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Author Topic: 随便  (Read 41397 times)

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« Reply #135 on: March 29, 2023, 06:24:54 PM »

“"just ignore those foolish dudes, see how pathetic they r,,"

  He can't ignore, because he is one of them.

 "they just need one enemy to torture, to harnish, and to break down."
May be they just need a girl, but HE is not. He is a stupid man who is trying to discredit the Chinese people in front of the foreigners.

"at least u got me and alexae "
The gay got 2 not clever guys... Success!

(Just for the record, nowadays I am not a homophobe but also I am not a homophile too. As a straight male I just don't want to deal with homosexual love or something like this and I don't bother them as long as they don't bother me. I mean many of them are okay and don't cause troubles but some are not and, for example, they tried to touch me without my consent and to persuade me to become a gay. In this cases I'm protecting myself.)

"and moebius who disappeared for a while for some unkown reason "
May be he is sick, because can think faster than you.

"(lol), and some other nice persons on this forum, who understands ENGLISH"
Wow, how important is this English - one of the most f1cking languages in the world, which will gone as soon as USA go away. And then if you are still alive will start to type how important is Chinese... You are too predictable.
(Here I want to express my sorry for being so linguicismic. You know, the linguicism is discrimination based on language or dialect. At that time I didn't know it and I didn't realize that English is much more than the language of the USA. It's the present Esperanto, the present Lingua Franca, so it's useful. Well, it's not my favorite language; I am a fan of the Altaic languages but it was wrong to call it so rudely. Since that time I learned it better and I started to be more objective and to value all the languages around the world with the due respect.
And also, after the refeudalization and reemperorization of China I don't think the US are worse. Yes, they have got many problems like all those aggressive locals in some areas and those school shootings but at least they have more freedom, more democracy and can't allow one person to stay there 10+ years like an emperor controlling even the own Party and causing people and their businesses to suffer (and disappear) because of his wrong ideas (like "COVID 0"). All these situations made me feel that it's better for the most of the people around the world the democratic societies to exist and to give chance for the people who dislike to live in neomonarchy type states like Russia, Belarus, China, etc.

" just hate seeing u being maltreated . just ignore them sweety."

Oh, SANCTUS SIMPLICITAS, do you realize how pity are you, son?
In fact, it's "sancta simplicitas" a Latin phrase meaning "holy innocence".

"xiongnu,,,,, if u wanna break ur enemy, u need to know everything about him/her first,"

NOT ALL - but ENOUGH!!! I know enough! For the clever people few things are enough, but for the stupid - 1 000 000 proves will be still not enough. Do you know this gnoseological point? (gnoseology is the philosophic theory of knowledge. What I mean is "Sapienti sat.")

 "so at this point, i have to tell u that u r a total loser in this aspect ."
   It is just your wish, honey moon!

 "firstly, u never read angel's posts one by one, word by word, so u dont know what's going on with her."
HAHAHA, I did, but I AM NOT UNDER HYPNOSIS, like you, pity one!

 "secondly, i think ur english level is even worse than mine (hahahaha), "
 Dudie, I can speak 6 languages so the English is just not my care. For you may be it is all, so you can be proud. But in fact you are a pity boy.
Also you have to know that I DO NOT USE DICTIONARIES like Sinfulsh1t!
I am trying to type by MYSELF because I like to improve my knowledge.
And the last point - MY ENGLISH IS GOOD ENOUGH to understand his stupid words and low-leveled style.
 About your English - may be your grammar is better, but your lexical knowledge, comparing with my knowledge is just zero. Can you tell me, without using any dictionaries what does it mean:
a/ Ontology
b/ Epistemology
c/ Correlation
d/ ....................... you just have no idea how many words and phrases I know that native English speakers never learned. But anyway - be good in English, I will do not destroy your opinion about your poor personality, boy!

(I'd like to self-correct myself about it. English is not everything but without it, in the present world, you may have some difficulties just because it is the first (and often, the last) foreign language that people speak in other countries. Well, if you know Russian and you're in Russia, Kazakhstan, Armenia, etc. maybe English isn't that important to your daily life. Or if you speak German and you're in Germany or Austria, English isn't something you need... but anyway, it's better to know this language.)

"that u cant even tell jokes from offensive languages."
 I can, but you CAN'T uderstand them. You have to improve your IQ, boy.
Have you ever read Marx or Hegel ?What about Lenin or Chernischevski?
Do you know who's Zheng He or Zi Si ? What you are imagine when you read the word "SYNAPSE"? What is the difference between schizo- and psycho- ? What is the Altaic family?...

I'd like to add to this that the knowledge is important but in the present life the money, the capital is important too. Only knowledge isn't enough to be secured, to be respected and to be successful.

 "thirdly, u cant even type chinese characters, what the h*ck is that? "

As you can see I can. And I can do it better than a lot of Xinjiangnese. BUT THIS IS NOT IMPORTANT! Because we are minority and we HAVE OWN LANGUAGE. Most of as are with university degrees and we can speak at least 4 languages. We have OWN letters, and we are trying to study characters, but this is not the point! THE POINT WAS that I AM NOT HAN ZU, but I CAN SEE THE ERROR of the typing Chinese of the Sinfulsh1t. Did read about it? It was just another proof that he is not a girl and not a Chinese. He does not recognize some of the simplest Chinese characters.

"fourthly, do u know chinese girls at all?"
 YES I DO, so I WILL PROTECT THEIR IMAGE in front of the Chinese and foreigners.

Later I found out that there are Chinese girls who really aren't so angelic, so good and honest and so on. The idealization based on citizenship or origin is wrong. That's why I can't say "All are decent." or "All are bad." The concrete person is what matters.

" i know tons of chinese girls"
I am not sure.

 "(and boys as well)"
Hm,...........................Doublets ;) ( Alex knows what I mean).

" talk real dirty IN PUBLIC......"
Sometimes they can say "CAO NI MA" each other or something like hat, but they did not speak dirty in public like "her". I mean the girls. Some of the boys - OK, but ALSO not so dirty like the Sh1t.

 "by saying that, i dont mean to offend my own race, it's just that i m kinda pissed off by u saying that only "westerners" talk dirty."

It is an intercultural essence, but you are not so educated to understand what I mean. If you are ready for quality discussion - you can just open a new topic and I will explain you what is the matter. Shortly - the not respectful behaviour is priority of the westerners, not Chinese. Do you remember how in this forum one westerner laugh that Chinese still respect parents?!?!?!?

(Later I lived in China longer (almost 20 years so far) and I saw that there are pretty dirty speaking and rude Chinese too, especially some who're from Dongbei, Henan and, mostly, the Northerners. So, yes, there are many rude western people but there are rude Chinese (not all, but mostly those who're from those north regions.) The southerners without good education may be rude and dirty speaking too.)

" it's just unfair, and foolish. "

You are foolish. I will give you an example - in the buses in China people speak normally. In USA some black people make dirty and if some white person tell them - PLEASE DO NOT MAKE DIRTY they answer : "F!ck you white son of a b...!" and so on. (These were stories that I heard from some Bulgarians who were living there. Later, when more and more videos from around the world appeared online, I saw that these buses', metros', trains' etc. quarrels, fights and so on are also existing in China, Korea and other places. It's not only a US' problem. And the racism (white racism, black racism, yellow racism), is a big problem and we have to be anti-racists!)
 In other hand in America STILL exist some Nazi organizations like KKK and they are making troubles to the black people.
 (As I said, the racism in all its colors/kinds is a bad thing! We should oppose it!)
 The dirty speech is SO POPULAR in western songs and SO NOT POPULAR in Chinese.
 Do you know what they says in a western song?
"Would you be so kind to let me f1ck your mother on your father's grave?"
DO YOU THINK THAT IT IS A GOOD SONG, pity? (I heard about this kind of very dirty rap song during my 9th grade in high school. Later I heard more, including some from Taiwan. And I am against this reinforcing the aggression subculture. Soft rap is okay and I even like some of all those soft rap songs.)
A fan of science, philosophy and so on. :)


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« Reply #136 on: March 29, 2023, 10:17:32 PM »


Some thing we can see can't  keep long, something we can't see they can .human's society most basically change is to discover the fire and electricity ,To remember that we were built ,in fact ,we think what we invented , we just discoverd them only . because of they are consist in our world always .The electricity can't be see, can not  be touch, but it is s existent , we only can find it  depend some instruments, electric appliances  ,felling,some phenomenons  etc. No  one can tell us how it looks like .In the computer world ,every high computer without electricity the same to dead, in the human's world ,withou life the same to computer without electricity .But life also is to can't see, can not touch, no one know how about it , but it is  existent .People  can prove the life only but can't create the life always .People  discoverd  the electricity and linked it to compute, the man made  virtual world in the comuter's world is alive , this is the fact that everyone believes .But the creator( divinity ) made the incomparable cosmos, complex  world ,the people are  filled with spirtualism , just used several tens  kinds of elements;


combine to give the world the life, make us get the live world is not a dead world.Thus many facts prove the creator's( absolute being) existence, but the person dare not to face the fact, has been deny the existence of the absolute being, you have to know that the physical world compares the calculator world not know complications and high class how much doubly.The calculator world that has no electricity is nonexistent, same the one who did not create the life gives the mankind the social person life( work properly) also been nonexistent.The person and the thing in the elephant calculator can't deny the existence of mankind's society because of can't see the mankind society,, negate the calculator manufacturing  existence of the and program design- person.Because we are lifes in a virtual physical world.We can't deny his existence because of can't see the creator( absolute being).

计算机世界由于不断升级,增加各种配置,使计算机使用范围更广泛,到如今人类社会已经离不开计算机,但我们玩计算机游戏知道,游戏不断升级到最后终极时也是游戏结束时.人类社会由原始社会---奴隶社会一直到现在的终极社会(未世),人类社会的创造者(神)也是让人类不断发展(升级),不断发现和制造一些新物质和物品(增加配置),如火 工具 语言 文字 火药 指南针 蒸汽机 电报 电话 计算机等等,我们发现这些东西不是一下出现,而是逐渐出现,出现时间由长到短,由过去几百年到如今几天就出现一个新产品,使人类社会进入发展高峰期也进入了终结期.计算机世界里的人和物我相信没人说,它们是自然而然出现,计算机发展到今天是计算机自己进化的结果.

有研究理论证明物质最初都是由能量团(弦)组成,现今只有弦理论能将广义相对论和狭义相对论统一,并且弦理论是现今唯一有可能解释所有物理现象的理论.各种不同类型的能量团(弦)组成了各种不同类型的夸克(物质的最小单位),夸克由组成各种不同类型的原子 分子产生物质,现今有许多科学界相信物质世界是由非物质产生的,而我们却用物质制造了一个非物质的虚拟世界---计算机世界.而计算机世界的程序设计使用运行,却只是靠文字 符号 图标等我们认为不可能的非物质运行的.通过这些我们就能用计算机设计制造各种各样的影像 图片 各种游戏世界等等虚拟的东西,但已经让人分不清真假,如一些电视 电影的画面我们不知是现实世界还是计算机制作的.由各种不同的文字符号就制造了计算机世界,并且在计算机世界里文字符号所产生的能力作用是没有人会小看的(如计算机病毒),在计算机世界里用文字符号就能无中生有,想要啥有啥,但只能在计算机世界里有用.在没有计算机的时代没有人会相信你所说的,就如现在没有人相信物质世界和人是被造的.据圣经记载:神起初创造天地时,神说有光 空气 水等各样物质,说有就有了.而今许多人相信诅咒是可能的,诅咒只是一些语言或符号.对照可以发现神说有就有,说话带能力而创造了物质世界和人类社会是真实可信的.我们用物质制造了一个非物质的虚拟世界---计算机世界;神用非物质创造了一个真实的世界---物质世界.(神是真实的,人都是虚谎的.世人真是虚幻.)



物理课上做的那个土电话,两个纸盒中间系个绳子子就能通话了,但是你要把线扯直,为什么? 我们可以想像一下,如果你在席梦思床上做功,其它的部份也会受力,如果你在广场的一点做功,不管你怎么蹦,其它的地方都不会有感觉。所以,柔软的东西对振动应该更为敏感。

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« Reply #138 on: March 30, 2023, 05:32:37 PM »

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« Reply #139 on: March 30, 2023, 05:40:17 PM »

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   2008/7till today,   Market   Department  manager  of  Beijing  Alexander Clubhouse.  Responsible for decide the marketing plan witch can do
   2007/9—2008/7, Market Department manager of Beijing PowerHouse GYM.       Responsible for decide the marketing plan witch can do
   2005/11-2007/8, Market Department manager of Beijing Hosa Sport.       Responsible for decide the marketing plan witch can do, and translating for my boss when we meeting with foreigners.
   2004/8-2005/11, Market Department manager of Tianjin High Impact Advertisement limited company. Responsible for formulation product sale plan and the leadership team completes the sales task.
   High level for speaking and writing English.
   Good use for Microsoft Office.
   Hobbies:
   Handicraft collection
   Play guitar.
   Sports


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"房屋限时装修包销合同" (2023)
« Reply #140 on: April 01, 2023, 05:16:43 AM »



甲方:                        身份证号码:                               

乙方:   经纪人:                               
甲、乙双方经友好协商,依据《中华人民共和国民法典》及相关法律、法规,在合法、平等、自愿的基础上订立本合同,具体合同内容如下:[填写说明【 】中内容,打√ 选择。]
1、房屋地址:                                         ;房产证号/不动产权证号:           ;产权人:             ,房屋现状:□自住  □出租  □空置。
2、建筑面积:         ㎡米,户型:    /    。
1、该房产交易净收价格(也称:委托交易价格):按揭付款委托价人民币(大写) 叁拾伍万       万元整(¥           元整),一次性付款委托价格(大写)人民币叁拾伍万    元整(¥          元整);此售价包括甲方自买入该房产后至本次出售前已产生的一切费用(包括维修基金、煤气管道、有线电视初装费,土地出让金等)。
3、交易税费:甲方出卖人个税2%由   买方   承担,买受人税费由   买方  承担。
4、交房时间:  年     月      日前,交房之前甲方结清已产生的物业水电燃气等费用,交房之后水电物业燃气等费用由乙方承担。     
三、包销期限:签订本合同之日起至        年    月     日,包销期限内乙方应当按照本合同第二条的规定,装修,推销甲方上述房产、为甲方寻找买家。
四、限时包销保证金“以下简称:保证金”:甲方于本合同签订当日向乙方提供第一条规定的交易房产真实、合法、有效的相关资料(包括但不限于产权证、土地证、所有权人身份证、共有权人身份证、他项权利证、司法机关依法查封、扣押文件等),配合乙方到相关部门对交易房产进行登记信息查询。乙方在甲方查档并核实上述材料后向甲方支付保证金人民币(大写)  /    元整(小写)    /     元整。
六、经甲方同意,该房由乙方安排装修公司对该房进行翻新改造。该房的翻新改造费用大约为人民币 柒万         元整,最终报价以装修公司的装修合同与相关票据为准。乙方对该房屋进行装修前,装修方案应与甲方沟通,装修应坚持合法合理原则,装修过程中若对墙体结构等进行改变时,应征得甲方同意,若因乙方或装修公司原因给他人造成损害的,应承担赔偿责任。
七、包销期限内乙方介绍的买家同意按本合同第二条委托条件交易的,则乙方要求买方将全额定金直接转入甲方如下账户:户名:         账号:                       ;开户行:                    ,款项到账后即视为甲方已收到买家的购房定金,甲方保证与买方共同适用定金罚则处理合同纠纷,且完全认可乙方与买方就办理与该房地产买卖交易所签订相关及手续。如甲乙双方就本合合同发生纠纷,甲方不得以下理由进行抗辩:(1)合同解除、协议效力未定;(2)共有人或其他权利人不同意买卖房屋;(3)乙方收取、转入定金未经其同意;(4)乙方未将收取买方的定金,全部转入甲方指定账户;(5)乙方为甲方找到的买家未经其同意或未与买家亲自接洽;(6)甲方未与买方签订定金合同等。
十一、乙方已经安排进场装修,如甲方违约不卖的,甲方在接到乙方通知的三个工作日内,必须一次性偿还乙方垫付的装修费用合计人民币  柒万      万元整,同时依照该房售价(       叁拾伍万          )的6%作为违约金赔偿给乙方,另外双倍返还乙方已支付的保证金。

十三、乙方可通过短信、微信、邮件等任一通讯形式向甲方发起通知、文件、材料。乙方发送至甲方如下通讯方式之一,即视为已送达和告知:甲方确认其有效的通讯电话为           ;微信账号为             ;电子邮箱为                   ;通讯地址为                                  如乙方邮寄资料给甲方,自乙方邮寄之日起五日内视为送达。如甲方变更上述通讯信息,须及时告知乙方,否则乙方按上述通讯方式发送、邮寄仍视为送达。因不可抗力导致合同无法在约定期限内履行完毕,甲方同意该合同继续履行,履行期限、方式等以乙方通知为准,甲方无条件配合。

甲    方:                             乙    方:

身份证号:                              经 纪 人:                             

联系电话:                              联系电话:                                 

签订日期:       年      月      日     签订于           市        区(县)

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英文和俄文 (2007的)
« Reply #141 on: April 01, 2023, 05:22:44 AM »



Nanshan Temple
Come to see this magnificent work of art while seeing the Buddhist culture.

 Наньшанский храм

Приезжайте увидеть этого замечательного произведения искусства пока смотрите на буддистской культуры.


Boao Asia forum - an International conference centre is well-known .

Азиатский форум Боао - Международный конференц-центр, хорошо известный.


Walking Under the Sea
You can walk under the sea and see many corals, and even swim with the tropical fish. Diving gear included.

Прогулка под морем

 Сможете ходить под водой и смотрет на много кораллов, и даже поплавать с тропическими рыбами. Дайвинг снаряжение включено.
      Maogong mountain
Nimbus of nature form a ridge looks like chairman Mao. It is lying in green pine trees and cypresses, a flag of party covers his body .

   Маогунг гора

 Природный нимб форму гребня выглядит как председатель Мао. Он лжет среди зеленые сосны и можжевельника; флаг партии охватывает его тело.


God’s Imaginaton
Come and see the God's imagination at its finest springs, waterfalls, tropical plants are blooming and waiting to be explored.

Божье воображение

 Прийдите и посмотрите Божьей воображение - его звездные родники, водопады; тропические растения цветут и ждут исследования.


Xinglong Hot Spring
The rich mineral spring water will help your health, while preserving your beauty. Local products are sold here, so you can take the memories with you.

   Синг-лунг горячий родник

 Богатый минеральный источник воды поможет Вашему здоровью, при сохранении Вашей красоты. Местная продукция продается здесь, так что вы можете купить воспоминании для дома.


This is a famous place because in an archaic Chinese novel the Monkey King fought the evil spirits. Come and see this archaic place.


Это известное место, потому что в архаичной китайский роман корол обезьяны сражался здесь со злых духов. Приезжайте и посмотрите это архаичное место.

 It looks like a bar of jade which is creeping on the sea. It creates new record in Guinness for the narrowest beach parts river and sea.

   Место похоже на строку нефрита, ползучий по морю. Оно создает новый рекорд Гиннесса для узком пляже части реки и моря.


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« Reply #142 on: April 01, 2023, 05:12:59 PM »








想知道克里和布什谁更火?那就比较一下Google的搜索结果数量就知道了。打开googlefight.com/,在“Keyword #1”和“Keyword #2”中分别输入“克里”和“布什”,单击“Make a fight!”按钮即可看到他们各自的结果。笔者试过,克里有741000个搜索结果,布什有4020000个搜索结果,布什获胜!


想好去哪儿旅游了吗?问问Google吧。打开douweosinga.com/projects/besttimetovisit站点,在“Enter the name of destination”栏中输入你想要去的城市名字,比如“北京”,点击“Go”即可获得结果。




这项中(英)文单词翻译服务是由DrEye译典通网站所提供的,其查询格式为:“fy+中(英)文单词”(实际操作时,请勿输入+号和“”号)。例如在Google搜索框中输入fy innocent后,Google就会在搜索结果页面的最上方显示出“innocent的中文翻译”链接,点击它,你就能查到该单词的中文意思了。另外,假如我们要翻译“无辜”这个词语的话,那只要输入fy 无辜 这样的格式就行了,Google会直接显示其所对应的英文单词,点下方的“Dr.eye线上字典”链接,保证你还能查到更多的内容。


其查询格式为:“tq+城市名称”,例如输入 tq 北京,再点击搜索结果页面上方的“北京天气预报”链接后,你就能在t7online网站上查询到北京今后3天内的天气状况了。




其查询格式为:“gp+股票名称或代码”,如:gp 宝钢股份 或gp 600019,其数据是由新浪财经提供的。





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咏雪 (2005)
« Reply #143 on: April 01, 2023, 05:43:32 PM »


轻歌慢舞, 潇潇洒洒

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2007的 (英文-俄文翻译)
« Reply #144 on: April 02, 2023, 06:07:16 AM »

2007的 (英文-俄文翻译)

2007的 (英文-俄文翻译): "___________

We can book ticket for you.
 First of all, we give explanations: different season - different
price ,it is the normal, average price that we offered on the website. If you want to book ,leave a message on:

   Мы можем зарезервировать для вас билеты. В первую очередь, мы даем пояснения : различных сезонов - разных цен; то вполне естественно. Цену, которую мы предложили на этом сайте нормальная. Если вы хотите забронировать билет, оставьте сообщение:


 Golf Course 1 Гольф курс 1

 Golf Course 2 Гольф курс 2

 Golf Course 3 Гольф курс 3
 Golf Course 4 Гольф курс 4

 Golf Course 5 Гольф курс 5

 Golf Course 6 Гольф курс 6

 Sanya golf club Санья гольф клуб

 Yalong bay golf club Ялунбей гольф клуб

 Sanya Red Valley golf club Санья Красного ущелья гольф клуб

 Boao golf club   Боао гольф клуб


In order to visit web-page easily, page host removed all the content of view sites information into Sanya area .Thank you!

Для того чтобы посетить веб-страницу легко, хост - странице удалил все содержимае информация объектов в районе г. Санья. Спасибо вам!

We want to make your business conferences one that you will remember. This is a list of equipment that is provided. We will work with you to make you conference relaxing and enjoyable. Please let us know if there is anything that is not provided and we will do our best to provide it for you.

Мы хотим сделать Ваши бизнес-конференции незабываемые. Это перечень оборудования, которое предусмотрено. Мы будем работать с вами, чтобы ваши конференции расслабляли и удовлетворяли. Сообщите нам, если что-то не предусмотрено, и мы сделаем все возможное, чтобы предоставить это для вас.

A fan of science, philosophy and so on. :)


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周宁的 (2007的)
« Reply #145 on: April 03, 2023, 03:08:02 AM »

周宁的 (2007的)

笑看~~人生(63776777) 22:54:52
血知道 社会达尔文 吗
红色中国血(349194618) 22:52:33
红色中国血(349194618) 22:52:35
  笑看~~人生(63776777) 22:56:14
是种学说,认为人类社会像 动物界的食物链一样,弱肉强食,适者生存
红色中国血(349194618) 22:55:00
红色中国血(349194618) 22:55:41
红色中国血(349194618) 22:56:01
  笑看~~人生(63776777) 22:59:50
红色中国血(349194618) 22:57:41
红色中国血(349194618) 22:57:45
红色中国血(349194618) 22:58:00
  笑看~~人生(63776777) 23:00:39
红色中国血(349194618) 22:58:21
红色中国血(349194618) 22:58:53
  笑看~~人生(63776777) 23:01:28
红色中国血(349194618) 22:59:55
红色中国血(349194618) 23:00:02
  笑看~~人生(63776777) 23:02:42
红色中国血(349194618) 23:00:23
红色中国血(349194618) 23:00:28
每天礼拜天囍(280015656) 23:03:12
每天礼拜天囍(280015656) 23:03:20
红色中国血(349194618) 23:00:57
每天礼拜天囍(280015656) 23:03:25
每天礼拜天囍(280015656) 23:03:29
  笑看~~人生(63776777) 23:04:17
红色中国血(349194618) 23:02:18
红色中国血(349194618) 23:02:25
红色中国血(349194618) 23:02:45
红色中国血(349194618) 23:02:49
红色中国血(349194618) 23:03:04
红色中国血(349194618) 23:03:12
红色中国血(349194618) 23:03:19
红色中国血(349194618) 23:03:46
红色中国血(349194618) 23:03:53
红色中国血(349194618) 23:04:03
红色中国血(349194618) 23:04:17
红色中国血(349194618) 23:04:30
红色中国血(349194618) 23:04:53
红色中国血(349194618) 23:05:16
红色中国血(349194618) 23:05:23
红色中国血(349194618) 23:05:34
红色中国血(349194618) 23:05:51
红色中国血(349194618) 23:06:02
每天礼拜天囍(280015656) 23:08:30
每天礼拜天囍(280015656) 23:08:36
红色中国血(349194618) 23:06:15
  笑看~~人生(63776777) 23:08:41
红色中国血(349194618) 23:06:30
红色中国血(349194618) 23:06:44
红色中国血(349194618) 23:07:01
红色中国血(349194618) 23:07:10
红色中国血(349194618) 23:07:17

(In English, Baidu translation:
Smile~~Life (63776777) 22:54:52
Does Blood Know Social Darwin
Red Chinese Blood (349194618) 22:52:33
Don't you understand?
Red Chinese Blood (349194618) 22:52:35
Tell me about it
Smile~~Life (63776777) 22:56:14
It is a theory that human society is like the food chain of the animal kingdom, where the weak eat the strong and the fittest survive
Red Chinese Blood (349194618) 22:55:00
It makes sense
Red Chinese Blood (349194618) 22:55:41
I agreed as soon as I heard it
Red Chinese Blood (349194618) 22:56:01
But if these are all destined for reincarnation, how can we explain this phenomenon?
Smile~~Life (63776777) 22:59:50
Red Chinese Blood (349194618) 22:57:41
what are you laughing at?
Red Chinese Blood (349194618) 22:57:45
Try to analyze it
Red Chinese Blood (349194618) 22:58:00
At the beginning of a person, the nature is inherently good
Smile~~Life (63776777) 23:00:39
I don't think so
Red Chinese Blood (349194618) 22:58:21
However, destined to survive in such a Darwinian society?
Red Chinese Blood (349194618) 22:58:53
Is it people who want to be greedy? Or is it destined that he should take something? What do you get?
Smile~~Life (63776777) 23:01:28
"If we want to survive, we have to become stronger, or we will be eliminated."

Red Chinese Blood (349194618) 22:59:55
In fact, from now on, the so-called strong ones who survive are actually some weaker groups
Red Chinese Blood (349194618) 23:00:02
Both physically and psychologically, yes
Smile~~Life (63776777) 23:02:42

Red Chinese Blood (349194618) 23:00:23
In today's society, those who are strong, wealthy, and highly valued
Red Chinese Blood (349194618) 23:00:28
Often they are in poor health
Every Sunday (280015656) 23:03:12
Every Sunday (280015656) 23:03:20
It's really like this
Red Chinese Blood (349194618) 23:00:57
For example, a corrupt life can lead to obesity, elevated cholesterol, and so on
Every Sunday (280015656) 23:03:25
Why is that?
Every Sunday (280015656) 23:03:29
I have many examples of this around me
Smile~~Life (63776777) 23:04:17

Red Chinese Blood (349194618) 23:02:18
Or mistresses, lovers, prostitutes too many
Red Chinese Blood (349194618) 23:02:25
Caught in Willow Disease
Red Chinese Blood (349194618) 23:02:45
Wait, countless. There are still many rich people in the hospital
Red Chinese Blood (349194618) 23:02:49
The first is to be able to afford illness
Red Chinese Blood (349194618) 23:03:04
Second, it's too easy to get sick, and there are too many causes of illness
Red Chinese Blood (349194618) 23:03:12
There is also a high probability of getting various diseases
Red Chinese Blood (349194618) 23:03:19
Psychologically speaking
Red Chinese Blood (349194618) 23:03:46
These people tend to be wealthy and wealthy, and they do not come entirely from legitimate sources
Red Chinese Blood (349194618) 23:03:53
Although acting fearlessly
Red Chinese Blood (349194618) 23:04:03
But the previous investigation showed that there was no psychological basis
Red Chinese Blood (349194618) 23:04:17
Moreover, the things they commit are often major events
Red Chinese Blood (349194618) 23:04:30
So, the nerves are collapsing
Red Chinese Blood (349194618) 23:04:53
People who jump from buildings and take sleeping pills are also the majority of these people
Red Chinese Blood (349194618) 23:05:16
So, those who stay are the strong ones, I don't agree
Red Chinese Blood (349194618) 23:05:23
But survival of the fittest I agree
Red Chinese Blood (349194618) 23:05:34
Actually, the fittest are at the grassroots level
Red Chinese Blood (349194618) 23:05:51
The state of survival is also much stronger than those of forced eating
Red Chinese Blood (349194618) 23:06:02
From another perspective,
Every Sunday (280015656) 23:08:30
Red You should organize your organization language to post
Every Sunday (280015656) 23:08:36
You're right
Red Chinese Blood (349194618) 23:06:15
If Darwin could see through
Smile~~Life (63776777) 23:08:41

Red Chinese Blood (349194618) 23:06:30
The number of sheep is often higher than that of wolves
Red Chinese Blood (349194618) 23:06:44
The quality of life is also superior to that of wolves
Red Chinese Blood (349194618) 23:07:01
Therefore, this society, although it seems to serve the strong eaters
Red Chinese Blood (349194618) 23:07:10
But in fact, it's still a world of weak flesh
Red Chinese Blood (349194618) 23:07:17
Report completed)

不太懂事的人。。。。。。 Not very understanding the real matter people.
A fan of science, philosophy and so on. :)


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« Reply #146 on: April 06, 2023, 06:19:46 PM »


Our company willing to make friendship with others
1. Cooperation of the different trade .
          For small groups or web sites,in order to enhance effect of searching engine in Google ,we can make web-sites bar or group as a new web-site,all the copartners'web sites or addresses will be on it.
2 Cooperation of the same trade .
      Our company want to make another cooperations
      The cooperations must be nice and legal.


 Наша компания хочет создавать дружбу с другими компании.
 1. Сотрудничество в различных торговли. Для малых групп или веб-сайты, с тем чтобы повысить эффект от поиска в Google, мы сможем сделать веб-сайт бар или группы в новый сайт, все сотрудничающих с нами сайты или адреса будут на нем.
2. Сотрудничеству в той же отрасли(туризм). Наша компания хочет сделать еще сотрудничества.

Примечание : Сотрудничество должно быть хорошо и законно.


Job advertisement

Поиск работы


Brief introduction

    When the Northern countries become yellow and very cold ,even you can not bare your hands outside in the winter, in Sanya, it is still
warm; bright sunshine makes your every pore smiles, fresh air will occupy your every cell, soft and tiny sand will rub your foot , white clouds and greens view into your eyes.
    These are the reasons why do so many travellers choose Sanya Hainan China: least crimes ,safe place ,no pollution ,Natural tropic ,Passionate romantics.
Here is a very nice place for vacation and hibernation.
    In order to greet guests' requerments, the "Romantic Tropic" company is created and offer some services for tourists.
    We wish you have a nice vacation! Thank you for you visit our web-site.

 Краткое введение:

  Когда в Северных странах становится желтым и очень холодно, даже вы не можете с голыми руками ходить по улицам, нет в зимой в городе Санья. Здесь тепло; светлое солнце делает ваша кожа счастлива, свежий воздух, который займет Ваших каждой клеточкой, мягкий песок , белые облака и вид в зелень глаз сделать вас счастливее. Таковы причины, по которым  так много путешественников выбрать Хайнань,Санья в Китай : менее преступлений, безопасное место, чистой воздух, природный Тропик, Активная романтика. Здесь очень приятным местом для отдыха и зимовки. Для того, чтобы приветствовать гостей  "Романтический тропика" компания создана и предлагает некоторые услуги для туристов.
  Мы желаем Вам иметь приятный отдых! Спасибо, что вы посетили наш сайт!


Beautiful Crown
This is the place that Ms. World was crowned three times. Come to see the place that Ms. World World even call beautiful.

Красивая корона

Это место, где Мисс Мира была увенчана в три раза. Приезжайте посмотреть место, которое Мисс назвали "красивое".


 Nantian Hot Spring,
This is a very beautiful hot spring that is great for the whole family. Come lie in the warm water while your kids are playing in the water park. The pictures can't represent its beauty and amazing nature.Just come and see it by yourselves.

   Нантиенский горячий родник

  Это очень красивый, горячий родник; весьма полезно для всей семьи. Идите, ложитесь, в то время как ваши дети играют во водный парк.
 Фотографии, не показывают настоящая красота и  обаяния; приезжайте и посмотрите сами.

Fish Massage Hot Spring,
This is a hot spring where the fish actually massage you! While in the hotspring you are getting many kisses from the fish they, in fact, are cleaning your skin. Come and play with the fish while they clean your skin.

Рыбной Массаж Горячий родник

 Это горячий источник, где рыба действительно вам массажирует! Находясь в роднике вы получаете "поцелуи" от многих рыб, но они, по сути, делают уборка вашей коже. Приходите играть с рыб, пока они Вашу кожу чистят.

Beach Bar is our partner and a member of International Frend Club. Here ,you can enjoy a diffenrent culture ,food
drinking, and different people who come from diffent countries.
Let’s gether here---romantic tropic ! For friends !!!
You will get 80% discount from our web site for booking.

 Пляжный бар - наш партнер и член "International Frend Club". Здесь вы сможете насладиться новой культурой, еда, напитки и разные люди из разных стран
 Давайте вместе - здесь Романтический тропик! Для друзей!!! У вас будет 80 % скидка, если закажете в нашем веб-сайте.


  After a long trip, you must feel so tired. There is a very nice Foot-massage bar. The bar is our partner and a mumber of International Frend Club. You will get 80% discount from our web site for booking.

 После долгое путешествие ваши ноги будут утомленные. Здесь есть прекрасный Ноги-массаж бар. Он - наш партнер и член "International Frend Club". У вас будет 80 % скидка, если закажете в нашем веб-сайте.

A fan of science, philosophy and so on. :)


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Re: 关于三亚旅游的翻译
« Reply #147 on: April 07, 2023, 02:11:27 AM »
还有这个: 2006 "

Four days' trip

时间:2006年11月14日 文:版主
Stay 3 nights in hotel which you choose          (three star 300-800 1 person/1 night)
                    (four star 400-1000 1 person/1 night)
                     (five star 500-1600 1 person/1 night)
food: option A   Chinese food 20-60 (include price in hotel)
   option B   sea   food 100-150
   option C   fruit food 20-30
   option D   fast  food 20-40
frist day: Wuanquan river driftage 170   1 person 2 hours
      hot spring       168   1 person 2 hours
      lady-boy show     180   1 person 2 hours
second day: walk under sea     200
      The end of the earth  65
      West island       100
      visit pearl and crystal free
third day: lover island      123    
      Yalong bay       free
      Pinang garden     168
      beer bar (KTV)
fourth day: Monkey island     128
      special production shop

  Четырехдневное путешествие

 Отдыхать 3 вечера в гостинице по вашему выбору ( 3 звезд - 300-800 каждому/вечер
                                                                                       (4 звезд - 400-1000 каждому/вечер)                                     
                                                                                       (5 звезд - 500 - 1600 каждоу/ вечер)

 Пища : Опция А - китайская пища 20 - 60 ( вкл. в цена гостиниц)
            Опция Б - морские деликатесы 100 - 150
            Опция В - фруктовая пища - 20 - 30
            Опция Г - Фаст фуд 20 - 40

 1 день Уаньчуань - речной снос  170 / каждому (2 часа)
            Теплой родник                   168 / каждому (2 часа)
             Шоу травеститов              180 / каждому ( 2 часа)
 2 день  Дайвинг 200
             "Конец Земли" 65
             Западный остров 100
             Посетить перлы и кристалы - бесплатно

 3 день  Остров любви
             Ялунбей - бесплатно
             Пинангский сад 168
             Караоке (КТВ)

 4 день  Остров объезян 128
             Магазины специальныйх продуктов.


 Classical free trip
West island --- pinang garden ---fish-massage
     why is called classical free trip? Because so many people like to visit in this way.

  Класическое путешествие:

  Западный остров - Пинангский сад -- рыбной масаж.
  Называется "Класическое", потому что много туристы проходят там.


 Luxury free trip
     pinang garden---Lover island---Nantian hot spring
     The LUXURY is not expensive not have to pay so much money on trip but for FEELING.    
 Люксозное путешествие

        Пинангский сад - Остров Любви - Нантиенский теплой родник.
        Люксозность не дорога, но богата ошущения."
« Last Edit: April 07, 2023, 03:57:45 AM by Alexa »
A fan of science, philosophy and so on. :)


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2007的 Jason的
« Reply #148 on: April 14, 2023, 07:10:07 PM »

“{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg936\deff0\deflang1033\deflangfe2052{\fonttbl{\f0\fmodern\fprq6\fcharset134 \'cb\'ce\'cc\'e5;}}
{\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\lang2052\f0\fs20 Name\'a3\'ba  \par
City\'a3\'ba  \par
Hainan \'a3\'ba\par
Area\'a3\'ba  \par
Atars\'a3\'ba  \par
Family hotels :\par
From\'a3\'ba   \par
To\'a3\'ba  \par
Beautiful spot's name\'a3\'ba\par
Sanya hotels:\par
Hanko hotels\'a3\'ba\par
Bo'ao hotels\'a3\'ba\par
Xinglong hotels\'a3\'ba\par
Routes' enchiridion \'a3\'ba\par
Tourist routes\'a3\'ba\par
Golf information\'a3\'ba\par
Golf enchiridion\'a3\'ba\par
The Golf Club\'a3\'ba\par
Golf routes/ Packages/Routine\'a3\'ba\par
Golf Tariff\'a3\'ba\par
Rent-a-car :\par
SUV :\par
van: \par
Vehicle title:\par
Vehicle seat:\par
drive a car in a day:\par
rent a car in a day:\par
Airport service:\par
deposit for rent: \par
one day limits to drive 300 kilometers more than one kilometer for RMB one more than two days unlimited in mileage.more than 3 hours,count in half day,more than 6 hours count in one day\par
Send the cars to you(send cars free in Haikou & Sanya ,waiting for your ship and plane, translate and so on,many service for you.\par
Full maintenance, 24-hour emergency rescue,drive service 100 Yuan/day,in holidays the price grow up 100%.\par
24hours work, the pirce is not include fuel fees,parking fees,peccncy fees, maintain for accident fees and so on.\par
allow the day when you use them the price.\par
 For booking information, please checking flight tickets, easy to understand in one minute.\par
 These are our gratia tickets, if you can not meet the requirements, Please use the search function to know civil aviaton ticket price\par
 The ticket only for the person whose name is on the ticket only, do not alter of attorn.\par
 For temporary changes ,take off time will be from ticket and from local Notice .\par
 Hainan tickets' price change so much, for team price will be change too for this page the prices. so, If you want to know the true price,please call our companey.\par
 If booking centers ask you to remit earlier,please follow that, wish everyone have a have trip in Hainan.\par
Conference case\'a3\'ba\par
Conference equitment\'a3\'ba\par
Conference sevies:\par
Lighting equtment:\par
Dancing and:\par
Acoustics :\par
Conference travel:\par
AV equitment:\par
Fireworks show:\par
Some suggestions:\par
Traverl message  \par
Click the message \par
\'b5\'b1\'c7\'b0\'d2\'b3\'a3\'ba1 \'d7\'dc\'d2\'b3\'ca\'fd\'a3\'ba1 \'c3\'bf\'d2\'b3\'a3\'ba10 \'d7\'dc\'bc\'c7\'c2\'bc\'a3\'ba1 | \'ca\'d7\'d2\'b3  \'ce\'b2\'d2\'b3  \par
\'d2\'b3\'c2\'eb\'a3\'ba[1]  \par
Leave a new message \par
Nick name  \par
Mal  \par
Famal \par
Title  \par
Email  \par
Privite webside  \'a3\'ba\par
[+Http] \'a3\'ba\par
QQ/ICQ NO   \'a3\'ba\par
Test\'a3\'ba    \par
Sicret:  \par
Show the boss :\par
Text(UBB code )  \'a3\'ba\par
Leave the Message:\par
Write it once agin: \par

好多英文的错误。 ;D
A fan of science, philosophy and so on. :)


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鞭 [biān]
« Reply #149 on: April 14, 2023, 07:21:07 PM »



whip; lash; an iron staff used as a weapon in ancient China; sth. resembling a whip.

flog; lash; whip.


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