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Non - SEO knowledge => Other topics => Topic started by: Alexa on December 19, 2014, 12:32:13 AM
Do you want to live alone?
Do you want to live alone? ::)
No, I don't think so.
Sometimes I think it's a good idea. Depends.
I love being alone. It's not just because I'm an introvert but also because of how my brain works (and I have to get an Autism test sometime in a few weeks because I have many of the symptomes of Autism)
Why do you think so? What symptoms?
A therapist I was talking to said I might have it after telling her how I think and feel and stuff like that.
I have alot of things an Autistic person has so I have to get tested sometime in a few weeks.
You don't sound like a real autistic person to me.
You don't sound like a real autistic person to me.
Because I act different online than in real life.
In real life I'm not very social at all. Plus, I find it hard to learn things I don't wanna (which was why I had trouble writing for most of my life).
It makes you just an introvert, not exactly an autist.
I think for all of us it's hard to learn things "I don't wanna". For example, I dislike chemistry and it's hard for me to learn something like these chemical equations - (https://tse3-mm.cn.bing.net/th/id/OIP-C.Qg_ES9AnUQ7q6seQPmpDHAHaDm?pid=ImgDet&rs=1). ;D
That's only part of how I act.
I have speech problems and have a hard time doing social interactions.
Now Introverts can do social interactions and be social but I find it extremely difficult to talk to others.
My mother said she'll buy me something I want if I get better yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.
So at least you are the type that can live alone without sorrow.🍀
And what if the others start talking to you first? Are you okay with that or still can't start/continue the conversation?
I usually just mind my own business.
I really don't like talking to others. Even my mother.
Then it's like your own choice of life. Not autism. I also don't talk to most of the people around; it's not easy to find someone with enough high IQ to have a meaningful conversation + I can't stay long with people who're smoking... and usually that's how I remain alone. :)
You don't understand and that is the problem.
Nowadays this "autism" is very popular. I feel that in the West almost every second or third is an "autist". ;D Why you just don't live your life normally? Go to school, talk or not talk with whoever you want, learn well, graduate, still chat or not with whoever you want and stop thinking what "autist" you are. There are just people who don't talk, live alone and so on, and once they can communicate well (at least online), they're fine.
So, according to these descriptions the autism is:
Symptoms are classified into two categories, social communication and interaction and patterns of behavior.
Social communication and interaction:
Poor eye contact and lack of facial expressions
Delayed speech or does not speak
Does not understand questions and directions
Gets aggressive or disruptive
Does not respond to his or her name
Repeats phrases or words
Resists cuddling and holding
Patterns of behavior:
Repetitive movements like hand shaking, spinning or rocking
Difficulty in body movement coordination
Sensitive to light, sound or touch
Self - harming activities such as head-banging
Specific food preferences or food pattern"
How many of these do you have?
You do have serious problems but I think they're ethical. Like tricking people to trust you and then to made something for you without getting back what you made them to expect. This is sort of foxy which is bad but at the same time shows good communication skills and good IQ. Not autist.
I don't have good communication skills at all.
I do probably have a high Iq but Autistic DOES NOT mean you're dumb.
So, according to these descriptions the autism is:
Symptoms are classified into two categories, social communication and interaction and patterns of behavior.
Social communication and interaction:
Poor eye contact and lack of facial expressions
Delayed speech or does not speak
Does not understand questions and directions
Gets aggressive or disruptive
Does not respond to his or her name
Repeats phrases or words
Resists cuddling and holding
Patterns of behavior:
Repetitive movements like hand shaking, spinning or rocking
Difficulty in body movement coordination
Sensitive to light, sound or touch
Self - harming activities such as head-banging
Specific food preferences or food pattern"
How many of these do you have?
I put the ones I have in bold and italics.
"Does not understand questions and directions" -- till now you didn't show that you don't understand some questions.
"Repeats phrases or words" -- you don't do it (at least when you type, in your written language there are no repetitions).
About the rest... sounds serious. And do you really have this one: "Self-harming activities such as head-banging"? :o :o :o
I can understand some questions but I usually don't understand sarcasim and when someone tells me directions I usuallly do the opposite.
Yeah, I do have it. Although, I haven't done it in awhile as I promised my mother not to do it.
But I did it because I was angry and I get really, REALLY angry.
Sometimes the sarcasm isn't so clear and it's very subjective... you can't always say...
Anyway, let's see what your doctor will say...
They said I do have it.
14 years to find out I have it? Yeesh.
Good discovery. And now what? The measures, the healing, I mean.
Ohhhhhh, sh@@@@@@@@@@@@t!!!!!
Then... better you don't live alone.
Being Autistic doesn't mean I'm dumb or anything.
I'm actually quite intelligent and pretty ig.
I know. I mean that this sucks being diagnozed like that...
I know. I mean that this sucks being diagnozed like that...
Not at all. It means I actually don't have to try as hard on my homework anymore as I'm Autistic and my mother knows I am so that's good.
Yes, but can you get a good mark if you don't try hard on your homeworks?
Yes, for you it's better to stay close to your parents.