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SEO => SEO => Topic started by: MaryOlson on October 16, 2011, 09:57:01 PM

Title: Does Page Rank is important for Search Position?
Post by: MaryOlson on October 16, 2011, 09:57:01 PM

    Is it correct that the Page Rank is important for search positions please explain, I am interested in knowing about this!

    Thanks a millions in advance...

    Best Regards
Title: Page Rank and SERP
Post by: PageRank on October 18, 2011, 01:01:46 AM
 It's one of the important Google algorithms and of course it matters in SERP. Keep in mind that your position in the Google SERP is based on many other factors: the relevancy of the content, its freshness, the keyword density, etc., besides the PR*.

*PR is Page Rank or PageRank
Title: Re: Does Page Rank is important for Search Position?
Post by: electra on December 16, 2011, 05:55:01 AM
No but sites with a high page rank usually rank better than those that do not have a high PR.
Title: Re: Does Page Rank is important for Search Position?
Post by: wilsondavid on December 21, 2011, 08:56:37 PM
Page rank is always  very important for search position. A higher your page rank as higher your website in search engine result page. SEO can help to increase PR of your website.
Title: Disagree
Post by: MSL on December 21, 2011, 09:43:56 PM
  I disagree. Because I saw a lot of results that depends of the domain name, links, content, the individual's location and so on, but not of the concrete PageRanks (or, at least, not so visible).
 I will show you an example:
 I use google.com.hk (because currently I am living in China) and I tried to see the results (SERP) about the keyword (keynumber) "111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111"


 Right now what I see is: 1-st position for the funny website "http://www.111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.com/"
 Its current PageRank is 4 (4/10), according to http://www.prchecker.info/check_page_rank.php

 The 2-nd position is also for the same website.
 The 3-rd position is for a Youtube.com link. Youtube.com's PageRank is 9 (9/10) /http://www.prchecker.info/check_page_rank.php/
Title: Re: Does Page Rank is important for Search Position?
Post by: robinjack007 on January 11, 2012, 08:42:36 PM
This is true, that Page Rank is important to look for a position please explain, I'm interested to know about this?
Title: Re: Does Page Rank is important for Search Position?
Post by: SEO on January 11, 2012, 10:55:25 PM
  MSL already explained it. A good SEO answer.
Title: Re: Does Page Rank is important for Search Position?
Post by: Duclos on February 06, 2012, 06:05:43 PM
PR is important for search engine position. But high PR does not mean high search engine position. Google consider over 200 factors for there search engine algorithm. PR alone cant make big difference.
Title: Re: Does Page Rank is important for Search Position?
Post by: shanebob on February 18, 2012, 11:24:41 PM
Page Rank is very important for any website. Your website in the Google is displayed according to PR. So that if your website has high PR you can get your website is displayed top in the Google.
Title: SEO discovery
Post by: SEO on February 19, 2012, 11:21:21 PM
  We discovered here that this "Your website in the Google is displayed according to PR." is not true. Read the topic carefully.
Title: Re: Does Page Rank is important for Search Position?
Post by: appdeveloper on February 20, 2012, 11:11:10 PM
Page rank is always  very important for search position. A higher your page rank as higher your website in search engine result page. SEO can help to increase PR of your website.

I am totally agreed with my friend.
Title: Re: Does Page Rank is important for Search Position?
Post by: alandale on February 21, 2012, 12:36:58 PM
PageRank (PR) was Google’s original secret weapon, a scale that would rank websites based on incoming links and where those links came from. Although its relevance has arguably faded a bit over the years as Google has added more and more criteria to site rankings, it still goes hand in hand with SEO and every webmaster out there wants to have a high PR.

But do you need a high PR to have a successful site? Search rankings are one thing, but what about actual site popularity and traffic?
Title: PageRank and SERP; "I like SEO very much"
Post by: MSL on February 21, 2012, 01:46:59 PM
Page rank is always  very important for search position. A higher your page rank as higher your website in search engine result page. SEO can help to increase PR of your website.

I am totally agreed with my friend.

  Seems you also didn't read my post above where I showed that it's not like this. Probably for you guys the example with "111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111" is very complicated. OK, let's me choose another one. Let it be:

"I like SEO very much"

 Let's choose some of the Googles - for example google.ca. And let's search it ("I like SEO very much"). According to this (http://www.google.ca/#hl=en&gs_nf=1&cp=22&gs_id=6&xhr=t&q=%22I+like+SEO+very+much%22&pf=p&newwindow=1&output=search&sclient=psy-ab&pbx=1&oq=%22I+like+SEO+very+much%22&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&gs_sm=&gs_upl=&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=c7e0b2884057cea9&biw=1024&bih=584) SERP I can see:

1.  odesk.com

2. Also odesk.com

3. forums.linuxmint.com

4. readbuddies.com

 Now let's check out the current PageRank of these 3 websites:

According to these results: http://checkbulkpagerank.com/bulk_pagerank/results/4655#results

odesk.com                  PageRank 1
forums.linuxmint.com   PageRank 5
readbuddies.com          PageRank 1

  If there is still some one who can't get it, I will show it together SERP + PageRank about "I like SEO very much":

SERP 1:  odesk.com  PageRank 1

SERP 2: Also odesk.com  Also PageRank 1

SERP 3: forums.linuxmint.com PageRank 5

SERP 4: readbuddies.com  PageRank 1

 Any objections?
Title: Yes, right!
Post by: MSL on February 21, 2012, 01:56:39 PM
PageRank (PR) was Google’s original secret weapon, a scale that would rank websites based on incoming links and where those links came from. Although its relevance has arguably faded a bit over the years as Google has added more and more criteria to site rankings, it still goes hand in hand with SEO and every webmaster out there wants to have a high PR.

But do you need a high PR to have a successful site? Search rankings are one thing, but what about actual site popularity and traffic?

 Yes, dear SEO master, but some of these people seems are still living with their old information and even don't understand my example. It's soooooooooo, sooooooooooooooo easy to make a few searches in Google and then to see that the SERP is not depending of the PageRanks that much as they think. Or may be they knew it, but just pretend to be so naive. :(

 For everyone of them:

1) Read again the example with the "111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111".
2) Read again the example with the
"I like SEO very much".
Title: Re: Does Page Rank is important for Search Position?
Post by: PageRank on February 23, 2012, 02:27:36 PM
Agree (alandale is right).
Title: Re: Does Page Rank is important for Search Position?
Post by: nichetech on February 23, 2012, 06:51:47 PM
Yes I do agree that Page rank do matters but it is not only the hurdle to pass in google to be on top. There are several other things to be consider while getting on top in major search engine.
Title: Re: Does Page Rank is important for Search Position?
Post by: natashanancy on February 24, 2012, 04:11:51 PM
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Title: Re: Does Page Rank is important for Search Position?
Post by: MSL on February 24, 2012, 04:26:03 PM
 SPAM! natashanancy is spamming our Page Rank - SERP topic !!!
Title: natashanancy - the spammer!
Post by: SEO on February 24, 2012, 04:58:03 PM
natashanancy - the spammer, if you want to join our BAN LIST, just spam once more here and you'll get the BAN.
Title: Re: Does Page Rank is important for Search Position?
Post by: heenakapoor on March 13, 2012, 05:23:20 PM
Page rank and ranking both are different thing and both are not depend on each other. If you websites Page rank is high then it is not necessary that your website will rank also high. Your website can rank top without any PR. Both are different algorithm. But search engines give high priority to backlinks on high PR website for improve the ranking and Page rank of your website.
Title: Re: Does Page Rank is important for Search Position?
Post by: aprilhomer on March 19, 2012, 10:19:23 AM
definitely it is very important. PageRank tells whether your website is a good for link building or not. :)
Title: Did you read the topic?
Post by: SEO on March 19, 2012, 04:46:18 PM
 Did you read the topic?
Title: Re: Does Page Rank is important for Search Position?
Post by: jenniferdavid on June 22, 2012, 06:47:09 PM
i agree with u site traffic more important pR the positions only depends upon traffic.
Title: Re: Does Page Rank is important for Search Position?
Post by: android45 on August 17, 2012, 01:11:46 PM
I completely agree with (PageRank) comment.
Title: Re: Does Page Rank is important for Search Position?
Post by: Grizel on August 17, 2012, 07:15:31 PM
I don't think nowadays pagerank influences SERP, I have seeing many pr1,pr2 websites in top5 position in very competitive niches in Google and pr5, p6 websites getting last positions in the SERP.
Title: Exactly, Grizel !
Post by: SEO on August 18, 2012, 09:58:46 PM
Grizel, exactly! This is what we're trying to explain here recently, but some people can't get it.
Title: Re: Does Page Rank is important for Search Position?
Post by: Jimyjames on November 19, 2012, 07:27:21 PM
Some times Page Rank can play an important role in determing the position of your website with in the SERP'S... This cant be guaranteed....
Title: Re: Does Page Rank is important for Search Position?
Post by: johnniewalk on April 14, 2015, 07:16:56 PM
According to me page rank is not important to rank your keywords but you need to submit in page rank sites..
Title: Re: Does Page Rank is important for Search Position?
Post by: Non-SEO on May 14, 2022, 02:59:56 AM
natashanancy, spamlink deleted! Next spam = ban! PageRank (and SERP) is the topic here!