Some extra answers:
bigqbu: "Yes. Please stay safe. It's just British government say they will let 60% of their citizens get the virus to develop a "heard immunity"> I hope you stay safe. I don't want this to become some kind of drama."
Me: Thanks!
KoKansei: "你应该将你注意力转到一些更重要的事情。怀恨对心身不好。"
Me: 我知道。我只有说了我在想什么。我天天在锻炼,写书,学习。我是哲学家,我有好的,和谐的看法,没有什么怀恨的。
Rude_Dragonfruit: "Haha, you don't participate in Reddit drama, so you just reply to people from here on a different forum? Okay."
Me: Yes.

Because I love the Omnilogy forum. Have a good time!
naeblisrh: "Well thanks for the reply. Maybe I'm wrong. either way, your sentiment is... fucked up. What jokes did any one play on anyone else this whole time? The reason I thought you're some paid shill is because you didn't give any evidence. Also, that sentiment is still fucked up. Why would you wish suffering on people? Where on earth did anyone laugh at you? You show me some evidence and I'll at least understand why you're coming off as jerk."
Me: When I lost my teaching opportunity here because the schools are still locked some guys said that it's my fault because I'm stupid to be in China. When I said it's near to starvation, one suggested me to commit a crime and to go to Chinese jail, where the food is for free and many others posted idiotic comments about politics for example. There are so many examples and the internet is full of sinophobia and criticism to us (the foreigners who do prefer to live in China). I wish them to experience at least the half of what we did here, to become more warm-hearted. It's all about justice and morals, the opposite of "jerk". The jerks are those who in a hard time do not help and even act against the suffering people via terrible jokes, no support, no compassion, etc.
The concrete evidence, in case you really never met those stone-hearted guys -- here is one: how many are stone-hearted and/or just useless when it comes to supporting, help, understanding, etc.
naeblisrh: Maybe you should link that first so that people don't think you're as heartless as the people you're cursing here. I mean, you kind of are, but at least people would know why.
Also, those people are a tiny minority. A piece of a shadow of a shadow. And if you're still in China, online jobs are becoming popular I hear. You're better than the people who said those things. Act like it. Be better. Or don't, and be like them. Good luck to you bub.
Me: Depends of the values. My values are: justice and normality. If someone is unjust to you, the best you may think is "I wish you have my problem in order to learn and to become normal." This is not heartless, this is your adequate attitude. Of course, if you're a Christian or something like this and you think "Let they hit me, I will give them to hit me more.", it's another value, which from my perspective is masochistic and it's not productive, because in this way they'll just continue to be bad.
Of course, I'm better than those: I do not play jokes to their beloved countries, I don't ask them to commit crimes, etc. I'm even above the average level, because I'm a philosopher + a writer + a poet + a webmaster. Also I'm not lazy, I'm sporty; I'm healthy -- no drugs, no hard alcohol. I'm nearly angelic (compared to many others), but of course I can't be an angel, because I want to just be a Homo Sapiens, who can enjoy the life somehow.