It's one of the major costs of an electric car. Expensive is one way of describing it.
Another issue here is traveling. Most of your usage of a vehicle is under 30 miles a day for work. Once in a while you need to take a trip and this is where the problem comes in for a car that doesn't charge itself, such as hybrids do. The infrastructure to support electric charging stations isn't wide spread yet. So you are limited to within 300 miles of the recharge stations with no way to return on it's own power. Less than 150 miles round trip to and from a charge station. understanding is at present there is no standard configuration for the plug in. Telsa has offered it's design, free of charge, for any company that might want to adopt it for their own vehicle manufacturing. But standardization is not yet locked in. So you may arrive at a recharge station only to find it won't work for your car if you are driving another make vehicle, such as Ford or Toyota.
Cost of a Leaf Battery here. Leaf is not as an expensive a car as the Telsa makes. But it should get you in the ball park of the costs.