine/msg5537/#msg5537
Thank you in advance for your understanding!
A few minutes ago, I saw that sbglobal69 flooded our forum, posting the same 3 posts, which he/she/it already posted. It means BAN! Welcome to our BAN list, sbglobal69!
Rustic123, don't SPAM around. Use the right sections to post your posts. We monitor this forum every day or night, so it's senseless to try SPAM here.
One more SPAM and you're welcome to our big BAN list!
JaimeJoseph, we saw some of your posts (50%) that are schizophrenical. Stop the schizophrenia, please! We don't like to enlarge our big BAN list. So just post adequately.
Many posts and topics were deleted by me. They were against the rules. So, don't worry and keep writing useful, unique and interesting content. Best wishes!
I didn't understand it, but now I see. Now you (we) will have more space to write about other things.
And I deleted more. The reason is this rule:
Sites with Google ads may not include or link to:
Content regarding programs which compensate users for clicking ads or offers, performing searches, surfing websites or reading emails
If we would like to have Adsense incomes, we should obey their rules. It's simple and pretty clear.
Next time Joel123 will be surely banned if he post spam once again:
Next time Joel123 will be surely banned if he/she/it SPAM
It was so impudent: I am online, I am an admin, and the terrible Joel123 still posts in the SEO section his/her/its movie spam! No brain person or bot?!
Who cares? We have to used to them and to BAN them as soon as possible.
Gannison786, next time read carefully the section names and post in the appropriate ones. Otherwise - you're fast welcome to our BAN LIST.
Ganison786, it's my pleasure to add you in our big BAN LIST, because you spammed us again! Enjoy your BAN, Ganison786 spammer!
Happy BAN to you! ;D ;D
So long time without connection to this forum today...Guys, let's move to another hosting? How do you thing about it? It's not for the first time.
Precondition Failed
Precondition Failed
The precondition on the request for the URL /internet/ evaluated to false.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
Precondition Failed explained
I am proud to explain it. The problem was that I tryed to write the sign for "percent" WITHOUT some number/s in front of it. You can try it:
write 1%, 11%, 20%, 99%, 100%...and it'll be okay, but if you try to write it without 1, 11, 20, 99, 100, etc., then you may see the Precondition Failed.
It was in our case last time. Probably there may be some other reasons for this Precondition Failed problem.
As you can see, now it's possible and it's okay.
An Error Has Occurred!
Session verification failed. Please try logging out and back in again, and then try again. :o
Forum Error Log shows nothing about it. Then we don't need to worry about it. As we can see you logged out successfully. :)
yep, don't worry about it. 8)
Cool! :-X
If you see it around once more, it means that he is using some software to post automated comments over here or he lost his mind. In these 2 cases the solution will be one and the same - permanent ban.
I hope he just did a tiny mistake. Since the beginning he's a good SEO member and friend here. But yes, if he become to behave like a bot, the ban list will welcome him for sure, because we're not interested in bots :)
folkropenda, markeroloj, odarorodox - multiaccounting !!! (They're from one and the same IP and they links to pills and this is not appropriate here). I will edit the links (remove them) and I will ban this user with 3 SPAM accounts.
I'm proud of it!
If you see it around once more, it means that he is using some software to post automated comments over here or he lost his mind. In these 2 cases the solution will be one and the same - permanent ban.
I don't know about if he made his profile automated in some way, but I saw that he just rewrote SEO's article with some automated software (there are available even online, like this article changer: http://www.articlechanger.net/).
Just compare the 2 posts:
Mr. SEO's post:
"If you charge USD 200 for this, you should learn to post the topics in the related sections/forums/blogs...not like here. A minute ago, I had to move your divorce topic from this SEO-section.
Spamming is not SEO. Try to learn more how to be a real SEOer, not a "SEOer"."
appdeveloper's post:
"If you price USD 200 for this, you should comprehend to submit the topics in the appropriate sections/forums/blogs...not like here. A quick ago, I had to switch your separating and separation and divorce topic from this SEO-section.
New new spamming is not SEO. Try to comprehend more how to be a real SEOer, not a "SEOer".
Does appdeveloper thinks that we're idiots?! We don't need this duplicated content!
More appdeveloper's duplicated content
If he duplicates so much he will be invited in our ban list. We aren't so stupid.
appdeveloper is our newest member in the big ban list. We don't need parrots in this forum. We were tired of his duplicated posts! appdeveloper, you're so welcome to our ban list! And we have to celebrate it! Cheers! 8)
Saxinsibia - ACCONT DELETED. It already tryed to put its adult pills link with another username. There - I just edited it, but no - delete. If I see another account from the same IP and the same adult pills spam - delete + IP ban.
Very good. We should protect this form well!
It's here again. Time for IP BAN
"No pills and adult links here.You're BANNED!-Admin"
;D ;D Sweeeeeeet!
Btw, the IP ban is not something good, because later some normal man with the same IP will be not able to visit the forum, but I also can't find a better way for this spammer.
The sweatest thing, you know. ;)
Good bans, guys!
fddzss321 the spammer posted 9 spam shoes posts. It results in a very good BAN. Welcome, welcome to our BAN list! :D
9? NINE?? WOWWWWWWWWW! BAN, BAN and BAN again! 8)
shrikant44, don't duplicate the content!
We have 3 new bans today. It's because the person had try to re-post his forbidden links here and because he had 3 accounts (multi-accounting). And now I edited another one profile. It's not easy to deal with these link-builders.
That's right. Keep the rules.
I edited an username, which contained adult word. The new name is "womentoys".
Very well! 8)
If you don't stop to double your posts (which is duplicating the content; flood, etc.) our BAN list is going to welcome you.
Problems, problems, problems... :)
Because of stupid and/or lazy people.
georgeharriso, georgetakei - to be banned, because the IP tracking shows it is a multiaccounting activity. Also - I said already - no pills links here.
Saikat - the flooder - BANNED!
I am tired of this flood. So many times! So many different accounts (multiaccont!) I banned him. And if someone wants him back - ohhhh, you even don't try! I'll leave this forum as soon, as he is welcomed here again! I don't want him back! He is flooding! He is so aggressive to offer his SEO here in our SEO and Non-SEO community. And he is so impudent! No, no, no! No way to accept him! And as I said - I don't care how poor he is or something! I want this place CLEAN and NORMAL. You have an offer? OK, post it ONCE, dont' duplicate, don't spam, don't flood! BAN YOU, FLOODER and don't ever come back!!!!!
It was the BAN of fury! ;D ;D
wrerroubsib just post some prostitute links and didn't post anything. We do not accept it. I deleted this account.
It will be a good politics - to delete the adult accounts and to keep the forum clean!
They're bots. Or bot-like. Just visiting once, putting links and bye...So, yes, better just delete them.
Nitlefoef -- account deleted. Reason: prostitutes link.
safayath01, welcome to our ban list! Enjoy your ban! 8)
(Reasons: flood, spam, no communication).
Welcome to the ban list! ;D
hongkongescort -- account deleted! Reason: prostitution topic and link. No way!
Very good moderation action!
crusSquamma - account deleted. Reason: gambling links.
CarlaMatus -- account deleted. Reasons - medicine links, no posts.
mukeshsoftona - banned! Reason - bot-like behavior. Probably - a bot, something like http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XRumer .
sbbsqq - account deleted. Reason: SPAM.
The same with another one with nickname "versace".
Well done
carl_mathew - banned. Why? Because he is duplicating our content! Just a robot !...Disgusting!...
zgj921157974 - account deleted. Why? SPAM!
11 accounts deleted (multi-accounting):
And their IP was banned. Good job, Mr. SEO! 8)
I'm proud to inform you that francis1 the spammer joined our big ban list. 8)
4 accounts deleted (multi-accounting + spam):
Good job, dear administrator! 8)
engengappefax -- account deleted. Reason: Hacking/cracking links.
SemoNemSwise, IlletteUrize, Lariepek, cbLorkwfwb, Keernova, Sworinearee, woosteDon -- all of these accounts were deleted. Why? Mulcti-accounting! That's why!
Our moderation is so good, isn't it? Be proud of our forum! :D
Good, perfect! We don't need these multi-accounting games here.
Yeah..my man! 8)
Evomajah, ceksShet, gygfcychown, bsytcychown, spolfDom, Sheadeds, bawDrica, midonyOntoto - accounts deleted. Why? Multi-accounting !
The administration/moderation of this international leading non-SEO and SEO omnilogical website/gforum is really great! I think it is one of the best ever! Congratulations! :D 8)
These 2 were deleted, because of the multi-accounting.
VedOpinee, SeerUrisk -- deleted. Reasons: multi-accounting + vulgarity.
Frette, Skymnpen, diappy, Blasex, pietly -- accounts deleted. Why? MULTI-ACCOUNTING. That's why.
balkam12345 -- banned. Reasons: duplicating the content, robot spam, nonsense.
highen14 spamming and posting nonsense. I think the admins will ban highen14, right?
As soon as I (an admin) could. highen14 is banned. Reasons: nonsense, spam.
javedbt -- account deleted and posts deleted. Reason: Gambling links and post
Sworinearee, KawSooraarer -- accounts deleted.
REASONS: multi-accounting, medicine/viagra links.
zeeks wellington - banned!
12 accounts deleted:
_zigPurry, _cotWript, _Blooff, _greave, _ethiNe, _Beskkido, Jasymype, flollA, Invess, Clielf, Litetism, foonvest
REASONS: multi-accounting or/and drug links or/and no posts.
The administration here had to take this good care early, not now, when we got 1000+ users in this international SEO-non-SEO forum. Now the new way should be: check every new user and track his/her/its IP in order to check is it a normal one or just another multi-accounting spammer/spambot.
:)To tell you guys the truth -- it was not easy for us to see how to view all the users ;D, now we know how to search for users (for example by date registered) and we're checking every single user in this forum. And most of us are busy enough, but I am quite sure that someday we'll delete all those multi-accounting, bad linking, etc. spammers.
tophongkongescort -- banned. Reason: prostitution links (in a post, which I deleted).
Good, I see.
Etefspet, Frette -- accounts deleted! REASONS: multi-accounting, no post.
asianescort69 -- BANNED! Reason: prostitution links.
asianescort69 -- BANNED, account and post -- deleted!
Reason: prostitution post and links.
Forum spam fighters! 8)
Good forum spam fight! 8)
Yes, we're great already. I started to check them one by one and these ~1000 are easy to be checked soon. In the future we will have thousands, but real, true members. Right now I detected 4 new multi-accounts. I'll post about them in the next post in this forum problems.
fleleSkidly, futSteabe, acrobealorb, Thornenot deleted. The reason is: multi-accounting.
Hey, I found out other 2! Great moderation! 8)
Shatry, Etefspet - accounts deleted. Reason: multi-accounting and no posts!
hirephp -- banned. Reasons: 1. automated black hat SEO SPAM and duplicate content (I don't want to have content which is in many other forums in the same way) for example here: http://www.google.com.hk/search?q=%22What+is+the+command+to+create+MySQL+database+using+PHP+and+MySWQ%3F%22&hl=zh-CN&newwindow=1&safe=strict&client=firefox-a&hs=Qub&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&prmd=imvns&ei=flfPT9nsJIeYiAeMur31Cw&start=10&sa=N&biw=1011&bih=574
2. No communication and keeping posting in the wrong boards.:
Paulina, Harrison96, Alekona85 -- accounts deleted. Reason: multiaccounting.
Neinaiva, interceSer -- deleted. Reason: multi-accounting.
Keely, rachaelmills, Vanessa, roxanaleone, aioneseiotilia, alvinablossom -- accounts deleted. Reasons: multiaccounting, no posts.
DiewdeliHoods, AvegreeGodo -- accounts deleted. Reasons: no posts, multiaccounting.
The account fluoxetine in pregnancy was deleted. Reasons: medicines (including viagra) ads, no posts.
howkinosk04, stivetikolo -- accounts deleted. Reasons: no posts, multi-accounting.
wmanmow, dlecteurdvds, tseomani, iseoonep -- accounts deleted. Reasons: multi-accounting, no posts.
chaddie002, BernardThom03 -- accounts deleted. Reasons: multi-accounting, no posts.
Rhinydins, ZewsFrar -- accounts deleted. Reasons: multi-accounting, no posts.
Occaxycaure, chooguidili -- accounts deleted. REASONS: multi-accounting, no posts.
PaydayCleable, Rosbent -- accounts deleted. REASONS: multi-accounting, no posts.
MarcoLoco, UcatastaCA -- accounts deleted. REASONS: multi-accounting, no posts.
Frexerster, Torthumill, Dertaamhed -- deleted. REASON: multi-accounting, no posts.
Eluncclielo, Smequelooli -- accounts deleted. REASONS: multi-accounting, no posts.
Cheap Ugg Boots For Sale, Ugg Boots -- deleted. Reasons: Multi-acounting, no posts.
Amarobado, WootElerveRet, JenNerEnuff -- deleted. Reasons: Multi-acounting, no posts.
zkggubguyzsf, fsziqchjzrqm -- accounts deleted. REASONS: multi-accoungting, no posts.
DaypePepDoula, Freproncorn -- accounts deleted. REASONS: multi-accoungting, no posts.
9 accounts deleted
9 accounts deleted: WilliamErickson1, seoservicesltd, TimRocker, lindavanbuskirk2, carlmowen, HenryBushong, lorenecline5, alisharios5, shanschools. REASONS: multi-accoungting, no posts or a few posts with low value.
powlis83, jespar85 -- accounts deleted. REASON: no posts, multi-accounting.
j0hamilton, hmiltonjo -- accounts deleted. REASON: multi-accounting, no posts!
Good moderation!
Yes. That is what I call a good moderation! They want links? OK, but at least to contribute something for this website, not just to put links for their link-building. It's normal to create some signature/link(links) signature, but at least to post something valuable content over here. Not only to put links, links and links, and even in that multi-accounting/multiaccounting way. I know that many people are willing to earn money; I know that many people are even starving - starvation is bad, but we need also something in fair back, not just a visitor, who is creating an account or multi-accounts and then...0 posts, nothing, ничего, нищо, nada, 没什么, niente... We're not a charity society/company/organization/fellowship.
shamir058, shamir059 -- accounts deleted. Reasons: no posts, multi-accounting.
Shatry, irobre -- accounts deleted. Reasons: multi-accounting, no posts.
mbagllprv, pneiivnix, marnptiqb, dnnjobxyl, rdegbzrxe -- accounts deleted REASONS: multi-accoungting, no posts.
PlossidePlete, InwawlVilia, EliliEngink, ThudgedomTemn -- accounts deleted. Reasons: multi-accounting, no posts...
Triesk, irobre - accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
lovef5er, google4ta -- accounts deleted. REASONS: multi-accounting, no posts.rew
tasins, no more SPAM/FLOOD here. Or -- BAN. Your choice.
Richardlevins, sravani123 -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
alagattique, skamepmaw -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
Jill69, DavidHope11 -- accounts deleted. Reasons: multi-accounting, only 1 post (DavidHope11) and no posts (Jill69).
selvanak12345, welcome to our ban list! http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/seo/news/msg9279/#msg9279
apexis - the content duplicator was banned. Read more: http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/seo/do-u-think-off-page-activity-should-be-done-every-day/msg9401/#msg9401
MisatoNishito, you are banned, because of: SPAM and FLOOD.
EDISHITLE, spuctipse -- deleted. REASONS: multi-accounting, no posts.
imiskroneRoks, infilalop, TepEasepjaR, tusDrubsReD, lyncfilfete, Unannaduh, Camnawaicalit, Paidavona, Rurrenturandy, agribradore -- deleted. REASON: multi-accounting and/or no posts.
carpinteyrohyf, carpinteyropsb, carpinteyrofqz - deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
cyslerce, mentuhKete, Clealmkiliole -- deleted. REASON: no posts, multi-accounting.
seoxcell -- deleted. Reasons: no posts, multi-accounting. The second one is posting now, so I will leave him/her, but this seoxcell is just not useful.
radekisner34 -- account deleted. Reasons: no posts, multi-accounting. The second one is posting now, so I will leave him/her, but this radekisner34 is just not useful.
eRickiCharlesg, vSusyEnglishu, qShaundaAyersy, sMosesMasone, qHollisHerreraa, pYukWangv -- accounts deleted. REASONS: multi-accounting, no posts.
Slerleteebaws, CarpImpardy -- deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
candy4, smnh6 -- deleted. Resons; multi-accounting, spam...
hty984 - account, topics, posts -- everything was deleted. REASON: spambot.
bagkokescortl -- deleted. REASON: prostitution links and post.
RezaAgselya -- deleted account and posts. REASON: spam and flood.
Perfect moderation! 8) :D Congratulations!
ashik02 - banned and ashik02's posts deleted. REASON: Lodge decor FLOOD.
User is currently banned
That is the way it should be! :D
:D Thank you!
gauran - account deleted. Reasons: multi-accounting, no posts.
meexuviardirm, nagabis -- deleted. Reasons: no posts, multi-accounting.
coture, randelman, grifin -- deleted. REASONS: multi-accounting, no posts.
sandusky, gogum -- deleted. Reasons: multi-accounting, no posts.
karenlouis, kelbel131 -- deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
hairtransplant and skincare were deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
Davidbichal, maluesame and Yusiongert were deleted. REASONS: multi-accounting, no posts.
kanejanee was deleted. Reasons: no posts and multi-accounting.
don't duplicate the content! NO COPY-PASTE CONTENT or BAN!
usajobstoday, handicapper1 -- accounts deleted. REASONS: multi-accounting, NO POSTS!
elvina -- banned! Many reasons, but the last one was this irrelevant post in our MONEY section:
Also I found a duplicated content in Chinese. This elvina user or bot just copied and pasted a Chinese topic here and I edited it: http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/b25/t2202/#msg11429 + here, the same case: http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/b32/t2256/
It's very good elvina to be banned and to stay banned forever!
stevenchan, if you don't stop posting English in the Chinese topics = BAN.
This message I sent him:
在中文的话题要打中文。In the Chinese articles have to write CHINESE. English is for the English articles, Russian is for the Russian articles!
Please keep this normal rule, or welcome to our ban list!
Best wishes:
Mr. SEO.
A lot of problems these days, huh? :( Good luck! :D
stevenchan, if you don't stop posting English in the Chinese topics = BAN.
This message I sent him:
在中文的话题要打中文。In the Chinese articles have to write CHINESE. English is for the English articles, Russian is for the Russian articles!
Please keep this normal rule, or welcome to our ban list!
Best wishes:
Mr. SEO.
HE IS BANNED ALREADY! He didn't stop to post English in the Chinese sections: this was his last fault: http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/b26/t2195/msg11397/#msg11397
stevenchan, welcome to our BAN list!!
stewartbrown is welcome to our big ban list!
The reason:
joliegarret, Markmcmilcn -- accounts deleted. Reasons: multi-accounting, no posts!
carolgreen481 was warmly welcome to our big BAN list! Congratulations!
Reason: bot posting.
Welcome to the BAN list, DavidCarto!
Reasons: Irrelevant posting with free ad and link, i.e. spam! Enjoy the BAN, DavidCarto!
Welcome to our big ban list, Luibokoretti !
Reasons: Irrelevant posting and SPAM.
Enjoy your BAN, Luibokoretti!
rickeymartin55, Frankjohnstone, carmelaward -- banned!
- 3 attempts to link gambling websites.
- multi-accounting.
srima, stop the flood about that reseller thing. You posted 3 times one and the same content in your posts. Enough is enough. If you continue this flood, you'll be soon welcome to our big BAN list!
Teretey -- banned, posts -- deleted!
You can see what he/she/it posted:
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1 Non - SEO knowledge / Other languages / Re: Байду on: Today at 10:12:05 AM
I think that this information is the best.
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2 Non - SEO knowledge / Other languages / Re: твоо.цом on: Today at 10:10:37 AM
This post is very informative. Thank you!
Remove Reply Quote Notify
3 Non - SEO knowledge / Other languages / Re: Космата слива on: Today at 10:09:27 AM
Thank you for good communication.
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4 Non - SEO knowledge / Other languages / Re: твоо.цом on: Today at 10:06:59 AM
A great exchange of information.
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5 CHINESE | 中文 (国语) / 网络 / Re: “@”符号的起源,你知道吗? on: Today at 10:05:59 AM
Thank you for the informative post.
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6 Non - SEO knowledge / Other languages / Re: Китайска музика on: Today at 10:04:26 AM
thanks for the list guys. it'll really help me.
Thumb down!
Thumb down for this kind of users/posting!!!
These days is okay. No problems. :)
MarieWatsone account deleted.
Reasons: no posts, multi-accounting.
akilina123 - banned!
akilina123 - banned! Reason: OFF-TOPICS!
Chalama 123, welcome you to our BAN LIST!
Reason: content duplications.
valeray12 - banned!
Reason: duplicating the content -
Additional reasons: I am keep reading the "useful" posts of this valeray12 and I would like to add - offtopic/spam.
wallisonline -- account deleted
wallisonline -- account and posts were deleted.
Reasons: duplicated posts, off-topic.
oiaskl -- account and posts deleted
Reason: SPAM.
dianneazuma54 was banned, because
offtopic + duplicate content = BAN.
mroy559 is welcomed in the big BAN list.
Reasons: off-topic, rewritten posts.
elisaevedent -- banned
Reason: off-topics.
russellester is our new member of the big BAN list of this big forum.
BAN's reasons: content duplication, offtopics.
Powered by SMF 1.1.17
Hello, dear SEO, non-SEO friends and readers! If you still didn't noticed it -- I will tell you that we're proud to be Powered by SMF 1.1.17. 1.1.17 already! So nice!
And also there has been a small problem with the database, but it was for a short time in my point of view, that's why it's not a big deal and we're happy!
stricktesen -- account, topic and post deleted!
Reason: SPAM.
We're back!
Recently we've got this security alert in English: Security Alert
The file you are uploading was rejected by the server.
It probably contents viruses or trojans that can damage your website
Do not attempt to upload it again as your IP address may be blocked.
and the same in Chinese: 安全警报
It showed up every time, when someone tried to post a new answer, to open a new thread, to edit his/her profile...And then we contacted to our hosting. They were so nice to answer soon and to fix the problem. Thank them very much!
We're sorry for the inconvenience, dear forum members, users, readers, friends!
henryluthers was banned. Reason -- automated spam like posts.
"Resource Limit Is Reached
The website is temporarily unable to service your request as it exceeded resource limit. Please try again later."
Today and tonight I have seen this problem...
"Resource Limit Is Reached
The website is temporarily unable to service your request as it exceeded resource limit. Please try again later."
Today and tonight I have seen this problem...
Now is much clear: Resource Limit Is Reached
The website is temporarily unable to service your request as it exceeded resource limit. Please try again later. (http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/internet/%27resource-limit-is-reached%27-problem/)
raghukaykay joined our big SPAM list. Warmly welcome!
Reason: SPAM.
We are back
:) We're sorry for our short absence yesterday. It appears that automated renewal system has failed. But it was renewed and we're back now. :D Thank you!
-- account deleted. Reason: automated spam; duplicating the content.
-- account and posts deleted. Reason: big spam.
jasonbaker410 banned. Reason: nonsense post.
daviid banned
Let's welcome daviid to our ban list! :D Reason: bot posting. >:(
Happy BAN
Happy BAN, guys! ;D ;D
Warmly welcome to our BAN list
Warmly welcome to our BAN list, guys!
SMF 1.1.18
Happy SMF 1.1.18! :D
alberiseanes, Renustech
The alberiseanes and Renustech accounts -- deleted.
REASONS: multi-accounting, no posts.
Internet, software, etc.
What I meant is that, because of the large amount of software posts, we need to collect them in only one board. I think the Internet board is the best place, so I expanded the description of that board and now it's as you can see "Internet, software, etc."
diazkayj, bakerzvne -- accounts deleted
Reasons: multi-accounting, no posts.
2013-03-07 1 5 1 64 5030
2013-03-12 0 0 0 23 4858
As you can see we've got missing data (from 7 to 12 of March 2013). Not our fault, but really sorry to see this! :(
sopna69 - banned!
sopna69 was banned and its SPAM - deleted.
Reason: SPAM!
odiswwyp - banned!
Reasons: multi-accounting, content duplication!
lenyfcg -- banned!
Reasons: multi-accounting, content duplication!
jrnetwork -- BANNED!
Reason: SPAM.
daniel88 -- BANNED
daniel88 -- banned.
Reasons: Content duplication (copy-paste, i.e. repaste from other forums).
My pleasure to add daniel88 to the big BAN list! :D
Jeffow786 -- account deleted!
Reason: not good post (copy-pasted part of a wine/wine gift basket article, i.e. duplicated content!)
jefhardy -- banned!
Welcome to our BAN list, jefhardy!
Reason: regular posting in wrong boards.
stevenhill is a regular member of this omnilogical SEO/Non-SEO forum. And we were glad that he posts so much and so often! But I realised that most of these posts are copied from other websites, i.e. they're duplicated content, which we'd like to avoid. So, I am going to delete all these non-unique, duplicated posts.
nicolehong - banned!
stevenhill is a regular member of this omnilogical SEO/Non-SEO forum. And we were glad that he posts so much and so often! But I realised that most of these posts are copied from other websites, i.e. they're duplicated content, which we'd like to avoid. So, I am going to delete all these non-unique, duplicated posts.
I saw he came back again and continued to post duplicated content. I deleted it and I banned him.
stevenhill, welcome to our BAN list!
(Reasons: duplicated content over and over again + lack of communication!)
watson.johe86 banned!
Reason: duplicated content. Result: duplicated content posts deleted, watson.johe86 - banned!
robertalert86 banned!
Reasons: duplicated content, flood.
robertalert8 -- banned!
Reasons: multi-accounting, SPAM.
Good BAN policy! Congratulations! :)
keganjosh -- banned!
My pleasure to BAN you, keganjosh!
Reasons: Incoherent posts, duplicated content.
yanbi07 -- banned
Reason: Duplicated content (it means copy-paste from other websites).
vimaladamayanti -- account deleted
Reasons: duplicated content, SPAM...
robertalert/mileysmith326 -- banned!
Reasons: content duplication again + multi-accounting + SPAM!
Reason: duplicated content!
davie -- BANNED!
Reason: duplicated content!
johnpeterson -- BANNED!
Reason: duplicated content!
rambojem -- banned
Reason: duplicated content!
Good BAN topic. :D
It's about the forum/luntan's problems. The bans are part of the problems. Let be strict. :)
zelo205 -- banned!
Reason: duplicated content!
albertiscray -- banned!
Reason: duplicated content.
grende21l, frankie111 -- accounts deleted!
Reasons: multi-accounting, no posts!
hayvel, bals -- accounts deleted!
1. Multi-accounting
2. Adult links
3. No posts.
chathanpriyanka -- BANNED!
REASONS: dumpster SPAM, duplicated content.
Gault2324, jack6985 -- accounts deleted!
Reasons: multi-accounting, no posts.
Alex Thompson -- banned!
Reason: duplicated content.
mileysmith32 -- banned!
Reason: duplicated content again...
watson.johe -- banned!
Reason: duplicated content, as usual!
Great banning job! :D
joly, memel -- accounts deleted
Reasons: no posts, multi-accounting.
morgan0031, Fores2324 -- accounts deleted!
Reasons: no posts, multi-accounting.
jenner, helsa -- accounts deleted!
Reasons: no posts, multi-accounting.
agachu, danly -- accounts deleted!
Reasons: multi-accounting, no posts.
Infentao786 -- account deleted
1. Multi-accounting.
2. No post.
muniz, merey, linmar -- accounts deleted
Reasons: multi-accounting, no posts.
shaider, bancho, matine -- accounts deleted
Reasons: multi-accounting, no posts.
outsourceseo -- banned
Reasons: spam, flood.
salmee, agot -- accounts deleted
Reasons: multi-accounting, no posts.
reino, desmone - accounts deleted
Reasons: multi-accounting, no posts.
deylan, friz -- accounts deleted
Reason: multi-accounting, no posts.
crez, jesre -- accounts deleted
Reasons: adult links, multi-accounting, no posts.
azur, zhara -- accounts deleted
Reasons: multi-accounting, no posts.
adle15r, bian1027 -- accounts deleted
Reasons: multi-accounting, no posts.
BrainStorming -- account deleted
Reason: duplicated content.
preethahawley -- account and posts deleted
Reason: duplicated content!
zzzime12 -- account and posts deleted
Reason: spam, no communication... probably a spambot.
tiera9642 -- account and posts deleted
Reason: spam.
yufhfjrhjr -- account deleted
Reason: spam.
yedon, jeun -- accounts deleted
Reasons: no posts.
yuro, aijay -- accounts deleted
Reason: multi-accounting, no posts.
mapanipi -- banned
Reason: too many ads in the non-ad boards, i.e. kind of spam.
crish, shoven -- accounts deleted
Reasons: multi-accounting, no posts.
jongs, hyala -- accounts deleted
Reasons: multi-accounting, no posts.
mapanipi -- banned
Reason: too many ads in the non-ad boards, i.e. kind of spam.
mani123 -- account and posts deleted.
Reasons: mapanipi's second try. The same way - spam, etc.
rosemerlin -- account deleted, posts too
Reason: SPAM.
onci, cherly -- accounts deleted
REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
zhelys, ardin, chardie -- accounts deleted
Reasons: no posts, multi-accounting.
luntan98's duplicated content deleted
Write unique posts, please. We're not a spam content and we're not a duplicated content website/forum.
John Ruban, Geo Frandas -- accounts deleted
Reasons: multi-accounting, no posts.
harrishedley -- account+posts deleted
Reason: SPAM.
Geo Frandas, Stalin mery -- accounts deleted
Reasons: multi-accounting, no posts(Geo Frandas), spam-flood(Stalin mery) in our SEO-Social Network.
jocelynlogan -- account and posts deleted
Reason: SPAM in the EARN MONEY section.
arvadi, arcil -- accounts deleted
Reasons: no posts, multi-accounting.
VasanthMarti -- account and post deleted
Reasons: duplicated content, irrelevant posting, robot-like post.
isan, panfil -- accounts deleted
REASONS: multi-accounting, no posts.
Connect9 -- banned
Reason: duplicated content.
presney, ruiz -- accounts deleted
Reasons: multi-accounting, no posts.
I think it's time to change our anti-bot/anti-spam questions!
Done! Hard time for the spam people and spam bots again! 8) :D
Done! Hard time for the spam people and spam bots again! 8) :D
Happy forum time! Now we can play our SEO/SEM competitions happily! :-* :-*
Soon have to change them again... The happy time is going to be over...
vavo16t, axon210 -- accounts deleted
Reasons: no posts, multi-accounting.
kapilesh -- everything deleted
The reason is... SPAM!
I understood.
axon214, zeno12n -- ACCOUNTS DELETED
Reasons: no posts, multi-accounting.
janenese -- account and post deleted
REASONS: spam-post in the Chinese section, duplicated content(about Vans Shoes).
forum77 -- account deleted
Reasons: spam, duplicated content.
axelstuart -- account and posts deleted
Reason: idiotic SPAM.
Shofurlimo -- banned
The reasons are: posting almost one and the same. Not useful for our community and not useful for his/her/it own SEO.
Tylerleah -- banned + its spam removed
Reasons: SPAM, bad SPAM... :(
badrock -- banned
Reason: many spam(spam -- deleted already).
What happened yesterday.
1. I'm logging in the forum, it says the theme is not right and then, when I tried to repair it:
"Sorry, the copyright must be in the template.
Please notify this forum's administrator that this site is missing the copyright message for SMF so they can rectify the situation. Display of copyright is a legal requirement. For more information on this please visit the Simple Machines website.
Not sure why this message is appearing? Take a look at some common causes."
What to do now? ???
I even can't access our Admin panel... Seem so broken... :'( And can't read any topic... :-X
I deleted the last theme. With the default it's working well now.
There is some missing information. Probably the hosting problems...
I re-installed our favorite theme. And it's working well then. Solved!
2. Today the forum stopped; down...! :( :( :(
3. A few hours later it's working as usual, with the good old theme and the information is here, but not the last one.
Many apologies if you register and/or wrote something and now there is no. Please re-register and/or re-write again, dear people!
vashblaze -- BANNED, posts -- deleted
Reason: SPAM.
anton14i, michek455 -- deleted accounts
Reasons are: 1. multi-accounting, 2. no posts.
Good, very good admin control! 8)
aariz77, axon241 -- accounts deleted
Reasons: no posts, multi-accounting.
Banned + account and spam deleted.
Reason: SPAM in our SEO board.
That's cool!
jaxon0030, axon250 -- accounts deleted
REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
luntan98 -- account deleted
Reasons: multi-accounting and no posts.
saifdavid -- account and post deleted
REASON: duplicated content (it was copy-pasted from Yahoo answers!) >:(
lairdjoyce -- banned, posts -- deleted
REASON: duplicated content(copy-paste from other websites).
sheauselike -- banned
Reason: SPAM.
barro23t, julius111 -- accounts deleted
Reasons: no posts, multi-accounting.
Merry 1.1.19 SMF version! I like it! 8)
snobbishforce -- banned
Reason: spam posts.
Spam posts to be deleted soon!
Abounding -- banned!
Abounding, we're glad to welcome you in our big BAN list! Enjoy your BAN!
Reason: SPAM!
Christonio786 -- banned
Reason: duplicated content.
qinijini -- banned
Reason: SPAM.
CarolynWalker --- banned
Reason: SPAM.
ElizabethpGarner -- banned
RobertJohn2 -- banned
Reason: SPAM.
You don't have permission to access /index.php on this server.
Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
Sorry for this ("Forbidden
You don't have permission to access /index.php on this server.
Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.") the last 2 days/nights! We apologize for any delay or/and problem you experienced!
larpa, danrel -- accounts deleted
REASONS: multi-accounting, no posts.
okadia561 -- account deleted
Reason: adult(vibrators) link.
ghwrt5yw -- banned
Reason: spam posts. (Spam posts -- deleted.)
getsocialj32, MartinCharles - banned
Reasons: 1. Multi-accounting, 2. SPAM.
GeorgeAbraham1 -- banned
Reasons: duplicated content.
jjg27212 -- banned
Reason: SPAM.
Member "infocera" banned
Reason: posting in wrong sections.
How much does it cost to buy this website
What we can answer if someone wants to know how much does it cost to buy this website.
In my humble opinion it costs at least $ 117000.
Well, the present price of this forum is $ 117000, but if there is someone who wants it really and can take a good care of it, then the discount is $ 100000 (January 10, 2014).
hathem, welcome to our BAN list!
hathem is welcome to our BAN list. Reason: posting the same content (duplicate content).
Now I have to delete that duplicated content.
Christonio587 -- banned
REASONS: flood/duplicated content, SPAM (in the SEO section).
Redirection to the http:// searchresultsguide.com/?dn= ... and http:// parkingcrew.net/assets/scripts/js3.js in the source
We're very sorry about our redirecting problem yesterday! We think we were somehow hacked!!! :o
What happened from our point of view:
1. At the beginning I wasn't able to open our forum -- seo-forum-seo-luntan.com and then I started to notice, that it's redirected in this way http:// searchresultsguide.com/?dn=seo-forum-seo-luntan.com&pid=9POGER71L >:(
2. When I tried to see the source of the new page, I noticed also this script http:// parkingcrew.net/assets/scripts/js3.js
3. Then I read online and I understood, that it's some kind of hacker attack, which changes the DNS (name servers). And we wrote to our webhosting:
Our forum www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com (http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com) REDIRECTS to http:// searchresultsguide.com/?dn=seo-forum-seo-luntan.com&pid=9POGER71L.
It's because of the DNS hack we think, because all of the others sites are OK. + Look at this:
"Name Servers
(According to http://who.is/whois/www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com (http://who.is/whois/www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com))
i.e. CHANGED by the hackers! :(
Please, help to fix it.
And then it was fixed! I'm very thankful! :)
Our forum is safe, according to Google Safe Browsing diagnostic page: http://google.com/safebrowsing/diagnostic?site=seo-forum-seo-luntan.com. (http://google.com/safebrowsing/diagnostic?site=seo-forum-seo-luntan.com.)
Currently still can see in the SERP (http://www.google.com.hk/#newwindow=1&q=www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com&safe=strict (http://www.google.com.hk/#newwindow=1&q=www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com&safe=strict)) this:
"About 22,500 results (0.32 seconds)
Search Results
www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/ (http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/)
Click here to proceed.",
but I think it will be OK soon, as usual.
Redirection to the http:// searchresultsguide.com/?dn= ... and http:// parkingcrew.net/assets/scripts/js3.js in the source
We're very sorry about our redirecting problem yesterday! We think we were somehow hacked!!! :o
What happened from our point of view:
1. At the beginning I wasn't able to open our forum -- seo-forum-seo-luntan.com and then I started to notice, that it's redirected in this way http:// searchresultsguide.com/?dn=seo-forum-seo-luntan.com&pid=9POGER71L >:(
2. When I tried to see the source of the new page, I noticed also this script http:// parkingcrew.net/assets/scripts/js3.js
3. Then I read online and I understood, that it's some kind of hacker attack, which changes the DNS (name servers). And we wrote to our webhosting:
Our forum www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com (http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com) REDIRECTS to http:// searchresultsguide.com/?dn=seo-forum-seo-luntan.com&pid=9POGER71L.
It's because of the DNS hack we think, because all of the others sites are OK. + Look at this:
"Name Servers
(According to http://who.is/whois/www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com (http://who.is/whois/www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com))
i.e. CHANGED by the hackers! :(
Please, help to fix it.
And then it was fixed! I'm very thankful! :)
Our forum is safe, according to Google Safe Browsing diagnostic page: http://google.com/safebrowsing/diagnostic?site=seo-forum-seo-luntan.com. (http://google.com/safebrowsing/diagnostic?site=seo-forum-seo-luntan.com.)
Currently still can see in the SERP (http://www.google.com.hk/#newwindow=1&q=www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com&safe=strict (http://www.google.com.hk/#newwindow=1&q=www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com&safe=strict)) this:
"About 22,500 results (0.32 seconds)
Search Results
www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/ (http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/)
Click here to proceed.",
but I think it will be OK soon, as usual.
And the robots.txt was abnormal:
"User-agent: Googlebot
Disallow: /?*
User-agent: Baiduspider
Disallow: /?*
User-agent: YandexBot
Disallow: /?*
User-agent: ichiro
Disallow: /?*
User-agent: sogou spider
Disallow: /?*
User-agent: Sosospider
Disallow: /?*
User-agent: YoudaoBot
Disallow: /?*
User-agent: YetiBot
Disallow: /?*
User-agent: bingbot
Crawl-delay: 2
Disallow: /?*
User-Agent: Yahoo! Slurp
Crawl-delay: 2
Disallow: /?*
User-agent: rdfbot
Disallow: /?*
User-agent: Seznambot
Request-rate: 1/2s
Disallow: /?*
User-agent: ia_archiver
User-agent: *
Disallow: /"
Now is OK:
"User-agent: *
Allow: /
Sitemap: http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/sitemap/?xml (http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/sitemap/?xml)"
Redirection to the http:// searchresultsguide.com/?dn= ... and http:// parkingcrew.net/assets/scripts/js3.js in the source
We're very sorry about our redirecting problem yesterday! We think we were somehow hacked!!! :o
What happened from our point of view:
1. At the beginning I wasn't able to open our forum -- seo-forum-seo-luntan.com and then I started to notice, that it's redirected in this way http:// searchresultsguide.com/?dn=seo-forum-seo-luntan.com&pid=9POGER71L >:(
2. When I tried to see the source of the new page, I noticed also this script http:// parkingcrew.net/assets/scripts/js3.js
3. Then I read online and I understood, that it's some kind of hacker attack, which changes the DNS (name servers). And we wrote to our webhosting:
Our forum www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com (http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com) REDIRECTS to http:// searchresultsguide.com/?dn=seo-forum-seo-luntan.com&pid=9POGER71L.
It's because of the DNS hack we think, because all of the others sites are OK. + Look at this:
"Name Servers
(According to http://who.is/whois/www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com (http://who.is/whois/www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com))
i.e. CHANGED by the hackers! :(
Please, help to fix it.
And then it was fixed! I'm very thankful! :)
Our forum is safe, according to Google Safe Browsing diagnostic page: http://google.com/safebrowsing/diagnostic?site=seo-forum-seo-luntan.com. (http://google.com/safebrowsing/diagnostic?site=seo-forum-seo-luntan.com.)
Currently still can see in the SERP (http://www.google.com.hk/#newwindow=1&q=www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com&safe=strict (http://www.google.com.hk/#newwindow=1&q=www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com&safe=strict)) this:
"About 22,500 results (0.32 seconds)
Search Results
www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/ (http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/)
Click here to proceed.",
but I think it will be OK soon, as usual.
And the robots.txt was abnormal:
"User-agent: Googlebot
Disallow: /?*
User-agent: Baiduspider
Disallow: /?*
User-agent: YandexBot
Disallow: /?*
User-agent: ichiro
Disallow: /?*
User-agent: sogou spider
Disallow: /?*
User-agent: Sosospider
Disallow: /?*
User-agent: YoudaoBot
Disallow: /?*
User-agent: YetiBot
Disallow: /?*
User-agent: bingbot
Crawl-delay: 2
Disallow: /?*
User-Agent: Yahoo! Slurp
Crawl-delay: 2
Disallow: /?*
User-agent: rdfbot
Disallow: /?*
User-agent: Seznambot
Request-rate: 1/2s
Disallow: /?*
User-agent: ia_archiver
User-agent: *
Disallow: /"
Now is OK:
"User-agent: *
Allow: /
Sitemap: http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/sitemap/?xml (http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/sitemap/?xml)"
And all our browsers were hijacked. Learn more from this helpful link:
http://www.google.com.hk/#newwindow=1&q=hijacked+browsers+fix&safe=strict (http://www.google.com.hk/#newwindow=1&q=hijacked+browsers+fix&safe=strict)
Redirection to the http:// searchresultsguide.com/?dn= ... and http:// parkingcrew.net/assets/scripts/js3.js in the source
We're very sorry about our redirecting problem yesterday! We think we were somehow hacked!!! :o
What happened from our point of view:
1. At the beginning I wasn't able to open our forum -- seo-forum-seo-luntan.com and then I started to notice, that it's redirected in this way http:// searchresultsguide.com/?dn=seo-forum-seo-luntan.com&pid=9POGER71L >:(
2. When I tried to see the source of the new page, I noticed also this script http:// parkingcrew.net/assets/scripts/js3.js
3. Then I read online and I understood, that it's some kind of hacker attack, which changes the DNS (name servers). And we wrote to our webhosting:
Our forum www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com (http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com) REDIRECTS to http:// searchresultsguide.com/?dn=seo-forum-seo-luntan.com&pid=9POGER71L.
It's because of the DNS hack we think, because all of the others sites are OK. + Look at this:
"Name Servers
(According to http://who.is/whois/www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com (http://who.is/whois/www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com))
i.e. CHANGED by the hackers! :(
Please, help to fix it.
And then it was fixed! I'm very thankful! :)
Our forum is safe, according to Google Safe Browsing diagnostic page: http://google.com/safebrowsing/diagnostic?site=seo-forum-seo-luntan.com. (http://google.com/safebrowsing/diagnostic?site=seo-forum-seo-luntan.com.)
Currently still can see in the SERP (http://www.google.com.hk/#newwindow=1&q=www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com&safe=strict (http://www.google.com.hk/#newwindow=1&q=www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com&safe=strict)) this:
"About 22,500 results (0.32 seconds)
Search Results
www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/ (http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/)
Click here to proceed.",
but I think it will be OK soon, as usual.
And the robots.txt was abnormal:
"User-agent: Googlebot
Disallow: /?*
User-agent: Baiduspider
Disallow: /?*
User-agent: YandexBot
Disallow: /?*
User-agent: ichiro
Disallow: /?*
User-agent: sogou spider
Disallow: /?*
User-agent: Sosospider
Disallow: /?*
User-agent: YoudaoBot
Disallow: /?*
User-agent: YetiBot
Disallow: /?*
User-agent: bingbot
Crawl-delay: 2
Disallow: /?*
User-Agent: Yahoo! Slurp
Crawl-delay: 2
Disallow: /?*
User-agent: rdfbot
Disallow: /?*
User-agent: Seznambot
Request-rate: 1/2s
Disallow: /?*
User-agent: ia_archiver
User-agent: *
Disallow: /"
Now is OK:
"User-agent: *
Allow: /
Sitemap: http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/sitemap/?xml (http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/sitemap/?xml)"
And all our browsers were hijacked. Learn more from this helpful link:
http://www.google.com.hk/#newwindow=1&q=hijacked+browsers+fix&safe=strict (http://www.google.com.hk/#newwindow=1&q=hijacked+browsers+fix&safe=strict)
I hope it's 100% OK already.
And I think it is okay now.
amrita, letma -- accounts deleted
REASONS: 1. no posts, 2. multi-accounting.
I think that we never had it before. Our forum(i.e.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com) is already old,, trusted and worked well, but today we got this error:
Table 'um_search_engine_optimization/search_engine_optimizationsessions' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
The Cpanel was working, so there was way to fix it. 8)
Thanks to this http://php.about.com/od/mysqladministration/qt/repair_mysql.htm (http://php.about.com/od/mysqladministration/qt/repair_mysql.htm) I repaired it.
Follow carefully (if you have this problem) these 4 steps. It's easy and it's amazing to have a working forum again! :D I wish we never have table/tables marked as crashed and should be repaired, because it's a kind of stressful, inconvenient for our visitors and friends, and it's not good to lose traffic to the forum at all.
Have a nice time!
P.S. After this we got another problem:
Database Error
Table '_search_engine_optimization/search_engine_optimizationlog_online' is marked as crashed and should be repaired
File: /home3/seoforum/public_html/Sources/Subs.php
Line: 2630
Note: It appears that your database may require an upgrade. Your forum's files are currently at version SMF 1.1.19, while your database is at version 1.1.12. The above error might possibly go away if you execute the latest version of upgrade.php.
And I repaired it in the same way (the way mentioned above).
Well, we apologize for any delay you experienced, but we're 100% back again already! 8) We had this:
"Got error 28 from storage engine - check database storage space or contact the server administrator."
and the reasons were these 2:
- Disk /usr/tmpDSK (/tmp) 100 %
- Disk /tmp (/var/tmp) 100 %
We sent a ticket to the Technical Support and then all has been fixed. I like this support more and more! :)
erie15488, sdf654321 -- accounts deleted
REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
jal741258, smith85810 -- accounts deleted
REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
We're back! :D We apologize for any delay you experienced, but we're 100% back again! 8)
minik625, jaxon6520 -- accounts deleted
REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
berwin, faithsab -- accounts deleted
REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
ozenas975, ozenas976 -- accounts deleted
I think you know the reasons -- multi-accounting (so obvious!) and no posts.
jak258963, jax374125 -- accounts deleted
Reasons: no posts, multi-accounting.
julsam, lionels -- accounts deleted
REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
ashleA -- banned
Welcome to our big BAN list, ashleA! Reason: SPAM! (ashleA's last SPAM was deleted, too).
ozenas975, ozenas976 -- accounts deleted
I think you know the reasons -- multi-accounting (so obvious!) and no posts.
The same about the new ozenas990, ozenas991 ones. DELETED!
ozenas995, CadenJose1, ozenas997 -- accounts deleted
ozenas995, CadenJose1, ozenas997 -- deleted.
Reasons: as usual, multi-accounting and no posts!
yhjyerfg96 -- banned
Reasons: SPAM, flood. (SPAM -- deleted!)
choro, parul -- accounts deleted
REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
ozenas332 and Philipzion -- accounts deleted
REASONS: 0 posts and multi-accounting (the same IP).
Benjamin -- banned
Reason: SPAM in our SEO board. (SPAM -- removed, Benjamin -- banned).
lemon3666, jacb36989 -- accounts deleted
REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
sheilmolson -- banned
REASONS: spam, flood.
Hisnesmam, welcome to our BAN list!
My pleasure to introduce our newest member of the big BAN list -- Hisnesmam.
Reason for the ban: SPAM in our SEO board. (SPAM deleted already.)
rima, shimsab -- accounts deleted
rima, shimsab -- deleted.
REASON: no posts, multi-accounting!
saratwin123, raemoore124 -- banned
saratwin123, raemoore124 are welcomed in our big BAN list.
REASON: SPAM in our SEO board. (SPAM -- deleted.)
Connection Problems
Sorry, SMF was unable to connect to the database. This may be caused by the server being busy. Please try again later.
I and another user from Bulgaria got this many times in the past hours: "Connection Problems
Sorry, SMF was unable to connect to the database. This may be caused by the server being busy. Please try again later."
Connection Problems
Sorry, SMF was unable to connect to the database. This may be caused by the server being busy. Please try again later.
I and another user from Bulgaria got this many times in the past hours: "Connection Problems
Sorry, SMF was unable to connect to the database. This may be caused by the server being busy. Please try again later."
Yes, and it was repaired by changing some data in the Settings.php by me twice.
Connection Problems
Sorry, SMF was unable to connect to the database. This may be caused by the server being busy. Please try again later.
I and another user from Bulgaria got this many times in the past hours: "Connection Problems
Sorry, SMF was unable to connect to the database. This may be caused by the server being busy. Please try again later."
Yes, and it was repaired by changing some data in the Settings.php by me twice.
It's good that the forum is working very well now. :)
mark8121, alex8182 -- deleted
THE REASONS ARE: 1. Multi-accounting, 2. No posts.
leo748748, leno14774 -- deleted
THE REASONS ARE: 1. Multi-accounting, 2. No posts.
berylmars6 -- account deleted
REASON: no posts (and multi-accounting).
Akela296, drexa942 -- deleted
REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
smogeni -- banned
smogeni -- banned; reason: SPAM. Welcome to the BAN list, smogeni!
I learned this good English word today -- bannable
So many bannable users around...
Mory2324, Kinsy2324 -- deleted
REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
davidwornar, dwinesmith -- accounts deleted
Reason: multi-accounting, no posts.
MWoodson, JLeach -- deleted accounts
REASONS: no posts and multi-accounting.
focksjames, focksjames1 -- accounts deleted
Reasons: no posts, multi-accounting.
GSkuthorp, TRAC -- deleted
REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting[/b], sex SEO.
Well, all these problems are manageable, as we all can see. :)
priormate, johnvoges581 -- accounts were deleted
The reasons are: 1. no posts, 2. multi-accounting.
jeasonholder, robsvictor -- accounts deleted
REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
adria22n, susni910 were deleted
REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
markboucher213, gleanhoge -- deleted
REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
dalestyen961, dalestyen960 -- accounts deleted
dalestyen961 and dalestyen960 -- accounts deleted, because:
1. No posts.
2. Multi-accounting.
drexa969, leah15488, Egerto56 -- deleted
REASONS for delete: Multi-accounting, no posts!
stickheath, stivesmith352 -- accounts were deleted
The reasons are: 1. no posts, 2. multi-accounting.
jack91735, gestoni02 -- accounts deleted
REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
wulingling, welcome to the ban list!
REASON: spam!
darrensammy867, markhosting863 -- deleted
Reasons: no posts, multi-accounting.
ueu0, please don't spam our forum with that duplicated content again. You can post your ads in our FREE ADS sub-board or in our SEO-directory. If you spam again, you'll be in the ban list.
davidhussy09, tinorocks767 -- deleted
The reason, as usual, is: 1. no posts, 2. multi-accounting.
crisgyle623, davidhussy08 -- deleted
REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
merr25874, leo258765 -- accounts deleted
REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
gggg1111 -- banned!
gggg1111, welcome to our BAN list!
Enjoy your BAN!
Two more spammer accounts deleted
I didn't remember their nicknames, but it was one and the same IP, hence -- multiaccounting (one and the same spammer). Another reason: NO POSTS. We can't allow more than 1 account with no posts. We're not a link farm here. We're an international big forum.
FCalvert -- deleted account
Reasons: no posts and multi-accounting. We're not a link farm, you can't do this.
AGodoy -- account deleted
Reasons: multi-accounting. No posts. We're not a link farm, you can't do this.
Forum with signatures
It's simple: As a forum with signatures we attract many people, including spammers. Also, this forum is international, big... it's normal.
XZZP, JPadgett -- deleted accounts
REASONS: spam, multi-accounting!
How I stop spammers!
I hate spammers! And this is How I stop spammers! (http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/internet/stop-spam/msg20768/#msg20768)
phtht -- banned
phtht, welcome to the BAN list.
REASONS: a lot of SPAM!
pacificcrating08 -- banned!
pacificcrating08, welcome to our BAN list. It's a BIG BAN list, do you know it?
REASON? Well, the reason is: SPAM!
Franklin112 is banned
Franklin112, welcome to the BAN list. REASON: SPAM in our Social Network board.
joeaonroy -- banned
joeaonroy, welcome to the BAN list! REASON: shoes spam in our Food section.
BlackGoldLable -- banned!
BlackGoldLable, welcome to our big ban list! REASONS: offtopic, bot like posting and duplicate content.
mamypokojum -- banned
mamypokojum is welcomed to our big BAN list! REASONS: duplicate content, bot-like posts.
holler62, pagan06 -- deleted
holler62, pagan06-- accounts deleted. REASONS: multi-accounting, no posts.
Amesaquz -- banned
Amesaquz is banned. REASONS: off-topics, bot-like posting.
Windkarban -- banned
Reasons: off-topic, bot-like posting.
supachichi -- banned
Let's welcome our new ban-list member -- supachichi. REASONS FOR THE BAN: bot-like posts.
pollykogut -- banned
Welcome to the ban list, pollykogut! REASON: spam in our "Other topics" section. (Spam -- deleted).
erouav246, erouav247 -- deleted
erouav246, erouav247 -- deleted. REASONS: multi-accounting, no posts.
alina369, mattew616, matthew626 -- accounts deleted
alina369, mattew616, matthew626 -- accounts deleted. REASONS: multi-accounting and no posts.
Kanelordrt, welcome to our BAN list!
Kanelordrt is so welcome to our BAN list! Reasons: off-topics, bot-like posts.
jems6205, tmark7040 -- deleted
jems6205, tmark7040 -- accounts deleted.
REASONS: No posts, multi-accounting!
tween9813, jems60180 -- accounts deleted
tween9813, jems60180[/b ]-- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting (and a sex toys link). :(
shushank -- banned
shushank joined our BAN list! Reasons: SPAM, no communication and SPAM again.
jasperj76, jasper9988, jaxton40 -- deleted
jasperj76, jasper9988, jaxton40 were deleted. The reasons: no posts, multi-accounting.
pongchatee, welcome to our BAN list!
pongchatee -- banned. REASONS: bot-like posts and duplicated content.
Fomousassimov -- banned
Welcome to our ban list, Fomousassimov! Reasons: bot-like posts.
chrystal566, chrystal589 -- deleted
chrystal566, chrystal589 -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
Madiruei -- banned
Madiruei, welcome to the big BAN list of this forum. Reasons: bot-like posts in ENGLISH in our CHINESE sections. :(
usallyuio -- banned
usallyuio, welcome to our BAN list! Enjoy your BAN!
REASONS: posting English in CHINESE sections + bot-like posts!
fugenxuae -- account deleted
fugenxuae -- account deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
Underlandkur -- banned
Underlandkur -- banned. REASONS: bot-like posts.
I deleted some duplicated and semi-duplicated content. Be careful, please!
allindonald -- banned
allindonald, welcome to the BAN list of this forum! Reasons? SPAM, SPAM, SPAM...
viphysicians, chuckisfunny -- accounts deleted
viphysicians, chuckisfunny -- deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
alina2252, mark7038 -- accounts deleted
alina2252, mark7038 -- deleted. Reasons: multi-accounting, no posts.
Beyonsa, welcome to the BAN list
Beyonsa -- banned. Reasons: bot-like postings, duplicated content.
wezbarber, RobertDukes, Yarokowalczyk -- deleted
wezbarber, RobertDukes, Yarokowalczyk -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
fordruther461 -- deleted
fordruther461 -- account deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
certiscisco9, petplanet -- deleted
certiscisco9, petplanet -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
fordruther461 -- deleted AGAIN
The same reasons: "Posts: 0 (N/A per day)" + multi-accounting.
4 accounts deleted
4 accounts were deleted. These 4 -- HarryWon, Malyden, Hetai, Maent.
Reasons: no posts, multi-accounting.
kharle -- banned
kharle joined our BIG BAN list! REASONS: spam in our 'EARN MONEY' board.
lawsuitloans, chalkboard8 -- accounts deleted
Reasons: no posts, multi-accounting.
lonestar73, canada2 -- accounts deleted
Reasons: no posts, multi-accounting.
hexelit95, atlascutting65 -- accounts deleted
Reasons: no posts, multi-accounting.
ReubenSanders, AnthonyJameson --
accounts + ALL POSTS deleted
ReubenSanders, AnthonyJameson -- accounts and ALL POSTS (i.e. the SPAM) deleted. REASONS: 1. SPAM, 2. MULTI-ACCOUNTING.
CarolClem -- banned
Well, I'm very glad to ban one more spammer account -- CarolClem. REASONS: spam + multi-accounting (ReubenSanders, AnthonyJameson). ReubenSanders, AnthonyJameson -- deleted. CarolClem -- banned. SPAM -- deleted! Good administration! Good moderation!!!
compramais, ivale239 -- accounts deleted.
compramais, ivale239-- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
CarrieButler -- welcomed to our BAN list
REASONS: spam. (Spam deleted.)
hentai197 -- account deleted
hentai197 -- account deleted.
Reason -- obvious. But let me tell you exactly the reason. In fact we can count it like 2 good reasons: 1. Adult account nickname + 2. adult link.
No hentai here, please!
HughGilpin -- banned
HughGilpin -- banned... REASON -- spam. (Spam -- deleted.)
So simple.
supra -- banned
supra -- banned. REASON: spam. Spam -- deleted.
xnxxtube45 -- deleted
xnxxtube45 -- account deleted. REASONS: porn nickname, porn link. No porn here, please!
"toko vimax original" -- banned
The account toko vimax original -- banned. Reason: SPAM!
GarageDoor, JvilleChiro -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts + multi-accounting.
AlenaThed -- banned.
AlenaThed -- banned. REASON: spam. (The spam -- deleted.)
Iboxstore, CertisSecurity -- deleted
Iboxstore, CertisSecurity -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
acle1980, butabooth -- deleted
acle1980, butabooth -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
StefanShuler -- banned
StefanShuler -- banned. Yes, StefanShuler is banned. REASONS: SPAM, multi-accounting! (The SPAM -- deleted.)
Garykoliu -- banned
Garykoliu is welcomed to our big ban list! REASON: spam in the SEO board. (SPAM -- deleted.)
MmSecurity, Lolaccounts65 -- deleted
MmSecurity, Lolaccounts65-- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts and multi-accounting.
gopinathsoundar -- deleted
gopinathsoundar -- account deleted. REASONS: no posts + multi-accounting.
Emilymegan, JasmineSara -- deleted
Emilymegan, JasmineSara -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts and multi-accounting.
simisse -- banned
simisse -- banned. REASON: SPAM, SPAM, SPAM, SPAM. (SPAM -- deleted.)
ICardCool, Youtan
ICardCool, Youtan -- accounts deleted. REASONS: NO POSTS, MULTI-ACCOUNTING.
seoanalyst, kgharshith -- deleted.
seoanalyst, kgharshith -- deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
johnnydeep -- deleted.
johnnydeep -- account deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
Atlanticchirop, OutletDeals -- deleted
I wanted to inform you earlier, but we had some problems with this thread these days and we weren't able to post here at all. Well, now I'll inform you about that. The problem is that Atlanticchirop and OutletDeals (these accounts) were deleted. REASONS, as you may guess are the usual: no posts + multi-accounting. :(
FullSurge, GailHinkley -- deleted
FullSurge and GailHinkley -- deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
Marynike -- banned
Marynike -- banned. REASONS: Multi-accounting and SPAM. (SPAM removed.)
Haroldni -- banned
Welcome, to our BAN list, user Haroldni!
REASON: SPAM in the SEO board. (The SPAM -- deleted.)
AllStarWork, ASWorkouts -- deleted
AllStarWork, ASWorkouts -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no post + multi-accounting.
AfricanBagg, Oleander -- accounts deleted
AfricanBagg, Oleander -- deleted. REASONS: no post + multi-accounting!
WestWood, Mdsltduk -- deleted
WestWood and Mdsltduk -- accounts deleted. REASONS: multi-accounting + no posts.
Drinto, Inds1981 -- deleted
Drinto, Inds1981 -- accounts deleted. REASONS: multi-accounting + no posts.
EddieThomas -- banned
EddieThomas, welcome to the BAN list! REASONS: multi-accounting and SPAM. (SPAM -- deleted.)
senjapagi -- banned
senjapagi was banned and his/her/its spam removed.
1. multi-accounting
2. SPAM.
Too bad, too bad!
David5, Borselli5 -- deleted
David5, Borselli5 -- accounts deleted. REASONS: multi-accounting + no posts!
Faienn -- banned
Faienn -- banned! The REASONS: 1. multi-accounting, 2. spam in the SEO board. (spam was deleted!)
cahalay -- banned
cahalay -- banned! The REASON: 1. spam in the SEO board. (spam was deleted!)
AccordHK, HearingCent -- accounts deleted
AccordHK, HearingCent -- accounts deleted. Reasons: no posts and multi-accounting.
Landscape, BrownsFurnishers -- deleted
Landscape, BrownsFurnishers -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
renotechs, AtlasCutting -- deleted
renotechs, AtlasCutting -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
DianeWilliams -- account banned
DianeWilliams -- banned! Reasons: multi-accounting, SPAM in the 'Earn money' board. (SPAM -- deleted!)
pushorpul, Smile11, puraderm -- deleted!
pushorpul, Smile11, puraderm -- deleted. REASONS: multi-accounting and no posts.
Ashenoff, prestigeplumbers, markuswilson -- deleted
Ashenoff, prestigeplumbers, markuswilson were deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
SusanWebb -- banned
SusanWebb -- banned! The REASON: 1. spam in 2 boards. (spam was deleted!)
hilton -- banned
hilton -- banned. REASONS: spam in an African thread and long time no communication.
OzilDany, MoonBi -- deleted
OzilDany, MoonBi -- accounts deleted. REASONS: 1. no posts, 2. multi-accounting.
WilliamColon -- account banned
WilliamColon -- banned. REASON: SPAM in 2 boards.
GTarcade11, AGRetail -- deleted
GTarcade11, AGRetail -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
VioletMcClain -- banned
VioletMcClain -- account banned. REASON: SPAM. (SPAM deleted.)
MichaelDiaz -- BANNED
MichaelDiaz-- banned. REASONS: multi-accounting AND spam! (SPAM deleted.)
NicholasYazzie -- BANNED
NicholasYazzie-- banned. REASON: spam! (SPAM deleted.)
fullchatroom -- BANNED
fullchatroom-- banned. REASON: spam! (SPAM deleted.)
OliverBlack -- BANNED
OliverBlack-- banned. REASONS: spam+ multi-accounting! (SPAM deleted.)
PianoLessons11, Tradelocks, UAPCorporate
PianoLessons11, Tradelocks, UAPCorporate-- deleted. REASONS: no posts + multi-accounting.
pianolessons11, NFCCampaign -- DELETED
pianolessons11, NFCCampaign-- deleted. REASONS: no posts + multi-accounting.
janicetur -- account banned
janicetur -- account banned. REASONS: multi-accounting and SPAM!!! (SPAM -- deleted!)
WELCOME AGAIN, to the BIG BAN LIST, janicetur!!!
MairaAleah, BobbiLacie -- deleted
MairaAleah, BobbiLacie -- accounts deleted. REASON: no posts, multi-accounting.
CharacterFancyDress, QualityLocks -- deleted
CharacterFancyDress, QualityLocks -- accounts deleted. REASON: no posts, multi-accounting.
JamesGrissom -- BANNED
fullchatroom-- banned. REASON: spam + multi-accounting! (SPAM deleted.)
kasida, ConciergeDubai -- deleted
kasida, ConciergeDubai -- accounts deleted. REASON: no posts, multi-accounting.
A truism from me: There are many forums' problems. The admins (administrators) and especially the mods (moderators) (when they do really moderate) can resolve the problems.
True, true. So true.
Tryngo, GvidonTours -- accounts deleted
Tryngo, GvidonTours -- deleted. REASONS: no posts and multi-accounting.
SheronMiller -- BANNED
SheronMiller-- banned. REASON: spam + multi-accounting! (SPAM deleted.)
Addison47 -- BANNED
Addison47-- banned. REASON: spam.
Please, don,t spam us! Thank you! :D
JamesReed -- account BANNED[/h1]
JamesReed-- banned. REASONS: spam+ multi-accounting! (SPAM deleted.) Enjoy! 8) :D
Perfect spam control!!! 8)
ArcHealth1, BayPromotions -- DELETED
ArcHealth1, BayPromotions-- deleted. REASONS: no posts + multi-accounting.
Sef Roll -- DELETED
Sef Roll -- account deleted. REASONS: no posts + multi-accounting!
ImaniEva1 -- DELETED
ImaniEva1 -- account deleted. REASONS: no posts + multi-accounting!
Good forum moderation! Good forum administration! 8)
Flowiron1 -- DELETED
Flowiron1 -- account deleted. REASONS: no posts + multi-accounting!
Good forum moderation! 8)
Flowiron1 -- DELETED
Flowiron1 -- account deleted. REASONS: no posts + multi-accounting!
Good forum moderation! 8)
All the same about: PointWorld.
Flowiron1 -- DELETED
Flowiron1 -- account deleted. REASONS: no posts + multi-accounting!
Good forum moderation! 8)
All the same about: PointWorld.
AtlasEndM -- all the same!
Neogoshi -- banned
Neogoshi -- banned. Reason: English botlike posts in the Chinese threads.
pinkdialog -- banned
pinkdialog -- banned. Reason: English botlike posts in the Chinese threads.
Muounimy -- banned
Muounimy -- banned. Reason: English botlike posts in the Chinese threads.
8192: preg_replace():
The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback...
I'd like to inform you about the recent error here: 8192: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback...
It was like 8192: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead
File: /home/XXXXXXXXX/public_html/Sources/Load.php(198) : runtime-created function
Line: 3
I wondered what's this and then I found out, that it's just the SMF 1.1.x incompatibility with recent PHP versions (PHP5.5+)! Some people think that if you still run SMF 1.1.x you should consider an upgrade to 2.0.x, but I don't want to upgrade now, so I found a simpler solution of this problem -- I just did it in an easy way: I used " Select PHP Version" and I changed the PHP Version (i.e. I set the Current PHP version) to 5.4, and no more problems. 8) I'm very busy now with some new projects, so for me it was the best solution, in my opinion.
But now I'm thinking of a upgrade...
Upgrade and if there is some problem... I don't care! ;D Really, I had enough already.
handrail, GtarcadeYouzu -- deleted
handrail, GtarcadeYouzu -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
Upgrade and if there is some problem... I don't care! ;D Really, I had enough already.
No problems. :) Do care!
Upgrade and if there is some problem... I don't care! ;D Really, I had enough already.
No problems. :) Do care!
We are okay!
We are happy!
vubvoiazg, gjlthkon -- deleted
vubvoiazg, gjlthkon -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
Upgrade and if there is some problem... I don't care! ;D Really, I had enough already.
No problems. :) Do care!
We are okay!
We are happy!
The end of this topic! Thanks!
mildredhb60, goldieiv16 -- deleted
mildredhb60, goldieiv16 -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting!
Merry SMF 2.0.10 and Happy SMF 2.0.10!
Good luck!
What I mean is that we upgraded our SEO-Non-SEO OMNILOGY forum and now we're powered by SMF 2.0.10! :) 8)
Undefined index: image
Now I'm dealing with a Undefined index: image
error here...
Merry SMF 2.0.10 and Happy SMF 2.0.10!
Good luck!
What I mean is that we upgraded our SEO-Non-SEO OMNILOGY forum and now we're powered by SMF 2.0.10! :) 8)
SMF 2.0.11 already! Yeah! 8)
Yes. 8)
wuwuluas, JacquotPatricia -- multi-accounting and spam
wuwuluas, JacquotPatricia -- account deleted (wuwuluas) and account banned (JacquotPatricia). REASONS: SPAM and multi-accounting.
mgsunglasses, Bllak0 -- deleted
mgsunglasses, Bllak0 -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
deannevd1, latonyakm16 -- deleted
deannevd1, latonyakm16 -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
corinneyi60, opheliabb1 -- deleted
corinneyi60, opheliabb1 -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
NNewborns, Arcade001 -- deleted
NNewborns, Arcade001 -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
effiepn16 -- account deleted, rosaliekr69 -- account banned
effiepn16 -- account deleted, rosaliekr69 -- account banned. REASONS: effiepn16 (multi-accounting, no posts), rosaliekr69 (multi-accounting, porn spam in our 'Food' board).
uszesicite, aqeoiufiv -- deleted
uszesicite, aqeoiufiv -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
allanhq1, renacm4 -- deleted
allanhq1, renacm4 -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting!
Abigaio -- banned
It's all my pleasure to add Abigaio account to our very big ban list. REASON: SPAM. A LOT OF SPAM...
Oh, so fast ban, isn't it? :D
Very, very good anti-spam activity! 8)
garypm2, wildawj4 -- deleted
garypm2, wildawj4 -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting!
Csuplino, Egofilia -- deleted
Csuplino, Egofilia -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting!
deborast69, agnesdf16 -- deleted
deborast69, agnesdf16 -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts and multi-accounting.
Toasakii -- banned
Toasakii -- banned. REASONS:- Bot (or bot-like) posts.
- Post in English in the Russian section.
Welcome to our big ban list of seo-forum-seo-luntan.com! :)
johnparker92 -- deleted
johnparker92 -- account deleted. REASONS: no posts and multi-accounting.
belindaea2 -- banned
belindaea2 -- banned! REASONS: sex spam in our Food section. (Spam deleted.)
rosaliedi18, genevq3 -- deleted
rosaliedi18, genevq3 -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
earnestinecq60, lorenath60 -- deleted
earnestinecq60, lorenath60 -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
I think it's one of the best moderated forums online! Isn't it? 8) :)
Yes, it is. I think so.
ericvh3, murielxq3 -- deleted
ericvh3, murielxq3 -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting!!!
oaklanddrain -- banned
belindaea2, welcome to the ban list! REASON: spam.
Enjoy your ban and have a nice day!
clydekk18, corneliatx16 -- deleted
clydekk18, corneliatx16 -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting! (As usual. :()
elisakh3, marionrx3 -- deleted
elisakh3, marionrx3 -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting!
eunicead69, derricket4 -- deleted
eunicead69, derricket4 -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting!
efaeyoferes, gemazilubuper -- deleted
efaeyoferes, gemazilubuper -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
gjkutluq, gjkrhvqz -- deleted
gjkutluq, gjkrhvqz -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
brittanyrt3, ivapv4 -- deleted
brittanyrt3, ivapv4 -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting!!!
Promovate01, Storeforlol -- deleted
Promovate01, Storeforlol -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting!
berylgk16, francinejk60 -- deleted
berylgk16, francinejk60 -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting!
emiliahf69, suzetteiy60 -- deleted
berylgk16, francinejk60 -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
lacyik2, randallgu16 -- deleted
lacyik2, randallgu16 -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
jonathanef60, josevg1 -- deleted
jonathanef60, josevg1 -- deleted accounts. REASONS: no posts + multi-accounting.
kathieam18, billyzi18 -- deleted
kathieam18, billyzi18 -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting!
Archielog, GeorgeRox -- deleted
Archielog, GeorgeRox -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting!!!
annenr2, laverneqz60 -- deleted
annenr2, laverneqz60 -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting!!!
keishaog11, kathiepy16 -- deleted
keishaog11, kathiepy16 -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting!
Vininma -- deleted account, posts and topics
Vininma -- accounts deleted, posts deleted, topics deleted. REASONS: SPAM and multi-accounting!
marishaurseof3, everettmccauley72r, delilamerrickstk -- deleted
marishaurseof3, everettmccauley72r, delilamerrickstk -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting!...
willieav16, lakishaoj18 -- deleted
willieav16, lakishaoj18 -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting!
alissaxj16, darrellxi18 -- deleted
alissaxj16, darrellxi18 -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting!
wilmabw60, olliezo1 -- deleted
wilmabw60, olliezo1 -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting!
qojstibqf, wekrkmiwk -- deleted
qojstibqf, wekrkmiwk -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting!
robertadk18, marjorievp16 -- deleted
robertadk18, marjorievp16 -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting!
patriciayf16, jaclynry16 -- deleted
patriciayf16, jaclynry16 -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting!!!
gjmlqfsa, gjyckayx -- deleted
gjmlqfsa, gjyckayx -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting!!!
florkherm2i, charlescelanokkn -- deleted
florkherm2i, charlescelanokkn -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting!
cliftonxz1, jolenehz11 -- deleted
cliftonxz1, jolenehz11 -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting!
NewEraGlass6, PriceATrade -- deleted
NewEraGlass6, PriceATrade -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting!
rfvzazcdz, gjstcbcu -- deleted
rfvzazcdz, gjstcbcu -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting!
terrencedj4, maryda16 -- deleted
terrencedj4, maryda16 -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting!
tessawr2, socorroyb2 -- deleted
tessawr2, socorroyb2 -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting!
nonazq16, sophieqq2 -- deleted
nonazq16, sophieqq2 -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting!
GtArcade13, discount -- deleted
GtArcade13, discount -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting!
Olgesza is in the BAN list
Welcome to the BAN list, Olgesza! REASON: spam!
ninams2, wesleygx60 -- deleted
ninams2, wesleygx60 -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting!
annahm16, helgawf4 -- deleted
annahm16, helgawf4 -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting!
laureenterrijfz, jimgrobe9cp -- deleted
laureenterrijfz, jimgrobe9cp -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting!
tamaraqx4, lavernevc16 -- deleted
tamaraqx4, lavernevc16 -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting!
kentee3 -- deleted
kentee3 -- account deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting!
staceylk4, sharonma4 -- deleted
staceylk4, sharonma4 -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting!!!
GtArcade013, PointWorld4 -- deleted
GtArcade013, PointWorld4 -- accounts deleted. The reasons are: - No posts.
- Multi-accounting.
jacquelinemh1, lyndasl1 -- deleted
jacquelinemh1, lyndasl1 -- accounts deleted. The reasons are: - No posts.
- Multi-accounting.
leonardjl60, mollielv1 -- deleted
leonardjl60, mollielv1 -- accounts deleted. The reasons are: - No posts.
- Multi-accounting.
robertmorton, FootWorld -- deleted
robertmorton, FootWorld -- accounts deleted. The reasons are: - No posts.
- Multi-accounting.
ijykinigy -- banned!
ijykinigy -- banned. Reason: spam.
pigdrive -- banned!!!
I'm glad to announce that ijykinigy -- banned! Reason: spam!!! Welcome to the BIG BAN LIST!!! :D
unupu -- banned!!!
Well,... unupu -- banned! Reason: penis spam! (Spam -- deleted!)
mwzrikf, latonyava2 -- deleted
mwzrikf, latonyava2 -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting!
oxacohoh, utonyb -- deleted
oxacohoh, utonyb -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting!
axikulyb, ulesihise, iveledix -- deleted
axikulyb, ulesihise, iveledix -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting!
ujenocaru -- deleted
ujenocaru -- account deleted. The reasons are: - No posts.
- Multi-accounting.
oryqaja -- banned!
oryqaja, welcome to the big ban list of the leading international SEO and non-SEO Omnilogy forum! Reasons: in a word: SPAM! (SPAM -- deleted!)
doreenet16, consueloqc18 -- deleted
doreenet16, consueloqc18 -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting!
yxinys, yqyrecol, acameda -- deleted
yxinys, yqyrecol, acameda -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting!
GTArcade940, Arcade150 -- deleted
GTArcade940, Arcade150 -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting!
ebuvilyd, alcoholicskin72, aqapigymi -- deleted
ebuvilyd, alcoholicskin72, aqapigymi -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting!
ezalod, amogaw -- deleted
ezalod, amogaw -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting!
afufah -- banned!!!
afufah -- banned! Reasons: SPAM, nonsense, multi-accounting! And spamlinks will be edited, because we don't link to medicines/pills here!
ohehagej -- banned!
ohehagej -- banned! REASONS: Multi-accounting, flood, spam..
ahykeguwa -- banned
ahykeguwa -- banned. REASONS: Multi-accounting, SPAM, FLOOD.
arovutatu, -- deleted
arovutatu -- account deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting!
ibepefasi, ycojiv -- deleted
ibepefasi, ycojiv -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting!!!
ilokozoq, upufykez -- deleted
ilokozoq, upufykez -- accounts deleted. The reasons: - No posts.
- Multi-accounting.
ocaly, ikypan -- deleted
ocaly, ikypan -- accounts deleted. The reasons: - No posts.
- Multi-accounting.
awunyva, ovepuz -- deleted
awunyva, ovepuz -- accounts deleted. The reasons: - No posts.
- Multi-accounting.
yjysoqula, ohajo -- deleted
yjysoqula, ohajo -- accounts deleted. The reasons: - No posts.
- Multi-accounting.
inosavok, ijalax -- deleted
inosavok, ijalax -- accounts deleted. The reasons: - No posts.
- Multi-accounting.
- Casinos links.
ekodis -- deleted
ekodis -- account deleted. The reasons: - No posts.
- Multi-accounting.
jillkz4, caitlinyh4 -- deleted
jillkz4, caitlinyh4 -- accounts deleted. The reasons: - No posts.
- Multi-accounting.
otezime -- banned!!!
otezime -- banned! Reasons: SPAM, multi-accounting!
aqimoq's spam deleted
I deleted a medicine spam of aqimoq. Dear aqimoq, please don't spam again, otherwise -- ban!
jacobcarl, paulaugust -- deleted
jacobcarl, paulaugust -- accounts deleted. The reasons: - No posts.
- Multi-accounting.
elafed, otemas -- deleted
elafed, otemas -- accounts deleted. The reasons: - No posts.
- Multi-accounting.
ymeseha, udytizum -- deleted
ymeseha, udytizum -- accounts deleted. The reasons: - No posts.
- Multi-accounting.
ajejala -- deleted
ajejala -- account deleted. The reasons: - No posts.
- Multi-accounting.
yqovefuka -- banned!!!
yqovefuka -- banned! Reasons: SPAM, multi-accounting!!!
igenogy -- deleted
igenogy -- account deleted! REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting!
ihohog, udonunav -- deleted
ihohog, udonunav -- deleted! REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting!
imonil -- deleted
imonil -- account deleted! REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting!
elisigap, osehowud -- deleted
elisigap, osehowud -- deleted! REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting!
darlapn4, janisre60 -- deleted
darlapn4, janisre60 -- deleted! REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting!
marybrooke, Robertkuok, andreasara -- deleted
marybrooke, Robertkuok, andreasara -- accounts deleted! REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting!
jacobcarl, marybrooke -- deleted
jacobcarl, marybrooke -- accounts deleted! REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting!!!
Ban for Jor
Welcome to the Ban list, Jor! REASON: spam!
owycegego -- banned!
owycegego -- banned! REASON: porn spam (порно-спам)! (Porn spam -- deleted!)
efahode, ujohagogy -- accounts deleted
efahode, ujohagogy -- deleted! REASONS: no posts and multi-accounting!
pranu -- account deleted
pranu -- deleted! REASONS: no posts and multi-accounting!
ulanyqi, ykuny, uzunumeb -- accounts deleted
ulanyqi, ykuny, uzunumeb -- deleted! REASONS: no posts and multi-accounting!
seoanalyst01 -- account deleted
seoanalyst01 -- deleted! REASONS: no posts and multi-accounting!
ShoesOnline01, BCookware -- accounts deleted
ShoesOnline01, BCookware -- deleted! REASONS: no posts and multi-accounting!
ubimekon -- account deleted
ubimekon -- deleted! REASONS: no posts and multi-accounting, and spam!
isadyx, azynax, odavyl -- accounts deleted
isadyx, azynax, odavyl -- deleted! REASONS: no posts and multi-accounting!
ogyjavi, iqijojy -- accounts deleted
ogyjavi, iqijojy -- deleted! REASONS: no posts and multi-accounting!
uhyquq, usowew, orowyc, ojewuxys -- accounts deleted
uhyquq, usowew, orowyc, ojewuxys -- deleted! REASONS: no posts and multi-accounting!
iwekaki -- account deleted
iwekaki -- deleted! REASONS: no posts and multi-accounting!
amuramo -- account deleted
amuramo -- deleted! REASONS: no posts and multi-accounting!
seiha -- banned
seiha -- banned! REASON: spam!
Zwamb -- banned
Zwamb -- banned! REASON: spam!
elenemaschaqe, nedragrantierb1z -- accounts deleted
elenemaschaqe, nedragrantierb1z -- deleted. REASONS: no posts and multi-accounting!
ycydo, ylavaz, iqyjibo -- deleted
ycydo, ylavaz, iqyjibo -- deleted. REASONS: no posts and multi-accounting!
inatusax, ewurejes -- deleted
inatusax, ewurejes -- deleted. REASONS: no posts and multi-accounting!
esonymako, ybidycy, umosa, omikaxy -- deleted
esonymako, ybidycy, umosa, omikaxy -- deleted. REASONS: no posts and multi-accounting!
ivifax, apijycoz -- deleted
ivifax, apijycoz -- deleted. REASONS: no posts and multi-accounting!
ofimiqyce -- account deleted
ofimiqyce -- deleted! REASONS: no posts and multi-accounting!
ymuzecis -- account deleted
ymuzecis -- deleted! REASONS: no posts and multi-accounting!
rickae16, juneym60 -- accounts deleted
rickae16, juneym60 -- deleted! REASONS: no posts and multi-accounting!
omamoz, ohimi -- accounts deleted
omamoz, ohimi -- deleted! REASONS: no posts and multi-accounting!
kenyaep16, justinepj2 -- accounts deleted
kenyaep16, justinepj2 -- deleted! REASONS: no posts and multi-accounting!
rubentn69 -- deleted
rubentn69 -- account deleted. REASONS: no posts and multi-accounting!
olubym, obiqucij -- accounts deleted
olubym, obiqucij -- deleted! REASONS: no posts and multi-accounting!
yconniesd16 -- banned
yconniesd16 -- account banned! REASONS: porn spam in the SEO section!
NO porn in this website!
azuto, ypyjapu -- accounts deleted
azuto, ypyjapu -- deleted! REASONS: no posts and multi-accounting!
arjin06, akteaching -- accounts deleted
arjin06, akteaching -- deleted! REASONS: no posts and multi-accounting.
strainer1, Masterjiexu11 -- accounts deleted
strainer1, Masterjiexu11 -- deleted! REASONS: no posts and multi-accounting.
icplus080 -- banned
icplus080 -- banned! REASON: SPAM!
BeautyMall1, Arcade005 -- accounts deleted
BeautyMall1, Arcade005 -- deleted! REASONS: no posts and multi-accounting.
genuinelishi01, 1stcalllockouts -- accounts deleted
genuinelishi01, 1stcalllockouts -- deleted! REASONS: no posts and multi-accounting.
FoxLiquid4, VolvonorthM2 -- accounts deleted
FoxLiquid4, VolvonorthM2 -- deleted! REASONS: no posts and multi-accounting.
Royhoward -- account banned
Royhoward -- banned. Reason: bot-like behavior (posts).
flandersstone, moderngun -- accounts deleted
flandersstone, moderngun -- deleted! REASONS: no posts and multi-accounting.
GarryfgWhite -- banned
GarryfgWhite, welcome to the BAN list of the one of the biggest forums online! REASON: spam, spam, spam.
MusclesN1, Mdsltduk08 -- accounts deleted
MusclesN1, Mdsltduk08 -- deleted! REASONS: no posts and multi-accounting!
HealthmF2, HeadVeterans03 -- accounts deleted
HealthmF2, HeadVeterans03 -- deleted! REASONS: no posts and multi-accounting.
ERecycleTeam2, IdeaSeven1 -- accounts deleted
ERecycleTeam2, IdeaSeven1 -- deleted! REASONS: no posts and multi-accounting.
angelaerin -- account deleted
angelaerin -- deleted! REASONS: no posts and multi-accounting.
adibitar69 -- account deleted
adibitar69 -- deleted! REASONS: no posts and multi-accounting.
parkaveder, hollandpass, todoholland -- accounts deleted!
parkaveder, hollandpass, todoholland -- deleted. Reasons:- no posts,
- multi-accounting.
Trollylolly -- deleted
Trollylolly -- account deleted. We will 'miss' this: trollylolly
SEO newbie
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Username: trollylollyPosts: 4 (N/A per day)
Email: X
Custom Title: Trollylolly custom title
Personal Text: Trollylolly personal text
SEO - karma: +0/-0
Location:Trollylolly location
Date Registered: Today at 02:58:40 AM
Local Time:March 12, 2016, 03:17:57 AM
Last Active: Today at 03:08:11 AM
Trollylolly signature.
Reason: very 'trolly'.
Fnioaxesi, welcome to the big BAN list!
Fnioaxesi -- banned. REASONS: bot-like posts; posting in English in Chinese language threads.
Welcome to the big BAN list and enjoy it! :D
evengreen3, WWRoofing -- deleted
evengreen3, WWRoofing -- accounts deleted. Reasons:- No posts.
- Multi-accounting.
stewartcristan -- deleted
stewartcristan -- account deleted. Reasons:- No posts.
- Multi-accounting.
Zhooshups, ManciniL -- deleted
Zhooshups, ManciniL -- accounts deleted.
Reasons:- No posts.
- Multi-accounting.
eldomc and Sdlien -- welcome to the ban list!
I'm glad to introduce two more banned -- eldomc and Sdlien.
REASON: SPAM in the SEO-board!
Glad to have you in our big ban list! Welcome and enjoy it! :D
I'm glad, too! :D
What's "The requested identifier did not return the proper information."?
This is the error. Well?
What's "The requested identifier did not return the proper information."?
This is the error. Well?
I think so: the problem is that the client isn't submitting the correct information, so the software hasn't even attempted to verify the password, most probably. I think that it's makes sense that most likely it is a bot (spambot?) trying to login, perhaps with an account it created. I can't find a better explanation right now.
What's "The requested identifier did not return the proper information."?
This is the error. Well?
I think so: the problem is that the client isn't submitting the correct information, so the software hasn't even attempted to verify the password, most probably. I think that it's makes sense that most likely it is a bot (spambot?) trying to login, perhaps with an account it created. I can't find a better explanation right now.
It's a general error.
AndyS, Stivebelly -- deleted
AndyS, Stivebelly -- deleted.
REASONS: no posts and multi-accounting.
No matter what language, spammers are persistent pests aren't they? Shame the rest of us have to suffer for their behavior because it necessitates rules that would otherwise not be needed.
What is really ironic about it, is that I would never click on a spammer's post link.
Thank you for your participation in one of our biggest giant threads, Mojo! :)
With a real spammer (man or woman) you can make some agreement (we had some situations here already) and you can have some mutual benefits: he/she posts his/her links, but also posts fresh, unique for your site. Fair enough and some websites (for example the blogs) use this win-win strategy.
But with the spambots you can't make any communication and they're practically useless for the website, so the real anti-spam fight should be with them. I think over here the 90-99% of the spam and/or duplicate accounts are generated by bots and we deal with them.
Maybe some of our guests/readers didn't get me. I'll show a fictional example:
Mr. X works for a SEO company and he is paid something like $ 0.20 per link. He targets a website, where he needs to link 3 times with a few keywords. The owner of the site may get something useful, if Mr. X contribute 3 unique articles, not only 3 links. If Mr. X only post his links, the owner probably will delete them. No win-win game. But, if the owner set a rule like: "links are welcome, but only if you contribute for me quality content", then Mr.X will get his $ 0.60 and the owner probably will earn something in the future (from ads, from selling the website, etc.)
If the X-bot is posting links, even when it provides some article/articles, it'll be not unique, it will be duplicated content, which isn't useful for any website. The owners can't talk to the bots to contribute something of real quality, so using bots doesn't make very good sense.
What is really ironic about it, is that I would never click on a spammer's post link.
Many of them don't need it. Their links are not for direct traffic (visitors), they are for optimization of their position in the SERP: if you have a quality linkbuilding (your links are in related threads in trusted websites) Google, Bing, Yahoo and others will show up your website in the top positions. And this is already the real big traffic. Imagine, if you rank number 1 for words like 'insurance', 'lawyer', 'money' or 'pizza', what great traffic is coming to your website and (if you have good ways to monetize it) what income is going to your wallet. :)
There is market for this (I'm not going to give it free ad, so I don't point to any website that provides this services). It's simple: Miss X wants a link with keyword 'jewelry' and pays USD 5 for it. Mr. Y has a related website (about silver rings, golden earrings, jewels, etc.) and creates the necessary link for Miss X... and gets USD 5. This is how it works.
Links for clicking (i.e. with primary goal to receive serious amount of visitors) are usually posted in websites with 'tons of visitors' as Facebook, Twitter, Reddit and around 5000 others.
pipetechg, musclesn3 -- deleted
pipetechg, musclesn3 -- accounts deleted.
REASONS (as usual here): no posts + multi-accounting.
trinityc3, flexfit1 -- deleted
trinityc3, flexfit1 -- accounts deleted.
REASONS (as usual here): no posts + multi-accounting.
sbeinspection13, fsisfair1, aurijinal13, Knowyourdoctor00, tradel10 -- deleted!
WOW, five multi-accounting profiles deleted! sbeinspection13, fsisfair1, aurijinal13, Knowyourdoctor00, tradel10 -- deleted!
Reasons: multi-accounting, NO posts.
mortgage15, foxliquid7 -- accounts deleted
mortgage15, foxliquid7 -- deleted!
REASONS: multi-accounting and no posts.
duediligenceq, vaginalt, VeloxMedia01 -- accounts deleted
3 accounts deleted! duediligenceq, vaginalt, VeloxMedia01 -- deleted.
REASONS: no posts + multi-accounting.
gibborth8, autoglass6 -- deleted
Two deleted accounts: gibborth8, autoglass6.
REASONS: multi-accounting and no posts.
eltib -- banned and spamposts deleted
eltib -- banned and spamposts deleted.
REASONS: flooding spam (in non-English language in the English topics).
drmelanie8, cbouchard1 -- accounts deleted
drmelanie8, cbouchard1 -- deleted.
Reasons: multi-accounting, no posts.
duediligenceq12, zenmatcha3 -- accounts deleted
duediligenceq12, zenmatcha3 -- deleted.
Reasons: multi-accounting, no posts.
plazma121 -- account banned
plazma121 -- banned. REASON: spam in the 'Free Ads' sub-board.
germbloc01, esgsimplicity -- accounts deleted
germbloc01, esgsimplicity -- deleted.
Reasons: multi-accounting, no posts.
parkaveder01, SkyHigh06 -- accounts deleted
parkaveder01, SkyHigh06 -- deleted.
Reasons: multi-accounting, no posts.
pbcoffee, GPrime01 -- accounts deleted
pbcoffee, GPrime01 -- deleted.
Reasons: multi-accounting, no posts.
JChiropractic, JVGunrun -- accounts deleted
JChiropractic, JVGunrun -- deleted.
Reasons: multi-accounting, no posts.
Quivirap7, MTuTech, busmilano -- accounts deleted
Quivirap7, MTuTech, busmilano -- deleted.
Reasons: no posts and multi-accounting.
glennsimon, leencargo1 -- accounts deleted
glennsimon, leencargo1 -- deleted.
Reasons: multi-accounting, no posts.
MTuTech, recoverfast -- accounts deleted
MTuTech, recoverfast -- deleted.
Reasons: multi-accounting, no posts.
alturash3, gameon3, veratreat3 -- accounts deleted
alturash3, gameon3, veratreat3 -- deleted.
Reasons: multi-accounting, no posts.
draxe2, PetLock01, paksense02 -- accounts deleted
draxe2, PetLock01, paksense02 -- deleted.
Reasons: multi-accounting, no posts.
reginat3, parqex04, AJTravels1 -- accounts deleted
reginat3, parqex04, AJTravels1 -- deleted.
Reasons: multi-accounting, no posts.
angelaerin -- accounts deleted
angelaerin -- deleted.
Reasons: multi-accounting, no posts.
inoprem1, AVendors01, ivcfilter4 -- accounts deleted
inoprem1, AVendors01, ivcfilter4 -- deleted.
Reasons: multi-accounting, no posts.
bayprom8, malpack7 -- accounts deleted
bayprom8, malpack7 -- deleted. REASONS: No posts and multi-accounting.
AutoFXwa7, CBRNE04 -- accounts deleted
AutoFXwa7, CBRNE04 -- deleted. REASONS: No posts and multi-accounting.
ShobaElectricals -- BANNED!
ShobaElectricals -- BANNED! YES, BANNED!
REASONS: Read here -- http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/seo/indexing-more-pages/msg29002/#msg29002
atlasc9, JohnSmith01 -- accounts deleted
atlasc9, JohnSmith01 -- deleted.
Reasons: multi-accounting, no posts.
Wedday01, benefits3 -- accounts deleted
Wedday01, benefits3 -- deleted.
Reasons: multi-accounting, no posts.
QPlumbing0, amazevapor -- accounts deleted
QPlumbing0, amazevapor -- deleted.
Reasons: multi-accounting, no posts.
robertkuok -- account deleted
robertkuok -- deleted.
Reasons: multi-accounting, no posts.
batoota123 -- account banned
batoota123 -- banned.
Reasons: SPAM.
medicihi2, CentralPark3, torisevalaw -- deleted accounts
medicihi2, CentralPark3, torisevalaw -- deleted. Reasons: no posts, multi-accounting.
esLTravel01, deLTravel01 -- deleted accounts
esLTravel01, deLTravel01 -- deleted. Reasons: no posts, multi-accounting.
FlexFit089, Toyamat21, AllEarsDJ0 -- deleted accounts
FlexFit089, Toyamat21, AllEarsDJ0 -- deleted. Reasons: no posts, multi-accounting!
gfytasd, ghysdfq -- accounts banned
Welcome to our BAN list!
gfytasd, ghysdfq -- banned.
Reasons: SPAM + multiaccounting!
3 accounts deleted: Alenn17, DonaldJe, GeorgeW3
Alenn17, DonaldJe, GeorgeW3 -- deleted. Reasons: no posts, multi-accounting.
balticas2, baltic3ass -- deleted accounts
balticas2, baltic3ass -- deleted. Reasons: no posts, multi-accounting!
robertkuok -- account deleted
robertkuok -- deleted.
Reasons: multi-accounting, no posts.
Again. robertkuok -- deleted again. The same reasons.
DavidT4, CristoferL, CAllen -- deleted accounts
DavidT4, CristoferL, CAllen -- deleted. Reasons: no posts, multi-accounting!...
sansastark -- account banned!
sansastark -- banned. REASONS: spambot, spam (See here: http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/directory-seo-directory/mag/msg29258/#msg29258).
jimgeorge7, AlanBrown2 -- deleted accounts
jimgeorge7, AlanBrown2 -- deleted. Reasons: no posts, multi-accounting!
Uidop -- account banned!
Uidop -- banned. REASONS: multi-accouning, spam in the SEO section. Spam -- deleted! 8)
YanIUw -- account banned!
YanIUw -- banned. REASONS: multi-accouning, spam in the SEO section. Spam -- deleted! 8)
KylieDyer3, karlk11, tobiasm01, WAngeln0, Jacob0011, Adam099, Charles091 -- deleted!
7 (seven) accounts deleted. They are: KylieDyer3, karlk11, tobiasm01, WAngeln0, Jacob0011, Adam099, Charles091. REASONS: no posts and multi-accounting.
beautym4, Adam22 -- deleted
beautym4, Adam22 -- deleted accounts. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
roslyn -- account banned!
roslyn -- banned. REASON -- 2 times SPAM!
smpccold, Cshydg -- accounts banned!
smpccold, Cshydg -- banned. REASONS -- 2 times SPAM (the second time 3 spam posts in the SEO board -- all of them deleted 8) ) and multi-accounting!!!
Enjoy your ban (bans) :P!
Lawrence32, Michael357, Dominic681 -- deleted
3 accounts deleted! Lawrence32, Michael357, Dominic681 -- deleted accounts. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting!
gummy123 -- deleted
gummy123 -- deleted account. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting!
amorcnc2, pqdesign4 -- deleted
amorcnc2, pqdesign4 -- deleted accounts. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting!
Jasmine95, Katherine8 -- deleted
Jasmine95, Katherine8 -- deleted accounts. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting!
exitroom2, cashlender02, ivcfilter05 -- deleted
Other 3 accounts deleted. Hard-working... exitroom2, cashlender02, ivcfilter05 -- deleted accounts. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting!
Hello, dear readers, members, visitors and friends of seo-forum-seo-luntan.com! Today I visited 3-4 times our forum and the only new posts I noticed were spam posts. Now there are gone. If it really was only these few spam posts, it's okay, because we're not spam fans at all. But, if there were some other (serious, important, non-spamy) posts, I am sorry and I do apologize, no matter it wasn't my/our fault. Here is what happened:
I (and some of the others of our omnilogy team) saw missing posts and we contacted to our precious hosting's support team with this message (ticket): Good morning, dear support team!
The domain is http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com. And the problem is there is missing content (After August 07, 2016, 01:35:31 PM EVERYTHING IS MISSING.) And it was important (especially and e-book, which lack 2 parts now).
It happened already ago and you backup it, but this time it's still missing.
Please, backup the content for August 7th-8th-9th!
Best regards : your old customers from Bulgaria and China!
They answered us soon: ...I apologize for any delay you experienced.Would you like to restore a backup?
We: Yes, please. As far as everything is missing after August 07, 2016, 01:35:31 PM, we would like to restore a backup! Thank you!
Best regards! :)
They: We moved this account to a new server due to multiple disk errors on the raid array.
So disk reading rate is very low and it takes few hours for data recovery.
We'll restore a backup shortly. Please do not upload new contents until we update you.
Best Regards!
Support team
We didn't upload anything new. As I said I saw only a few spam posts (probably from some spambot) and I hope it was all!
After this they sent us: I've restored a backup.
And we: Everything is alright now. Thanks!
Best wishes!
And the ticket is closed already. 8)
Well, we're very satisfied and we hope everything is okay with your posts here! If there is some problem, please, let us know at once!
Best wishes to you all! :)
kunalkumar, kunalsh -- accounts banned!
kunalkumar, kunalsh -- banned. REASONS -- Many times SPAMlinks and multi-accounting!!!
Enjoy your ban, spammer!!!
Simon040, Austin014 -- deleted!
Two accounts -- deleted. They are: Simon040, Austin014. REASONS: no posts and multi-accounting.
Simon040, Austin014 -- deleted!
Two accounts -- deleted. They are: Simon040, Austin014. REASONS: no posts and multi-accounting.
charlest321, kenneths02 -- deleted!
Two accounts -- deleted. They are: charlest321, kenneths02. REASONS: no posts and multi-accounting.
Adam074, Adrian011 -- deleted!
Two accounts -- deleted. They are: Adam074, Adrian011. REASONS: no posts and multi-accounting!!!
Virginia03, Sophie201 -- deleted accounts
Virginia03, Sophie201 -- deleted. Reasons: no posts, multi-accounting!
Stewart20, Andrew621, Benjamin63 -- deleted accounts
Three accounts (Stewart20, Andrew621, Benjamin63) -- deleted. Reasons: no posts, multi-accounting!
Adrian652, Fiona905 -- deleted accounts
Adrian652, Fiona905 -- deleted. Reasons: no posts, multi-accounting!
SeanClark6, SarahBell9 -- deleted accounts
SeanClark6, SarahBell9 -- deleted. Reasons: no posts, multi-accounting!
Ethanbrown94, Harry995 -- deleted accounts
Ethanbrown94, Harry995 -- deleted. Reasons: no posts, multi-accounting!!!
Glenhelm8, Donnieb7 -- deleted accounts
Glenhelm8, Donnieb7 -- deleted. Reasons: no posts, multi-accounting!!!
Shawnveras0, Jonathan642, Alan632, Carlos356 -- deleted accounts
Four accounts (Stewart20, Andrew621, Benjamin63) -- deleted. Reasons: no posts, multi-accounting!
Joseph950, Joanne00, Anthony065, Bandrew81 -- deleted accounts
Four other accounts (Joseph950, Joanne00, Anthony065, Bandrew81) -- deleted. Reasons: no posts, multi-accounting!
UrcetyLunlp -- banned!
UrcetyLunlp account -- banned. REASON: SPAM!
Unfortunately, but not surprisingly
Unfortunately, but not surprisingly there are a lot of spammers and spambots.
johnwiliam5946 -- account deleted
johnwiliam5946 -- deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
CatherPaul, Zachary478 -- deleted accounts
CatherPaul, Zachary478 -- deleted. Reasons: no posts, multi-accounting!
Rachel930, Gerardo589 -- deleted accounts
Rachel930, Gerardo589 -- deleted. Reasons: no posts, multi-accounting!
BorisBell8, Christ15 -- deleted!
Two accounts -- deleted. They are: BorisBell8, Christ15. REASONS: no posts and multi-accounting!!!
johnparker92 -- deleted!
johnparker92 -- deleted profile. REASONS: no posts and multi-accounting!
John584, Adrian905 -- deleted accounts
John584, Adrian905 -- deleted. Reasons: no posts, multi-accounting!
Ronaldb105, Trevor601, Wanda901 -- deleted accounts
Well, three other accounts (Ronaldb105, Trevor601, Wanda901) -- deleted. Reasons: no posts, multi-accounting!
Lauren95, Ethamile19 -- deleted accounts!
Lauren95, Ethamile19 -- deleted. Reasons: no posts, multi-accounting!
Derek587, Trevor587 -- deleted accounts!
Derek587, Trevor587 -- deleted. Reasons: no posts, multi-accounting!
Miguel898, Frank625, kevinpar60 -- deleted accounts!
Well, three other accounts (Miguel898, Frank625, kevinpar60) -- deleted. Reasons: no posts, multi-accounting!
15 spam posts in the 'Stars'-board by cherry452 = BAN + delete!!!
You know what? cherry452 posted 15 spam posts in the "Stars"-board. cherry452 - banned, spam - deleted! 8) 8) 8)
Spam-fighting! :D 8)
15 spam posts in the 'Stars'-board by cherry452 = BAN + delete!!!
You know what? cherry452 posted 15 spam posts in the "Stars"-board. cherry452 - banned, spam - deleted! 8) 8) 8)
Spam-fighting! :D 8)
Let's do it better! Because I found some multi-accounts with SPAM! And now I delete the spam and ban the multi-accounts! SEO-Karma minus!
haimeilai -- BANNED!
haimeilai -- banned! REASONS: spam + multi-accounting!
hopper -- banned
hopper -- banned. Banned for multi-accounting and spam!!! Already 3 accounts:
Members from IP (range) XXX
IP address Display name
XXX hopper, profiles, ps4pro
And his/her/its spam deleted! 8)
5 accounts deleted: Bets05, Natalie602, Rachel901, Dylan085, Estephen70
Five (5) accounts deleted: Bets05, Natalie602, Rachel901, Dylan085, Estephen70!
Hall04, Monde1932 -- deleted accounts!
Hall04, Monde1932 -- deleted. Reasons: no posts, multi-accounting!
Welcome to the BAN-list, vertex!
vertex -- account banned. REASON: spamlinks in the posts.
Kejorden67, JacobDyer5 -- deleted
Kejorden67, JacobDyer5 -- accounts deleted. REASON: no posts and multi-accounting.
Tysonbel19,Gordon950 -- deleted
Tysonbel19,Gordon950 -- accounts deleted. REASON: no posts and multi-accounting.
Juanross91, Sophie630 -- deleted
Juanross91, Sophie630 -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts + multi-accounting.
concetta09 -- account banned!
concetta09, welcome to our BAN list!!! BANNED! YES!!! REASON: SPAM, SPAM and SPAM!
Michael685, Stevecol71 -- deleted
Michael685, Stevecol71 -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts + multi-accounting.
4 (four) accounts deleted: Jacobjon68, Audrey950, Rogthom115, Lauren954
Jacobjon68, Audrey950, Rogthom115, Lauren954 -- these 4 accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts and multi-accounting!!!
Proud of our anti-spam measures! 8)
Again 4 (four) accounts deleted: NikkiFenn18, Claethan42, EmilyJordan78, Ethmoore15
NikkiFenn18, Claethan42, EmilyJordan78, Ethmoore15 -- these 4 accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts and multi-accounting!!!
Proud of our anti-spam measures!!! 8)
katierussell18, Tracey901 -- deleted
katierussell18, Tracey901 -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts + multi-accounting.
johnwiliam5946 -- deleted
johnwiliam5946 -- account deleted. REASONS: no posts + multi-accounting.
Parkcarl19, Martbell49, Jamesmart9 -- deleted
Parkcarl19, Martbell49, Jamesmart9 -- these 3 accounts deleted. REASON: no posts and multi-accounting!
Ayeshaagarwal, ZarahShan -- deleted
Ayeshaagarwal, ZarahShan -- accounts deleted. REASONS: no posts + multi-accounting!
Connection Problems
Sorry, SMF was unable to connect to the database. This may be caused by the server being busy. Please try again later.
I and another user from Bulgaria got this many times in the past hours: "Connection Problems
Sorry, SMF was unable to connect to the database. This may be caused by the server being busy. Please try again later."
Yes, and it was repaired by changing some data in the Settings.php by me twice.
It's good that the forum is working very well now. :)
I will explain here more about it, because I learned how to fix it better this morning.
So, when you get this problem, just don't panic! It's not that bad. What's the problem in fact? Well, either the DB credentials in 'Settings.php' are wrong, or just your server isn't available. (In this case you need to check with your host, especially when you're using some shared hosting.) I mean that if the server is busy it's not an uncommon problem on shared servers.
I am busy and that's all what I may help currently. If you have some problems (SEO or non-SEO), you may let me/let us know. :D
Stephen56, Samcar927 -- accounts deleted
Stephen56, Samcar927 -- deleted! REASONS: - No posts.
- Multi-accounting.
Charyes -- account banned!
Charyes -- BANNED! REASONS: SPAM, multi-accounting!
nhukkl -- account banned!
nhukkl -- BANNED! REASONS: SPAM, multi-accounting! (SPAM - deleted!!!)
richardwalter -- account banned!
richardwalter -- BANNED! REASONS: SPAM (spamlinks), flood, duplicating content! (SPAM - deleted!)
Enjoy this ban!
Seo-forum-seo-luntan.com apologizes for any delay you experienced!
I apologize for any delay you experienced! Please, understand that it was out of our control (a problem with the hosting/domain).
Best regards, dear omnilogy users, fans, friends and readers!
Kylie95, VictoriaBeck78 -- deleted
Kylie95, VictoriaBeck78 -- deleted accounts! REASONS: no posts and multi-accounting.
AraGates18, CaraLee18 -- accounts deleted
AraGates18, CaraLee18 -- deleted! REASONS: no posts + multi-accounting.
Connor589, Connor78 -- accounts deleted
Connor589, Connor78 -- deleted! REASONS: no posts + multi-accounting.
Minzerrezz -- account banned
Minzerrezz -- banned! REASONS: Bot or bot-like posts. Posting in English (language) in the Chinese language boards.
Felicity32, Albert918, Connor384, Deirdre963 -- accounts deleted
Felicity32, Albert918, Connor384, Deirdre963 -- deleted accounts. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting!
williamworth -- account banned
williamworth -- banned.
REASONS: SPAM (in the 'Stars' board).
donstairs012, Scotttim91, Seancary19, LoriChatwin18 -- accounts deleted
4 accounts deleted! donstairs012, Scotttim91, Seancary19, LoriChatwin18 -- deleted! REASONS: no posts + multi-accounting.
dogcat250 -- banned
dogcat250 -- banned. REASONS: more and more spam! (Spam -- deleted!)
geraldsmith -- deleted
geraldsmith -- deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
EricHill18, Janetchu12, Gabriel586 -- accounts deleted
3 accounts deleted! EricHill18, Janetchu12, Gabriel586 -- deleted! REASONS: no posts + multi-accounting.
Jose814, Virginia65 -- accounts deleted
Jose814, Virginia65 -- deleted! REASONS: no posts + multi-accounting.
Scotttim9 -- banned
Scotttim9 -- banned. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
geraldsmith -- deleted
geraldsmith -- deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
geraldsmith -- banned
geraldsmith -- banned. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting AND SPAM!!!
explainervideocost -- banned
explainervideocost -- banned! REASONS: multi-accounting + SPAM again! Spam deleted!
At first, I didn't know it's the same spammer (with 2 more spam accounts) and I tried to move his spam in the 'Free ads'-subboard with some explanations as this:
"Hey spammer! You know, because of the obviously spammy link this post can't stay longer in the SEO board. I'll move it to the 'Free Ads'-subboard. And please post your ads only there. Why? Because next spam equals ban. 0 spam tolerance."
But now I see it's the same IP as other 2 spam accounts, so:
1. BAN, 2. Deleting the spam. 8)
Lindsav -- account banned
Lindsav -- banned account. REASONS: 1. SPAM, 2. Multi-accounting!
HenryBlanche -- banned account
HenryBlanche -- banned. REASONS: SPAM, multi-accounting!
WELCOME to our big ban list, spammer!!! >:( (SPAM -- deleted!)
Kevin -- banned
Kevin -- account banned. REASONS: SPAM! (SPAM -- deleted.)
Welcome to the big ban list, Kevin the spammer!
roberthans -- banned
roberthans -- account banned. REASONS: SPAM and multi-accounting! (SPAM -- deleted.)
Welcome to the big ban list, roberthans spammer!
larrystanley -- account deleted
larrystanley -- deleted! REASONS: multi-accounting, no posts (and spam from the other accounts before).
RichaAgarwal, DeenaJoshi -- accounts banned
RichaAgarwal, DeenaJoshi -- banned accounts. REASONS: 1. SPAM, 2. Multi-accounting!
cdsghjh, erghhy -- banned
cdsghjh, erghhy -- accounts banned. REASONS: SPAM and multi-accounting!
Welcome to the big ban list, spammer!
Markcook18, Richijon19 -- accounts deleted
Markcook18, Richijon19 -- deleted! REASONS: no posts + multi-accounting.
davisalthea -- banned
davisalthea -- account banned. REASONS: SPAM and multi-accounting! (all spam posts -- deleted.)
Welcome to the big ban list, davisalthea spammer!
Stephen052, Clarober19, Abigail15 -- accounts deleted
Stephen052, Clarober19, Abigail15 -- deleted! REASONS: no posts + multi-accounting.
larrystanley -- banned account
larrystanley -- banned. Right now I realized that it's an account with multi-accounting. So...
REASONS: SPAM, multi-accounting!
WELCOME to our big ban list, spammer!!!
Well, we're trying to be anti-spam perfect, but it's not possible every time. Still we're good, right? At least 99% to 99.99% I hope! 8)
johnwalker -- account deleted
johnwalker -- deleted! REASONS: multi-accounting, no posts (and spam from the other accounts before).
Joseph982, Lauren553 -- accounts deleted
Joseph982, Lauren553 -- deleted! REASONS: no posts + multi-accounting.
Aren't we one of the best anti-spam fighters in the entire web? 8)
JacobJ, narutokun -- banned
JacobJ, narutokun -- accounts banned. REASONS: SPAM and multi-accounting! (SPAM -- deleted. 8))
Welcome to the big ban list!
grobert116, Justin029 -- accounts deleted
grobert116, Justin029 -- deleted! REASONS: no posts + multi-accounting.
No way to allow spam!
aessories -- banned!
aessories -- account banned! REASONS: multi-accounting, spam (again). All posts -- deleted!
Welcome to the ban list, spammer! I hope you'll like this ban and it'll be useful for you! 8) Enjoy it! Enjoy the ban and enjoy the deleted posts! 8)
As we all can see -- no spam mercy in seo-forum-seo-luntan.com. It's such a cool satisfaction when we see banned spammers + deleted spam. They're coming here to post their spam everywhere (they don't care what is the board about) and they post it (they spam) without any contribution for this forum. They think here we're going to allow it. Wrong! They get ban + deleted spam content. Amazing! :D 8)
thomasmiller -- banned account
thomasmiller -- banned! REASONS:
1. Spamlinks (well-known spammer).
2. Multi-accounting (other banned spammer accounts).
Welcome AGAIN to our big ban list, spammer! Happy ban! Enjoy the ban! Ban, ban, ban, ban, ban for you, forever! 8)
grawhill -- account deleted
grawhill -- deleted! REASONS: no posts + multi-accounting.
Coxmike75, Riddleja19 -- accounts deleted
Coxmike75, Riddleja19 -- deleted! REASONS: no posts + multi-accounting.
riddleja191, josewilhelm -- accounts deleted
riddleja191, josewilhelm -- deleted accounts! REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
Good anti-spam job! 8)
Simon134, Ethan961 -- accounts deleted
Simon134, Ethan961 -- deleted accounts! REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
Good anti-spam job! YES!!! 8)
Successfully updated the SSL website’s certificate!
8) Well, we did it. :)
We just have successfully updated the SSL website’s certificate.
The SSL website is now active and accessible via HTTPS on this domain:
And when it comes to SSL certificate it's important to know that we will now be notified before the new certificate for "www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com, seo-forum-seo-luntan.com" expires on June 22nd, 2017. :D 8)
hostingreview, top10trending -- banned accounts!
hostingreview, top10trending -- accounts banned. REASONS: multi-accounting, SPAM.
Wilkins552, Clinmike19 -- deleted!
Wilkins552, Clinmike19 -- accounts deleted! REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
Astonishing anti-spam control! 8) 8) 8)
Adrian602, Grace050, Edward956, Brettlee18, Jacob622, EthanCox18, HankAaron18 -- deleted!
7 (seven!!!) accounts were deleted. They were: Adrian602, Grace050, Edward956, Brettlee18, Jacob622, EthanCox18, HankAaron18.
Reasons: 1. No posts, 2. multi-accounting.
No spam! 8)
Megan226, rogebell62 -- deleted!
Megan226, rogebell62 -- accounts deleted! REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
Astonishing anti-spam control! 8) 8) 8)
Rachana006 -- deleted!
Rachana006 -- account deleted! REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
Amazing anti-spam control! 8)
PeterDavid78, robinvid19, Kevin430 -- deleted!
3 (three) accounts were deleted. They were: PeterDavid78, robinvid19, Kevin430.
Reasons: 1. No posts, 2. multi-accounting.
No spam! Anti-spam control = cool! 8)
dicksmith -- deleted!
The dicksmith account was deleted.
Reasons: 1. No posts, 2. multi-accounting.
alester867, Brandon85 -- deleted!
2 (two) accounts were deleted. They were: alester867, Brandon85.
Reasons: 1. No posts, 2. multi-accounting.
No spam! Anti-spam control here. 8)
DJ Stones, VogueRepublica -- deleted!
2 (two) accounts were deleted. They were: DJ Stones, VogueRepublica.
Reasons: 1. No posts, 2. multi-accounting.
No spam! Anti-spam control here. Very, very good!
Virginia85, Cartjhon19, garynevi78 -- deleted!
Other 3 (three) accounts were deleted. They were: Virginia85, Cartjhon19, garynevi78.
Reasons: 1. No posts, 2. multi-accounting.
No spam! Anti-spam control = 100%! 8) 8) 8)
Charlottersan -- banned!
Charlottersan -- banned account! Reasons: SPAM and multi-accounting!
No spam! Very good anti-spam control here! 8)
rolandbaker -- account banned
rolandbaker -- banned!!! REASONS: 10 spamlinks! (Spam -- removed!)
Welcome to the big ban list, spammer!
johnwiliam5946 -- deleted!
The johnwiliam5946 account was deleted.
Reasons: 1. No posts, 2. multi-accounting.
No spam. Good anti-spam control here.
Rachana006 -- deleted!
The Rachana006 account was deleted.
Reasons: 1. No posts, 2. multi-accounting.
No spam. Good anti-spam control here. No way to allow spam accounts! 8)
albertalley -- deleted account!
The albertalley account was deleted.
Reasons: 1. No posts, 2. multi-accounting (and spam from thouse ex-accounts).
No spam!!! Good anti-spam control here. No way to allow spam accounts! 8)
Robert0261, popey19 -- deleted!
2 (two) accounts were deleted. They were: Robert0261, popey19.
Reasons: 1. No posts, 2. multi-accounting.
No spam! Anti-spam control. Very, very good anti-spam control! 8)
lw789 -- account BANNED!!!
lw789 -- banned!!! REASON: SPAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(SPAM -- deleted!!!)
JanellR -- account deleted
JanellR -- deleted!!! REASONS: spam posts AND multi-accounting (Spam -- removed!)
No spam here!!! Good anti-spam control!
Roger071, Cjeffrey40 -- deleted accounts
Roger071, Cjeffrey40 -- deleted. REASONS: 1. no posts, 2. multi-accounting.
Good anti-spam policy! 8)
TawanaW -- account banned
TawanaW -- banned! REASONS: SPAM and multi-accounting. (SPAM -- deleted!)
No spam! 100% anti-spam control!!! 8)
vbngfde -- deleted account
vbngfde -- deleted. REASONS: 1. no posts, 2. multi-accounting.
Good anti-spam policy! 8)
Christinaes -- account BANNED!
Christinaes -- banned!!! REASONS: SPAM + multi-accounting.
(SPAM -- deleted!)
No spam, no spam, no spam!
Robertbrain -- deleted account
Robertbrain -- deleted. REASONS: 1. no posts, 2. multi-accounting.
Good anti-spam policy! >:(
iuelknd -- account BANNED!
iuelknd -- banned!!! REASONS: SPAM + multi-accounting.
(SPAM -- deleted!)
No spam, no spam, no spam! Good anti-spam control!
Karen680, Kevin858 -- accounts deleted
Karen680, Kevin858 -- deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
Subtan, Expeater -- accounts deleted
Subtan,Expeater -- deleted. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting and SPAM! (SPAM deleted too!)
Madge -- account BANNED!
Madge -- banned!!! REASON: SPAM!
(SPAM -- deleted!)
No spam, no spam, no spam here!!!
riyariya, rahmankhan -- deleted accounts
riyariya, rahmankhan -- accounts deleted! REASONS: no posts and multi-accounting.
aqwbish1 -- deleted account
aqwbish1 -- deleted! REASONS: SPAM, multi-accounting! (SPAM -- deleted too.)
Brewer3 -- deleted account
Brewer3 -- deleted! REASONS: SPAM, multi-accounting! (SPAM -- deleted too.)
Strong anti-spam control here! 8) 8) 8)
Abigail874, srafel540 -- deleted accounts
Abigail874, srafel540 -- accounts deleted! REASONS: no posts and multi-accounting.
Super anti-spam actions here!
yellow sapphire -- account BANNED!
yellow sapphire -- banned!!! (REASON: BOT or BOT-LIKE posts!)
Welcome to our ban list! That's all I can say now.
CaseyW -- banned account!
Carolyn909, anthonyg69 -- deleted accounts
Carolyn909, anthonyg69 -- accounts deleted! REASONS: no posts and multi-accounting.
Very good anti-spam control here! 8)
baidai66 -- banned account!
baidai66 -- banned! REASONS::replica SPAM in the SEO-board! (Spam -- deleted.)
deeDennis7 -- banned account!
deeDennis7 -- banned! REASONS::SPAM in the SEO-board + multi-accounting (Spam -- deleted, of course)!
Amazing anti-spam control here!!! 8)
axxStina5 -- banned account!
axxStina5 -- banned! REASONS::SPAM in the SEO-board + multi-accounting (Spam -- deleted, of course)!
Great anti-spam control here!!! 8)
Andrea650, Caroline34 -- deleted accounts
Andrea650, Caroline34 -- accounts deleted! REASONS: no posts and multi-accounting.
Very good anti-spam control here! 8)
Benin7a -- banned account!
Benin7a -- banned! REASONS::SPAM in the SEO-board + multi-accounting (Spam -- deleted, of course)!
Amazing anti-spam control here!!! 8)
Hippsan -- banned account!
Hippsan -- banned! REASONS::SPAM + multi-accounting (Spam -- deleted, of course)!
Amazing anti-spam control here!!! 8)
Wendy985, Alison914 -- deleted accounts
Wendy985, Alison914 -- accounts deleted! REASONS: no posts and multi-accounting.
Very good anti-spam control here! 8)
Coses1965 -- banned account!
Coses1965 -- banned! REASONS::SPAM + multi-accounting (Spam -- deleted, of course)!
Astonishing anti-spam control here!!! 8)
ridwick32, Garry898 -- deleted accounts
ridwick32, Garry898 -- accounts deleted! REASONS: no posts and multi-accounting.
So good anti-spam control here! 8)
aeeBruce6, deeDennis7, deeReg3 -- banned accounts
aeeBruce6, deeDennis7, deeReg3 -- banned accounts (+ deleted spam). Obvious reasons: multi-accounting and spam.
Very good anti-spam control!!!
katyma69, batsys69 -- deleted accounts
katyma69, batsys69 -- accounts deleted! REASONS: no posts and multi-accounting.
Such a good anti-spam control here! 8)
johnparker92 -- banned account!
johnparker92 -- banned! REASONS::SPAMlinks. (Spamlinks -- deleted, of course)!
Astonishing anti-spam control over here! 8)
Markms -- banned account!
Markms -- banned! REASONS::SPAM and multi-accounting. (Spamlinks -- deleted, of course)!
Astonishing anti-spam! 8)
NormaD -- account banned
NormaD -- banned! REASONS: SPAM and multi-accounting! (SPAM -- deleted, of course!!!)
Amazing anti-spam control! 8)
Stroard520 -- banned account
Stroard520 -- banned. REASONS: multi-accounting, SPAM!
Spammer -- banned, spam -- deleted. GOOD, GOOD anti-spam control! 8)
Dean689, dylandy69, lizajo21, DomJaker84, jamesc99 -- deleted
5 (five!) accounts (Dean689, dylandy69, lizajo21, DomJaker84, jamesc99) deleted! REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
Perfect anti-spam control here. 8)
albertl029, Samantha31 -- deleted
2 accounts (albertl029, Samantha31) deleted! REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
Good anti-spam control here. 8)
AnneTerry84, rosym69, Diane965, james39 -- deleted
4 (four!) accounts (AnneTerry84, rosym69, Diane965, james39) deleted! REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
Perfect anti-spam control here. 8)
ShaunM -- banned account!
ShaunM -- banned! REASONS::SPAM in many boards + multi-accounting (Spam -- deleted, of course)!
Amazing anti-spam control here!!! 8)
mobilerechargeapi -- banned account!
mobilerechargeapi -- banned! REASON::SPAM (and the spam -- deleted, of course)!
Amazing anti-spam control!
duncanand69, racheln78, Victoria552 -- deleted
3 accounts (duncanand69, racheln78, Victoria552) deleted! REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
Perfect anti-spam control here. 8) PERFECT!!!
goprocessingcom -- deleted
goprocessingcom deleted! REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
Good anti-spam control here. 8)
gemstoneuniverse -- banned
gemstoneuniverse banned! REASONS: spam, spam, spam. The last time -- spam deleted and gemstoneuniverse user -- banned!
Anti-spam control here. 8)
popekun -- banned account
popekun -- banned. Reasons: multi-accounting, spam. (Spam -- removed.)
Amazing anti-spam control!
allenkun -- banned account
allenkun -- banned. Reasons: multi-accounting, spam. (Spam -- removed.)
Very good anti-spam control! 8)
Dunnzxc6 -- banned account
Dunnzxc6 -- banned. Reasons: multi-accounting, spam. (Spam -- deleted.)
Non-stop good anti-spam control!
Paulg7 -- banned account
Paulg7 -- banned. Reasons: multi-accounting, spam. (Spam -- deleted.)
Non-stop 100% good anti-spam control! 8)
LizR -- account banned
LizR -- banned. REASONS: multi-accounting, spam (all posts deleted!)
Good anti-spam control and measures! 8)
azqdarcy1 -- account banned
azqdarcy1 -- banned. REASONS: multi-accounting, spam (all posts deleted!)
Good anti-spam control and measures!!! 8)
convatec -- account banned
convatec -- banned. REASONS: spam (spamlinks) (spamlinks -- deleted!)
Good anti-spam control and measures!!! 8)
wolfekun -- account banned
wolfekun -- banned. REASONS: multi-accounting + spam (spam -- deleted!)
Good anti-spam control!!! 8)
laplantekun -- account banned
laplantekun -- banned. REASONS: multi-accounting + spam (spam -- deleted!)
Good anti-spam control!!! 8) 8)
sghdfhdfhhdf2018 -- account banned
sghdfhdfhhdf2018 -- banned. REASONS: multi-accounting + spam (spam -- deleted!)
Good anti-spam control!
RichardD -- account banned
RichardD -- banned. REASONS: multi-accounting + spam (spam -- deleted!)
Perfect anti-spam control!
marksavy19, adrian984 -- deleted
2 accounts (marksavy19, adrian984) deleted! REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
Perfect anti-spam control here. 8)
kettyp69, Trevor080, gordon87 -- deleted
3 accounts (kettyp69, Trevor080, gordon87) deleted! REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
Perfect anti-spam control here. 8) PERFECT!
Brandon985, jacksmith3 -- deleted
2 accounts (Brandon985, jacksmith3) deleted! REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
Perfect anti-spam control here. 8)
james87, TimPayne87 -- deleted
2 accounts (james87, TimPayne87) deleted! REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
Perfect anti-spam control here. 8)
Virginia34, radisonr99 -- deleted
2 accounts (Virginia34, radisonr99) deleted! REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
Perfect anti-spam control here...
LindsayT -- account banned
LindsayT -- banned. REASONS: multi-accounting + spam (spam -- deleted!)
So good anti-spam control! :D
salvif69, audrey547, arnoldb99, mattsharp5, virginia08 -- deleted
5 accounts (salvif69, audrey547, arnoldb99, mattsharp5, virginia08) deleted! REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
Perfect anti-spam control here. 8) PERFECT! 8)
dccChad3 -- account banned
dccChad3 -- banned. REASONS: multi-accounting + spam (spam -- deleted!)
So good anti-spam control! :D
nicola312, grossinr69 -- deleted accounts
nicola312, grossinr69 -- deleted! REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
Good anti-spam control!
peterlee87, sammott191 -- deleted accounts
peterlee87, sammott191 -- deleted! REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
Good anti-spam control! 8)
harleenm69, kevin661 -- deleted accounts
harleenm69, kevin661 -- deleted! REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
Good anti-spam control! 8) 8)
dccMax1 -- account banned
dccMax1 -- banned. REASONS: multi-accounting + spam (spam -- deleted!)
So good anti-spam control! :D
david74, murphyc69 -- deleted accounts
david74, murphyc69 -- deleted! REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
Good anti-spam control! 8) 8)
jones982, shamem069 -- deleted accounts
jones982, shamem069 -- deleted! REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
Good anti-spam control!!!
dccQuentin9 -- account banned
dccQuentin9 -- banned. REASONS: multi-accounting + spam (spam -- deleted!)
Such a good anti-spam control! :D
anjelaj69, jonasnick46 -- deleted accounts
anjelaj69, jonasnick46 -- deleted! REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
Our good anti-spam control! 8) 8)
russelb69, barackt69 -- deleted accounts
russelb69, barackt69 -- deleted! REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
Our very good anti-spam control! 8) 8)
ameliadavies -- deleted account
ameliadavies -- deleted! REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
Well, you know: anti-spam control!
paulsimmons, simonwalker1 -- deleted accounts
paulsimmons, simonwalker1 -- deleted! REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
Our very good anti-spam control! 8) 8)
barryal69, philberry84, russelb69 -- deleted accounts
Three accounts (barryal69, philberry84, russelb69) -- deleted! REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
This is our very good anti-spam control! 8) That's the way we like it! :D
Spencet5 -- account banned
Spencet5 -- banned. REASONS: multi-accounting + spam (spam -- deleted!)
The good anti-spam control! :D
AlexisHerben -- account banned
AlexisHerben -- banned. REASONS: multi-accounting + spam (spam -- deleted!)
The good anti-spam control of seo-forum-seo-luntan! :D
cfvgyjh, vbngty -- deleted accounts
cfvgyjh, vbngty -- deleted! REASONS: SPAM, multi-accounting. (SPAM -- deleted!)
Our very good anti-spam control! 8) 8)
PamelaJobs -- account banned!
PamelaJobs -- banned! REASONS: spam! (spamlink)
Welcome to the big ban list! 8)
BrendaScott -- account banned!
BrendaScott -- banned! REASONS: spam! (spamlink)
Welcome to the big ban list! 8)
rawatgoal -- deleted account
rawatgoal -- deleted! REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
As you know: anti-spam control!
dssGriffith2 -- account banned!
dssGriffith2 -- banned! REASONS: spam and multi-accounting! SPAM -- deleted!
Welcome to the big ban list! 8)
elizabeth21, harleenm69 -- deleted accounts
elizabeth21, harleenm69 -- deleted! REASONS:no posts and multi-accounting.
Our very good anti-spam control! 8) 8)
Abey51 -- deleted account
Abey51 -- deleted! REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
Our very good anti-spam control in action! 8)
Ingramn6 -- banned account
Ingramn6 -- banned! REASONS: SPAM, multi-accounting. (SPAM -- deleted!)
Our very good anti-spam control in action! 8)
dssNoah5 -- banned account
dssNoah5 -- banned! REASONS: SPAM, multi-accounting. (SPAM -- deleted!)
Our very good anti-spam control in action! 8)
qinqshuh -- banned account
qinqshuh -- banned! REASONS: SPAM, multi-accounting. (SPAM -- deleted!)
Our very good anti-spam control in action!!!
xiaomimeimei -- banned account
xiaomimeimei -- banned! REASONS: SPAM, multi-accounting. (SPAM -- deleted!)
The good anti-spam control of ours in action!!! 8)
Washound -- banned account
Washound -- banned! REASONS: SPAM, multi-accounting. (SPAM -- deleted!)
The good anti-spam control of ours in action! 8)
fayeun, smithun -- banned accounts
fayeun, smithun -- banned! REASONS:SPAM and multi-accounting. (SPAM -- deleted!)
Our good anti-spam control! 8) 8)
Carlhay14, LindaJake78 -- deleted accounts
Carlhay14, LindaJake78 -- deleted! REASONS: no posts and multi-accounting.
Our very good anti-spam control! 8) 8)
Pixelcutlabs, bellaj69 -- deleted accounts
Pixelcutlabs, bellaj69 -- deleted! REASONS: no posts and multi-accounting.
Our very good anti-spam control! 8) 8)
Barrypt7 -- banned account
Barrypt7 -- banned! REASONS: SPAM, multi-accounting. (SPAM -- deleted!)
The good anti-spam control of ours in action! 8)
saulgf -- banned account
saulgf -- banned! REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
The good anti-spam control of ours in action! 8)
Rebelcorp -- banned account
Rebelcorp -- banned! REASONS: spam (spamlinks). (Spamlinks -- removed!)
The good anti-spam control of our omnilogy forum in action! 8)
Francy9 -- banned account
Francy9 -- banned! REASONS: spam and multi-accounting. (Spam -- removed!)
The good anti-spam control of our omnilogy forum in action! 8)
kahjfksbuwe -- banned account
kahjfksbuwe -- banned! REASONS: spam and multi-accounting. (Spam -- removed!)
The good anti-spam control of the omnilogy forum in action! 8)
Hahaha! Good to know we all have anti-spam behavior! :)
ashwinkumar -- banned account
ashwinkumar -- banned! REASONS: not reading, nor searching in the forum, re-posting old topics, duplicating the content.
nikolaj69, lenester77 -- deleted accounts
nikolaj69, lenester77 -- deleted! REASONS:no posts and multi-accounting.
Our very good anti-spam control!
tracey547, leonard554 -- deleted accounts
tracey547, leonard554 -- deleted! REASONS:no posts and multi-accounting.
Our very good anti-spam control!
gordon554,Angelina71 -- deleted accounts
gordon554,Angelina71 -- deleted! REASONS:no posts and multi-accounting.
The good anti-spam control in action! 8)
ledpanellights -- banned account
ledpanellights -- banned! REASONS: spam, multi-accounting. (Spam -- deleted!)
Good anti-spam control!!! 8)
Brandin, Michaeln -- banned accounts
Brandin, Michaeln -- banned! REASONS: spam, multi-accounting. (Spam -- deleted!)
The good anti-spam control in action!!! 8)
beliaoscar -- banned account
beliaoscar -- banned! REASONS: spam, multi-accounting. (Spam -- deleted!)
This is the good anti-spam control! 8)
bestcleanerrh -- banned account
bestcleanerrh -- banned! REASONS:no posts, multi-accounting.
This is the good anti-spam control! 8)
julyjuny -- banned account
julyjuny -- banned! REASONS: spam, multi-accounting. (Spam -- deleted!)
This is the good anti-spam control! 8) Oh, yeah!
oliver39, ackerley74 -- accounts deleted!
oliver39, ackerley74 -- deleted! REASONS:no posts and multi-accounting.
This is how the anti-spam control is working here! 8)
jamesb65, merrya66 -- accounts deleted!
jamesb65, merrya66 -- deleted! REASONS: no posts and multi-accounting.
This is how the anti-spam control is working here! 8)
aruna -- account deleted!
aruna -- deleted! REASONS: no posts and multi-accounting.
Anti-spam control! 8)
Edweess -- account banned!
Edweess -- banned! REASONS: SPAM, multi-accounting. Spam -- deleted!!!
Anti-spam control here and now!!!
Egenz, pixelcutlabs -- banned accounts
Egenz, pixelcutlabs -- banned! REASONS: spam, multi-accounting. (Spam -- deleted!)
The good anti-spam control in action here!!! 8)
essGeoffrey -- account deleted!
essGeoffrey -- deleted! REASONS: no posts and multi-accounting.
This is how the anti-spam control is working here! 8)
essMeredith -- account banned!
essMeredith -- banned! REASONS: Spam and multi-accounting. (Spam -- deleted!!!)
This is how the great anti-spam control is working here! 8)
Lawrence53 -- account banned!
Lawrence53 -- banned! REASONS: Spam and multi-accounting. (Spam -- deleted!!!)
This is how the great anti-spam control is working here! 8) 8)
qoqoqtr, kokokpl -- accounts banned!
qoqoqtr, kokokpl -- banned! REASONS: Spam and multi-accounting. (Spam -- deleted!!!)
This is how the great anti-spam control is working here! >:(
gjngngn -- account banned!
gjngngn -- banned! REASONS: No posts and multi-accounting.
This is how the great anti-spam control is working well here! 8)
sinelogixtech -- account banned!
sinelogixtech -- banned! REASONS: COPY-PASTE others' posts, duplicated content!
We're against the copy-paste, against the content duplication!!!
Trushe -- account deleted!
Trushe -- deleted! REASONS: no posts and multi-accounting.
This is how the anti-spam control is working here! 8)
Warand -- account banned!
Warand -- banned! REASONS: multi-accounting and SPAM! (SPAM -- deleted!)
Good anti-spam control! 8)
Quamblus -- account banned!
Quamblus -- banned! REASONS: multi-accounting and SPAM! (SPAM -- deleted!)
Good anti-spam control in seo-forum-seo-luntan! 8)
ftngng -- account deleted!
ftngng -- deleted! REASONS: no posts and multi-accounting.
This is how the anti-spam control is working here!!!
siddrawat -- account banned!
siddrawat -- banned! REASONS: multi-accounting and re-adding mailing lists links in the signature!
wsxwinfred -- account banned!
wsxwinfred -- banned! REASONS: Spam and multi-accounting. (Spam -- deleted!!!)
This is how the anti-spam control is working here!
missdior -- account deleted!
missdior -- deleted! REASONS: no posts and multi-accounting.
This is how the good seo-forum-seo-luntan's anti-spam control is working here!!! 8)
You understand
I think you understand how all these spammers/spambots are wasting our time... You understand how something like this can really try our patience.
ewwNick -- account banned!
ewwNick -- banned! REASONS: Spam and multi-accounting. (Spam -- deleted!!!)
This is how the anti-spam control is working here! 8)
You understand
I think you understand how all these spammers/spambots are wasting our time... You understand how something like this can really try our patience.
A lot of spambots!
delorisalie -- account banned!
delorisalie -- banned! REASONS: Spam and multi-accounting. (Spam -- deleted!!!)
This is how the anti-spam control is working here! 8) 8)
andreausa -- account deleted!
andreausa -- deleted! REASONS: no posts and multi-accounting.
This is how the anti-spam control is working here! 8)
gallerr -- account deleted!
gallerr -- deleted! REASONS: no posts and multi-accounting.
This is how the anti-spam control is working here! 8)
audreyr11, ronand69, zoepeters -- account deleted!
3 accounts (audreyr11, ronand69, zoepeters) -- deleted! REASONS: no posts and multi-accounting.
This is how the anti-spam control is working here! 8)
Woulgethater -- account banned!
Woulgethater -- banned! REASONS: Spam and multi-accounting. (Spam -- deleted!!!)
This is how the anti-spam control is working here! 8) 8)
And more about our anti-spam struggle (http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/seo/salomon-shoes-is-excellent-product/msg34914/#msg34914). 8) Non-stop anti-spam! 8) 8) 8)
annycleo, Brelf1953, nhgjfgfj -- accounts banned!
3 accounts (annycleo, Brelf1953, nhgjfgfj) -- banned! REASONS: spam and multi-accounting.
This is how the anti-spam control is working here! 8)
fernho -- account banned!
fernho -- banned! REASONS: Spam and multi-accounting. (Spam -- deleted!!!)
This is how the anti-spam control is working here! 8) 8)
Brandt38 -- account banned!
Brandt38 -- banned! REASONS: Spam and multi-accounting. (Spam -- deleted!!!)
This is how the anti-spam control is working here! 8) 8)
paulross64, angelamills0 -- accounts deleted!
paulross64, angelamills0 -- deleted! REASONS: multi-accounting and no posts.
This is how the very good anti-spam control is working here! 8)
Blanne -- account banned!
Blanne -- banned! REASONS: Spam and multi-accounting. (Spam -- deleted!!!)
This is how the anti-spam control is working here! 8)
JakeAnson -- account banned!
JakeAnson -- banned! REASONS: Spam and multi-accounting. (Spam -- deleted!!!)
This is how the anti-spam control is working here! 8)
Davis61 -- account banned!
Davis61 -- banned! REASONS: Spam and multi-accounting. (Spam -- deleted!!!)
Anti-spam control!
qweoscar -- banned
qweoscar -- account banned. REASONS: multi-accounting and SPAM (the SPAM was deleted!)
Grectot -- banned
Grectot -- account banned. REASONS: multi-accounting and SPAM (the SPAM was deleted!)
Acleen -- banned
Acleen -- account banned. REASONS: multi-accounting and SPAM (the SPAM was deleted!)
Piper89 -- banned
Piper89 -- account banned. REASONS: multi-accounting and SPAM (the SPAM was deleted!)
gracevance, jonstark2 -- accounts deleted!
gracevance, jonstark2 -- deleted! REASONS: multi-accounting and no posts.
This is how the very good anti-spam control is working here!
Yneard -- banned
Yneard -- account banned. REASONS: multi-accounting and SPAM (the SPAM was deleted!)
That's the anti-spam control here!
assThomas -- account deleted!
assThomas -- deleted! REASONS: no posts and multi-accounting.
This is how the anti-spam control is working here! 8)
zxcchrist -- banned
zxcchrist -- account banned. REASONS: multi-accounting and SPAM (the SPAM was deleted!)
That's the anti-spam control here! 8)
aqqBarret -- banned
The 1-st ban for the New year 2018:
aqqBarret -- account banned. REASONS: multi-accounting and SPAM (the SPAM was deleted!)
That's the good anti-spam control here! 8)
Happy New anti-spam year! :D 8)
decay -- banned
decay -- account banned. REASON: SPAMMER! (SPAM was deleted!)
100% anti-spam control here! 0% spam tolerance here!
No spam mercy! :D ;D 8)
Woodwa21, wansy -- banned accounts
Woodwa21, wansy -- accounts banned. REASON: SPAM + MULTI-ACCOUNTING (SPAM was deleted!)
100% anti-spam control here! 0% spam tolerance here!
No spam mercy! 8) >:(
Agalya -- banned account!
Agalya -- account banned. REASONS: Multi-accounting and useless bot-like behavior (posting)!
Welcome to the BAN list of seo-forum-seo-luntan!
Miomo -- banned account!
Miomo -- account banned. REASON: SPAMMER!
Welcome to the BAN list of seo-forum-seo-luntan! Spam (a spamlink) deleted!
Enjoy your ban!
This is how our good anti-spam control is working here! No, no, no spam in seo-forum-seo-luntan!
Very well!
andreausa -- banned account!
andreausa -- account banned. REASONS: Multi-accounting and duplicating the content (copy-paste)!
Welcome to the BAN list of seo-forum-seo-luntan!
johnexplo -- account deleted!
johnexplo -- deleted! REASONS: no posts and multi-accounting.
zxcquinn -- banned account!
zxcquinn -- account banned. REASONS: Multi-accounting and SPAM! (SPAM -- deleted!)
100% regular anti-spam control! 8)
William48 -- banned account!
William48 -- account banned. REASONS: Multi-accounting and SPAM! (SPAM -- deleted!)
100% regular anti-spam control! 8) 8)
markbailey -- account deleted!
markbailey -- deleted! REASONS: no posts and multi-accounting.
dickens774, fionarussell1, joanrees8, Antonioc69 -- deleted
Four accounts deleted -- dickens774, fionarussell1, joanrees8, Antonioc69. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting!
A perfect anti-spam control!!! 8)
Mitter -- banned account!
Mitter -- account banned. REASONS: Multi-accounting and SPAM! (SPAM -- deleted!)
100% regular anti-spam control!!!
Anti-spam war in action! 8) :D
mmotanknba -- banned account!
mmotanknba -- account banned. REASONS: old spam and new spam. I didn't realized earlier and I started to move the last ads to the Free ads, then I saw the old spams and I decided that it's time for ban NOW!
Welcome to the BAN list of seo-forum-seo-luntan!
zoll -- banned account!
zoll -- account banned. REASON: Replica SPAM! (SPAM -- deleted!)
Regular anti-spam control! 8)
daavid68 -- banned account!
daavid68 -- account banned. REASONS: Multi-accounting and SPAM! (SPAM -- deleted!)
100% regular anti-spam control!!!
Himme1945, Decighte -- accounts deleted!
Himme1945, Decighte -- deleted! REASONS: multi-accounting and no posts.
This is how the good anti-spam control is working here!
sydneyc69, penelope85 -- accounts deleted!
sydneyc69, penelope85 -- deleted! REASONS: multi-accounting and no posts.
This is how the good anti-spam control is working here!!!
Drygedene -- banned account!
Drygedene -- account banned. REASONS: bot posts.
MMOaknfl -- banned
MMOaknfl -- account banned. REASONS: again SPAM (the SPAM was deleted!)
That's the anti-spam control here 100%!
abstain -- banned
abstain -- account banned. REASONS: again SPAM (the SPAM -- deleted!)
That's the anti-spam control!!! 8) 8) 8)
william975, colingrant -- accounts deleted
william975, colingrant -- deleted accounts. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
Anti-spam control! 100% anti-spam!!!
missfamily, candywu -- accounts banned
missfamily, candywu -- banned accounts. REASONS: SPAM, multi-accounting. Spam -- deleted.
Anti-spam control! 100% anti-spam!!!
gurunath -- account banned
gurunath, welcome to our ban list! REASONS: Duplicating questions. Not searching before reading. Bot-like posting.
The last one that I deleted was "what is Google dance?" Take a look how many times we mentioned it already here:
- http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/seo/what-is-google-dance-6819/msg33753/#msg33753
- http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/seo/what-is-google-dance/msg32440/#msg32440
- http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/seo/seo-tips/msg925/#msg925
- http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/social-network-seo-social-network/google-dance/msg1175/#msg1175
I'm not going to allow "endlessly" this to happen anymore! Once there is topic (or even topicS about something, don't ask again and again, and again, and again! >:()
xiaoming -- banned and posts deleted
xiaoming -- banned and all (100+) posts deleted. The reason: 100% spambot, which posts a lot of spamlinks and duplicated content (like copy-pasted from news websites). We're not tolerating this! No spam, no duplicated content, no spambots! >:(
Unable to load the 'WIRELESS_PROTOCOL_above' template
We've got this error
Unable to load the 'WIRELESS_PROTOCOL_above' template. Well... I don't know what happened, really. We fixed the problem by doing a select all table repair in PhpAdmin under cpanel. (If you need to do so, it's not that difficult:
Just log in to your web host. Click the "phpMyAdmin" icon. We did so and we saw The system will redirect you in a moment.
(If your host uses cPanel, look there.)
Choose the affected database. (If you only have one database, then it's even easier.)
In the main panel, you should see a list of your database tables. Click "Check All" to select all of them, and then "Repair table".) We did it. And we got a message: Your SQL query has been executed successfully.
, and (again) a working website (forum) over here. :) 8) 8)
I hope that it was useful. If it's not, let us know about it.
"Database Error
Please try again. If you come back to this error screen, report the error to an administrator."
We've got this error "Database Error
Please try again. If you come back to this error screen, report the error to an administrator.". Well... I don't know what happened, really. We fixed the problem by doing a select all table repair in PhpAdmin under cpanel. (If you need to do so, it's not that difficult:
Just log in to your web host. Click the "phpMyAdmin" icon. We did so and we saw The system will redirect you in a moment.
(If your host uses cPanel, look there.)
Choose the affected database. (If you only have one database, then it's even easier.)
In the main panel, you should see a list of your database tables. Click "Check Al"l to select all of them, and then "Repair table".) We did it. And we got a message: Your SQL query has been executed successfully.
, and (again) a working website (forum) over here. :) 8)
I hope that it was useful. If it's not, let us know about it!
"Database Error
Please try again. If you come back to this error screen, report the error to an administrator."
We've got this error "Database Error
Please try again. If you come back to this error screen, report the error to an administrator.". Well... I don't know what happened, really. We fixed the problem by doing a select all table repair in PhpAdmin under cpanel. (If you need to do so, it's not that difficult:
Just log in to your web host. Click the "phpMyAdmin" icon. We did so and we saw The system will redirect you in a moment.
(If your host uses cPanel, look there.)
Choose the affected database. (If you only have one database, then it's even easier.)
In the main panel, you should see a list of your database tables. Click "Check Al"l to select all of them, and then "Repair table".) We did it. And we got a message: Your SQL query has been executed successfully.
, and (again) a working website (forum) over here. :) 8)
I hope that it was useful. If it's not, let us know about it!
Oh, yes. I saw it today and I checked online about it. Seems many people have no idea how to fix it, but it's good that we're not one of them. 8) And it's good that now, when someone in that trouble reads here, he or she, may know how to repair his/her site (forum)! I'm really glad about it! :)
fayeseom -- account banned!
fayeseom -- account banned! REASON: duplicated content!
Carlahouston, Bryana95 -- accounts deleted
Carlahouston, Bryana95 -- deleted accounts. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
Anti-spam control! 100% anti-spam!!!
Midnight sun cruise, Branded pens -- accounts deleted
Midnight sun cruise, Branded pens -- deleted accounts. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
Anti-spam control! 100% anti-spam!!!
BeauClip, frankgreene1 -- accounts deleted
BeauClip, frankgreene1 -- deleted accounts. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
Anti-spam control! 100% anti-spam!
bryanaa69, ThirdEye1, JPhotography, EcoBabyTico -- accounts deleted
bryanaa69, ThirdEye1, JPhotography, EcoBabyTico -- 4 deleted accounts. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting!
Anti-spam control! 100% anti-spam!!!
CaliberTec, jonesmarco43, julianberry4 -- accounts deleted!
3 accounts (CaliberTec, jonesmarco43, julianberry4) were deleted! REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting!
100% anti-spam control in seo-forum-seo-luntan!!!
fbHOME1, SSLAuthentics -- accounts deleted!
2 accounts (fbHOME1, SSLAuthentics) were deleted! REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting!
100% anti-spam control in seo-forum-seo-luntan.com! 8)
gabrielm22,paularnold41 -- accounts deleted!
2 accounts (gabrielm22,paularnold41) were deleted! REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting!
100% anti-spam control in the omnilogy forum! 8)
Certvalue123 -- account banned!
Certvalue123 -- banned! REASONS: spam (spamlinks) and multi-accounting!
jakenash70, harryglover1, sthomson1 -- accounts deleted!
3 accounts (jakenash70, harryglover1, sthomson1) were deleted! REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting!!!
wanda984, terrypeake4, janeallan1 -- deleted accounts!
3 accounts were deleted (wanda984, terrypeake4, janeallan1)! REASONS: no posts and multi-accounting!
100% anti-spam control in seo-forum-seo-luntan!!!
annemartin74, carolparr45 -- accounts deleted
And again, again... New anti-spam actions here! annemartin74, carolparr45 -- deleted! REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting!
timmay41, lisaberry4 -- accounts deleted!!!
timmay41, lisaberry4 were deleted! REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting...
peterterry47, freyac69 -- accounts deleted!!!
peterterry47, freyac69 were deleted! REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
Anti-spam control at 100%!
paulshort4, irenesimpson1 -- accounts deleted!!!
paulshort4, irenesimpson1 were deleted! REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
Anti-spam control at 100%! 8)
colincarr74, justinwelch7 -- accounts deleted!
paulshort4, irenesimpson1 were deleted! REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
Anti-spam control.
karengray77, ameliaterry74
Two more deleted accounts (karengray77, ameliaterry74). Reasons are the same as above (no posts, multi-accounting). No spam here!
karenwalsh47, samnash5, kevinhughes8, avaturner84 -- accounts deleted!
4 (FOUR!) accounts (karenwalsh47, samnash5, kevinhughes8, avaturner84) were deleted! REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
Anti-spam control!!! We're going to temporary disable the new registrations!
Ayush -- deleted!
Ayush -- account deleted! Reasons: no posts, multi-accounting!
The PMs (i. e. the private messages) are limited in this forum. Well, it's not a problem, but I just wanted to let you know it, because if you plan to send very long PMs here it'll be impossible! Just letting you know, you know. :) :)
georgeharriso, georgetakei - to be banned, because the IP tracking shows it is a multiaccounting activity. Also - I said already - no pills links here.
And deleted!
leoleo, milo90 -- accounts deleted!
2 accounts (leoleo and milo90) were deleted! REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting!
100% anti-spam control in the international omnilogy forum! 8)
ytvbvtrc -- accounts deleted!
The account ytvbvtrc) was deleted altogether with its 2 spamposts! REASONS: something went wrong and I accidentally deleted the account too. My plan was just to delete the spamposts and to ban this spam account. :)
panxing18 -- banned account
panxing18 -- account banned. REASON: Spam.
100% anti-spam control in this international omnilogy forum! 8)
Thinatery, carr781carr -- deleted accounts
Thinatery, carr781carr -- accounts deleted! REASONS:
100% anti-spam control in seo-forum-seo-luntan.com! 8)
yyys123 -- banned account
yyys123 banned. REASON: SPAM! Its spam was deleted.
janvi -- banned account
janvi banned. REASON: SPAM! Its spam was deleted.
100% anti-spam control!
mmogomlb -- banned account
mmogomlb banned. REASON: SPAM!!! Its spam will be deleted.
100% anti-spam control!
chenyuhan -- account banned
chenyuhan banned. REASON: SPAM! (SPAM -- deleted.)
100% anti-spam control in the Omnilogy forum. 8)
Nonstop "Session verification failed. Please try logging out and back in again" and nobody was able to login!
We've got one of the biggest problems of the history of our Omnilogy forum. Permanent Nonstop "Session verification failed. Please try logging out and back in again" errors and that's why nobody was able to login here!
It was very depressing, indeed!!! :(
This is how the problem was resolved.
1. We explained it in the simplemachines.org's community that suddenly error messages like "Session verification failed. Please try logging out and back in again, and then try again." and "Your session timed out while posting. Please go back and try again." started to show up every time when someone (admins, mods or users) were trying to log in or log out and that we have got this <input type="hidden" name="', $context['session_var'], '" value="', $context['session_id'], '" />
, so... we had no clue what else can be the reason, once we already got that code.
drewactual asked what are we using for handling sessions; are we writing to files? If so, to check the location and the permissions on that file as our host may have altered it. If we're using memcached for sessions, to check that memcached is operational/working. Also, to make sure every login is using the sessions variable addition/fix.
We answered that currently it's SMF 2.0.15 as it is. We didn't change anything related to sessions, so we suppose it's the SMF 2.0.15 original session handling, which we have no idea what's exactly and how's it working. :-\
Sir Osis of Liver said that it sounds like our host changed something and that we can try disabling database driven sessions in "Admin -> Server Settings", but might be best to contact host support.
drewactual said we to create a new file on our server, to name it whatever, but most often folks name it phpinfo.php and to paste the following in the file:
, then to save it and to close it, to navigate to it, to scroll down to area called 'sessions' and to tell them what's in it. Also there was a question did we upgraded to 2.0.15 or was it installed as 2.0.15? Plus, again, to scour every login script on our page and to see if the sessions fix is present. And, btw, that person noticed that we use "the social login by smfpacks, and... the sessions patch isn't in that script... ask me how I know. iirc it's a file named 'sociallogin.php' in your default theme. add the sessions variable to it, or.... abandon that mod as it is too quirky to rely on anyway. " We didn't know (or we forgot) that we use something like this. :o But we removed the QR login and we disabled the OpenID option, so we hope there will be no problems. ???
We expressed our thanks a lot (many thanks) for their helping and we answered that
1/ It was upgraded to 2.0.15.
2/ The phpinfo.php's sessions info was:
Session Support enabled
Registered save handlers files user
Registered serializer handlers php_serialize php php_binary wddx
Directive Local Value Master Value
session.auto_start Off Off
session.cache_expire 180 180
session.cache_limiter nocache nocache
session.cookie_domain no value no value
session.cookie_httponly Off Off
session.cookie_lifetime 0 0
session.cookie_path / /
session.cookie_secure Off Off
session.entropy_file /dev/urandom /dev/urandom
session.entropy_length 32 32
session.gc_divisor 0 0
session.gc_maxlifetime 1440 1440
session.gc_probability 0 0
session.hash_bits_per_character 5 5
session.hash_function 0 0
session.referer_check no value no value
session.save_handler files files
session.save_path /var/cpanel/php/sessions/ea-php56 /var/cpanel/php/sessions/ea-php56
session.serialize_handler php php
session.upload_progress.cleanup On On
session.upload_progress.enabled On On
session.upload_progress.freq 1% 1%
session.upload_progress.min_freq 1 1
session.upload_progress.prefix upload_progress_ upload_progress_
session.use_cookies On On
session.use_only_cookies On On
session.use_strict_mode Off Off
session.use_trans_sid 0 0
drewactual added that we're using files and we upgraded. This issue goes back to prior versions where a sessions variable was added - themes not built with this change will behave as we describe. The happenstance of it just starting is most likely due to a cache expiring; for instance if we have a year set on cache expiration in our htaccess or ini file, it perhaps just expired and checked back in for changes - finding the lack of sessions variable check... and... we get what we got. So in our theme's index.template.php we should have: echo '
<input type="hidden" name="hash_passwrd" value="" />
and to replace it with:
echo '
<input type="hidden" name="hash_passwrd" value="" />
<input type="hidden" name="', $context['session_var'], '" value="', $context['session_id'], '" />
depending on what modifications we have, we're going to want to find where there are login forms. The script change is going to be the same as above for each of them. As a for instance, "that social login has it's script in a file (again IIRC) sociallogin.php... all of the login scripts need that sessions check added to them, which is generally contained to themes that you ported from versions prior to 2.0.14..." We learned that there is also a mod that USED to exist written by Arantor that did this for you to save you the effort of changing code...
About the server settings we answered that we thank for the idea, but the big problem is that nobody (neither users, nor admins) is able to login in the forum anymore. :("
Illori asked can we log in if we switch to the curve theme and Sir Osis of Liver added that: /index.php?theme=1
May not work. If not, we can change it in database. Set theme_default to 1 in smf_settings. We can also disable database driven sessions by changing databaseSession_enable to 0 in same table, but doesn't think that will help.
We replied ( to drewactual), that really have it already, but it's not helpful: (http://i66.tinypic.com/33dbo69.jpg). We wondered if we should add it to the core theme and to default them too. And Illori said that it should be present in the default theme already.
Sir Osis of Liver posted that per our first post, we have the session check in Curve theme. It has to be added to Core, but wouldn't be causing a problem unless we're using Core theme (are we? Yes, we're using three themes currently -- Core, Default and Karanlik Lord). In any event, it wouldn't just stop working unless we upgraded from earlier version to 2.0.14 or .15.
We replied (about the logins) that we tried already and the result is: yes, formally the Admin is logged in, but when trying to edit, post, etc. again this: "An Error Has Occurred!
Session verification failed. Please try logging out and back in again, and then try again.", so practically no admin (no admins). :o
Then Kindred said that sounds like host-side/corrupted session problems... and suggested to using repair_settings.php, change your cookie name and maybe try changing the database driven sessions (either turn it on or off, which ever it is currently not). And drewactual added that telling us the issue is with the social login and to disable it. It will have to be unhooked.
What we replied was that well, this repair_settings.php was done already. Once again we tried, because we'd like to respect every idea they're giving us and to prove it's done: (http://i68.tinypic.com/8x8zlf.jpg). Sad, but seemed it doesn't affect the problem in anyway. Again there was an "An Error Has Occurred!
Your session timed out while posting. Please go back and try again." + we remember it and we want to remove it. As soon as we can get the Admin accesses. By the way, we don't know, is there some way to remove it from the cpanel?...
drewactual asked do we use OPCache and added that we will need to reset it if we do in order to witness changes... we'll also need to clear our local (our computers') cached files for our site to witness the changes depending on how extensively we leverage caches. + That there is a procedure for removing hooks from our database; can't recall if it is an SQL query or a php script, but somebody will be along shortly to help us with that... either way, that mod uses a hook to function and that hook has to be set free.
Honestly, As far as we remembered, never saw something like this (more about it https://www.php.net/manual/en/book.opcache.php), because we're not professionals in this field. We know SEO and non-SEO, we know some science, but we're not very familiar with stuff like this.
And then drewactual said to go back to that phpinfo from before and to look for OPCache and its status... there is also an OPCache management tool we can create that will help us manage what scripts it is 'holding in suspension for reuse' and where we can reset individual files or all of them... if we are in a shared environment, we may not know if we have it running, and, we may not have access to managing it... we'd have to ask our host to reset it for us most likely.
Okay, we saw it. And here is what we had:
"Zend OPcache
Opcode Caching Up and Running
Optimization Enabled
Startup OK
Shared memory model mmap
Cache hits 896
Cache misses 209
Used memory 24458656
Free memory 42636320
Wasted memory 13888
Interned Strings Used memory 3606784
Interned Strings Free memory 587520
Cached scripts 198
Cached keys 211
Max keys 3907
OOM restarts 0
Hash keys restarts 0
Manual restarts 0
Directive Local Value Master Value
opcache.blacklist_filename no value no value
opcache.consistency_checks 0 0
opcache.dups_fix Off Off
opcache.enable On On
opcache.enable_cli Off Off
opcache.enable_file_override Off Off
opcache.error_log no value no value
opcache.fast_shutdown 0 0
opcache.file_update_protection 2 2
opcache.force_restart_timeout 180 180
opcache.inherited_hack On On
opcache.interned_strings_buffer 4 4
opcache.load_comments 1 1
opcache.log_verbosity_level 1 1
opcache.max_accelerated_files 2000 2000
opcache.max_file_size 0 0
opcache.max_wasted_percentage 5 5
opcache.memory_consumption 64 64
opcache.optimization_level 0xFFFFFFFF 0xFFFFFFFF
opcache.preferred_memory_model no value no value
opcache.protect_memory 0 0
opcache.restrict_api no value no value
opcache.revalidate_freq 2 2
opcache.revalidate_path Off Off
opcache.save_comments 1 1
opcache.use_cwd On On
opcache.validate_timestamps On On
The reply was to make certain we've unhooked and disabled the social login mod, and after we've changed the cookie name and ran repair_settings, to ask our host to reset our OPCache.
Or we can TRY thas - to download, and then create a file with the code found at https://github.com/amnuts/opcache-gui, and to see if we can manage the cache for only our webpage. If we can, simply to clear the cache.
At first it looked difficult to us. We were afraid it's too difficult for our present level. :-[ But thank you anyway!
We were encouraged that it's not too difficult and we can do it... it's not hard if we follow directions: to create a file named opcache.php or whatever you choose and paste the necessary code into that. (and "again- make a file, paste the contents of this file into it (or just upload this file) and navigate to it... it's intuitive, but you're looking for the reset button.")
Sir Osis of Liver replied that we can remove hooks with fix_packages.php, but it will break other hooked mods if we do. + "I would upload clean set of files, run fix_packages, see if that clears the glitch." And we'll have to reinstall any mods we want to continue to use.
drewactual replied that with as many hits as the OPCache is showing, chances are in his opinion we had perhaps solved the original issue but the cache is trapping it... for instance, load.php has some issue with OPCache often times... trapping and not updating, and therefor retaining problem scripts in suspension until it is manually cleared and reloaded with the changes. And a matter of fact, our OPCache could easily be holding a corrupted login2 and the issue is that simple. This is one of the reasons why he has it configured on his primary page to flush files every so often and to (every so often) compare the byte size of files and/or the dates to determine changes and force it to reload.
Well, we didn't get all of this info very well, because we do not understand that much, but we tried:
We were frankly trying all they suggested. This time we tried fix_packages.php. As far as we haven't admin login (every admin attempt produces that session error thing and there is no more admin control, new users, moderator control, etc.), we decided to try it in that way: (http://i67.tinypic.com/s2co54.jpg), but when tried to access it like that repair_settings.php and phpinfo.php, it's not working (and maybe it's not meant to be), because we got this 404: (http://i67.tinypic.com/ejzsw7.jpg).
Well, then we were still trying to understand that opache-control thing, but still we were not able to realize what's that, because at that time we were having this and trying to figure out all we can: (http://i66.tinypic.com/28gxqf8.jpg).
And we did it. It really wasn't that difficult. The update we posted was that that thing is also not helping: (http://i64.tinypic.com/3500zs4.jpg). Tried many times. No result.
(About the browsers. We cleaned all the cookies and stuff. We tried 3 cleaned up browsers -- Firefox, Opera and IE... The same...
The themes -- core, curve -- the same.)
"Probably, it's over?" we really wondered. But it wasn't over! Sir Osis of Liver answered that it's not over if our database is intact, we can always rebuild the forum from scratch as long as we have our content -- "Do a clean install in different directory, connect it to production database, run repair_settings, see if login works."
And drewactual said "Sir, I apologize.. it was right under my nose from the first of this thread.
go look at your post listing your sessions values from the php info file..
your probability is zero.
your garbage collection (gc) is also zero.
your sessions cookie value time value is zero.
set them (have your host set them) to at least:
100 (this means 100 out of the value below will be challenged again even if they have valid cookies)
100000 (this is the total pool of ppl with valid cookies to be compared before 'garbage' is collected)
1440 (this is how long the SERVER values cookies/sessions... realize, this isn't exactly 'logged in' but 'recorded as a visitor' as a session begins from the servers perspective as soon as a computer connects to port 80 or port 443... the 1440 is in seconds)
also, the file path is the standard for an install which is fine, but make sure the system can write to the file- permissions and php user based...
in short, this is a hosting issue and you should cut them loose on it after pointing them in the right direction. I personally wouldn't alter anything more until given the green light by your host. i wager they did an update or alteration to accommodate another user and it impacted you."
At last we decided to bother the hosting (we're avoiding to bother people, because we hope to help ourselves alone), so we said "Well, okay then. Have to send ticket to the hosting..." And we sent. Basic info of that ticket: Thank you for contacting our support team. A support ticket has now been opened for your request. You will be notified when a response is made by email. The details of your ticket are shown below.
Subject: Session errors non-stop. The forum isn't allowing logins.
Priority: Medium
Status: Open
( Ticket Information
#387997 - Session errors non-stop. The forum isn't allowing logins.
Technical Support
14/06/2019 (06:29)
Last Updated
10 hours ago
At that time we were still waiting for their response/action. Then they answered and it was done successfully. If you want to know what was the concrete problem: I apologize for any delay you experienced. I've disable litespeed webserver caching. Please check now.
And, as you see now, it's alright already! 8) Thanks again to all of you, who helped to solve the big session problem!!!
jasmeen123 -- account banned
jasmeen123 -- banned. REASON: SPAM (spamlinks)! (SPAM (the spamlinks) -- deleted.)
100% anti-spam control in the international Omnilogy forum. 8) 8)
Gosasick -- account banned!
The Gosasick account -- banned! REASONS: a bot post in English in the Russian board and a bot post in English in the Chinese board.
akshay -- banned account
akshay -- account banned! REASON: content duplication.
No copy-paste! No content duplication! We need only unique, useful and normal content in this big international forum! 8)
Fanniekew -- deleted!
Fanniekew -- account deleted! REASONS:
seomark15 -- account banned
seomark15 -- banned! REASON: content duplicator!
RunikeBug, don't spam! Next spam = ban! Не спамить! Спам = бан!
Elbertbob -- account deleted
Elbertbob -- deleted account. REASONS: porn-spam. (Spam -- deleted!)
JennyFom, MicheleKiz, Justinebresy, CherylStolo -- deleted
JennyFom, MicheleKiz, Justinebresy, CherylStolo -- deleted.
REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
Timothysog -- account banned!
Timothysog -- banned account. REASONS: flood and spam!
It's hard to talk about, but we lost around 2 months data and the hosting wasn't able to restore it... Seems like we have to make backups every day... So troublesome...
Just letting you know why so many posts disappeared. :(
cyberops201 -- account deleted
cyberops201 -- deleted. REASON: spam (deleted too).
100% anti-spam control here!
ovofertility -- account banned
ovofertility -- banned. REASON: spam (it was deleted).
100% anti-spam control in this forum!!!
veena -- account banned
veena -- banned. REASON: spam (it was deleted).
100% anti-spam control in this forum!!!
sophiaguiller -- account banned
veena -- banned. REASON:Terrible spam (it was deleted).
100% anti-spam control in this forum!!! DON'T SPAM!!!
Eloise J Steele -- account banned
Eloise J Steele -- banned. REASON: spamlinks (they were deleted).
100% anti-spam control in this forum! 8)
Freya E Nelson -- account banned
Freya E Nelson -- banned. REASON: spam (it was deleted).
100% anti-spam control in this forum!!! Oh, yes!
tomsfashion2019 -- account banned
tomsfashion2019 -- banned. REASON: Duplicated content (COPY-PASTE from other websites)!
100% anti-duplicated content control in this forum!
hope -- account banned!
hope -- banned. Reason: spam (spamlinks). Spam -- deleted.
100% anti-spam control in the omnilogy forum!
theappideas -- account deleted!
theappideas -- deleted! REASONS: 1/ spambot or spambot-like posts, 2/ flood (one and the same ad), 3/ a useless 1-2 character post.
All of its content and the account deleted in order to keep the forum normal!
gilimus101 -- account banned
gilimus101 -- banned. REASON: Duplicated content and casino spam!
100% anti-duplicated content and anti-spam control in this forum!
pokerindonesia, situspoker00 -- accounts deleted!
pokerindonesia, situspoker00 -- deleted! REASONS: 1/ multi-accounting, 2/ no posts.
nate6765 -- account banned!
nate6765 -- banned account. REASON: spammy!
larryjone -- account banned!
larryjone -- banned account. REASON: spam! (Spam deleted!)
No more spam! 8)
I got this for the 1st time: "
Maximum Users Exceeded.
The number of users on the server exceeds the maximum number of allowed users for your host server.
For more information, contact your hosting provider: “Who is my hosting provider?”
If you have already updated your license, please wait a few minutes. Then try logging in again.
:o ::)
pokeronline4, idnpoker3 -- accounts deleted
pokeronline4, idnpoker3 -- deleted accounts. REASON: no posts, multi-accounting!
BlrgoBeme -- account banned!
BlrgoBeme -- banned account. REASON: spam! (Spam deleted!)
No spam! 100% anti-spam orientation! 8)
Connection Problems
Sorry, SMF was unable to connect to the database. This may be caused by the server being busy. Please try again later.
We've got this error hours ago: "Connection Problems
Sorry, SMF was unable to connect to the database. This may be caused by the server being busy. Please try again later. "
Connection Problems
Sorry, SMF was unable to connect to the database. This may be caused by the server being busy. Please try again later.
We've got this error hours ago: "Connection Problems
Sorry, SMF was unable to connect to the database. This may be caused by the server being busy. Please try again later. "
Yes. Then we got the advice to check the database credentials in Settings.php and we did it. So now the forums are working well. 8)
If you want to know more -- more explanations. In case you don't know about Settings.php and how to check it. The answer is that it is in your forum root. It contains the information your forum needs to connect to the database. An example here: ########## Database Info ##########
$db_type = 'mysql';
$db_server = 'xxxxxxxxx';
$db_name = 'xxxxxxxxx';
$db_user = 'xxxxxxxxx';
$db_passwd = 'xxxxxxxx';
$ssi_db_user = '';
$ssi_db_passwd = '';
$db_prefix = 'smf_';
$db_persist = 0;
$db_error_send = 0;
You can view it and you can modify it with the right parameters, if you know how. :) 8)
In our case, the problem was a wrong (changed) password, because we weren't careful enough the day before yesterday. ;D
Priya Sharma Lakhani, Shiva Singh, Shubh Kumar -- accounts deleted!
Priya Sharma Lakhani, Shiva Singh, Shubh Kumar -- deleted accounts! REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
gracehudditon, lindaween -- accounts deleted!
gracehudditon, lindaween -- deleted accounts! REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting.
sabrinasabrin1 -- deleted account
sabrinasabrin1 -- deleted! REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting!
mydr, clarityen -- deleted accounts
mydr, clarityen -- deleted! REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting!
cdfgtryh -- banned account!
cdfgtryh -- banned! REASON: spam (in Chinese language) in the English language SEO section. (Spam -- deleted.)
100% anti-spam control in this international omnilogy forum!
cdfgtryh -- banned account!
xergycenter -- banned! REASON: a lot of spam (a lot of spamlinks in a single post). (Spam -- deleted.)
100% anti-spam control in this international omnilogy forum of ours! 8)
emabrookes, aliciamanning094, molliedale094 -- accounts deleted
emabrookes, aliciamanning094, molliedale094 -- deleted accounts. REASONS: no posts, multi-accounting!
Good control! 8)
sabbir66 -- account banned!
sabbir66 -- banned account. REASONS: spam and duplicated posts/content! (All of it deleted!)
No more spam!!!
No more spam! Never again! ;D
ulrickaka -- banned account!
ulrickaka -- account banned! REASONS: 4 spam posts! (Spam -- deleted!) 100% under spam control omnilogy forum! 8) 8) 8)
sipu261988 -- banned account!
sipu261988 -- account banned! REASONS: many spam posts about backilnk exchange! (Spam -- deleted!) 100% under spam control omnilogy forum! 8)
hukumatnetwork -- banned account!
hukumatnetwork -- account banned! REASONS: spam! (Spam -- deleted!) 100% under spam control omnilogy forum! 8)
alphavima, edlinQs -- accounts deleted
alphavima, edlinQs -- deleted. Reasons: no posts and multy-accounting.
Recently there are some problems; we can't deal well with them, because the main problem is that cPanel License Activation (we can't access our cPanel). It says:
Cannot read license file
To access the interface, you must install the license and ensure that the license is active.
This server does not have a valid license. To address this issue, you must contact your hosting provider.
After you successfully activate the license, wait a few minutes. Then, log in again. This error page and this message will no longer display.
Well, we opened a ticket. Waiting...
It is okay already. Have to take care later. Don't forget the bans and the tables.
Table... is marked as crashed and should be repaired
Oh! All of these database errors are like this: Table... is marked as crashed and should be repaired and the additional message (note) "It appears that your database may require an upgrade. Your forum's files are currently at version SMF 2.0.17, while your database is at version 2.0.10. The above error might possibly go away if you execute the latest version of upgrade.php.
So, we'll do our best!
1. cPanel is okay already.
2. The ban (bans) are coming soon!
3. The MySQL® Databases --> Modify Databases --> Repair Database did a good job!
willamqjw -- banned account!
willamqjw -- account banned! REASONS: spam! (Spam -- deleted!) 100% under spam control forum! 8)
Ah well, this happened to us again today (yesterday) -- unable to load the 'wireless_protocol_above' template. This time we repaired it in this faster way: these were the successful steps: 1. cPanel, 2. MySQL® Databases, 3. Modify Databases (Repair Database (the forum's database)). Good job! 8)
HaseebUddin -- banned account
HaseebUddin -- banned! REASONS: spam, offtopic, spambot (or spambot behaviour).
100% anti-spam control in this big international forum! 8)
sekodilemoseo -- deleted
sekodilemoseo -- account deleted! REASONS: spam; spambot (or spambot behaviour). The spam content of this account is deleted too!
100% anti-spam control in this big international omnilogy forum! 8) 8) 8)
sahil23, parik8 -- accounts deleted
sahil23, parik8 -- deleted. Reasons: no posts and multy-accounting.
buckner58 -- account deleted
buckner58 -- deleted! REASONS: spambot (or spambot behaviour). The spam content of this account was deleted too!
100% anti-spam control in this big international omnilogy forum! 8)
patcummins -- account banned
patcummins -- banned. Reason: SPAM. More about this ban: http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/homes-houses-apartments-flats-rooms-balconies-gardens-decor-and-decorating-ideas/is-there-money-in-interior-design/ (http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/homes-houses-apartments-flats-rooms-balconies-gardens-decor-and-decorating-ideas/is-there-money-in-interior-design/).
0.00% spam tolerance in this international omnilogy forum! 8)
jackjhon -- account banned
patcummins -- banned. Reasons: Spam and multi-accounting!
We have 0.00% spam tolerance in this big international omnilogy forum! 8)
Xande, Chezanto -- account banned
Xande, Chezanto -- banned accounts. Reasons: spam, multi-accounting, posting in wrong section. :-\
0% spam tolerance in this international omnilogy forum! 8) 8)
Glad to announce our newest ban! angela -- banned! Reasons: spam. (It was totally deleted!)
Amazing anti-spam control! :D
Glad to announce our newest ban! angela -- banned! Reasons: spam. (It was totally deleted!)
Amazing anti-spam control! :D
I spent the last day looking at it.
You spent the last day looking at it? :o Don't you have more important and more interesting things to do in your life? :D Please, don't waste your time. All the spam here is deleted in a reasonable time. It's not a problem if it survives sometimes for 1-2 days because in any case it will be deleted and most of the time the forum is clean.
You spent the last day looking at it? :o Don't you have more important and more interesting things to do in your life? :D Please, don't waste your time. All the spam here is deleted in a reasonable time. It's not a problem if it survives sometimes for 1-2 days because in any case it will be deleted and most of the time the forum is clean.
Well not really.
What i meant was i kept checking on it to see if it was gone.
I like this forum alot.
My life is boring.
And right now i dont have anything important to do.
IngridP -- account banned
IngridP -- banned. Reasons: Spam (posted in the form of a fake link)!
We have 0.00% spam tolerance and 100% anti-spam will in this big international omnilogy forum! 8)
hasan94 -- account banned
hasan94 -- banned. Reason: spam! And it was deleted!
We have got 0% spam tolerance in this big international omnilogy forum! 8)
phonelist -- account banned
phonelist -- banned. Reason: spam! And it was deleted!
We have got 0% spam tolerance in this website! 8)
jakariaislam -- account banned
jakariaislam -- banned. Reason: spam! And it was deleted!
We have no spam tolerance in this website! 8)
nisargshah -- account banned
nisargshah -- banned! Reason: spam (spamlinks). Spam -- deleted!
Glad to keep the omnilogy forum spamless! 8)
wfuuopy -- account banned
nisargshah -- banned! Reason: spam. Spam -- deleted!
The omnilogy forum should be spamless! 8)
sidsmit01, johnlewis011 -- accounts deleted
sidsmit01, johnlewis011 -- deleted. Reasons: no posts and multy-accounting.
Perfect moderation and administration in this omnilogy forum! 8)
senkijain11, yashshar -- accounts deleted
senkijain11, yashshar -- deleted. Reasons: no posts and multy-accounting.
Such a good moderation and administration in this big omnilogy forum! 8)
saunder, faulknernolan -- accounts deleted
saunder, faulknernolan -- deleted. Reasons: no posts and multy-accounting.
Good moderation and administration in this international omnilogy forum! 8)
odoba6da -- account deleted
odoba6da -- deleted. Reasons: no posts and multy-accounting.
Perfect moderation and administration in this international omnilogy forum! 8) 8)
victoriabeckham, johnsoncharles -- accounts deleted
victoriabeckham, johnsoncharles -- deleted. Reasons: no posts and multy-accounting.
That's what we call good moderation and administration in this international omnilogy forum! 8)
janicecagomes, alvintraacy -- accounts deleted
janicecagomes, alvintraacy -- deleted. Reasons: no posts and multy-accounting.
That's what we call good moderation and administration in this big, unique international omnilogy forum! 8)
Firpo2019 -- account banned
Firpo2019 -- banned. Reason: Spam!
We have got 0.00% spam tolerance in this big international omnilogy forum!
nikkireed -- account banned
nikkireed -- banned. Reason: SPAM! (SPAM -- deleted!!!)
We have got 0.00% spam tolerance in this forum!
jestleb0432 -- account banned
jestleb0432 -- banned. Reason: SPAM! (SPAM -- deleted!!!)
We have got 0.00% spam tolerance in this forum!
More details about this spam. Well it was in the "Free Ads" but too spambotic or spambot-like one. 3 replies (with a spamlink each). Look at them (without their spamlinks of course):
Thanks to the author's very comprehensive description, I was able to completely fix my dilemma after reading this post. I posted my review on the resume writing services online, which you may read. Thank you so much for your time and consideration.
(In "An Easy Way to Find an Apartment in New York City")
I thank the author for creating the post; it was really useful to me and I enjoyed it. I made a note about it on the ukwritings.com review. I'd appreciate it if you could read it and accept it. Thank you for taking the time to express your issue.
(In "How To Add Money To Cash App Card While At Any Store?")
Thanks to the author's comprehensive description, I learnt everything I needed to know about my topic after reading this post. I published a review that you may read on the paperwriter.com review. Thank you so much for your time and attention.
(In "Digital Marketing through voice broadcasting Software")
Our conclusion: 100% a spambot. Prove me wrong.
henryford, stellagreen -- accounts deleted
henryford, stellagreen -- deleted. Reasons: no posts and multy-accounting.
That's what we call good moderation and administration in the international omnilogy forum! 8)
Brackwom, KERRYLOPEZ -- accounts banned!
Brackwom, KERRYLOPEZ -- banned! REASONS: spam, multi-accounting!
darrenbailey894 -- account banned
darrenbailey894 -- banned. Reason: Spam!
We have got 0.00% spam tolerance in this big international omnilogy forum! So, just don't waste your time trying to spam us. 8)
seoexpertim -- account banned
seoexpertim -- banned. Reason: Spam!
We have got 0.00% spam tolerance in this big international omnilogy forum! REMEMBER IT!!!
gulshannegi -- account banned
gulshannegi -- banned. Reason: SPAM!
Good moderation and administration in this international omnilogy forum! 8) 8)
fitprodiet -- account banned
fitprodiet -- banned. Reason: Spam! (Spam -- deleted!)
We have got 0.00% spam tolerance in this big international omnilogy forum! You know it, right?
oraaawssalley -- account banned
oraaawssalley -- banned. Reason: Spam! (Spam -- deleted!)
We have got 0.000000000000000000000000000000000% spam tolerance in this big international omnilogy forum! You know it, right?
8) 8) 8)
I have been lurking around so yes, I do know that.
Here the anti-spam actions are great!
harrym9856 -- account banned
harrym9856 -- banned. Reason: Spam! (Spam -- deleted!)
We have got 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000% spam tolerance in this big international omnilogy forum! You should know it!
I guess there is a lot of bots, huh?
A lot of spambots online and none of free VPN for my Windows XP I guess? :P
Yeah... and I suppose someone wants to become a global mod and to deal with all of the spammers! ;D ;D ;D
Saaraleffarty -- deleted
Saaraleffarty -- deleted! REASONS: - Duplicated content from another website.
100% good moderation in this Omnilogy forum! 8)
kureandealen -- banned account
kureandealen -- banned! REASONS: spam, multi-accounting.
100% anti-spam actions here! >:( Spam -- deleted!!!
sahil360 -- banned account!
sahil360 -- banned! REASON: blatant spam!
100% anti-spam policy in the Omnilogy forum!
ReginaldFanny -- banned account!
ReginaldFanny -- banned! REASON: posting in English in the Chinese language board.! Probably it's a spambot.
alexcorner -- account banned
alexcorner -- banned. Reason: spambot!
We have got 0.000% spam tolerance in this big international omnilogy forum!
Daniel165 -- account deleted!
Daniel165 -- deleted! REASONS: no post, multi-accounting!
claraedweeds, roberethea -- accounts deleted!
claraedweeds, roberethea -- deleted! REASONS: no post, multi-accounting!
zidrimidra -- banned account
zidrimidra -- banned! REASON: spam! (Spam - deleted!!!)
hgdgsvhgvuj -- banned account
hgdgsvhgvuj -- banned! REASON: SPAM!!! (Spam -- deleted!)
No spam in the omnilogy forum!
For all our visitors, readers, users, admins/mods, friends -- we're SO SORRY! We were not reachable -- nonstop error 503! :( We were even unable to reach our cPanel! And all because of our hosting provider!!!
The history of the problem:
1. After we saw that the error 503 is appearing more and more we sent a ticket to the hosting company:
24/06/2022 (08:36)
Good afternoon!
The error 503 started around 8 days ago. Even the cPanel shows busy resource messages.
The forum's url in question is: www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com
No answer...
2. Then, after a day, we sent another one:
25/06/2022 (06:36)
Yan Liu
For many days there are two problems which make the services impossible to use: 1. the websites error is "503
Service Unavailable
The server is temporarily busy, try again later!"
2. the cPanel error is "508 Insufficient Resource
The website is temporarily unable to service your request as it exceeded resouce limit. Please try again later."
The url: http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com
Again no answer.
3. We found some of their email, which we're not sure if they're reading/using or not and sent these 2 e-mails:
Hello! We're a team of European and Chinese who're your clients since 2011.
These days the website (http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com) and its cPanel started to get errors 503 (
Service Unavailable
) and 508 ( Insufficient Resource ).
We sent 2 tickets because it's already more than a week but there is no single answer.
Please, help us!
Regards, Omnilogy forum.
We got an error answer: Delivery has failed to these recipients or groups:
email@whoisprivacyprotect.com (email@whoisprivacyprotect.com)
Your message wasn't delivered because the destination email system rejected your message for security or policy reasons. For example, the email address might only accept messages from certain senders, or it might not accept certain types of messages, like those larger than a specific size.
Contact the recipient (by phone, for example) and work with them and their email admin to determine what policy or setting blocked your message and what you should do to make sure that future messages from you won't be rejected.
For more information, see Status code 5.7.1.
4. Then one of us decided to post in a forum related to webhostings -- https://www.webhostingtalk.com -- a review about it.
We're using 1dollar-webhosting.com for more than 11 years just because we're poor and can't afford something more expensive than 24 dollars per year (for hosting + domain) but this is really a choice that we feel so sorry about! For example, now, more than a week the website stopped working (website gives error 503 nonstop) and we even can't access our cPanel (non-stop error 508).
We sent them 2 tickets 3 days ago. We wrote them an e-mail too. NO RESPONSE! And the websites (which is a comparatively big and popular forum) is not working nearly 10 days already!
Years ago we had other problems like we're paying on time, but the domain expires and had to remind them to pay it!
Another time they moved the site to another server or something and they lost month of content because they used some old backup.
We know this complain can't help but at least to tell others to know what can expect.
P.S. These days we received a lot of "AutoSSL certificate installed!" in the related e-mail. I don't know is it the reason that 1dollar-webhosting.com ruined our forum recently.
Right now I found similar threads here: webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php?t=1123527 (" never Trust on 1dollar-webhosting.com")
webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php?t=663271 ("Never use 1dollar-webhosting.com and bashost.com")
We tried via WHOIS to find their another contact mail and send a msg but nothing:
"email@whoisprivacyprotect.com (email@whoisprivacyprotect.com)
Your message wasn't delivered because the destination email system rejected your message for security or policy reasons. For example, the email address might only accept messages from certain senders, or it might not accept certain types of messages, like those larger than a specific size.
Contact the recipient (by phone, for example) and work with them and their email admin to determine what policy or setting blocked your message and what you should do to make sure that future messages from you won't be rejected."
OK, sorry for bothering here. If someone know them and/or may help, please help. It's terrible to see how your website is not working so long and you even can't access your cPanel! What a shame!
We've got some answers there like these:
Mike - MDDHosting said that he's sorry to hear that we're experiencing this. He thinks that to be straightforward with domain registrations being $10+/year that leaves less than $1/month for them to actually provide us services and support. At this pricing he would personally be happy if he got a response in a week or two. High quality / competent / fast support isn't cheap.
net said jokingly that yeah, well, we ran out of 1 dollar support.
JohnCS said (asked) we have used it more than 11 years without a major issue and now we are suggesting to avoid their service just because of 3 days issue?
Then Mike - MDDHosting also added that this sort of thing is very common. They're not perfect and they've had their issues - namely a large outage in 2018 that took a few days (he believes 4 days for 100% service restoration). Those that paid them "reasonable amounts" ($10~25/mo) were very understanding overall. Those that paid them a few dollars per month [$2~5] were the "most unreasonable" by and large. There are obviously going to be exceptions - those that pay little and understand that sometimes bad things happen no matter how hard you try to prevent it and that you're doing your best to restore everything 100% and then there are those that pay a fair bit more that get extremely angry over even the slightest outage. From being in this industry nearly 2 decades he'd learned that the less someone pays the larger and generally more unrealistic their expectations of the service tend to be. This isn't a rule without exception but it is the majority.
As he said above - for $1/mo he would be happy to see a support response in a week or two but that's certainly not the expectation that most paying $1/mo have. Worse yet - they'll have a terrible experience due to paying so little for their service and having high expectations but then they'll repeat the same scenario with the next cheap host they can find. It's really unfortunate but avoidable.
Mark Muyskens said that if you can splurge on another $1/mo you might have better luck...
to which Mike - MDDHosting answered him that even with $2/mo being 100% more spent - it's still scraping the bottom of the barrel. And we might have better luck, maybe.
This is excluding the free domain they're getting presently - meaning likely somewhere around $3/mo with a 'free' domain. 'Free' being that the price of the domain is built into the cost of the service just as it is now with their current plan.
The answers:
Then why they promised that "We offer the Lowest Prices on the market with reliable hosting servers to ensure that you obtain a deal beyond compare." + "has a team of highly skilled technicians that maintain hundreds of Linux servers."?
You see, if I can provide something for 1 dollar I'll just not provide it or I will provide it for 111 dollars. Not going to promise and to make people believe and hope.
I said there were other issues. To repeat again?
1. Years ago we had other problems like we're paying on time, but the domain expires and had to remind them to pay it! Almost every year we're paying on time and then we see that domain is expired and we worry, sent tickets to remind them to pay it where they have to pay... it's just terrible.
2. Once they moved the site to another server or something and they lost month of content because they used some old backup and even didn't answer something about it.
You see, we're patient people but when there are so many problems, in one point the patience is over, right?
1. It's not unrealistic to expect that your forum will not go away for a week.
2. It's not unrealistic to expect at least an answer to your ticket after 1-2 days, at least. At least an answer.
3. If they can't do it, then why they say:
"99.9% Uptime Guaranteed."
"We offer the Lowest Prices on the market with reliable hosting servers to ensure that you obtain a deal beyond compare."
"has a team of highly skilled technicians that maintain hundreds of Linux servers."?
Is it unrealistic to believe what you read in the main page of a hosting company when you order their service?
Well, thank you for telling me not to trust any of this: "Why Us
Think about 99.9% up time guarantee , 24/7 access to your web site and email FTP,Online Control Panel, and Web Mail. Think about the affordable price $ 0.5 dollar month web hosting and $ 1 dollar web hosting for an unbelievable huge amount of facilities. We have beaten all other companies by the price and the facilities. Order Today and Get Listed Your site in google and our directory Freely just in 14 Days or less.
Web Hosting fee is Only $1 month . You will get quality 2 links if you buy our 1 dollar web hosting solutions. You can pay $1 web hosting fee using paypal or credit cards or moneybookers.
1Dollar-webhosting.com provides low cost & highly reliable web hosting services to over 90,000+ websites since 2005. We serve webmasters and small businesses in over 142 countries."
Then Mike - MDDHosting started a long discussion with us:
"Quote Originally Posted by MSLYJ View Post
1. It's not unrealistic to expect that your forum will not go away for a week.
I never said that it was.
Quote Originally Posted by MSLYJ View Post
2. It's not unrealistic to expect at least an answer to your ticket after 1-2 days, at least. At least an answer.
For $1/mo or around $0.03/day - I wouldn't expect a response in less than a week or two at best. You can expect more but that won't make it reality. Even expecting a week or two for a response - I still wouldn't expect a competent and helpful response.
Quote Originally Posted by MSLYJ View Post
3. If they can't do it, then why they say:
"99.9% Uptime Guaranteed."
That's a good question for them. Why they would promise something and then fail to provide it I cannot give you an exact answer for. I can speculate but that's all it would be - speculation.
Quote Originally Posted by MSLYJ View Post
"We offer the Lowest Prices on the market with reliable hosting servers to ensure that you obtain a deal beyond compare."
"has a team of highly skilled technicians that maintain hundreds of Linux servers."?
It could just be that they're dishonest. It could also be that it turns out being the cheapest possible service isn't as rewarding and profitable as they had hoped. Speculation on my part.
Quote Originally Posted by MSLYJ View Post
Is it unrealistic to believe what you read in the main page of a hosting company when you order their service?
That really depends. Personally from looking at their site and knowing what I know about this industry. How much work it is to actually provide quality services and support - I wouldn't trust a provider for anything important for $1~2/mo.
Quote Originally Posted by MSLYJ View Post
Well, thank you for telling me not to trust any of this: "Why Us
Think about 99.9% up time guarantee , 24/7 access to your web site and email FTP,Online Control Panel, and Web Mail. Think about the affordable price $ 0.5 dollar month web hosting and $ 1 dollar web hosting for an unbelievable huge amount of facilities. We have beaten all other companies by the price and the facilities. Order Today and Get Listed Your site in google and our directory Freely just in 14 Days or less.
Web Hosting fee is Only $1 month . You will get quality 2 links if you buy our 1 dollar web hosting solutions. You can pay $1 web hosting fee using paypal or credit cards or moneybookers.
1Dollar-webhosting.com provides low cost & highly reliable web hosting services to over 90,000+ websites since 2005. We serve webmasters and small businesses in over 142 countries."
I mean you don't have to believe me - it seems your experience speaks for itself. I'm not here to convince you of anything.
Just because a company puts marketing material on their site doesn't necessarily mean it's true. They could say they'll come to your house and serve you champagne and caviar as a part of your service and then fail to do that as well. Just because it's on their site doesn't mean they'll do it - this is where going with a reputable provider that's known for providing solid and reliable services and support comes into play."
Around that time we saw that our forum is okay already and added:
Wow! Seems still now. They "killed" something and now the forum (http://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com) is okay.
Dear customer,
Thank you for contacting 1Dollar-WebHosting.com. I apologize for any delay you experienced. I've killed all ongoing processors which belongs to your username. Please check now.
Best Regards!
Support team
Video Tutorials: http://1dollar-webhosting.com/tutorials
Help Desk: http://me.1dollar-webhosting.com/submitticket.php
1Dollar-WebHosting.com Now Offers
SSD Web Hosting | Dedicated Servers | VPS
You see, we're honest. If the things are better we're not going to complain. We just hope everyone to keep their promises and if you can't do something just don't say you can do it and when you get the money to do not what you promised. Simple and universal ethics, right?
"Well, in a word, we can't trust anything and everyone can state anything about their services and then to not provide them. Clown world, I see."
"By the way, check this out -- even the providers who charge much more money still can be not good. This means that it's not about "You paid only 1 dollar per month, so you have no good service": https://www.webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php?t=1876077
Cheap not good service > expensive not good service (i.e. better to spend less money and to suffer than to spend more money and to suffer the same)."
Mike - MDDHosting, again, added that there are a lot of terrible companies that don't do what they say they'll do but this isn't limited to web hosting. Sometimes it's negligence, sometimes it is incompetence, sometimes it is intentional. Regardless - keep your own off-provider backups no matter who they are or what they promise and if you have a terrible experience you can migrate to another provider if needed.
Quote Originally Posted by MSLYJ View Post
By the way, check this out -- even the providers who charge much more money still can be not good.
Nobody said that paying more was a guarantee of good service. There are terrible providers at all price points.
That said what you pay should have an impact on your expectations. I would expect more from a provider charging $15/mo than I would $1/mo.
Quote Originally Posted by MSLYJ View Post
This means that it's not about "You paid only 1 dollar per month, so you have no good service": https://www.webhostingtalk.com/showthread.php?t=1876077
Maybe you'll get exceptional service, maybe you won't - I'd lean towards not at $1/mo.
Quote Originally Posted by MSLYJ View Post
Cheap not good service > expensive not good service (i.e. better to spend less money and to suffer than to spend more money and to suffer the same).
Or just go with a quality provider that has a reputation of providing quality services and support for a reasonable price.
I mean you're the one that came here and spent your time and energy to write a negative post/review.
Our last answer so far was:
I spent my time and energy to write an objective review. You saw that after they answered and took measures I share it too. Maybe they answered because someone told them about the review? Long time ago something like this happened too. The reviews are useful. Sort of feedback.
The conclusions: no matter how much you spend, there is every time a chance not to find the good service. So, if you're poor, don't pay more. You can't trust anybody.
Reputation? Like "I paid $0.10 to 500 guys to post good words for our service. Now we can charge the poor souls $95.99 per month and give them the same bad service." This is the reputation nowadays. Lies, scams, false ads and so on.
We already learned our lesson here -- don't trust if it's 1 dollar, nor if it's more dollars.
I'll never forget these points:
High quality / competent / fast support isn't cheap.
Nobody said that paying more was a guarantee of good service. There are terrible providers at all price points.
= at least save your money.
And yeah, one of us decided to ask in there a simple question like "Are there some 1 dollar webhosting good companies?"
Because we're very disappointed from 1dollar-webhosting.com and we're not rich, I'd like to ask are there other 1 dollar webhostings that are good enough?
The answers were:
DanielP said that honestly, 1 dollar is way too cheap to provide anything reliable in this world these days and that we may as well look for a free host if our budget is that low as he can't see anything like that working out very well.
HRR-- said that he does agree with the above. And just to think about what we are asking for.
We want a $1 dollar host, he guesses 1/mo , and expect to have some form of reliability... He can't imagine anyone spending the time to help a customer for $1/mo. He also said that that person could just get a job at a fast food and have a decent life in comparison to that (working for $1/mo).
The so talkative Mike - MDDHosting of course answered as well and as you may expect he is strongly against people to pay only USD 1 for hosting. Enjoy: There are a few problems with $1/mo hosts.
1. It's a high-volume / low-profit operation.
2. Any support provided to a client automatically causes that client to be a loss / to cost more than they're paying.
3. The customers that tend to be attracted to $1/mo hosts tend to be the most unreasonable with the highest expectations. [no offense @MSLYJ - I'm speaking from experience in this industry over nearly 2 decades].
All 3 of these things tend to mean that a lot of people sign up that need a lot of support - all of which cost more than they're paying in.
If a $1/mo host doesn't just fold in short order - the support will be incompetent at best and totally absent at worst.
selinux said "ya, if you host a personal blog or wiki, I'd stay away from any organization web/mail." which I don't understand.
CrocWeb said that as others mentioned, we may try to increase our budget if we want a reliable hosting service and that one dollar hosting is simply unrealistic.
Phil McKerracher said that Mike is right, it's simple economics. Even if we put 1,000 customers on a server and ignore the hardware, power, network, advertising and payment processing costs, $1/month would only buy about 1 minute of a skilled person's time. That means if we have any problem at all they have to either ignore us or go out of business. If our site harms the server they have to just throw us off as quickly as possible.
He also said that we should forget any promises about "uptime guarantees", "24/7 support", "satisfied customers" and so on, because they're marketing tricks - not exactly lies, but worth nothing. The best we can do is try each host out but be prepared to move to a different host at the first sign of trouble (have good backups, in other words). They will do their best to keep their servers running smoothly, otherwise they don't have a business. But they can afford to spend precisely zero time or money on any individual customer's problem - they're only concerned with problems that affect LOTS of customers.
And then, at the end, Postbox said that given that our other thread was about avoiding one such 1 dollar webhosting company, he'd say that we already have our answer, and that they're done there.
Comment, if you want.
OK I'll answer because I was the one who posted the honest review about our hosting. (And because the topics there are closed, which is okay.)
@DanielP, 1 dollar may be too cheap to provide anything reliable in this world but:
a) for some people earning USD 1 is not that easy. There are many poor areas and poor people around the world. For some of the a dollar is something like a treasure.
b) even you pay more, like USD 88 or USD 199, there is again no guarantee that you'll get that reliable thing (service).
About the free hosts, well, it's the best for us from economics point of view but we were often strongly advised to avoid them because they do not provide good support. I don't know if it's 100% true. Just that time me and the people around me here didn't have any hosting related experience.
@HRR, everyone can get different jobs (like to work at a fast food restaurant) but the problem is that once you decide that you provide $1 hosting and you promise to do your 99.99%, 24/7, etc. your best, you have to do it. Otherwise just really don't start something like this if it's so difficult and so unrealistic.
@Mike - MDDHosting,
1/ If the 1 dollar hostings already many years are doing so maybe it's not very "high-volume / low-profit operation". Or what? They're not clever enough to stop this years ago? Sunk cost fallacy?
2/ Maybe. But if you have many clients you'll have enough money to motivate you. For example, you own a shop and you're selling drinks. You're earning only a dollar per drink but if today there are 5000 customers and you can have USD 5000 maybe you'll find enough will, desire and helpers to serve them. Just a possibility.
3/ The poor people "tend to be the most unreasonable with the highest expectations."? You again are repeating this conclusion of yours. Let me explain you why, probably, some of them do so. When you're poor and you rely on your website to earn some money, for example, and every day when your website is down it makes you to lose some cents or more, than you'll be more sensitive to the problems with your website than if you're rich and you have a website just for hobby or for showing off, or for some idealistic goals like how to enforce the feminism.
People who value their 1 dollar will protest and fight more for it than those who think that 1 dollar is just a 0.0000001% of their income.
Well, to be honest with you, I think that you're spending so much time to post about these 1 dollar hostings because you're thinking something like "Why these people want to go to pay 1 dollar to the competitors?! Why they don't come to pay me more money?! I need the money!" (And/or you're posting often to remind the readers about your hosting service? It's okay but repeating one and the same points is sort of... "this guy makes me tired.")
@selinux -- I have no idea what he/she is talking about.
@CrocWeb, we'd like to. Really. But until we're not earning at least 1 more dollar than we spend for hosting and domain (which is around 2 dollars per month) we can't afford to lose more money. We're not so idealistic. If we'll spend time and more money than we earn just for posting here... well, honestly, we better to go to watch a movie, to do some sports or just to cook something or to sleep.
@Phil McKerracher, if they and others already so many years are doing this, probably it's possible and they earn some reasonable amount of money. I don't think that they're low IQ guys who make it just for charity and for fun. Also, the USD 1 is their silver plan. They earn more or less with other plans. Whatever.
I can't see how an omnilogy forum may harm any server. There are so many forums around the internet. Come on...
Marketing tricks? Okay but it means that hosting companies which charge more can use the same marketing tricks, right? So, what? Just as I mentioned above, don't trust and... just do your best to save your money. What else you have as an option?
@Postbox, I see your point but we can't just assume that everyone who charges USD1 is the same. We have to search, to understand better, to compare, to analyze... we can't just "jump into conclusion" (to judge or decide something without having all the facts). Of course, maybe you're right and maybe the rest of the users there are right that there are better hosting companies which are charging more expensively... maybe someday we'll know the answer.
Best wishes!
jamesthomas -- banned account
jamesthomas -- banned. Reasons: spam in the Incels board. Multi-accounting.
stephen587, pirese -- banned!
stephen587, pirese -- banned! REASONS: 1. multi-accounting (stephen587, pirese and an early banned spammer (spambot) -- mehage5402 shared the same IP!), 2. Terrible spam in different topics. (Some roof spam like "I come up reference an olive offshoot in solitary around, and the freedom fighters gun in the other. Do not detonate the olive limb become lower from my hand. Roof repairs London")
williamnielsen -- banned account!
williamnielsen -- banned account! REASON: Spam in the SEO board. (Spamlinks; all removed.)
diaetoxilavis -- banned account!
diaetoxilavis -- banned account! REASON: Spam in French about something (I don't understand it but I saw many spamlinks at the end of the French post) in the SEO board. (Spam 100% deleted!)
christopher0519, alandurham, dominiccooper, millicentgill -- banned accounts!
christopher0519, alandurham, dominiccooper, millicentgill -- banned. REASONS: spam and many accounts.
Sagelucy -- banned account!
Sagelucy -- banned! REASON: spam! All spam deleted!
No spam in the omnilogy forum!
Ftimran -- deleted account!
Ftimran -- deleted! REASON: spam post and spam links in the profile about mail lists! All spam deleted!
No spam in the omnilogy forum! 0% spam tolerance.
Annarose -- banned
Annarose -- account banned. Reason: spam. Spamposts deleted.
No spam tolerance in the Omnilogy forum!
In Chinese - 可信网站 (A website that you can trust.) 8)
jamespen89 -- banned account
jamespen89 -- banned. Reasons: spam in the Incels board.
Spamless omnilogy forum! 8)
rehman -- banned
rehman -- account banned. Reason: spam. Spam deleted.
No any spam tolerance in the Omnilogy forum!
Herbtonicss -- banned account
Herbtonicss -- account banned! REASON: spam in the Social network board.
ikonketogummiess -- banned account
ikonketogummiess -- account banned! REASON: spam! (Spam -- deleted!)
Perfect anti-spam control in the Omnilogy forum!
An interesting answer from a person with nickname BearsA about the 1 dollar whs (web hosting services)
I decided to check my new e-mail because I am waiting for at least one new job offer but, alas, nothing. There was something interesting though -- an answer from a person nicknamed "BearsA": BearsA has mentioned you!
and I followed the link below You can view the full post here: https://www.webhostingtalk.com/showpost.php?p=10363743
but there I've got the you do not have permission to access this page.
message. In the To see a full list of mentions, click here:
there was 07-05-22
07:34 AM - Hidden
. And because of all these, I can't read the "full post" there but it's, at least, good that they resent it to the mail and I'll quote it here (which will be useful if that post already isn't present anywhere online. It's a worthy post.) Enjoy:
Someone wrote:
"There are a few problems with $1/mo hosts.
1. It's a high-volume / low-profit operation.
2. Any support provided to a client automatically causes that client to be a loss / to cost more than they're paying.
3. The customers that tend to be attracted to $1/mo hosts tend to be the most unreasonable with the highest expectations. [no offense MSLYJ - I'm speaking from experience in this industry over nearly 2 decades].
All 3 of these things tend to mean that a lot of people sign up that need a lot of support - all of which cost more than they're paying in.
If a $1/mo host doesn't just fold in short order - the support will be incompetent at best and totally absent at worst."
Point 1:
Sure, it is a high-volume operation. But that is doable. With a reliable hardware and software it is.
Point 2:
"Any support provided to a client automatically causes that client to be a loss / to cost more than they're paying."
So what!? It is a combined costing matter. All things which cost, cost. OF COURSE THEY DO! The crucial question is how to keep the cost under the incoming money.
Next question: How to handle problems which cost money? Do the job right or simply throw out that customer, despite it is not his fault, but of the hoster?
Point 3:
"3. The customers that tend to be attracted to $1/mo hosts tend to be the most unreasonable with the highest expectations."
Dead wrong! Most of the customers are utterly clueless, both with economy and technical handling of web-hosting. How much the customers pay depends on how they get baited. One catch is the price. If it is high, then it of course it is good. Consequence: high prices imply good company, good hardware, good software, good support. And in reality it is nothing but a rip-off.
"[no offense MSLYJ - I'm speaking from experience in this industry over nearly 2 decades]."
Shall I talk about my experience in this industry of nearly 3 decades...?
Point 4:
"All 3 of these things tend to mean that a lot of people sign up that need a lot of support - all of which cost more than they're paying in."
See point 2!
Point 5:
"If a $1/mo host doesn't just fold in short order - the support will be incompetent at best and totally absent at worst."
Wrong. Companies with high prices behave just the same way.
But there is a catch: If the prices are high customers are more likely to complain loud. So, if the price is low, a bad hoster can much easier get away with his fraudulent behavior. The customer loses "only" 20 or 30 Dollars. "So, why worry? It is not worth it to complain." And for exactly this reason the village nuts from India are able to operate in their way. And the scheme works. Their example to follow are the US based hosters, which continue their operations for decades despite it got known that they foul up.
If it goes well, the Indian nuts are hired by American hosters, so they earn money and knowledge. Then they piece for piece buy an existing hoster. And the most simple way: Buy a reseller. Be a reseller, but claim you have a server farm of your own. It is as easy as that.
And, to make the plot perfect: backup the whole thing by hosting forums, backing up the frauds and kicking out the defrauded customers. It IS as easy as that.
I value the truth and the genuinity. This opinion should be well-known because, in my opinion, it shows a lot of valuable truths.
A good post; truthful!
nopeli65 -- banned account
nopeli65 -- banned. Reason: spam.
blatini2021, pakistan_cargo2022, george2022 -- deleted accounts!
blatini2021, pakistan_cargo2022, george2022 -- all deleted! Reasons: multi-accounting and flood + spam.
londoncars2022 -- deleted account
londoncars2022 -- deleted! Reasons: flood + spam.
These days the forum is down often
These days we can't use the forum; it is down from everywhere... The stats are obvious:
2022-10-01 2 32 0 1040 7965
2022-10-02 1 9 0 1081 7529
2022-10-03 0 34 3 1160 7653
2022-10-04 0 10 0 1209 1986
2022-10-05 0 7 0 711 640
2022-10-06 0 0 0 378 419
2022-10-07 0 0 0 270 431 (so far...)
We sent a ticket to the hosting company. But you know how is it...
KattyWallon, JuarezJames, HendrixRaymond, EliRoob, JobpsSprt -- deleted accounts
KattyWallon, JuarezJames, HendrixRaymond, EliRoob, JobpsSprt -- deleted. Reason: no posts, multi-accounting.
DanLi, LukLi, LemanLi -- deleted accounts
DanLi, LukLi, LemanLi -- deleted. Reasons: no posts, multi-accounting.
kopex -- banned. Reasons: spam and flood.
JamesAnders, killuazoldyuck -- deleted accounts
JamesAnders, killuazoldyuck -- deleted. Reasons: no posts, multi-accounting.
Jack919 -- banned account
Jack919 -- banned. Reasons: spambot highly likely; essay spam.
seoexpert123 -- banned
seoexpert123 -- account banned! Reasons: spambot. (Spam deleted.)
I noticed that all the spammers have the same profile picture. (This is an image I took. I have the page translated to Norwegian)
(https://i.ibb.co/TtwP0Wx/Screenshot-2022-10-18-12-16-44.png) (https://ibb.co/fHXrNDz)
It's an automated gif which appears when we ban an account. ;)
Like a sign that shows that he/she/it is already banned. A funny one. ;D
And as a warning to the rest of the spammers. 8)
AnnetteSmallwood -- banned account
AnnetteSmallwood -- banned. Reason: spam.
100% anti-spam here! 8)
terraprice, ninagorman, johnsonmarkus -- deleted accounts!
terraprice, ninagorman, johnsonmarkus -- deleted! Reason: no posts and multi-accounting!
100% good admin control in the Omnilogy forum! 8) 8) 8)
All of the tables were already optimized. 8)
All of the tables were already optimized. 8) Just letting you know.
irmaoakes -- banned
irmaoakes -- banned. Reason: spam in the PageRank sub.
carolalvarezz -- banned account
carolalvarezz -- banned. Reason: spam. Spampost deleted!
100% anti-spam measures!!!
ketoacv -- banned account
ketoacv -- banned. Reason: spam. Spampost in the normal incels' board deleted! 8)
100% anti-spam measures!!! 8)
wayofleaf, premiumjane -- deleted accounts
wayofleaf, premiumjane -- deleted accounts. Reason: no posts, multi-accounting.
Good anti-spam control. 8) 8) 8)
Luckytiger, Winoui, Lucky31 -- deleted accounts!
Luckytiger, Winoui, Lucky31 -- deleted! Reason: no posts, casino links in the signatures and multi-accounting!
100% good admin antispam control in the Omnilogy forum! 8)
@purekana: Okay, look, because it's not very spammy (only one link) and well-written, I will just delete it without banning you. Don't post again cannabis related, vape pens related, etc. posts. Thanks! (And it wasn't about earning money, but you posted it in the Money board... this makes me think that maybe I'm dealing with a spambot... but whatever, the time will show me if I was right to give you another chance without banning you.)
NicolasS -- banned account
NicolasS -- banned. Reason: spam. Spampost about English writings in the Russian SEO section. 100% spammer or a spambot. Ban instantly! Spam deleted! 8)
100% anti-spam measures!!! 8) 8)
johnmichae1 -- banned account
johnmichae1 -- banned. REASON: two times spamming.
I wanted to get some analytics info but then I had to add a tracking code to the website... and I was like "No tracking codes"... So, I didn't. And then I got an e-mail. I'll quote it without any concrete-personal details:
"Hey there,
You’ve made it to the end of your xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Analytics experience and your data has now been deleted. Thanks for giving it a go!
Would you be able to help make xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx better by answering this one question:
What prevented you from adding the tracking code to your website?
If you could simply reply to this email and let me know, I’d really appreciate it.
Thanks again,
A quick question, indeed but I don't know how to explain it that I don't want tracking codes in our website. Thus I didn't reply it.
Tinglaceen -- banned account
Tinglaceen -- account banned. Reason: SPAM. (Chinese language spamlinks.)
Seo Brisk -- account banned!
Seo Brisk -- banned! REASONS: Offtopic, SPAM (spamlinks), multi-accounting!
Yassrd, Losdyta, Posdua, Posydua, Postyer -- deleted!
Yassrd, Losdyta, Posdua, Posydua, Postyer -- deleted!
Reasons: multi-accounting (one and the same IP) with different spamlinks (anchors) in the signatures with sentences all the games on the fnaf games website are free
Now, your mission is to help the poor chef protect his pizzeria pizza tower.
Try to manage your two players in the form of sticks, rigid, and often uncontrollable, with the aim of scoring basket random
Beware tricky curves and twists drift boss!
I'm here to recommend for you a masterpiece in the world of snake game
and no posts!
Sorry, we're the Omnilogy forum and we need people to post, to discuss, to learn, etc.; we're not your free linkfarm.
Oisudaa, Yassrd -- deleted accounts!
Oisudaa, Yassrd -- deleted! Reason: no posts and multi-accounting!
And that is again the 100% good admin control in the Omnilogy forum! 8)
Devon456 was banned. Reason for the ban: Three spam posts. Spam deleted. No spam forum! 🚫
Eastojamson -- banned account
Eastojamson -- banned. Reason: spambot behavior.
100% spam control in the Omnilogy forum! 8)
farare -- banned account
farare -- banned. Reason: spambot behavior.
100% spam control in the Omnilogy forum! 8) 8)
JeremyFedor, AscendUji, MrBeast -- banned accounts!
JeremyFedor, AscendUji, MrBeast -- banned. Reasons: spam and multi-accounting!!!
MrBeastOG, Xarizer111 -- banned accounts!
MrBeastOG, Xarizer111 -- banned. Reasons: spam and multi-accounting again!!! Spam deleted! 8)
NO WAY to spam in the Omnilogy international forum! Spamless forum! 8)
Lisiana -- banned account
Lisiana account was banned. Reason for the ban: Three spam post and offtopic! Spam deleted. No spam international forum! 🚫 8)
Jamesato -- banned account
Jamesato account was banned. Reason for the ban: Many spam post and off-topic in the incelology's section of the Omnilogy forum! Spam deleted. No spam forum! 🚫 🚫 8)
Very glad to see him away!
Yeah! :D 8)
jamesdavid -- banned account
jamesdavid -- account banned! Reason: spam in the incels' board. No more spam! A spamless omnilogy forum! 8)
yevihi6 -- banned account
yevihi6 -- account banned! Reason: spam in the incels' board. No more spam! A spamless omnilogy forum for all! 8)
lucyenetter -- banned account
lucyenetter -- banned! The reason was: spam in the Russian board (essay services, in English language, spam). Deleted (the spam). Banned (the account). So good to be in a spamless and spammersless forum! 8) ;D
Alex -- banned account
Read carefully -- it's "Alex", not "Alexa". ;D ;D ;D
Details? Well, spambot (or spambot behavior). Spamlinks and some of the repeated text (about casino) deleted. Welcomed to the BAN list. No spambots (and spambot behavior) in the Omnilogy forum. 8)
wazse banned for essay links.
syntax error, unexpected ''a:110:{i:0;a:7:{s:2:"id";s:1:' (t_encapsed_and_whitespace)
We had this error: syntax error, unexpected ''a:110:{i:0;a:7:{s:2:"id";s:1:' (t_encapsed_and_whitespace).
Then an AI pro said: A lovely syntax error!
The error message is saying that there is a syntax error, specifically an "unexpected ''" (a single quote) and "t_encapsed_and_whitespace" which is a type of syntax error.
The error is likely caused by a string that is not properly escaped or closed.
In PHP, when you're working with strings, you need to make sure that any quotes or special characters are properly escaped using a backslash (\). For example, if you have a string that contains a quote, you would escape it like this:
$string = "This is a string with a 'quote'";
If you're trying to create an array with string values, you can use the following syntax:
$array = array(
'id' => 'a'
Or, in PHP 7 and later, you can use the more concise syntax:
$array = [
'id' => 'a'
The error message you provided suggests that the issue is with the string `'a:110:{i:0;a:7:{s:2:"id";s:1:'`, which appears to be a serialized PHP array.
To fix this error, you'll need to ensure that the string is properly escaped or re-written to conform to the correct syntax for PHP arrays.
If you're using a variable that contains this string, try printing the variable to see if it's properly escaped. If not, you may need to modify the code that generates the string.
If you're still having trouble, please provide more context or code so I can help you better.
Another pro said to clean up the cache and... now it's over. Welcome back! 8)
About the recent websites are down + the missing content problems: https://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/a-forum-for-incels-who-are-normal-people-no-terrorists-no-rapists-no-racists-no-pedophiles-no-haters-and-so-on/some-of-the-messages-and-topics-were-lost!/msg52835/#msg52835 (https://www.seo-forum-seo-luntan.com/a-forum-for-incels-who-are-normal-people-no-terrorists-no-rapists-no-racists-no-pedophiles-no-haters-and-so-on/some-of-the-messages-and-topics-were-lost!/msg52835/#msg52835)...
tornvanessa0 is a banned account.
tornvanessa0 banned for essays spam in the Alexa's subboard.
These qpyosyu and dypunen -- banned accounts. Why so? Casino ads, essay ads, multi accounting.
From the Google's support: "We'll aim to reply within two business days (Monday through Friday) if your query is about your own account and requires an action from our side. However, depending on the volume of messages that we receive, it may take longer for us to reply. Thank you for your patience."
momser -- banned account
momser was banned. Reason: porn linking.
paulrobinson03 -- the account is banned
paulrobinson03 -- banned (for second time spamming in the Health board). No spam! No links to drugs/medicines, etc!
Good information: the spammers and their spam will be banned, deleted without additional explanations. Save time for the most important things in your life: health, bodybuilding, learning (knowledge), earning money.
No more who and why is banned here. If he, she or it is banned and his/her/its post(s) are deleted it's because of the spam, insanity or another good reason.